Practice SASS Test Set #1

SASS TEST A SASS test, which is an acronym for Support and Administration Selection System, was created by Edison Electric Institute (EEI). The test is an assessment tool used by hiring managers to help determine if an applicant has the basic math, reading, and filing abilities to be considered for the job. The EEI SASS test is most often used to pre-qualify applicant for office and clerical positions. Some employers also administer a basic typing test after an applicant passes the SASS exam. Many companies have a basic typing speed requirement of 40 wpm.

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Practice SASS Test Set #1

PRACTICING for SPELLING /GRAMMAR TESTING The Support and Administrative Selection System (SASS) includes tests for basic spelling and grammar aptitudes. You must read several short paragraphs and select the correct words to fit the paragraph's meaning where there are blanks. To help you prepare, the following practice test has seven series of questions for a minimum of 36 questions. Each grouping of questions is labeled as a "passage". For each passage, read the short text paragraph and answer the questions. You will see that each paragraph has four or more words left blank and these blanks numbered. For each numbered question, select the correct word from the possible answers presented to complete the corresponding blank. Each passage is designed so you may practice selecting the correctly spelled word within the context presented. Completing all passages should take no more than 6 minutes. Answers with explanations follow the test. Gain familiarity with the style of the real selection test by practicing taking this test. To create conditions most like a real test:  Be sure to set a timer before beginning the test  Do not look at the answers until you have completed all the test questions

Instructions The sample passage on this page presents the style of the test. In the paragraph, blanks identified by letters replace several of the words. The words are marked (A1) through (A5). Look at the corresponding choice of answers for each blank and find the correct word among the options. Only one of the choices can answer each blank correctly. For each choice you make, fill-in the circle aside the word you have chosen. Note how question (A) is completed. Try sample questions (B) through (H) on your own. , Business Operations houses a full of financial and support services with responsibilities for assisting the careers of no less than 200 staff. Recent fundamental changes in the operating environment to better resource utilization in years' past. Support services include career path counseling, and about available insurance options. Online financial options include setting up salary direct deposit, IRA investment choices and additional services. (A1)

 Alltogether  Altogethre  Alltogether



   

complement compliment complemint complimant


   

elude allude alude ellude


   

then than thene thain


   

advize addvice advice advise

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Practice SASS Test Set #1

For the first blank labeled (A1), the answer is indicated by the filled circle beside (A-l-t-o-g-e-t-h-e-r). The remaining correct answers are: (A2) c-o-m-p-l-e-m-e-n-t (A3) a-l-l-u-d-e (A4) t-h-a-n (A5) a-d-v-i-c-e Continue with the following sample questions on the next four pages. Try not to skip ahead to the answers and explanations until you have completed all the questions. A set of questions follow for each of seven passages labeled B, C, D, E, F, G, and H. The individual blanks you need to complete within each question are numbered similar to question A on the previous page. Try to complete as many questions within six minutes if you can in order to determine your best pace for taking the real Spelling/Grammar selection test.

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Passage B Administrative assistants set up field crew training on industrial safety standards and procedures. In addition, all employees must attend quarterly safety training sessions, which also require . Setting the involves of training records, the worker's training , the list of course offering for times and dates as well as access to the conference room online reservation log. Some training also at the local community college. (B1)

   

scheduling schedulzing skeduling scheduleing


   

questionnaire questionaire questionnair questionair


   

calander celandar calendar callendar


   

ocurs ocurrs occurrs occurs


   

retreival retrievle retreivel retrieval

Passage C who drive fleet vehicles as a regular part of their job must a valid Commercial Driver's , known as a "CDL." Typically, most states offer eight classifications of CDLs. On the job, the employee's CDL classification must match the job function(s). CDL types A, B, and C are based upon the gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) and purpose of transport. Following the more common A, B, and C types of CDLs, are categories for hauling hazardous materials, transporting 16 or more passengers including the drive, operating tank vehicles, or operating tank vehicles with haul hazardous materials requiring placards. (C1)

   

Personnal Personal Personnel Personel


   

separated seperated sepparated sepperated


   

pozess posses posess possess


   

their there thier they're


   

license License lisence Lisence

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Passage D Career paths rarely follow a straight line from one to another. For example, an administrative assistant may support a small work staff, large office, or a single executive. At the onset of a person's career, the experience and education brought to the job often dictates initial placement; however, once on the job additional variables career options and choices. Most variables fall within each worker's span of control. Among these are , professionalism, punctuality, and goal setting. Working established goals enables individual growth and potential advancement.


