Old Testament Survey I HIST100

Week #2 Basic Creation Theories To the Noahic Flood

Week #2 Objective: Show the basic biblical creation theories from the beginning through the Tower of Babel

Introduction Moses is claimed as the writer of the Book of Moses. Since its original writings, the book has been broken up into five separate books, commonly known as the Pentateuch. The writings within Pentateuch demonstrate that after the Israelites spent around 430 years in Egypt as slaves, and were out of covenant with their God, Yahweh wanted to reestablish His covenant with them which He gave centuries earlier through Abraham. It was important that this covenant be re-established in a way the Israelites could understand and live by. They needed to know that Yahweh was their personal God – the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, as well as their Creator and the sovereign Ruler of the entire universe. God’s prophecy to Moses God came down and spoke to Moses, and Moses, in turn, took God’s words and penned them as instruction to the Israelites. The Book of Genesis, the first of the five books, is God’s revelation given as a prophecy. While prophecies are generally seen of something futuristic, God, instead, showed Moses the beginnings to re-establish truths of His presence and love for His people. While the giving of the oral traditions had been passed from generation to generation, the reliability of actual truth was uncertain. God then prophetically showed earlier generations of His people to Moses as God revealed His truth, early victories and struggles, and then re-established His covenant by the giving of laws to a generation that needed structure to follow. God gave to Moses a detailed report of what had happened since the time of Adam and Eve up to their present. What Moses recorded was not something he had personally confirmed by historical or scientific investigations, but it was a revelation from God for His people so that accurate writings could be documented for all future generations. God needed to re-establish Himself to a generation of people who had lost their way with their God.

In the Beginning Gen 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth There have been many controversies as to when creation began, as well as how long it took for God to create the earth or this universe. Did God create the universe in six consecutive 24-hour days? Did it take millions, or even billions of years? How long ago was it created? Many attempts have been made by theologians to reconcile the days of Genesis 1 & 2 with the findings of science, particularly with geology and paleontology.




A science that deals with the history of the earth and its life, especially as recorded in rocks

Deals with the life of past geological periods that we know from fossil remains.

Remnants, impressions, or traces of animals or plants of past geological ages that have been preserved in the earth’s crust.

Let’s look at some of the evidence that science has used to date the age of the earth.


Old Testament Survey I HIST100

Week #2 Basic Creation Theories To the Noahic Flood

Scientific Belief and Evidence The earth is covered with sedimentary rock (rocks built up upon layer). • Many fossil remains have been found at various levels of these rock coverings. • Shells of sea animals have been found in limestone sedimentary rock.

Coals and oils in the earth come from very ancient animal and vegetable life. • Sometimes referred to as hydrocarbon or fossil fuels. • Findings show perfect prints of leaves and plants in various forms of coal.

Atomic dating based on the theory that uranium turns to lead in a given number of years. • Establishes fairly accurate dates for the age of fossils and rocks.


Scriptural Evidence God created the earth in six days: (Genesis 1 & 2) Day 1: God said: “Let there be light.”…..Light was created and was separated from darkness. Day 2: Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. - The waters were separated – some on earth and some in the sky….. - Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and… - Let the dry land appear. - An expanse (atmosphere) came between the earth and the sky Day 3: Let the earth bring forth grass, herb yielding seed…and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself… Day 4: Let there be light (sun, moon, and stars) in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be signs, and for seasons, and for days... Day 5: Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven… Day 6: God created all land animals… - Then God said….”Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. - So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created he them. - Because man was made in the image of God, he was given to rulership over the earth. …And God said it was very good Day 7: God rested… Various theories on the age of the earth and mankind There are many conflicting views on the age of the universe, the age of the earth, and the origin of mankind. Among the Christian population, there are many disagreements as well. Some hold to the Old Earth, while others claim the


Old Testament Survey I HIST100

Week #2 Basic Creation Theories To the Noahic Flood

Young Earth hypothesis. The Old Earth covers a spectrum of beliefs. The contenders for the Old Age belief claim the earth is millions, maybe billions of years old, accepting geological findings, but rejecting evolution. The Young Age belief claims that the earth is only 6000 years old, taking the Book of Genesis literally. Before we examine both theories, let’s first look at the Evolutionary Naturalist Theory.

