Our Lady of Lourdes. Catholic Church & School

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church & School 11291 Southwest 142nd Avenue, Miami, Florida 33186 “ A Stewardship Parish of Perpetual Adoration” Corpu...
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Our Lady of Lourdes

Catholic Church & School 11291 Southwest 142nd Avenue, Miami, Florida 33186

“ A Stewardship Parish of Perpetual Adoration” Corpus Christi

June 22, 2014

Parish Office Phone: (305) 386-4121 Fax: (305) 386-6881 www.ololourdes.org

Office Hours: Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Closed for Lunch: 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm

Saturday and Sunday 9:00 am to 2:00 pm

Pastor Msgr. Kenneth K. Schwanger

Parochial Vicars

Sacramental Life of the Parish

Rev. Andrew A. Pietraszko BAPTISM: Families must make arrangements for Baptism at least 2 months prior to Rev. Elvis A. Gonzalez date of Baptism. For more information, call the Office of Christian Formation.

Deacons MARRIAGE: Please visit our website at www.ololourdes.org, for more information Dcn. Michael Plummer regarding the Sacrament of Matrimony. Dcn. José Naranjo Dcn. Isidoro Villa Holy Boutique

Schedule of Masses, Reconciliations, Devotions and General Information

305-383-1618 Weekday Masses English Masses - Monday - Saturday ................................................................... 8am Chapel Parochial School Spanish Masses - Monday - Friday.......................................................................7pm Chapel

Phone: (305) 386-8446 Weekend Masses Saturday Vigil ................................................................... 5pm (English), 6:30pm (Spanish) Fax: (305) 386-6694 Sunday - English Masses ................................................. 7:15am, 10:15am, 11:45am, 5pm - Spanish Masses ..............................................................8:30am, 1:30pm, 6:30pm Mr. Thomas Halfaker Principal Holy Days of Obligation: (no confessions / no confesiones) .........Vigil: 7pm (Bilingual) ............................... 8am (English), 12:15pm (Bilingual), 6:30pm (English), 8pm (Spanish) Devotion to Our Lady of Lourdes, 11th day of every month (Bilingual) ...........8pm Grotto Christian Formation Divine Mercy Chaplet (English), Sundays ...........................................................3pm Chapel Phone: (305) 386-4894 French Mass, 1st Saturdays of the month........................................................9:30am Chapel Fax: (305) 386-6670 Mass honoring the Blessed Mother; 1st Saturdays of the month (Bilingual)...... 8am Chapel Office Hours: Novena honoring Our Lady of Perpetual Help w/ Benediction, Mondays (English) .............................................................. 7:30pm Chapel Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Reconciliation / Confesiones ................................................ one hour before daily Mass and ........................................................... Saturdays from 3pm to 4pm Chapel Dcn. Michael Plummer No Confessions on Holy Days of Obligation / No Confesiones en Días de Precepto Director of Christian Formation Holy Boutique Store Hours: Mon-Weds-Thurs 5:00pm-8:00pm; Tues 5:30pm –8:00pm; ……………………………..Fri 2:00pm-8:00pm; Sat 8:30am-1:30pm & 5:30pm-8:00pm; …………………………………………………..Sun 8:00am-2:00pm & 5:30pm-8:00pm

Corpus Christi

June 22, 2014

Message from Our Pastor ____________________________ My Dear Family of Our Lady of Lourdes, Today we celebrate the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, the Holy Body and Blood of Christ! This day invites us to enter more deeply into Christ’s gift of Himself for our salvation and His continuing presence with us through and in the Eucharist. At the Last Supper our Lord established the Eucharist as the saving memorial of His Passion. Nourishing the faithful by this sacred mystery He makes us holy, filling us with His life-giving presence. The celebration of Sunday Mass, then, is the source and summit of our life in Christ. Here He makes us one with Him and with each other as we experience even now the fruits of our salvation, a taste of the peace and joy of heaven. We extend and deepen this intimate union through Eucharistic Adoration. Adoration of our Lord during our Holy Hours strengthens our unity and confirms us in faith. There we find the courage to trust the Lord’s love for us and to allow Him to mold us and the way we live. It is no coincidence that we have Perpetual Adoration here at Our Lady of Lourdes. Coming to Christ in His Body and Blood is one of the fruits of a true devotion to Mary. Indeed, the Corpus Christi procession and Eucharistic Adoration are part and parcel of the ministry at the Sanctuaries of Lourdes. It is also part and parcel of the ministry here at Our Lady of Lourdes in Miami. On this beautiful feast, I invite each and every one of us to renew our yearly commitment to the Holy Hour. Please choose a day and time to come each week for an hour to the Blessed Sacrament and pray for our parish family. When filling out the commitment form you can add whether this is a new hour or whether this is the hour in which you are already coming. To have the chance to enter into Christ through His Body and Blood, at Mass and in Adoration, is a supreme blessing. Let us embrace and celebrate this gift with a grateful and faithful heart.

