Regional Atlas: Introduction to Latin America

Date Class Atlas Activity Regional Atlas: Introduction to Latin America Location 1. Look at the political map on page 89 of The Nystrom Desk Atlas....
Author: Lester Charles
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Atlas Activity

Regional Atlas: Introduction to Latin America Location 1. Look at the political map on page 89 of The Nystrom Desk Atlas. Name the three South American countries through which the Equator runs.

Study the physical map on pages 82-83 of the Nystrom atlas. 2. Name four islands in the Greater Antilles. 3. What sea lies between the West Indies and Central America?

Place 4. Study the map on page 213 of the textbook. What generalization can you make about the most densely populated areas?

Human-Environment Interaction 5. Study the economic activity and resources map on page 215 of the textbook. The lure of riches once attracted Spanish and Portuguese explorers to the Americas. Which Latin American nations still mine both gold and silver?

Movement Study the globe-like map of Latin America on page 87 of the Nystrom atlas.

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6. Which two European countries most influenced the culture of Latin America? 7. What is the dominant language of Brazil?

Regions Turn to the map on pages 84-85 of the Nystrom atlas. 8. Central America is considered part of both North America and Latin America. It extends from the southern border of Mexico to South America. Name the seven countries of Central America. 9. What two countries have a common border with Panama?

Mental Mapping Activities






Regional Atlas Review

Determining Causes Directions: Each sentence beginning states an effect. Complete the sentence by writing the cause. 1. Caudillos often seized power in Latin American countries when economies failed because

2. Earthquakes and volcanoes are common in the Andes because

3. Hurricanes are more likely to affect islands and coastal regions along the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, and Gulf of Mexico because

4. El Niño has brought warmer temperatures to western South America because

5. Only small plants grow on the floor of the rain forest because

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6. Most Latin Americans have a mixed ethnic heritage because

7. Most South American cities are located near the coast because

8. Cutting down the rain forest to establish farms has often been unsuccessful because

9. Mexico has a growing GDP per capita because

Regional Atlas Review

Chapter 9 3





Regional Atlas Database Skills

Comparing Economies As you learned in your textbook, GDP per capita is the total value of goods and services produced in a country in a year, divided by the country’s total population. For this reason it is a good measure to use when comparing the economies of several countries. Directions: Use the data from the Regional Atlas Database on pp. 216–217 in your textbook to create a bar graph showing the GDP per capita of the four Latin American countries discussed. After you have completed the bar graph, give it a title. Then answer the questions that follow based on your graph and the information in the database. Title: 12,000 11,000 10,000

GDP Per Capita, in U.S. Dollars



9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0





1. What label(s) appears on the x-axis? © Prentice-Hall, Inc.

2. What label(s) appears on the y-axis? 3. What title did you select for your graph? 4. Which country has the greatest GDP per capita? 5. Which country has the lowest GDP per capita? 6. Why do you think there is such a great difference between the country with the highest GDP per capita and the two countries with the lowest GDP per capita? UF03-01 p.4 New 8/23/01

7. Would you be able to add the United States to your graph with the scale that was used? Explain.

4 Chapter 9

Database Skills


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Section 2 Guided Reading and Review

Brazil’s Quest for Economic Growth A. As You Read Directions: As you read Section 2, complete the chart about Brazil’s economic development by supplying the missing information. Question What are two major causes of rural poverty in Brazil?

Answers 1. 2.

Name three ways the government boosted the growth of industry in Brazil during the 1940s and the 1950s.

3. 4. 5.

Name three ways the government encouraged the development of Brazil’s interior.

6. 7. 8.

Identify three signs of the success of Brazil’s development program.

9. 10.

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11. Identify two drawbacks to Brazil’s development program.

12. 13.

B. Reviewing Vocabulary Directions: Define the following terms. 14. plantation 15. gasohol 16. deforestation 17. ecotourism

Guided Reading and Review

Chapter 12

Section 2 39



Name: ________________________________ GEOGRAPHY - Cornwell

Physical and Human Features Give specific examples Cultural features occur through the influence of people

Physical features occur naturally

Amazon Basin

( pa ges: 2 57 -2 5 8, GA 1 2)






3. Explain why this is a functional region: _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________


Andean Hig hlands 1.





3. Explain why this is a functional region: _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________


( pa ge s: 27 2- 2 78 )

Name: ________________________________ GEOGRAPHY - Cornwell

Cen tral A merica

( pa ges 2 37 -2 4 4)






3. Explain why this is a functional region: _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________

4. .

Caribbean Is lands

( pa ges 2 46 -2 5 1)






3. Explain why this is a functional region: _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________

4. .

Southern Gras slands 1.





3. Explain why this is a functional region: _________________________________

4. .

(p a ge s 2 7 8- 28 1)

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