Pheasant View Homeowners' Association PO Box , Canton, MI 48187

Pheasant View Homeowners' Association PO Box 871463, Canton, MI 48187 WWW.PHEASANTVIEW.ORG Dee Heinze Jason Schulist Diane Langer Paul Porter Mark Wal...
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Pheasant View Homeowners' Association PO Box 871463, Canton, MI 48187 WWW.PHEASANTVIEW.ORG Dee Heinze Jason Schulist Diane Langer Paul Porter Mark Waldbauer Kim Saker


President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Roadway Manager Grounds & Maintenance Manager

REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES Tuesday, May 12, 2009 LOCATION: Canton Township Administration Building, lower level room “B”. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Dee Heinze, Jason Schulist, Diane Langer, Paul Porter, Mark Waldbauer. BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Kim Saker. GUESTS ALSO PRESENT: Bob Shanahan (47000 Overhill) CALL TO ORDER: The President called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: Jason added under new business to review the concept of a neighborhood watch. MOTION: to approve agenda as changed. – Paul Porter, motion supported; AYES all present, motion carried. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Waldbauer submitted written corrections to the April 14, 2009 meeting minutes. MOTION: to approve minutes as corrected. – Mark Waldbauer, motion supported; AYES for all present; the motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENTS: none. CITIZEN / HOMEOWNER NON AGENDA COMMENTS Shanahan explained his interest in easement trees, sidewalks and recent car break-ins for attending tonight’s meeting OFFICERS’ REPORTS PRESIDENT’S REPORT: A flyer has been mailed to homeowners soliciting for board members. Due to the lack of response, Heinze requested to mail another flyer. One item to emphasize in this announcement would be the potential large increase in homeowner’s dues from not having the required amount of board members (5) thus being forced to pay for a management company. This could be in conjunction with the mailing of the ballots. Heinze stressed to all board members to actively solicit homeowners.

Lot #12 is being rented by new residents where a dog run seemed to be improperly placed. Heinze spoke with the homeowner who was just moving in and understands that the dog run is not in compliance. Heinze instructed the resident to contact the architectural review committee for further action. Heinze reported that Lot #13 (bank owned home) was in good condition in terms of the interior of the house. Three sidewalk flags have been damaged along the property line of house (Lot #87) with the pool going being installed. MOTION: to approve the President’s report. – Jason Schulist, motion supported; AYES all present; the motion carried. VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT: MOTION: to combine Vice President’s report and Architectural Review Committee in all future meetings. – Dee Heinze, motion supported; AYES for all present; the motion carried. Many outstanding items remain. Such as follow up on deck installment, roof construction, trailers and sheds which cause concern that homeowner’s are being negligent about contacting the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) before undergoing any projects. In general, letters for approval will no longer be sent by email but by mail. The resubmitted solar panel request was declined due to aesthetic reasons. Details could be discussed at the annual meeting if wished. The homeowner did not submit the documents which were requested. Despite this, measures above and beyond normal procedures were performed such as contacting the several homeowners (ca. seven) directly neighboring the property. All but one of the homeowners were reached with a mixture of answers from the others being disapproval, approval or indifference. The drawings submitted were not to scale i.e. where three solar panels were depicted in the submitted designs, only two in reality could fit in the allocated area. The ARC researched solar panel installations in Canton including those that are the same as those the homeowner wishes to install. Schulist noted that panels that have been in operation age very poorly after a couple of years, thus could be an additional aesthetic issue in the long run. Schulist also mentioned that there is an option of changing the C&Rs to accommodate such constructions, thus allowing the installation of solar panels in Pheasant View, which has been communicated to the homeowner. Recently commercial advertisements for solar panels for homeowner use i.e. more aesthetically pleasing as well as appearing more like the natural roof such as being more flushed to the shingles have been seen around Canton. This will be further researched by ARC and forwarded to the homeowner wishing to install solar panel. Porter mentioned that there is long white PVC pipe sticking out of the chimney of the homeowner which most likely is not in compliance with the C&Rs. It was discussed how to present this matter at the annual meeting. The most recent letter from the ARC sent to the homeowner was read out loud. Waldbauer suggested that the next board could plan the use of the PVHA website for examples of the ARC guidelines and standards according to the pattern book to become more efficient and informative for the homeowners when considering exterior changes. It was discussed how else to utilize the PVHA website for such manners. MOTION: to approve the Vice President’s report. – Dee Heinze, motion supported; AYES all present; the motion carried. SECRETARY’S REPORT: There is currently only one candidate out of two open positions for the upcoming election at the annual board meeting next month. Ballots need to be mailed out 10 days before the annual meeting on June 9. Porter volunteered to copy, stamp and mail the ballot. Other items in the ballot letter should include tree trimming with reference to PVHA website, new ordinance officer and his promised activity of enforcing the tree trimming, clearing of drains, babysitting opportunities, authorization of home modifications and neighborhood watch volunteers. It was suggested to use upcoming newsletters for advertisement of real estate agents. A discussion revolved around other ideas for upcoming newsletters. Waldbauer noted that only homeowners in good dues standing are allowed to vote at the elections. The

previous newsletter stated that three board members are being sought although the bylaws state that the Board “… shall be managed by a Board of five (5) members …”. Officers may or may not be Directors. By resolution, the Board may create additional Officers from time to time who may not be Directors. Only ca. 20 annual packages are needed for the annual meeting. MOTION: to approve the Secretary’s report. – Paul Porter, motion supported; AYES for all present; the motion carried. TREASURER’S REPORT: INCOME FOR THIS MONTH: $45.00