Mass Intentions

SATURDAY, June 21, 2014 8:00 am Father’s Day Novena 5:00 pm Urian & Alexis Wedding Bruce Kolar † Thanksgiving to Divine Mercy 6:30 pm Eduardo Solorzano † Lilia Serna † Antonio Leon † SUNDAY, June 22, 2014 7:15 am Parish Family 8:30 am Accion de graciasa Nstra Sra de Loreto Altagracia Gonzalez † Martha Morales † 10:15 am For St Jude, St Anthony & Divine Infant Jesus Intentions of Jubilee YG For St Teresa & St. Rita 11:45 am Elizabeth Philippe (B-day) Genoveva Gonzalez † Utilia Jean-Francois † 1:30 am John Paul Franco † Varia Luna † Accion de gracias a Divina Misericordia 5:00 pm Father’s Day Novena 6:30 pm Ofelia Quintero † Emma Novoa † Juan Santamaria † MONDAY, June 23, 2014 8:00 am Douglas Wallace † Jose Antonio Rodriguez † Lee Nagel † 7:00 pm Novena dia del Padre

Blessings, Msgr. Schwanger

Visit our website: www.ololourdes .org

Facebook: OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL

Corpus Cristi

Mass Intentions

TUESDAY, June 24, 2014 Solemnity of Nativity of St. John the Baptist 8:00 am Father’s Day Novena 7:00 pm Alicia Miralles † Olga Teresa Calvo † Fr. James Murphy † WEDNESDAY, June 25, 2014 8:00 am Patricia Castro † Javier Gonzalez † Debra Bartkowski (B-day) 7:00 pm Novena dia del Padre THURSDAY, June 26, 2014 8:00 am Olga Hernandez † St Lucy for answered prayers Rosa E Menocal † 7:00 pm Neyton Baltodano † Alexander Moncada † Manuela Hidalgo † FRIDAY, June 27, 2014 Solemnity of Most Sacred Heart of Jesus 8:00 am Olga Hernandez † Adela Castillo † Angela Kopelakis † 7:00 pm Jose Bernardo Acosta † Cora Dechuecos † Accion de gracias al Sagrado Corazon SATURDAY, June 28, 2014 8:00 am Humberto Viana † Rev. Oscar M Menendez SJ † Jamil Marzouka † 5:00 pm Parish Family 6:30 pm Diego Marin † Descanso eterno de Emil Matula † Dania y Heriberto Wittenberg (50 anos de Matrimonio)

“...whoever eats this bread will live forever.” John 6:51

22 de Junio 2014

Mensaje de Nuestro Párroco ____________________________ Mi Querida Familia de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes, Hoy celebramos la solemnidad de Corpus Christi, ¡el Santo Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo! Este día nos invita a entrar más profundamente en el don de Cristo de sí mismo para nuestra salvación y Su continua presencia con nosotros a través de y en la Eucaristía. En la Última Cena nuestro Señor estableció la Eucaristía como memorial salvadora de su Pasión. Alimentando a los fieles por este misterio sagrado Él nos hace santos, llenándonos de su presencia vivificante. La celebración de la misa dominical, entonces, es la fuente y cumbre de nuestra vida en Cristo. Aquí nos hace uno con Él y con los demás mientras experimentamos, incluso ahora los frutos de nuestra salvación, una prueba de la paz y la alegría del cielo. Extendemos y profundizamos esta unión íntima a través de la Adoración Eucarística. La Adoración a nuestro Señor durante nuestra Hora Santa fortalece nuestra unidad y nos confirma en la fe. Allí encontramos el coraje de confiar en el amor del Señor por nosotros y permitirle moldearnos a nosotros y nuestra forma de vida. No es casualidad que tengamos la Adoración Perpetua aquí en Nuestra Señora de Lourdes. Venir a Cristo en su Cuerpo y su Sangre es uno de los frutos de una verdadera devoción a María. De hecho, la procesión del Corpus Christi y la Adoración Eucarística forman parte del ministerio en los Santuarios de Lourdes. También forma parte del ministerio aquí en Nuestra Señora de Lourdes de Miami. En esta hermosa fiesta, invito a todos y cada uno de nosotros a renovar nuestro compromiso anual a la Hora Santa. Por favor elija un día y hora a la semana para venir durante una hora al Santísimo Sacramento y rezar por nuestra familia parroquial. Al llenar el formulario de compromiso se puede añadir si se trata de una nueva hora o si esta es la hora en la que ya viene. Tener la oportunidad de entrar en Cristo a través de su Cuerpo y Sangre, en la Misa y en la Adoración, es una bendición suprema. Vamos a abrazar y celebrar este regalo con un corazón agradecido y fiel. Monseñor Schwanger

