PASSIVE VOICE A. PENGERTIAN DAN POLA PASSIVE VOICE Passive Voice (kalimat pasif) adalah kalimat yang di dalam Bahasa Indonesia menggunakan kata kerja ...
Author: Amos Golden
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PASSIVE VOICE A. PENGERTIAN DAN POLA PASSIVE VOICE Passive Voice (kalimat pasif) adalah kalimat yang di dalam Bahasa Indonesia menggunakan kata kerja berawalan “di” (dipanggil, ditulis, dijual dan sebagainya). Passive Voice ini tidak akan pernah lepas dari bahan percakapan sehari-hari meupun di dalam buku-buku bacaan. Dalam Bahasa Inggris kalimat pasif menggunakan pola : TO BE + VERB-III Pola ini berlaku untuk semua tenses yang ada. Tentu saja “To Be” dalam kalimat harus disesuaikan dengan tenses dan subjek yang dipergunakan. Namun demikian bentuk pasif “been being” dan “be being” jarang sekali dipakai. Aturan-aturannya merubah kalimat dari aktif ke pasif (The rules of Passive Voice) adalah : 1. The sentence must have oject (transitive verb). It must have question word which asks object. 2. Object in active will be subject in passive. 3. Subject in active will be object in passive. 4. We must use past participle (verb-III). 5. The arrange of sentence depends on tenses. I). SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE Pattern : Is, Are, Am, + Verb-III For Example : 1. I write a letter (active) A letteris written by me (passive). 2. I don’t write a letter A letter is not written by me.

3. Do you write a letter? Is a letter written by you? 4. Who writes a letter? By whom is a letter wtitten? 5. What do you write? What is written by you? 6. What do you do? What is done by you? 7. Whom do you miss? Who is missed by you? 8. Why do you miss me? Why am I missed by you? 9. Where do you write a letter? Where is a letter written by you? 10. When does he cook a noodle? When is a noodle cooked by him? II). PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE Pattern : Is, Am, Are + Being + Verb-III For Example : 1. I am reading a book A book is being read by me 2. I am not reading a book A book isn’t being read by me 3. Are you reading a book? Is a book being read by you? 4. Who is reading a book?

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

By whom is a book being read? What are you reading? What is being read by you? What are you doing? What is being done by you? Whom are they looking at? Who is being looked at by them? When are you taking a book? When is a book being taken by you? How many students is she teaching? How many students are being tought by her? Whose aunt are you helping? Whose aunt is being helped by you?

III). PRESENT PERFECT TENSE Pattern : Have/Has + been + Verb-III For Example : 1. They have brought a pen A pen has been brought by them 2. They haven’t brought a pen A pen hasn’t been brought by them 3. Have they brought a pen? Has a pen been brought by them? 4. Who has brought a pen? By whom has a pen been brought? 5. What have they brought? What has been brought by them? 6. What have they done?

What has been done by them? 7. What has eaten grass? By What has grass been eaten? 8. Whom has she seen? Who has been seen by her? 9. How long have you spoken Arabic? How long has Arabic been spoken by you? IV). PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE Pattern : Have/Has + Been + Being + Verb-III For Example : 1. We have been cutting grass Grass has been being cut by me 2. I haven’t been cutting grass Grass hasn’t been being cut by me 3. Have I been cutting grass? Has grass been being cut by me? 4. Who has been cutting grass? By whom has grass been being cut? 5. What have I been cutting? What has been being cut by me? 6. What have you been doing? What has been being done by you? 7. Whom have you been killing? Who has been being killed by you? 8. How long have you been watching television? How long has television been being watched by you?

V). SIMPLE PAST TENSE Pattern : Was/were + Verb-III For Example : 1. I took money Money was taken by me 2. I didn’t take money Money wasn’t taken by me 3. Did you take money? Was money taken by you? 4. Who took money? By whom was money taken? 5. What did you take? What was taken by you? 6. What did you do? What was done by you? 7. What ate a mouse? By what was a mouse seaten? 8. Whom did you see? Who was seen by you? 9. Whose child did you help? Whose child was helped by you? 10. Whose father helped you? By whose father were you helped? 11. Which girl loved him? By which girl was he loved? 12. Which girl did he love? Which girl was loved by him?

