Author: Volker Thomas
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BELGIUM – FRENCH SPEAKING COMMUNITY Applications have to be submitted in French or English; if otherwise original version + translation into French





BULGARIA 1. Each organisation may submit only one application for a Leonardo da Vinci mobility project.


2. If the applicant institution is not a public organisation, and is preregistered under the Trade Register Law, the organisation must indicate its Unified Identity Code (BULSTAT code). Otherwise the applicant must enclose the following documents in addition to the Application form: 1

 A certified copy of a court judgment for registration or an Article for association/partnership.  A certified copy of a Certificate of Good (Corporate) Standing. 3. In 2012 the minimum duration of mobility period, per target group is as follows: - trainees in initial vocational training (IVT) – 3 weeks; - people in the labour market (PLM) – 4 weeks; - vocational education training professionals (VETPRO) – 1 week. If the requested minimum duration is not observed at application stage, the submitted application will be considered ineligible.

CZECH REPUBLIC 1. Only one application for Leonardo da Vinci Mobility Projects per CZ institution (any legal entity registered in the Czech Republic) will be accepted for the same target group (IVT, PLM or VETPRO). If an institution submits more than one application in the same target group, the National Agency will ask the applicant to choose only one and withdraw the rest of them. Should the applicant fail to do it in the time limit set by the National Agency, the National Agency will randomly select only one of the submitted applications that will be assessed.In

case of universities or other higher education institutions – each faculty is considered to be a separate institution. In case of organisational bodies of state and institutions established by law – each organisational unit is considered to be a separate institution if the consent of the superior authority is expressed.

1. The priority will be given to institutions that did not receive a Leonardo da Vinci Mobility grant within the Lifelong Learning Programme (Calls 2007-2012); POINTS: 7 2. The priority will be given to projects submitted by institutions that are based in Karlovy Vary, Pilsen and South Bohemian Regions; POINTS: 4 3. The placement of students and graduates / mobility of workers in these fields of education *:  21 Mining and mining geology, metallurgy;  23 Engineering and engineering production;  26 Electrical engineering, telecommunications and computer technology;  28 Technical chemistry and chemistry of silicates;  33 Manufacture of wood and manufacture of musical instruments;  34 Printing, paper processing, film and photography;  36 Construction, geodesy and cartography;  37 Transport and communications; 2

 39 Special and interdisciplinary fields;  82 Art and Applied Art;


* Legal Code No. 211/2010 - Government order of 31 May 2010 on the fields of education system in primary, secondary and higher vocational education DENMARK IVT and PLM projects with placements lasting less than 3 weeks will only be approved in extraordinary circumstances. If an application is drafted in another language than English or Danish, the applicant must submit both the original application and a translation into English or Danish. If the application is not translated into Danish or English it will be rejected due to eligibility criteria. GERMANY

Extra points will be awarded to: New applicants ( 2 points) Projects involving practical training for IVT students (2 point) Projects with placements lasting more than 4 weeks (2 points)

1. Begrenzung von Teilnehmern und Reduzierung von Punkten

1. ECVET, Zielgruppe IVT, 10 Punkte

Die Anzahl der Teilnehmer je Projektantrag kann begrenzt werden bei:

Die nationale Priorität soll die Einführung des europäischen Leistungspunktesystems in der beruflichen Bildung (ECVET) unterstützen. Insbesondere folgende Elemente des ECVET sollen dabei gemeinsam mit dem Projektpartner erprobt werden:

a) einem deutlichen Überhang der förderfähigen Projekte, b) bei einer deutlichen Nichtausschöpfung der Mittel (>20%) in vorangegangenen abgeschlossenen Projekten des Antragstellers und c) bei neuen Projektträgern die noch keine gute Past-Performance nachweisen können (IVT und PLM max. 40 TN, VETPRO max. 20 TN). Die Punktzahl der gemittelten Bewertung kann reduziert werden, wenn ähnliche Projekte des Antragstellers in der gleichen Zielgruppe mit deutlichen Mängeln abgeschlossen worden sind (negative past performance) und diese Mängel für die Fachgutachter auf der Grundlage des Antrags nicht ersichtlich gewesen sein konnten.