$85.38 $5,868.00


$1,186.22 $597.12 $1,636.16 $2,620.49 $597.12 $597.12 $597.12 $597.12

Lot # 13 19 24 25 51 53 78 138

First quarter of 2010 bill for PRRMA is not yet known. Schulist inquired about the lawn service bill versus the budget. The fertilization is considered a separate category than the lawn service, thus for both categories the budget is on the plus side. Overall, the budget for 2009 is currently about $400 over budget based on the current income due to unpaid dues. Liens have been placed on Lot #24 and Lot #25. Lot #24 has been contacted again via email, which did not bounce, without any response. It was mentioned that the homeowners have recently been on vacation outside of the country. The homeowners have been informed that PVHA will take them to small claims court for their outstanding dues. The homeowners of Lot #25 have never been seen in person but apparently there has been lawn service. Further research has come up with no leads albeit taxes have been paid. At the moment small claims court can not be utilized. It is unsure if the homeowner resides at the property. For Lot #13 the sale is pending which should close at the end of the month and the property is apparently being serviced for lawn beautification. Lot #19 is an abandoned home which is now owned by taxpayer Fannie Mae according to the public tax payer records. For Lot #51, a rental, the homeowner has apparently moved from the known second address. Lot #53 is owned by a real estate agent who is no longer responding to emails or phone calls and the taxes have only been partially paid which now the county is intervening. For Lot #78, contact has been made with the homeowner who explained that he is trying to sell his home and knows that his payment dues are outstanding. Lot #138 has received three letters and a voicemail message has been left to which the homeowner responded. Apparently, the homeowner has never received a bill and would like to waive the interest for an immediate payment. Since this homeowner is in good standing in the past, it was suggested that for this particular case to waive the administrative fees and interest for Lot #138. This will be noted in the billing files. It was noted that this has also been done in the past for other homeowners. Upcoming bills include insurance and PRRMA.

Comerica is offering a $100 gift card to move from Bank of America. Porter reported that Comerica advised that Bank of America is increasing the additional fees to account holders. Porter proposed the current treasurer’s report be used for the annual meeting package. Heinze stressed that the irrigation system needs to be optimized and watch since the budget is very tight for the park areas including the islands as part of the responsibility of the next Grounds & Maintenance Manager. It was discussed how to minimize the water usage such as this year’s action item of reducing the amount of annuals planted. Waldbauer reported that he has the remote to the two of the three sprinkler controllers. The controller at the Stonebridge cal de sac needs to be adjusted. The end of the first five months of 2009 budget report will be used for the annual package. MOTION: to approve the Treasurer’s report. – Diane Langer, motion supported; AYES all present; the motion carried. DIRECTOR and COMMITTEE REPORTS ROADWAY MANAGER’S REPORT: Plymouth-Canton Community Schools (PCCS) paid for the replacement of the stop sign that their school bus demolished. Outstanding is still the reimbursement of the tree that a pizza delivery car ran into on the Windridge entrance. The insurance company has been contacted but is denying knowing the insured. The police report states that the insurer is AAA but the driver was driving his father’s car. It seems unlikely that this damage will be collected. The issue of tree trimming is still on the PRRMA agenda particularly who is responsible for enforcing these violations. PRRMA will most likely be in charge of trees blocking traffic control devices whereas the homeowners are responsible for the trees on the easement of their properties in the three neighborhoods. It was discussed the difference between the tree ordinance for planting a tree versus existing trees. A thorough explanation can be found on the Canton website. Street trees should be a minimum of three inches in diameter and at least seven feet clearance should be maintained. Jason noted that out of 119 surveyed homes, there are about 10% of homeowners in violation of not having the specified amount of easement trees. There has been no action yet taken on replacing the dead pine tree on the north side of the birm by Windridge entrance. Policy #2, an amendment, pertaining to percentage allocations is currently being rewritten which should be finished by and voted on at the next PRRMA meeting. Due to a more accurate calculation of the lineal footage of all roads in the subdivision, the PVHA portion will decrease from 22.91% (ca. 700 lineal footage) to 18.34% where the difference was mainly allocated to Canton Township. Summit Parkway is considered as two different roadways in the measurement and PVHA was responsible for the southbound portion of the street. PRRMA is leaning toward having homeowners be responsible for sidewalks since this is practice in most other subdivisions. But due to the unique nature of PVHA and the two other subdivisions, this was reported as not being beneficial for the subdivision. The homeowners are at the moment only responsible for the sidewalks on their properties if there was damage due to heavy equipment. For the sidewalks that have been marked last year, the red marked flags are being addressed at the moment. A meeting policy has not yet been defined for PRRMA meetings. The PRRMA website ( is up and running. Features such as blind email address, like on the website are being used. All PVHA Roadway information will be linked to the PRRMA in the near future. Streets were cleaned on week ago on Monday by Canton Township who had the lowest bid for the project (12.5 hours were needed to clean the three subdivisions, Summit Parkway and Glengarry). Spalding DeDecker is being considered for roadway projections and all responsibilities from planning to organizing to roadway project conclusion. This company uses a scale based on 100 to rate the roads (unlike the 10 point scale of PASER). Three different projections were run – 57, 62, and 67 – where a rating of 62 was recommended by the company. The projections

