ORDER WIZARD USER'S GUIDE Contents Welcome...............................................................................................................
Author: Cornelia Jacobs
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ORDER WIZARD USER'S GUIDE Contents Welcome....................................................................................................................................................... 2 System requirements ................................................................................................................................... 2 Getting help .................................................................................................................................................. 2 Logging.......................................................................................................................................................... 2 Log in ........................................................................................................................................................ 3 Log out ...................................................................................................................................................... 3 Monitoring .................................................................................................................................................... 3 Tables view ............................................................................................................................................... 4 Orders view .............................................................................................................................................. 4 Editors........................................................................................................................................................... 5 Menu editor .............................................................................................................................................. 6 Floor editor ............................................................................................................................................... 7 Menu transfer............................................................................................................................................... 8 Export menu ............................................................................................................................................. 8 Import menu............................................................................................................................................. 8 Generating reports ....................................................................................................................................... 9 Setting the report period.......................................................................................................................... 9 Revenue report ....................................................................................................................................... 10 Products report ...................................................................................................................................... 10 Waiters report ........................................................................................................................................ 11 Administration ............................................................................................................................................ 12 Users ....................................................................................................................................................... 12 Options ................................................................................................................................................... 13 Settings ................................................................................................................................................... 13 Tools ........................................................................................................................................................... 14 QR Code Generator ................................................................................................................................ 14 Default Icons Viewer .............................................................................................................................. 15


Welcome Order Wizard is a self-ordering system for restaurants, cafés, pubs, fast food outlets, etc. Clients can place orders and pay using their smartphones on the restaurant premises. Android phones and iPhone are supported. Mobile payments can be done via PayPal.

System requirements A PC with a Windows operating system; a Wi-Fi network and a smartphone; QR codes printed and additional NFC tags.

Getting help You can use this help tutorial to inform yourself about how to work with Order Wizard. Each section describes the main features of application and you can take a look at the help pages for details. Also, you can visit our website for additional information, look at forum posts or write us an e-mail.

Logging When you run the Order wizard admin module application, you have to login to it. When you start it for the very first time you can use "admin" for the user name and an empty password.


Log in After running Order wizard admin you will see a login screen with text boxes for the user name and password, then you have to enter your details. If your credentials are accepted then you will get access to the menu features in accordance with the authorization granted. Otherwise, you have to try to enter them again or press the "Cancel" button. By using File -> Login menu you can always change the active user or show the login screen.

Log out You can log out the current user by calling the File -> Logout menu. Then you will only see the initial screen of the application with the login and the help menu accessible.

Monitoring You can watch orders in Tables view and in Orders view. You can use these features by accessing the Monitoring menu or by pressing the "Tables view" or "Orders view" buttons. For detailed information see the "Tables view" or "Orders View" pages.


Tables view Tables view is the default screen of the Order wizard admin module. You can access it from the Monitoring -> Tables view menu or from the "Tables view" button. Here you see the floor plan with tables on the left part and order details by table on the right part of the screen. The tables have their numbers on the upper left corner by which you identify each table. If this number has a red background, it means there are ordered items for this table that are not served yet. If the background of the table number is green, it means that all item orders for this table are served. If the background number is transparent, then there is no order placed on this table. You have to select the table to see order details; this could be done by clicking directly on the table in the floor plan or by selecting a table from the "Occupied tables" list. Then you will see a list with icon of the product, product's name, quantity and a check box for the status of the product, whether it is served or not. When using the "Assigned waiter" list you have to choose which waiter will serve the selected table.

Orders view “Orders view” shows detailed information of the orders. You can access it from the Monitoring > Orders view menu or from the "Orders view" button. 4

Here you see the floor plan with tables on the left and the orders list, order details and assistance calls on the right part of the screen. On this view menu, the table plan is only informative and meant for a fast table selection, showing only the orders from the selected table. You can filter orders by using the drop down menus above the orders list. You can choose one or more options, i.e. by table, by status, by waiter and by date. When you select a row in the orders table you can see details for this order in the table below. Also you can change the assigned waiter by double clicking on the waiter's cell and choosing a name from the drop down list. Another thing you can do here is to close the selected order manually when something goes wrong by a right click on it. The third table is a list of assistance calls. There are three types: help, cash payment and card payment. So here the waiter can see which table wants assistance as well as the kind of assistance required. After completing the required action the waiter has to close the corresponding record and if the last two types are automatically connected, the order will be closed. Assistance record can be closed by right clicking on it or by double clicking on the status cell.

Editors You can edit the menu items or the floor plan by using built-in editors. You can use these features by accessing the Editors menu or by pressing the "Menu editor" or "Floor editor" buttons. For detailed information see the "Menu editor" or "Floor editor" pages.


Menu editor The Menu editor offers functionality to create and edit your own menu. You can access it from the Editors -> Menu editor menu or from the "Menu editor" button. Here you see the menu categories on the left and menu items and details on the right part of the screen. You can add, edit and delete categories as well as sub-categories. Also you can arrange where the position of each category will be shown. All these features are accessible by tool bar buttons above the list with categories. If you want to add a new category, press the "plus" button with a clear selection and you will see a new form where you can add an image, name or a description to the new category. When you are ready press "OK" or if you change your mind press "Cancel". To create a new subcategory first select the desired category and then press the "plus" button and you will see the same form as the category one. Editing is done by selecting a category or a sub-category and pressing the "pencil" button; then you will see a form with the category details you can change. To delete a category first select it and then press the "bin" button, you have to make sure that it is empty. To change the order of category appearance you have to select a category and move it by pressing the "up arrow" and "down arrow" buttons. Each category or sub-category can have product items you can see by selecting a given category. The product items are displayed in the table where you can add, edit, delete or order them. If the list is empty for a selected category you can add a new item by pressing the "plus" button above the table. You can insert an image, a name or a description and select where the product is prepared (i.e. in the kitchen, at the bar or by the waiter) or select whether it is available at the moment. All this information can be entered directly in the row. For inserting an image you have two options: double click on the cell and press the button, then you will see a dialog for choosing a file. The second option is to start the "Default image view" from the Tools menu and drag and drop an image. You can edit product details by pressing the "pencil" button or by double clicking on the cell you want to edit. After adding or editing an item you must press the Apply button on the navigation bar above the table. By using the "up arrow" and "down arrow" you can change the display order of products. You can delete a product by selecting it and pressing the "bin" button. You can add a large image for the selected/added product by entering the image path or pressing the "folder" button on the right of the product table and choosing an image from the appearing dialog. Also, you can enter a detailed description below the large image by directly typing it in the memo field. You can add price, weight and a measure type for the product. A product without a price does not appear on the clients’ screen. After changing the product details you have to confirm or cancel the changes by pressing the "apply" or "cancel" buttons above the details.


Floor editor Floor editor offers functionality to design a sketchy plan of the table placement. You can access it from the Editors -> Floor editor menu or from the "Floor editor" button. Here you see a number of floors and tables on the left and a design surface on the right part of the screen. You can add a new floor by pressing the "plus" button. Then a new row appears in the table and you have to set the floor name and dimensions. To save the changes click the "apply" button or to clear the changes click the "cancel" button. Editing floor data can be done by pressing the "pencil" button or by double clicking on the cell you want to change. You can delete the floor by selecting it and pressing the "bin" button. To edit the table details you have to select the table first and then directly edit the value or change it by little arrows. To confirm changes press Enter or move the caret outside the box. To insert a new table on the floor, select a pattern from the tool bar and then click to a desired place on the design surface. The table image will appear on that place. The table details will be generated automatically. You can move the image by selecting and dragging it. Also you can change the table number. To draw lines or other figures, open the "Shapes" tool bar by clicking on its tab. Then you can insert the shapes in the same way as the tables. When the shape or table is selected you can change its size by dragging the frame which surrounds it. To save changes on the floor plan press the "apply" button or to clear changes press the "cancel" button.


Menu transfer You can export the whole menu and import it to another restaurant that uses this application if you have a chain with the same menu. You can use these features by accessing File -> Export menu and File -> Import menu. For detailed information see the "Export menu" or "Import menu" sections.

Export menu Exporting menu data in an xml file can be done from File -> Export menu. You will get a file select dialog to enter a file name to which data will be saved. By pressing the "Save" button you will export all data to a specific file. By using the "cancel" button you can reject the export.

Import menu Importing menu data from an xml file can be done from File -> Import menu. Be careful with this option because it will delete all existing menu items in the database and insert them in an xml file. 8

First you will be asked to confirm the operation; then you will get a file select dialog to choose a file name from which the data will be imported. You will import data from a specific file by pressing the "open" button. You can reject the import by using the "cancel" button.

Generating reports You can generate reports about your business about different data and periods. Reports are accessible from the Reports menu. There are three kinds of reports. For detailed information see the "Revenue", "Products" or "Waiters" sections.