   

acheivment acheivement achievment achievement


   

comittment committment comitment commitment


   

affect effect affects effects


   

toward toowards tooward towards


   

atittude attittude attitude atttitued

Passage E Preparing report bibliographies attention to details. The type of citation determines what and how the information should be presented. For example, a website citation requires the date of last access to the site. In other cases, the differences may be minuscule but important for a professional result. Many options exist for you to gain regarding citation requirements. However, along with and armed with help such as a style guide for writers or internet access, the work becomes much easier because the stay the same. (E1)

   

requiers require requires requeirs


   

perseverince persaverance persevierance perseverance


   

revelant relavant revelent relevant


   

principals principles principels prinsiples


   

knowledge knowlege knoledge knowlledge

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Passage F Organizations sometimes a "No Idling for More than Five Minutes" policy for all fleet vehicles. This requires appropriate signage at a suitable at each loading dock and other common fleet vehicle locations of a transient nature. Although some may the policy, those same individuals may the goals of the program. By less time spent with the engine running, vehicle reduce and a fuel savings is anticipated. (F1)

   

implement impliment implemment imppliment


   

missunderstand misunderstand misundertsand missundrestand


   

hieght highte hight height


   

emmitions emmisions emissions emmissions


   

criticize critisize critecize critticise

Passage G Socially acceptable behavior outside the office may be inside the office setting. norms govern much of the outside world yet inside the business arena; the company culture has greater over expected behaviors. Workers with years of experience working for large organizations also recognize that how one oneself in a boardroom may differ from how one would interact in a field office. (G1)

   

inapropriate inaproppriate inappropriate inappropriat


   

presents presence prescents priesents


   

Societal Societtal Sosietal Sociatal


   

signficantly significantly signifcantly significantley


   

enfluence influance innfluence influence

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Passage H Companies work hard to avoid release of information to the media. Company press releases that are distributed on a regular basis sometimes serve to offset unwanted or negative publicity. Most staff public relations experts are to work to cultivate media relations and may produce public service announcements. This in turn helps a favorable relationship between the company and the media. (H1)

   

indiscrimminate indiscriminate inndiscriminate indiscriminnate


   

freequent freqent frequent frequente


   

disciplined dissiplined disciplinned disciplened


   

accommodate acommodate accomodate acccommodet


   

diligantely dilligantly diligently diligentley

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Answers & Explanations Passage B (B1)

You should have selected: scheduling. "Scheduling" is the correct spelling of the transitive verb that requires a related object (noun) in order to be grammatically correct.


You should have selected: calendar. the [e] between the two [a]s.


You should have selected: retrieval. This is the correct way to spell the noun "retrieval", a variation of the verb "retrieve." A tip for words with an [i] followed by [e] or vice versa is "[i] before [e] except after [c]." Likewise, the rule applies to the word "receive."


You should have selected: questionnaire. The noun, "questionnaire" follows a French spelling style. This is the correct spelling. Note the double consonants [n][n] and the silent [e] at the end.


You should have selected: occurs. This intransitive action verb has no directly related object (noun) in order to be grammatically correct. This is the correct spelling of the word "occurs", which is the plural of occur. Note the double consonants [c][c].

"Calendar" is the correct spelling of the word. Note

Passage C (C1)

You should have selected: Personnel. This noun is punctuated and spelled correctly. Person-nel means employees. Note the double consonants [n][n]. By contrast, the adjective person-al means somehow belonging to a person, such as "their personal cell phone."


