PILES : A disease arising from a dilation of thr veins of the lower rectum on the edge of the anus

PILES : A disease arising from a dilation of thr veins of the lower rectum on the edge of the anus. Piles =Kali-c.—-relieves burning of piles by sitti...
Author: Juniper Scott
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PILES : A disease arising from a dilation of thr veins of the lower rectum on the edge of the anus. Piles =Kali-c.—-relieves burning of piles by sitting in cold water. Piles =Plan—-One of the most useful of local remedies in homoeopathy and one of its local uses is an application to inflamed piles (Plan) Piles 1st stage = Sulph., Nux-v., Ign.— In the beginning. Piles 2nd stage = Bell., Calc.—Bad condition. Piles 3rd stage = Chin., Graph.—Worse condition. Piles 4th stage = Lyc., Kali-c.—Serious condition. Piles burning =Mullein oil.—-comforts the burning itch of piles. Piles, Blue haemorrhoids, Protruded like bunch of grapes, better by cold water =Aloe. Piles, Blue haemorrhoids, Small but much bleeding =Lyc. Piles, Blue haemorrhoids, Very sensitive, better by hot application =Mur-ac. Piles, Oozing of mucous, Occasional =Sep. Piles, Oozing of mucous, Offensive moisture =Kali-p. Piles, Oozing of mucous, Staining the linen =Ant-c. Piles, With burning pain, As if fire in anus =Ars. Piles, With burning pain, Bleeding from piles =Erig., Coll. Piles, With burning pain, Protruding bleeding painful =Calc-p. Piles, With burning pain, With pain in back =Sulph. Piles, With burning pain, Worse when sitting =Graph. Piles, With itching & creeping, Relieved after stool =Nux-v. Piles, With itching & creeping, Worse after stool =Ign. Piles, With sensation, As if plug in the rectum. Internal piles =Anac. Piles, With sensation, As if splinters pricking the folds =Aesc.

Piles, With sensation, As if sticks in the rectum =Coll. Piles, With sensation, Burning like coals of fire =Ars., Kali-c. Piles, With sensation, extreme suffering ¾ hours after every stool =Paeon. Piles, With sensation, Extremely painful better lying on back =Am-c. Piles, With sensation, Pain worse by standing walking, better by heat =Calc-p. Piles, With sensation, Stitching upward. Protruded with scanty menses =Lach. Piles, With sensation, Violent pain worse lying, better by slow motion =Puls. Piles, With soreness, And raw, worse on walking =Caust. Piles, With soreness, Bleeding with back pains =Bell. Piles, With soreness, Protruded cracked bleeding =Nit-ac.



PILES :[ABDOMEN] : Cramping, pain, suppressed hemorrhoidal flow: NUX-V.

Pain, hemorrhoids, from: Aesc., Nux-v., Sulph., Carb-v., Coloc., Lach., Puls., Valer.

Pain, hemorrhoids, from, as, from: Acon-l.

Pain, suppressed, hemorrhoidal, flow: NUX-V.

Portal, system, congestion, dysmenorrhea, and piles resulting in: COLL.

Portal, system, stasis, hemorrhoidal, colic with: Merc-c.

PILES :[BACK] : Pain, lumbar, alternating, with, headache hemorrhoids: Aloe.

Pain, lumbar, hemorrhoids, with: Aesc., Bell., Ham., Nux-v.

Pressing, pain, hemorrhoids, before, protusion: Alum.

PILES:[BLADDER] : Catarrh, muco-pus, hemorrhoidal, subjects, in: Coll.

Cystitis, suppression, of, menses, or hemorrhoidal flow after: Nux-v.

Hemorrhoids, of: Canth., Ham., Nux-v., Puls., Acon., Ant-c., Bor., Carbv., Euph., Sulph.

Hemorrhoids, of, bleeding: CALC., Ham., Carb-v., Ferr., Lyc., Merc., Nux-v.

PILES :[BLOOD] : Circulation, sluggish, hemorrhoids, with: Coll., Cact., Dig., Ham.

Portal, congestion, with, hemorrhoids, and dysmenorrhea: COLL.

PILES :[BREATHING] : Catching, respiration, sharp, in, abdomen to back in hemorrhoids:

PILES :[CHEST] : Bleeding, from, lungs, and, chest hemorrhoidal flow, after suppression of: NUX-V., Carb-v., Led., Lyc., Sulph., Acon., Phos.