Evolutionary Naturalist Theory Evolutionary theory in its purest form supports naturalism, meaning the origin of the universe occurred about 15 billion years ago, and the earth about 4 ½ billion years ago. Life began as bacteria deep in rocks, and has been evolving ever since. These various processes have been driven purely by natural forces, without any input from any form of Diety.ii This is the scientific view of today based on atomic dating; however, it must be noted that it is a theory, not fact. This same theory of naturalism was promoted by Charles Darwin in his 1859 book On the Origin of Species, regarding the origin of man. His book promotes evolution by common descent as the dominant scientific explanation of diversification in nature. Darwinism claims that man is presumed to come from primates – the ancestral of an ape or lizard, and evolution simply comes from a single common ancestor. Any human form today has been the result of survival of the fittest.iii While this theory of Darwinism is the general view of today’s society, and taught in U.S. public classrooms, this theory is most definitely “UNBIBLICAL.” The Book of Genesis states that man is created in the image and likeness of God, not any ancestral primate. Gen 1:26 Then God said,"Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. NKJV Scientific findings, based on its data research, are accepted by the world-at-large.

“Old Earth” Theory The Old Earth theory accepts scientific dating of the earth and the physical universe, but questions evolution theory, as taught by Darwinism. It teaches that God is at the basis of all creation. Old Earth creationism can be separated into various categories, including theistic evolution, pictorial/Revelation, day age, and progressive creationism. Each category accepts God as the creator of the physical universe, but supports different views concerning the processes involved in creating the world as we know it. 1. Theistic Evolution Theory The Theistic Evolution theory supports the evolutionary theory of scientific research, but has a “divine” intervention and origin in the formation of species. It supports all modern scientific theory, including evolution. It generally views evolution as a tool used by God. The Genesis account may or may not be supported in this theory. For many, this account is seen as a literary or allegory interpretation, meaning Genesis had principles worthy of study and applications toward life; however, the events did not occur. Carrying various forms, not wanting scientific and religious truths to be in conflict, the Theistic Evolution theory is taught at the majority of mainline Protestant and Roman Catholic Seminaries and parochial schools.iv


Old Testament Survey I HIST100


Week #2 Basic Creation Theories To the Noahic Flood

Intelligent Design or Neo Creationism A fairly new terminology, Intelligent Design claims that “certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process of natural selection. It accepts supernatural explanations outside of the scientific field of discovery without having to use the word “God” or other religious terminology. Its goal is to restate creationism in terms more likely to be received by the public, education policy makers and the scientific community. It aims is to re-frame the debate over the origins of life, rejecting naturalism as taught by Darwinism, using non-religious terms and without appeals to Scripture, making it publicly acceptable. This theory is presently being fought in the court system of the United States.v

2. The Pictorial-Day/Revelation-Day Theory This theory suggests that God in His eternity could have taken billions of years to create the universe before He created earth and Adam; and in that, creation was an evolutionary process. Then God revealed the process of creation to the Moses, as the writer of Genesis, in six successive days. This theory is supported in that Adam was created in the image of God 6000 years ago. Everything before could have taken the process of millions or billions of years to create. Gap Creationism This theory claims that Adam and Eve were created 6000 years ago on a pre-existing old earth. It relies on a particular interpretation of Genesis 1:1-2 in that there is a gap of time – possibly millions or billions of years between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. Thus, the six days of creation began with Gen 1:3. This allows for an indefinite “gap” of time, yet allows for the six days of creation. This theory can agree with the scientific findings regarding the age of the earth and universe, yet maintain a literal interpretation of the biblical text. 3. The “Age-Day” or “Day-Age” Theory This theory suggest that the days in Genesis 1 were a very long historical period – possibly million or even billions of years of time. These periods could correspond with the geological ages. This also could be consistent with other uses of the word “day” in Scripture, such as a “day is as a thousand years.” Some adherents of this theory claim we are still living in the seventh age, meaning the “seventh day.” 4. Progressive Creationism Theory This theory accepts most of modern physical science findings, including the age of the earth, but rejects much of modern evolutionary biology of mankind. It claims that species have changed or evolved in a process continuously guided by God, with various ideas as to how the process operated. This view can be held in conjunction with the “Day-Age” theory as well.

The “Young Earth” Theory The Young Earth theorists claim that creation, including the universe, earth, and mankind took place only 6000 years ago. This theory claims a literal interpretation of the Genesis account. According to this interpretation, the creation days were a period of six literal 24-hour days. It emphasizes God’s power to create instantaneously out of nothing. No new species have evolved or been created since then.