Setting the report period When you generate a report, first you will be asked to enter a period for which it will be generated. So you will see a form where to choose a period from. There are two kinds of periods: fixed and custom. Choose one by selecting the corresponding radio button. For a fixed period you have to choose duration: Last day; Last week; Last month; Last quarter; Last year. For a custom period you have to choose dates: a start and an end date. After setting the period you can export the period data into an xml file by pressing the "export" button. By pressing the "OK" button you will see a ready report for printing. You can reject the report generating by pressing the "cancel" button.


Revenue report You can generate a revenue report from the Reports -> Revenue menu. After selecting the required period you will see a table with rows for each day in the selected period and a sum of the revenue for a given day. You can use the buttons on the tool bar to print the report or navigate in it.

Products report You can generate a products report from Reports -> Products menu. After selecting the required period you will see a table with rows for each product in the selected period and a sum of the revenue for a given product for the whole period. You can use the buttons on the tool bar to print the report or navigate in it.


Waiters report You can generate a waiters report from the Reports -> Waiters menu. After selecting the required period you will see a table with rows for each waiter and a sum of the revenue for the selected period done by given waiter. You can use the buttons on the tool bar to print the report or navigate in it.


Administration You can change some parameters of application or manage users from the Admin menu. You can use these features by accessing the Admin -> Users, Admin -> Options or Admin -> Settings menu. For detailed information see the "Users", "Options" or "Settings" sections.

Users Create users accounts and set access rights and manage them with the Users Functionality. You can access it from Admin -> Users menu. You will see a form with a category tree on the left and a table with accounts data on the left. There are four accounts with categories, which are fixed and you can't add a new category. Each category gives different rights to access the application menu. To create a new account you have to select a category first; then press the "plus" button from the navigation bar above. Enter data for the account in the empty row of table. To set a password, double click on the password cell and then you will see a form with text boxes where to write the password. Later on, the password can be changed in the same way, but you have to enter the old password. You have to save the account by pressing the "apply" button in the navigation bar above or reject changes by pressing the "cancel" button. Also, you can edit or delete an account by pressing the "pencil" button or by pressing the "bin" button. Close user’s window with "OK" or "Cancel" button.


Options Change server and database connection parameters from the options functionality. You can access it from the Admin -> Options menu. You will get a form with a list on the left and edit boxes on the right side. You can change the connection IP address and connection port by selecting "Server" from the list. To apply the changes press the "OK" button or "Cancel" to reject, both buttons close the form. By selecting "Database" you can change the connection parameters to the database server: server IP address; server port; user name; password; database name. Again, to apply the changes press the "OK" button or "Cancel" to reject.

Settings Change mobile app parameters from the settings functionality. You can access it from the Admin -> Settings menu. You will get a form with different fields you can fill, such as: Restaurant name; Welcome screen; Payment methods; and Printers. You can type the restaurant name into a text box, also set an image for the welcome screen by clicking on the "folder" button. About payment options, you can set types of payment that your company accepts by ticking the corresponding check boxes for offline cash, offline card and PayPal. If you accept PayPal, then you must set a PayPal account, a currency that PayPal accepts and a local currency in case they are different. Apart from that, you can set a currency symbol to be displayed on the mobile app screen for item prices. Another thing you can set is printer names for


printing order items to be prepared from the kitchen staff or the bartender, but in this case you must have printers installed in this location and driver for them on the server pc. To apply changes press the "OK" button or "Cancel" to reject.

Tools You can generate QR codes for locating a table or use default images for item icons from the Tools menu. You can use these features by accessing the Tools -> QR Code Generator menu or Tools -> Default Icons Viewer. For detailed information see the "QR Code Generator" or "Default Icons Viewer" sections.

QR Code Generator Generate QR codes for locating tables from the QR Code Generator functionality. You can access it from the Tools -> QR Code Generator menu. You will get a form with text boxes to be filled on the left and a QR code image on the right side. To generate a proper QR code you must set the table number and IP address of the PC where the Order Wizard server is installed. Also, set the Wi-Fi network data of the restaurant, i.e. name and password, type of network and whether it is it hidden or not. After inserting this information you can press the "generate" button, then you will have an image of QR code for this table and you can print it and put it on the table. This can be done by pressing the "print" button. Also, you can save the image and print it elsewhere. By clicking the "Cancel" button you close the QR Code Generator window.


Default Icons Viewer You can set icons for product items from the pool of default images. This functionality is available from Tools -> Default Icons Viewer. You will see a window with images that you can select and then drag and drop to the icon field of the product item. By pressing the "Close" button you can close the window.