The Journal of Commerce, Vol. 2, No. 1 ISSN: 2218-8118 Hailey College of Commerce, University of the Punjab, PAKISTAN QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM– AN I...
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The Journal of Commerce, Vol. 2, No. 1 ISSN: 2218-8118 Hailey College of Commerce, University of the Punjab, PAKISTAN

QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM– AN IMPERATIVE NEED FOR FLOURISHING KNITWEAR INDUSTRY IN INDIA. urgent and imperative need of the knitwear industries to flourish in India.

S. Shanmugasundaram1 G. Loganathan2 Dr. N. Panchanatham3



The art of Knitting is defiantly as old as our civilization. In fact it was from India only that the art of knitting and know how’s spread very widely to the rest of the world. Incidentally it has became a matter of pride for Indian and it is to be known that not only, the knitting originated from India but even the word “KNITTING” itself has evolved from a Sanskrit word “NAHAYAT” meaning net or weave.

Till 1979, the knitwear was otherwise known as Hosiery which is mean to be only under garments such as Vest and Brief mainly used by Men in India. Later, knitwear products were identified as a fashionable product by the fashion industries of western countries, resulting in plain “T. Shirts” are made as a pioneer product of fashion in Indian Knitwear industry. In the process of evolution, the knitwear products reached different dimensions according to human anatomy, makes the knitwear products with highly fashionable, embellished and comfort to wear. At this juncture the consumers of western countries, realized that the quality of knitwear products are forced to seek and implement new techniques and methods to maintain durability, colour fastness, harmless chemicals etc,. Consequently, stringent quality policy such as ISO 9000, ISO 9002, SA 8000, TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMNT (TQM) etc., were implemented in the knitwear industry all over the world. But implementing such systems in the Indian knitwear industries are cumbersome because the textile industry in India considered as by product of agricultural industries where great lack of quality awareness was found greatly, besides many other factors such as lack of unskilled executives and workers, lack of coordination between government and knitwear industries and educational institutions stood as a bottleneck for quality awareness, which is an

Recent years, “The Hosiery is meant to be worn as next to skin but was never to be seen” and this was the concept of the people all over the world. But now the scope has been widened much throughout the world. A revolution in fashions in dress is taking place entire world. The tycoon of today are no longer a prisoner of the 3 piece suits instead he enjoys it at work in some bright loose and comfortable knitwear much contrasting to the aforesaid concept. The first technological invention of knitting machine can be traced out back from the industrial revolution in UK. The first knitting machine was invented by William Lee. The fruits of first technological knitting machine was brought and installed in India by setting of up the first hosiery factory in kiddrapore, kulcutta during the year 1893. Till about the 60’s Bengal has produced 75 to 80% of the country’s knitwear product output. However now the textile scenario has been reversed with the south especially when Tirupur taking the lead. During the year 1927 first manually operated hosiery factory with entire installation of organized machineries was triggered in the small town called in Coimbatore district. Tirupur, the heartland of the knitwear industries of India has a supplier base which consists essentially of manufacturers who are mostly integrated forward or backward if not vertical. There are number of spinners of yarn


Assistant professor, Department of Business Administration, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar. India. 2 Diector,The Imperial, An apparels sourcing Inc,. Tirupur, India. 3 Professor & Head, Department of Business Administration, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar. India


Quality Management System-An Imperative need to Flourish Knitwear Industry in India integrating forward to set up knitting plant; textile process house and then further integrating forward to become makers of garments. The amount of investments in terms of plant & machinery and overheads in the integrated garment industry is quite high as compared to other knitwear clusters and thus requires efficient management for timely return on investments. In spite of the fact that the Tirupur town is reeling under due to acute infrastructural shortage, knitwear exporters are able to make a distinct mark in the international sourcing map of the textile industries for they worked as a group and helped each others for a common cause. Tirupur textile industry has units all along the value chain of knitwear starting from spinning, knitting wet processing, printing, garment manufacturing and exports. Entire Tirupur cluster generates direct employment for over 300,000 persons. During 1981 Tirupur had very meager share of 15% of the total knitwear exports from India and by the year 2000 its shares reached a formidable figure of 51%. Now the industry has spread over magnificently upto 4500 units covering 80% of total knitwear exports of India and thus earning huge amount of foreign exchange for our country. It is expected that Tirupur exports will grow much faster and higher than the rest of India’s export economy.

essentially to implement Quality Management. Worldwide quality awareness and introducing concept of quality management system, in knitwear industries have been emerged during 70’s due to growing awareness and realization of the importance of needed for knitted garments. A New shape that given to the system is so called ISO 9000 series.

