REMUNERATION REPORT 2010 Mega trailing suction hopper dredger the Queen of the Netherlands at work in the Maldives. In 2010 work to raise four is...
Author: Marilyn Atkins
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Mega trailing suction hopper dredger the Queen of the Netherlands at work in the Maldives. In 2010 work to raise four islands to protect the local population was successfully completed.

Ve r k o r t e f i n a n c i ë l e i n f o r m a t i e o v e r 2 0 1 0

Table of contents



Remuneration policy for the Board of Management


Execution of remuneration policy in 2010


Remuneration policy for the Supervisory Board


o yi na sl tBe or snkva l i s We s t m i n s t e r n v R o y a l B o s k a l i s We sRt m


IVe n trrkoodrut e c t fi o i nna n c i ë l e i n f o r m a t i e o v e r 2 0 1 0


Members of the Remuneration Committee The Remuneration Committee consists of two

Duties and responsibilities of the Remuneration Committee

members: C. van Woudenberg (chairman) and M.P.

The Remuneration Committee performs the


following duties: •

Putting forward a proposal to the Supervisory

The Remuneration Committee availed itself of the

Board with regard to the remuneration policy

services of an independent remuneration adviser

to be pursued for the Board of Management.

and ascertained that this remuneration adviser

The policy is submitted for approval by the General Meeting of Shareholders.

does not provide advice to the members of the Board of Management.

Putting forward a proposal to the Supervisory Board with regard to the remuneration of individual members of the Board of Management (in accordance with the remuneration policy adopted by the General Meeting of Shareholders).

Compiling the remuneration report on the remuneration policy pursued, subject to adoption by the Supervisory Board.


Remuneration report 2010

IVe n trrkoodrut e c t fi o i nna n c i ë l e i n f o r m a t i e o v e r 2 0 1 0

Activities during 2010

continue to closely monitor developments in the

The Remuneration Committee met six times

Dutch market during 2011 and beyond, and consider

during 2010, with none of the members of the

whether any (internal or external) developments

Remuneration Committee having been absent from

occur which require the policy to be revised.

the meetings. The committee also held regular consultations outside these meetings.

Amongst other activities the Remuneration Committee:

In the course of 2010 the Remuneration Committee

kept itself up to date with the most recent

considered whether the Boskalis remuneration

developments in Corporate Governance, both in

policy is appropriate given current and expected

the Netherlands and internationally;

conditions on the Dutch market and whether it

conducted a remuneration survey to inform

complies with Corporate Governance guidelines.

itself about developments with respect to

Based on these considerations and in light of the

executive remuneration policies in the Dutch

merger with Smit Internationale N.V. completed

and international markets (including amount,

in 2010, the Remuneration Committee advised

performance measures, composition of

the Supervisory Board to make a limited number

remuneration package);

of adjustments to the remuneration policy. These

submitted an amendment proposal to simplify

adjustments, which will be explained further on in

the structure and calculation of the quantitative

this report, will help to further enhance the degree

measures for short-term and long-term

of transparency and accountability with regard


to the policy. The Remuneration Committee will

conducted scenario analyses .

R o y a l B o s k a l i s We s t m i n s t e r n v


Remuneration policy for the Board of Management

Remuneration policy for the Board of Management

Change to variable long-term element

The remuneration policy for the Board of Management was adopted by the General Meeting

Under the current remuneration policy the long-term

of Shareholders on 8 May 2006. The remuneration

bonus scheme is also made up of two elements. The

policy is appropriate to the strategy and core

first element is aimed at creating shareholder value and

values of Boskalis, which are centered on long-term

the other at realizing the corporate strategy in the longer

orientation and continuity and take into account


the interests of Boskalis’ shareholders, clients, The part which is linked to creating shareholder value will

employees as well as the ‘wider environment.’

also cease to be linked to EVA from 2011. Instead this On the advice of the Remuneration Committee the

part will be fully dependent on the development of the

Supervisory Board proposed to the Extraordinary

share price.

