REGISTERED COMPANY NUMBER: 05062387 (England and Wales) REGISTERED CHARITY NUMBER: 1164445 Report of the Trustees and Audited Financial Statements fo...
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Report of the Trustees and Audited Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2015 for College of Paramedics

College of Paramedics Contents of the Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2015

Page Report of the Trustees (incorporating the Report of the Directors)

1 to 5

Report of the Independent Examiner


Statement of Financial Activities


Balance Sheet


Notes to the Financial Statements

9 to 13

College of Paramedics Report of the Trustees (incorporating the Report of the Directors) for the year ended 31 December 2015 The Trustees, who are also Directors of the Charity for the purposes of the Companies Act 2006, present their report with the financial statements of the Charity for the year ended 31 December 2015. The Trustees have adopted the provisions of the Charities SORP (FRSSE): 'Accounting and Reporting by Charities: Statement of Recommended Practice applicable to charities preparing their accounts in accordance with the Financial Reporting Standard for Smaller Entities (the FRSSE) (effective 1 January 2015).' REFERENCE AND ADMINISTRATIVE DETAILS Registered Company number 05062387 (England and Wales) Registered Charity number 1164445 Registered office The Exchange Express Park Bristol Road Bridgwater Somerset, TA6 4RR Trustees and Directors Professor Andrew Newton (Chair) Mr John Martin (Vice Chair) Mr Paul Younger (Vice Chair - appointed 17 November 2015) Mr Timothy Gerhard (Treasurer - appointed 17 November 2015) Mr Graham Harris (Director of Professional Standards) Mr Andrew Sharman (Director of Membership Services) Mr Richard Webber (Director of Communications - appointed 17 November 2015) Mr Florian Breitenbach (appointed 17 November 2015) Mr William Martin Broughton (appointed 17 November 2015) Mrs Liz Harris (appointed 17 November 2015) Mr Daniel Haworth (appointed 17 November 2015) Mr Andrew James Jones (appointed 17 November 2015) Mr Kris Stephen Lethbridge (appointed 17 November 2015) Mr Andrew Mcfarlane (appointed 17 November 2015) Mrs Tracy Nicholls (appointed 17 November 2015) Mr James Petter (appointed 17 November 2015) Mr David Reed (appointed 17 November 2015) Ms Ursula Rolfe (appointed 17 November 2015) Mr Andrew Rosser (appointed 17 November 2015) Mr David Saxby (appointed 17 November 2015) Mr Kevin Swift (appointed 17 November 2015) Mrs Dahrlene Tough (appointed 17 November 2015) Mr Chris Veevers (appointed 17 November 2015)

Chief Executive Officer Mr Gerry Egan Independent Examiner Mrs Catherine Walker FCA Walker Accountancy Limited 2 Marina Drive Spondon Derby DE21 7AF Bankers Santander plc

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College of Paramedics Report of the Trustees (incorporating the Report of the Directors) for the year ended 31 December 2015 STRUCTURE, GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT Governing document College of Paramedics is a Company limited by guarantee, governed by its Memorandum and Articles of Association, dated 6 November 2015. It is registered as a Charity with the Charities Commission. Recruitment and appointment of new Trustees The Board of Trustees is made up of the Representative Trustees and Trustee Officials. Representative Trustees are full members of the College elected by the College members residing or working within the region or sector they represent. The election process is laid out in the College’s Articles of Association and bylaws. Representative Trustees are elected for a two-year period of tenure and are eligible for re-election for two further terms of two years. Representative Trustees cannot also be employees of the College. Trustee Officials are office-holding trustees, the majority of whom have been appointed from the Board of Trustees. Trustees Officials are appointed on the basis of their relevant experience and skills and cannot also be employees of the College. The appointment process is laid out in the College’s Articles of Association and bylaws and is currently going through an updating process with the Board of Trustees and with help from an external charities expert. Organisational structure The Governing Council (Board of Trustees) of the College of Paramedics comprises elected representatives from 14 geographical areas and one each from the Military and the Independent Sector. The Governing Council has appointed officers as Chair, two ViceChairs, and leads for professional standards, communications, and membership services who along with the Chief Executive, progress business between meetings of the Governing Council on its behalf. There are sub-committees for education, research, and finance. There are eight part-time employees and three contracted consultants, one each for management accounting, education and pharmacy, and research. During 2015, there has been restructuring of the College's management and administrative resources. This process will continue into 2016 as governance and capacity is adjusted to ensure alignment to the organisation's growth.

