Outcome # 1: Improve the Self-Assessment Process

Early Explorers Head Start/Early Head Start Self-Assessment 2005-2006 Continuous Program Improvement Plan Goal/Outcome # 1: Improve the Self-Assessm...
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Early Explorers Head Start/Early Head Start

Self-Assessment 2005-2006

Continuous Program Improvement Plan Goal/Outcome # 1: Improve the Self-Assessment Process. Objectives/Areas of Improvement

Action Steps

Data Source: 2005-2006 Self Assessment Report

The program will utilize a tool, which provides clear guidance and steps to a successful self-assessment process.

The program will utilize the entire Head Start SelfAssessment: Your Foundation for Building Program Excellence Manual as a review tool in the next self- assessment.

A self-assessment process that provides in-depth analysis of all program systems and involves more staff and parents in the process.

Begin File Audits earlier in the program year to provide sufficient time for review.

File audits will occur before November to assist in ongoing monitoring of the 90-day deadline.

All files are reviewed, completed or a plan of action is in place by the 90-day deadline.

Utilize program reports/data as a larger portion of the self assessment process.

Managers will receive data analysis training to assist in utilizing program reports.

Training will occur and managers will feel more comfortable with data analysis.

Massive amounts of information will be available for analysis through the new Galileo program, which was started during the 2005-2006 program year. This will be a key tool in future selfassessments because of the ability to generate reports and aggregate data.

Team Members Responsible

Time Frame / Status


Director and Assistant Director

December 2006 to March 2007



Assistant Director – File Auditor

November 1, 2006 Completed



Booz Allen Hamilton T/TA Network & All Managers





Result / Evidenced By

Ongoing utilization of Galileo reports for program planning. Individual staff development and training plans will be reflective of the results of the Galileo program.


Budget HS/EHS Federal Funds

Other Sources (Cash and Noncash)


February 2007

Early Explorers Head Start/Early Head Start

Self-Assessment 2005-2006

Child Care Reimbursement & Mileage for PC Chairperson




Staff will be interviewed by the Program Director/ Assistant Director or by Leads to determine strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. This system was used in the past and was very successful.



Director/ Assistant Director, and Leads

March 1, 2007

Written interviews/reports from staff and view management files. Report will be completed in April.



Director/ Assistant Director

Report done in April Presentations and copy of report presented in May

Managers, Staff and Parents will be more active in the Self-Assessment Process. In addition to the surveys parents and staff conduct, they will be interviewed and will assist in the process.

The Policy Council Chairperson will take a key role in the implementation of the Self-Assessment.

In-depth focus on staff supervision and reflective supervision process.

Review management files and interview staff to ensure effective supervision

Complete Self Assessment Report, presentation to staff, Policy Council and Grantee by May.

Self-Assessment process must be completed by April 1st so the complete report can be presented to staff by the end of the program year.

Managers, Staff and Parents will have a greater role in the Self-Assessment Process.

Staff will be interviewed by the Program Director/ Assistant Director or by Leads to determine strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. This system was used in the past and was very successful.


Director/Assistant Director, Managers and PC

Entire Self Assessment Process

Director/Assistant Director

Early Explorers Head Start/Early Head Start

Self-Assessment 2005-2006

Ensure a thorough fiscal selfassessment by individuals skilled in fiscal management.

Utilize the school district’s Business Manager, a staff representative and a Policy Council member to participate in the fiscal self-assessment process or utilize the proposed budget committee, initiated through the strategic plan.

Minutes of fiscal selfassessment in addition to the routine annual audit.

Upon the completion of the 2006-2007 self- assessment, the program will determine if the new process provided an in-depth review and if the system delivery of the selfassessment was improved.

Managers will discuss if the self-assessment generated the information necessary for program planning.

Management Minutes

Managers will feel comfortable in data analysis.


Child Care Reimbursement & Mileage


Program Director and Assistant Director/Fiscal Officer




March 1, 2007

May 2007

Early Explorers Head Start/Early Head Start

Self-Assessment 2005-2006

Continuous Program Improvement Plan Goal/Outcome #2: Ensure timely service delivery of child nutritional assessments and consultation. Objectives/Areas of Improvement

Secure a Nutrition Consultant.