Visite nuestro website: www.ololourdes.org

Facebook: OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL

Corpus Christi

June 22, 2014

SUNDAY 6/22 6:00 p Jubilee YG (ER) 3:00 p Divine Mercy Chaplet (Chu)

MONDAY 6/23 2:00 p 6:00 p 7:45 p 8:00 p 8:00 p

To All Newcomers If you wish to register as a parishioner please visit our office during business hours and pick up our Welcome Packet

8:15 p 8:15 p 8:15 p 8:15 p 8:15 p 8:15 p 8:15 p

Young Once (PH) Adult Formation (ER) Novena Benediction (Cha) Novena to Sacred Heart of Jesus (Grotto) Hijos de la Madre de Dios (PH) Comunidades de Base (Rm112) Totus Tuus (Rm113) Esc. Evangelizacion (Rm119) Sep/Div - Spanish (Rm120) Emmaus Men Eng (Rm121) Nueva Vida (Rm122) Legion of Mary-Spa (Rm123)



7:30 p Benediction Madres y Padres Orante (Cha) 8:00 p Novena to Sacred Heart of Jesus (Grotto) 8:00 p OLOL YAG (TLg) 8:15 p Neuroticos Anonimos (Rm111) 8:15 p Emmaus Women Eng (Rm114) 8:15 p Cursillos (Rm116) 8:15 p Emmaus Men Eng (Rm118) 8:15 p SOE (Rm119) 8:15 p Legion of Mary Eng. (Rm120)

10:00 a Mary Queen of Peace (PH) 6:00 p Choir Practice (Chu) 7:00 p Salve Regina (BFI) 8:00 p Cenaculo de DM (Cha) 8:00 p Novena to Sacred Heart of Jesus (Grotto) 8:15 p Neocates 3rd Com (Rm109) 8:15 p Neocates 2nd Com (Rm111) 8:15 p Neocates 1st Com (ER) 8:15 p MEV (StB) 8:15 p SVDP (Rm112) 8:15 p Escoge (Rm115) 8:15 p Niños en Victoria (Rm116) 8:15 p Escoge Children (Rm118) 8:15 p Emaus Women Spa (Rm120) 8:15 p Salve Regina (Rm121) 8:15 p Divine Will (Rm122) 8:15 p Sep/Divorced Eng (Rm123)

Baptisms for June

Raquel Victoria Santos Gabriel Mateo Gadea Olivia Victoria Soto Nahia Ibania Casimir Daniel Andres Guzman


The numbers of hope

Julian Daniel TRodrguez Nikolas Alexis Batista Kayden Joshua Tellez Adrtian Daniel Guzman Sebastian Alexander Morera

June Weddings Convalidation Yanina and Efren Menendez

Registration for 2014 – 2015 Christian Formation began on May 1, 2014. The Christian Formation office (located in the parish school administration building) is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM until 4:00 PM. Parents can register children for Christian Formation (CCD) classes any time during normal office hours. Visit our website: www.ololourdes .org

Registraciones – 2014-2015 La Formación Cristiana comenzó en Mayo 1, 2014. La oficina de Formación Cristiana (localizada en el edificio de la escuela ) esta abierta de Lunes a Viernes de 8:00 am 4:00 pm. Padres pueden registrar a sus hijos en nuestras clases de Formación Cristiana durante nuestras horas de oficina. Facebook: OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL

Corpus Cristi

22 de Junio 2014



7:30 p Grupo de Oracion (BFI) 8:00 p Novena to Sacred Heart of Jesus (Grotto) 8:15 p Boy Scouts (Rm105) 8:15 p Neocates 3rd Comm (Rm109) 8:15 p Neoroticos Anonimos (Rm111) 8:15 p Emmaus Women Eng.(Rm113) 8:15 p Esc. Evangelización (Rm114) 8:15 p SOE (Rm118) 8:15 p KOC (Rm120) 8:15 p Comun. de Base (Rm121) 8:15 p Divina Voluntad (Rm122) 8:15 p Neocates Catequesis (Rm123) 11:00p Preciosa Sangre (Cha)

10:00 a Mary Queen of Peace (PH) 4:00 p SOE-Philip Course (PH) 6:00 a Novena to Sacred Heart of Jesus (Chu) 6:00 p Friends of Jesus & Mary (Rm105) 6:00 p Señora de los Pueblos (Rm121) 7:00 p Sparks MSYG (ER) 7:00 p Neocates Prac. Liturgy (Rm112) 7:30 p Cub Scouts (Rms113-114-115-116) 7:30 p Couples for Christ (Rm118) 8:15 p Legion de Maria (Rm123)

SATURDAY 6/28 7:00 a SOE-Philip Course (PH) 1:30 p FAITH (Kit) 6:00 p Neocates Liturgy (ER)

To All Newcomers If you wish to register as a parishioner please visit our office during business hours and pick up our Welcome Packet

KEY: Key: BFI - Bishop Fernando Isern Hall Chu -Church Cha - Chapel ER - Expansion Rm Kit - Kitchen MS—Middle School PH - Parish Hall Rm - School Classroom StB - St. Bernadette Hall TLg - Teachers Lounge

Matrimonios en Victoria De Nuestra Señora de Lourdes Ofrece a su matrimonio la oportunidad de pasarse un fin de semana que les ayudara a reflexionar en su relación como pareja.

Los invitamos al próximo retiro Sábado, 28 de Junio y Domingo, 29 de Junio en donde: ~ Compartirán tiempo como pareja ~ Fortalecerán su compromiso como esposos y como padres ~ Reflexionaran sobre sus vidas y su relación con Dios “Por eso el hombre deja a su padre y a su madre para unirse a su esposa y los dos llegan a ser una sola carne.” - Genesis 2:24 Para mas información llamar a: Daniel y Jeannette Colon - (786) 609-2173 o (786) 436-9107 Willy y Ariana Quintanilla - (956) 358-0258 o (956) 483-5239 Jesus y Olguita Martinez - (305) 710-5641 o (305) 898-9721 “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God. And the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and mind in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6,7 Visit our website: www.ololourdes .org

Facebook: OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL

Corpus Christi

6:30 pm (Multilingual)

6:30 pm (Multilingüe)

June 22, 2014 June 22, 2014

Following the 6:30 pm Mass

At the Outside Altar until Midnight

Después de la Misa de 6:30 pm

En el Altar Exterior hasta la Medianoche

Visit our website: www.ololourdes .org

Facebook: OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL

Corpus Cristi

Visit our website: www.ololourdes .org

22 de Junio 2014

Facebook: OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL

Corpus Christi

June 22, 2014

RESPECT LIFE NEWS You are cordially invited to a joyous event: The Knights of Columbus Miami Council Fourth Annual Respect Life Charity Dinner on June 28, 2014 at 6:00 pm 3601 South Miami Avenue, Miami, FL 33129. All proceeds will go to the Sunset Respect Life Pregnancy Center. Tickets are $50.00 per person. For tickets call George or MaryLou Jalil at 786-303-3435 - [email protected] To reserve your seat or give a gift of any size, please send your donation to: Knights of Columbus, PO Box 830911, Miami, FL 33283 PLEASE JOIN US!!

“Then they said to each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us while He spoke to us on the way, and opened the scriptures to us?” Luke 24:32 The Walk to Emmaus is an experience of Christian spiritual renewal and formation that begins with a three-day short course in Christianity intended to strengthen the church as God’s grace and love is revealed to you through other believers. Retreats: For men (in English) contact: Paul A. Barthole - 786-201-1166 or [email protected] For men (in Spanish) contact: Roberto Franco - 786-663-1438 or [email protected] Retreats: For women (in English) Michelle Hernandez 305-915-3287 or [email protected] For women (in Spanish) Sara Patino 786-543-3292 or [email protected]

The Knights of Columbus is the world's largest Catholic fraternal service organization. Founded by the Venerable Father Michael J. McGivney in New Haven, Connecticut, in 1882, it was named in honor of the mariner Christopher Columbus. Originally serving as a mutual benefit society to low-income immigrant Catholics, it developed into a fraternal benefit society dedicated to providing charitable services, promoting Catholic education and actively defending Catholicism in various nations. For their support for the Church and local communities, as well as for their philanthropic efforts, Saint John Paul, during his papacy, referred to the Order as a "strong right arm of the Church." Council 10201 Knights of Columbus of West Kendall - Our Lady of Lourdes are dedicated to the principals of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. For More information contact: Phil Cabase 305-801-6370 / [email protected]

In Service for one, In Service for all.

