RE: Clean Up Green Up motion - CF

Monday, Apri/1, 2013 A NEW ECONOMY FOR ALL Los Angeles City Council City Hall 200 N. Main Street Los Angeles, CA 90012 BOARD Of'~QJfl_~GTOilS Maria...
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Monday, Apri/1, 2013 A NEW ECONOMY FOR ALL

Los Angeles City Council City Hall 200 N. Main Street Los Angeles, CA 90012


Maria Elena Durazo/Chair Executive Se mitary·lreasure r . LA County Federation of Labor, AFL-C!O

Robin Cannon/ Vice·CI1air President Concerned Citizen of South Central los Angeles

Kent Wong/ Secretary Director

UCLA Center for Labor Research & Education

Peter Dreier Professor of Politics & Director of Urban & Environmental Policy Program, Occidental College Cindy Ensworth Regional Organizer . California Teachers Association

Eddie !ny Assistant Direttor UFCW Making Change at Walmarl Marvin Kropke Business Manager IBEW Local 11

Nury Martinez

ExeCLJtive Director P
Professor o( Geography University.of SoLJthern California

David Pettit Senior Attorney Natural Resources Defense Council

Angelica Salas Executive Director


Sabrina Smith

Oep uty Director California Calls Danny Tabor Mayor (Ret.)

City of lngle\vood Manny Valr\ZtJO!a


Western Reg!on Orgamz1ng Director International Brotherhood of Teamsters

Tom Walsh President UNITE HERE! Local11

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Roxantc.Pt.Aht' C t50(~82Cturges members of the Planning and Land Use Management (PLUM) Committee and the full City Council to VOTE IN FAVOR of the Clean Up, Green Up motion, CF 11-0112. We support the changes to the Planning Department's proposed work plan as outlined by the Clean Up Green Up Campaign so that all three target communities-Boyle Heights, Pacoima and Wilmington-are included in a timely and cost effective policy development and implementation process. Last May, over 150 residents, community leaders and business owners attended the PLUM Committee hearing on the CUGU policy to express their support for this innovative and balanced solution to the problem of the overconcentration of polluting land uses adjacent to homes, schools, parks and other sensitive uses. Over 200 community organizations and businesses have endorsed this policy and the creation of Green Zones or overlay districts 1n the three pilot communities, combining economic incentives with traditional planning tools, and promoting collaboration among government agencies, residents and businesses.

It makes good sense in difficult economic times to reduce existing levels of pollution while providing incentives to encourage local businesses to clean up and green up, and to attract new green businesses and jobs to our community. Not taking action on this pervasive problem has its own costs~we all pay for air pollullon with health problems and direct economic losses. According to the California Air Resources Board; exposure to air poUulion costs business 1.9 million lost workdays every year.

.-.S-1-tt>(,q h\: ~(l :I1J.zofanks the PLUM Committee for its previous action on the Clean Up Green Up motion. I encourage the PLUM Committee to vote in favor of the motion and revised work plan because it demonstrates that working together, business, government and residents can develop meaningfuUy solutions to the problem of air pollution that not only protect public health but also ensure a healthy economic climate where businesses can thrive. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.


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Boyle Heights resident.

March 2013

Los Angeles City Council City Hall 200 N. Main Street Los Angeles, CA 90012

RE: Clean Up Green Up motion - CF 11-0112 Dear Council members:

.t'\c ..~ c:-£ (-;:;.p; 0oz..~rges members of the Planning and Land Use Management {PLUM} Committee and the full City Council to VOTE IN FAVOR of the Clean Up, Green Up motion, CF 11-0112. We support the changes to the Planning Department's proposed work plan as outlined by the Clean Up Green Up Campaign so that all three target communities-Boyle Heights, Pacoima and Wilmington-are included in a timely and cost effective policy development and implementation process. Last May, over 150 residents, community leaders and business owners attended the PLUM Committee hearing on the CUGU policy to express their support for this innovative and balanced solution to the problem of the overconcentration of polluting land uses adjacent to homes, schools, parks and other sensitive uses. Over 200 community organizations and businesses have endorsed this policy and the creation of Green Zones or overlay districts in the three pi!ot communities, combining economic incentives with traditional planning tools, and promoting collaboration among government agencies, residents and businesses.

