Stable isotope 28 Si 29 Si 30


Relative atomic mass

Mole fraction

27.976 926 535

0.922 23

28.976 494 665 29.973 7701

0.046 85 0.030 92

Silicon isotopes in Earth/planetary science Because molecules, atoms, and ions of the stable isotopes of silicon possess slightly different physical, chemical, and biological properties, they commonly will be isotopically fractionated during physical, chemical, and biological processes, giving rise to variations in isotopic abundances and in atomic weights. There are substantial variations in the isotopic abundances of silicon in natural terrestrial materials (Figure 1). These variations are useful in investigating the origin of substances and studying environmental, hydrological, and geological processes [1]. Diatoms, a major group of algae, need silicon to build up their opaline shells and prefer 28Si while taking up Si(OH)4, which is the biologically available form of silicon in the marine environment. This progressively enriches the surface waters with 29Si and 30 Si [117, 118]. 32Silabeled silicic acid of high specific radioactivity can be used to measure uptake rates of Si and estimate marine sedimentation of biogenic (created by living organisms) silica (by diatoms and sea shells). By performing uptake kinetic experiments, the 32 Si activity can be measured as 32 P using counting of Cherenkov radiation (radiation produced by charged particles passing through a medium at a speed greater than that of light through the same medium—after Soviet physicist

Pavel A. Cherenkov)with a liquid scintillation analyzer (measuring ionizing radiation using the interaction of radiation on a material and counting the resulting photon emissions) [117, 118].

Fig. 1: Variation in atomic weight with isotopic composition of selected silicon-bearing materials (modified from [1]). Silicon isotopes in geochronology Cosmogenic 32Si has a half-life of about 150 years and is produced by cosmic ray spallation of argon in the stratosphere and troposphere. 32 Si in dust is precipitated in snow, making it possible to date dust in snow and glacial ice (Figure 2). Glaciers are archives for global climate history because they contain a variety of proxies (imprints of past environmental conditions used to interpret paleoclimate) for climate forcing and climate response. Cosmogenic 32 Si that is stored in glaciers and ice-core samples can be analyzed using accelerator mass spectrometry to date when sections of glaciers formed [117, 119-121].

Fig. 2: 32Si concentrations in three snow samples from Jungfraujoch, a glacial pass in the Bernese Alps at an elevation of approximately 3.5 km above sea level (modified from [122]). Sample Jungfraujoch 2 contains Saharan dust and has a substantially higher concentration of 32 Si than snow samples not containing Saharan dust. Silicon isotopes in industry At Keio University in Japan, the Itoh group has found a method for using 29 Si for storing and processing information. The Itoh group wanted to progress further than just atomically manipulating elements; they wanted to start manipulating the nanostructure of materials at an isotopic level, especially with semiconductors. Because silicon has three stable isotopes, they started manipulating these isotopes first by showing how the difference in the nuclear spin and mass of the isotopes has an effect on how a given isotope can be manipulated at the isotopic level [123, 124]. Silicon crystals enriched to better than 99.99 percent purity of 28 Si are being used in the Avogadro Project. This project is intended to re-measure the Avogadro constant (NA), which is the proportionality factor between the amount of substance and numbers of elementary entities [125].

Glossary accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) – a form of mass spectrometry in which ions are accelerated to extraordinarily high kinetic energies before mass analysis. The special strength of AMS among the mass spectrometric methods is its power to separate a rare isotope from an abundant neighboring mass, e.g., 14C from 12C. [return] atomic number (Z) – The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom. atomic weight (relative mean atomic mass) – the sum of the products of the relative atomic mass and the mole fraction of each stable and long-lived radioactive isotope of that element in the sample. The symbol of the atomic weight of element E is A r(E), and the symbol of the atomic weight of an atom (isotope) of element E having mass number A is Ar( AE). Because relative atomic masses are scaled (expressed relative) to one-twelfth the mass of a carbon-12 atom, atomic weights are dimensionless. [return] Avogadro constant (N A) – the number of entities in a mole of substance, where mole (symbol mol) is the amount of substance that contains as many elementary entities as there are atoms in 0.012 kilograms of carbon-12, about 6.022 × 1023. The elementary entities may be atoms, ions, molecules, electrons, other particles or specified groups of particles. The Avogadro constant is the scaling factor between the microscopic (atomic scale) and the macroscopic properties of matter. [return] cosmogenic – produced by the interaction of Earth materials (soil, rock, and atmosphere) and meteorites with high-energy cosmic rays, resulting in protons and neutrons being expelled from an atom (termed cosmic ray spallation). [return] electron – elementary particle of matter with a negative electric charge and a rest mass of about 9.109 × 10–31 kg. element (chemical element) – a species of atoms; all atoms with the same number of protons in the atomic nucleus. A pure chemical substance composed of atoms with the same number of protons in the atomic nucleus [703]. gamma rays (gamma radiation) – a stream of high-energy electromagnetic radiation given off by an atomic nucleus undergoing radioactive decay. The energies of gamma rays are higher than those of X-rays; thus, gamma rays have greater penetrating power. half-life (radioactive) – the time interval that it takes for the total number of atoms of any radioactive isotope to decay and leave only one-half of the original number of atoms. [return] ionizing – pertaining to the process by which an atom, molecule, or substance acquires a negative or positive charge. Commonly, one or more electrons are removed to give a negative charge. [return]

isotope – one of two or more species of atoms of a given element (having the same number of protons in the nucleus) with different atomic masses (different number of neutrons in the nucleus). The atom can either be a stable isotope or a radioactive isotope. isotopic abundance (mole fraction or amount fraction) – the amount (symbol n) of a given isotope (atom) in a sample divided by the total amount of all stable and long-lived radioactive isotopes of the chemical element in the sample.[return] isotopic composition – number and abundance of the isotopes of a chemical element that are naturally occurring [706]. [return] isotopic fractionation (stable-isotope fractionation) – preferential enrichment of one isotope of an element over another, owing to slight variations in their physical, chemical, or biological properties [706]. [return] neutron – an elementary particle with no net charge and a rest mass of about 1.675 × 10–27 kg, slightly more than that of the proton. All atoms contain neutrons in their nucleus except for protium (1H). photon – elementary particle of zero charge, zero rest mass, and carrier of electromagnetic force. [return] proton – an elementary particle having a rest mass of about 1.673 × 10–27 kg, slightly less than that of a neutron, and a positive electric charge equal and opposite to that of the electron. The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is the atomic number. radioactive decay – the process by which unstable (or radioactive) isotopes lose energy by emitting alpha particles (helium nuclei), beta particles (positive or negative electrons), gamma radiation, neutrons or protons to reach a final stable energy state. radioactive isotope (radioisotope) – an atom for which radioactive decay has been experimentally measured (also see half-life). spallation – a process in which fragments of a solid (spall) are ejected from the solid due to impact or stress. In nuclear physics, spallation is the process in which a nucleus of a heavy element emits a large number of nucleons (isotopes) as a result of being hit by a high-energy particle (e.g., a cosmic ray), resulting is a substantial loss of its atomic weight. [return] stable isotope – an atom for which no radioactive decay has ever been experimentally measured. [return] tropospheric – pertaining to the lowest layer of the atmosphere, extending to about 10 km. [return] X-rays – electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength ranging from 0.01 to 10 nanometers— shorter than those of UV rays and typically longer than those of gamma rays.

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