Nephritis, kidneys, hemorrhoidal, after, suppression of flow abuse of liquors, or when caused by a stone: Nux-v., Berb.

Neurosis, cordis, hemorrhoids, suppressed, from: Coll.

Portal, system, general, congestion, dysmenorrhea and piles, resulting: COLL.

Portal, system, general, congestion, stasis hemorrhoidal colic with: Merc-c.

Prostate, benign, enlargement, hemorrhoids, with: Staph.

Suppression, ailments, from, hemorrhoids: NAT-M., NUX-V., OP., SULPH., Calc., Caps., Coll., Ign., Mill., Aloe., Am-m., Apis., Ars., Carb-v., Cupr., Lycps., Phos., Puls., Ran-b.

PILES :[CONSTITUTION] : Alcoholic, constitutions, headaches, hemorrhoids, erysipelatoid inflammation, with: Lach.

Alcoholic, constitutions, hemorrhoids: Sul-ac., Crot-h.

Hemorrhagic, constitutions, hemorrhoids: Nux-v., Sulph., Crot-h.

Hemorrhoidal, constitutions: AESC., CALC., HAM., NUX-V., SULPH., Caps., Caust., Graph., Mur-ac., Nit-ac., Crot-h., Plat., Rat.

Hemorrhoidal, constitutions, constipation, with: NUX-V., Aesc., Hydr., Nat-m., Nit-ac., Sulph.

Hemorrhoidal, constitutions, deafness, with: Sil.

Hemorrhoidal, constitutions, hemoptysis, with: MILL.

Hysterical, constitutions, hemorrhoidal, patients, who cry easily are pale easily fatigued, suffer from wandering pains, are incline to spasms: Plat.

Men, addicted, to, drinking, and sexual excesses with disposition to gout and hemorrhoids apoplexy: Nux-v., Sep.

Nervous, constitutions, melancholic, indigestion, venous constitution with tendency to hemorrhoids: Nux-v.

PILES :[COUGHING] : Hemorrhoids, after, the, appearance, of: Berb., Euphr., Sulph.

PILES :[FEMALE] : Discharge, vagina, hemorrhoids, suppression, from: Am-m.

PILES :[HEADACHE] : Alternating, with, hemorrhoids: Abrot., Aloe.

Hemorrhoids: Coll., Nux-v.

PILES :[HEART] : Heartbeats, intermittent, hemorrhoids, after, operation for: Croc.

Hemorrhoids, with, heart, disease: Aesc., Coll., Crot-h.

Hemorrhoids, with, heart, disease, after heart is relived old hemorrhoids reappear: Coll.

Palpitations, alternating, with, hemorrhoids: Coll.

PILES :[INTESTINES] : Bleeding, hemorrhage, from, chronic, with hemorrhoids: Anac., Sulph.

Bleeding, hemorrhage, from, secondary, after removal of hemorrhoid: Nit-ac.

Cramping, pain, suppressed, hemorrhoidal, flow: NUX-V.

Dysentery, infection, hemorrhoidal, from: Aloe., Coll., Ham.

Peristalsis, inertia, feeling, of, lower hemorrhoids and constipation especially during pregnancy: Coll.

PILES :[JOINTS] : Rheumatism, alternating, with, hemorrhoids: Abrot.

Rheumatism, hemorrhoids, suppressed: Abrot.

PILES :[KIDNEYS] : Nephritis, infection, hemorrhoidal, after, suppression of flow: Nux-v., Berb.


Rheumatic, pain, alternating, with, hemorrhoids: Abrot.

Rheumatic, pain, hemorrhoids, suppressed: Abrot.

PILES :[LIVER] : Congestion, hemorrhoidal, colic, with: Merc-c.

Jaundice, operation, for, hemorrhoids, after: Croc.

Portal, system, dysmenorrhea, and, piles resulting in: COLL.

Portal, system, stasis, hemorrhoidal, colic with: Merc-c.

PILES :[LUNGS] : Asthma, hemorrhoids, with: Junc., Nux-v.

Bleeding, from, lungs, and, chest hemorrhoidal flow, after suppression of: NUX-V., Carb-v., Led., Lyc., Sulph., Acon., Phos.

PILES :[MALE] : Enlargement, prostate, hemorrhoids, with: Staph.

PILES:[MIND] : Depression (sadness), hemorrhoids, suppressed, after: Caps.

Hemorrhoids, thinking of then agg: Caust.

Irritability, hemorrhoids, with: NUX-V., Apis.