VI). PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE Pattern : Was/Were + being + Verb-III For Example : 1. She was telling story Story was being told by her 2. She wasn’t telling story Story wasn’t being told by her 3. Was she telling story? Was story being told by her? 4. Who was telling story? By whome was story being told? 5. What was she telling? What was being told by her? 6. What was she doing? What was being done by her? 7. What was killing a dog? By what was a dog being killed? 8. Whom were you looking at? Who was being looked at by you? 9. Whose father was helping him? By whose father was he being helped? 10. Whose father were you helping? Whose father was being helped by you? 11. How many teachers were teaching us? By how many teachers were we being tought? 12. How many teachers was she looking at? How many teachers were being looked at by her?

VII). PAST PERFECT TENSE Pattern : Had + Been + Verb-III For Example : 1. He had studied English English had been studied by him 2. He hadn’t studied English English hadn’t been studied by him 3. Had he studied English? Had English been studied by him? 4. Who had studied English? By whom had English been studied? 5. What had he studied? What had been studied by him? 6. What had he done? What had been done by him? 7. What had eaten rice? By what had rice been eaten? 8. Whom had they seen? Who had been seen by them? 9. What for had you bought a knife? What for had a knife been bought by you? VIII). PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE Pattern: Had + Been + Being + Verb-III For Example : 1. They had been studying English English had been being studied by them

2. They hadn’t been studied English English hadn’t been being studied by them 3. Had they been studying English? Had English been being studied by them? 4. Who had been studying English? By whom English been being studied? 5. What had they been studying? What had been being studied by them? 6. What had they been doing? What had been being done by them? 7. What had been cassava eating? By what had cassava been being eaten? 8. Whom had they been waiting for? Who had been being waited for by them? 9. How had you been studying English? How had English been being studied by you? IX). SIMPLE FUTURE TENSE Pattern : Will + Be + Verb-III For Example : 1. I will buy a pen A pen will be bought by me 2. I won’t buy a pen A pen won’t be bought by me 3. Will you buy a pen? Will a pen be bought by you? 4. Who will buy a pen? By whom will a pen be bought?

5. What will you buy? What will be bought by you? 6. What will you do? What will be done by you? 7. What will kill her? By what will she be killed? 8. Whom will you love? Who will be love by you? X). FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE Pattern : Will + Be + Being + Verb-III For Example : 1. I will be speaking Sundanese Sundanese will be being spoken by me 2. I won’t be speaking Sundanese Sundanese won’t be being spoken by me 3. Will you be speaking Sundanese? Will Sundanese be being spoken by you? XI). FUTURE PERFECT TENSE Pattern : Will + Have + Been + Verb-III For Example : 1. You will have sung a song A song will have been sung by you 2. You won’t have sung a song A song won’t have been sung by you 3. Will you have sung a song?

Will a song have been sung by you? XII). FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE Pattern : Will + Have + Been + Being + Verb-III For Example : 1. She will have been reading magazine Magazine will have been being read by her 2. She won’t have been reading magazine Magazine won’t have been being read by her 3. Will she have been reading magazine? Will magazine have been being read by her? XIII). SIMPLE PAST FUTURE Pattern : Would + Be + Verb-III For Example : 1. We would solve this problem This problem would be solved by us 2. We wouldn’t solve this problem This problem wouldn’t be solved by us 3. Would we solve this problem? Would this problem be solved by us? XIV). PAST FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE Pattern : Would + Be + Being + Verb-III For Example : 1. I would be doing homework

Homework would be being done by me 2. I wouldn’t be doing homework Homework wouldn’t be being done by me 3. Would you be doing homework? Would homework be being done by you? XV). PAST FUTURE PERFECT TENSE Pattern : Would + Have + Been + Verb-III For Example : 1. You would have seen flower Flower would have been seen by you 2. You wouldn’t have seen flower Flower wouldn’t have been seen by you 3. Would I have seen flower? Would have flower been seen by you? XVI). PAST FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE Pattern : Would + Have + Been + Being + Verb-III For Example : 1. They would have been killing a cow A cow would have been being killed by them 2. They wouldn’t have been killing a cow A cow wouldn’t have been being killed by them 3. Would they have been killing a cow ? Would a cow have been being killed by them ? B. MODAL PASSIVE VOICE

