Theme 2: Grade 2 – Cactus Hotel

Grade 2: Cactus Hotel

Theme 2: My World & Others (Geography) By Brenda Guiberson (Regional Life)

This 4MAT lesson incorporates activities in the Daily Lesson Guide (DLG) that relate to the stated concept (below). Thus, it is designed to be used as a lead-in to the study of the Pathways’ book as outlined in the DLG, keeping in mind that some of those activities have already been completed via this 4MAT lesson.

Concept: Home Theme/Transition Song: Happy, Happy Home Essential Question: What makes a house a home? Bridge: Home represents (embodies) security.

Quadrant 1: WHY? Experiencing and Reflecting CONNECT: (Connector)

Right Brian

Objective: Which one? Procedure: Give each child two pieces of scrap paper and have them write “public place” on one and “my house” on the other. Ask the following questions: “Where would you rather be…” 1. If you were hurt? 2. If you were scared? 3. If you became terribly embarrassed? 4. When you need a hug? 5. When it is bedtime?

ATTEND: (Reflector) Right Brian

Objective: My House Procedure: Study the results of the survey. Discuss what we can learn from this brief survey. Go over each question and note to the class how many chose “my house”. Assessment: Participation in the discussion.

Mary Ann Walden

11 - 8 - 11

Theme 2: Grade 2 – Cactus Hotel

Quadrant 2: WHAT? Reflecting and Thinking IMAGINE: (Idea Imager)

Right Brain

Objective: Building the Concept Procedure: Discuss, “Why did so many of you say you were more comfortable at your house in these situations?” Pair up and build a house with Legos, Lincoln Logs, or K’NEX. Allow 20-30 minutes for this activity, give a 5-minute warning. “What makes the house a secure place for you?” Assessment: Each child will have helped build a house.

INFORM: (Understander) Left Brain

Objective: Homes Here and in Heaven Procedure: “In this unit we will be looking at the concept of home – its purpose, importance and specialness.” Teach the song, Happy, Happy Home. Afterwards, use this song each time you call the students to work on this Pathways unit; the song will enable them to quickly transition and focus on the learning. Give five minutes for students to list everything they like about their home (family, house, land, etc.) “Who can come up with the most things they like about their home?” Assist students in locating, reading and enjoying the promise of John 14:1-3. Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. John 14:1-3 “Even animals have homes. They treasure their homes, too.” Read the book Cactus Hotel. Assessment: Lists of likeable things about their homes.

Mary Ann Walden

11 - 8 - 11

Theme 2: Grade 2 – Cactus Hotel

Quadrant 3: HOW? Thinking and Doing PRACTICE: (Practicer)

Left Brain

Objective: Beauty in everything! Procedure: Teach the definition of desert: a region so arid because of little rainfall that it supports only sparse and widely spaced vegetation or no vegetation at all: “Were there deserts on earth when God first created it? Did cacti (plural form of cactus) have thorns at creation? What caused deserts and thorns?” Locate deserts on a world map. DLG, pg 16; Extension Activity: Social Studies “Though looking dry, desolate and drear, deserts teem with life that God infused into them.” Go to the following sites to experience deserts vicariously. At each site, have the students each choose their favorite photo and explain why it’s special in their sight. Plants: BCA&ved=0CBoQsAQ&biw=947&bih=493 Mojave Desert Flowers: Cactus:

Animals: aq=f&aqi=g1&aql=&oq= (Teachers, before showing allowing students on these sites, check to be certain they are still acceptable. Even in such an innocent topic as deserts, flowers, and cactus there are some naughty photos. These sites were ok when I located them but may have been modified since then. I only went to the first screen that came up on each site.)

“Would you like to live in a desert? Why? Why not? Make a Desert Disguises booklet. DLG, pg 37: Comprehension Assessment: Booklets

Mary Ann Walden

11 - 8 - 11

Theme 2: Grade 2 – Cactus Hotel EXTEND: (Experimenter/Maker)

Right Brain

Objective: My Heavenly Home Procedure: “We’ve studies about special homes. Now, design your special home in heaven – what you think it might look like.” Provide each student with one box of sugar cubes and a plastic container of frosting for “cement”. They are to build a model of what they think their home in heaven will look like. Is it possible to add color to these homes without dissolving the sugar?? I’m not sure – check it out! Write a brief description of your home (length, height and width) plus what is so special and personal for you about it.

Quadrant 4: IF? Doing and Experiencing REFINE: (Polisher)

Left Brain

Objective: Final Touches Procedure: Continue building heavenly homes and writing descriptions. If you wish to have a roof on your home it would be best not to use sugar cubes for it as it is too heavy and will cave in. Use paper. In your description, include the size (length, height and width), location, color and special touches in your home.

PERFORM: (Performer/Critic)

Right Brain

Objective: Show and Tell Procedure: Randomly call on students to show their heavenly homes and read their description. Applaud everyone – even if their home fell in by now.  Assessment: • Homes • Description of homes including size, location, color and special touches that show God knew what they would like.

Mary Ann Walden

11 - 8 - 11

Theme 2: Grade 2 – Cactus Hotel

Grade 2 Standards Met in This Cactus Hotel 4MAT Lesson Southern Union Standards Language Arts 2.2.3i. Relate new information to prior knowledge and experience. 2.3.1a. Draw pictures to generate ideas. 2.3.1f. Reread own composition. 2.3.1p. Publish final copy and share finished product with others. 2.3.2a. Write for self and other audiences. • Family, adult groups. • Classmates, whole school, various cultures. 2.3.2b. Write for various purposes. (To share, inform, explain important concepts in all subjects.) 2.3.2j. Write brief descriptions of persons, objects, places, events. • Developing a main idea. • Using sensory and other details to develop the main idea. 2.3.3a. Write complete sentences with words in the right order. 2.3.3i. Capitalize the pronoun “I.” 2.3.3n. Use end marks (periods, exclamation points, and question marks) correctly. 2.3.3r. Capitalize the first words of sentences and greetings of letters. 2.4.3g. Speak for various audiences - family, adult groups, classmates, school, and church. 2.4.3h. Speak for various purposes - to share, inform, invite, and explain. 2.5.1a. Maintain eye contact. 2.5.1b. Use erect and relaxed posture facing the speaker. 2.5.1c. Avoid distracting or interrupting others, including the speaker, or being distracted by others. 2.6.1b. Explain personal thoughts and feelings after viewing visual media. 2.6.1c. Ask and respond to questions as a means to understanding content when viewing written and/or visual media.

Math 2.3.1d. Describe shapes in terms of length, width, height, weight.

Science Mary Ann Walden

11 - 8 - 11

Theme 2: Grade 2 – Cactus Hotel

2.9.1a. Recognize God as creator. 2.9.1b. Recognize imperfections in the earth as a result of sin. 2.9.2a. Recognize specific geological features. 2.9.2c. Use maps to identify specific geological features. 2.20.6a. Base conclusions on observations rather than personal interpretations.

Social Studies: Geography 3.1 Understand how to use maps, globes, and other geographic representations, tools, and technologies to acquire, process and report information from a spatial perspective. 3.3 Understand the geographic factors that determine the locations and patterns of settlements on the earth’s surface.

Mary Ann Walden

11 - 8 - 11