Heat conduction and convection - always a fluid which transfers the heat (gas, liquid, solid) – motion of atoms or molecules Heat conduction and convection is not possible in a vacuum In most practical applications all three modes occur concurrently at varying degrees


A hot object in a vacuum chamber looses heat by radiation only n tio c e nv o c

Unlike conduction and convection, heat transfer by radiation can occur between two bodies, even when they are separated by a medium colder than both of them

at di ra n io

What will be a final equilibrium temperature of the body surface? Can you write an energy balance equation between the body and 2 surrounding air and the hot source (fire)?

Theoretical foundation of radiation was established by Maxwell Electromagnetic wave motion or electromagnetic radiation Electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light c in a vacuum Electromagnetic waves are characterized by their frequency f or wavelength λ: λ=c/f co light speed in a vacuum c=co/n n refraction index of a medium (n=1 for air and most gases, n=1,5 for glass, 1,33 for water) In all material medium, there is attenuation of the energy In a vacuum there is no attenuation of the energy 3

Electromagnetic radiation covers a wide range of wavelengths Radiation that is related to heat transfer – Thermal radiation λ from 0,1μm to 100 μm As a result of energy transition in molecules, atoms and electrons. Thermal radiation is emitted by all matter whose temperature is above absolute zero. Everything around us emits (and absorbs) radiation. 4

• Thermal radiation includes entire visible (0,4 to 0,76 μm) and infrared light and a portion of ultraviolet radiation. • Body that emits radiation in the visible range is called light source. • Sun (primary light source) emits solar radiation – 0,3 to 3 μm – almost half is visible, remaining is ultraviolet and infrared. • Bodies at room temperature emit radiation in infrared range 0,7 to 100 μm. • Bodies start emit visible radiation at 800K (red hot) and tungsten wire in the lightbulb at 2000K (white hot) to emit a significant amount of radiation in the visible range.


Spectral and Directional Distribution Radiation characteristics vary with wavelength and direction • Monochromatic or spectral: Characteristics at a given λ • Total: Integrated values over all wavelengths • Directional: At a given direction • Hemispherical: Integrated values over all directions • Diffuse radiation: Uniform in all directions The assumption of diffuse radiation will be made throughout


Emissive Power E, Irradiation G and Radiosity J Eλ

• Emissive Power (zářivost): Radiation emitted from a surface • Spectral emissive power E λ :


∫0 Eλ dλ λ

Fig. 10.1

E λ = rate of emitted radiation per unit area per unit wavelength, W/m 2 μm • Total emissive power E: 2 λ W/m E = Integration of E λ over all values of , :

E (T ) = E λ (λ , T ) dλ



• Irradiation: Radiation energy incident on a surface • Spectral irradiation Gλ : Gλ = rate of radiation energy incident upon a surface 2 − μm W/m per unit area per unit wavelength, • Total irradiation G: G = integration of G λ over all values of λ : ∞

G (T ) = Gλ (λ , T ) dλ


• Radiosity: The sum of emitted and reflected radiation • Spectral radiosity J λ : J λ = rate of radiation leaving a surface per unit area per unit wavelength, W/m 2− μm 8

• Total radiosity J : J = integration of J λ over all values of λ : ∞

J (T ) = J λ (λ , T ) dλ


In the above definitions, summation in all directions is implied although the term hemispherical is not used


Blackbody Radiation Blackbody:

An ideal radiation surface used as standard for describing radiation of real surfaces

Characteristics of blackbody: (1) It absorbs all radiation incident upon it (2) It emits the maximum energy at a given temperature and wavelength (3) Its emission is diffuse

Planck's Law E bλ = spectral emissive power of a blackbody: C 1λ− 5 E bλ (λ , T ) = C1 and C2 are constants exp(C 2 / λT ) − 1 10

Blackbody Radiation Maximum emitted energy at specific temperatures given by Wien law:

λmaxT = 2879,6 Thermal radiation 0,1 to 100 μm

Planck's Law

Note - by qualitative judgment energy emitted in visible range for 2000 K – tungsten wire in a light bulb. 11

Stefan-Boltzmann Law Based on: • Experimental data by Stefan (1879) • Theoretical derivation by Boltzmann (1884)

Eb = σ T 4

Stefan-Boltzmann law

E b = total blackbody emissive power (all wavelengths and all directions), [W/m2]

σ = 5.67 × 10 - 8 W/m 2− K 4 is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant It can also be arrived at using Planck's law 12

Eb (T ) = ∫ Ebλ ( λ,T ) dx = 0

C 1 λ −5 =∫ dλ = 0 exp (C /λ T) − 1 2 ∞

= σT 4 • Stefan-Boltzmann law gives the total radiation emitted from a black body at all wavelengths from λ=0 to λ=∞. • Often an interest in radiation over some wavelength band – light bulb – how much is emitted in the visible range? • We use a procedure to determine Eb,0-λ λ

Eb,0 − λ(T) = ∫ Ebλ(λ , T)dλ 0


Define a dimensionless quantity fλ(T):

f λ(T) =

λ ∫0 Eb,λ(T)dλ 4



Light bulb. Want to know how energy is emitted in the visible range 0,40 to 0,76 μm. λ1T=0,40.2500=1000 ⇒ fλ1 = 0,000321 λ2T=0, 76.2500=1900 ⇒ fλ2 = 0,053035

fλ2 - fλ1 = 0,0527 Only about 5% of radiation is emitted in the visible range. The remaining 95% is in the infrared region in the form of heat.