You should have selected: possess. "Possess" is the correct spelling with two sets of double consonants [s][s] and [s][s]. The transitive verb "possess" means to own or have. One common misspelling, "posses", is the plural of "posse" meaning a group armed with legal authority.


You should have selected: License. The general rule is to capitalize highly specific terms used as proper nouns. Therefore, both the correct spelling and capitalizing the first letter [L] are needed in this context. The noun "License" comes from the Latin word spelled "licēns" meaning freedom.


You should have selected: separated. This is the correct spelling of the transitive verb "separated." Note the two [a]s inside the two [e]s.


You should have selected: there. This is the correct spelling of the word meaning that something, in this instance, categories, exists in, at, or for a reason. "There" sounds exactly like "they're" and "their." The contraction "They're" means "they are." The word "their" is often used as an attributive adjective, before a noun, such as "their home."

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Passage D (D1)

You should have selected: achievement. Correctly spelled, "achievement," is a noun with three [e]s following the [a] and the [i]. This word applies the spelling rule of "[i] before [e] except after [c]."


You should have selected: affect. The word "affect" is a verb; whereas the word "effect" most often is a noun preceded in sentences by the word "an". To "effect" a change means to cause something to happen, the correct use of the word "effect" as a verb. For example, "If variables affect career options, they then have an "effect" on the career options." Think first that you must "affect" something with an [a] before you cause an "effect" with an [e].


You should have selected: attitude. A positive manner and posture when interacting with others would represent a favorable "attitude," which is correctly spelled. This word uses a common noun suffix [-tude] that means "state of." The word uses all the main vowels [a],[e],[i],[u]-with exception of [o]. Note the use of three [t]s, doubled and single.


You should have selected: commitment. The correct spelling of "commitment" requires three [m]s followed by an [e]. Note, that if you require the word "committed" in another instance, you should note that this word doubles its last [t] from "commit" to "committed."


You should have selected: toward. correct spelling.

There is no [s] at the end of the word "toward." This is the

Passage E (E1)

You should have selected: requires. the [e] between the two [a]s.

"Requires" is the correct spelling of the transitive verb. Note


You should have selected: relevant. The adjective "relevant" means "applicable." Note the [l], which has an [e] on each side, comes before the [v].


You should have selected: knowledge. The spelling "knowledge" is correct and contains the words "know" and "edge". Note the [l] between [know] and [edge].


You should have selected: perseverance. The correct spelling of this noun has four [e]s and only one [a]. One must persevere to include the correct number of [e]s in this word's spelling. "Perseverance" and "persevere" both end with, and have four [e]s. Note that "perseverance", which builds on "persevere," drops the [e] after the [r], replacing it with an [a].

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You should have selected: principles. The plural spelling "principles" is correct. The spelling principle to remember here is that the school princi-pal is a pal, and another meaning of princi-pal is "greatest influence." A princi-ple is a basic belief or rule, and may in fact be a princi-pal influence upon people's actions.

Passage F (F1)

You should have selected: implement. This is the correct spelling of the word "implement." The word may be a noun, meaning "a tool", or a transitive verb meaning, "to cause an effect or action." In this case, the word was used as a transitive verb. Note the single [i] followed by two [e]'s and not vice versa.


You should have selected: height. This is the correct way to spell the noun "height," a word that refers to vertical position above something, such as the ground. We inherited the end spelling [ght] from Old English, during which time they pronounced this word with an ending [-th] sound. The hard [t] ending that we pronounce today, began sometime during the Middle English period, although we still keep the older spelling.


You should have selected: criticize. The correct spelling of "criticize" in this context is as a verb meaning, "expressing disapproval." The word derives from the noun, "critic" and the verb suffix [-ize] that converts the noun to a verb. Note that "criticize" contains three [i]s.


You should have selected: misunderstand. The prefix [mis-] means bad, or wrong. When the prefix is added to the verb "understand," the result is the transitive verb "misunderstand" which means "failed to get the real meaning."


