WELCOME TO WORSHIP AT FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Warm greetings and love in Christ are extended to all gathered in this house of worship. A double aste...
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WELCOME TO WORSHIP AT FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Warm greetings and love in Christ are extended to all gathered in this house of worship. A double asterisk (**) indicates you may rise in body or in spirit as you are able. Large print hymnals, bulletins and hearing assist units are available from an usher. Please respectfully allow all to worship by keeping all cell phones/pagers silent or off. Please record your name and address on the Ministry of Friendship (red folder at the end of the row). Pass it to the end of the row and back to see with whom you worship. Children are always welcome in worship services. If parents prefer, a nursery for infants and toddlers is available in the North Wing. Children and Worship does not meet today. A Children’s Bible is located on the wooden tree at the rear of Sanctuary. Use it to engage your children in scripture. You will find this Sunday’s reading on page 103, 5th Sunday in Lent. Please return the Bible to the tree after worship. Children's Worship bags are located on the wooden tree for children through 5th grade. Take the bulletin and activity sheets home, but please return the bag with all other materials to the tree after worship. The Peace Candle on the Communion Table is a reminder to pray for world peace. Visitors are invited to share a candle with their home church by picking one up at the Information Center in the Narthex.

ORDER OF DIVINE WORSHIP FIFTH SUNDAY IN LENT March 13, 2016 - 8:30 and 11:00 a.m.

- Gathering Around the Word ORGAN PRELUDE ...................... Fugue in A minor, BWV 543 - J. S. Bach GATHERING OF THE COMMUNITY Sharing Christ’s Peace Greet one another: "The peace of Christ be with you.” Response to one another: “And also with you.” Minute for Goodland Mission Trip ................ (11:00) Jenna Fowler

ORGAN MEDITATION on Mit Freuden zart- R. te Velde **CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: Community: Leader: Community: All:

Like Mary of Bethany, who lavished her treasure on the feet of Christ, We come now to worship and offer ourselves to the Lord. The things we once treasured are worthless, Compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus! Let us worship God.

**HYMN OF PRAISE 645 ...........“Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above” **PRAYER OF ADORATION (11:00) followed by THE LORD’S PRAYER **Those who are able, please stand.

PRAYER OF CONFESSION Merciful God, we confess that we have sinned against you. We fix our minds on former things, missing the new thing you are doing. We focus on worldly treasure and gain, forgetting the value of knowing Christ. Forgive us, God of grace. Through the great mystery of faith deliver us from our captivity to sin and lead us from death to life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Moments for personal confession.)

KYRIE .....................................................................................434, verse 1 Restore in us, O God, the splendor of your love: renew your image in our hearts, and all our sins remove.

DECLARATION OF FORGIVENESS **RESPONSE TO FORGIVENESS ................................................ 447 We are forgiven. We are forgiven. Thanks be to God. Thanks be to God. We are forgiven, We are forgiven. Thanks be to God. Thanks be to God.

- Proclaiming and Sharing the Word PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION OLD TESTAMENT LESSON ........................ Isaiah 43:16-21 (OT, pg. 632) Leader: This is the Word of the Lord Community: Thanks be to God.

TIME WITH CHILDREN If parents desire, following this time, children of 3 years and younger may go to the Nursery located in the north wing. At the 11:00 a.m. service Children and Worship does not meet today. See you next week.

GOSPEL LESSON .............................................. John 12:1-8 (NT, pg. 100) SERMON ...................................................... “A Fragrant Room in Bethany”

- Responding to the Word AFFIRMATION OF FAITH ..........Q/A 30-31 from PCUSA Study Catechism Leader: What is the significance of affirming that Jesus is truly God? Community: Only God can properly deserve worship. Only God can reveal to us who God is. And only God can save us from our sins. Being truly God, Jesus meets these conditions. He is the proper object of our worship, the self-revelation of God, and the Savior of the world.


What is the significance of affirming that Jesus is also truly a human being? Community: Being truly human, Jesus entered fully into our fallen situation and overcame it. He lived a life of pure obedience to God, even to the point of accepting a violent death. When we accept him by faith, he removes our disobedience and clothes us with his perfect righteousness. (11:00) **HYMN OF LOVE 209, VERSES 1, 2,4, 5 ............................................................................. “My Song Is Love Unknown”

PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE Leader: Have mercy, O God

Community: Hear our prayer.


Richard Titus

INVITATION TO DISCIPLESHIP PRESENTATION OF OUR LIVES AND OFFERINGS OFFERTORY (8:30) HYMN OF LOVE 209, verses 1, 2,4, 5 “My Song Is Love Unknown” (11:00) ”If Thou art with me” BWV 508 - J. S. Bach/arr. L.H. Groom

**DOXOLOGY .......................................................................................675 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below; Praise God above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.


