-· . A.-D. 1914 Date of Appl~cation, 19th ·Nof.l•• 1914 Complete Speoijication Left, 19th· Mag, 19~6-Aeoeptfltl· ~th llec, _-~9(6. PROVISIONAL SPEC...
Author: Maria Robinson
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A.-D. 1914 Date of Appl~cation, 19th ·Nof.l•• 1914 Complete Speoijication Left, 19th· Mag, 19~6-Aeoeptfltl· ~th llec, _-~9(6.



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Improvements in a.nd Connected With the .Purifleatfon of Sewage and Analogous Liquids. We, W A.L"I!ER JONES, J.P., and JONES AND ATTWOOD, LDDTED, Enginee:rs; ~11of Titan Works, AmblecQte, StoU!bridge, in the County of Worcester, do )lereby _ ~~clare the· nature of this invention to be as follows : · · ··.. ·. This invention has reference to systems of purifying sewage - and analopu impure ·liquids, in whicli. the purification is eftected by_ the action of ae:r:obic bacteria, ~r other similar forms of ~rm life, upon the sewage or liquid; and it relates moreover, JP&inly to such systems ~lierein _t~e -sewage or liquid to ~ puri1ied is introduced into a tanli o:r: vesse~, a~d i~ together with slutlge contai.Uing _the bacteria or germ .trfe, s!Jbjec~d to the action of a4" deliv~re~ into _it • in small bubbles, such as those produced by forcing air t~roug~ a ~ro~s ~e or other air diltusing_b9dy; and the sewage and sludge are b~ught"_to and _kept by the. air . suppJied t.() the!D- i~ intimate CQntact, the sludge being: distril,mted . or dispersed throughout the wh11le of the liquid pOrtion of the se'!'age U1t~- · formly, CI\Using the liqui_ds ~f the--t~nk to ~ .contil,luously circulale~ a~d in motion by the air, wliicli _al~ aeratea:_the !iquid, and keeps _tlie bacteria in a vigorous, and very active and effective state. . _ . . . In the carrying out ·o:f tliis process by tll_e continuous :fill and liraw oft operation under this invention, .the tank will be of ap. en~lless type, and tlie ~rude sewage will be introduced into it at on~ part, and the P.Nified effiuent will be dis} charged at another part; and in one form, the tank is of ellaQnel fonp., with semicircular ends, and its inside wal~ f~rming within it another tu.~, to which the treated or purified liquid, and any sludge carried over with it, will pass; and from which at a suitable_ point at the surface, the p~i:fied liquid will be ·tk_a.-,vu off wltile the Cleposited sludge will be lifted from the bottom of tliis chamber or_· ta..k_ by an ~ air lift back into the :first or purifying tank. The liquid in the secona ta.t__will._. be quiescent, while that in the purifying tank will be continuously aerated and circulated, so as to be a homogeneous mixture. . The outer an-d treating tank m; portion will be provided_ at certain distances apari, -at the bottom, with air supply means or diffusers~ and with c~in wall~ extend_!.~g down into same t~ nea! t~e. bottom; so that .as th~ liq,uid B.pws un~r same, It becomes charged With. au r1Sing from the au alffusers or means in the bOttom, and thereby rendered lighter than the liquid above,_ ,aJJd in consequence rises on this side of the cu~ain wall above tlie lev~l of.: the liquid not so char~d ·with air, and so produce·a forward :flow and circulatio~ ; through the tanx. Th,Jts the liquid receives. a succession of propeffing action~. due to the air lightening and lifting elfect, and thus tlie air serves as a p~mp or series of pumps, as well as an upward and ·downward circulating and distributing means, and in addition to its function .as the me«lhun of· energizing and keeping up the active principle of the sludge life. . ,. At one part of the treating tank, there is connected with it, at its upper part or level, a weir, .say of a tray form, extending over .the tank; ·antl t.b\'1

[Price 6rl.]

O mouth of which is at tlie liquid level-may he placed at the same part of the inner tank; in which case they sliould be at the en,} farthest away from the weir delivery. The· tank inslead of being elongated with oval or curved ends, may have .a plurality of zigzag courses, or it may be of annular :form the inner portion 55 forming the ·second tank: · Drawings illustrating the ·above arrangement and construction o1 purifying plq:qt 7 ~tid mode of operafing are beret.> annexed .







