Proxy and Delegation

Two features of this electronic workflow system are the ability to offload your approval responsibility to another employee. This is done through “Proxy and Delegation.” While only a manager or department head can approve a workflow, they may choose to elect someone else to handle this responsibility, and who they choose does not need to hold a managerial title. Both a proxy and a delegate accomplish the same goal, but they handle it differently.


When you set a proxy from your team, they log into MyAccess as themselves and look at their own tasks. When they want to see your tasks and act on your behalf, they need to enter proxy mode before they can see tasks awaiting your approval. Once they have entered proxy mode, they can approve as if they were you.


When you set a delegate from your team, all requests which have come to you for approval will automatically be routed to your delegates task list. You will never see them in your queue. When they log into myaccess, they will see their own tasks (if any) and yours as well.

Set up a Proxy

Login to MyAccess Click on I-Vault Workflow System

To assign a proxy, click on Settings Team Settings Team Proxy Assignments

Click on Continue

Click on the object selector (blue magnifying glass icon)

Click on the down arrow and choose Last Name

Type the your last name and click on Search Click on your name

Click on Continue

Click on New

You will see your name on the User field Click on the object selector (blue magnifying glass icon) Click on the down arrow and click on Last Name Type the last name of the employee you want to assign as a proxy (NOTE: You may only assign a proxy who is in your direct reports) Click on Search Click on the name of the employee you want to assign as a proxy

Click on Submit

Click on Close

Set up a Delegate Login to MyAccess Click on I-Vault Workflow System

To assign a proxy, click on Settings Team Settings Team Delegate Assignments

Click on Continue

Click on the object selector (blue magnifying glass icon)

Click on the down arrow and choose Last Name

Type the your last name and click on Search Click on your name

Click on Continue

Click on New

Click on the object selector (blue magnifying glass icon)

Type the last name of the person you want to delegate and click on Search Click on the person’s name

Your name should be there under the User field Your delegate’s name should be there under the Delegate Assigned field

Click on Process Request Category and select one of the following All – you are giving your delegate access to approve or deny all the workflows under your task Contractor - you are giving your delegate access to approve or deny contractor (Non-I-Vault users) workflows under your task Employee - you are giving your delegate access to approve or deny employee (I-Vault users) workflows under your task

If you select All, click on Submit

If you select Employee or Contractor, you may either give the delegate access to approve or deny a particular workflow or all the workflows. To give access to all the workflow for either the employee or contractor category, just click on Submit. To give access to just a particular workflow for either the employee or contractor category, click on the workflow under Available Requests in Selected Category then click on Add All the workflow that you want your delegate to approve or deny will will be under Selected Requests When you are done selecting the requests, click on Submit

To Check Your Proxy or Team Assignments

Login to MyAccess Click on I-Vault Workflow System

Click on Settings Click on Proxy Assignments OR Click on Delegate Assignments

Click on

to delete the proxy assignment

OR Click on

to edit the proxy assignments

Click on

to delete the proxy assignment

OR Click on

to edit the proxy assignments

To Check Your Proxy or Team Assignments

Login to MyAccess Click on I-Vault Workflow System

Click on Settings, Enter Proxy Mode

Click on Continue

As a proxy you may now approve the tasks for your manager. Instructions on how to approve tasks, see the Workflow - Approvals - Request Status - Retract Request documentation.