
Peripheral # Central Vestibular Disorders Peripheral

Peripheral # Central Causes of Vestibular Dizziness

Labyrinthine Causes    

BPPV Meniere’s Disease Labyrinthitis Perilymphatic fistula SCD

   

VIII Nerve Causes

Brainstem Causes

Vestibular Neuritis

   

Vestibular schwannoma Vascular loop syndrome Demyelination

Endolymphatic Hydrops Ménière's Disease It is a disorder of the inner ear characterized by: (1) recurrent, spontaneous, episodic vertigo; (2) SNHL that usually fluctuates; (3) Tinnitus and (4) Sensation of aural fullness. Meniere's affects roughly 0.2% of the population, between 40-60 years, bilateral disease is unclear range from 15-75%

Normal membranous labyrinth

Dilated membranous labyrinth



Multiple Sclerosis Neoplasm Arnold-Chiari

 Ototoxicity

Peripheral Vestibular Disorders Meniere’s Disease

Clinical Presentation Usual Pattern 1- Aura consisting of:  Aural Fullness,   Tinnitus,   Hearing. 2- Incapacitating spinning vertigo (minutes to hours). 3- Accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea & sweating. 4- Attacks often occur in clusters separated by long remissions.

Unusual Patterns Otolithic crisis of Tumarkin Sudden unexplained falls without loss of consciousness



Peripheral Vestibular Disorders Meniere’s Disease



Low salt diet (1.5 – 2 grams/ day); avoidance of caffeine,

1- Lifestyle: smoking, Alcohol; maintaining regular eating/sleeping schedule 2- Medical Treatment:

Acute Therapy

 Anticholinegrnic,  Antihistaminic,  Antiemetic

Diuretic Therapy to reduce the endolymph accumulation , Betahistine to enhance microcirculation of the ear, Systemic Corticosteroids to reduce the immune reactivity.

Prophylaxis Therapy

Peripheral Vestibular Disorders Meniere’s Disease

3- Intratympanic “Infusion” Treatment: Transtympanic perfusion of middle ear with - Corticosteroid (Dexamethasone, 12-24 Mg/Ml) - Gentamicin (20-40 Mg/Ml)

Meniere’s Disease Management Flowchart: Correct Diagnosis of Meniere’s

4- Micropressure Treatment: Ventilation Tube +/- Meniett device portable

device, delivers intermittent low pressure pulses via ventilation tube to the ME ---- “milking” the inner ear fluid away from the areas involved in balance & hearing.

5- Surgical Treatment: Non-ablative Surgery 1. Endolymphatic Sac Surgery:  Decompression.  Shunting.  Drainage.  Removal of Sac. 2. Cochlear Endolymphatic Shunt

Reserved for patients failed medical treatment (6 - 12 months of severe vertigo) {~ 10%}

Vestibular Ablative Surgery Hearing conservative Vestibular Neurectomy

Non-Hearing Conservative Labyrinthectomy

Peripheral Vestibular Disorders

Vestibular Neuritis (VN) & Labyrinthitis

Salt Restriction (