Universidade Federal da Bahia Instituto de Saúde Coletiva Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde Coletiva PRIMARY HEALTHCARE EVALUATION Rosana Aquino Sal...
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Universidade Federal da Bahia Instituto de Saúde Coletiva Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde Coletiva

PRIMARY HEALTHCARE EVALUATION Rosana Aquino Salvador, Bahia Julho de 2011

Memórias da Saúde da Família no Brasil

PHC evaluation, ISC-UFBA

PHC evaluation, ISC-UFBA

Observational studies Ecological design  Household surveys  Case studies 

Randomized community trial

Ecological design ecological and longitudinal approach in which we used a panel data - observations on multiple entities (e.g., individuals, cities, counties), for which each entity is observed at 2 or more points in time.  In our study, the municipality (county) was the unit of analysis, and time-series data were assembled from several databases. 

Infant mortality and childhood mortality

Primary Health Care-sensitive Conditions

PHC and conditional cash transfer

Surveillance and health system organization

Surveys 

a evaluative cross-sectional study in one sanitary district in the city of Salvador, Brazil

cross-sectional study in some municipalities - the physical environment, material resources, and staff

Accessibility, service organization and social participation

Conselhos Municipais de Saúde 5 4 3 2

Conselhos Locais de Saúde

1 0










2004 10

Grupo com PSF

Grupo de comparação





Fonte: LOPES, SM. A influência da implantação do PSF na criação de Conselhos Locais de Saúde nos municípios da Bahia, 2007.

0 19 9 6

19 9 7

19 9 8

19 9 9

G rup o c o m P S F



G rup o d e c o mp a ra ção




Case studies 

Mix approach - qualitative and quantitative study;

Deeply observation of an object (primary health care) and its interactions with the its context

Evaluation of the implementation of primary care in two municipalities of the state of Bahia Po pulação -alvo Equilíbrio nas relaçõ es de po der Repartição das respo nsabilidades Espaço s co mpartilhado s de decisão Discussão de caso s e atividades

100 80 60

Cadastramento das famílias M apeamento Ló gica do mapeamento


A nálise da situação de saúde


1 100

Circulação da info rmação

20 Ló gica da análise da situação de 19 saúde 80


2 3

18 Enfo que po r pro blemas60

P articipação po pular no PP LS



Princípio de respo nsabilidade

17 que de risco Enfo

5 20

Co mpreende co ntexto co munitário

Abo rdagem individual/co letiva 16


Co mpreede co ntexto familiar P arcerias co m instituiçõ es Co nhece po pulação e territó rio 15


Município A Município B Fonte: Medina MG e Hartz ZMA, The role of the Family Health Program in the organization of primary care in municipal health systems. Cad. Saúde Pública, 2009.2009.




9 12

10 11

Randomized community trial RCT – 10 municipalities – 5 with intervention and 5 controls;  Municipalities of State of Bahia – according select criteria (size of population, coverage of PSF and PSE, NASF and public high school in urban area). 

Prose Promovendo Saúde na Escola Ensaio comunitário para avaliação de uma intervenção de promoção de hábitos saudáveis de alimentação e atividade física

Assumptions Intervention interacts with implemented public policies versus pilot project;  Relationship between research and management;  Relevance of social and cultural context;  Intervention is not isolated of its context development of articulated intervention improvement public policies. 


1. Ecological design - we cannot be certain that it was FHP users who experienced improved health conditions; 2. Source of the data - national health information systems (coverage, availability and quality of data).


1. Independent variable o define a consistent and verifiable measure of primary health care;

2. Dependent variable o mortality; o list of primary health care–sensitive conditions o partnership with other stakeholders

o indirect measure of the effectiveness of PHC

3. Covariates o availability – interpolation/extrapolation; o covariate cutoff value.

4. Counterfactual

All photos used in this presentation were taken from the book: Memories of Health Family in Brazil Photography: Radilson Carlos Gomes

Rosana Aquino [email protected]

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