It makes good sense in difficult economic times to reduce existing levels of pollution while providing incentives to encourage local businesses to clean up and green up, and to attract new green businesses and jobs to our community. Not taking action on this pervasive problem has its own costs~we all pay for air pollulion with health problems and direct economic losses. According to the California Air Resources Board, exposure to air pollution costs business 1.9 million lost workdays every year. ~-:,""i..;-0 taTiks the PLUM Committee for its previous action on !he Clean Up Green Up motion. I encourage the PLUM Committee to vote in favor of the motion and revised work plan because it demonstrates that working together, business, government and residents can develop meaningfully solutions to the problem of air pollution that not only protect public health but also ensure a healthy economlc climate where businesses can thrive. . 1-J\""""'tc."">

Thank you for your time and attention fa this matter.




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Boyle Heights resident.

22 de Marzo, 2013

Los Angeles City Council City Hall 200 N. Main Street Los Angeles, CA 90012 RE: Clean Up Green Up motion- CF 11-0112 Estimados Miembros del Consejo:

£,_k(ufe. fl..

Mi nombre es.. residente de Boyle Heights, insto a los miembros del comitO de Planificaci6n y Ordenamiento erritorial (PLUM} y el Concejo Muncipal volar en favor de Ia moci6n Clean Up Green Up (CF 11-0112). Apoyo los cam bios al plan de lrabajo propuesto por el Departamento de Planificaci6n tal como se indica porIa Campana Clean Up Green Up, para que !as Ires comunidades objeto de esta propuesta; Boyle Heights, Pacoima y Wilmington se incluyan en un proceso de desarrollo efectivo y oportuno. En mayo pasado, mas de 150 residentes, llderes comunitarios y empresarios asistieron a Ia audiencia del comite de Planificaci6n y Ordenamiento Territorial (PLUM} para expresar su apoyo a esla polltica ambiental innovadora que establecera "Zonas Verdes" en las comunidades de Boyle Heights, Pacoima y Wilmington areas que tienen una concentraci6n alta de fuentes de contaminaci6n cerca de hogares, escuelas y guarderlas. Mas de 200 organizaciones de Ia comunidad y empresas han apoyado esta polltica y Ia creaci6n de zonas verdes o distritos de supe exposici6n en las !res comunidades piloto, combinando los incentives econ6micos con las herram!entas de planificaci6n tradicionales, y promoviendo Ia colaborad6n entre las agencias gubernamentales, residentes y negocios. Es de buen sentido comun que en estos tiempos de dificultades econ6micas, se reduzcan los niveles actuales de contaminaci6n ambiental a Ia vez que se busca asistencias financieras e incentivas para estimular negocios seguros, limpios, ecol6gicos y em pleas locales. No tamar acci6n sabre este problema generalizado tiene sus costas, mismos que todos pagamos con problemas de salud y perdidas econ6micas. De acuerdo con Ia California A!r Resources Board, Ia exposici6n a Ia contaminad6n afmosferica tiene un efecto alarmante en Ia salud en las personas que viven en California. Se considera que mas de 1,9 millones de ausencias al trabajo anualmente, son debido a problemas respiratorios. Agradezco al Comi!e de planeaci6n por su apoyo a Ia campana Clean Up green up. Exhor!o a! comite de planeaci6n para que vote a nuestro favor en la moci6n yen el plan de trabajo revisado, Ya que esta demoslrado que trabajando juntos, negocios, gobierno y los residentes, se pueden desarrolfar soluciones significativas al problema de Ia contaminaci6n del aire que no solo protegen la salud publica, sino tambien garantiza una sana econom1a y ere a un clima en el que las empresas puedan prosperar. Gracias por su tiempo y atenci6n que preste a Ia presente. Sinceramente.