Action Steps

Data Source : 2005-2006 Self-assessment- Health Review

Data / Evaluation

Budget HS/EHS Federal Funds

Other Sources (Cash and Noncash)

Team Members Responsible


Recruit consultants to provide Nutrition Consultation Services

Contacts with individuals who have the required licensor to be considered for the nutrition consultation position.



Health Leads

September 1, 2006 Completed

Secure Nutrition Consultant

Collect resume and supporting documentation for candidate.



Health Leads & Director

Sign and review contract outlining roles and responsibilities of the consultant.

Signed contract with Nutrition Consultant



Health Leads & Director

September 1, 2006 Completed September 1, 2006 Completed

Insure timely and quality delivery of services.

Ongoing Monitoring – Completion of all nutrition assessments within the 90-day deadlines.

Contracted fee for services.


Health Leads, Director and Fiscal Officer



Early Explorers Head Start/Early Head Start

Self-Assessment 2005-2006

Continuous Program Improvement Plan Goal/Outcome # 3: Ensure a degree of excellence by developing an efficient Data Source: 2005-2006 Self-assessment- Record Keeping comprehensive system of policies and procedures for the implementation of a quality Head Start / Early Head Start Program. Team Objectives/Areas of Action Steps Data / Evaluation Budget Status Members HS/EHS Other Sources Improvement

Review and/or revise all policies and procedures of Early Explorers Head Start and Early Head Start provide consistent services and systems as a birth to five program.

Complete the Program Policies and Plans Manual. This document is a rewrite of three program documents into one. It includes the program work plans, policies and guidance/approach to services.

Written Manual

Implementation of the Program Policies and Plan Manual ensuring one resource for all program staff.

EHS & HS managers will work together in the writing of the document to ensure consistency throughout the program.

Management Meetings and work groups.

The Manual will serve as a training document as well as a policy book outlining Head Start Performance Standards, who is responsible, approach/best practices, policy, documentation and timelines.

Written Manual

Staff will be trained on the document during 2006 Preservice.

Preservice Agenda & Sign In Sheet

(Cash and Noncash)



All Managers

Summer 2006 Completed



All Managers

Summer 2006 Completed


All Managers

August 1, 2006 Completed


All Managers

Program PreService – August Completed

Expense of document production



Federal Funds


Early Explorers Head Start/Early Head Start .

Ensure consistency in record keeping

Self-Assessment 2005-2006 Contract Fee

Inkind Match for reduced fees

Child Care Reimbursement and Mileage


Contract Fee

Inkind Match for reduced fees

All Managers & Web Master

December 2006 In progress



Self-Assessment Team

April 2007

Minutes and Self-Assessment File Audit



Leads and SelfAssessment Team

Consistency in records kept in the classroom.

Minutes and Reflective Supervision



All Managers

Unifying forms and approaches. - i.e. Individual Family Planning Meetings documents, direct staff documentation and behavior plan processes.

Management Minutes



All Managers

All information will be available on website to staff, Policy Council and Grantee.

Program Website

Policy Council will review plans on a monthly basis with respected component throughout the program year – i.e. – Governance training- November, Infant/Toddler – December, etc.

Policy Council Training Plan, Agenda and Minutes

All forms available for download from the program website.

Program Website

Evaluate Staff utilization of document and program web-site as part of the 2006-2007 self-assessment

Staff Survey and Interviews

HS & EHS Leads will determine consistency in record keeping- i.e. - EHS keeps lesson plans in child files, HS does not, etc.

All Managers & Web Master

All Managers

September 2006 Completed

Assigned dates on program calendar



September 2006 and File Audit November 2006 Completed

Early Explorers Head Start/Early Head Start

Self-Assessment 2005-2006

Continuous Program Improvement Plan Goal/Outcome # 4: Ensure Staff receives consistent communication, high quality supervision and training support to be successful. Objectives/Areas of Improvement

Ensure all staff has consistent communication and have access to key program resources available via internet.

Increase systems of accountability of managers and leads ensuring reflective supervision meetings are conducted on a regular basis .

Action Steps

Data Source: 2005-2006 Self-assessment- Human Resources- Staff Survey

Data / Evaluation


Team Members Responsible

HS/EHS Federal Funds

Other Sources (Cash and Noncash)

Consultant Fee

In-Kind match at reduced rate

Director and Webmaster


September 1, 2006 Completed Publishing of Computerized forms - In Process August PreService Completed

Implementation of the program secure website.

