Report on academic staff development August 2010 July 2011

University Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Committee 15 December 2011 – Document C Report on academic staff development August 2010 – July ...
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University Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Committee 15 December 2011 – Document C

Report on academic staff development August 2010 – July 2011 1.


This report covers academic staff development and training, delivered centrally by SDU or collaboratively during the academic year 2010–11. Independent delivery by QuILT, ECLS and others is included where possible. Faculty and School based development activity is only reported if recorded on SAP–Events Management. The SDU monitors, co-ordinates and evaluates much of this activity. The aim of SDU is to anticipate, identify and fulfil the development potential of Newcastle University (NU) and its staff. It works collaboratively at an individual and organisational level to enable the continuing achievement of the University’s mission. The work reported supports institutional strategies, including that for Learning, Teaching & Student Experience, Human Resources; and the aims of Project 2012.


Overview of the past year

2.1 Major developments and achievements There has been a significant increase of around 20% in the number of individuals engaging in staff development in learning and teaching to a total of over 600. This partly answers recent concerns of UTLSEC (Dec 2010, 29:5-6) that engagement from the “majority who wished to focus on research” needed to be encouraged. Work on internationalisation (King’s campus and overseas) and academic leadership, including for international ventures, has commenced alongside a broader HR consideration about academic career pathways. a. Overseas staff – Four induction sessions have been delivered by the SDU with QUILT and others, for starters to Newcastle University (NU) in Singapore. b. Professorial development – New Professor’s Induction ran for the second time for 15 new professors. It supports their contributions to the achievement of strategic goals. It will continue twice annually. ‘Unpacking your Chair’, a pilot in HaSS, is nationally innovative work that will assist professorial staff to lead academically the research-informed teaching agenda in support of Project 2012. It will now run once every two years, alternating with the Faculty Futures initiative run by SDU and HaSS. c. CASAP/ITLHE – A record number of ITLHE Part A attendances (223 individuals) led to 54 taking the optional credit-bearing Part B. Two cohorts of Nigerian university lecturers completed CASAP (Intensive). Participating NU (mostly SAgE Faculty) staff reported positive impacts, both as students on the programme and in discussing their teaching and leadership with the Nigerian students. d. Researcher Development – The University decided to consolidate support for research staff into the SDU from 1 August 2011 in order to integrate the already excellent researcher training provision, supporting the Concordat as part of the HR strategy for high performance. The University has achieved the European Excellence Award for this area as well as a Bronze Athena Swan Award (IHS individual Silver Award) for good practice in recruiting, retaining and promoting 1

University Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Committee 15 December 2011 – Document C

women in SET. SDU has enhanced provision for research staff who teach with new awareness and training sessions. The Principal Investigators (PI) Development Programme has been revised to include a new session on the REF delivered by RES team; and a revised HR session that reflects our Concordat commitments. e. A new two-day Strategic Challenge programme from the SDU in June 2011 involved 12 senior managers who explored with students, the DVC, and PVCs: "How can we ensure that Newcastle University will be able to deliver the student offer by Sept 2012 and beyond?” f.

Events •

QUILT and SDU ran a successful Teaching & Learning Conference, ‘What We Do Well’ with a focus on 2012 and reflecting the Coherent Programme themes. Most of the 104 participants attended multiple sessions.

The 3 Rivers North-East regional universities T&L conference was held at Northumbria University in April. The 25 NU places were fully subscribed and several staff made presentations. Overall event feedback was outstanding. The 2012 event will be in Teesside and Newcastle University will host in 2013.

At the second “Communications Toolkit” in July in conjunction with Beacon NE, 41 academic and professional support staff explored together new approaches to communicating within and outside the institution.

g. Major programmes in QuILT included (i) Lunchtime Seminars on T&L (total attendance 360) the most popular sessions being Assessment and Feedback; NU in Singapore; Open Educational Resources; and the Student Voice and (ii) Blackboard VLE and educational technology programmes totalling 114 sessions. Fully reported by QuILT, these are included here for completeness. h. The ECLS sponsored “Equate” programme had 18 participants representing all faculties and INTO Newcastle. ECLS has also started a Teaching and Learning in HE Research Group for people who have participated in EQUATE and others who are interested in meeting regularly to discuss T&L issues. i.

The UNITE project on e-learning has enabled a practitioners’ network and is continuing in QuILT. SDU has contributed to the major project on Reward & recognition for teaching which now references the UK Professional Standards Framework as per last year’s report (UTLSEC Dec 2010, 29:19-24).

