Pupil Premium Strategy Statement Rise to the challenge, to be the best I can be

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2016-2017 ‘Rise to the challenge, to be the best I can be’ The Staff and Governors of Queensway Primary School are to...
Author: Benedict Harris
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Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2016-2017 ‘Rise to the challenge, to be the best I can be’ The Staff and Governors of Queensway Primary School are totally committed to ensuring that provision is made which secures the learning and teaching opportunities that meet the needs of all of the pupils so that all make maximum progress and reach their potential. Our school welcomes and shares the government’s aim of tackling all forms of disadvantage and working tirelessly to ensure inclusion and equal access for all learners. We recognise that the pupil premium funding is allocated to children in receipt of free school meals and is a means of addressing some of the issues associated with social disadvantage and in particular, in narrowing and hopefully eventually closing any gap in attainment where this exists. In making appropriate provision for this we also acknowledge that not all pupils in receipt of free school meals are socially disadvantaged. We also recognise that not all pupils who are socially disadvantaged are registered or qualify for free school meals. The Governors reserve the right to allocate the Pupil Premium Funding to support any pupil or groups of pupils the school has legitimately identified as needing additional support to achieve improved outcomes in learning and/or well-being.

1. Summary information School

Queensway Primary School

Academic Year


Total PP budget


Date of most recent PP Review

Sept 2016

Total number of pupils


Number of pupils eligible for PP


Date for next internal review of this strategy

Jan 2017

1a. Break down of number of children eligible for pp in each cohort (September 2016) Year Group Total number of pupils Foundation Stage 54 Year one 60 Year Two 59 Year Three 60 Year Four 60 Year Five 29 Year Six 30

September 2016

Eligible for PP 9 9 8 15 7 15 12

2. Attainment for end of Key Stage 2 2016 School

Proportion of pupils in Y6 eligible for PP



12/24= 50%

% achieving the expected standard in Reading



% achieving the expected standard in Writing



% achieving the expected standard in Maths



% achieving the expected standard in SPAG



% achieving the expected standard in R,W, M



Progress for end of Key Stage 2 2016 School Proportion of pupils in Y6 eligible for PP



Progress measure in Reading


Progress measure in Maths


3. Barriers to future attainment (for pupils eligible for PP including high ability) In-school barriers A.

Low starting points in Foundation stage in communication and language which affects reading and writing progress in subsequent years.


Parental engagement due to lack of self-confidence or negative experiences in their school years.


Meeting age related expectation at the end of Key stage Two

External barriers D.

Parental understanding of the importance of being on time and attending school regularly


Fluctuating situations including low or inconsistent income, mental health issues with children and adults

September 2016


4. Outcomes Desired outcomes and how they will be measured

Success criteria


Improve communication and language skills in Foundation Stage

More children reaching age related expectations in communication and language


Higher number of parents attending shared lessons, parent curriculum meetings and parents evening

Higher proportion of PP parents attending these events


Higher number of PP children reaching “expected” in reading, writing and maths.

10% increase in all subject areas across the school, narrowing the gap between Queensway disadvantage children and all children nationally.


Provide support for families through our internal attendance monitoring system which leads onto the Home School Link Worker supporting families to engage and work in partnership with the school.

Attendance for PP children will be in line with all children Nationally and there will be no gap between groups of children at Queensway.


Provide appropriate support to families through the Home School Links worker, including recommending contacts with other agencies

September 2016

Case studies show impact of HSCLW input. CAFs/TACs show that families are sign posted to appropriate agencies.

5. Planned expenditure Academic year


The three headings below enable schools to demonstrate how they are using the pupil premium to improve classroom pedagogy, provide targeted support and support whole school strategies. i. Quality of teaching for all Desired outcome

Chosen action / approach

What is the evidence and rationale How will you ensure it is for this choice? implemented well?

A – Improve communication and language skills in Foundation Stage

Staff training to provide high quality interaction with the children during “Free flow.” To provide specialist training and support within the context of the Early Years Curriculum. Designated lead for phonics in FS and KS1.