General Meeting of Shareholders on 21 January 2011 that the remuneration policy adopted in 2006 be

This change in the method of determining the short-term


and long-term bonuses will have no material impact on the outcome of the bonus calculation.

The reason for effecting a limited change to the current remuneration policy lay in the structure and

This proposal was adopted by the Extraordinary General

calculation of the quantitative measures for the

Meeting of Shareholders on 21 January 2011.

short-term and long-term bonuses. In practice these have proved to be unnecessarily complicated and

The remainder of the remuneration policy has been

based on insufficiently coherent valuation principles

retained unchanged. The full text of the revised

(Economic Value Added, hereinafter EVA). In addition,

remuneration policy can be found on the Boskalis

the change incorporated the latest amendments to

company website (

both the law and the Dutch Corporate Governance Scenario analysis

Code, which are currently already applicable to

The following scenario analysis (margins and results)


shows an unchanged picture of the policy as adjusted in comparison to the bonus policy which applied in 2010.

Change to variable short-term element Under the remuneration policy adopted in 2006 the short-term bonus is made up of two equally weighted


elements - a qualitative part and a quantitative part.

Poor score on ST/LT objectives (25%)

This format and what was agreed with respect to the

Share price drop of 25%

qualitative part of the calculation method will remain


unchanged. However, with regard to the quantitative

’At target’ score on ST/LT objectives (50%)

part from 2011 performance will no longer be linked

Share price stable

to EVA, but related to the net result achieved by


Boskalis in a certain financial year relative to the

Maximum score on ST/LT objectives (75%)

budget for that same financial year.

Share price increase of 30%

Chief Executive Officer


ST bonus

LT bonus

















Scenario analysis (in %)


Remuneration report 2010

Remuneration policy for the Board of Management

Randstad, SBM Offshore, TNT, Wolters Kluwer, CSM,

Labor market peer group The amount and composition of the remuneration

Imtech, Nutreco and Vopak.

package is determined using a labor market peer group consisting of a mix of 12 Dutch companies

Elements of remuneration

(listed on the AEX and AMX indices) which are

The table below provides an overview of the

comparable to Boskalis in terms of size and ope-

remuneration package for members of the Board of

rating activities. This peer group, which is regularly

Management (including pay-out levels and – where

reviewed, consists of: DSM, BAM, Corio, Fugro,

applicable – performance measures).

Type of remuneration

Element of remuneration


A. Basic salary (in € 1,000)

Performance period & -measures

Pay-out CEO: € 573 BoM member: € 414,5

B. Pension plan Variable

C. Short-term bonus

D. Long-term bonus

Period: 1 year Performance measured: • 50 per cent annual return (net profit + interest on long-term loans / average invested capital) • 50 per cent individual targets

At target CEO: 50% of basic salary Maximum CEO: 75% of basic salary

Period: 3 years Performance measured: • 50 per cent for economic value added (EVA)* • 50 per cent for realizing corporate policy

At target CEO: 50% of basic salary x % change share price Maximum CEO: 75% of basic salary x % change share price

At target BoM member: 45% of basic salary Maximum BoM member: 67,5% of basic salary

At target BoM member: 45% of basic salary x % change share price Maximum BoM member: 67,5% of basic salary x % change share price

Remuneration Package Board of Management * From 2011 performance measures are no longer linked to EVA

R o y a l B o s k a l i s We s t m i n s t e r n v


Remuneration policy for the Board of Management

Ad A – Basic Salary. Basic salary of the members

Supervisory Board also has the authority to

of the Board of Management was adjusted in

demand repayment of the short-term bonus in the

2010 in line with the development of the group,

event it was awarded on the basis of incorrect

in accordance with the remuneration policy as

financial or other information (‘claw-back clause’).

adopted by the General Meeting of Shareholders. Ad D – Variable long-term element. The members of the Board of Management participate in a Ad B – Pension plan. The members of the Board of

long-term (three-year) remuneration scheme. The

Management participate in the pension scheme of

amount of the long-term element depends on the

the foundation Stichting Pensioenfonds Boskalis.

share price development and the extent to which

Since 1 January 2004 pension accrual has been

certain long-term objectives are achieved, namely

based on average earnings; retirement age is 65.