- Sealing of the Word + THE SACRAMENT OF THE LORD’S SUPPER +

INVITATION EUCHARISTIC PRAYER AND THE LORD’S PRAYER Leader: Community: Leader: Community: Leader: Community: Leader: Community:

The Lord be with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts. We lift them to the Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give our thanks and praise. Blessed are you, O Lord our God. . . . the heavenly choir: Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might. Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is the One who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.

Leader: Community:

Community: Community:

Blessed is Jesus Christ, our Savior. . . . mystery of faith: Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again. Pour out your Holy Spirit upon us. . . . Hear us now as we pray as Christ taught us: (The Lord’s Prayer) Our Father....Amen. (using “debts” and “debtors”)

WORDS OF INSTITUTION PARTAKING OF THE ELEMENTS Communion is served by intinction. Those who are able, come forward down the center aisle, forming two lines, and return using the side aisle. Those seated in the balcony, please come downstairs and join a line. If you are unable to come easily to the front of the Sanctuary, remain seated and the Elements will be brought to you. (Gluten-free wafers are available.)

Music during distribution: ”If Thou art with me” BWV 508 - J. S. Bach/arr. L.H. Groom


- Bearing and Following the Word into the World **HYMN OF AFFIRMATION 463 ........................ “How Firm a Foundation” CHARGE AND BLESSING ORGAN POSTLUDE .................. Prelude in A minor, BWV 543 - J. S. Bach

- ASSISTING IN WORSHIP TODAY Leading Worship: Liturgist:

Everett Miller, Associate Pastor (8:30) Bettie Todd (11:00) Denise Rex Scripture Reader: (11:00) Doug Sides Organist/Dir of Music: Rebecca te Velde Ushers: (8:30) Steve Stone, Steve & Cathy Fairbanks (11:00) Elizabeth Bruce, Rick & Sue Dearinger, Rusty Rex Greeters: (8:30) Cathy Grove Counters: Jim Shaw, Larry Perkins Bread provider: Mary Morwood

The Communion table flowers are given by the Good Family in celebration of Keith & Linda’s 36th anniversary March 15 and Bill’s 27th birthday March 21. The Narthex table flowers are given by K & Sandy Cohlmia in celebration of Kyle’s birthday March 10.


Sunday mornings and purchase items from around the world. • PASTOR LEAH HRACHOVEC is on vacation and returns to the office Monday. • ASSOCIATE PASTOR EVERETT MILLER is on vacation Monday through Friday. • HOLY WEEK RESOURCE FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES: Journey to the Cross, a

pop-up window calendar is now available at the display across from the Information Center. Take one home to continue your Lenten journey. Today: • REGULAR SCHEDULE OF WORSHIP: 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary. • SUNDAY SCHOOL classes for all ages at 9:45 a.m. • ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL OPPORTUNITIES: Feasting on the Word led by Denise Rex meets in the Library. This class follows the Lectionary readings used in worship. Wisdom from the Early Church led by Everett Miller meets in North Fellowship Hall through March 20 discussing the formation of the Christian tradition on major theological issues including the formation of the Bible. Embracing Interfaith Cooperation: Jenny Bobo leads the final session of this class today in South Fellowship Hall.. • WALK THE LABRYNTH TODAY: The prayer labyrinth will be set up this afternoon in the Multipurpose Room from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. If you are looking for a contemplative, yet movement-oriented form of prayer, consider coming to walk and pray the labyrinth as a Lenten practice. • PYG DOES NOT MEET TODAY. Have a great Spring Break. This Week: • SEASONED ADULT EVENT MONDAY - Come for dinner and a trip to Ireland with Gary & Nancy Simpson at 6:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. Contact Margy Knox to see if reservations are available (707-0808). • FINANCE MINISTRY meets Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. in the Hospitality Area. • STEWARDSHIP MINISTRY meets Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. in the Library. • CHILDREN’S MINISTRY meets Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. in Modern Magi. • CHANCEL CHOIR REHEARSAL cancelled this week. • THURSDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY meets at 10:00 a.m. in the Hospitality Area. • FRIDAY IS THE DEADLINE for ordering lilies to decorate the Sanctuary for Easter Sunday. See the form in the bulletin insert. • SATURDAY BRUNCH MINISTRY: from 11:00 a.m. to noon each Saturday a free

meal is served to the community in Fellowship Hall. If you can help Saturday, contact this Saturday’s team leader Shannan Frohock (334-1850) Next Sunday, March 20 - Palm Sunday • SCRIPTURE READINGS: Luke 19:28-40; Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29 Psalm 31:9-16; Philippians 2:5-11; Luke 22:14-23:56 • PROCESSION OF PALMS: All are invited to join in the procession at the beginning of both services. Meet in the Worship Center at 8:15 or 10:45 a.m. for instructions and palms. Parents may assist. • ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING OFFERING: Children are encouraged to bring their OGHS fish offering boxes to Time with Children or place in the offering. • TWO SERVICES OF WORSHIP: 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary.