Old Testament Survey I HIST100

Week #2 Basic Creation Theories To the Noahic Flood

While this theory does create challenges, Young age theorist’s attempt to reconcile the fossil evidence of science in several ways: • •

One explanation is that the universal flood in Noah’s time had major effects on the earth’s topography, which could account for its appearance of age. Another idea is that God created a mature earth, meaning millions or even billions of years old, along with creating Adam and Eve as adults.

Which theory is correct? There are certain things that are verified by Scripture, in which we can rely upon. • • • • •

God spoke this world into being (Heb 11:3) God’s creation took six days, and on the seventh, He rested. Man was created in the likeness and image of God (Gen 1:26) The Genesis account of mankind dates back 6000 years ago. When God originally created the earth cannot be determined (Job 38:4-7)

One thing is certain. No one, but God can know exactly which theory is correct. While the New Earth theory hold some credence and worthy of consideration, the Old Earth - Pictorial Day Creation theory seems to hold greater consideration. As a result, the view of this author “leans” toward the Old Earth/Pictorial Day Creation theory. The reason: There are many other scriptural supportive passages that lean toward this view. They will be pointed out throughout this lesson.

God’s Beautiful Creation God’s beautiful creation of earth became filled with lakes and streams, trees and forests, and vegetation of all kinds. He created the land to have a flow that would well up from the ground and water the whole surface of the earth. It was a splendid array of beauty. He then created all forms of animal and sea life to be a part of His new creation. He then created His most beautiful creation of all – mankind. God formed man out of the ground to have a bodily form, and then He breathed into him His breath; thus, man became a living soul. Man became a living creature, having a spirit, soul, and body. In God’s image man was created. Gen 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth…. The Garden of God God then planted a garden called Eden that had beautiful rivers flowing out from it. He placed man in the garden to be steward over His beautiful creation. The garden needed to be tilled and tended. All animal life, of which God created, needed a steward over them, so God had them come to Adam for him to name and carry his authority over. Everything, God told Adam, which crept upon the earth, he was given dominion over. How privileged man was to be created in God’s image, having dominion and stewardship over all the earth, including animal life. Having been created in the image of God, Adam, like God, had 100% brain power capacity. He was truly the most awesome created being on the face of the earth.vi As steward, the Lord told Adam that everything in the beautiful garden was his to enjoy, except for one tree: he could not partake of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. That tree held the potential of allowing Adam to see and


Old Testament Survey I HIST100

Week #2 Basic Creation Theories To the Noahic Flood

know evil. It was, therefore, critical that Adam obey God in staying completely away from the tree. If he disobeyed, he would lose all that God gave him and death would become his future. Gen 2:16-17 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. The creation of woman God then said that “it was not good for man to be alone.” He needed a help-mate to share in God’s beautiful creation and authority. God cause a deep sleep to come upon Adam and then He removed one of his ribs. Out of that rib, God created Eve, a beautiful woman and breathed life into her. The woman was to be Adam’s companion and help mate as they ruled over the earth side by side.

The Fall of Mankind Man, meaning mankind – both Adam and Eve, now had authority over the whole earth. Satan, however, also known as the devil, roamed the garden in the form of a serpent seeking to devour man. Tempting Eve, by the twisting God’s word, with Adam standing by her side, Satan convinced them that if they ate of the fruit of the forbidden tree, their eyes would be opened and they would become wise just like God. They both fell to the schemes of Satan and ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and as such, lost their authority, their stewardship over the earth, and were subject to Satan’s power. The fall of mankind had begun. Gen 3:6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. Their eyes were opened Satan mixed truths with lies, and all of mankind was affected. Were their eyes open? Yes! Did they become like God? No! Do they then learn good and evil? Yes! Did they live forever and not die as Satan had said? No! This is a lesson for each of us – even today. Remember, there is a spiritual and moral strength in believing God, while spiritual and moral weaknesses are produced by doubting God. Today Satan tries to place doubt in our hearts and minds concerning the truth of the Word of God. His purpose is to weaken our resistance to temptation and lead us into the sin of disobeying God.

