
SMHI - Publikationer 1999 Publikationer / Publications Publications written in English are marked with a 1999 Andersson, T. and D. B. Michelson The...
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SMHI - Publikationer 1999

Publikationer / Publications Publications written in English are marked with a


Andersson, T. and D. B. Michelson The December 1998 snowfall over Sweden as seen by weather radars, Polarfront, Nr 100/101, Sep. 1999, p 26-33. Andersson, T. A new world, Polarfront, Nr 100/101, Sep. 1999, p. 34. Andersson, T. En akademisk föreläsning från 1930-talet, Polarfront Nr 102, Dec. 1999, p. 6. Andersson, T. Using the sun for weather radar calibration. ECAM 99. Andersson, T. European and National Meteorological Societies. Vaisala News, 152/2000, p. 44. Andersson, T. Vädret - Då och Nu, Tidsdokumentet, Chalmers tekniska högskola, Andersson, T., P.P. Alberoni, P. Mezzasalma, D.B. Michelson and S. Nanni Use of the vertical reflecitivity profile for indentification of anomalous propagation. In COST 75, Advanced Weather Radar Systems, International Seminar, Locarno, Switzerland, 23-27 March 1998, Ed. C. G. Collier. EUR 18567 EN, p. 496-510. Arheimer, B. Riverine nitrogen - analysis and modelling under Nordic conditions. Ph.D. Thesis. Linköping Studies in Arts and Science, 185. Linköping University. Arheimer, B. and S. Bergström Modelling nitrogen transport in Sweden: influence of a new aproach to runoff response. In: Impact of Land-Use Changes on Nutrient Loads from Diffuse Sources (Proceedings of IUGG99 Sumposium HS3, Birmingham, July 1999). IAHS Publ. No 257, 193-200.

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SMHI - Publikationer 1999 Bennartz, R., A. Thoss, A. Dybbroe and D. Michelson Precipitation Analysis from AMSU, (Nowcasting SAF), SMHI, Meteorology No. 93, Norrköping, Sweden. Bergström, S. The HBV story in Sweden. In: Rantakokko, K. and Vehvilainen, B. (Eds) Nordic Workshop on HBV and Similar Runoff Models. Helsinki, Nov. 19-20, 1998. Soumen ympäristökeskuksen moniste, No. 173, Helsinki. Bergström, S. Konsekvenser av klimatförändringar. Föredrag vid VAV-dag i Säffle den 10 november 1999. Meddelande VAV M111. November 99. 13-17. Bergström, S. Klimatförändringar och vattenresurser. Föredrag vid Vattenfalls temadag om dammasäkerhet i Luleå den 18 november 1999. Bergström, S. Höga flöden i reglerade vattendrag. SMHI Fakta nr 1, Norrköping. Bergström, S Land surface parameterisation from a hydrologist´s point of view. In: HIRLAM4 Workshop on Physical Parameterisation, Madrid, 11-13 November, 1998. Met Éireann. Glasnevin Hill, Dublin, March 1999. Bergström, S. and Lindström, G. A Swedish perspective on climate change and flood risks. In: Balabanis, P., Bronstert, A., Casale, R. and Samuels, P. (Eds). Proceedings of the final RIBAMOD workshop on the impact of climate change on flooding and sustainable river management. Wallingford, 26-27 February 1998. Directorate-General Science, Research and Development EUR 18287 EN. Bergström, S. and Lindström, G. Floods in regulated rives and physical planning in Sweden. In Turfan, M. (Ed.) Benefits and Concerns about Dams - Case Studies, on the Occasion of the 67th Annual Meeting of International Commission on Large dams - ICOLD, September 24, 1999, Antalya, turkey, pp 193-201. Bergström, S., Lindström, G. and Gardelin, M. A hydrological perspective on unification of meteorological and hydrological land surface models. Contribution to the BALTEX workshop on Parameterisation of surface fluxes, atmospheric planetary boundary layer and ocean mixed layer turbulence for BRIDGE - what can we learn from field experiments, Abisko, Sweden, June 20-21, 1999. Berre, L.