a.m. service in the Hospitality Area. Come say thank you as these two depart the First Presby staff. See insert for details. • PYG DOES NOT MEET TODAY. See you at the reception after worship. Looking ahead • ECUMENICAL HOLY WEEK SERVICES Monday-Friday, March 21-25 12:10-12:50 p.m. at St Francis Catholic Church 6th & West. • SOUP SUPPER THURSDAY, MARCH 24 Holy Week is a busy time, so let the Fellowship Committee serve you a light supper in the Hospitality area from 5:30-6:30pm before the Maundy Thursday service. It will be a Lenten meal of vegetable soup, crackers, and water. • MAUNDY THURSDAY WORSHIP March 24 7:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Special service begins with a Service of Remembrance including the Lord’s Supper and concludes with a Service of Shadows with a litany of readings from the last events of Christ’s life. Childcare is provided.




8:30 a.m. Worship and Communion .......... SAN 9:45 a.m. Sunday School Classes for all ages 11:00 a.m. Worship .................................... SAN 3:00 p.m. Labyrinth available for prayer ... MPR PYG does not meet. Enjoy Spring Break!

MONDAY 8:45 a.m. Morning Prayers ......................... WC 6:00 p.m. Seasoned Adult Event ..................FH

8:45 a.m. Morning Prayers.......................... WC 10:00 a.m. Bible Study ................................... HA

FRIDAY SATURDAY 9:00 a.m. 7th Day Adventist ........................ WC 11:00 a.m. Saturday Brunch Ministry ............. FH

SUNDAY (MAR. 20) ~ PALM SUNDAY ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING OFFERING PROCESSION OF PALMS 8:45 a.m. Morning Prayers ......................... WC


5:30 p.m. Finance........................................ HA 5:30 p.m. Stewardship................................. LIB 5:30 p.m. Children’s Ministry ...................... MM

WEDNESDAY 8:30 a.m. Midweek Communion ................. WC 9:15 a.m. Second Mile Sewing .....................FH 10:30 a.m. Staff Meeting ................................YS 4:00 p.m. Love Feast Prep .......................... KIT No Choir Rehearsal this week.

8:30 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m.

Worship and Communion ......... SAN Sunday School Classes for all ages Worship .................................... SAN Reception for Margy Knox and Katie Burgoon Long ..................... HA PYG does not meet.

**Calendar reflects only church events and does not include all non-church related events and meetings. Please schedule ALL events through the Church Office.

Location Key: Main Building: BR = Blue Room (Youth Suite) LIB = Library HA = Hospitality Area HAK = Hospitality Area Kitchen MM = Modern Magi MPR = Multi Purpose Room NA = Narthex OR = Orange Room (Youth Suite)

PL= Parking Lot PRE = Preschool SAN = Sanctuary VES = Vestibule WC = Worship Center WR = Westminster Room YS = Youth Suite

Fellowship Hall: FH = Fellowship Hall NFH = NORTH Fellowship Hall SFH = SOUTH Fellowship Hall KIT = Kitchen SDR = Small Dining Room

FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 524 S. DUNCAN STREET STILLWATER, OKLAHOMA 74074 405-372-5580 www.stillwaterfpc.org

P Craig Ainsworth Charley Anaya Sr Daniel Anaya Shea Arnett Betty Bays Glen Bays Becerra Family Lily Beckstrom Allison Bills-Eustis Carol Bischoff Dawn Blair Gladys Bobeck Ted Burgoon Vivian Burgoon Tracy Carter Wayne Cartwright Bob Chapman Craig Chappell Bennet Charles Marilyn Choike Betty Christian Allison Christy Abby Clapp Darlene Collyar Andee and Kannon Cooper Don Cooper Dona Cooper Heather Davidson Anita Davis Matthew Durham Carol Fairbanks • • •

Abe Finfrock Ed Gallegos Marty Gallup Terry Gardner Gary Gilliland Al Goodbary Myrtle Groom Gus Hall Sam Hamilton Adelia Hanson Kendall Harvey Elaine Healey Jan Henderson Dick Hershberger Nelda Hershberger Bob Hert Jerry Hill Gene Holbrook Marilyn Holmquist Joyce Hufford John Ives Patty Jacobs Marjorie James Amelia Jameson Randy Jobe Carl Jones Ted Joy Choi Yung-ju Nelma Karnes Vickie Karns Mary Jane Kirchenbauer Tom Koehn

