Presidential Campaigns, Slogans, Issues, and Platforms The Complete Encyclopedia

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Presidential Campaigns, Slogans, Issues, and Platforms The Complete Encyclopedia VOLUME 2: PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGNS, 1788-89 TO 1908

Robert North Roberts, Scott John Hammond, and Valerie A. Sulfaro



AN IMPRINT OF ABC-CLIO, LLC Santa Barbara, California • Denver, Colorado • Oxford, England


Preface, xxi Introduction, xxv Guide to Related Topics, xxxv Timeline of Presidential Campaigns, Significant Moments, xliii Volume 1: Slogans, Issues, Programs, Personalities, and Strategies Abortion Controversy, 1 ACORN, 3 Advance Agent of Prosperity, 5 Advance Person, 6 Ad Watches, 7 Affirmative Action, 8 Ailes, Roger, 11 All the Way with Adlai, 12 All the Way with JFK, 14 All the Way with LBJ, 14 All White Primary, 15 America First, 16 America for the Americans, 17 America Is Back, Standing Tall, 17 America Needs a Change, 19 American Exceptionalism, 20 American Party, 23 Americans for Prosperity, 24 Americans for Tax Reform, 26 Amnesty Issue, 26


viii | Contents Anti-Catholicism, 28 Are You Better Off Than You Were Four Years Ago?, 32 Astro-Turfers, 33 Attack Ads, 33 Australian Ballot, 35 Baby Boomers, 36 Back to Normalcy, 37 Ballot Roll-Off, 37 Banners, Political, 38 Battleground State, 39 "Bear in the Woods" Campaign Ad, 42 Beck, Glenn, 42 Better a Hole in the Shoe Than a Hole in the Head, 44 A Better Man for a Better America, 44 Bill Ayers Controversy, 45 Birther, 47 Blaine, Blaine, James G. Blaine, the Continental Liar from the State of Maine, 48 Bleeding Kansas, 49 Blogosphere, 50 Bloody Chasm, 57 Bloody Shirt Politics, 52 Blue State, 52 "Boston Harbor" Campaign Ad, 53 Bowling Alone, 54 Boys on the Bus, 55 Bread-and-Butter Issues, 57 Bridge to Nowhere, 59 Broadside, 60 Buckley v. Valeo, 62 Building the Bridge, 62 Building the Bridge to the 21st Century, 63 Bull Moose Party, 63 Butterfly Ballot, 64 Cable News Network (CNN), 66 Campaign Ads, 67 Campaign Finance Reform, 69

Contents | ix Campaign Manager, 71 Caucus, 73 Chad, 74 Change We Can Believe In, 75 Character Issue, 76 Checkers Speech, SO Chisholm, Shirley, Si Civil Rights Issue, 82 Civil Service Reform, 93 Clean for Gene, 96 Club for Growth, 97 Comeback Kid, 98 Compassionate Conservatism, 98 Conservation Issue, 100 The Constitution and the Union, Now and Forever, 106 Coolidge or Chaos, 107 Country First, 107 CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference), 108 "Cross of Gold" Speech, 109 C-SPAN, 110 Culture War, 111 Currency Issue, 115 "Daisy Girl" Campaign Ad, 117 Debs, Eugene V., 118 Declinism, 119 Dewey Gets Things Done, 119 Dial Groups, 120 DINO, 120 Direct Mail, 121 Dirty Tricks, 122 Don't Change Horses in Mid-Stream, 124 Don't Stop Thinking about Tomorrow, 125 Don't Worry, Be Happy, 726 Douglas and Johnson: The Union Now and Forever, 727 Down with King Caucus, 727 Do You Want John Quincy Adams Who Can Write, or Andrew Jackson Who Can Fight?, 72S

x I Contents Drill, Baby, Drill!, 729 DRM, 729 Drys, 737 Early Voting, 733 Earmark, 134 Editorial Page Endorsement, 735 Education Reform Issue, 736 "Eisenhower Answers America" Campaign Ad, 143 Election Assistance Commission (EAC), 144 Empty Market Basket, 144 Energy Issue, 145 Exit Polling, 750 Extremism in the Defense of Liberty Is No Vice, 752 FactCheck.Org, 753 Faithless Elector, 753 Fifty-Four Forty or Fight, 755 Fireside Chat, 755 First in War, First in Peace, 757 501(c) Groups, 757 527 Groups, 759 Flip-Flop Campaign Ad, 760 Focus Groups, 763 Fool, Hypocrite, Criminal, Tyrant, 164 Four More Lucky Roosevelt Years, 765 Freedom and Clay, 765 Freedom, Freeman, and Fremont, 766 Free Homes for Free Men, 767 Free Media, 767 Free Silver Movement, 768 Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Speech, and Free Men, 769 Free State Issue, 770 Frontloading, 772 Front Porch Campaign, 7 74 Full Dinner Pail, 776 A Gallant Leader, 777 Gay Rights Issue, 177 Gender Gap, 7S2