You should have selected: emissions. The correct spelling of the word "emissions" means to "emit." The word builds upon the Latin root "missionem" meaning "act of sending out." Note the word "mission" incorporated into the spelling between the [e] and the [s].

Passage G (G1)

You should have selected: inappropriate. The correct spelling of the adjective "inappropriate" requires double consonant[p]s followed by a single [p]. The prefix [in-] means "not, opposite of, without" and added to the word "appropriate," the result is "inappropriate," which means "not acceptable."


You should have selected: Societal. Correctly spelled, the adjective "Societal" derives from the noun "society" meaning "a group of people living in community" plus the suffix [-al] that forms adjectives from nouns.


You should have selected: influence. The definition of "influence" means "power to persuade." This correctly spelled noun originates from the mid-15th century building on the Latin root "fluentem" of the word "fluent." For example, "one must be fluent in a subject to exercise influence over it."

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You should have selected: presents. The sentence structure required a verb. The transitive verb "presents" derives from the Old French "presenter." By contrast, the word "presence," spelled with a [c] is a noun. Think of "presenting a [s]peech and [t]alking" to remember the s and [t] in "presents."


You should have selected: significantly. The adverb "significantly" is spelled correctly. The root adjective "significant" becomes an adverb by the addition of the suffix [-ly]. Note the three [i]s followed by one [a].

Passage H (H1)

You should have selected: indiscriminate. "Indiscriminate" is the correct spelling of the adjective. The root adjective "discriminate" plus the prefix [in-], which means "not," yields the word meaning "lack of discernment." Note the four [i]s used in the spelling of "indiscriminate." The root word "discriminate" derives from the Latin "discrīmināre" meaning "to divide."


You should have selected: disciplined. This is the correct way to spell the word "disciplined," which in this case is used as an adjective. Note the silent [c] and the three [i]s used in the spelling.


You should have selected: diligently. The adverb "diligent" forms the root of this adjective. The addition of the suffix [-ly] meaning "like" transforms the word to an adverb. The word implies persistence. Note how the two [i]s abut the first of two [l]s.


You should have selected: frequent. In this case, the correctly spelled "frequent" is used as an adjective meaning "often" or "recurring." The word derives from the Latin "frequēns," which means numerous. Note the use of only two [e]s.


You should have selected: accommodate. The verb "accommodate" meaning "to supply or provide" requires two sets of double consonants for a correct spelling, [c][c] and [m][m].

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Practice SASS Test Set #1

PRACTICING for BASIC MATHEMATICS TESTING The Support and Administrative Selection System (SASS) includes a test for basic mathematics. The test evaluates basic math skills for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and determining percentages. You must perform the calculations needed to solve various questions relating to five test problems. Each test problem presents a set of information that you will use. During a real test, a calculator and scratch paper are provided to you; therefore, you should not rely on any specially programmed calculators during a practice test. Consider setting aside a practice block of time at least 25 minutes in length Completing all passages should take no more than 14 minutes. You should try to complete the entire test in one sitting, working as many questions as possible. Answers with explanations follow the test. Gain familiarity with the style of the real selection test by practicing taking this test. To create conditions most like a real test:  

Be sure to set a timer for 14 minutes before beginning the practice test Do not look at the answers and explanations until you have completed all the test questions

Basic Mathematics Test Instructions The sample problem on this page presents the style of the test. For each question, work your calculation and then darken the box beside the correct answer. If no answer appears correct, then fill in the box next to he answer "None of the above." Each question can only be answered correctly by one of the choices. Note how question (1) is completed. Try sample questions (2) through (4) on your own.

John earned a 5% salary increase last year. Before the increase, he made $14.00 per hour. He works 32 hours per week. 1.