Need for system study It i s hi ghl y r e g re tte d t o g r a sp a n d n oti f i e d t ha t I ndi a 's sha r e i n t he w or l d te x ti l e m a r ke t i s o nl y a bo ut 2 % w hi c h i s v al u e d a t U SD 1 7 7 b i l l i on w hi l e c om p a r i n g C hi na a cc ou n ts f or ne ar l y 1 5% , S ou th K or e a 6 % a n d Ta i w an 5 % r e sp e c ti ve l y . The sector aspires to grow its revenue to US $85bn, its export value to US $50bn and employment to 12 million by the year 2010 (Texmin 2005). He ns , i n t he e ve nt of g l ob a l i z ati on a n d f r e e e c on om y i t ha s be c om e m u c h i m pe r a ti ve t o e xp l o re a nd c a p tu r e t he w orl d m a r k e t f or t ex ti l e s w i t hou t be i ng c onf i ne d merely to t he dom es ti c m a rk e t. In t he l i gh t of t hi s d e v e l opm e nt i t ha s b e c om e i ndi sp e ns a bl e t o e v ol v e a sou nd a nd e f f e cti v e Q u al i ty M ana ge m e nt S ys te m f or e ns ur i ng t he f u l f i l l m e nt of ce r ta i n s ta ndar d s a n d a chi e v e m e nt s of c er t a i n l e ve l i n t he k ni tw e a r i n du s tr i al w or l d a t t he b eg i nni n g s ta g e th e k ni tw e a r i n du st ry c at er e d onl y t o t h e ne e ds of t he dom e sti c m a r k e t a nd t he r e w er e no a w ar e ne s s a t a l l a m on gs t t he co nsu m er s a s t o t he c han ge s i n f a s hi on a n d de si g ni ng e t c . T he nee d f or Q u al i ty M ana ge m e nt S y s te m ( Q M S ) w as f e l t v er y ba dl y . Bu t in the m o de r n c om p eti ti v e b u si ne ss w or l d, no i n du st r y pa r ti c ul a r l y no i nd u st r y i n k ni tw e a r ca n w i t hs ta nd t he c omp e ti ti o n a nd s u r vi v e i n t he m ar k e t w i t h ou t hav i ng p r op er Q M S a nd i t s f r e qu e nt r e vi e w , a s t he k ni t w e ar i n du st r y i s pr one t o f re q ue nt c ha n ge s a n d m ode r n de v el op me n t.

Quality Management A s de f i n e d b y IS O 90 0 0, "Q ua l i t y i s t he to tal i ty of f e a tur e s a nd c har a c ter i s ti c s of a p r od u c t or se r vi c e t ha t b ea r o n i ts a bi l i ty to sa ti sf y to s tate of s e r vi c e or i m pl i ed ne e d s". W i t h i n thi s de f i ni ti o n w e c a n i de nti f y c o nc e pt s of f i t ne ss f or pu r p ose , v al u e f or m one y, r el i ab i l i ty , c u st om er sati sf a c ti o n a nd c o nf or ma nce to r e qu i r e me nt s. T he se c on c ep t s of q ua l i ti e s a r e ne i t he r ne w no r th ey r e st ri ct e d to an y ag e or c u l t ur e . Tr a di ti onal l y, howe v e r i n du s tr y h ou se s hav e v i e w e d f u nc ti ons r el ate d t o q ua l i ty as a s se s sm en t of p r od uc t f ol l ow e d b y r e tu r n of w ha t i s de f e c ti v e a nd su g ge sti ons f or r e c ti f i c a ti on. A quality management system (QMS) can be expressed as the organizational structures, procedures, processes and resources are needed