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SMHI - Publikationer 1999 Estimation of synoptic and meso scale forecast error covariances in a limited area model. Monthly Weather Review, in press. Brandt, B. The Swedish nitrogen modelling approach. Proc. Nitrogen and Phosphorus Discharges/Losses into surface waters. 29-30 Nov. 1999, Berlin. Brandt, M. och Eklund, A. Snöns vatteninnehåll. Modellberäkningar och statistik för Sverige. SMHI Hydrologi nr 79. Carlsson, B. Some facts about the Torne and Kalix River Basins. SMHI Hydrologi nr 80. Dahlström, B., Foltescu V.L., Nyman P., Nisell J., Wahlstedt G., Östlund C. Application of Remote Sensing and Crop Growth Model for Estimation of Agricultural Crop Production in Sweden. Report 806923-9 of Statistics Sweden, Department of Environment and Regional Statistics. Eigenheer, A. Quality assessment of the HIROMB simulation. Bullentine Maritime Institute in Gdansk, Vol. XXVI, No. 1, 27-37. Engardt, M. and Holmén, K. Model simulations of anthropogenic-CO 2 transport to an Arctic monitoring station during winter. Tellus 51B, 194-209. Engardt, M., H. Rodhe, L. Granat and J. Kuylenstierna. Preliminary sulphur transport simulations for southern and eastern Asia using the MATCH model with meteorological data from ECMWF. Fourth CAAP workshop proceedings, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok. 9-12 November, 1998, pp.35-40. Eklund, A. Isläggning och islossning i svenska sjöar. SMHI Hydrologi nr 81. Eklund A. Long Observation Series if Ice Freeze and Break-Up Dates in Swedish Lakes. Artikel till Northern Research Basins Symposium and Workshop, Island, augusti 1999. Eriksson, E., Seibert, J. and Bergström, S. Hydrological models and modelling. In: Lundin, L-C. (ed.) sustainabler Water Management in the Baltic Basin, Part 1 Water in Nature, the Baltic University Programme, Uppsala University. Gardelin, M. och Sjöö, A. Realtidsförsök med högupplösta brandriskprognoser. FoU-rapport

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SMHI - Publikationer 1999 P21-284/99. Statens Räddningsverk, Karlstad. Gardelin, M. SWECLIM Workshop on Hydrological Interpretations of Climate Change Scenarios, March 1999. SWECLIM Newsletter No4. Gardelin, M. Estimation of evapotranspiration in hydrological scenario simulations with the HBV model. SWECLIM Newsletter No. 5. Gollvik, S. On the effects of horizontal diffusion, resolution and orography on precipitation forecasting in a limited area model. Meteorol. Appl. 6, 49-58. Graham, L. P. Modeling runoff to the Baltic Sea. Ambio 28(4), 328-334. Graham, L. P. Hydrology at the Rossby Centre. In: Proceedings from RegClim Annual Workshop. Jevnaker, Norway, 31 May - 1 June, 1999. Graham, L. P. Modeling the large-scale hydrologic response to climate in the Baltic Basin. In: Northern Research Basins 12th Int. Symposium and Workshop. Reykjavik, Iceland, 23-27 August 1999. Gustafsson, N. The numerical scheme and lateral boundary conditions for the spectral HIRLAM and its adjoint. ECMWF Seminar Proceedings, Recent developments in numerical methods for atmospheric modelling, ECMWF, Reading, UK, 7-11 September 1998, 335-363. Gustafsson, N., Hörnquist, S., Lindskog, M., Berre, L., Navascues, B., Thorsteinsson, S., Huang, X.-Y., Mogenssen, S. K. and Rantakokko, J. Three-dimensional variational data assimilation for a high resolution limited area model (HIRLAM). HIRLAM Technical Report, No. 40, 72 pp. Hyvarinen, O., Karlsson, K.-G. and Dybbroe, A. Investigations of NOAA AVHRR/3 1.6 µm imagery for snow, cloud and sunglint discrimination. (Nowcasting SAF), SMHI, Meteorology No. 92, Norrköping, Sweden. Hultgren, P., Karlsson, K.-G. and Dybbroe, A. SCANDIA - its accuracy in classifying LOW CLOUDS. SMHI, Meteorology No. 91, Norrköping, Sweden. Håkansson, B. Akvatiska Ekosystem. Fjärranalys för miljön, RESE, Årsrapport 1998, MDC, ISBN 91-89074-03-3, 6-13.