Corpus Cristi

22 de Junio 2014

OLOL Christian Formation classes are not only for children but for those adults who wish to become fully initiated into the Catholic faith by receiving all their Sacraments. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.) The modern Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.) is modeled after the early Church’s practices of welcoming people into the church, preparing them for life as a Christian, and celebrating the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and first Eucharist. The rite applies to adults and older children who are considering becoming Catholic. It outlines a series of stages of faith development and celebrations as a person progresses in his or her commitment to Discipleship in the Roman Catholic Church. The joyful celebration of the Lord’s Resurrection at the Easter Vigil is the time when those who have prepared well are welcomed into the Church and the Easter Sacraments (Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist) are celebrated with the whole community present. The stages of the R.C.I.A. are: Pre-catechumenate, Catechumenate, Purification and Enlightenment, and Mystagogy. Each of these stages has a unique character that is marked by a deepening love of Christ and an increasing understanding of, and commitment to life as a disciple of Christ. These terms are familiar to some and may sound strange to others. That is OK. Over the next several weeks, we will explore the R.C.I.A. and look at each of these stages as we begin a new cycle of celebration, growth in faith, and welcome. Las clases de Formación Cristiana de Nuestra Senora de Lourdes no son solamente para niños sino también para aquellos adultos que desean completar su iniciación en la Fe Católica recibiendo todos sus Sacramentos.

El Rito moderno de la Iniciación Cristiana de los Adultos, se crea a partir de la costumbre que tenia la iglesia - en sus orígenes - de dar la bienvenida a las personas cuando se incorporaban a ella, preparándolas para vivir como cristianos y, también, de celebrarle los sacramentos del Bautismo, de la Confirmación, y de la Primera Comunión. El Rito se aplica a los adultos y a adolescentes que están considerando hacerse católicos. Este rito determina una serie de etapas en el desarrollo de la fe y de las celebraciones que una persona debe cumplir para llegar a ser Discípulo de la iglesia Católica Romana. La jubilosa celebración de la Resurrección del Señor - en la Vigilia de Pascua - es la época en que, aquellos que se han preparado bien, son bienvenidos en su Iglesia y a sus Sacramentos de Pascua de Resurrección (Bautismo, Confirmación, y Eucaristía) los cuales se celebran ante la comunidad en pleno. Las etapas del R.C.I.A. son cuatro: 1) Pre-Catecumanedo, 2) Catecumanedo, 3) Purificación y Aclaración y 4) Mistagogia. Cada uno de estas etapas tiene un carácter único en la cual se va profundizando en el amor por Cristo y va aumentando la comprensión de vivir la vida como discípulo de Cristo. Estos términos pueden sonar familiares a algunos y pueden sonar extraños a otros. Eso es aceptable. Durante varias de las semanas siguientes, exploraremos el R.C.I.A. y revisaremos cada una de estas etapas pues comenzamos un nuevo ciclo de la celebración, del crecimiento en la fe, y de la bienvenida.

In 1830, at the Daughters of Charity Convent on Rue de Back, Paris, Our Lady appeared to St. Catherine Laboure. Over the course of several apparitions which always occurred near the site of the Blessed Sacrament, Our Lady gave the following message to the world: “Come to the foot of the altar. Here graces will be showered on all, great and small, who ask for them.” Our Lady always leads us to adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Now is the time to follow our Mother through Perpetual Adoration to her Son.

En 1830 , en el Convento de las Hijas de la Caridad, en Rue de Back, París, se apareció Nuestra Señora a Santa Catalina Labouré . En el transcurso de varias apariciones que siempre ocurrieron cerca del lugar del Santísimo Sacramento ,Nuestra Madre dió el siguiente mensaje al mundo: " Venid al pie del altar. Aquí se derramaran gracias sobre todos , grandes y pequeños, que los pidan . "Nuestra Señora siempre nos lleva a la adoración de Jesús en el Santísimo Sacramento. Ahora es el momento de seguir nuestra Madre a través de la Adoración Perpetua a su Hijo.