The Journal of Commerce, Vol. 2, No. 1 ISSN: 2218-8118 Hailey College of Commerce, University of the Punjab, PAKISTAN 9000, ISO 14000 and SA 8000. Quality is Reviews ultimately a question of customer satisfaction. Good Quality increases the value of a product or For every industry or business, to get increased service, establishes brand name, and builds up sales and better name amongst consumers and good reputation for the garment exporter, which fellow companies it is important to maintain a in turn results into consumer satisfaction, high level of quality. Especially for the businesses sales and foreign exchange for the country. The engaged in export business has to sustain a high perceived quality of a garment is the result of a level of quality to ensure better business number of aspects, which together help achieve globally. Generally quality control standards for the desired level of satisfaction for the customer. export are set strictly, as this business is also Therefore quality control in terms of garment, holds the prestige of the country, whose pre-sales service, posts -sales service, delivery, company is doing the export. In the garment pricing, etc are essentials for any garment industry quality control is practiced right from exporter ( Gaurav Doshi, 2006). the initial stage of sourcing raw materials to the stage of final finished garment. The process of Objectives of the study the garment Industry, and the pros and cons of each process was analysed and it was suggested The study is carried out with the following that one has to maintain the quality of the Objectives and determination. garment before and after processing in order to place it in front of the customer with an a. To A nal y si s th e di f f e r e nt l e v e l s attractive look through value additions of ag e g r ou p l a b ou r e r s ab o ut (Saumyen Mapdar, 2002). Q M S de ve l opm e nt. b. To examine the administrative frame For textile and apparel industry product quality work in knitwear industries QMS. is calculated in terms of quality and standard of c. To study Government agencies and fibres, yarns, fabric construction, colour fastness, other agencies appraisal role in knitwear surface designs and the final finished garment industries QMS. products. The quality is testing as an instrument d. To provide suggestions, for process improvement and quality up recommendations and conclusion for gradation (Nadiger, 2001). There are a number the improvement of QMS and also scope of factors on which quality fitness of garment for further studies. industry is based such as - performance, reliability, durability, visual and perceived quality of the garment. The latest developments in processing of knitted fabric and the benefits of technologies in improving the quality of product (Edwyn Rodrigues, 2000). Quality needs to be defined in terms of a particular frame¬work of cost. The national regulatory quality certification and international quality programmes like ISO 9000 series lay down the broad quality parameters based on which companies maintain the export quality in the garment and apparel industry. Reddy (2002) attempted an analysis of SWOTs of Indian textiles and clothing industries and the requirements for quality, environment and social responsibility standards and suggested a strategy towards global competitiveness. It was focused how the companies can achieve operational efficiency and profitability by the way of implementation of standards like ISO

SCOPE OF THE STUDY The s tu d y c ov er s o nl y Q ual i t y M a na g e me nt Sy s t em ( Q M S) of the k ni tw e a r i n du st r y w i th pa r ti c ul a r r e f er e nc e t o T i r u p ur . The st u dy c ov er s n ot onl y the te c hni c al a spe ct s of t he Q M S b u t al so th e a dm i ni str a ti ve si de of Q M S i nc l u di ng doc u m e nta ti o n, f i l i ng e tc .

METHODOLOGY The st u dy ha s us e d b ot h p r i m ar y a n d se c o nda r y da ta . Bu t m os tl y i t ha s be e n b ase d pr i m a r y da ta c ol l e c t e d t hr o ug h q ue sti on na i r e s, i n te r v i e w s e tc . m i d dl e m a na g e m e nt an d t op m a na ge m e nt of f i c i al s and ot he r l e ve l of


Quality Management System-An Imperative need to Flourish Knitwear Industry in India m a na g e m e nt. S t r at e g i c al l y r a nd om sa mp l i n g m e t hod w as u se d f or se l ec ti n g sa m pl e s i n t he c a se of m a na g e m e nt of f i c i a l s f or c ol l e c ti on of pr i ma r y da ta.

or va r i a ti on s/d ev i a ti on f r om t he sta nda r ds ev e n t o v er y ne g l i g i bl e e xte n t, be c a u se a t thi s s tag e v e r y of t e n th e w or k of l ab ou r e r s i s r e j e c te d a n d th ey ar e as k e d t o r e m a ke t he sam e i n th e na m e of Q MS . A na l y si n g t he e va l u ati o n of QMS by l a b ou r e r s e ng ag e d in k ni t ti ng , dy ei ng and pr i nti n g, t he y f el t tha t the p r e se nt Q MS i g nor e s t h e l ab ou r w e l f a r e i n t he s e nse tha t i t do e s no t pr ovi de a g a i nst pol l u ti on a nd haz a r dou s oc cu pa ti o na l di se a s es i n he r e nt i n the se p r oc e s se s l i k e , as t hma , sk i n di se a s e e tc ., b ut i nst ea d e m pha si se s u p o n t he qu al i ty m a na g e m e nt w i t hou t l oo ki n g a t t he ot he r si de of t h e c oi n tha t i s, th e l a bo ur w e l f ar e a nd sa f e t y . S o, w e ca n co ncl u de tha t a pa r t f r om s tr es si n g u p on t he a chi e v e m e nt of t he e f f e cti ve Q MS , t he m a na g e m e nt s h ou l d al so l o ok e d af te r th e l ab ou r w e l f a r e. A f te r a l l , t he q ua l i ty ca nn o t b e s us ta i ne d w i t h ou t i nv ol vi ng t hi s hum a n ass e t.