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SMHI - Publikationer 1999 Joelsson, R. Nordens klimat i förändring, även några kommentarer om globala klimatet. Mekanisten 1999:2, 15-20. Johansson, B. Runoff forecasts for BASSW. Internal report RI521, Hydalp. Project Reference: ENV4-CT96-0364 (EU). Karlsson, K.-G., Thoss, A. and Dybbroe, A. High resolution cloud products from NOAA AVHRR and AMSU, Proc. SAF Training Workshop Nowcasting and Very-Short Range Forecasting, Madrid, Spain, 9-11 Dec. 1998, EUMETSAT, EUM P 25, pp. 180-190. Källén, E. and Räisänen, J. SWECLIM regional climate modelling. Abstracts, Conference on Detection and Modeling of Regional Climate Change, 9-12 June 1999. The Abdus Salam International Centre for theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy. Launianen, J., Vihma, T. and Omstedt, A. Baltic Air-Sea-Ice Study - A field experiment of BALTEX. Publications of Second Workshop on the Baltic Sea Ice Climate, Editor Arvo Järvet. Publications Instituti Geographici, Universitatis Tartuensis, 84, 101-106, Tartu, Estonia. Laznik, M., Stålnacke, P., Grimvall, A., Wittgren, H.B. Riverine input nutrients to the Gulf of Riga - temporal an spatial variation. Journal of Marine Systems 23 (1999), 11-25. Leppäranta, M. and Omstedt, A. A review of ice time series of the Baltic Sea. Publications of Second Workshop on the Baltic Sea Ice Climate, Editor Arvo Järvet. Publications Instituti Geographici, Universitatis Tartuensis, 84, 7-10, Tartu, Estonia. Lidén, R. A new approach for estimating suspended sediment yield. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 3 (2), 285-294. Lindskog, M. and Gustafsson, N. Parallel 3-dimensional variational data assimilation (3D-VAR) for HIRLAM. In Proceedings of the Eight ECMWF Workshop on the use of Parallel Processors in Meteorology: Towards teracomputing, European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts, Reading, United Kingdom, pp. 231-242. Lindström, G. and Gardelin, M. A simple snow parameterisation scheme intended for the RCA model based on the HBV runoff model. SWECLIM Newsletter No 6. Lindström, G.

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SMHI - Publikationer 1999 Trends and Variability in Swedish Floods. Contribution to the IAHS Symposium on Hydrological Extremes: Understanding, Predicting and Mitigating. IAHS at IUGG, Birmingham, July 1999. IAHS Publ. No 255, IAHS Press, Wallingford, U.K. Losjö, K., Johansson, B., Bringfelt, B., Oleskog, I. and Bergström, S. Groundwater recharge - climatic and vegetation induced variations. Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co. Technical Report TR-99-01, Stockholm. Lundquist, J.-E., Moberg, M. and Omstedt, A. Experience of the BOBA model in operational sea ice forecasting. Publications of Second Workshop on the Baltic Sea Ice Climate, Editor Arvo Järvet. Publicationes Instituti Geographici, Universitatis Tartuensis, 84, 166-167, Tartu, Estonia. Lundin, M. Time series analysis of SAR sea Ice backscatter variability and its dependence on weather conditions. SMHI RO, No 25, pp52. Meier, H.E.M., Döscher, R., Coward, A.C., Nycander, J. and Döös, K. RCO - Rossby Centre regional Ocean climate model: model description (version 1.0) and first results from the hindcast period 1992/93. SMHI Reports Oceanography No 26, 102 pp. Meier, H.E.M. First results of multi-year simulations using a 3D Baltic Sea model. SMHI Reports Oceanography, No 27, 48 pp. Marmefelt, E., Arheimer, B. and Langner, J. An integrated biogeochemical model system for the Baltic Sea. Hydrobiologia 393, 45-56. Omstedt, A. Forecasting ice on lakes, estuaries and shelf seas. Physics and the Natural Environment. Edited by J.S. Wettlaufer, J.G. Dash and N. Untersteiner. NATO ASI Vol I 56, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 185-207. Omstedt, A. Modelling the water and heat (including sea ice) cycles of the Baltic Sea. Invited lecture during the Third Basys Annual Science Conference, 20-22 September 1999, Warnemuende, Germany. , SWECLIM Newsletter, 4, 12-15, SMHI-Rossby Centre, Norrköping, Sweden. Omstedt, A. and Leppäranta, M. On the Baltic Sea response to climate change: Model implications. Publications of Second Workshop on the Baltic Sea

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SMHI - Publikationer 1999 Ice Climate, Editor Arvo Järvet. Publicationes Instituti Geographici, Universitatis Tartuensis, 84, 117-124, Tartu, Estonia. Persson, T. Solar radiation climate in Sweden, Physics and chemistry of the Earth (B), Vol. 24, No. 3, pp 275-279. Persson, T. Solar radiation climate in Sweden. Conference Proceedings: ALPS99. Aerosols radiation budget - Land surfaces - Ocean colour: the contribution of POLDER and new generation spaceborne sensors to global change studies, 18-22 January, 1999, Mèribel, France, Centre National D´Etudes Spatiales (CNES). Persson, K., Omstedt, G., Lenner, M., Kindbom, K. och Lindskog, A. Trender av trafikrelaterade luftföroreningar och emissioner från vägtrafik. Institutet för vatten och luftvård, IVL-rapport L99/78. Robertson, L., Langner, J. and Engardt, M. An Eulerian limited-area atmospheric transport model. J. Appl. Meteor. 38, 190-210. Rummukainen, M., Jones, C., Bringfelt, B., Ullerstig, A., Willén, U. and Omstedt, A. New version of the Rossby Centre regional atmospheric climate model. SWECLIM Newsletter, 4, 12-15, SMHI, Rossby Centre, Norrköping, Sweden. Rummukainen, M. Choice of turbulence parameterization in the HIRLAM-based regional climate model at Rossby Centre. In: HIRLAM 4 Workshop on Physical Parameterisation, Madrid, 11-13 November, 1998, 79-84. Met Éireann, Glasnevin Hill, Dublin 9, Ireland. Rummukainen, M., Räisänen, J., Ullerstig, A. and Bringfelt, B. A regional climate simulation stressing the significance of the Baltic Sea ice and lake ice in the Nordic climate (change). In: Research activities in atmospheric and oceanic modelling (ed. H. Ritchie). CAS/JSC working group on numerical experimentation. Rep. No. 28, WMO/TD-No. 942, 7.60-7.61. Rummukainen, M. The second SWECLIM regional climate simulations. In: Proceedings from RegClim Annual workshop, Jevnaker, Norway, 31 May - 1 June, 1999. RegClim, General Technical Report No. 2, 43-46. Rummukainen, M. On the climate change debate. SMHI Reports Meteorology and