How much does John make per week after the increase in his pay?  $ 470.40  $ 448.00  $ 588.00  $ 560.00  None of the above


After the salary increase, how much will John make in a year? He works 52 weeks in a year.  $ 23,296.00  $ 24,460.80  $ 23,994.88  $ 24,128.00  None of the above


If John increases his weekly schedule to 35 hours per week, what will he make for the entire year with this salary increase?  $ 25,725.00  $ 22,364.16  $ 26,754.00  $ 24,500.00  None of the above Page 14 of 26

Practice SASS Test Set #1

4. After the increase in pay, if John opted to go back to school and cut his hours to 24 per week, what would be his salary each week?  $ 352.80  $ 336.00  $ 348.00  $ 235.20  None of the above In the first question the answer was $ 470.40. To get the answer, multiply 5% (0.05) times $14.00 to get hourly increase of $0.70. Adding $0.70 to $14.00 equals $14.70, which is John's new hourly pay. (Another way to do this would be to multiply 1.05 times $14.00 to get John's new hourly pay of $14.70.) Each week after his pay increase he earns $14.70 per hour. Multiply this amount times the 32 hours he worked to arrive at $352.80. For question 2, you should have filled in the box next to $24,460.80. John works 52 weeks times 32 hours, which is 1664 hours per year. This number is multiplied by John's new hourly salary, which is $14.00 plus $14.00 x (.05), or $14.70. The correct answer for question 3 is $26,754.00. If John makes $14.70 per hour after the pay increase, works 35 hours per week for an entire year of 52 weeks, then his annual salary is $14.70 x 35 x 52. You should have filled in the box next to $26,754.00. In question 4, the correct box to darken is beside $352.80. If John is making more per hour ($14.70) after his increase, but chooses to work fewer hours each week, then his weekly salary is $14.70 x 24 (the number of hours he plans to work). In the following practice test, there are five problems (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E). Each problem has multiple questions similar to the sample questions shown. In some cases, information will be presented in tabular form. After setting a timer for 14 minutes, try working through all of the questions. After completing as many questions as possible within the time limit, check your answers. Consider if you need to work more quickly, brush up on math skills, or pace yourself to leave time to recheck your answers during a real BASIC MATHEMATICS test.

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Test Set 1, Problem (A) A contract vendor processes various orders for a retail company. Each time the company processes an order, the vendor charges the packaging costs back to the division that made the sale. Packaging costs vary by size and by the number of items handled per package. Size of Package 9"L x 5"W x 5"D 8"L x 8"W x 4"D 11-3/4"L x 8-3/4"W x 4-3/4"D 14"L x 9" W x 8" D 1A-1

$ 3.78 $ 3.60 $ 6.48 $ 1.30 None of the above

The vendor announces an overstock of size 9"L x 5"W x 5"D and so they have lowered their packaging costs to $0.75 for their rate of handling 1-10 units per package. If you take advantage of the overstock price for 10 packages sized 9"L x 5"W x 5"D with 8 units each versus five of next size larger package with 16 units each, what would be the loss to your company?

     1A-4

$ 2.40 $ 6.18 $ 4.80 $ 8.24 None of the above

If 54 units fit into a package sized 14"L x 9" W x 8" D, what would it cost to split and package the units between three packages sized 8"L x 8"W x 4"D, if each package can hold 18 units?

     1A-3

11 to 25 Units per Package $1.11 $1.26 $2.40 $4.90

What is the charge for 32 items if you can package 8 items in each 11-3/4"L x 8-3/4"W x 4-3/4"D package?

     1A-2

1-10 Units per Package $0.95 $1.08 $2.06 $4.25

$ 1.14 $ 1.20 $ 0.58 $ 1.50 None of the above

What is the minimum charge for sending three packages sized 11-3/4"L x 8-3/4"W x 4-3/4"D with a total of 25 units, when each package can hold 15 units?

    

$ 4.12 $ 4.80 $ 6.18 $ 4.46 None of the above Page 16 of 26

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Test Set 1, Problem B Public schools schedule field trips of the company's campus each Fall. Tours begin each morning, with each stop at a building taking 30 minutes. Each tour guide escorts groups of 60 through the buildings on campus. There are five buildings and tours begin with building 100, then 200, then 300, then 400, and end at building 500. To manage the number of visitors, tours are staggered so that one tour begins at 8, the next at 8:30, the next at 9, the next at 9:30 and the last tour begins at 10 am.