A s f a r a s l a bo ur e r s w er e c onc er n e d t he to tal p op ul a ti o n w as 40 0 00 ou t of w hi ch 2 00 0 w er e se l e cte d as sa m pl e un de r s tr a ti f i ed r a nd om sa mp l i ng m e t ho d. F or t hi s th e to tal p op ul a ti on w a s s tr a ti f i e d i n to v a r i ou s g r o up s l i ke b etw e e n th e a ge g r ou p of 1 5 - 25 , 2 5- 3 5 , 3 5- 4 5 a n d ab ov e 4 5 . T he me th od ol og y a do pte d i s a sc i e n ti f i c a nd ob j e c ti v e o ne w i t h ou t a ny pe r s onal bi a s. INSERT TABLE-1 HERE The ov er a l l a na l y si s o f the a bo ve ta bl e c l e ar l y s how s t hat a m a j or i ty of l a bou r e r s i s not a wa r e at a l l of Q u al i t y M ana ge m e nt Sy s te m (QMS), t he pe r c e nta ge b ei n g 6 6 .0 5% . If w e a na l y se a t m i c r o l e ve l t he n i t s how s t ha t t he num be r of l a bo ur e r s be i n g a w a r e of Q M S i s pr op or t i on ate l y hi g he r i n ta i l ori ng / tr i m m i ng t ha n t hat of t h ose i nv ol ve d i n ot he r p r oc e s se s, b e ca u se th e q ua l i ty i s gi ve n m or e em p ha si s a t thi s s ta g e a nd i n tai l or i ng w e hav e t o m a ke u p a nd se t a r i g ht al l t he ot he r de f e c ts w hi c h ha ve b e e n m a de i n pr e v i ou s p r oc e sse s. Bu t even in ta i l ori ng t he d e g r ee of a w ar e ne s s i s no t up t o t he e x p e c tati o ns. M or e ov er i n c ase of k ni t ti n g, d y e i ng e tc ., w her e th er e ha s t o b e i n c r ea se d a wa r e ne s s of Q M S i n p r ac ti c e i t i s t o t he c ontr a r y . Thi s c l e a r l y e m p ha si s th e i m por ta nc e of a nd ne e d f or c r ea ti v e a w ar e nes s a b ou t a nd e du c ati ng on Q M S a m on g t he l a bou r e r s to ac hi e ve b ett e r r e s ul ts .

INSERT TABLE- 3 HERE The ov e ra l l anal y si s of the a b ov e ta bl e c l e ar l y s how s t h a t t he nu mb e r of l a bou r e r s c o nsi de r i n g the i r r ol e t o be th e hi g he s t i n t he pr e se nt Q M S i s ni l i n m os t of t he pr oc es se s . I n ot he r pr oc e ss e s t he num be r i s v er y m e a ge r . Ex c e pt f or tai l or i n g / t r i m mi ng i n w hi c h m os t of t h e l a b our e r s c o n si d e r the i r r ol e i n Q M S t o be t he hi g he st d ue t o the f a c t t ha t t he y ha v e a ma j or r ol e i n e nsu ri ng an d s u sta i ni ng qu a l i t y a n d r e ct i f i c ati o n of de f e c ts i n p r e vi o us pr oc e ss e s / m o st of t he l a b ou r e r s e ng ag e d in ot he r p r oc e s se s l i ke k ni tti ng. C onsi de r i ng t he i r r ol e i m pl em e nti ng th e Q MS i s ve r y l i m i te d, th e p e r c e nta g e b e i ng 6 7, 59 a nd 60 r e sp e c ti ve l y . F r om t he aa l y si s of t he ot he r s w e ca n c oncl u de t ha t t he l a bou r e r s w or k i ng in di f f e r e nt pr oc e ss e s ha v e not be e n g i ve n t he i r r e sp e c ti ve s ha r e a n d p r ope r r ol e i n a chi e vi n g e f f e ct i v e Q MS i .e ., t he Q MS ha s be e n c onf i ne d o nl y to t he m a na g e r i a l l e ve l s a nd i t ha s not