o o o

Identifikation und Festlegung von Lernergebnis-Einheiten Beschreibung von Lernergebnissen nach den Deskriptoren des EQF Bewertung von Lernergebnissen

o Dokumentation von Lernergebnissen im Europass Mobilität nach den Deskriptoren des EQF Voraussetzung für die Erprobung von ECVET-Elementen und die Förderung im Rahmen dieser Nationalen Priorität ist o o

die Vereinbarung und Unterzeichnung eines Memorandum of Understanding mit mindestens einem Partner der Abschluss einer individuellen ECVET-Lernvereinbarung mit diesem Partner / den 3

2. Poolprojekte Im Rahmen von Pool-Projekten werden individuelle Auslandsaufenthalte für einzelne Teilnehmer/-innen gefördert. Auch Einzelpersonen erhalten so Zugang zum Programm. Sie ermöglichen insbesondere KMU indirekt am Programm zu partizipieren, indem sie ihren Auszubildenden individuelle Mobilität über Poolprojekte ermöglichen. Pool-Projekte müssen folgende Kriterien erfüllen:   

Bundesweite Zugänglichkeit mit einem einheitlichen und dokumentierten Bewerbungs- und Auswahlverfahren für alle Interessierte Ausschreibung aller geförderten Teilnehmerplätze Individuelle Vermittlung o Individuelle Ausreisetermine o Individuelle Praktikumswahl entweder o vermittelt über das Partnernetzwerk oder o durch Teilnehmer/in selbst organisierter Praktikumsplatz o Vorbereitung wahlweise o Individuelle Kursteilnahme oder o Angeboten durch das Partnernetzwerk o Einhaltung der Qualitätsstandards für Pool-Projekte (s. Website der NA-BIBB)

Partnern zum Zeitpunkt der Antragstellung und den Lernenden vor Beginn des Auslandsaufenthalts. Für das Memorandum of Understanding sowie für die ECVET Lernvereinbarung sind die zur Verfügung gestellten Vorlagen zu nutzen (s. Homepage der NA-BIBB). Das Memorandum of Understanding sowie die ECVET Lernvereinbarung sind vollständig auszufüllen und zusammen mit der Papierversion als Anlage des Antrags einzureichen. Aufgrund des erhöhten Aufwandes erhalten Projekte im Rahmen dieser Priorität den erhöhten Satz für die Organisation der Mobilität. 2. Duales System, Zielgruppe IVT, 10 Punkte Projekte für Auszubildende aus dem Dualen System werden auf der Grundlage der europäischen und nationalen Prioritäten mit Vorrang gefördert, um eine angemessene Repräsentanz in der Aktion sicher zu stellen. Alle Teilnehmer/-innen müssen sich in einer dualen Ausbildung (nach BBiG oder HWO) mit entsprechendem Eintrag des Ausbildungsverhältnisses bei der zuständigen Stelle befinden. 3. Neue Antragsteller, Zielgruppen IVT, PLM und VETPRO,10 Punkte Ziel der Ausschreibung ist es neue Antragsteller zu gewinnen und ihnen bei der Erstantragstellung eine gute Förderchance einzuräumen.

Gegenstand der Priorität sind alle Anträge von Projektträgern, die im Rahmen des Programms Die individuelle Mobilität verursacht einen erhöhten Aufwand in der für Lebenslanges Lernen (seit der Antragsrunde 2007) keine Projektförderung im Rahmen der Vorbereitung und Vermittlung der Teilnehmer/-innen. Projekte in diesem Aktion LEONARDO DA VINCI Mobilität erhalten haben. Bereich erhalten daher unabhängig von der Dauer des Auslandsaufenthalts eine erhöhte Pauschale für die Vorbereitung der Teilnehmenden und die 4. Inklusion, Zielgruppe IVT, 10 Punkte Organisation der Mobilität. Die nationale Priorität Inklusion fördert die Teilnahme von Personen mit besonderem Förderbedarf an der Aktion LEONARDO DA VINCI Mobilität. 3. Einreichung von Anträgen: Die Anträge müssen über die Online-Antrags-Datenbank MultiPass in deutscher oder englischer Sprache erstellt werden. Bis zur Antragsfrist muss der Antrag elektronisch übermittelt sein und der unterschriebene Originalausdruck per Post an die Nationale Agentur geschickt werden