Related parties During 2015, the College of Paramedics had formal working relationships with organisations both in the UK and overseas, all of which were under memoranda of understanding. In addition, the charity has a subsidiary, College of Paramedics Learning and Education Limited. Risk management The College of Paramedics has undergone structural change during 2015. During that period responsibilities for risk management have been overseen by the Governing Council (Board of Trustees) and monitored on its behalf by the Executive Team (Trustee Officials Committee).

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College of Paramedics Report of the Trustees (incorporating the Report of the Directors) for the year ended 31 December 2015

OBJECTIVES AND ACTIVITIES Objectives and aims The objectives and activities of the College of Paramedics are to: - Promote clinical excellence by enhancing the quality of education and training of paramedics; - Influence and contribute to the shaping of health policy in the UK that relates to emergency and unscheduled urgent care; - Ensure that the voice of the paramedic profession is promoted and that the important contribution of paramedic practice to patient care and public health is fully recognised and developed; - Lead on the continuing advancement of the profession to position it to effectively contribute through influence to shape the future delivery of paramedic services; - Address the issues that are important to members in order to enhance their job satisfaction and professional standing; and - Promote and contribute to the development of the knowledge and evidence base for paramedic practice. The Trustees have referred to the guidance contained in the Charity Commission’s general guidance on public benefit when reviewing the aims and objectives and in planning future activities. ACHIEVEMENT AND PERFORMANCE The College of Paramedics has worked closely with Health Education England (HEE) to develop a business case taking forward the educational objectives aimed at enhancing paramedic practice. This work has resulted in a fully funded project appointing a National Education Lead and support network to take forward those recommendations which were accepted from the Paramedic Evidence Based Project (PEEP) The College of Paramedics worked with NHS England on a multi-disciplinary project which developed business cases for independent prescribing by paramedics and other allied health professionals. The outcome of the public consultation will require ongoing work around the definition of advanced and specialist practice before a revised business case can be considered for resubmission to the Commission on Human Medicines which was unable to support the proposal made in 2015. The College of Paramedics published updated versions of the Curriculum Guidance, and the Career and Competency Framework. These key documents reflect the profession's views on the content of paramedic education, the competencies that should be demonstrated, and career progression that offers a standardised approach throughout the UK. The College of Paramedics has developed a bespoke insurance indemnity package as a member benefit. This has been a crucial project which has been well received by members and is viewed as a significant benefit of their membership of the College. The College of Paramedics has continued to offer continuing development opportunities to its members throughout the UK. These have included face-to-face sessions throughout the regions, access to discounted journal membership, and podcasting. The above achievements have been made within the financial parameters set by the Governing Council (the Trustees Board) and have been monitored against the objectives and timelines set out in the College of Paramedics' Strategic Plan. There was significant membership growth during 2015, with a net increase of 2736 members during the 12 months.

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College of Paramedics Report of the Trustees (incorporating the Report of the Directors) for the year ended 31 December 2015

FINANCIAL REVIEW The results for the College are detailed on pages 8 to 13. For the year ended 31 December 2015 the College incurred a deficit of £2,648 (2014: £70,864 surplus). Income during the period grew by 38% to £638,964 representing a growth in full members from 4,414 to 6,458 and associate and student members from 1,798 to 2,490 together with receipt of funding for specific projects undertaken in conjunction with Health Education England and the Association of Ambulance Chief Executives. Expenditure for the same period increased from £412,701 to £641,612 reflecting the cost of fitness to practice and Good Samaritan indemnity cover for the members (£197,799; 2014: £126,405). This cover has enabled members to certify to the Health and Care Professionals Council that they are individually compliant in this regard. The costs also include £49,357 (2014: £6,538) being cost of the secondment of Mr Andrew Sharman from South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust in relation to the Paramedic Prescribing Project. Staff and related costs also increased due to an investment in the workforce to manage the increasing membership and activities. Retained funds amounted to £86,952 at 31 December 2015 (2014: £89,600) with the College having cash amounting to £104,151 (2014: £102,017).