are not just incorporating work performed and its costs, but also price of raw materials, core samplings, wearing surface condition, processes used, fuel, inflation and weather. Based on these three ratings, three estimates for the potential cost of maintaining the roads for the next 10 years were reported. To maintain a rating of 62, all reserves would be spent on maintaining the roads at this level. It is not the intention of all parties to bankrupt the subdivisions and township. For maintaining a rating of 62, it is projected that PV will need to increase the HOA dues by 10% for the next 4 years and then no other increase is necessary, which is very promising. There was a discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of the other two neighboring subdivisions including age, number of homeowners, property size, and road area per home. MOTION: to approve the Roadway Manager of signing the 4.57% decrease of the PRRMA allocation in Policy #2. – Paul Porter, motion supported; AYES all present; the motion carried. A survey of all PV roadways and sidewalks will be performed next week on May 19. The punch list of items to still be accomplished from last year’s road repairs is still outstanding. The catch basin repairs have been completed. As soon as the asphalt companies are producing product, these items will be addressed. Porter reported that several flags of the north side sidewalk of the Windridge entrance are deteriorating. A discussion occurred about highlights to present at the annual meeting. Waldbauer explained that it will be part of the Roadway Manager’s future responsibility to address homeowner’s concerns about cosmetic repairs that are will be addressed with larger planned projects such as crack sealing on a road that will be milled and resurfaced in another year. Porter stressed the importance of one single contact person who is in charge of overseeing a project and rating its outcome so that there is just one person to hold accountable for future repairs gone array. MOTION: to accept the Roadway Manager’s Report. – Diane Langer, motion supported; AYES all present; the motion carried. SUBDIVISION GROUNDS AND MAINTENANCE MANAGER’S REPORT: It was noted that the lawn service has started for the season. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE: No report. SUBDIVISION COMMUNICATION COORDINATOR’S REPORT: No report. ORDERS OF THE DAY: none. OLD BUSINESS: none. ACTION ITEM REVIEW:  Solicit possible candidates for PVHA board nomination – ALL  Use of PVHA website for ARC guidelines for homeowners – next board of directors  Contact Urbanek (Canton Public Safety Ordinance Officer) before next annual meeting – Dee  Contact Lot #12 re. dog run – Jason  Contact Lot #87 (pool installment) regarding damaged sidewalk flags – Jason  Contact Lot #128 re. shed on property – Jason  Contact Sgt. Newsome and present information about Neighborhood Watch program at annual meeting – Jason  Review archives and summarize unauthorized home modifications per lot – Jason  Prepare ballot and newsletter by May 21 and forward to Paul – Diane  Prepare annual package for annual meeting on June 9 – Diane  Mail ballot on May 22 – Paul

     

Pursue overdue association payment from Lot #138 – Paul Prepare and send Diane Treasure’s report for annual package – Paul Fix damaged tree branch on north of Windridge entrance – Porter Adjust controller at Stonebridge cal de sac – Mark Coordinate with PRRMA the repair of several flags on north side sidewalk of Windridge entrance – Mark Contact Crimboli to replace dead trees (three) under warrantee (Windridge entrance, two pine trees in birm) – Kim

Outstanding Action Items from previous meeting(s)       

Place ad in Observer for May 28-30 garage sale, possibly jointly with other subdivisions – Dee Contact Lot #99 and #23 re. trailer on property – Jason Contact homeowner about deck installment Lot #160 that was not approved of the architectural review committee – Jason Survey tree situation according to C&R for defining tree violations (number of trees on curb, tree replacement) with aid of engineering plot plan – Jason - ongoing Email Dee contact info of inquiring subdivisions about garage sale – Mark Contact Canton regarding approximate date of meter start up – Kim Contact Terry regarding worker compensation form – Kim

NEW BUSINESS: MOTION: to approve that all PVHA Board Members be block captains in the Neighborhood Watch program. – Dee Heinze, motion supported; AYES all present; the motion carried. NEXT MEETING DATE: Annual meeting, Tuesday, June 9, 2009; Regular meeting, Tuesday, July 14, 2009; Canton Township Administration Complex lower level meeting room “B” – 7:00 PM. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION: to adjourn. – Paul Porter, motion supported; AYES all present; the motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:25 PM. Documents for Secretary’s file: 1. Attendee’s signatures 2. Draft of Treasurer’s report