How many students will tour building 200 throughout the day?

    


When will the last tour group arrive at building 500?

    


300 240 180 360 None of the above

10:00 am 12:00 pm 11:30 pm 12:30 pm None of the above

Approximately how long does each complete tour take?

    

150 minutes 300 minutes 120 minutes 240 minutes None of the above

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Test Set 1, Problem C At the Acme Company, field staff account for 50% of the overall full time staff of 120. The number of human resource staff at Acme is nine out of the 120. By contrast, the SuperGro Company is much larger and has an entire human resources division with 40 people representing 10% of their entire staff. 1C-1

What is the total number of employees at the SuperGro Company?

    


What percentage of the employees at the Acme Company is human resource staff?

    


160 60 120 400 None of the above

0.075 percent 7.5 percent 50 percent 0.10 percent None of the above

If the SuperGro Company has the double the percentage of field staff as human resource staff, then how many field staff doe the SuperGro Company have?

    

80 49 120 20 None of the above

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Test Set 1, Problem D You are responsible for restocking first aid kits every month. Your company has a purchase agreement with a local medical supply store, and your first aid supplies budget is $18 per month. The table shown below lists the items available under this contract. First Aid Supply 1 inch Flexible Adhesive Bandages (price each) Disposable Vinyl Gloves (price per glove) Antiseptic Cleanser Packet Aspirin Packet


23 percent 19 percent 50 percent 45 percent None of the above

How much more funding do you need to purchase 425 flexible bandages and 725 antiseptic cleanser packets during one month?

     1D-3

$0.07 $0.17 $0.04 $0.02

You want to put a two pairs of gloves in each fleet vehicle first aid kit. There are 12 vehicles in the fleet. What percentage of your budget is needed to purchase the gloves? Round up or down to the nearest whole percent.

    


Cost per Item

$49.75 $40.75 $58.75 $31.75 None of the above

If a complete first aid kit has 150 flexible bandages, four pairs of gloves, 300 antiseptic cleanser packets, and 125 aspirin packets, then how many months will it take for you to stock a three complete first aid kits using your monthly budget? Round up to the nearest month.

    

one month two months four months three months None of the above

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Test Set 1, Problem E Re-enrollment for health insurance happens every July 1 through August 31. Your company offers various health insurance options for regular full-time employees. The table below shows the cost of insurance for various options. Group Health Insurance Option In-network Health Insurance In-network Health Insurance Non-network Health Insurance Non-network Health Insurance Opt A Dental + Vision Insurance Opt A Dental + Vision Insurance Opt B Group Long Term Care Opt B Group Long Term Care


$7824.48 $6627.99 $16501.35 $14452.47 None of the above

Ten employees choose Opt A Dental + Vision Insurance for Employee Only and sixteen employees choose Opt A Dental + Vision Insurance for Employee + Family. What percent of the total annual cost is for the employees only? Round your answer to the nearest whole percent.

    


Coverage Employee Only Employee + Family Employee Only Employee + Family Employee Only Employee + Family Employee Only Employee + Family

How much would a family spend annually if it chooses in-network health insurance and both options?

     1E-2

Monthly Cost for Employee 3312.84 7824.48 4584.96 9873.36 1020.27 3060.72 1189.32 3567.27

17% 83% 63% 25% None of the above

An employee and their spouse both work for the company, but in different units. They have no children. What would be more costly for them?

 Employee + Family Non-network Health Insurance  Employee + Family In-network Health Insurance with Opt A  Employee Only for each employee for In-network Health Insurance with Opt A each

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End of Practice Test This concludes the practice test for Basic Mathematics.

Answers with explanations begin on the next page.

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Answers with Detailed Explanations Test Set 1 Problem Set A


You should have selected $8.24. The problem requires dividing 32 units by 8 to determine 4 packages sized 11-3/4"L x 8-3/4"W x 4-3/4"D are needed because the problem states eight units fit in each package. Using the table, the processing cost for a package of this size holding eight units is $2.06. Then multiply $2.06 times 4 to find the answer of $8.24.