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SMHI - Publikationer 1999 Climatology RMK No. 86, 27pp. Rutgersson, A. Measured and modelled latent heat flux over the Baltic Sea. Workshop on modelling at the marine-atmospheric boundary layer. Editors Pettersson, H. and L. Rontu, Meri report NO. 40, FIMR, Helsinki, Finland. Rutgersson, A. and Omstedt, A. Different methods of calculating long-term sensible and latent heat over the Baltic Sea. EGS XXIV General Assembly, Hague, The Netherlands Räisänen, J. Quantifying interexperiment agreement on local CO 2-induced climate change and the influence of internal variability on this. Abstracts, 4th International Conference on Modelling of Global Climate Change and Variability, Hamburg 13-17 September 1999, 187. Räisänen, J., Rummukainen, M., Ullerstig, A., Bringfelt, B., Hansson, U. and Willén, U. The First Rossby Centre Regional Climate Scenario Dynamical Downscaling of CO 2-induced Climate Change in the HadCM2 GCM. SMHI, Reports Meteorology and Climatology, RMK No. 85, 56 pp. Räisänen, J. Internal variability as a cause of qualitative intermodel disagreement on antropogenic climate changes. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 63, 1-13. Räisänen, J. and Rummukainen, M. Results from the first Rossby Centre HIRLAM-based regional climate simulations. HIRLAM Newsletter, 32, 19-22. Räisänen, J. and Döscher, R. Simulation of present-day climate in Northern Europe in the HadCM2 OAGCM. SMHI, Reports Meteorology and Climatology, RMK No. 84, 37 pp. Sælthun, N.R., Bergström, S., Einarsson, K., Jóhannesson, T., Lindström, G., Thomsen, T. and Vehviläinen, B. Potential impacts of climate change on floods in Nordic hydrological regimes. In: Balabanis, P., Bronstert, A., Casale, R. and Samuels, P. (Eds) Proceedings of the final RIBAMOD workshop on The impact of climate change on flooding and sustainable river management, Wallingford 26-27 February 1998. Directorate-General Science, Research and Development EUR 18287 EN. Smedman, A., Högström, U., Bergström, H., Rutgersson, A., Kahma, K.K. and Pettersson, H.

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SMHI - Publikationer 1999 A case study if air-sea interaction during swell conditions. In: J. Geophys. Res., 104, 25,833-25,851. Taalas, P., Amanatidis, G., Bernhardt, G., Josefsson, W., Koskela, T., Kylling, A. and Vanicek, K. Meeting report from: European Conference on Atmospheric UV Radiation, ECUV, 29 June - 2 July, 1998, SPARC Newsletter No. 12, January, pp. 27-30. Turpin, O. Ferguson, R., Johansson, B. Use of remote sensing to test and update simulated snow cover in hydrological models. Hydrol. Process., 13, 2067-2077. Van den Dool, H., Å. Johansson and S. Saha Empirical orthogonal teleconnections as seen in NCEP-NCAR Reanalysis. Proc. Twenty-Fourth Annual Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop, Tucson, AZ, Climate Prediction Center and University of Arizona, 233-236. Vedin, H., Eklund, A. and Alexandersson, H. The rainstorm and flash flood at Mount Fulufjället in August 1997: The meteorological and hydrological situation. Geogr. Ann. 81 A, 361-368. Westman, P., Gustafsson, B., Wastegård, S., Omstedt, A. and Schoning, K. Salinity change in the Baltic Sea during the last 8500 years: evidence, causes and models. SKB Reports TR-99-38. Winsor, P., Rodhe, J. and Omstedt, A. The ocean climate of the Baltic Sea and the Kattegat. Analysing the variability using historical data. SWECLIM Newsletter, 4, 21-27, SMHI, Rossby Centre, Norrköping, Sweden.

Updated 2001-01-30

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