Economic Value Added (EVA) and corporate targets such as safety policy, revenue and profit growth, and staff development. The Supervisory Board

Ad C – Variable short-term element. The

defines objectives in the above areas and payment

Supervisory Board defines objectives for annual

of the long-term element is subject to these being

return and individual performance, and payment


of the short-term element is subject to these being met. Examples of individual targets include

At the start of the performance period a basic

acquisitions and specific commercial performances

bonus amount is established equal to the ‘at target’

(varying according to the position held on the

percentages (50% of fixed annual income for the

Board of Management).

chairman of the Board of Management and 45% for the other executives).

Individual targets are assessed in terms of quality and/or quantity (depending on the specific target),

Share price development is measured by the ratio

while annual return is determined solely in terms of

between the average share price over the three

quantity. The external auditor is involved in the final

months prior to commencement and at the end of

determination of the variable short-term element

the three-year performance period.

and is responsible for ensuring that the relevant procedures are followed correctly.

In addition to share price development the amount of the bonus is ultimately determined by the degree

Individual performance objectives are directly

to which the stated objectives were met over the

derived from Boskalis’ strategic agenda and are in

past three-year period. EVA is assessed in terms

line with the corporate objectives defined for 2010.

of quantity, while the corporate objectives are

The Supervisory Board ascertains that the short-

largely assessed in terms of quality. The external

term remuneration element is structured in such

auditor is involved in the final determination of the

a way as not to encourage the taking of risks that

variable long-term element and is responsible for

conflict with sound business practice.

ensuring that the relevant procedures are followed correctly. In accordance with the decision of the


The Supervisory Board has the authority to

Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

adjust the pay-out if exceptional circumstances

of 21 January 2011, from 2011 the performance

have arisen during the performance period. The

measures will no longer be linked to EVA.

Remuneration report 2010

Remuneration policy for the Board of Management

This means that the variable income of members of

The employment contracts of members of the

the Board of Management depends in part on the

Board of Management who joined the company

Boskalis share price and is therefore linked to the

subsequent to the introduction of the Dutch

value of the company. The corporate objectives are

Corporate Governance Code (i.e. after 2004)

directly derived from Boskalis’ strategic agenda.

comply with the requirements set with regard to

The Supervisory Board ascertains that the long-

maximum severance pay.

term remuneration element is structured in such a way as not to encourage the taking of risks that

The package of secondary employment

conflict with sound business practice.

conditions offered by the company is in

The Supervisory Board has the authority to

line with the market (including phone, car, expenses).

adjust the pay-out if exceptional circumstances have arisen during the performance period. The

extended to executives.

Supervisory Board also has the authority to demand repayment of the long-term bonus in the

No loans, advances or guarantees will be

Positions outside the company may only be

event it was awarded on the basis of incorrect

accepted with the explicit prior approval of

financial or other information (‘claw-back clause’).

the chairman of the Supervisory Board.

Other terms and conditions The table below provides an overview of the duration of the employment contracts, terms of office and severance pay of the members of the Board of Management.

Total remuneration

Duration of contract

Term of office

Severance pay

Dr. P.A.M. Berdowski Chief Executive Officer



1,5 years

J.H. Kamps Chief Financial Officer

4 years

4 years

2 years

T.L. Baartmans member of the Board of Management

4 years

4 years

1 years

B. Vree member of the Board of Management



2 years

(From 1 April 2010 to 31 December 2010)

Duration employment contracts, term of office and severance payments members of Board of Management

R o y a l B o s k a l i s We s t m i n s t e r n v


Vex rekcourttieo nf i noaf nr c E e im ëu l en ei nr faot ri omna tpi o e l iocvye ri n22001100

Execution of remuneration policy in 2010

In 2010 the remuneration policy was executed

The table on the page below provides an overview of

in accordance with the remuneration policy as

the costs incurred by Boskalis in the 2010 financial year

adopted by the General Meeting of Shareholders on

in connection with the remuneration of its executives

8 May 2006.

(2008 and 2009 are shown for reference purposes).