Reserves policy The College does not at present have a formal reserves policy. The Trustees are currently working to develop a policy, but are satisfied that the current level of reserves are sufficient with regard to the current objectives and activities. At 31 December 2015, the Charity had unrestricted reserves (excluding fixed assets) of £80,773. FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS The College of Paramedics is currently experiencing a period of sustained growth in terms of both membership and influence. In response to this growth, the organisation has invested into the workforce to increase the capacity of the College of Paramedics. This increased investment has seen mutually agreed increases in working hours of some employees and the recruitment of new staff appointed to key strategic positions. This investment is planned to continue through 2016 and inline with new governance as per the requirements of charitable status. FUTURE FUNDING Membership has continued to grow steadily throughout the last 12 months and is anticipated to continue to grow moving into, and throughout 2016. The College of Paramedics has also seen increased income through new marketing opportunities. This includes, but not limited to, adverts in regular membership materials and job adverts through the College of Paramedics website. The Marketing manager will continue to explore new revenue opportunities and maximize those already in place.

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College of Paramedics Report of the Trustees (incorporating the Report of the Directors) for the year ended 31 December 2015 STATEMENT OF TRUSTEES' RESPONSIBILITIES The Trustees are responsible for preparing the Trustees' report and financial statements in accordance with applicable law and regulations. Company law requires the Trustees to prepare financial statements for each financial year. Under that law the Trustees have elected to prepare the financial statements in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (United Kingdom Accounting Standards and applicable law). Under company law the Trustees must not approve the financial statements unless they are satisfied that they give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company and of the incoming resources and application of resources, including the income and expenditure, of the company for that period. In preparing these financial statements, the Trustees are required to: - select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; - make judgements and accounting estimates that are reasonable and prudent; - prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the charitable Company will continue in business; - observe the methods and principles in the Charity SORP. The Trustees are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records that are sufficient to show and explain the Company’s transactions and disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the Company and to enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with the Companies Act 2006. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Company and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities.

The Report of the Trustees (incorporating the Report of the Trustees) has been prepared taking advantage of the small companies exemption of section 415A of the Companies Act 2006. ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD:

............................................. J Martin Trustee Date:

Page 5

Independent examiner’s report to the Trustees of College of Paramedics I report on the accounts of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2015, which are set out on pages 7 to 13. Respective responsibilities of Trustees and examiner The Trustees (who are also the Directors of the company for the purposes of company law) are responsible for the preparation of the accounts. The Trustees consider that an audit is not required for this year under section 144(2) of the Charities Act 2011 (the 2011 Act) and that an independent examination is needed. The Charity’s gross income exceeded £250,000 and I am qualified to undertake the examination by being a qualified member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. Having satisfied myself that the Charity is not subject to audit under company law and is eligible for independent examination, it is my responsibility to: - examine the accounts under section 145 of the 2011 Act - to follow the procedures laid down in the general Directions given by the Charity Commission under section 145(5)(b) of the 2011 Act - to state whether particular matters have come to my attention Basis of independent examiner’s report My examination was carried out in accordance with the general Directions given by the Charity Commission. An examination includes a review of the accounting records kept by the Charity and a comparison of the accounts presented with those records. It also includes consideration of any unusual items or disclosures in the accounts, and seeking explanations from you as Trustees concerning any such matters. The procedures undertaken do not provide all the evidence that would be required in an audit and consequently no opinion is given as to whether the accounts present a ‘true and fair view’ and the report is limited to those matters set out in the next statement. Independent examiner’s statement In our opinion the financial statements: - give a true and fair view of the state of the charitable company's affairs as at 31 December 2015 and of its incoming resources and application of resources, including its income and expenditure for the year then ended; - have been properly prepared in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice; and - have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006. Opinion on other matter prescribed by the Companies Act 2006 In connection with my examination, no matter has come to my attention: (1) which gives me reasonable cause to believe that in any material respect the requirements: - to keep accounting records in accordance with section 386 of the Companies Act 2006 and - to prepare accounts which accord with the accounting records, comply with the accounting requirements of section 396 of the Companies Act 2006 and with the methods and principles of the Statement of Recommended Practice: Accounting and Reporting by Charities have not been met. (2) to which, in my opinion, attention should be drawn in order to enable a proper understanding of the accounts to be reached

Catherine Walker Chartered Accountant Walker Accountancy Limited 2 Marina Drive Spondon Derby DE21 7AF

Date: .............................................