Contents | xi

Gennifer Flowers Scandal, 7 S3 Get-Out-the-Vote (GOTV) Programs, 184 A Giant Sucking Sound, 7S6 Give 'em Hell, Harry, 7S6 Going Rogue, 7SS Goldwater Conservative, 7S9 GOP Equals Gas, Oil and Petroleum, 790 The Great Communicator, 797 Great Society Speech, 792 Greeley & Brown—Amnesty, 793 Ground War, 194 Grover, Grover, All Is Over, 795 Grover, Grover, Four More Years of Grover, In He Comes, Out They Go, Then We'll Be in Clover, 796 Grover the Good, 796 Gun Control Issue, 79S Handbill, 202 Handlers, 202 Happy Days Are Here Again, 203 Harding and Prosperity, 204 Hard Money, 204 Harry and Louise Ads, 205 Have Another Cup of Coffee?, 207 Health Care Issue, 207 He Kept Us Out of War, 214 Help America Vote Act (HAVA), 276 Honest Abe, 277 Hoopla, 27S Horse-Race Campaign Coverage, 220 A House Divided against Itself Cannot Stand, 227 I Like Ike, 222 Immigration Issue, 223 Imperialism, 229 In Your Guts, You Know He's Nuts, 237 In Your Heart, You Know He's Right, 232 Independent Advocacy Groups, 232 Infomercial, 234

xii | Contents

Internet Campaigning, 236 Iran Hostage Crisis, 238 Isolationism, 239 Issue Ads, 242 I Still Believe in a Place Called Hope, 243 It's the Economy, Stupid, 243 Jackson and Reform, 245 Jackson Forever: Go the Whole Hog, 245 Jefferson, the Friend of the People, 246 Jim Crow Laws, 246 Joe the Plumber, 248 Keating 5 Scandal, 250 Keep Cool with Coolidge, 257 Keep the Ball Rolling, 257 Keynesian Economics, 252 King Caucus, 253 Korea, Communism, Corruption, 255 Larry King Live, 256 "Laughing at Agnew" Campaign Ad, 256 Law and Order Issue, 257 Leadership for the 60s, 260 Learn to Say President Willkie, 267 Let's Get America Moving Again, 262 Let the People Rule, 263 Libertarianism, 264 Liberty, Equality and Fraternity, Universal Amnesty and Impartial Suffrage, 266 Life Begins in '40, 267 Lipstick on a Pig, 268 Literary Digest Poll, 268 Literature Drop, 269 Locofoco, 269 Log Cabin and Hard Cider, 270 Ma, Ma, Where's My Pa?, 277 Madly for Adlai, 272 Man from Appomattox, 273 Manifest Destiny, 274

Contents | xiii

Man of Destiny, 276 Man of the People, 277 The Man Who Made Us Proud Again, 277 Marriage Gap, 278 Maverick, 279 McGovern Fraser Reforms, 280 Mechanical Lever Voting Machine, 2S7 Media Consultant, 282 Media Event, 284 Median Voter Theory, 285 Mess in Washington, 286 Microtargeting, 287 Millennial, 288 Millions for Defense, But Not One Cent for Tribute, 289 Millions for Freedom, Not One Cent for Slavery, 290 Moral Majority, 290 MoveOn, 292 Mudslinging, 293 Mulligan Letters, 295 My Hat Is in the Ring, 296 NASCAR Dad, 296 Nast, Thomas, 297 National Bank Issue, 298 National Mail Voter Registration Form, 299 National Voter Registration Act of 1993, 299 Nativism Issue, 300 Negative Campaigning, 302 Neoconservatives, 304 Netroots Nation, 306 Never Swap Horses in Midstream, 307 A New Covenant, 308 A New Deal, 309 New Freedom, 370 New Frontier, 377 New Media, 372 New Nationalism, 314 The Next Frontier, 375

xiv | Contents

Nixon's the One, 376 No Sectionalism, 377 No Third Term, 377 No Way, No How, No McCain, 320 Now More than Ever, 320 Nullification Issue, 327 Off Message, 322 Old Fuss and Feathers, 323 Old Hickory, 324 Opposition Research, 324 Paid Media, 326 Pamphlet, 326 Paraphernalia, Campaign, 327 Partisan Sorting, 329 Party-Building Activities, 330 Patriotism, Protection, and Prosperity, 337 Paula Jones Scandal, 332 Peace, Prosperity, and the Public Trust, 333 Peace through Strength, 333 Peace with Honor, 334 Peace without Surrender, 334 Perot, H. Ross, 335 Photo Opportunity, 336 Pinback, 338 The Plumed Knight, 338 Pocketbook Issue, 340 Political Cartoons, 343 Political Consultants, 344 Politics of Joy, 346 Politics of Personal Destruction, 347 Politiquera, 348 Polk, Dallas, Texas, Oregon and the Tariff of '42, 349 Poll-Driven Campaign, 350 Poll of Polls, 357 Pollster, 352 Populists, 353 Posters, Political, 357

Contents | xv

Poverty Issue, 358 Presidential Campaign Songs, 363 Presidential Coattails, 367 Presidential Debates, 369 Prohibition Issue, 376 Prosperity Issue, 379 Provisional Ballot, 384 Public Journalism Movement, 385 Public Office Is a Public Trust, 386 Pundit, 387 Purple State, 388 Push Polling, 389 Race Relations Issue, 390 Radio, Role in Presidential Campaigns, 394 Rail Splitter, 396 Rally, Campaign, 396 Rally Around the Flag Effect, 399 Read My Lips, No New Taxes, 401 Reagan Democrat, 403 Reality Check, 405 Rebuild with Roosevelt, 406 Red Meat Issue, 407 Red State, 408 Reform Party, 409 Reign of Terror, 410 Retail Politics, 410 Return Integrity to the White House, 477 Reverend Jeremiah Wright Controversy, 412 "Revolving Door" Campaign Ad, 413 RINO, 414 Robo-Calls, 415 Rock the Vote, 417 Rockefeller Republican, 417 Roorback, 419 Rum, Romanism, and Rebellion, 420 Rumpsey Dumpsey, 421 Runway to Change, 421

xvi I Contents

Safety, Solvency, Sobriety, 422 School Prayer Issue, 422 Secession Issue, 425 Security Mom, 426 Sewer Money, 426 Shall America Elect a Cocktail President?, 427 Silent Majority, 428 16 to 1,428 Slavery Is a Moral, Social, and Political Wrong, 430 Slavery Issue, 430 Smith v. Allwright, 434 Soccer Mom, 435 Social Media, 436 Social Security Issue, 438 Sociotropic Voting, 442 Soft Money, 442 Soft News, 444 A Solid Man in a Sensitive Job, 445 Solid South, 446 Sore Loserman, 448 Sound Bite, 449 Sound Money, 450 Sour Grapes Voter, 451 Spin Doctor, 452 Square Deal, 452 Stagflation, 453 The Stakes Are Too High for You to Stay Home, 454 Stand Up for America, 454 Staying on Message, 455 Stimulus Bill, 457 Straight Ticket Voting, 458 Stump Speech, 459 Superdelegate, 459 Super PAC, 467 Super Tuesday, 462 Supply-Side Economics, 463 A Supreme Soldier—A Model President, 464

Contents | xvii

Surge and Decline Theory, 464 Surrogate, 465 Suspected Felon List, 466 Swiftboating, 467 Swing Voters, 468 Symbolic Racism, 477 Talking Head Campaign Ad, 473 Talking Points, 473 Talk Radio, 474 "Tank Ride" Campaign Ad, 475 Tariff Issue, 476 Tariff of Abominations, 480 TARP, 480 Tea Party Movement, 482 Teapot Dome Scandal, 485 Testimonial Campaign Ad, 486 There You Go Again, 487 Third Rail of American Politics, 488 This Time Vote Like Your Whole World Depended on It, 489 Tilden and Reform, 490 Time for Greatness, 497 Tippecanoe and Tyler Too, 497 Top of the Ticket, 493 Town Hall Meeting Event, 493 Tracking Poll, 495 Troopergate, 496 Trust Busting Issue, 497 Truth Squad, 500 Turn the Rascals Out!, 500 Twenty-Four-Hour News Cycle, 507 Undecideds, 502 United We Stand America, 503 A Uniter Not a Divider, 503 Valence Issue, 504 Values Voters, 504 Via Ovicipitum Dura Est, 506 Voodoo Economics, 507

I Contents

Vote Grits and Fritz in '76, 508 Vote or Die, 508 Vote Yourself a Farm, 509 Voting Eligible Population (VEP) Turnout, 509 Voting Reform Issue, 570 Voting Rights Act of 1965, 573 Wag the Dog, 575 War and Peace Issue, 575 War in Europe, Peace in America, 522 War in the East, Peace in the West, Thank God for Woodrow Wilson, 522 War on Poverty Speech, 523 War Room, 524 We Are Going to Win This War and the Peace that Follows, 524 We Are the Ones We've Been Waiting For, 525 We Can Do Better, 526 Wedge Issue, 527 We Polked You in '44, We Shall Pierce You in '52, 529 Wets, 530 We Want a Choice, Not an Echo, 530 What This Country Needs Is a Good Five-Cent Cigar, 537 Whip Inflation Now (WIN), 537 Whistle-Stop Campaign, 532 Who but Hubert?, 533 Who Is Polk?, 534 Wide-Awake Clubs, 535 Willie Horton Ad, 536 Windsurfing Ad, 537 Win One for the Gipper, 538 Win the War Quicker with Dewey and Bricker, 539 W Is for Women, 540 With Tip and Tyler We'll Bust Van's Biler, 540 Women's Rights Movement, 547 Yearly Kos Convention, 544 Yes We Can, 544 Yes We Did, 545 You Never Had It So Good, 545 You're No Jack Kennedy, 546

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