Raman Spectroscopic Study on Mechanism of Aluminum Triphosphate Pigment

电化学 第 8 卷  第 1 期 2002 年 2 月 Vol. 8  No. 1 Feb. 2002 EL ECTROCHEM ISTR Y Article ID :1006- 3471 ( 2002) 01- 0032- 08 Raman Spectroscopic Study on ...
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第 8 卷  第 1 期 2002 年 2 月

Vol. 8  No. 1 Feb. 2002


Article ID :1006- 3471 ( 2002) 01- 0032- 08

Raman Spectroscopic Study on Mechanism of Aluminum Triphosphate Pigment GU Zhi-jun 3 , L IAO Yong- gui , ZHAN G Zhi- gang , GUO Qi-long , SU Fang- teng ( Fujian I nstit ute of Research on t he S t ruct u re of M atter , Chi nese A cadem y of Sciences , Xiamen 361012 , Chi na )

Abstract : The painted steel sample whose coating contained anticorrosive pigment

has been in2

vestigated by Raman spect roscopy. The protective mechanism of aluminum t rip hosp hate pigment for A3 steel is proposed as follows : Aluminum t rip hosp hate can be dissolved and arrive at t he sur2 face of t he steel. The dissolved t rip hosp hate ions can complex wit h ferric ions. And t he new prod2 uct s ,namely ferric t rip hosp hate ,can st rongly adhere at t he surface of t he steel by chemical bonds slowly. At last ,a compact protective film ,which effectively separates t he steel subst rate f rom t he aggressive media ,is formed at t he steel surface.

Key words : Raman Spect roscopy ,Mechanism ,Pigment ,Sodium chloride CLC number : O T G 172 ,O 646      Document Co de : A 1  Introduction In 1995 ,t he cost on corrosion of metal in t he U nited States has reached g300 billion or so per year. In order to reduce t he loss of corrosion ,many protection met hods have been used. Organ2 ic coating is one of t he most effective ,economical and popular met hods as yet . The various pig2 ment s in anticorrosive coatings protect t he metal subst rates by different mechanisms ,eit her by cre2 ation of alkaline environment s ,by passivation of t he active centers originating f rom geomet rical or st ruct ural defect s ,by decreasing t he oxygen permeation f rom t he environment or t he metal ion dif2 f usion t hrough t he coating ,or by buffering t he formation of hydrogen ions ,or by sacrificial metal powders in t he coating [ 1 ] . A small amount of inbhibitors can obviously retard corrosion , so in2 hibitors have been considered more and more important . Alt hough some t raditional anticorrosive pigment s ,such as lead-and chrome- based pigment s ,have good inhibitive performances ,but t hey Received date : 11 Oct . 2001

3 To whom correspondence should be addressed , Tel :86 - 592 - 6013060 , E - mail : zhjgu @ms. fjirsm. ac. cn Foundation item : Project supported by State Key Lab. for Phys. Chem. of Solid Surface ( 9703)

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have high toxicity too . They are st rictly limited ,or prohibited to use in many count ries and re2 gions. Thus t he application and research of new anticorrosive pigment s are bound to focus on t he highly effective ,multif unctional and environmentally f riendly pigment s. Aluminum t rip hosp hate is an anticorrosive pigment wit h good inhibitive performance when it is mixed in t he epoxypolyamide resin on A3 steel coupon [ 2 ] ,however ,it s mechanism is not clear yet . There have been lot s of st udies t hat have t ried to determine t he nat ure of corrosion species , especially on copper and iron , in t he presence of active inhibitors in solutions by Raman spec2 t roscopy [ 3~11 ] . Raman spect roscopy has been used to investigate corrosion under paint ,but wit h2 out anticorrosive pigment was in t he coating [ 12~14 ] . Therefore ,we report here using Raman spec2 t ra for st udies of t he corrosion species at t he artificial defect in t he coating ,in t he presence of anti2 corrosive pigment . It is helpf ul to better understand t he mechanisms of anticorrosive pigment s.

2  Experimental 2. 1  Preparation of t wo ferric compounds To synt hesize ferric p hosp hate [ 15 ] ,0. 02 mol ferric chloride ( FeCl3 ) ,0. 02 mol sodium hydro2 gen p hosp hate ( Na2 HPO4 ) ,and 0. 025 mol sodium acetate ( CH3 COONa ) were dissolved in 100 mL distilled water respectively ,mingled ,filtered ,drie. To synt hesize ferric t rip hosp hate , 0. 05 mol FeCl3 and 0. 03 mol sodium t rip hosp hate ( Na5 P3 O10 ) were dissolved in 100 mL distilled water respectively ,mingled ,filtered ,dried.