Total remuneration (in € 1.000) (costs incurred by the company in the financial year concerned)

Fixed remuneration

Variable remuneration

Financial year

Basic salary

Short-term remuneration

Long-term remuneration



Dr. P.A.M. Berdowski Chief Executive Officer

2010 2009 2008

€ 573 € 560 € 489

€ 422 € 367 € 349

€ 408 € 326 € 996

€ 126 € 117 € 91

€ 1,529 € 1,370 € 1,925

J.H. Kamps Chief Financial Officer

2010 2009 2008

€ 415 € 405 € 365

€ 275 € 247 € 219

€ 254 € 209 €0

€ 87 € 82 € 65

€ 1,031 € 943 € 649

T.L. Baartmans member of the Board of Management (from 5 september 2007)

2010 2009 2008

€ 415 € 405 € 365

€ 275 € 247 € 197

€ 226 €0 €0

€ 87 € 82 € 65

€ 1,003 € 734 € 627

B. Vree member of the Board of Management (from 1 April 2010 to 31 December 2010)


€ 280 1

€ 328 2


€ 51

€ 659

Overview remuneration costs members Board of Management for the financial year 2010. In addition B. Vree was awarded severance payment equaling two times his annual salary, for a total of (in € 1,000) € 829. Furthermore, in connection with the termination of his contract, effective 1 April 2011, in salary, pension contributions and variable remuneration (in €1,000) € 95, € 17 and € 109 respectively. 2 This amount is payable in 2011. 1

During 2009 the objectives set for the short-term remuneration element were exceeded. This resulted in the maximum pay-out of the variable short-term element in 2010 (75% of basic salary for the chairman and 67.5% for members of the Board of Management). Pay-out of the long-term element over the period 2007-2009 exceeded ‘at target’ level: 67.5% of basic salary for the chairman and 62% of basic salary for members of the Board of Management. In the opinion of the Supervisory Board the remuneration granted is in keeping with the performances achieved in both 2009 and 20072009. The performances achieved contributed towards the realization of Boskalis’ strategic agenda.


Remuneration report 2010

Veerm R ko un r teer af itni oann cpi o ële i c yi n f o r mt haet i eS uopve r v2i s0o1r0y B o a r d

Remuneration policy for the Supervisory Board

The remuneration policy for the Supervisory

The table below provides an overview of the annual

Board was adopted by the General Meeting of

and committee allowances for the Supervisory

Shareholders in 2007. During 2010 the remunera-


tion policy was executed in accordance with the remuneration policy as adopted.

(in € 1.000) Chairman of the Supervisory Board


Member of the Supervisory Board


Chairman of the Audit Committee


Member of the Audit Committee

Chairman of the Remuneration Committee


Member of the Remuneration Committee


Chairman of the Selection and Appointment Committee


Member of the Selection and Appointment Committee



Overview annual and committee allowances Supervisory Board

In addition members of the Supervisory Board receive an annual expenses allowance of € 2,368. Supervisory Board members are not remunerated in shares, nor will any loans, advances or guarantees be extended to members of the Supervisory Board.

R o y a l B o s k a l i s We s t m i n s t e r n v


Royal Boskalis Westminster nv Rosmolenweg 20 3356 LK Papendrecht The Netherlands P.O. Box 43 3350 AA Papendrecht The Netherlands Telephone +31 78 69 69 000 Telefax +31 78 69 69 555 E-mail Internet

[email protected]

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