Es soll die Anzahl der Projekte erhöht werden, die insbesondere die folgenden Ziele verfolgen: o o

Inklusive/ integrative Mobilitätskonzepte umsetzen (gemischte Teilnehmenden-Gruppen) Zielgruppenspezifische Mobilitätskonzepte umsetzen (homogene Teilnehmenden4

(Poststempel). Die Datenbank ist unter http://www.na-bibb.de zu erreichen. o

Gruppen) Den Kompetenzzuwachs der Teilnehmenden durch den Auslandsaufenthalt für die Vermittlungsstrategie in den Arbeitsmarkt konkret nutzen

Voraussetzung für die Vergabe der Zusatzpunkte und die erhöhte Förderung in den Bereichen Organisation der Mobilität und Vorbereitung der Teilnehmenden: o o

Konzeptionelle Beschreibung der inklusiven oder zielgruppenspezifischen Projektumsetzung mindestens 50% der Teilnehmenden haben einen besonderen Förderbedarf

Inhaltliche Anforderungen, anrechenbare Berufsausbildungsgänge mit besonderem Förderbedarf und Hinweise zum Antrag finden Sie in den Erläuterungen zur Nationalen Priorität Inklusion (s. www.na-bibb.de unter Antragstellung 2013). IRELAND None




GREECE 1. A maximum of three applications per organisation/institution will be Extra points will be awarded to mobility projects that: accepted. If an organisation/institution submits more than three 1. Focus on the development of professional skills of non-specialised employees. (3 points) applications, all applications will be considered ineligible. 2. A maximum of 30 participants per application will be accepted by organizations already funded with a LdV grant.

2. Involve bodies from remote regional areas, specifically from Vorio – Notio Aigaio, Ionia Nisia, Ipeiros, Anatoliki Makedonia and Thraki (2 points) 5

3. A maximum of 15 participants per application will be accepted by organizations that have never been funded with a LdV grant.

3. Reinforce the employability and the reintegration into the labour market of young unemployed people. (6 points) 4. Involve individuals from disadvantaged social groups (special needs, immigrants, minority groups). (1 point) 5. Are submitted by enterprises, most importantly by small-medium enterprises (SME’s) (3 points)

SPAIN 1. Only 1 application for LLP Mobility per institution and target group will be accepted for funding, except for regional ministries, for which up to two applications per target group will be accepted. If an institution submits more than the maximum number of applications stated above, the lower scored in the evaluation will be discarded.


2. A maximum of 30 participants will be awarded for organisations that have not previously obtained funding under the Leonardo Mobility Programme. Experienced organisations, with a good capacity and proven good quality performance in the past, will be eligible to be awarded a maximum of 100 Leonardo participants in total (excluding those organisations that have been awarded a Mobility certificate). 3. A reduction of mobilities or rejection of the proposal will be agreed by the Evaluation Committee for applicants with a low percentage of achievement of mobilities in past calls, or for applicant institutions with similar past projects under the same group objective, which have proved to have clear insufficient/poor results. FINLAND 6


1. Transparency and recognition of learning outcomes through piloting of ECVET 2. Quality of mobility periods 3. Equal opportunities for all 4. New skills for new jobs 5. The changing role of teachers and trainers Each priority is equal weight. An application can be awarded a maximum of 10 extra points, also if a proposal relates to several priorities.



