Overview EU-wide Stress Test 2014 Mario Quagliariello – Head of the Risk Analysis Unit

23/05/2014 - Executive Banking Briefing - Athens

Agenda 1



Key features


Quantification of different risk types


Process and time line


Supervisory stress testing in the EU 2014: Where are we? EU-wide stress test 2011  Pre-emptive capital raising  Credit sensitivities  Disclosure (capital and sovereign)

EU-wide recapitalisation

 9% after sovereign buffer  EUR 204bn capital raised  CT1 ratio comparable to US  EU CT1 sufficient if RWA can be trusted

EU-wide stress test 2014

AQRs  EBA recommendation  Common definition of NPL  CAs responsibility  PIT assessment of capital to recapitalise

 Forward looking assessment and reaction function

Focus today

RWA consistency  Ongoing, leading to supervisory consistency, transparency and benchmarking 3

3. EBA stress testing – towards 2014 EBA Core Tier 1 capital ratio dispersion measures (median, average, interquartile range, 5th and 95th percentiles)

Motivation: Multi country – multi institution Motivation

Components of EU-wide stress test

 Comprehensive, consistent and relevant scenario

Microeconomic perspective  Assessing cross border groups Why?

 Comparability across markets


Macroeconomic perspective  Concentrations and correlations

 Constrained bottom-up methodology (key features, risk quantification, templates)

 Systemic shocks Transparency

 Detailed disclosure to inform supervisors and market participants

 Consistent, relevant and efficient EU-wide stress test What?

 124 consolidated banks, 28 jurisdictions, 80% of total assets in the EU


 Cooperation amongst supervisors and other involved parties


The suite of stress tests



Use System-wide microprudential stress tests


Firms own stress testing

Risk analysis


Micro prudential stress tests under pillars 1 and 2

bank-by-bank information on risks and vulnerabilities

Supervisory analysis; early warning tools

Macro economic stress tests;

Aggregated information on systemic risks and vulnerabilities

Systemic stability, economic policy implications

Macro prudential authorities

System-wide macro prudential stress tests

Banks’ risk management

•Hybrid in methods and aims; multiple use •Focused on sample bottom up stress test •Focused on sample top down stress tests •Focused on comparability


Agenda 1



Key features


Quantification of different risk types


Process and time line


Overview key features (1/2) Consolidation


Time-horizon and reference date


• Highest level of consolidation • Perimeter of the banking group as defined by the CRD/CRR

• Common baseline and adverse macro-economic scenarios and stressed market parameters for positions sensitive to a change of market prices • CAs may develop additional sensitivities to incorporate country specific features

• Consolidated year-end 2013 figures • Scenarios applied over a period of three years (from 2014 to 2016)

• CET1, with transitional arrangements; CoCos reported if trigger is above the bank’s CET1 ratio in the adverse scenario • CAs may, in addition, assess the impact of the stress test on other yardsticks • Prudential filters are discretion of CAs; conditions for common approach assessed


Overview key features (2/2) Hurdle rate

• 8% Common Equity Tier 1 ratio for the baseline scenario • 5.5% Common Equity Tier 1 ratio for the adverse scenario • CA may calibrate possible supervisory measures based on a ladder of intervention points and set higher hurdle rates

Static balance sheet

• Zero growth assumption for baseline and adverse scenario and same business mix • Assets and liabilities that mature replaced with similar financial instruments in terms of type, credit quality and original maturity; no workout of defaulted assets • Exemption due to mandatory restructuring plans announced before reference date

Risk coverage

• Solvency stress test – credit risk, market risk, sovereign risk, securitisation, cost of funding, non-interest income and costs, operational risk; no liquidity stress test • CAs may include additional risks but results reported under common approach


• EBA responsible for common methodology, templates, disclosure • Competent authorities responsible for quality assurance and reaction function • Outcome of AQR may inform starting point


Agenda 1



Key features


Quantification of different risk types


Process and time line


Overview credit risk methodology Scope

• All assets in the banking book which are exposed to credit risk including counterparty credit risk, on and off-balance sheet positions, IRB and STA portfolios • Methodology also applied to IRC


• Stressed point-in-time PD and point-in-time LGD for provisioning • Potential rating migration and stressed IRB regulatory parameters for RWA

Impact on P&L

• Expected loss based on point-in-time parameters used to calculate credit risk losses on performing portfolio • Additional losses on defaulted portfolio based on worsening LGDs and portfolio characteristics