Suppressed, skin, diseases, or, hemorrhoids mental symptoms agg. after: Anac., Ant-c., Arn., Ars., Asaf., Bell., Caust., Cupr., Fl-ac., Hyos., Ign., Lach., Lyc., Nux-v., Phos., Sep., Sulph., Verat., Zinc.

PILES :[MOUTH] : Inflammation, mouth, suppressed, hemorrhoids: Puls.

PILES :[NOSE] : Nosebleeds, epistaxis, hemorrhoids with: SEP.

Nosebleeds, epistaxis, hemorrhoids, with, flow of suppressed: Nux-v., Sulph.

PILES :[PREGNANCY] : Constipation, during, hemorrhoids, from, inertia of lower bowel: Coll.

Hemorrhoids, during: NUX-V., SEP., Aesc., Am-m., Ant-c., Caps., Coll., Hydr., Lyc., Nat-m., Sulph., Zinc., Crot-h., Ham., Lach.

Hemorrhoids, during, childbirth, since, agg: KALI-C., SEP., Ign., Lil-t., Mur-ac., Podo., Puls., Sulph.

Hemorrhoids, during, first, month: Lach.

Miscarriage, hemorrhoids, painful, not, bleeding: Ham.

Postpartum, hemorrhoids: NUX-V., Ham., Ign., Kali-c., Lil-t., Podo., Sulph., Phys., Puls., Sep.

PILES :[PULSE] : Intermittent, pulse, beats, hemorrhoids, after operation for: Croc.

Low, Pulse, hemorrhoids, in: Graph.

Slow, puls, 60, 60, after operation for hemorrhoids: Croc.

PILES :[RECTUM] : Bleeding, from, anus, and, rectum removal of hemorrhoids after: Nit-ac.

Constipation, hemorrhoids, from: Aesc., Aesc-g., Aloe., Calc-f., Coll., Nux-v., Rat., Sulph., Alumn., Caust., Euon., Glon., Graph., Ham., Hydr., Kali-s., Lyc., Nat-m., Nit-ac., Paraf., Podo., Sil., Wye.

Constipation, obstinate, flatulence, and, hemorrhoids with: COLL.


Hemorrhoids, alcoholics, in: NUX-V., SULPH., Ars., Carb-v., Lach., Sul-ac.,

Hemorrhoids, alcohol, abuse, in, sedentary persons agg: Aesc-g., Nux-v., Sulph.

Hemorrhoids, alternating, with, lumbago: Aloe., Aesc.

Hemorrhoids, alternating, with, lumbago, palpitations: COLL.

Hemorrhoids, abdominal, plethora, with: Aloe., Sulph., Aesc., Coll., Ham., Nux-v., Sep.

Hemorrhoids, bathing, agg: Sulph.

Hemorrhoids, backache, with: Aesc., Bell., Nux-v., Aesc-g., Calc-f., Chr-ac., Euon., Ham., Ign., Sulph.

Hemorrhoids, beer, agg: SULPH., Aloe., Bry., Ferr., Nux-v., Rhus-t.

Hemorrhoids, bleeding, as, soon, as the rheumatism is better: Abrot., Ham.

Hemorrhoids, bleeding, as, soon, as the rheumatism is better amel: Aesc.

Hemorrhoids, bleeding, as, soon, as the rheumatism is better vicarious bleeding: Ham., Mill.

Hemorrhoids, blind: Calc-p., Coll., Ign., Nux-v., Puls., Rhus-t., Sulph., Aesc., Anac., Ant-c., Ars., Asc-t., Brom., Calc-f., Caps., Cham., Coloc., Dulc., Ferr., Grat., M-p-a., Podo., Verat., Wye.

Hemorrhoids, bluish: CARB-V., LACH., MUR-AC., Aloe., Ham., Lyc., Sulph., Aesc., Aesc-g., Aeth., Ars., Caps., Dios., Manc., Phys., Verat-v.

Hemorrhoids, burning: Ham., Rat., Sulph.

Hemorrhoids, bursting: Ham.

Hemorrhoids, cherries, like, a, bunch: Aesc., Aloe., Calc., Dios., Mur-ac.

Hemorrhoids, childbirth, agg, or, since: KALI-C., SEP., Aloe., Ign., Lil-t., Mur-ac., Podo., Puls., Sulph.

Hemorrhoids, children, in: Mur-ac.

Hemorrhoids, chills, up, and, down back, with: Aesc.