God’s Judgment God’s judgment came immediately upon the serpent, woman, man (and their offspring), as well as the earth. Judgment to the serpent Gen 3:14-15 So the LORD God said to the serpent: "Because you have done this, you are cursed more than all cattle, and more than every beast of the field; on your belly you shall go, and you shall eat dust all the days of your life. And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel." NKJV


Old Testament Survey I HIST100

Week #2 Basic Creation Theories To the Noahic Flood

The first judgment was given to the serpent. While this judgment can seem a little confusing, we need to look at it in the light of all of Scripture. In this first judgment, we find a double judgment, or it can be seen as the promise of eventual total victory for mankind over the serpent. Satan, as demonstrated by the serpent, was now cursed above all else. The serpent’s punishment, therefore, should correspond to its crime. Since it had exalted itself above the man, the serpent had to go on its belly and eat the dust of the earth all the days of it’s life. It seems apparent that Satan, as represented as the serpent was able to walk upright in the beauty of the Garden before this judgment because it was then forced to lie on its belly. According to Lev 11:42, going upon the belly was a mark of the deepest degradation. It was the object of the utmost contempt and abhorrence. Verse 15 of Genesis gives a promise of a future event and the final judgment put upon the serpent. While there will continue to be hatred between Eve (the mother of mankind) and her seed, meaning the human race, with Satan, the serpent will bite from its mouth (head) at the heels of mankind in its attempt to destroy them. Here, we also have a promise, or the first prophecy of the coming Messiah, who would one day overcome Satan. Jesus Christ will come through the seed of the woman and Satan will be overthrown by the destroying of its head, causing it to cease its destruction. Rom 16:20 And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly… Rev 20:2-10 He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, who is the Devil and Satan…And fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them. The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever. NKJV Judgment to the woman Gen 3:16 To the woman he said, "I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you." NIV The second judgment was given to the woman. Because of her disobedience to God, Eve’s sentence would be that she experience multiple pain in childbearing. In addition, and she would be under the rulership of her husband. Multiple opinions can be taken from the meaning of man’s position of rulership over women. The important thing here is that we keep this scripture passage in the context of what God intended. Sadly, in many Eastern pagan nations, where God does not rule, the extreme of women submission can be seen by women’s lower rank in society. Men lord themselves over women and often women are the property of their husbands, with many being mistreated and even killed. These women do not know any respectful way of life and are exposed in these countries - even today. Christ demonstrated God’s intention for women in how He treated them with dignity and honor. He also treated them as the weaker (physically), vessel, which, in turn, was a protection for them and a responsibility for men toward them. New Testament teachings claim there is no division between Jew or Greek, nor male or female in equality. Christ treated everyone having the same equality. Christ also gave women gifts and callings to equal that of men. As wives, on the other hand, the New Testament teachings claim women are to be submissive to their husband’s role as head of the family, and in turn husbands are to love their wives as their own body. Again, this is a responsibility protection for both. Judgment to the man and the soil of the earth


Old Testament Survey I HIST100

Week #2 Basic Creation Theories To the Noahic Flood

Gen 3:17-19 Then to Adam He said,"Because you have heeded the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree of which I commanded you, saying, 'you shall not eat of it': "Cursed is the ground for your sake; in toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life. Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you, and you shall eat the herb of the field. In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for dust you are, and to dust you shall return." NKJV The last judgment was put upon man and the ground. As scripture will verify, God originally spoke to Adam regarding the command to not eat of the forbidden fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and it was done before God removed his rib to create his helpmate Eve. That meant Adam had the responsibility to relate this command to his wife. Whether Adam relayed that command to her is not mentioned in Scripture. What was brought out was that Adam, while standing next to his wife, heard the temptations of Satan toward Eve, and together they both ate of the forbidden fruit. As such, they both received their own judgment from God. For Adam, the earth became cursed “because of him” and “for him.” The easy task of dressing the Garden of Eden, exhibiting beautiful flowers, abundant fruit, grains and trees had now changed. What was once easy labor, was replaced by physical hardship and painful toil, in a changed earth that carried thorns and thistles. Man would now have to work hard to cultivate the soil to make it produce life's necessities. Sin took its heavy toll. No longer could man live in abundance taking care of the beautiful garden forever. Drudgery, difficulties, and weariness would be man’s daily lot until death overcame him. Just as he was once created by God from the dust of the earth, as an immortal being, he would one day return to the same as mortal in death.

Driven Out of the Garden Gen 3:22-24 And the LORD God said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever." So the LORD God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken. After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life. NIV Man needed to leave the garden. He now knew good and evil, and was subject to its consequences. In the garden rested the tree of life; if Adam and Eve, and any of their future offsprings, were allowed to eat of that tree, knowing and living in the knowledge of good and evil, they could live forever. That had to stop. As such, they now had mortal bodies and were subject to eventual death.