2.2 Major challenges and obstacles for the year ahead a. Ensuring academic staff development is well-aligned with University priorities, including Project 2012 and prioritising SDU resources accordingly. Question: in light of School meetings, discussion of NSS scores, and the Coherent Curriculum themes, what further support would Deans like? b. Establishing flexible, effective service delivery, to ensure accessible offerings for staff based overseas. This includes SDU programmes ranging from the NTA/CASAP to Leadership Development options. More on-line e-learning delivery is being planned. c. Bringing successful Research Staff Development provision into central SDU services whilst maintaining faculty-specific priorities. 2

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d. Competing time pressures on staff within the university and increasing demands for SDU provision are a challenge in terms of design and delivery of an effective provision which is effective for all staff. e. Local (School/Institute/Faculty) induction is vital to success (UTLSEC Dec 2010, 29:9). The level and quality of induction is improving, but is not consistent (reported by PVC L&T). We need to clarify induction needs, content and process of delivery for all staff, including those overseas (NUMed, NUIS), and where NTA/CASAP fits in. Senior managers must ensure the quality / consistency of induction, e.g. across NU in Singapore. f. Recording teaching qualifications of academic staff ahead of the expected HESA requirement to report these, from 2012-13. g. How to support and ensure the quality of teaching by *all* those who teach. h. The REF / preparation for it, alongside Project 2012, is making huge demands on academics’ time. There is therefore a need to focus training carefully. i.

We need to improve recording of all staff development activities on SAP-TEM. This is essential to accurate reporting of engagement by Faculty and for accurate counts of total individuals: there are gaps in data in this report arising from a lack of recording. Similarly, institutional recording of overall investment in training and development may be underestimated. Entries a, b, d, f, and g above all depend on this.

2.3 Key themes of customer feedback and progress in response a. (Registrar / Academic Registrar) All personal tutors (1000) should receive an update to support new PT approach. Online materials are being developed by QuILT. Senior Tutors have quarterly meetings with SDU/QuILT (support network). A scoping exercise will be mindful of the time of all staff involved. b. (UG Dean, HaSS) We need to consider staff development approaches for other specific roles, Module Leader being critical. No specific response as yet. c. (PG Deans) Need increased awareness of opportunities and places on ITLHE. With PG skills co-ordinators across faculties, SDU will raise awareness and pilot prioritisation for Part A nominations to match resource to need. d. UTLSEC perceived a lack of training and development activity for teaching (Dec 2010, 29:5-10) for typical academic staff with a major research focus; and for RAs who teach. This concern is a probable cause of the increased uptake of teachingrelated development. An information session on training opportunities was attended by approximately 35 RAs in April. In June 24 of them met the University’s requirement for teacher training for part-time teachers by attending an ITLHE Part A workshop. e. (Student feedback) SDU has added new workshops for each ITLHE Part B cohort to maintain motivation and improve progress. This is leading to enhanced completion rates. f. (PVC L&T) Project 2012 o Refine elements of CASAP content and delivery methods to ensure that it models best practice as per the 2012 student offer, e.g. e-learning/ eportfolios, Recap. 3

University Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Committee 15 December 2011 – Document C

o Refine and tailor the SDU programme to more evidently match Project 2012. This is being addressed through the mapping of SDU training and development provision to the Coherent Programme themes. g. (Heads of Academic Unit, HR) PDR o Feedback – aim to get 90% undergoing the PDR process. o Re-worked forms and included points about teaching, learning and the student experience o Have new PDR recording system on SAP – all new PDRs are logged giving a means of monitoring across the University o Rolling out additional PDR skills training (shorter training, also online) o Project 2012 requires us to ensure that those leading on teaching undergo PDRs by the Head of School 2.4 Key quantitative data Development activity on programmes, coaching and events is shown in Appendix 1 with brief notes. Note (see 2.2.i above) that we need to make progress on recording all staff development activities on SAP-TEM. This is necessary to be able to report properly on key quantitative data. 2.4.1 Progress towards KPIs and strategic objectives Employee Opinion Survey data from 2010 showed that 79% of all staff felt they could access the training and development they required and 77% of staff completed a PDR. During 2010-11 we invested a stable 2.3% of payroll in training and development overall (as recorded) We have a target of 90% for PDR completion. From a UTLSEC perspective, academic staff development work is aimed at the LTSE strategy, particularly LTSE Objective SO1: “Deliver research-informed teaching and training in a professional, challenging and engaging way.” Similarly, reported work contributes significantly to these HR strategic objectives: 2.1

“be a great place to work with employees committed to University objectives and valued for their contribution


improve the profile and performance of the University by recruiting and developing high-calibre employees with appropriate external recognition


develop a high-performance culture in which delivery to agreed standards and objectives is the norm


promote diversity, flexibility and innovation by developing organisational capability and culture


develop an efficient, effective and sustainable employment environment”

Reported work is intended, for example under 2.3, to “Provide well designed and structured training and development to enable staff to achieve objectives and optimise performance in line with institutional objectives”. Arising during the reporting period, the Project 2012 Offer document is now used to guide much of the work. 4

University Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Committee 15 December 2011 – Document C

2.4.2 Forward plan for 2011-12 Area of work

Drivers for change

Researcher development Integration of Research Staff Development into SDU

Concordat, REF, Efficiency

Build on the work of Action 2011 to continue successful entrepreneurial competition for researchers

REF, Vision 2021

Develop tailored research supervision sessions for particular School/Institute situations (see also below)

Internationalisation, Project 2012, Concordat

Teaching and Learning Development Develop CASAP for NU overseas and external CPD use


Refresh personal tutor training (1000+ individuals)

Project 2012

Increase CASAP/ ITLHE completion rates – record qualified teachers meeting Prof. Standards Descriptors 1-2

Project 2012, HESA

Create tailored web-based materials for use in CASAP/ NTA course delivery (also modelling best practice in use of distance learning materials)

Overseas (NUIS/ NUMed) Project 2012, CASAP Intensive

Enhance timeliness of part time teachers’ attendance on ITLHE by prioritising resource for those with immediate training needs. Awareness-raising sessions of training available and booking/nomination process.

Project 2012

Leadership development for Heads of Teaching and Learning and Teaching Champions. Focus group and scoping in Autumn 2011

Project 2012

Planning for CASAP re-accreditation in 2013 against revised UK Professional Standards Framework

HR and TLSE strategies

Consider reporting Faculty-collated Peer Observation data for 2011-12 – number undertaken/ which schools/ outcomes?

Project 2012

Make proposal to PVC L&T and Staff Committee that peer observation by FPLO be required for exemption from the NTA

HR strategy, (HESA?)

Work with PVC L&T and postgraduate deans to enhance research supervision training and CPD

Project 2012, Internationalisation

Leadership development and career pathways Map academic career pathways onto supportive training and development

Research; T&L strategy, plus Project 2012

Run “Faculty Futures”, include IHS during 2011-12

HaSS Faculty Strategy

Plan “Unpacking your Chair” for 2012-13

HaSS Faculty Strategy

Effective Performance Conversation sessions for all staff HR strategy, REF, Project to help develop high performance culture. Staff Cttee 2012 pilot in Nov 2011. Pilot in Jan 2012 5

University Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Committee 15 December 2011 – Document C

Assist HR in helping managers manage performance in their areas through coaching Ensure that an understanding of REF targets is built into the PDR process and Guidance notes Create a series of films that can be viewed online to assist in inducting both Teaching and Support staff overseas

HR strategy, Internationalisation

Rosalind Beaumont, Liz Kemp, Richard Young: Staff Development Unit, November 2011


University Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Committee 15 December 2011 – Document C

Appendix 1: Summary of activity topics, engagement and individuals 2010-11

Work area or programme

Activity topics (excludes coaching)

Total ‘engagement’ (half days x people)

Teaching and Learning related


Research related CASAP

Total individuals SAgE



Cent. Servs



86 (26%) 1

110 (24%)

99 (25%)
























QuILT L&T seminars 7



Information not available

65 (est.)




Information not available


Total (% change on year) excl. L&T Seminars

65 (no change)

3200 (+13%)

Including L&T Seminars

75 (+15%)

3560 (+26%)

Leadership / Management combined



(L+M) % change on year




12 Month Total




Overall % change on year






3 5



775 8 (+16%)






These figures indicate that about 30% of all academic staff undertook T&L related development during 2010-11 (338 staff out of total 1186 academic, assuming that nearly all staff attending QuILT seminars or Equate also attended other events). There is no significant variation in participation rates on L&T by Faculty. 1

Figure in brackets is % of total academic staff in the Faculty, not including research staff, attending 2 Also includes 9 INTO staff attending 3 Module 1 = 770 and Module 2 = 16 4 Refers to the training of PGRs/RAs who teach and other staff with part-time teaching duties 5 Part A = 892 and Part B = 108 6 Includes 11 RAs 7 These are reported here for the first time. 8 Assumes L&T Seminar/QuILT attendees also attended another event, thus excludes these


University Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Committee 15 December 2011 – Document C

We have excluded from the Table additional development activities as follows: i.

IT workshops and IT coaching. There were 105 (23% decrease on 200910) coaching or workshop activities involving 81 academic staff (-30%).


Coaching relationships comprised 11 with an academic focus, 17 with a leadership focus and 6 with a personal or management focus. The total is 34 (a 44% decrease). Relationships typically comprised up to five sessions.


‘Away Days’: 6 NUBS staff recorded. Note: under-recording on SAP-TEM.


leadership and management Certificate in Advanced Studies in Academic Practice Introduction to Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Equal Acclaim for Teaching Excellence project, year 2