2009 OBJECTIVES/OUTCOMES ASSESSMENT Residence Life To provide students with a secure residential environment which supports the educational mission o...
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OBJECTIVES/OUTCOMES ASSESSMENT Residence Life To provide students with a secure residential environment which supports the educational mission of the College and which stimulates a students' personal, social, and academic growth and development. 1. INSTITUTIONAL GOAL 3.2. Respectful Campus Climate: A community that models openness, civility, maturity, and respect to all people and affirms each member. This goal includes development of educational programs that inform the campus community about diversity. OBJECTIVE/OUTCOME 1. [RES 001] The Project Pride Program will create an atmosphere of respect, positivity and accountability in the residential communities. Students will hold one another accountable for vandalism and take pride in the community in which they reside. Assessment Instrument/Measure: Documentation will show the number of vandalism occurrences in each of the residence halls. Assessment Criterion/Method (1) Reducing vandalism occurrences by at least 50% at the end of the Spring 2009 semester. Assessment Results PARTIALLY ACHIEVED The number of reported vandalism cases from the fall semester to the spring semester increased by 4%. The following information was reported in the residence halls in which project pride was utilized: Daleville Hall had 0 incidents of vandalism Blue Ridge hall had 1 judicial incident of vandalism in the fall semester and 0 in the Spring Semester. Geisert Hall had 0 incidents of vandalism Dillon Hall had 0 incidents of vandalism Wakeman Hall had 3 incidents of vandalism that occurred in the fall semester and 1 in the spring semester. The Towers had 0 incidents of vandalism Wright Hall had 16 incidents of vandalism in the fall semester and 16 incidents of vandalism in the spring semester. Heritage Hall had 19 incidents of vandalism in the fall semester and 24 incidents of vandalism in the spring semester. Actions Required *Project Pride was introduced in October of Fall of 2008, the program will now be advertise in August and part of the Community Living Agreement activity that all residence students participate in on September 1st. *Professional staff and the RA staff have been trained on the program, there was a staffing issue with reporting issues of vandalism in both Wright and Heritage halls, the staff members that were found not following the reporting guidelines and utilizing the program resources are no longer employed by Bridgewater College. RETAIN OBJECTIVE

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2009 Residence Life 1. INSTITUTIONAL GOAL 3.2. Respectful Campus Climate: A community that models openness, civility, maturity, and respect to all people and affirms each member. This goal includes development of educational programs that inform the campus community about diversity. OBJECTIVE/OUTCOME 1. [RES 001] The Project Pride Program will create an atmosphere of respect, positivity and accountability in the residential communities. Students will hold one another accountable for vandalism and take pride in the community in which they reside. Assessment Instrument/Measure: Programming reports and staff training materials will show the amount of communication and programming efforts being made to educate and engage students in positive contributions in the residence community. Assessment Criterion/Method (2) Annually, 100% of the residence halls will have adopted the Project Pride Program and will have marketed the campaign in their area. Assessment Results PARTIALLY ACHIEVED *Every residence hall participated in the Project Program. The Project Pride MVP program which allowed staff and students to nominate residence hall community members that are making positive impacts in the residence halls was very successful. *The program was marketed through poster, bulletin boards, and newsletters, every residence hall used the marketing materials. *There were staffing issues in Wright and Heritage and not all of the programming resources were utilized which prevented the program to be accurately measured in these areas. Actions Required *Resident Directors need to continuously market and refresh their materials in the residence halls to garner student's attention and keep the program current in the minds of students. *The Hall Council in the residence halls need to take a more active role and ownership in working with establishing student's responsibilities in the community, this will be on the agenda for every hall council at the start of the Fall semester. In addition, Residence Life will be conducting a monthly meeting for all the presidents of hall councils and will address the topic with the hall council leadership and develop an action plan. RETAIN OBJECTIVE