INSERT TABLE-2 HERE The a nal y si s of t he a b o ve tab l e sh ow s tha t a m a j ori t y o f the l a b ou r er s e ng ag e d i n tai l or i n g a nd tr i m mi ng , t he pe r c e nta ge b e i ng 4 6 o ut of sa m pl e 1 21 0 . Co nsi der i ng t he p r e s en t Q M S a s o ne , w hi ch v i c ti m i ze s o r pe na l i z e s t he l a bou r f or no n- f u l f i l lm e nt of sta n da r ds


The Journal of Commerce, Vol. 2, No. 1 ISSN: 2218-8118 Hailey College of Commerce, University of the Punjab, PAKISTAN r e ac he d t he l ab ou r er s . A c t u al l y t hi s i s • The Government should evolve clear n ot a n e nc o ur a gi n g f e a tur e . I n f a c t the guidelines and standards especially v ar i o us a s pe c ts of Q M S s hou l d r e a c h with regard to QMS for each and every th e g ra s s r o ot l e v el i . e., t he l a b ou r er s knitwear unit. The standardisation of f or its e f f ec ti v e i m pl e m enta ti on, quality at each stage should be made i m pr ov e m e nt an d c onti nu a ti on. H e n ce compulsory by the Government for th e m a na ge m e nt sho u l d ta k e ne c e ssa ry every single unit, should not allow any ste p s t o i n vol v e t he l ab ou r m or e such units to function and must comply e f f e c ti ve l y and i nc r e asi ngl y in with the required standards as specified a chi e vi n g e f f e c ti v e QMS t hr ou g h by QMS at all stages. de l e g a ti o n of p ow e r s, de c e n tr al i z a ti o n • Like the ISO for consumer goods and of a u t hor i t y e d u c a ti ng t hem a b ou t t he i r the Agmark for agricultural r ol e in QMS t hr o ug h t r a i ni ng , commodities, the Government must or i e nta ti on a n d w or k sh op a n d a l so also formulate standards and enforce to th ro u g h ma k i ng t he sy st e m m or e produce standard products and must tr a ns pa r e nt a n d f l e x i b l e. insist upon the gate pass for every dispatch of export products by strictly INSERT TABLE- 4 HERE following the norms and procedure stipulated as an enmark of eligibility Table No.4 explain the respondents opinion for obtaining export clearance. about Quality Management System (QMS) with • The Government should send respect to awareness of QMS, evaluation of periodical inspection team on a regular QMS, role of the labours in achieving effective basis to the units to ensure the proper QMS, nature of productions and labour QMS. involved based on age Criteria. One-way • The Government should also be more ANOVA has been applied to find out the generous to grand sufficient financial variance of opinion relating to these factors assistance and supports to the knitwear based on age Criteria. units in the form of subsidies and provision of technical' know-how as a From the significant value it is observed that measure of guidance for marketing and there highly is significant relationship between export etc. awareness of QMS and age of the respondents • The Government should also resort to (.000), there is highly significant relationship develop the industries with reference to between evaluation of QMS and age of the QMS by active collaboration with NIFT, respondents (.000), there is highly significant other voluntary agencies like TEA and relationship between role of the labours in also with the local manufacturers and achieving effective QMS and age of the exporters. respondents (.000) and there is highly significant • The Government agencies with the relationship between nature of productions and support and co-operation of voluntary labour involved and age of the respondents agencies and exporters association (.000). shall conduct seminars, conferences, orientation programmes, training SUGGESTIONS AND programmes for the people involved in RECOMMENDATIONS different levels of management and also for laborers, with special focus on • Machineries and equipments with QMS and its importance. advanced sophisticated modern • The manufacturer in Tirupur shall technology should be used widely on a themselves mutually share their large scale by all the units in Tirupur, advanced and sophisticated system by so as to improve quality, productivity paying the service and they shall coand also to detect, rectify errors at operate with each other to develop the every stage. QMS with an integrated and


Quality Management System-An Imperative need to Flourish Knitwear Industry in India concentrated efforts to maintain uniform QMS developments at all levels

development etc., supported by the opinions and feedback from the personnel at different levels of management. It has not covered the buyers and customers point of view. Hence further study can be undertaken based on the fruits of the study to look at the QMS from the buyer's or customer's point of view.