Lineage of Adam’s sons Cain and Abel Gen 4:1 tell us that Adam and Eve “knew one another” and Eve bore a son – Cain. She later conceived and bore another son in which they called Abel. Abel was a keep of sheep and Cain was a tiller of the ground. Each brought an offering to the Lord – Abel bringing a firstling of his flock and Cain brought fruit from the ground. Scripture claims that the Lord was pleased with Abel’s offering, but not with Cain. Being angry, Cain killed Abel. God told him that his brother’s blood was upon him and for that, a curse was given to him. He could no longer till the land, but become a fugitive in a wasteland wandering about in weariness and despair. Fearing he would be killed, God told him He would put a mark upon him where no one could kill him without vengeance from the Lord. He then left his family and went to the Land of Nod where he married and bore a son he called Enoch. His lineage grew to have many sons.


Old Testament Survey I

Week #2 Basic Creation Theories To the Noahic Flood


The lineage of Seth When Adam was 130 years old, another son was born to Eve – Seth. Eve claimed him as a replacement for Abel whom Cain killed. Seth’s lineage also grew to have many sons. The following chart shows the lineage of both Cain and Seth: You will notice that all of Cain’s lineage were wicked and stopped with the flood of Noah. Seth’s lineage, on the other hand, was pure before God. Noah and Abraham, and ultimately King David and Jesus came out of the lineage of Seth.

Lineage of Adam’s Sons (Gen. 4-11; Luke 3:34-38)

Cain and Seth (Abel (Murdered by Cain)

A Godly line

An Ungodly Line

(From Seth)

(from Cain)

Seth Enosh Kenan Mahalalel Jared Enoch Methusalah Lamech Noah Shem Ham Japheth

Cain Enoch Irad Mehujael Methushael Lamech Jabel Jabal Tubal-Cain

Shem Arpachshad Cainan Shelah Eber Peleg Reu Serug Nahor Terah Abraham Isaac Jacob… …King David …Jesus Chist

• • • •

Cain It was Cain who committed the first murder recorded in the Bible Abel brought the first of his flock to the Lord A city was named after Enoch (descendant of Cain) Lamech (descendant of Cain) took responsibility for the second murder recorded in the Bible

• • • •


Seth Adam and Eve both expressed new hope in the birth of their son Seth In the days of Enosh men began to call on the Lord Enoch (descendant of Seth) walked with God and was raptured. He did not experience death. Lamech (descendant of Seth) hoped his son would relieve mankind from the curse upon the ground.

Old Testament Survey I HIST100

Week #2 Basic Creation Theories To the Noahic Flood

Antediluvian Period The period of time covered in Genesis 4:1 – 6:10 and is sometimes referred to as the Antediluvian Period, meaning “before the Flood.” Who are the Sons of God? In Genesis 6, the Bible tells us that the sons of God came into the daughters of men and they bore children to them. According to various scripture passages in the Books of Job (Job 1:6, Job 2:1), the sons of God are connected to Satan. According to Genesis 6:4, there were giants on the earth in those days when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Many biblical commentaries refer to these sons of God as giants who were once upon the earth. These giants multiplied upon the earth. God regretted creating man As the population multiplied, mankind became very wicked. There was 1656 years since God created Adam and Eve – till the time of the flood of Noah, being a total of nine generations. It was normal for man to live close to 1000 years during that time. It is estimated that between 150,000,000 and 500,000,000 people were on the earth at that time.vii The times were so wicked to where even God regretted that He had created man. Gen 6:6 And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.

Dispensations Dispensations mean a period of time when God is dealing with men or angels. Even though God is immutable, it is interesting to see that He deals with men and angels differently at various periods of time. Let’s take a brief look at nine different dispensations.viii 1. Dispensation of Angels Angels, not men were given rulership under God to administrate the will of God, ruling over earth and other planets. Under the Old Earth Pictorial Gap theory, this period of time and length was from the time the earth was created, in the presence of angels, until the time of chaos and defeat of Satan in his invasion of heaven. 2. Dispensation of Innocence From the time of the creation of man until the fall of man, which was probably a very short time – maybe a week or so, there were no offsprings. This dispensation began perfect, sinless, under Adam’s dominion, with just one command to obey. God was testing man to see if man could remain innocent and be faithful to Him under the most perfect of conditions. 3. Dispensation of Conscience This period of time was 1656 years – from Adam’s fall to the 600th year of Noah - the Noahic flood. During this time, man was tested to see if he could obey his own conscience regarding right and wrong. Man was free to do as he pleased until it became necessary for God to intervene. God allowed mankind to go to the full limits of wickedness, and then He intervened.