Last year through this provision more children reached the age related expectation in Communication and language.

A – Improve communication and language skills in Foundation Stage

September 2016

Consistent, high quality teaching of phonics has had an impact on attainment. Lead for phonics ensures that the children are moving through the stages and being challenged to make good or better than good progress.

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Staff lead

When will you review implement ation?

Weekly team meetings where staff reflect on and share good practice. Lesson observations in T1, T3 and T6 by the Headteacher.

MS FS lead


CPD on the teaching of phonics T1 Monitoring of phonics planning, teaching and progress of all children in FS and KS1 as part of cycle of management tasks. Report to governors T3 and T6

CN Phonics lead


C - Higher number of PP children reaching “expected” in reading writing and maths.

Whole school staff training on progression of skills and end of key stage expectation in reading, writing and maths. Mentoring of all staff in planning and teaching the maths curriculum. Mentoring of year 4 staff to accelerate progress in writing and reading.

Weekly Mentoring meetings with deputy and the year six teacher to support planning, teaching and assessment of writing. C - Designated pupil premium champion with designated management time to fulfil the role-review strategy, carry out tasks and monitoring involving pp children.

Attends pupil progress meetings with HT and inclusion manager. Writes the pupil premium strategy and leads review.

Planning and teaching must meet the age related expectation in each year group in order to ensure the children are year 6 ready.


Senior leaders will include termly planning scrutinies in their cycle of monitoring



Deputy and year 4 teachers will keep an on-going diary of actions and analysis of children identified as making poor progress last year




Headteacher observation T1, T3, T5 Book scrutinies at assessment points MA book scrutiny T2, T4

· · ·

Reports to curriculum committee Report to HT Reports to link governor


Progress in year 4 needs to be accelerated where the previous year’s progress was below expectation.

Planning and teaching needs to be focused towards the “can do” statements in the KS2 assessment .

Through this work we have raised the profile of pp children in each class and this has improved attainment and progress. Governors need to have a clear insight into the impact of actions on this group of children.




Liaises with the pupil premium governor. Keeps specific information about class provision for pp children from each cohort. Includes pupil premium actions in management tasks.

Tasks include:Scrutiny of books (assessment points) and planning (T1,3,5) observation of teaching and learning (HT) observation of intervention planning and teaching T2 (MC/EB)


Total budgeted cost £28,970

September 2016

ii. Targeted support Desired outcome

Chosen action/approach

What is the evidence and rationale How will you ensure it is for this choice? implemented well?

A – Improve communication and language skills in Foundation Stage

Teddy talk time led by Nursery Nurses

Has been effective in previous years.


School to buy in services of speech and language support

Having professional support in this areas has improved speaking skills which also has an impact on reading and writing.

Staff to implement the school’s overview document of speaking and listening progression as developed by staff in the last academic year.

Having an awareness of the progression of skills has meant that teaching is more focused and flows through the year groups aiding transition.

To provide booster for more able in reading T1

All of these initiatives have proved to have impact on children’s confidence, progress and attainment in previous years.

C - Higher number of PP children reaching “expected” in reading writing and maths

To provide booster for more able in maths throughout the year. To provide booster for children who need to make accelerated progress in maths and writing to reach expected. To provide bespoke writing intervention for those pupils who have potential to reach “working at greater depth.” T3/T4 Use of “ARCH” trained reading volunteers in year 4,5 and 6.

September 2016

Positive feedback from parents of children who have attended in previous years. The children who attend have spoken of the impact of the boosters on their understanding and confidence.

Staff lead

When will you review implement ation?

Through planning review in FS weekly team meetings.




Through liaison with Inclusion leader.



Through termly planning scrutinies in reading and writing carried out by English leads.


Discussion at pupil progress meetings


Liaison between the year 6 class teacher and senior management team who are leading the interventions.