2. 2  Materials To prepare t he coated coupon ,t he surface of t he A3 steel coupon ( 200 ×100 mm) was abraded wit h 60 # ,80 # sand clot h in succession ,cleaned ,degreased wit h et hanol ,covered by t he epoxypolyamide resin containing aluminum t rip hosp hate pigment ,air dried in ambient temperat ure for one week ,placed a plastic t ube (inner diameter = 90 mm) on t he coated coupon wit h 704 binder , air dried. The solution was made of distilled water and sodium chloride ( NaCl ,AR) ,and t he con2 cent ration was 3. 5 % ( wt %) .

2. 3  Micro- Raman spectroscopy —Raman spect ra were obtained by LabRam I confocal microscopic Raman spect rometer ( Dilor) wit h a He- Ne laser ( 632. 8mm) in t he pore covered wit h 1 mm solution at ambient tem2 perat ure and air-open system. ( The Raman spect ra of ferric p hosp hate and ferric t hip hosp hate were obtained f rom t heir powder samples directly. )

3  Results and Discussion 3. 1  Two ferric compounds Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 show micro- Raman spect ra of synt hetic ferric p hosp hate and ferric t rip hos2 p hate ,respectively. In figure 1 , t he characteristic peak is at 1 010 cm - 1 . Additional feat ures are observed at 270 ,541 ,1 444 cm - 1 ,and a shoulder peak of 439 and 478 cm - 1 . In figure 2 ,t he char2

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acteristic peak is 1 107 cm - 1 . Additional feat ures are observed at 412 ,704 ,928 and 994 cm - 1 .

Fig. 1  Micro- Raman spectrum of ferric p hosp hate

Fig. 2  Micro- Raman spectrum of ferric trip hosp hate

( FePO4 )

( Fe TP)

3. 2  Characterization of pa inted blank A3 steel coupon Table 1 summarizes t he Raman shift s and corrosion species for painted blank A3 steel coupon Tab. 1  Nominal Raman frequencies ( cm - 1 ) of corrosion species observed wit h exposure time ( day) for painted blank painted steel coupon immersed in 3. 5 % NaCl solution. The underlined peaks exhibit strong intensities 1 day inner

2 days outer

Inner of

Outer of





6 days black



220 257



295 282







347 377


311 377

382 527 528

529 538

652 658



1304 γ- FeOOH + Fe3 O4 +γ- Fe2 O3 +α- FeOOH + FeCl3 ( s)


655 664

1293 Fe3 O4 γ- FeOOH + Fe3 O4 +α- Fe2 O3 +γ- FOOH +γ- Fe2 O3

+γ- Fe2 O3 + FeCl3 ( s)

670 br


Fe3 O4


Fe3 O4

1302 γ- FeOOH +γ- Fe2 O3

Fe3 O4 +γ- Fe2 O3

+ FeCl3 ( s) +αFe2 O3

+γ- FeOOH + FeCl3 ( s)


α- Fe2 03 γ- FeOOH Fe3 O4 α- Fe2 O3 FeCl3 ( s) 3 γ- Fe2 O3 γ- Fe2 O3 α- FeOOH +γ- Fe2 O3 γ- FeOOH Fe3 O4 γ- FeOOH Fe3 O4 γ- FeOOH Corrosion species

  3 br represents broad wave. 3 Wit hout illustrated particularly ,t he location measured was t he inner point .

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t hat was exposed in 3. 5 % NaCl solution wit h immersion time. At different point s ,t he corrosion species are different . Namely , t he special dist ribution of corrosion species is inhomogeneous. The corrosion species for painted blank A3 steel coupon are iron oxides and iron oxyhydroxides. Immersion 1 day ,t he corrosion species at inner point are mainly γ- FeOO H , Fe3 O4 γ , - Fe2 O3 ,