1). Present Modal Pattern : Will, Shall, Can, May, Must, Have to + Be + Verb-III For Example : 1. I will speak Japanese Japanese will be spoken by me 2. I can speak Japanese Japanese can be spoken by me 3. I can’t speak Japanese Japanese can’t be spoken by me 4. Can you speak Japanese? Can Japanese be spoken by you? 5. Who can speak Japanese? By whom can Japanese be spoken? 6. What can you speak? What can be spoken by you? 7. What can you do? What can be done by you? 8. You may take a bag A bag may be taken by you 9. I must study Arabic Arabic must be studied by me 10. What must you study? What must be studied by you? 11. Who must study Arabic? By whom must Arabic be studied ? 12. What must you do ? What must be done by you? 13. I have to speak Arabic

Arabic has to be spoken by me 14. I don’t have to speak Arabic Arabic doesn’t have to be spoken by me 15. Do you have to speak Arabic? Does Arabic have to be spoken by you ? 16. Who has to speak Arabic ? By whom does Arabic have to be spoken ? 17. What do you have to speak ? What has to be spoken by you ? 18. What do you have to do ? What has to be done by you ? 19. What has to eat rice ? By what does rice have to be eaten ? 20. Whom do you have to see ? Who has to be seen by you ? 21. To Be Going To Pattern : To be going to + Be + Verb-III For Example : 1. I am going to speak english (active) English is going to be spoken by me (passive) 22. To Be Able To Pattern : To Be Able To + Be + Verb-III For Example : 1. I am able to speak Arabic Arabic is able to be spoken by me 2. I will be able to spppeeeak Chinese

Chinese will be able to be spoken by me 2). PAST MODAL Pattern : Would, Should, Could, Might, Had To + Be + Verb-III For Example : 1. I would see you You would be seen by me 2. You would study English English would be studied by you 3. He could sing a song A song could be sung by him 4. You might take an umbrella An umbrella might be taken by you 5. I had to sell a book A book had to be sold by me 6. I didn’t have to sell a book A book didn’t have to be sold by me 7. Did you have to sell a book ? Did a book have to be sold by you? 8. Who had to sell a book ? By whom did a book have to be sold ? 9. What did you have to sell ? What had to be sold by you ? 10. What did you have to do ? What had to be done by you ? 11. What had to kill me ? By what did I have to be killed ? 12. Whom did you have to kill ?

Who had to be killed by you ? Notes : 1) Bentuk pasif biasanya juga dapat digunakan untuk menyatakan perbuatan yang dilakukan tidak dengan sengaja, atau dalam Bahasa Indonesia sepadan dengan arti “TER” dalam kalimat berikut ini : a. I was woken up by that noise ( Saya terbangnkan oleh suara gaduh itu ) b. I was surprised to see him ( saya terkejut melihat dia ) c. I am interested in foreign language ( saya tertarik pada bahasa asing ) d. The door is locked ( pintu itu terkunci ) e. The window is opened ( jendela itu terbuka ) f. The room is closed ( kamar itu tertutup ) 2) Kadang-kadang bentuk aktif (terutama infinitive) sering mempunyai arti atau dimaksudkan untuk menyatakan pasif. Contoh : a. This book is easy to understand ( buku ini mudah untuk difahami ) b. He has a large family to support ( Dia mempunyai keluarga besar yang harus dibantu ) c. I have bought a new book to read ( Saya telah membeli sebuah buku baru untu dibaca ) d. There are many problems to solve






( Terdapat banyak masalah untuk dipecahkan ) e. There are many difficult to overcome ( Terdapat banyak kesulitan untuk diatasi ) Jika kita melarang melakukan sesuatu kepada orang lain dengan melibatkan kata kerja “di”, maka setelah kata “don’t” harus diletakan “be”. Conto : a. Don’t be killded ! ( jangan dibunuh ) b. Don’t be thrown ! ( Jangan dibuang ) c. Don’t be hurt ! ( Jangan disakiti ) d. Don’t be locked down ! ( Jangan dihina ) e. Don’t be written ! ( Jangan ditulis ) f. Don’t be heard ! ( Jangan didengar ) Jika dalam kalimat aktif terdapat dua objek, maka keduaduanya dapat dijadikan subjek dalam kalimat pasif. Contoh : Aktif : He gave me a book ( I was given a book by him ) passive ( a book was given to me by him ) passive Aktif : She was bringing them a parcel ( They were being brought a parcel by her ) passive ( a parcel was being brought to them by her ) passive Aktif : they lend me a pen ( I am lent a pen by them ) passive ( a pen is lent to me by them ) passive