Corpus Christi

June 22, 2014

Stewardship is an ethic that embodies the responsible planning and management of resources... There are many ways to express your faith after you are gone. Not only can you make a specific bequest to your parish in your will, you can also name your parish as the beneficiary of your IRA, 401k or other retirement account. For additional information, contact the Office of Planned Giving at (305) 762-1110. Hay muchas maneras de expresar su fe después de que ya no esté en este mundo. No sólo puede hacer un legado específico a su parroquia en su testamento, sino que también puede nombrar a su parroquia como beneficiaria de su IRA, 401k u otra cuenta de jubilación. Para obtener información adicional, póngase en contacto con la Oficina de Donaciones Planificadas al (305) 762-1110. Looking for a convenient way to support your parish offertory? Faith Direct is the innovative solution that allows you to use ...it’s a way of sharing electronic funds transfer from either a bank account or a credit/debit card. For more inGod’s Blessings.” formation visit our parish office or call 305-386-4121

Readings for the Week of June 22 - June 29, 2014 Sunday, June 22nd: 1st: Deuteronomy 8:2-3,14B-16A Res. Ps. 147:12-13,14-15,19-20 2nd: 1 Corinthians 10:16-17 Gospel: John 6:51-58

Monday, June 23rd: 1st: 2 Kings 17:5-8,13-15A,18 Res. Ps. 60:3,4-5,12-13 Gospel: Matthew 7:1-5

Tuesday, June 24th: 1st: Jeremiah1:4-10 Res. Ps. 71:1-2,3-4A,5-6AB,15AB,17 2nd: 1 Peter 1:8-12 Gospel: Luke 1:5-17

Wednesday, June 25th: 1st: 2 Kings 22:8-13;23:1-3 Res. Ps. 119:33,34,35,36,37,40 Gospel: Matthew 7:15-20

Thursday, June 26th: 1st: 2 Kings 24:8-17 Res. Ps. 79:1B-2,3-5,8,9 Gospel: Matthew 7:21-29

Friday, June 27th: 1st: Deuteronomy 7:6-11 Res. Ps. 103:1-2,3-4,6-7,8,10 2nd: 1 John 4:7-16 Gospel: Matthew 11:25-30

Saturday, June 28th: 1st: Lamentations 2:2,10-14,18-19 Res. Ps. 74:1B-2,3-5,6-7,20-21 Gospel: Luke 2:41-51

Sunday, June 29th: 1st: Acts 3:1-10 Res. Ps. 19:2-3,4-5 2nd: Galatians 1:11-20 Gospel: John 21:15-19


May our Blessed Mother make our prayers her own that her Son might grant them by His love for her

Let us also pray for all the residents of W. Kendall Baptist Hospital, Heartland Rehabilitation & Nursing Home and the assisted living facilities surrounding our Parish Community. Melida Aguirre Aloma Ahkin Ana Maria Alarcon Michael Alexander Pedro Algarbe Kimberly Alfonso Lucas Algeciras Patricia E Amaya Joe Antol Walter Arango Edgar Arango Max Arnoux Patricia Arnoux Sylvia Arzalluz

Jose Antonio Bode Robert Bodden Cristian Bonilla Stephan Calafel Noemi Castillo Christian Castro Hilda De Paula Stephanie de Quesada De Troyban sisters Emily Eismont Jim Feeney Gloria Fernandez Hilda R. Fernandez Barbara Francar

Visit our website: www.ololourdes .org

Rosa Gamundi Andres Gonzalez Jorge Miguel Guiroz Solange D. Gutrierrez Oscar Helver Ines Helena Hernandez Christian J. Karmeris Cedric Kellman Walte Kunzle Manny La Rosa Mariana Lasprilla Portugal Leal Susana Linares Carlos Lincoln Geraldine Lincoln

Diego Lopez Solange Mago Steven Medina Byron Arango Molina Elsa Ordonez Juan Ordonez Jorge Peña Joseph Pietraszko Pepe Plata Halvert Peguero Judith Portugal Angela Restrepo Laurin Reyes Antoinette Rocco

Amaury Rodriguez Cristina Sabina Narah Salgado Evelyn Sandoval Bruce Siegel Christian Cruz Sosa David Stadthaeen Jeff Stewart Ramon Suarez Concepcion Tariche Gustavo Tobon Fernando Valdes Wendy Valle

Facebook: OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL