PRECAUTIONS ~_,...,~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I. Before you read anything else, please observe the following: Table of Contents

~_,...,~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Table of Contents PRECAUTIONS About Your New BC 2500)(i.T . , . . ... .. , .. .. .. • . .........
Author: Edwina Pope
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~_,...,~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Table of Contents


About Your New BC 2500)(i.T . , . . ... .. , .. .. .. • . ...... 2 What it Scanning? ....••.••••...•..•.. . . . • . .• .. ... 2

Before you read anything else, please observe the following:

Types d Commun~ion •.•. ~ . • .,... ~ . ~ . •. •. •• .• •••• • 2 Whlltfl to Obtsln More lnfolmatlon . . .. . . . . . . .. ........ 3 Unpaetong. . •.•.•. , ..... . --. L . ~ . ... . ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3 Option:aJ Ac:x:essories • ,_.......... . ... ... .... ... .. ..... 3


Felltura HlgtaiJsltda..... . .... . .. ..... .. . . . ... .. . . ... . . . .. . . • eor.troJa: •d lrtdlcatot'l ~ ~ 5 o 4 o 1 o o o o o

o o o I o o o •

o o

o o o o o o


Top Vtfl'll . . .. .... ...• . ·-...... .. .. ........ ..... . . . .. . 5 -FrontVtew~ . . . . . . . ..... .. · ~··· · ··· .. ·· · · • · • ··· • ·· ~ 8 LCODlspl,ay . . - . . ... . . . ... . ... . ~ · · ·~····· · ·~··--···· · ·12

Uniden DO~ NOT repr-nt this unii to be waterpli)Of. To reduce the rislc of fire or electrical shocll, DO NOT eMpoae this unn to rain or moisture.

Secup .. . . .

o- . . . . . .

.. ....... .

....... . .. .



i f\S!alling the Batlery P~k ..... , . .. .. ........ .. .. .. 13

Charging the Balleenrt~ng Guide thoroughly before operating the.80Mne·r.

Optional Acceuorlea The foftOWing optiona1 'IICCUsai• tor your BC 2500XLT • .,

avallabf• from YOW' local Uniden Dealer or lhrough the Unlden


Customer Ceder by caJiin~ (317) 842-2488. 8:00 AM to .5:00 PM EST, Monday through Friday J


Poliee and fire department (inaturJrng r.acue and pamrMdca}

Straight Claaftltte Ughtat Cord (UA582) · Usa lot tlfl1)0rafY CJpBtaliof\ flom ywr 1feNcla's' cigardt WsJhl•r~

NOAA wuthar bmecbsts {7 pr.,rprcgrammed channels)

BustnesslindustrtaJ radio

eon.~ c~ Lighter Power

Card (UA502A) • Use 1Qt

temporary operalon trom your vehlcla•s agarette UgMer..

Motion picture and press rela.y

• •


The Bean:at Radio Club and other sinilar hobby ~ubs h11va ~btlcations. information on eot11'UUI r buUI1in boards, and tWen con'IB81S for 'ha radio enthualiut. See the enoiDsed Ptln'CJhtlls ·fnr moM infcrmation. AcktltWlnal inlonna11on is also ~~aUI!blelhmugh ~aur local library,.

SpiN ll!ldery Pack (BP2500)


Land 1ransportation heJJenciea, such • nucking1firna, buses, tam, 1owtrucks, and milroads Marine and a~r (ham radio) b~ds


Blltr ...._, F....-nev D~ary4.ocal Dlnlalaltu -

Lists-an knOM'l fr.c;u•ncMt5 throughout 1"e U.S. or just fcw"your area. NOTE;

PubUc S•rvlce 80(1 MHz ba.nd And ~nany mrwe in •h• follo-Mng frequeru:.y ranges:

25-54 MH~ &+10$ MH2:, 108-137 MHz, 137~174 Wi%~ 174-549.995 MHz, 760.000-823.996 MHz. 849.0'125-8B8.D95 MHz. -and 884.0125-1300.000 Yiz. .

1be lnetalllltloh, pou•alon. ar uae of thla IIQinnl"l racfta In a mator vehicle ..., be prohtbllad, NGlllale~ ar requln~ 11 pennft In certain atah!a, dllea, andiGr IGGII juriNictlon. Your 'Deal law enrorcenwnt afllc•la ahould be able to provide )'OU with lnfomudton f'8CI'trdlng lhe aew. ln yaur community.



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Feature Highlights -





Turbo Scan nus llghtf'!il'9'fut technology 1ha BC 2SODXLT·to 9C8n and~ nearty 100 cbannals or steps par-aeoond. 9Mause U11e ~cy coverage is so farge (see ~achnical s~ . 1ecti0f1 for band lisrlng), a vety ·fad sc&Mlng

Top View

sv"-•m ..

essentiaL That is- \W\y we COf'liJined our f•tnt technology - Tl:llbo Scart - in!c ~he 250G~LT~





VFO COnbal (Venable Freq...ency Osolltfl!tor) T wm the Aotllry Tuner to .-.a the des;rtd frequency or eh~nel

400 a....ts You can proliJram each of th•e memory channels to store one frequency.

20 &Mila Each baN< conta_,s 20 ooarmels~ useful far storing ~Jrilar fNquencia 1n order to maintain falter Ina cycles ~



21 MHz .. 1.3 GHz lndlcazes the range ot frequencies that am be searched wtthin fl't~ bands of your scanner_ (MaCe: The lfequency covBrage ~~ nOIIotalfy cormnuoua from 2S.OMHz. to 1.3 Gtit.)

Plug the earpho"e inro !his jack tor pfivale u.t1M1g.. Whel\ 1tH;t aarptmne 'II oannecte0nan1 channel(s) whUe mortHonng «her c:hanr,el& for transnlssions.

Ofi.OFFNOLUIIE ~(Inner cantml) Thia control tuma th• acanner

Weather Ch.., L• your J~Cannar fundi~ u • weafhe,r information fadiD.


on or off. and also aqwsts the volume.


(Ouwr control) Aqust the Clrter ~rai to '181 1M can threshclci. When monlonng a .ainglll cha~nel in ta.nuat ~~. adju&t l~e_ Squelch Control to etmnerta the ttaokglound ruahing noiae heard In the ablance af~~ ifloorning .Sl!J1&1.


Auto Store Automatloally .tara 11M •dive hquenciee

With'" t,.,_ specified bank(a). •

Auto SGnq ProgramhMJd treq~nclea •• autorraticalty soned with;. each b.nk tor r.ster scanning.

Billlery-Freellemory Tha stored chann~ls ara


retained i1n 11"8mory when the Battery Pack removed from the ,scanner.

Connect the rubber antenna to this BNC oonneclor and t.lm otockwfse untn it lodes.



(OlMr corrtrol,) Tum the (CIFA.].SMctorto

FREQUENCY/ "C" to e.nabte ohannol:aellclfon. or to "P \0 LOCIC -SaiCfOil •nabla frequency Mlec:Uon. lh the ·~ ponlon. the Rocary Tuner ~ dlebled, and am,at be wed 11) -*eot (diSplay) cha.nnels

or frequanc'-.


(Inner connO Uu tbe Rota.y Tu ner to (ROTMY1UNIA) eelld a d1•npel Qrhquency. Tum IM

control ~to STEP ufJ. or counter~ ~to STl:fJ DOWN. a channel or



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Front VIew






. . . . .........__ _,JJ..r;:~

..... . '------~.r.:~

r - _____......,._._ W' "'*lilill_..


liP . . . . . --1+-=.......:.

,.,........, ......""""""""__, ---~J-..

~8~ ~lGJ 898



tJtJOtJo otJ (JfliJ'i)D(}(J

iJl/l"tJtl,tJtl rfiODID(ItJ ll' ~ (ifi(J(JI}


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---.----- ---'lw;;'l U* .......lif---~II*LI




1/J'~·~~··t} .#'iJD.tlfJ







21-.W 41 -10 61 ·BO 81' -100





1 B 9 10



241 260

14 15

101·120 1,21-140



11, 19 20

141 - 110

i61- 180 181 - 200


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Buk 11 12

2Q1 • HO 221 ;. 2.40 4

2&1 - no 281 • 900 301 ~ 320

321 - 340 341 • 380

361 .. sao 381-400


#1>- tl~lllltl


Prws [SAC] to s~ll!ng tor active frequencies wMhfn preset ranges of en~ bend. Normal~the search .oontlnuas lrOtn the frequency ere 1t left off in the previous search. Tho scanner Will automatically start aearching UJ7Nard from the lowest f~ of its baod. (''SIICH" appears on the in Search Mode.) · Ouring Searcll(, you can ptass (~d the displayed n~qUency and preu ~in to me.nuaJty $1Sp a freqUency, 01 {HLD~to manually et~a equency. ross and liold[ . 01 (HLD] to rapidly step through the froquei1clea.

.Otl llfJOtlfJ


r.• •


Pres10 (H~~in Seardl Mode to stop ~archmU out' appea111 on the d~ay.)

PIIISe [H ~n to 8181) up one cha!lnel. Prasa and HLD) for mora man 1 eecond t.o rap· move thtollgh tne ~endes. In old•Mode, press [LMJ] to

DOWN .to 111• nelrtlowar

tretf,enc:y. .·

To I'I!SUme Ill• search, press [SA


lJ8e [AUTO) to autom&~ically store111C1iYe frequeooias Into ~(amply) channels of

specified banks. o U$8 Auto Store, first sat the upper and lower limits of the band to be sea!Ched. In Search Modo, presa [AUTO} to aolivate the Auto Store faetUAI. Pr'eM the numeric key(~for the bank(l!} to sto~ the frequenc•. AIJTrf ~~~>peal'S on the daptay·



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when Auto Store is actlvalad.) To stop Auto Store, press [HLO], (MANUAl), or [AUI'O).


PI'IISS [SNDJ to transfer a.displayed


fnlquency to any open (empty) bllllk ctlllllnel.

Wilen the bank lndlcU 111m otr t#MJpower.


Charging the Battery Pack


Displays the automatic algnal aeleetlon: 1111,


NfM, orWfM.


~-on the dl8play \Nhenthe 88'1181)1


lndicatellhe ®rrant channel thai the acanner is oo.





Piu~tlh• A.C Adapter/ChWVIH' (A0-25001,)) into 11\e

Ch.rglng Jack located on the beck ot till Batt&IY Pack.

WARNIHOI Use only thuupplled AC Adtli*rf Chtuger. Any other AC lldllplw or mem./ powerplug

hlwfng Ol'lll'·~ or ff1V8tlldpolarity~­ ovedleatlng or riM!agB 1o lhe cirauitry.

P.c:k illow and neeck rect.rging.


Plug the AC Ac~~¥Mr/Ch8f06' Into a llandard AC outlet.

ll'ldic!llel the frequer1Cy beirtg rec:eivwd by tht



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To fully charge the bllftery,l...,e the AdaplerJChargor

Scanning Overview

connac1edfor14tol&hount. ,.,._: Youcan~ rhe unit while the b«llely I• ~·


When charglng is c:or11Jiela, dilconnect the Adapter/ Charger from the AC outlet and from Ill• Battery Pack.

NoW: S.forw opsr;~!ing lite 8C 2500XL T for lhe finn time, rNicll .ur. you have fvfly cha!gtld lhe BatlfHY PJICIL L

He*: DistJOrlrt«:l !he .AC Adllpler/Chtlrpflf from lhe unit during a power failure.

Selare tuming on the ocanner, rolale the Squelch Control My cloCkwise.

2. Tum thncanner on by ralating the Qn.()ft!Volume Con.trol cloCkwise unli you hear a click.

Mounting 1he Flexible Antenna


Piece tile end II the antenna onto tho BNC c:onneotef on top d the aeanner and tum clockwise urm1 tight.

""UIIl the volume to 8 con1011tble liltening level.

4. Tum the Squelch Control~ Ulllil a "I'U$hlng" no4M is heard. Then tum the Squelch Control oountertlockwise ]ust until the ruehing noiell dl.tappaara. AI the squelch threshold, any inooming aignalfuat allghtly otronger than the noise Wi Mopen the

Installing the Belt Clip Place the .Belt C(lf> sli~tly above \lie mounting area on tt>e


back ol the sc:ar1!>ar, and preS& downward and ln.

Note: Whet! sqwidr is~. you clllli hear !he bloedcast (scanning /$ 5fopped}. If 5qiJIIIch ill NlltlO tiglt, !hilt ill, ltlO fat oounltltcfocltWIM from 1he thrNhold point. ellllollger tHgrllli is required to OfXHIIhe squslcfl, If ~~q~~elch is Nf 011 a pain( t:lot:ltwiN from lhe tflreshokl. you ...,;n hear a cons~ant sound (flOW, if no signal is pr858flt) The scsnner will not «811. The BC 2500XlT has 400 m&I'OOI)' ohannel&, each of which oan be progr~~mmed to awe fra~ency, The chann•• are cililded Into twenty 20~hannel banks. useful lor sto{if1111imilar frequencies in order to maintain laster ecanning cya...