α- FeOO H ,and scare FeCl3 in solution. Alt hough α- Fe2 O3 exhibites mode in t he 1 300 to 1 310 cm - 1 range ,no peak is observed at t he f requency t hat it s most intense mode ( 290 cm - 1 ) is expect2 ed. It indicates t hat t his species is not present in detectable concent ration. The corrosion species at outer point is mainly Fe3 O4 . Figure 3 shows t heir Raman spect ra. Immersion 2 days ,yellow and black spot s can be observed by naked eyes. Only Fe3 O4 can be detected at t he black. However , γ- FeOO H ,Fe3 O4 and γ- Fe2 O3 at t he inner of t he yellow ,γ- FeOO H , Fe3 O4 ,α- Fe2 O3 and scare γ- Fe2 O3 and FeCl3 in solution at t he outer of t he yellow , can be detected. Immersion 6 days ,

γ- FeOO H α , - Fe2 O3 γ , - Fe2 O3 and scare FeCl3 in solution at t he inner of t he yellow ,Fe3 O4 γ , - Fe2 O3 γ α and scare - FeOO H , - Fe2 O3 ,FeCl3 in solution at t he inner of t he black ,can be detected. Figure 4 shows t he micro- Raman spect ra of corrosion species for painted blank A3 steel coupon immersed in 3. 5 % NaCl solution for 6 days at inner of yellow point ( a) ,and at inner of black point ( b) .

Fig. 3  Micro- Raman spectra of corrosion species for

Fig. 4 Micro- Raman spectra of corrosion species for

painted blank A3 steel coupon immersed in

painted blank A3 steel coupon immersed in

3. 5 % NaCl solution for 1 day at inner point

3. 5 % NaCl solution for 6 days at inner in yel2

( a) ,and at outer point ( b)

low point ( a) and at inner in black point ( b)

Because of t he artificial defect ,” large cat hode ,little anode”is formed ,t he defective area be2 comes t he anode relative to t he ot her. When t he blank painted A3 steel coupon is immersed in 3. 5 % sodium chloride solution ,t he corrosion occurs at t he surface of t he defect . Furt hermore ,at t he surface of t he defect ,geomet rical and p hysical st ruct ures are different . Different point s have different activities. Their corrosion rates are different too . The point s whose corrosion rates are quicker grow quicker because t he volume of iron corrosion species is larger t han t hat of t he metal. The corrosion species immersed can be oxidized wit h time ,and t he stable species can be formed. So

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t he special dist ribution of corrosion species is inhomogeneous , and t he corrosion species for t he painted blank A3 steel coupon are iron oxides and iron oxyhydroxides.

3. 3  Characterization of the pa inted A3 steel coupon whose coating conta ined alu2 minum triphosphate pigment Table 2 shows t he Raman shift s and corrosion species for t he painted A3 steel coupon ,ex2 posed in 3. 5 % NaCl solution ,whose coating contained aluminum t rip hosp hate pigment ,wit h im2 mersion time. Figure 5 shows t he micro- Raman spect ra of corrosion species for t he sample im2 mersed in 3. 5 % NaCl solution for one day ( a) ,and for two days ( b) at inner point s. Tab. 2  Nominal Raman frequencies (cm - 1 ) of corrosion species observed wit h exposure time ( day) for t he painted steel coupon whose coating contained aluminum trip hosp hat pigment immersed in 3. 5 % NaCl solutions. The underlined peaks exhibit strong intensities 1 day

2 days

19 days

21 days

α- Fe2 O3

225 251



α- Fe2 O3 +γ- Fe2 O3

288 377


γ- Fe2 O3 γ- Fe2 O3 +γ- FeOOH

376 408

α- Fe2 O3


α- Fe2 O3 + FeCl2 γ- FeOOH


α- Fe2 O3


γ- Fe2 O3


γ- Fe2 O3 + Fe3 O4

658 710



Fe TP 3 PO4 3 -

840 990- 1100




Fe TP 3


γ- FeOOH α- Fe2 O3




γ- FeOOH FePO4




Fe ( OH) 3

γ- Fe2 O3 +γ- FeOOH

γ- FeOOH

γ- Fe2 O3 +α- Fe2 O3 +

γ- FeOOH + γ- Fe2 O3

+ FePO4

+γ- Fe2 O3 + FeTP

Fe3 O4 + FeCl2 + FeTP

+ FeTP

Corrosion species

represents broad wave. 3 Fe TP represents ferric trip hosp hate.