Old Testament Survey I HIST100

Week #2 Basic Creation Theories To the Noahic Flood

4. Dispensation of Human Government Human laws and human government were instituted to govern man’s life after a long period of time of freedom of conscience. God gave Noah certain laws to administer to the human race and man was held responsible for selfgovernment. This period of time was from Noahic flood to the call of Abraham when Abraham was 75 years old – totaling 427 years. 5. Dispensation of Promise God made promises and covenants with Abraham and his seed. In this period of time God emphasized the coming of the seed of a woman that would be through a particular race of people that came from Abraham. This length of time was from Abraham’s call at the age of 75 years to the exodus from Egypt, which was 430 years. The purpose of this dispensation was to choose one man, called Abraham, through whom the Messiah should come forth. God used Abraham and his seed as His representatives in the earth and gave them Canaan as their headquarters concerning His plan among all men, then and throughout eternity. 6. Dispensation of Law The law was given to Moses, which became the rule of faith and practice during the period between Moses and Christ. Christ came into the world during this dispensation. God sent Himself down to earth in the form of His Son - as a human being. God was still trying to reach man’s heart, longing for love and companionship. This length of time was from the Exodus in Egypt to the preaching of the Kingdom of Heaven by John the Baptist (or from Moses to Christ – 1718 years or so) 7. Dispensation of Grace (Church Age) This dispensation was named because of the fullness of grace brought by Jesus Christ. Men had grace in all previous ages, but not in its fullness. The same is true regarding laws. Men had laws in all periods of time before Moses, but the fullness of the law came by Jesus. The length of this dispensation is from the preaching of the Kingdom of Heaven by John the Baptist to the second return of Jesus Christ. How many more years grace will continue is not known because we do not know when the second return of Christ (not the rapture) will take place. 8. Dispensation of Divine Government (Millennium) The Dispensation of Divine Government was named because God’s Divine Government will take over all human government. These 1000 years of the theocracy of God will begin at the second return of Christ (not the rapture) to the renovation of the heavens and the new earth. The test is for remaining natural man to obey Christ, resurrected saints, civil and religious laws of the Kingdom, and conform to the will of God. 9. Dispensation of Faithful Angels and the Redeemed The faithful angels and resurrected saints will be helping God administer the affairs of the universes from the earth, which will be the eternal headquarters of God’s government. This length of time will be for all eternity. There will be no need for judgment for sin anymore because everyone will be holy and righteous, and will continue to live on forever in love, peace, and harmony.

This Lesson’s Application Spiritual and moral weaknesses are produced by doubting God. Just as Adam and Eve were once tempted by Satan, that same temptation has come to mankind down through the generations, including us today. Satan tries to place doubt in our hearts and minds concerning the truth of the Word of God. His purpose is to weaken our resistance to temptation and lead us into sinful living. Isn’t it wonderful that God created mankind in His image and out of a heart of love and from the beginning planned to bring about a Savior Who would free mankind from their sin. Even though Adam and Eve and all of mankind sinned, God chose through the offspring of Noah to provide a Savior. This good news brings one to have a heart of gratitude for all that God has done.


Old Testament Survey I HIST100

Week #2 Basic Creation Theories To the Noahic Flood

To know and experience God’s love, through His Son Jesus Christ, is only an earthly foretaste to living the abundant life which Adam and Eve once experienced when they walked with God in the Garden of Eden. One day, we, as believers in Christ, will walk with God in His Garden Paradise in heaven throughout eternity. For that, we rejoice!

End Notes i

Greves, Fred J. Old Testament Survey. ICI University http://www.religioustolerance.org/evolutio.htm iii http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Darwin iv http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creation_theory. Desmond & Moore 1991, p. 233–236. v http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creation_theory vi Erickson, Joyce. God’s Purpose for Man. White Dove Publishing. Minneapolis, MN. 1996 vii Dakes, Finis. Dakes Annotated Bible. Lawrence, Georgia. viii ided ii