Discussion at pupil progress meetings





After every assessment point



Continue to employ additional Teaching Assistants so that our child/adult ratio is significantly above other primary schools in Oxfordshire, (according to benchmark data). Three of these TAs are able to speak Punjabi and are able to support our EAL parents and learners.

Teachers are able to accelerate progress of children in order to close gaps. The interventions are targeted, quality bespoke interventions that have significant impact on learning and progress.


Monitoring of intervention planning and teaching in T1, T2 and T3



Pupil progress meeting discussionafter each assessment point.



Headteacher’s class observations T1, T3, T5


E - Provide appropriate support to families through the Home School Link Worker, including recommending contacts with other agencies

Continue to buy in the services of “Unique” to support families with parenting skills.

This has proved to be an effective way of supporting families at home and so improving the child’s attainment at school. Feedback from parents involved with “Unique” has been very positive about the outcomes on family life.


Through the class teacher and Inclusion Manager.

As provided


E - Provide appropriate support to families through the Home School Link Worker, including recommending contacts with other agencies

Timetabled use of the HSCLW to support children within school through work with small groups of children and 1:1 sessions.

Outcomes of these actions have resulted in improved attendance and parenting, enabled parents to have support from other agencies that they might not otherwise have known about such as The Hub, Health visitors, school nurses etc Increased confidence in learning to cope in times of crisis.


Head Teacher meets regularly with HSCLW to discuss and review their work.



There has been an improvement in the attendance data-see Head’s report.


Regular meeting with HT to discuss concerns and review and set actions. HT reports on attendance data to governors in HT’s report



C - Higher number of PP children reaching “expected” in reading writing and maths.

Intense support of families needing urgent help or signposting to linking agencies.


Parenting classes. D - Parental understanding of the importance of being on time and attending school regularly

Timetabled use of HSCLW to follow up issues of attendance as directed by the Head Teacher.


Total budgeted cost £44,387

September 2016


Other approaches

Desired outcome

Chosen action/approach

What is the evidence and rationale How will you ensure it is for this choice? implemented well?

C - To give children the opportunity to read newspapers and magazines in order to widen reading experience, inspire reading and develop discussion about current affairs.

School purchase “Fist News” and “The weekly Junior” that are available for KS2 children to read.

Children enjoy reading the publications and look forward to receiving the new copy in their classroom. Some parents of children who would not normally read at home have purchased the publications for their children at home. The magazine was particularly effective for inspiring reading with children in year six who had lost interest in reading.

Copy given to MC and given to classes in KS2.

First-hand experiences out of school are invaluable for igniting and inspiring children’s interest in a topic.

C - Ensure that all Pupil Premium children have access to school trips.

E - Provide assistance with the cost of Breakfast club. E -Supplement paid for after school clubs for vulnerable children.

C - To contribute to the cost of a live theatre performance in school. C - To contribute to the cost of a live music performance in school.

To use these publications as part of reading discussion groups run as an intervention. To have available in “Quiet reading” for the children to read. Part of PP budget set aside to be available if needed to supplement the cost of trips and residential trips. To ensure that all pupils have access to school visits to enrich their curriculum. To ensure that children are ready to learn and participate in school. To engage children in positive after school activities within a safe environment. To give children the opportunity to experience live theatre. To give the children the opportunity to experience a live music performance.

Staff lead

When will you review implement ation?

MC KS2 teachers


Business Manager to provide information regarding subsidies. Impact on written work, reading and motivation. (Case studies as evidence)


As provided

Has supported families who have been struggling to get to school on time and therefore children have had breakfast and are ready for the day ahead. After school clubs have shown that they can build children’s self-confidence and allow children to explore and excel in their own interests outside of school.

Business Manager to provide information regarding subsidies.


As provided

Provide the chance for all children to have these experiences that they may not have access to for a variety of reasons.

Business Manager to include in budget and book production.


As provided

Both publications recommended on reading lists in KS2 as appropriate.

Class teacher

Total budgeted cost £25,527 September 2016