 3 Wit hout illustrated particularly ,t he location measured was t he darker point .

Immersion 1 day ,t he mode at 272 cm - 1 is exhibited ;alt hough t he mode at 1 010 cm - 1 can2 not be distinguished obviously ,it can be regarded to be covered by t he very broad wave in t he 900

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to 2 700 cm - 1 range. Moreover ,t he oxides and hydroxides of iron have not characteristic peaks at 270 cm - 1 or so . So t he mode at 272 cm - 1 can be regarded as t he mode of ferric p hosp hate. Immer2 sion 2 days ,an intense peak at 710 cm - 1 ,a broad wave in t he 990 to 1 100cm peak at 270 cm

- 1


range ,and no

are exhibited. So t hey can be regarded as t he modes of ferric t rip hosp hate. Im2

mersion 19 days ,t he cent ric wave number t hat t he ferric t rip hosp hat is at 1 107 cm t he lower f requency ,1 090 cm

- 1

. Immersion 21 days ,it moves to 1 077cm

- 1


moves to continuously. ( See

figure 6)

Fig. 5  Micro- Raman spectra of corrosion species for

Fig. 6  Micro- Raman spectra of corrosion species for

t he painted A3 steel coupon whose coating

t he painted A3 steel coupon whose coating

contained aluminum trip hosp hate pigment im2

contained aluminum trip hosp hate pigment im2

mersed in 3. 5 % NaCl solution for one day

mersed in 3. 5 % NaCl solution for 19 days ( b)

( a) ,and for two days ( b) at inner points

and 21 days ( c ) , contrary to ferric trip hos2 p hate powder ( a)

The corrosion species for t he painted A3 steel coupon whose coating contained aluminum t rip hosp hate pigment are iron oxides and oxyhydroxides ,besides ferric p hosp hate at first and ferric t rip hosp hate which st rongly adheres at t he surface of t he iron by chemical bonds. Aluminum t rip hosp hate can dissolve and reach t he surface of t he steel. The t rip hosp hate ions can be hydrolyzed ,so t he p hosp hate ions are formed. The latter can react wit h iron corrosion prod2 uct s ,e. g. ,Fe2 + and Fe3 + ,so t he ferric p hosp hate can be detected by Raman spect roscopy initial2 ly. Wit h t he increase of t rip hosp hate ions and iron corrosion product s at t he surface ,t he t rip hos2 p hate ions cannot be hydrolyzed in time ,and t hey can complex wit h t he latter. Furt hermore ,t he produt ,ferric t rip hosp hate can st rongly adhere at t he surface of t he iron by chemical bonds slowly. So t he cent ric wave number of ferric t rip hosp hate moves to t he lower f requenies. At last ,a com2 pact protective film , which effectively separates t he steel subst rate f rom t he aggressive media ,is formed at t he steel surface.

4  Conclusions ( a) The corrosion species for t he painted metal ,such as A3 steel ,whose coating contained an2

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ticorrosive pigment ,can be obtained , and much information for mechanism of anticorrosive pig2 ment can be provided by Raman spect roscopy st udy. ( b) The special dist ribution of corrosion species is inhomogeneous. ( c) The corrosion species for painted blank A3 steel coupon are iron oxides and iron oxyhy2 droxides. The corrosion species for painted A3 steel coupon whose coating contained aluminum t rip hosp hate pigment are iron oxides and oxyhydroxides ,besides ferric p hosp hate at first and ferric t rip hosp hate. ( d) The protective mechanisms of aluminum t rip hosp hate pigment for A3 steel are as fol2 lows . aluminum t rip hosp hate can dissolve and arrive at t he surface of t he steel. The dissolved t rip hosp hate ions can complex wit h ferric ions. And t he new product s ,namely ferric t rip hosp hate , can st rongly adhere at t he surface of t he iron by chemical bonds slowly. At last ,a compact protec2 tive film ,which effectively separates t he steel subst rate f rom t he aggressive media ,is formed at t he steel surface.

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防锈颜料三聚磷酸铝的拉曼光谱研究 辜志俊 3 ,廖永贵 ,张志刚 ,郭琦龙 ,苏方腾 ( 中国科学院福建物质结构研究所 ,福建 厦门 361012)

摘要 :  应用拉曼光谱研究了含有防锈颜料涂装特性的钢样 ,在此基础上探讨了三聚磷酸铝防锈 颜料对 A3 钢的保护机理 . 三聚磷酸铝溶解后能到达钢样表面 ,其离子可与铁离子化合形成三聚磷 酸铁 . 三聚磷铁能缓慢地通过化学键牢固地附着在钢样表面 , 最终在钢表面形成一层隔绝腐蚀介 质和钢样的紧蜜保护膜阻止了腐蚀的继续发生从而达到保护的目的 .

关键词 :  拉曼光谱 ;机理 ;颜料 ;氯化钠

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