Impact of RWA

• Stressed RWA in IRB and STA, including RWA for defaulted assets and IRB excess or shortfall • RWA floored at 2013 levels


Overview market risk methodology Scope

• All financial assets and liabilities assessed at fair value (positions in HfT, AfS and designated at fair value through profit and loss portfolios) • Hedge accounting portfolios • Securitisations held at fair value


• Simplified: bank-specific reduction in NTI based on historical variation • Comprehensive: full revaluation of positions based on market risk parameters • CVA haircuts for OTC derivatives • Default of largest counterparty (excl. CCP, market infrastructure, sovereign)

Impact on P&L

• Reduction in NTI or other comprehensive income impact due to fair value variation; loss from default of largest counterparty; loss from CVA haircuts • Valuation adjustments on debt securities and P&L gains resulting from credit spread widening of own liabilities cannot be taken into account

Impact of RWA

• RWA increase for VaR, SVaR and CRM capital charges due to predefined assumptions (constant RWA for banks using simplified approach; VaR replaced by SVaR for banks using comprehensive approach, fixed scaling for CRM) • IRC and CVA increase due to worsened risk parameters


Overview securitisation risk methodology Scope

• Securitisation and re-securitisation positions assessed at fair value (HfT, AfS, designated at fair value through profit and loss) and amortised cost positions


• Increase of RWA depending on risk profile of the positions (three risk buckets) • Impairment estimates for positions not held for trading • Application of market risk methodology for fair value positions

Impact on P&L

• Impairments for securitisation positions not held for trading • Mark-to-market treatment for positions at fair value in line with market risk methodology

Impact of RWA

• RWA increase for all securitisation positions based on pre-defined risk buckets


Overview cost of funding and interest income


• Interest bearing assets and liabilities


• Sensitivity analysis of the P&L effect for deterioration in wholesale funding markets and a significant increase in retail funding costs • Banks’ own estimates but subject to constraints • Asymmetric pass-through • LTRO replaced with MRO

Impact on P&L

• Increase of cost of funding partially mitigated by an increase in interest income

Impact of RWA

• N/A


Overview sovereign risk methodology Scope

• Sovereign exposures (direct debt exposures as well as indirect exposures to central and local governments) • Assessed at fair value (HfT, AfS, fair value through profit and loss) and amortised cost positions


• All fair value positions: application of market risk methodology for impact of changes in market prices • Regulatory banking book positions: application of credit risk methodology for impairment estimates based on rating migration defined by ESRB/ECB

Impact on P&L

• Direct P&L impact for positions accounted for at fair value (with AFS prudential filters phased out 20/40/60%) • Further impairment estimates for regulatory banking book assets

Impact of RWA

• RWA increase due to worsened risk parameters in IRB and STA


Agenda 1



Key features


Quantification of different risk types


Process and time line


Overview responsibilities Common methodology, templates Data hub for final dissemination

European Systemic Risk Board European Commission

Common scenario (in cooperation with ECB, NCAs)

28 Nations, 28 National Supervisory Authorities and ECB

• •

Responsibility for the quality assurance Assessment of the reliability and robustness of banks’ assumptions, data, estimates and results Definition and communication of any additional sensitivities Supervisory reaction function

Non-SSM National Competent Authorities

SSM ECB, National Competent Authorities

• •

Joint work and information sharing

• •

European Banking Authority

124 banks in 2014 EU-wide stress test • 20 Non-SSM banks

104 SSM banks

Calculation of bottom-up stress test results


Tentative time line April









Finalisation methodology, templates, scenario

Advance data collection

Iteration with banks

ST calculation by banks


Disclosure preparation

29/04/14 Publication methodology, templates, scenario

Workshop with banks

Submission first results to EBA via CAs

EBA feedback on results to CAs

Publication of results

Milestones Publication ECB benchmarks

Submission close-tofinal results to EBA


Overview disclosure P&L

• Main P&L items like net interest income, net trading income, impairments for financial assets and other comprehensive income

Credit risk

• Exposure, RWA, value adjustments and provisions, default and loss rates • No disclosure of credit risk parameter

Market risk

• Market risk position by main risk types





• Securitisation exposure, RWA and impairments

• Sovereign exposure by country, maturity and accounting treatment

• RWA by risk type • Capital position, components and adequacy including stressed solvency ratios • Capital restructuring 19

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