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2009 Residence Life 2. INSTITUTIONAL GOAL 3.4. Participatory Campus Climate: Community members that are active participants in the intellectual, religious, cultural, athletic, and civic affairs of the community. OBJECTIVE/OUTCOME 1. [RES 002] Programming that exists in the residence halls will complement, enhance and connect the dots of learning that exists between academic coursework and student development in a learning-living environment. Utilizing the PASSAGES programming model (P-Physical Health, A-Academic Support, S-Spiritual/Ethical Exploration, S-Service to others, A-Acceptance to others, G-Goals, E-Emotional Health, S-Send-Off) , the residence life staff can develop programs that engage students in the residence community. Assessment Instrument/Measure: Programming inventories will demonstrate the community development, educational opportunities, service learning, and personal development programs that were created for students. These inventories will show program topics, costs, and the number of students in attendance. Assessment Criterion/Method (1) Annually, 100% of the residential halls will have organized programs in each of the competencies in the PASSAGES program model and have an average program attendance reaching beyond 20 students. Assessment Results PARTIALLY ACHIEVED *100 % of the residence halls did utilize the PASSAGES program model but only two halls organized programs using every competency in PASSAGES. The average program attendance did not exceed 20 students the following was the average attendance per residence hall: Wampler Towers: 18 Geisert: 18 Wakeman: 26 Heritage: 22 Daleville: 17 Dillon:24 Wright: 20 Blue Ridge: 18 Actions Required * The resident assistant staff will be more involved in the creation of campus programs for their own floor community. Most of the program responsibilities were executed by the Resident Director staff in 08/09. *To increase program attendance residence life will be creating an incentive program that will launch in Fall 2009, that involves residences earning "Dorm Dough" (play money) for attending events and getting involved in the residence halls. At the end of the year, there will be a large celebration in which they can win prizes for their involvement. *Residence Life staff will be required to show how they utilize PASSAGES prior to getting program funding approved for an event. Resident Directors will be encouraged to in their one on one supervision meetings, specifically help each staff member develop programs using the PASSAGES competencies. The mid-semester evaluation of the RA staff will evaluate if they are succeeding in the area of programming. RETAIN OBJECTIVE

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2009 Residence Life 2. INSTITUTIONAL GOAL 3.4. Participatory Campus Climate: Community members that are active participants in the intellectual, religious, cultural, athletic, and civic affairs of the community. OBJECTIVE/OUTCOME 2. [RES 003] Faculty/Staff interactions through the residence life “Adopt a Floor Program” will engage students in academic exploration outside of the classroom and further develop a strong relationship between the residence life staff and faculty. Assessment Instrument/Measure: -Students will be given surveys to measure their satisfaction of the program and future ideas for improvements or suggestions for programs. - The resident assistant staff and faculty and staff mentors will fill out evaluation forms to discuss the success of the program and areas of growth. -Resident Assistant Staff will be required to submit program report detailing if specific program goals and objectives were met. Assessment Criterion/Method (1) -Every resident assistant will have developed a faculty/staff mentor and have created and implemented at least one program with their mentor in the residence hall in the spring 2009 semester. - 85% of Student and staff feedback at the end of the Spring 2009 semester will show positive support of continuing to develop this program in the 2009-2010 academic year. Assessment Results PARTIALLY ACHIEVED * All 27 RAs were registered with a faculty mentor. *25/27 successfully organized a program for the residence hall floor with their faculty/staff mentor. *Not all of the student staff members followed through using the evaluation form following their program. Of those who used the evaluation form the collected data indicated that 92.8% of students supported the continuation of the Faculty/Mentor Program. Students were asked to evaluate the organization, topic, and if they felt connected to their mentor. Actions Required *The staff has been introduced to the program in RA training and will continue as a two-semester commitment. *The evaluative process has been reviewed with the staff as requirement and to gain program credit for the Faculty/Mentor program, staff are required to submit their evaluations. *Resident Assistants that do not meet their semester requirements with the program will be evaluated and placed on job probationary status. RETAIN OBJECTIVE

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2009 Residence Life 3. INSTITUTIONAL GOAL 4.0. Excellence in administrative leadership which will provide quality facilities, programs and services that support the education of students, the work of faculty and staff, and the well-being of the community. OBJECTIVE/OUTCOME 1. [RES 004] Foster professional, leadership and personal development of student and professional staff. Assessment Instrument/Measure: A program inventory of training in-services will provide the number, topics, and goals of the programs. Evaluative data will be collected by staff participating in programs. Assessment Criterion/Method (1) For the 2008/09 year, 85% of the staff will report that the in-services have provided them with useful information that helps them succeed in their job performance. Assessment Results ACHIEVED Residence Life Staff In-Services were held on Thursday mornings at 9:30am and featured topics such as: Stress Management, Assertiveness Trainings, How to Develop Positive Relationships with your Residents, How to Involve Faculty in Hall Programming, Creating Programs for your Residents that Encourage Discussions in Diversity and Ethics, Appreciating Different Leadership Styles and Personalities, Managing Personal Wellness, and Marketing your RA position on your Resume. Students were given evaluations following the programs. The average score for the staff evaluation indicated that 88% of the staff found the in-services to be helpful in their position and requested that the programs be repeated in the future. Actions Required None RETAIN OBJECTIVE The Office of Residence Life has made significant improvements in both staff trainings and programming. With additional RA staff and new initiatives such as the Faculty Mentor Program and Project Pride in 08/09 and plans for First Year Interest Groups, Hall Council, and Hall Bucks in 09/10, additional funding would help support these programs and provide students more of an opportunity to take advantage of these programs.

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