You should have selected $3.78. The problem requires finding the processing cost for three packages sized 8"L x 8"W x 4"D with 18 units per package. From the table, this processing cost is $1.24 per package. You must multiply $1.24 times 3 to arrive at the correct answer of $3.78. The point that all 54 units fits into one package sized 14"L x 9" W x 8" D is entirely irrelevant to the question.


You should have selected $1.20. To compare the processing costs you must first determine the charge separately for each package. For example, the processing cost for ten packages at $0.75 each, you need to multiply 10 times $0.75 = $7.50. This processing cost applies for ten or fewer units per package. Similarly, five of the next size larger packages (8"L x 8"W x 4"D) requires multiplying 5 times $1.26 = $6.30. Then you subtract $6.30 from $7.50 to determine the difference in processing costs. For your company, it would be less expensive by $1.20 to process 16 units per package using the 8"L x 8"W x 4"D size packages.


You should have selected $4.46. If 25 units require processing but the package in question only holds 15 units, multiple packing options exist. You should divide 25 units by the maximum number of units per package (15) to learn that at least two packages are required. From the table, processing 10 units would cost $2.06. By subtracting 10 units from 25 units, you still have 15 units remaining requiring packing. These may be packed all in one package for an additional cost of $2.40. By adding $2.06 and $2.40, the minimum possible cost is $4.46. It would also be possible to split the 25 units among three packages, all with less than 10 units per package for a cost of 3 times $2.06= $6.18. Or, two packages with 12 units and 13 units each, could be processed for 2 times $2.40 = $4.80. Therefore, the minimum cost is still $4.46.

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Practice SASS Test Set #1

Test Set 1 Problem Set B


You should have selected 300. The problem asks how many students will tour building 200 throughout the day. From the description, you know that 60 students are in each tour group and tours begin at five different times throughout the morning. Building 200 is included in each tour. You must multiply 60 times 5 = 300.


You should have selected 12:00 pm. The problem asks when the last tour group arrives at building 500. From the description, you know that the last tour does not begin until 10:00 am. The tour works its way through five buildings, spending 30 minutes at each stop. Also, building 500 is the last stop, with four buildings preceding. Therefore, you should multiply 0.5 hours times four buildings = 2 hours and add this amount (2 hours) to 10:00 to determine the last stop at building 500 begins at 12:00 pm.


You should have selected 150 minutes. The problem asks how long each complete tour takes. From the description, you know that there are five buildings to tour, with 30 minutes per building. Therefore, you must multiply 5 times 30 = 150 minutes.

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Practice SASS Test Set #1

Test Set 1 Problem Set C


You should have selected 400. The problem asks for the total number of employees at the SuperGro Company. From the description, you know that 40 people equals 10 percent of the total staff. Therefore, you divide 40 by the percentage it represents (0.10) to get 400.


You should have selected 7.5 percent. The problem asks what percentage of the employees at the Acme Company is human resource staff. From the description, you know that the number of human resource staff is 9 and the total number of Acme staff is 120. Therefore, you divide 9 by 120 to get 0.075, then to convert this answer to a percentage, you multiply it times 100 to get 7.5 percent.


You should have selected 80. If the SuperGro Company has twice the percentage of field staff as it does human resource staff, then it has two times 10 percent, which is 20 percent. If you know that 40 people equals 10 percent, then multiplying 2 x 40 to get 80 represents 2 x 10 = 20 percent.

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Practice SASS Test Set #1

Test Set 1 Problem Set D 1D-1

You should have selected 45 percent. The gloves are priced individually, not in pairs. You need two pairs, or 4 gloves, in each of 12 vehicles at $0.17 per glove. Multiplying 4 times 12 times 0.17 equals $8.16. The question asks what percentage of your $18/month budget you need to use. Therefore, you divide 8.16 by 18 equals 0.453. To convert this number to percentage you multiply 0.453 times 100 to get 45.3 percent. When you are instructed to round up or down (to the nearest whole percent or number), you round any digit to the right of the decimal point down if it is less than five and up when the digit is 5 or greater. In this case the digit is 3, so you round down to 45 percent.