Hemorrhoids, chronic: AESC., COLL., HAM., MERC-I-R., NUX-V., SULPH., SULPH., Aloe., Carbn-s., Lach., Lyc., Nitac., Phos., Podo., Tub.

Hemorrhoids, cold, amel: Aesc., Aloe., Apis., Brom., Kali-c., Nux-v.

Hemorrhoids, cold, amel, water: Aloe., Nux-v., Rat.

Hemorrhoids, confinement, after: Aloe., Apis., Sep.

Hemorrhoids, congested: KALI-C., NUX-V., PAEON., Acon., Aloe. Bell., Carbn-s., Caust., Cham., Hep., Merc., Mur-ac., Puls., Rhus-t., Sulph.

Hemorrhoids, constipation, with: Aesc., Coll., Nux-v., Aesc-g., Am-m., Anac., Euon., Kali-s., Paraf., Sil., Sulph., Verb.

Hemorrhoids, coughing, sneezing, agg: Kali-c., Caust., Ign., Lach.

Hemorrhoids, debility, with: Ars., Chin., Ham., Hydr., Mur-ac.

Hemorrhoids, diarrhea, with: Lach., Merc.

Hemorrhoids, excitement: Arg-n., Gels., Hyos., Nat-c., Nux-v., Sumb.

Hemorrhoids, external: AESC., ALOE., HAM., LACH., MUR-AC., RAT., SULPH., Am-c., Ang., Bar-c., Bar-m., Brom., Calc., Calc-p., Carbn-s., Caust., Coll., Ferr., Ferr-ar., Gran., Graph., Hep., Iod., Lyc., Merc., Nit-ac., Paeon., Phos., Plat., Podo., Puls., Rhus-t., Sep., Sil., Ter., Tub.

Hemorrhoids, fissures, soreness, of, anus with: Nit-ac., Caps., Cham., Rat.

Hemorrhoids, fullness, of, right, hypochondrium with: Aesc.

Hemorrhoids, flatulence, from: Caust., Zinc.

Hemorrhoids, flatulence, from, protrude, when passing flatus: Bar-c., Phos.

Hemorrhoids, glass, like, broken, in: Rat.

Hemorrhoids, grapes, like: Aloe., Aesc., Dios.

Hemorrhoids, hard: CAUST., Lach., Lyc., Sep., Ail., Alum., Ambr., Phys.

Hemorrhoids, heat, agg: Aesc., Sulph.

Hemorrhoids, heart, diseases with: Cact., Coll., Dig.

Hemorrhoids, hypochondriasis, with: Nux-v., Aesc., Grat.

Hemorrhoids, internal: AESC., ALOE., ARS., BROM., CHAM., COLOC., HAM., IGN., NUX-V., PODO., PULS., SULPH., Alum., Calc., Caps., Lach., Petr., Ph-ac., Phos., Plan., Rhus-t., Sep., Ter.

Hemorrhoids, irritability, with: NUX-V., Apis., Rat., Sulph.

Hemorrhoids, large: AESC., ALOE., CARB-AN., CAUST., HAM., KALIC., NIT-AC., NUX-V., SULPH., Cact., Calc., Carbns., Carb-v., Coloc., Dios., Ferr., Graph., Lach., Merc., Mur-ac., Podo., Puls., Tub.

Hemorrhoids, large, impeding, stool: Caust., Sul-ac.

Hemorrhoids, lifting, agg: Rhus-t.

Hemorrhoids, lying, agg: Puls.

Hemorrhoids, lying, agg, down, amel: Am-c.

Hemorrhoids, menopause, agg: LACH., Aesc., Sep.

Hemorrhoids, menses, during, agg: Aloe., Carbn-s., Carb-v., Coll., Graph., Ign., Lach., Puls., Sulph., Am-c., Calc., Cocc., Lyss., Phos.

Hemorrhoids, menses, during, agg, after agg: Cocc.

Hemorrhoids, menses, during, agg, before: Cocc., Phos., Puls.

Hemorrhoids, menses, during, agg, suppressed during: Sulph., Phos.

Hemorrhoids, mental, exertion: Caust., Nat-c.

Hemorrhoids, mercury, after, abuse, of: Hep., Sul-ac.

Hemorrhoids, milk, agg: Sep.

Hemorrhoids, morning, agg: DIOS., Aloe., Mur-ac., Sabin., Sulph., Sumb., Thuj.

Hemorrhoids, morning, agg, amel: Alum., Coll.