Page 6

College of Paramedics Statement of Financial Activities (including summary income and expenditure account) for the year ended 31 December 2015

Unrestricted funds Notes £ Income Donations and legacies Other trading activities Income from charitable activities Other income Total income and endowments


Expenditure Expenditure on raising funds Expenditure on Charitable activities Other expenditure


Total expenditure

Net (expenditure)/income Transfers between funds


2014 Total funds £

7,251 583,450 1,322

46,941 -

46,941 7,251 583,450 1,322

19,850 3,050 459,593 1,072





594,671 -

46,941 -

641,612 -

412,701 -




















Net movement in funds

Restricted funds £

2015 Total funds £

Reconciliation of funds Total funds brought forward


Total funds carried forward


The notes form part of these financial statements.

Page 7


College of Paramedics Company number 05062387 (England and Wales) Balance Sheet At 31 December 2015

Unrestricted funds Notes £ Fixed assets Tangible assets Investments

8 9

Restricted funds £

2014 Total funds £

2015 Total funds £

6,179 1


6,179 1

5,789 1





40,336 104,151


40,336 104,151

31,078 102,017









Net current assets





Total net assets





86,952 -

89,600 -



Total fixed assets Current assets Debtors Cash at bank and in hand


Total current assets Liabilities Amounts falling due within one year

The funds of the Charity: Unrestricted funds Restricted funds



Total Charity funds

The Charitable Company is entitled to exemption from audit under Section 477 of the Companies Act 2006 for the year ended 31 December 2015. The members have not required the Charitable Company to obtain an audit of its financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2015 in accordance with Section 476 of the Companies Act 2006. The Trustees acknowledge their responsibilities for: (a) ensuring that the Charitable Company keeps accounting records which comply with Sections 386 and 387 of the Companies Act 2006 and (b) preparing financial statements which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company as at the end of each financial year and of its profit or loss for each financial year in accordance with the requirements of Sections 394 and 395 and which otherwise comply with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006 relating to financial statements, so far as applicable to the company. The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the special provisions of Part 15 of the Companies Act 2006 relating to small companies and with the Financial Reporting Standard for Smaller Entities (effective January 2015). The financial statements were approved by the Board of Trustees on

............................................. J Martin Trustee

The notes form part of these financial statements. Page 8

and were signed on its behalf by:

College of Paramedics Notes to the Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2015 1. ACCOUNTING POLICIES ACCOUNTING CONVENTION The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention, and in accordance with the Financial Reporting Standard for Smaller Entities (effective January 2015), the Companies Act 2006 and the requirements of the Charities SORP (FRSSE): 'Accounting and Reporting by Charities: Statement of Recommended Practice applicable to charities preparing their accounts in accordance with the Financial Reporting Standard for Smaller Entities (the FRSSE) (effective 1 January 2015).'

The Company registered as a charity in November 2015 and the comparative figures have been restated to reflect the requirements of Charity reporting. There is no effect on the results for the year ended 31 December 2014 or the net assets at 31 December 2014. The Charity is not required to produce group accounts on the grounds of its size. These financial statements refer only to the parent undertaking.

FUND ACCOUNTING Restricted funds are to be used for specified purposes laid down by the donor. Expenditure for those purposes is charged to the fund, together with a fair allocation of overheads and support costs. Unrestricted funds are donations and other incoming resources received or generated for expenditure on the general objectives of the Charity. Designated funds are unrestricted funds earmarked by the Trustees for particular purposes. INCOMING RESOURCES Voluntary income is received by way of grants, donations and gifts and is included in full in the Statement of Financial Activities when receivable. Grants, where entitlement is not conditional on the delivery of a specific performance by the Charity, are recognised when the Charity becomes unconditionally entitled to the grant. Membership income is recognised in accordance with the period of membership. Memberships received in advance are deferred and are included within other creditors. Investment income is recognised when receivable. RESOURCES EXPENDED Expenditure is accounted for on an accruals basis and has been classified under headings that aggregate all costs related to the category. Where costs cannot be directly attributed to particular headings they have been allocated to activities on a basis consistent with the use of resources. TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS Depreciation is provided at the following annual rates in order to write off each asset over its estimated useful life. Plant and machinery etc 20-33% on a straight line basis OPERATING LEASES Rentals payable under operating leases are charged to the income and expenditure account on a straight line basis over the period of the lease.