4 Filfure 1 is a longitudinal section; ,_Figure-;2_ .is a plait; and FigUre 3 a ~ross section through one arrangement, iiivolvi.Jig ..iiJiprovements hereunder. ·· Figure 4 -is a plan; Figure 5 is a ~roBii··section taken at the line AA Figure 4. and Figures 6 and 7 are longitu(linal sectidiis -. ta;ken at the lme :9'B and CC of 4 respectively, of a modi:ffed arrangement of tanks or plant.. -· · Figure 8 is a plan showing· another slight modifica!ion of tlie arrangement of tanks or plant. · ----. -· D-eferring now ·to the-drawing, !·generally represents the tank or -tanks of endless type in_which the treatment is e-ffected, and ~ represents the tank or cha~ber in which the depositiOn. of the sludge takes place, and from. which .the purified and clarified etRuent is cameuo1t. . The air supplying di1tusers or means.for introducing air· in fine bubbles into the liquid are marked 3, ·they being placed at·the bottom of·lhe tank:; and 4 are the cu~!'~n walls .dispo~d just on the up:stream side of the air suppliers· 3; and dependmg d9wn mto.ihe tank to a point_near the bottom; but their 1ower ed~ ~ay st"Jrd ~~~atively large distapce from the bottom. · . · · · 9 are proJecting. portion of the :floors of the tank :1. on the doWn.-stream side. of the ai,r supplying means 3; and between each of the curtains 4 and these _i>arts.9p the ch~~d·column of sewage will rise, and will be lilted above the ·-no~~ leve19f liquid,. due to its-consisting of a combined volume of. air and liquid -· · - -· · · ·· · · · · ·· · ' - 5 Ill ~-th~ raw sewage inlet pipe, and 6 is the clarified ·and purt:&.ed. effiu~t dischar~ pipe. : 7 ·is the air-lift for elevating the- sludge :from the bottom· o:t; the depositing· tank· or chamlier ·2; and 8 is the conduit into wh1ch this sludge, airlift discharges; ~d whi'flh conducts ·tbesludge back into tlie tank 1.-.. _ · · · .. . The we~r over which the :d.ow of :fl~id ·from the .tank 1, into the tank 2, takes place, is markea 10. · · · · . ·· ·In the arrangement Flhown in· .Figures 1 to .3 •. the.. tank· 1 is of· endless form. consisting of two parallel cn.a,nnel portio-ns. r~ati.vely. ~ong.'·io tneir· wldth, · and connected together ·at their· enus: whilst the. depositing tan)[ _2 lies with~D;· tlie inner walls of this. cliannel. an·d is also relatively- narrow as sliown. · Tlle crude sewage is direcfed i~to ·one of the channels of· the tank 1 a 'bout th~ centre-an(} near th-e loJ> of same; and when it·is.full, the overflow passes t~ougb an openinst· in one of· the inner wall~(on to the weir 10. whic\ is ·in tlie ·form of a t-rav. wlience it- fa:Us· down into the ~iquid at one end of tMs.tank or chamber. · Between this weir and the air supplying means 3 ·on the up-stream stae, _a relatively long aistanoo is left; as· shown· in Figure 2,· so tliat between t.n1s point and the weir· an opporlul)ity iifgiven:tlte liquid· for· the depositi.n.g of slu(lge. The floor of the tank' 2 is inclined. and in ':flowing ·from. the inlet · end· ·to tho other downwards. the sludge deposits, attd it graVitates towards the Oppc:lstte ·end ·down the inclined bottom of tlie· sumn orin]et of the air-lift 7, whence it is pumped by it into the channel 8. and -is ·re-deli"Vered ·into the sewage at the \nlet end of 'the treating tank 1, just in advance of the tnlet pipe 5. . · The. cla:ii:fied. sewage· or effiuent is carriea o:tl from the· upper level of the liquid in the tanJi 2, by weir l:G, from which the discharge pi»e 6leads. · . The eifect. o:ftlie air being supplied- fo the sewage or liquid from th£,- bottom, between the verticBI planes in wliicli the curtains 4 and the· raised. p(>~o:D.s 9·, lie, is t~at the liquid recei~s a succession 'of· nrop~lling action& due to tlie ligh~ning effect of the air and its lifting result; and. 80 tliis ·. 'arrangement' 'constitutes 80 maD;y pumps' (as well many means of suppljing the sewage with'a~r for bact~riologjcal pur~oses), and so forcing the sewage round and round the lanlt. · · The portion: ~r ~urpl~s o:f; slud~ ove:r; and abOve_ that requjre~ . i~ tlie _tank. which say is about 20 per cent. to 30 per cent. of tlie ~tal contents, ~ay be con· ducted away fro:rn the slud~ conduit 8 by a separate piJ)e cminecied With \t, or·=a trough or the like, and delive~d to any suitable place ·of 'de_posil.. . .. The sludge which is re-transferred to the treating o.nd purifying tan\t 1 is cle-



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s lmprovii1nents ·in. tke ';Purification of Sewage and AnalogO'Us Liquids.