C Dottie Kraemer Tom Kunz Skip Lambert Jay Lawson Phyllis Leaghty Quinn Leffingwell Hank Lett Wendy Long Donna Lowry Barbara Lundstrom Tom Lutjens David Marstellar Alyssa Matal Wanda Mattox Bernie McNickle Philip Meadows Tresa Miller Barbara Morgan Peggy Murphy Agnes Nichols Noel Nichols Hunter Ogden Robin Osborn Christine Parson Charlene Pillay Jean Potts Aaron Ray Walker Reese Dennis Riley Jayn Russell Bradley Schutt Addi Shamburg Brylee Shullanberg

Jeffery Silver BEVERLY SMITH

Carrie & Robert Smith Family David Smith Ginny Smith Grace Smith Titus Smith Linda Stangl Rebekah Steadman Jamie Stephens Ophellia Steptoe Blaire Stevison CONNIE STIEGLER

Lorna te Velde Bryan Tiffany Upendo Kids Nettie Vick Liam Vollrath Barbara Ware Tammy Wasson Arvilla West Bob West Lorraine Wilborn Nona Wilhm Doyle Williams Jim Williams Jim Wise Bold means added recently

Larger Church: Latin America and the Caribbean; Synod of the Southwest (AZ, NM) Joy: birth of Harris Ray Langston, son of Cami & Allen, great grandson of Bev Gumm Entered Church Triumphant: Dennis Rohlfing, father of Richard Rohlfing Oran Wright Amber Teeman Jeff Coats, nephew of Jana Ainsworth

Come say thank you to

Margy Knox and Katie Burgoon Long At a reception in the Hospitality Area following the 11 am service Sunday, March 20 Katie has resigned as Director of Children and Youth Ministry and accepted a position with Loaves and Fishes in Enid, Ok. Her last day is Easter Sunday. Margy is retiring from the position of Director of Older Adult Ministry on March 31.





Prelude and Postlude: This is one of the so-called “great” preludes and fugues by J.S. Bach, composed while he was employed as organist at the court in Weimar 1708– 1717 and revealing both his virtuosic skill and his prowess as a composer. Although it is not specifically a sacred work, Bach dedicated it and all his music to the glory of God, typically marking his scores “S.D.G.” – Soli Deo Gloria (“To God alone be glory”). The Fugue will be heard during the Prelude: a long subject (theme) evolves into an extended multi-sectional piece that is characterized by broken chords, sequential patterns, and perpetual motion. After a middle section for the hands alone, the concluding section builds steadily in intensity until the pedals break loose in a wild cadenza that is immediately followed by a frenzied and dissonant toccata passage. Three decisive chords leave no doubt as to Bach’s “final answer”. The Prelude is heard as our Postlude today: much shorter than its companion Fugue, it too is characterized by broken chords and sequences, but it is much freer and more rhetorical in style with a pervasive sense of question and answer, argument, and dialogue. We will mark Bach’s 331st birthday on Mar. 21 (1685–1750). 11:00 Offertory (8:30 communion): Although its authorship is now in dispute, this beautiful melody is found as an aria in a book of pieces from 1725 that Bach gave to his second wife, Anna Magdalena. This is a transcription for solo organ made by my father.

Office use: Ck #____________

Cash _____

Amount $_________


Please use my contribution to purchase lilies for the Sanctuary that will be distributed to members by the Deacons after Easter. I understand that any remaining money beyond what is needed for distribution will be given to the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering.

3) Please check one: I/We will take our lily/lilies home after the 11:00 Easter service March 27.

Your Name:__________________________________________________________________________________

2) Include your payment marked “Easter Lily.”(Make checks payable to “First Presbyterian Church”) # of lilies ________X $12 = $ _______ total enclosed

(choose one)

in memory of in celebration of in honor of __________________________________________________________________________________________

(your name(s) as you want it printed)

below EXACTLY as you would like it to appear &' E() ' *+,,' : Today’s flowers are given to the Glory of God by ___________________________________________________________________________________________

1) Please

check in the offering plate or return to the Church Office by Friday, March 18

Worship Commi ee purchase lilies, please fill out the form below. Place the form and your

It is time to order flowers to decorate the Sanctuary for Easter. If you would like to help the

The date is CHANGED for March

Seasoned Adults Monday, March 14 (not the 21st) 6:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall There will be a delicious meal from Hello Catering. Cost is $10/person. Contact Margy Knox to see if reservations are available. 707-0808 Gary & Nancy Simpson will present one of their beautiful slide programs on Ireland -

mysterious and beautiful.

2016 Intergenerational Mission Trip June 4-11 Goodland Academy near Hugo, Oklahoma

“Then you will be known as a rebuilder of walls and a restorer of homes.” Isaiah 58:12b For everyone ages 12* to Adults *a parent/guardian must accompany all youth participants ages 12 & 13.

Registration Deadline: Sunday, April 3 Forms are available in the Narthex.