CONCLUSION The study has ascertained that the lack of quality consciousness and awareness in the knitwear industries in Tirupur and also unawareness in the different levels of management. The Yearn of inferior quality are chosen due to the cost factor at the initial stage itself without compromising the quality aspects. Though the manual knitting has become completely obsolete in the knitwear industries in Tirupur, most of the units use indigenous machineries for their knitting in performance. As a result, the fabrics became much inferior in quality and also resulted in large wastages.

REFERENCES Apparel.indiamart.com/lib/garments/indian 07251998.html Apparel Views Report, “Are we Using Right Technology for Apparel Production?,”. Apparel views Feb. 2003:1-2. Edwyn Rodrigues. “ Knit Fabrics Principle and Recent Developments in Processing”, Clothesline Nov. 2000 : 74. Gaurav Doshi, “Quality Control Aspects Of Garment Exports,” http://EzineArticles.com, 2006. Nadiger. G.S, “Testing As An Instrument for Process Improvement and Quality Upgradationm,” Textile committee Oct. 2001:99. Official website of Ministry of Textiles,Government of India, http://texmin.nic.in, 2005. Reddy,R.C.M. “Global Competitiveness of Indian Textiles - Perspectives on Quality and Standards,” Quality and Complaiances, Spec. Issue of Textile Committee March. 2002 : 53 Saumyen Mapdar, “Introspection into Garments Dyeing,” 3Ts A Journal of Textile Committee April – June. 2002 : 5 Shanmugasundaram S and Panchanatham N,”Export Challenges in Tamil Nadu Garment Industry”, Synthesis June 2007:67 Shanmugasundaram S and Panchanatham N,”Global Challenges in Tamil Nadu Garment Industry”, International Journal of Management Sciences dec.2007:127

Due to want of time and mounted over pressure and urge for executing out the order on time, most of the manufacturers fail to check the quality of the fabrics at the initial stage itself. Due to this factor inferior quality fabric goes for the next stage of further processing and finishing which causes unwanted processing cost increasing the total value of the piece. The study also finds that the role of Government agencies in lending of assistance to the knitwear industry is very low, which has led to contravention and most of the manufacturers never comply the quality and standards and other specifications. They never try to attempt with the efforts for any fulfillments that are expected.

SCOPE FOR FURTHER STUDY Though this study has deeply analysed the QMS in different dimensions, along with its importance and problems in its implementation, factors to be considered for its development, scope for its future


The Journal of Commerce, Vol. 2, No. 1 ISSN: 2218-8118 Hailey College of Commerce, University of the Punjab, PAKISTAN Table-1 Age grou p

Analysis of awareness of QMS among different level of labour Nature of work Tailoring & Packing & Knitting Dyeing Printing Cutting Trimming Delivery No.of No.of No.of No.of No.of No.of % labou % % % % % labour labour labour labour labour r

Awar e


Not awar e

















1.35 3.65


Total No.of labour


























Analysis of the evaluation of the QMS by labourers Nature of work Tailoring & Knitting Dyeing Printing Cutting Trimming No.of % No.of % No.of % No.of % No.of % labour labour labour labour labour

Packing & Delivery No.of % labour

No.of labour


It is too rigid















It is not transparent





















































































Age group

It contains idealistic and unachievable standards It victimizes the labour It ignores the labour welfars

No opinion Total



Quality Management System-An Imperative need to Flourish Knitwear Industry in India


Analysis of role of labourers in achieving effective QMS nature of work Tailoring & Packing & Knitting Dyeing Printing Cutting Trimming Delivery No.of % No.of % No.of % No.of % No.of % No.of % labour labour labour labour labour labour

No.of labour













































Very limited















No role at all






























Age group Highest Far


ANOVA between age and dimensions of Quality management system among labours.







Sum of Squares


Mean Square



Between Groups






Within Groups







Between Groups






Within Groups







Between Groups




Within Groups













Within Groups







Total Between Groups

