resources. december 2015 bible study

2015 - 2017 resources. december 2015 bible study. Knowing God: Part 2 Strong and Steady. Give Your All: a study on being a woman who knows her God ...
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2015 - 2017 resources. december 2015 bible study.

Knowing God: Part 2

Strong and Steady. Give Your All: a study on being a woman who knows her God Introduction In October’s study, you explored what it means to know God: you’ll only know how much your labor in the LORD will never be in vain to the degree that you know God Himself. In this study we explore what it means to be a woman who knows her God. In his classic, Knowing God, J.I. Packer suggests four characteristics of people who know God: they have great energy for God, great thoughts of God, great boldness for God and great contentment in God. This study focuses on energy and contentment.

Energy READ the book of Daniel in one sitting. If you don’t have time, read Daniel 9. When have you had great energy for God? Describe the circumstance: what caused you to have such great energy; what you did with that energy; how you felt after you’d expended that energy. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Prayer As we see through Daniel’s example in Daniel 9, people who know their God are “before anything else [people] who pray and the first point where their zeal and energy for God’s glory come to expression in in their prayers.” (J.I Packer Knowing God Chapter 2.) What caused Daniel to begin praying? __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Daniel knew the word of the LORD! That knowledge led him to pray with energy and urgency. You cannot pray with energy or urgency unless you know God’s Word - unless you know Jesus, the Word made flesh. 2

Knowing God: Part 2

Strong and Steady. Give Your All: a study on being a woman who knows her God What hinders you from knowing the Word?

(material adapted from a Quiet Pools retreat, Toronto, November 2015)

1. Value. Do you really believe that the Bible is a love letter from God, a True Word that speaks to you by the Holy Spirit, applicable for you today and a vital road map for your life? Why/why not? __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Holy desire. How do you feel about reading the Word? Is is a drudgery out of duty, or do you anticipate a fresh word to your heart every time you read it? Do you love the Word enough to want to read it? If not, just ask (and keep asking) the Lord to give you a new love and desire to mediate on His holy Word. Write that prayer below: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. How you encounter the Word. Do you read the Bible only for information? Do you try to read too much in a short period of time? Take time to reflect and learn how to meditate on the Word to keep it alive and speaking in your heart for the whole day. What would be different in your life if you learned to meditate on the Word? __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Just doing it. Make time to meet with God around His Word, even if it’s just because you know that it is the right thing to do. God will come and meet you there and it can become so much more than an act of obedience. Don’t give up. LIST two times over the next month that you will meet with God around His Word. Then WRITE DOWN your next action step: what do you need to do to keep those two appointments? __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 3

Knowing God: Part 2

Strong and Steady. Give Your All: a study on being a woman who knows her God Fasting Daniel prayed. He also f_____________. “ To fast means to abstain from food for a specified period of time for spiritual reasons. It is an outward indication of an inward sincerity.” Marlinda Ireland in What Is God Waiting For? Marlinda Ireland tells us why fasting is so important: “Fasting cures spiritual fatigue, empowers you to overcome the fear of failure, helps you overcome feelings of frustration and helps you restore lost focus. Fasting fuels a disciplined spiritual life.” Ibid. READ the story of Anna in Luke 2: 36 – 38. Anna _____________ ____________ the Temple but stayed there day and night. She __________ God with ________________ and _____________. Anna’s fastings and prayers gave her the energy to praise God. Her fastings and prayers prepared her to recognize when God had arrived in the Temple – she recognized who baby Jesus was! And she then gave witness to what she knew and saw. And so must we. How prepared are you to recognize when God has arrived? Is God asking you to begin fasting about a particular issue? Pray. Read the guide to fasting included in this study. Talk to your pastor or women’s group leader. Read all that Jesus says about fasting. Then . . . begin.


“You must arrange to live with deep contentment, joy, and confidence in your everyday experience of life with God.” Dallas Willard to author John Ortberg (as told by John Ortberg) READ Ezekiel 11: 18 – 20 What two actions were the exiles exhorted to do? Why were these actions so important? (Hint – both words begin in “r” in the New Living Translation.) __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ What did God say He would give them after they’d done those two actions? __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 4

Knowing God: Part 2

Strong and Steady. Give Your All: a study on being a woman who knows her God READ Exodus 14. Then READ Psalm 77:19b, Proverbs 4:18 and Proverbs 3: 5-6. It takes tremendous faith to choose to move forward. To “return.” What can you do now to make that choice to move forward; to be “gathered”; to return? __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ What do you need to remove from your life (your heart, your mind and soul, your physical life – dwelling, work, friendships, etc.) so that God can give you singleness of heart and a new spirit . . . great contentment? List those things now. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ God promises to give us purity of heart and a new spirit as we choose to make room for Him. He promises great contentment. Pray the following as your commitment to God: “Eternal God, I have answered your call, and have said that I will follow you. And now I am afraid that I have involved myself in a life that is too much for me. Help me to a firmer resolution, to follow the Lord so closely that life shall not crowd him from sight. And, as I keep him in view, put strength in my feet and joy in my heart.” (from Be Our Freedom Lord by Terry C. Falla)


Knowing God: Part 2

Strong and Steady. Give Your All: a study on being a woman who knows her God Appendix A Quick Guide to Fasting (adapted from Marlinda Ireland’s What Is God Waiting For?) - Always consult your doctor before beginning a fast, particularly if you take prescription medication or have a chronic ailment. - Step 1: Establish your goal: What do you expect to accomplish by fasting? What do you want God to do? - Step 2: Choose the kind of fast you’ll undertake: o absolute (no food or liquids – typically from sunrise to sunset – see Leviticus 16:29 and 23:32) o partial (you restrict your diet versus abstaining from eating – see Daniel 1:15 and Daniel 10:3) o radical (you abstain from food only or from all food and water for an extended period of time – Exodus 34:29; 1 Kings 19:9 and Matthew 4:11. This can be harmful to your health, and in most cases, should NOT exceed three days.) - Step 3: Prepare your heart to meet with God: o Seek forgiveness and make restitution of those you’ve offended and forgive all who have hurt you. o Pray for God to fill you with his Holy Spirit according to his command (Ephesians 5:18) and promise (1 John 5:14 – 15). o Surrender your life fully to Jesus Christ as your Lord and Master. o Do not underestimate spiritual opposition. - Step 4: Get ready physically: o Eat raw fruits and veggies several days before starting a fast. o Eat smaller meals and avoid high-calorie, high-fat and sugary foods. o Only exercise moderately, if at all. o Rest as much as you are able. o Expect temporary mental and emotional discomforts such as impatience, crankiness and anxiety. - Step 5: Schedule your time with God: You are fasting AND praying. Plan ample time to be alone with the Lord – this is necessary to accomplish your goals!