Hemorrhoids, morning, agg, bed, in, agg: Graph., Rumx.

Hemorrhoids, morning, agg, waking, him: Aloe., Kali-bi., Petr., Sulph.

Hemorrhoids, motion, agg: Mur-ac., Apis., Carb-an., Euphr., Merc., Nat-m., Puls.

Hemorrhoids, mucous, piles, continually, oozing: Am-m., Ant-c., Calc-p., Caps., Carb-v., Caust., Puls., Sep., Sul-ac., Sulph.

Hemorrhoids, night, agg: SULPH., Merc., Puls., Aesc., Aloe., Alum., Am-c., Ars., Carb-an., Carb-v., Ferr., Graph., Phys., Rhus-t.

Hemorrhoids, nosebleed, with: Carb-v.

Hemorrhoids, offensive: Carb-v., Manc., Med., Podo.

Hemorrhoids, operations, agg, after: Bell., Calen., Coll., Croc., Staph.

Hemorrhoids, pain, burning, smarting: Aesc., Ars., Caps., Fl-ac., Ign., Nux-v., Rat., Aloe., Am-m., Calc., Carb-an., Carb-v., Caust., Graph., Mag-m., Psor., Sul-ac., Sulph.

Hemorrhoids, pain, burning, smarting, stitches in rectum when coughing: Kali-c., Ign., Lach., Nit-ac.

Hemorrhoids, painful, very: Aesc., Aloe., Bell., Caps., Cham., Coll., Cub., Ham., Hyper., Lach., Lyc., Mur-ac., Nux-v., Rat., Scroph-n., Sed-ac., Sil., Aesc-g., Ars., Cact., Carb-v., Ferr-p., Graph., Kali-c., Mag-m., Nat-m., Nit-ac., Paeon., Plan.,

Hemorrhoids, painful, very, stand, cannot: Plan.

Hemorrhoids, pelvic, congestion, with: Aloe., Coll., Podo., Ham., Hep., Nux-v., Sep., Sulph.

Hemorrhoids, pendulous: Nit-ac.

Hemorrhoids, pregnancy, during: COLL., SEP., Aesc., Am-m., Caps., Lach., Lyc., Natm., Nux-v., Sulph., Ant-c., Ars., Bell-p., Carb-v., Mur-ac., Podo., Puls., Rat.

Hemorrhoids, pregnancy, during, after: Ham., Sep.

Hemorrhoids, pressure, of, buttocks, agg: Mur-ac.

Hemorrhoids, prolapsus, anus, and, uterus, with: Bell-p., Podo., Sep.

Hemorrhoids, protruding, grape-like, swollen: AESC., Aloe., Carb-v., Caust., Coll., Dios., Mur-ac., Nux-v., Abrot., Am-c., Calc., Caps., Graph., Ham., Kali-c., Lach., Nux-m., Rat., Scroph-n., Sep., Sulph., Symph., Thuj., Zinc.

Hemorrhoids, protruding, grape-like, swollen, bleeding with: Lach., Lept.

Hemorrhoids, protruding, grape-like, swollen, flatus passing while: Mur-ac., Bar-c., Phos.

Hemorrhoids, protruding, grape-like, swollen, lying when: Puls.

Hemorrhoids, protruding, grape-like, swollen, menses during: Puls.

Hemorrhoids, protruding, grape-like, swollen, stool during: Calc-p., Rat., Sil.

Hemorrhoids, protruding, grape-like, swollen, stool preventing: Sul-ac., Verb.

Hemorrhoids, protruding, grape-like, swollen, urinating when: Bar-c., Mur-ac., Kali-c.

Hemorrhoids, protruding, grape-like, swollen, walking agg: Sep.

Hemorrhoids, pulsating: Ham.

Hemorrhoids, purgations, after: Nux-v, Aloe.

Hemorrhoids, purple: Aesc., Aloe.

Hemorrhoids, reflex, from: Coll.

Hemorrhoids, rheumatism, abates, after: Abrot.

Hemorrhoids, riding, amel: Kali-c.

Hemorrhoids, sitting, agg: Thuj., Caust., Graph., Ign.

Hemorrhoids, sitting, agg, amel: Ars., Calc., Ign., Lach.

Hemorrhoids, spasm, of, sphincter, with: Lach., Sil.

Hemorrhoids, splinter, like: Nit-ac., Aesc., Rat.

Hemorrhoids, standing, agg: Aesc., Am-c., Caust., Sulph.