Page 9

College of Paramedics Notes to the Financial Statements - continued for the year ended 31 December 2015 2. INCOME 2015 £ Donations and legacies Independent prescribing project grant Health education project

Activities for generating funds Advertising income Sale of merchandise Postage Other

Charitable activities Membership income Course endorsement Sponsorship Consultancy Conference and course income

2014 £

46,941 -




4,000 2,929 322

1,250 319 1,210





549,007 3,959 12,851 17,633

407,312 13,961 6,000 6,000 26,320





Direct costs Independent prescribing Secondment costs project Independent prescribing Other direct costs project Consultancy Membership Membership Membership Membership Grants Conferences and courses Course endorsements Curriculum Guidance

2014 £

Staff and related costs Member insurance Newsletter costs Bank and card charges Other direct costs Research grants given Event and conference costs Approval visitors expenses Direct costs

Support costs (see note 4)

Research grants Research grants were all given to individuals in relation to projects related to the objectives of the Charity.

Page 10





197,799 20,808 6,809 3,133 2,000 39,670

25,850 126,405 4,989 5,463 3,700 42,171

2,403 5,025

4,896 2,175





College of Paramedics Notes to the Financial Statements - continued for the year ended 31 December 2015


Management Governance costs Finance

2015 £ 300,106 2,500 10,514

2014 £ 177,530 1,500 9,984



Governance costs relate to the costs of the preparation and independent examination of the Charity's accounts. 5. NET (OUTGOING)/ INCOMING RESOURCES Net resources are stated after charging: 2015 £ 2,306 750 1,750

Depreciation - owned assets Independent examiner's fees - independent examination Independent examiner's fees - other services

2014 £ 1,399 1,500

6. TRUSTEES' REMUNERATION AND BENEFITS There were no Trustees' remuneration or other benefits for the year ended 31 December 2015 nor for the year ended 31 December 2014. Trustees' Expenses Trustees' expenses to the value of £5,581 (2014:£5,890) were paid by the Charity in relation to travel and subsistence expenses. 7. STAFF COSTS

Wages and salaries Social security costs

2015 £ 126,270 8,095

2014 £ 65,790 2,737



The average monthly number of employees during the year was as follows: 2015 Management and administration


No employees were paid in excess of £60,000 per annum (2014: none).

Page 11

2014 4

College of Paramedics Notes to the Financial Statements - continued for the year ended 31 December 2015 8. TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS Plant and machinery etc £ COST At 1 January 2015 Additions

9,389 2,696

At 31 December 2015


DEPRECIATION At 1 January 2015 Charge for year

3,600 2,306

At 31 December 2015


NET BOOK VALUE At 31 December 2015


At 31 December 2014


9. FIXED ASSET INVESTMENT Shares in group undertakings £ COST At 1 January 2015 and 31 December 2015


The investments at the Balance Sheet date in the share capital of companies comprise the following: College of Paramedics Learning and Education Limited Nature of business: Education % holding 100%

Class of shares: Ordinary

2015 £ Aggregate capital and reserves


2014 £ 1


Trade debtors Other debtors

2015 £ 12,292 28,044

2014 £ 14,675 16,403



2015 £ 51,327 3,688 8,700

2014 £ 45,999 3,286




Trade creditors Taxation and social security Other creditors

Page 12

College of Paramedics Notes to the Financial Statements - continued for the year ended 31 December 2015

12. OPERATING LEASE COMMITMENTS The following operating lease payments are committed to be paid within one year: 2015 £

Land and buildings Expiring: Within one year Between one and five years


2014 £ 2,520 £


Other Expiring: Within one year Between one and five years


983 -

13. MOVEMENT IN FUNDS At 01/01/15

£ Unrestricted funds General fund


Restricted funds




Net movement in funds £ (2,648) (2,648)

Transfers between funds

At 31/12/15









Net movement in funds, included in the above are as follows: Incoming resources £ Unrestricted funds General fund

Resources expended £



Restricted funds






Movement in funds £ (2,648) (2,648)

The restricted income and expenses were in relation to funds received in relation to the Independent Prescribing Project, which were specifically to fund a staff secondment. 14. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS During the year, the Charity paid £49,357 (2014: £6,538) to the South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust for the secondment of Mr Andrew Sharman, a Trustee, in relation to the Independent Prescribing Project. The Charity also paid and received monies on behalf of College of Paramedics Learning and Education Limited. At the year end, College of Paramedics Learning and Education Limited owed £663 (2014: £179) to the Charity. 15. ULTIMATE CONTROLLING PARTY The Trustees consider that there is no Ultimate Controlling Party.

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