Website is published.

Staff will receive login and password and will be trained on the website.

Pre-Service and program newsletter



All Managers

Staff will utilize the website to access all policies and downloadable forms and will keep up to date with program reports including Policy Council Minutes, Managers Calendars, and Program Announcements and Human Resources information.

Number of staff who utilizes downloadable forms, number of hits on the website and input through the 2006-2007 program website.



All Staff


All program staff will receive reflective supervision on a monthly basis or as determined by their program supervision. New hires will receive a minimum of one meeting per month.

Documentation of Reflective Supervision meetings and staff surveys



All Managers



Early Explorers Head Start/Early Head Start

Self-Assessment 2005-2006

Staff reflective supervision will focus on classroom outcomes reported through the Galileo system and will be used to determine training needs and performance appraisals.

Galileo reports will be a key tool in determining staff training needs, goal setting and performance evaluation.

Reflective Supervision Documentation



All Supervisors

Managers will receive training on data analysis and feel comfortable in reading reports.

Management Meeting Agenda announcing Training


Booz Allen Hamilton T/TA Support

Booz Allen Hamilton T/TA Support

The Program will continue to implement the FISH committee.

The FISH committee is made up of staff representatives. The key responsibility of the committee is to focus on staff morale and plan activities for full staff meetings throughout the year.

FISH meeting notices, agendas and final in-service planning

$500 budget


FISH Committee

Will meet throughout the year and plan the final program inservice in May

Increased emphasis on program training approaches.

The program will work towards developing individual training plans based on performance appraisals, reflective supervision and staff interests.

Reflective Supervision Documentation and Individual Training Plans

Fees for trainings and/or college classes


Managers and Fiscal Officer

Implementation of Individual Training Plans System by Fall 2007

Provide training to cluster groups either determined by location, job duties of experience level.

Training Plan

Fees for trainings and/or college class




Beginning September 1, 2006 Ongoing

February 2007

September 2007 Training Plan

Early Explorers Head Start/Early Head Start Support staff through responsive training focusing on classroom management/ behavior issues.

Self-Assessment 2005-2006

Send Mental Health Lead to Train the Trainers of Love and Logic Program.

Certification of Train the Trainer.

All staff will receive training on Love and Logic approaches.

Agendas, training resources and reflective supervision documentation

Trainer and manager will observe the implementation of Love and Logic when assessing classroom behavior concerns.


$1000 for each participant to travel and receive training


Mental Health Lead

Fall 2006 Completed



Love and Logic Trainer

Fall 2006 In process



Love and Logic Trainer and Managers

Fall 2006 In process

Child care reimbursement and mileage


Love and Logic Trainer

Fall 2006 In process

Staff will work with parents and managers in developing behavior plans when approaches in the classroom are not working.

Policy Council will receive training on Love and Logic to educate governance committees on approaches to guidance.

Policy Council Agenda and Minutes


Early Explorers Head Start/Early Head Start

Self-Assessment 2005-2006

Continuous Program Improvement Plan Goal/Outcome # 5 Strength Parent Involvement /Parent Education to ensure systems are individualized and encourage parent in-put. Objectives/Areas of Improvement

Action Steps

Parent Education – Handout Approaches will be revised for center and combination option programming.

Parent Handouts for center and combination option will be in the format of a newsletter instead of a document from each component. The newsletter will be written quarterly and distributed on a monthly basis. There will be room for teachers to add pertinent information for their classroom on the document.

Parent Newsletters and Parent Satisfaction Surveys

Home based staff will continue to receive handouts from each component area as requested during the selfassessment. Staff will have access to handouts via the internet to address issues as they occur. i.e.- head lice, pink eye, spring cleaning, etc.


Data Source: 2005-2006 Self-assessment- Parent Involvement-Parent Education

Data / Evaluation


Team Members Responsible


HS/EHS Federal Funds

Other Sources (Cash and Noncash)



All Managers, Center and Combination Staff

Fall 2006 Completed

Parent Handouts



All Managers & Home Based Staff

Fall 2006 Completed

Program Website



All Staff

Fall 2006 In progress

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