Y o>J can mon~or communication •n one II two ways:

S.nk SCAN If you have programmed channels, you can sc:an all prog~Wnmed channels in the selected bank(s), except locked out cnarrnels. When scanning stop~; on an active frequency, nremains on that ohannel as lot~g as ttte transmiSsion continues. If the Delay Mocla k on, the ecanner remains on the .same channel fot 2 more sec:ond6, waiting for a rl!lf>Onding

transmili$ion. II there ia no responding transmisfion

Within 2 seconds, the scanning cycle resu~.


S.nd SEARCH The Search fundlon is diffefwltfrcm Scan. When you select 8 ll'llquency band to aearch, tho ecanner Harth•• tor any aqive tt.quency wilhln the

lower and upper limits of the band. When an adiv• trequency is found, tho acanner l!IOpe·on that frequency as lol'tQas the transnUslon lasts. If tile Delay Mode Ia on, the scanner remains on the same ollannel fot 2 more seconds.• waiting for a responding lta!\81ll!N1on. If

theta is no 111ep0nding ttaMmiallon within 2 MCO!!ds, \118 scanning cycle resumes.


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Programming Channels

P- . [£) to store the ently, •

Before y~ e«11 sean, you must program the channeta within a bank. You oan 1ttn one frequency per cllannal, up to 400 channels. ;

Each time you atore a freqi*ICY,.the ist of acenning traquenciea in the bank ls automatically aooed b)' frequehCY nuniler. Thl$ unique Auto Sort IH!ure enablee fast81' scanning; When you manually step throudl a bl,lnk, heMeVer, frequenciea 111'11 aorted ~rding to channel number. W ith the BC 2500XLT, thara .w a number of 'iwtfS to program

achannet •

Manually selecting 8 channel &nd lrtquency, Ulling the numeric> lleyptllj • Uelng the Rotary Tuner to aelect e chamal and lrtquenoy • Searcl11ng a band to find JIC!ive frequencies, and then storing them Into channale • Ulling the Auto Store I6811Jre to automatically program channels • Transfer a programmed frequency from another chiiiWMII Try el¥:h of the following progrannning methods, and then use the one that's right for yo~~l



frequency number.

To program llnOO!erchannel, repeat the above~-

B. Programming With the Rotary Tuner To program a channel using the Rotary Tuner: 1.


regional/local directory.


PI88S (2] [3).


Then, P' " ' (MANUAL].


E/ller the lreqllency number uelng the numeric twyped. (4) [8)

[OJ (.) [1]

(5] (OJ

If you make e mlstaka and want to clear t;M entry, praM

(.) twice.



Note: Be sure 10 /rlck!de rn. decimal point.

stop &Canning.

Select a channel to be progr.ammed b)' tuming the Rotary Tuner to dilpii!Y the channel. (Rotate the control docltwiseto 5\8p up a channel, or~ to llep down a channel.)


Tum the ChanneVFrequency/Loc;k Selector to •p to enable frequency selection.


Select 8 fnlq1181tcy to be ttorad by tumlng the Roialy Tuner to diaplay the frequency, (Rotale the control cltJclcwlse to &lep up a fnlquency, or~­ loatep dawn a fnlquency.)

Sel801 a frequency from y~r Betty Bearcat Olrectory or


II thll ao 2500XLT 15 5Cannlng, press [MANUAL] to

Hole: ff the ChaMel!F~A..odc s.,te::::fbr(CIFA.] /IJ Nt to 'l' (lock}, tum th. catr/101 1o "C" 1o ..wble r:hartna( aellldlon USing ltMI RCiatf TUflfll.

Before you begin, W"kEYLOCK" eppeare on the display, praild hold [LCK] for 2 seconds to unlock the numeric keypad and enable nwlUBI Pf'C!!II'BI'Ilmtl'lg:

Eanprl: Program 460.150 MHz into Channel 23; Press (MA!tUAL] to Slop scanning.

frequency tot the ourr.ntJy ~ dlllttnel. (Lster; - ·11 IIOf!ll ~r> de:'ste aarored frequency.) Any fr.quency already 11 ciJanrltll will atdomalically bll tWplac:«< by the,_ one. "Errol"' appears on the d/$play if an fNTO( Ia rr1111t1e during pr(Jglamming, orif the tr.que(q is ocA of ratlgB. To clesr the ermr. enter 11 tia6d ch~ or


A. Programming By Manual Entry



fflhe ie altrl#ystoredin rhe other chanMJ/ Will appear on the di3play. To ·reso~~~e the conflict, ju.t enter llriOIMr ofrat~Mi,

Ha:ta: WPHiti! you mtate the Rclary T-, th. ~ selection the dlsplq. This nwans lhC th. frequsncy d/sp(ar-

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