ITALY An organisation may submit only one application as project promoter in each of the mobility actions (IVT, PLM, VETPRO), while it can participate as a partner to other applications, even in the same action where it submitted an application as promoter. If more applications are submitted by the same promoter in the same action, all proposals submitted by that promoter are considered ineligible. For the purpose of applying this criterion, the organisational sub-structures of a same organisation - even when having organisational and financial autonomy with respect to the organisation they belong to (e.g. departments of the same university, administrative districts of a municipality) - are not considered as separate subjects with respect to the organisation itself.

1. Priority is given to projects aimed at "Transnational placements in enterprises or in training organisations for people on the labour market" (PLM), particularly young people, emphasizing learning practices in the workplace, in order to foster employability. This could also be an opportunity to reflect upon both different methods and on the arrangements made for the recognition of Learning Outcomes. (Maximum 5 points) 2. Priority is given to those applications whose partnership involve actively organisms coming from at least two macro-land areas of the country (e.g. North-Centre-South and Islands). (Maximum 0.50 points) 3. Priority is given to the applications that envisage the involvement of promoting/sending organisations from the South of Italy. (Maximum 0.50 points) 4. Priority is given to those applications whose partnership involve SMEs and social partners, as suggested in the Commission Communication "Think Small First (Small Business Act for Europe, 06.25.2008) and the next European Parliament resolution of 10/03/2009, which asks for policies, guidance and conduct of the Member States designed to encourage SMEs growth. (Maximum 0.50 points) The proposals submitted, taking into account the criteria of priority for mobility, can achieve the 7

maximum of additional points in relation to each priority given. CYPRUS 1. The maximum LdV Mobility grant amount that can be awarded is 100,000 Euro per beneficiary organisation. 2. The NA applies a ceiling on travel costs per country of destination. 3. Applications without a letter of intent and a Training programme from the Host Organisation will be considered ineligible. In case the Host is an intermediary organisation, the organisation(s) providing the training must be indicated in the letter of intent, as well as in the training programme(s)


Applicant organizations, which have not received an LdV Mobility grant during the last 3 years, will be awarded with 5 points on top of their total quality assessment score of their submitted application.

2. Priority to IVT projects (10 points) 3. Priority to projects involving young graduates, without previous working experience, as well as unemployed people (10 points) Note. A project cannot be awarded with more than 15 points.

LATVIA Only one Leonardo da Vinci mobility application per organisation per action (IVT, PLM, VETPRO) will be accepted.


LITHUANIA 1. Only one Leonardo da Vinci Mobility application per institution per

1. 1. The Mobility projects, which are applied by vocational education and training

target group (IVT, VETPRO and PLM) could be granted. Organisation can submit no more than two Leonardo Mobility applications per target group (IVT, PLM and VETPRO), however maximum of 3 Leonardo Mobility projects will be eligible for funding per organisation. If an organization submits more than 2 applications per target group (IVT, PLM, VETPRO), the NA will ask it to indicate which 2 projects they want to enter evaluation.

institution* that has not previously received funding of the Lifelong Learning program (since 2007.) – additional 3 points. applicant organisation is a vocational education and training institution, which has not received a Leonardo Mobility grant since 2007. Only institutions registered as vocational education and training institutions at the Register of Institutions of Science and Training of the Ministry of Education and Science (http://www.aikos.smm.lt/aikos/institucijos_registr.htm) would be given additional points. (3 points)

2. The grant for one mobility project should not exceed 60.000 EUR. If 2. Mobility projects with not less than 4 sending partners, which participation in the project partnership involves more than 4 sending partners, the grant project is equivalent - equal or similar number of participants from partners can be up to 90.000 EUR. organizationsProjects with not less than 4 sending partners (2 points) 3. No more than 15 participants per visit will be accepted in VETPRO 3. PLM projects for the unemployed graduates who were graduated from vocational school, college or university no more than 2 years before the placement period and do 8

and PLM projects.

not study in any educational institution. Additional points will be given to the PLM projects which applicants are an educational institutions, Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Crafts, Chamber of Agriculture, employers' association (unions, confederations, etc.)., Labor exchange offices. (5 points)

LUXEMBOURG 1. Each organisation/institution cannot have more than three ongoing European LLP projects (applicable for Comenius, Grundtvig and Leonardo da Vinci Partnerships, Grundtvig Workshops, Senior Volunteering Projects, Leonardo da Vinci Mobility and Transfer of Innovation Projects).