You should have selected $40.75. The question asks how much more funding do you need to purchase 425 flexible bandages and 725 antiseptic cleanser packets during one month. First you need to determine the cost of the supplies and then subtract the monthly budget from this cost to determine how much more funding is required. For example, from the table, you multiply the price of bandages ($0.07) times the quantity (425) to get $29.75. You multiply the price of cleanser packets ($0.04) times the required quantity 725 to get $29.00. Then adding these two amounts together ($29.75 + $29.00) gives you a total cost of $58.75. Finally, subtract $18.00 from $58.75 to arrive at the answer of $40.75.


You should have selected None of the above. You are asked to figure how many months it will take to accrue enough budget to stock three complete first aid kits. You know your monthly budget is only $18.00. First you need to determine the total cost for one complete kit. Based upon the stated supplies, a complete kit has bandages, gloves, antiseptic cleanser packets and aspirin packets. The prices of these are 0.07 per bandage, 0.17 per glove, 0.04 per antiseptic cleanser packet, and 0.02 per aspirin packet. For each item you multiply its price by the quantity required to get, (0.07 times 150 = $10.50), (0.17 x 4 x 2 =$1.36), (0.04 x 300 = $12.00), and (0.02 x 125 = $2.50), respectively. Adding the amounts together yields $10.50 + $1.36 + $12.00 + $2.50 = $26.36 required to supply one kit. You need three kits, therefore you multiply $26.36 times 3 = $79.08. To determine how many months you must save to have enough budget for all three kits, you divide $79.08 by $18.00 to get 4.39. You are instructed to round up to the nearest month, so 4.39 rounds up to five.

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Practice SASS Test Set #1

Test Set 1 Problem Set E


You should have selected $14452.47. You are asked to figure how much a family will spend annually on in-network health insurance and two options (A) and (B). From the table, you should select the price associated with Employee + Family for each type of insurance and add these together. Therefore, you add $7824.48 + $3060.72 + $3567.27 together equaling $14452.47.


You should have selected 17%. The question asks what percent of the total annual cost is for employees only, therefore you need to calculate the cost of Employee Only versus the cost of Employee + Family for a certain number of employees for each category. You are given 10 choices of Opt A Dental + Vision Employee Only. Therefore, this cost is found by multiplying 10 time $1027.27 = $10272.70. You are given 16 choices of Opt A Dental + Vision Employee + Family, so you multiply 16 times $3060.72 = $48971.52. Find the total annual cost by adding the calculated amounts together ($10272.70 + $48971.52 = $59244.22). The percent of the total annual cost for the employee only option requires dividing $10272.70 by $59.244.22 = 0.173. To convert your answer to percentage multiply 0.173 times 100 = 17.3. Finally, you are instructed to round your answer to the nearest whole percent. When you are instructed to round up or down (to the nearest whole percent or number), you round any digit to the right of the decimal point down if it is less than five and up when the digit is 5 or greater. In this case the digit is 3 so you round down to 17%.


You should have selected Employee + Family In-network Health Insurance with Opt A. If an employee and spouse both work for the company they can either each choose Employee Only, or one of the pair can choose Employee + Family. The fact that they have no children is irrelevant to the problem. The possible answers were Employee + Family Non-network Health Insurance, which would cost $9873.36 as shown in the table. Another possible answer would be Employee + Family In-network Health Insurance with Opt A. To determine this cost, you would add $7824.48 and $3060.72 = $10885.20. The last possible answer is Employee Only for each employee for In-network Health Insurance with Opt A. To determine this cost you would add $3312.84 + $3312.84 + $1020.27 + $1020.27 to get $ 8666.22. Of these results, the annual cost of $10885.20 is the highest.

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