Hemorrhoids, stepping, wide, agg: Graph.

Hemorrhoids, sticking, cough, during: Kali-c., Ign., Lach., Nit-ac.

Hemorrhoids, sticks, as, if, in: Aesc., Rat.

Hemorrhoids, stool, after: Aloe., Aesc., Ham., Mur-ac., Sulph.

Hemorrhoids, stool, after, after, for hours agg: Aesc., Am-m., Ign., Rat., Sulph.

Hemorrhoids, stool, after, preventing: Aesc., Caust., Lach., Paeon., Thuj., Sul-ac.

Hemorrhoids, stool, after, protrude, during: CALC-P., RAT., Am-c., Bar-c., Calc., Kali-bi., Kalic., Lach., Lyc., Mur-ac., Nit-ac., Rhus-t., Sil., Aesc., Alumn., Ang., Fl-ac., Phos., Ph-ac., Plat., Sep.

Hemorrhoids, strangulated: ALOE., LACH., PAEON., Aesc., Bell., Ign., Nux-v., Sil., Sulph., Acon., Ars.

Hemorrhoids, stricture, from: Bapt.

Hemorrhoids, suppressed, ailments, from: NAT-M., NUX-V., OP., SULPH., Calc., Caps., Coll., Ign., Mill., Aloe., Am-m., Apis., Ars., Carb-v., Cupr., Lycps., Phos., Puls., Ran-b.

Hemorrhoids, suppurating: SIL., Carb-v., Hep., Ign., Merc., Anan.

Hemorrhoids, tenesmus, with, anal, visceral, diarrhea: Caps.

Hemorrhoids, tenesmus, with, anal, and visceral diarrhea dysenteric stool: Aloe., Sulph.

Hemorrhoids, tenesmus, with, anal, and visceral diarrhea pregnancy, during: Coll.

Hemorrhoids, thinking, of, them, agg: Caust.

Hemorrhoids, touch, agg: BELL., CAUST., MUR-AC., RAT., SULPH., THUJ., Abrot., Berb., Calc., Carb-an., Graph., Lil-t., Lyc., Merc., Nit-ac., Nux-v., Phos., Sep., Sil., Stann., Sulac., Syph.

Hemorrhoids, ulcerating: IGN., SIL., Cham., Hep., Lach., Paeon., Aesc., Kali-c., Nit-ac., Phos., Staph., Syph.

Hemorrhoids, urination, agg: Kali-c.

Hemorrhoids, urination, agg, after, agg: Merc.

Hemorrhoids, urination, agg, protrude, during: BAR-C., Bar-m., Kali-c., Mur-ac., Aloe., Canth., Merc., Nit-ac.

Hemorrhoids, vaginal, discharge, suppressed, from: Am-m.

Hemorrhoids, vicarious, bleeding, with: Ham., Mill.

Hemorrhoids, walking, agg: AESC., BROM., CARB-AN., CAUST., MUR-AC., SULPH., Agn., Aloe., Alum., Ars., Calc., Cycl., Kaliar., Nit-ac., Phos., Phys., Rumx., Sep., Sil., Sumb., Ther., Thuj., Zinc.

Hemorrhoids, walking, agg, amel: IGN.

Hemorrhoids, warm, amel: Aesc.

Hemorrhoids, warm, amel, hot, water amel: Ars., Mur-ac.

Hemorrhoids, warm, amel, weather, agg: Nit-ac.

Hemorrhoids, warmth, external, amel: Ars., Mur-ac., Sep., Lyc., Petr., Phos., Zinc.

Hemorrhoids, white, piles: Carb-v.

Hemorrhoids, wiping, after, stool, agg: AESC., GRAPH., MUR-AC., PAEON., Sulph., Puls.

Paralysis, hemorrhoids, after, removal, of: Kali-p.

Stricture, rectal, hemorrhoids, from: Bapt.

Tenesmus, ineffectual, straining, diarrhea, during hemorrhoids, with: Caps.

PILES :[SLEEP] : Insomnia, hemorrhoids, from: Ars., Kali-c., Ham.

PILES :[STOMACH] : Pain, stomach, hemorrhoids, operation, after: Calen., Croc., Staph.

Vomiting, general, blood, of, suppressed hemorrhoidal flow, after: NUX-V., Carb-v., Phos., Sulph., Acon.

PILES :[URINE] : Bloody, hemorrhoidal, flow, or, menses after sudden stopping of: Nux-v.

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