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livered into it near the point of crude sewag~ inlet, and· to one of the diffusers 3, so that it is broken up and re-distributed 'again. · · In ·the arrangements shown in Figures 4 to 7,.: the tank 1 is ·continuous, ..but arranged in-a zigzag manner; in which there are a pluralit~. of parallel channel parts;' and the depositing. chamber or "'ank 2 is disposed at one side· o~ same, and. communicates with &a:me by way of _the weir 10; wliich may ·have remova~le boards in it, to raise and·lowe'i' its ·Sill level. . The liquid from the weir 10 :first falls into. the intermediate cham~r 13, h~v- . ing an opening 14 at the bottom, opposite. one end· of' the' depositing tank ·2; whilst at the opposite end, a clarified effluent 4ischarge weir 1:.& is placed, which discharges Uito the intercepting tank 16. · The sludge .ill this ease ·is pumped by the air-lift 1 from the sump 16 in the bottom of the tank 2 neaJ.! the weir 12; an~ it is discharged into the gutter 8, w~ieh carries it into ·a supply· sUllip 11,. into which the crude sewage flows, and from which it passes into the :first portion of the tank 1. · In this sump 11.the mixing of the sludge and raw sewage. takes place:: The tank 1 may liave the slucige, or a portion of it, as may be 'desired, car• ried away from it by the pipes 18, the entrance of which will be at about the level of the air supplying means or diffusers 3, they being controlled by suitable valves or chambers; and all of the diffusers in line connecting with one another at their surlaces by way of holes through the division walls. · · . In the modification shown in Figure 8, the tank is largely of the type shown. in Figures 1 to 3, but the settling or sludge dep_osit t~nk 2 is arranged outside the tan~ 1, and parallel with the channels of .. same, instead of ~thin sam:e . The bottom of the depositing tank 2 as set forth with reference to Figures 1 to 3, is inclined front one end tow ..troh the other; but in thi~ case Figure 8, • r in others, it may be assumed that the bottom is arranged~ a plurality of inclined parts, similarly to the bottom of the tank 1; and that the sludge·collects a~ the lowest portions· of these sections: and flows towards the sumps 16, from whence it is lifted andre-delivered into the tank 1 a suitable part. In another slightly modined arrangement, the treating and depositing tanks may be in line,· and separated by a transverse wall, the upper part of which would form the weir, over which the purified liquid "from. the ueating tank w~uld flow; and raw sewage to be treat.'!d being introduced. at the opposite end to the-weir; treating tank may itself be of a plain type, the sewage supp11ed to it being aistributed at one end, so that it gradually and uniformly passes !rom this end through the whole tank, over the weir dividing it from the depositintJ vessel or tank beyond. . · I~ some cases the bottom ol the treating tank when of the latter type, will be provided with a series of a1r supply diffusers, extending acrose it from side to side, at each sid"e of which are ridges, ao that the· up-current caused bY the air· will take place in the spaces lietween the ridges; and the down cUrrent of liquid and its contained sludge will lie directed by the inclined bottom parts. or· ridges again over the air· suppliers or diffusers, which lie between the ridges. · Having now particularly described and ascertained the nature of our said·in... vention and in what manner the same is to be performed, we declare that w.nat we claim is : -


. 1. In tlie purifying of sewage or analogous liquids in W.b.lCh air is delivered mto the liquid in the presence 9f bacte:ial sludge or solid matter,. continuously 50 supplying crude sewage or liquid to a tank in wliich the liquid is subject w the action of air forced through it in the presence of bacterial sludge; and drawing oft the top liquid of this tank and delivering it- into a separate tank~ and. depositing the sludge contained in it therein; substantially as described. 2.· In the purifying of sewage or analogous liquids in. which air is delivet-ed 55, into the liquid in the presence of bacterial sludge or solid matter continuously ·supplying crude sewage or liquid tq a tank in which the liquid is subjeoito the

Z,nprovements in the .J!'!-1-rificat~ .. of Sewage and ~no.log~ _ Li_g_uids. --


action .of air forced through it in the p~senee of bacterial !lludge; drawing oft th,e top liquid of this tank ana deliveririg it into a. separate tank, and depositing the sludge contained in it tlieJ,"ein; and -transferring this sludge to the sewage .Lr liquid in the treating ~d purifYing _tan~; sul>stantially as descri~d. . ·. 3 .. In the purifyil).g of sewage or analogous liquids, as in claim 1_, the arrange- & ment of tanb or plant substantially atJ_set forth with, refe~nce to Figures 1 to 3; Figures 4 to 7; and Figure 8 respectively, of the ·drawings. . . . Dated this 18th day of May, 1915. E. R~ 'ROYSTON & co., Applicants' Patent Agent~, 10 ·Tower: Building, Water_ Street,_ Liverpool; _ and_ . Doningto:Q. -House, Norfolk St~t, L~ndon. Redhill: Printed for His Majeaty•a Stationery Ltd.-'-1916. . . Oftice. by Love- & M:alcamson, . . '




term of the Patent No. 22737, A:·I;>· ·1914, has· been extended

to expire on the thirty.first day of . December, 1932, by Order of the High·


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fJth November, D G1916 • U& KJ





A.D. 191