2. For non public bodies: Only organisations which have been existing for at least 3 years ( registered in the “Mémorial”) and which have the financial capacity as well as the operational capacity are eligible. HUNGARY 1. Target group of IVT: 1.1. The percentage of socially disadvantaged participants is significant (minimum 20%) in the project; (max 10 pts) In line with the proportion of socially disadvantaged participants in the project, applicants can get 5-10 points (the rating system is available on the NA website). 1.2. The percentage of participants learning in professions stated as shortage for the 2012/13 school year in the official reports of the Regional Development and Training Committees is minimum 40%. [link to be published]. (5 pts) 2. Target group of PLM: 2.1. Mobility proposals - submitted in by labour organizations (labour centres, regional training centres, NGOs providing help with the (re)integration of unemployed persons) facilitating the participation of permanently unemployed in transnational placements (min. 50% of the participants). (5 pts) 3. Target group of VETPRO: The core objective of the proposal is studying the best practices of integrated education of pupils with special learning needs; (5 points); (5pts) 9

3.2. Those applications where the partners intend to test or implement ECVET. (10 pts) 4. In case of every target group: 4.1. Projects submitted by promoters having had no approved Leonardo mobility project either in LdV first and second phase or in the LLP first phase. (5pts) 4.2. Projects carried out in the active cooperation of minimum 3 Hungarian institutions, one of them being an employer providing apprenticeship and the participants involved in mobility are from all of these cooperating institutions. (5pts) MALTA - The proposal has to comply with the minimum duration according to the action type i.e. IVT and PLM (minimum 2 weeks) and VETPRO (minimum 1 week). - For non public bodies requesting a grant exceeding 25,000 (twentyfive thousand) Euro, a copy of the official accounts for the most recent financial year for which accounts have been closed is to be added to the application form. - The applicant is requested to provide a filled-in Financial Identification sheet with the institution’s bank account details. This sheet has to be presented with the application form. NETHERLANDS


1. The use of ICT for VET purposes 2. To promote a more entrepreneurial culture and create a supportive environment for SMEs 3. Priority will be given to projects addressing the enhancement of the employability of persons from underrepresented and or underprivileged groups All national priorities carry the same weight: - Projects that do not address any national priorities shall receive ‘0’ points - Projects addressing one national priority shall receive ‘5’ points - Projects addressing two or more national priorities shall receive ‘10’ points

1. Experimentations with ECVET in mobility. For VETPRO applications this means that One application per organisation per target group is accepted, teachers and staff will work with partners abroad to prepare ECVET implementation, leading to a maximum of 3 projects per call (1 VETPRO, 1 IVT, 1 describing learning outcomes, comparing and agreeing about assessment etc. For IVT PLM). If an organisation submits more than 2 applications, the NA this means that students participate in (testing) ECVET mobility.(4 points) will ask it to indicate which projects they want to enter selection. If the organisation does not reply, the NA will select two applications at 2. Further professionalization of teachers with regards to the links with the world of work in random and reject the rest. An exception is being made for projects relation to Vocational and educational training especially placements in accredited focussing on social inclusion. companies in VETPRO projects (4 points) 2. For IVT and VETPRO, there are limitations to the growth of the budgets. The budget cannot grow more than a certain percentage based on a calculation of the amount granted in the applications of The maximum number of extra points is 8 in total. Each criterion will be assessed separately the last 4 years. Applicants are notified of their maximum budget in a In dept information for applicants towards the National priorities will be provided by the NA 10

timely manner. The exact formula is also published in the handbook website and in National Handbook Mobility Call 2013. for Mobility Projects with no earlier applications and VETPRO projects with an average below 25.000 have to start with a small project (