Radiation of Real Surfaces Objective: Develop a methodology for determining radiation heat exchange between real surfaces. • Surface radiation properties • The graybody • Kirchhoff's law


Absorptivity a, Reflectivity r, Transmissivity t J


rG ρG



tG τG Fig. 10.2

Irradiation incident on a real surface can be absorbed, reflected and transmitted. Remind: radiosity J (total radiation leaving the surface) is a sum of emitted E and reflected rG radiation.

a = total absorptivity = fraction absorbed r = total reflectivity = fraction reflected t = total transmissivity = fraction transmitted aG + rG + tG = G a + r + t =1 17


aλ + rλ + tλ = 1 aλ = spectral absorptivity rλ = spectral reflectivity tλ = spectral transmissivity

Opaque material: Simplification:

t = tλ = 0 a + r =1


Emissivity (emisivita, poměrná zářivost) Total emissivity ε(T): Ratio of emissive power of a E λ surface to that of a blackbody at the same temperature:

E (T ) ε (T ) = Eb (T )


real surface


Fig. 10.3

Spectral emissivity ε λ : Ratio of the spectral emissive power of a surface to that of a blackbody at the same temperature: Eλ (λ , T ) ε λ (λ , T ) = Ebλ (λ , T ) 19

Kirchhoff's Law It is much easier to determine emissivity ε than absorptivity a. By experiments. But how we can determine absorptivity? Kirchhoff’s law says that under certain conditions: Spectral ε λ (λ , T ) = α λ (λ , T ) Total ε (T ) = α (T ) Kirchhoff’s law is used to determine aλ(λ,T) from experimental data on ελ(λ,T) Equality of emissivity and absorptivity Quite different physical quantities Just numerical equality


Graybody Approximation The graybody concept is introduced to simplify the analysis of radiation exchange between bodies Graybody: An ideal surface for which the spectral emissivity ελ is independent of λ Eλ


real surface gray body Fig. 10.3


approx. 0,75 Eb


gray body

Fig. 10.3




ε λ (λ , T ) = ε (T ) = constant independent of λ

It follows from Kirchhoff's Law that

ε (T ) = α (T ) for a graybody

NOTE: (1) Radiation properties ε, a and r are assigned single values instead of a spectrum of values

(2) Data on ε give r and a for opaque surface. 22

Radiation Exchange Between Black Surfaces Two black surfaces with areas S1 and S 2 at temperatures T1 and T2

T1 > T2

S2 Q& 12

T1 1

S1 E 1

Objective: Determine the net heat transfer Q& 1− 2 between the two surfaces Important factors: • Configuration • Surface area • Surface temperature • Radiation properties (for gray body) • Surrounding surfaces • Space medium


T2 E2


The View Factor (1) Definition and use: The view factor is the fraction of radiation energy leaving surface S1 which is intercepted by S2

• It is a geometric factor • Also known as shape factor and configuration factor


S2 Q& 1− 2 T1 1

S1 E 1


T2 E2

Q& 1 = rate of radiation energy leaving surface 1, = S1E1 Q& 2 = rate of radiation energy leaving surface 2, = S2E2 Q& 1− 2 = net radiation energy exchanged between 1 and 2 F1− 2 = fraction of radiation energy leaving 1 and reaching 2 F2−1 = fraction of radiation energy leaving 2 and reaching 1 25

For black surfaces: Radiation that leaves the surface 1:

Q&1 = S1Eb1

and is intercepted by the surface 2:

F1− 2 S1Eb1

Radiation that leaves the surface 2:

Q& 2 = S 2 Eb 2

and is intercepted by the surface 1:

F2−1S 2 Eb 2

The net energy exchanged between the surfaces 1 and 2:

Q& 1- 2 = S1F1- 2 Eb1 − S2 F2-1 Eb 2



If T1 = T2 then E b1 = E b 2 and Q&12 = 0.

S1F1− 2 = S2 F2−1


Reciprocal rule (vztah recoprocity) Combine (a) and (b) and use Stefan-Boltzmann law

Eb = σ T 4 :


Q& 1- 2 = S1F1- 2 ( Eb1 − Eb 2 ) = S1F1- 2σ T14 − T24



(2) Rules: • Reciprocal rule can be generalized S i Fi − j = S j F j − i

• Additive rule: Conservation of energy - see the figure. F1-(2+ 3 ) = F1- 2 + F1- 3



Multiply by S1 S1F1−( 2+ 3) = S1F1- 2 + S1F1- 3

Use the reciprocal rule

1 Fig. 10.5

( S 2 + S 3 )F(2+ 3)-1 = S 2 F2-1 + S 3 F3-1


• Enclosure or summation rule: All energy leaving one surface must be received by some or all other surfaces

F11 + F12 + F13 + K + F1n = 1 n

∑ Fij = 1

i = 1,2,3, K , n

j =1





n Fig. 10.6

• Conclusion: Fii = 0 for a plane or convex surface and Fii ≠ 0 for a concave surface (3) Determination of view factors: • Simple configurations: By physical reasoning: 29

F12 = 1 Apply the reciprocal rule

S 2 F2−1 = S1F1− 2

A1 A2 1


F2−1 = ( S1 / S2 ) F1− 2 = S1 / S2 • Other methods: • Surface integration method: Can involve tedious double integrals • View factor algebra method: Known factors are used in a superposition scheme together with the three view factor rules to construct factors for other configurations 30

View factor for parallel rectangles 31

View factor for perpendicular rectangles with a common side 32