Author: Jocelin Hensley
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The Occupational Health and Safety Act covers all workplaces. The main features of the Act are: 1. A duty of care principle for all employers to ensure the health, safety and welfare of employees and others in the workplace. 2. An obligation for employers to establish that all reasonably practicable measures have been taken to control risks against all possible injuries arising form the workplace. 3. People in control of workplaces used by non employees must ensure the health and safety of people who use the premises as a place of work. 4. The employers "duty of care" applies to all people in the workplace including visitors, contractors and others. 5. A general obligation on manufacturers and suppliers of plant and substances to ensure that their products are not a risk to health when properly used and to provide information on the correct use and potential hazards associated with the use of the products in the workplace. 6. A general obligation on employees to take care of others and co-operate with employers in matters of health and safety.

POLICY STATEMENT 1. Mansfield Rudolf Steiner School & Kindergarten is committed to uphold, observe and implement the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act - 1983. 2. All practical measures will be taken to ensure that the workplace (including offices, classrooms, and outdoor areas) under the control of the School is safe and without risks to health, and that the behavior of all persons in the workplace is safe and without risks to health. 3. The Act allows for the optional formation of an Occupational Health and Safety Workplace Committee. In our School the Buildings & Grounds Subcommittee is the body mandated for this purpose. The brief of this committee will be, in part, to make recommendations to the College of Teachers and/or the Committee of Management relating to the development and maintenance of this policy. Committee members will undergo appropriate training and will, if possible, be formed by a representative from the following areas: a. Administrator b. College of Teachers c. Committee of Management Section D ‐ OHS 

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d. Grounds & Maintenance Staff The committee may invite other staff to attend meetings as required to assist in development of specialist areas.

PROCEDURES AND GUIDELINES This policy will be implemented on an ongoing basis by the School. In particular, the following areas will be monitored and developed: 1. OH&S training and education 2. workplace design and standard work methods 3. changes to work methods and practice including those associated with technological change 4. safety rules 5. emergency procedures and drills 6. provision of OH&S equipment and services as required 7. workplace inspections and evaluations 8. reporting and recording of incidents, accidents, injuries and illness 9. provision of OH&S information to employees and contractors/or sub-contractors


ADMINISTRATOR The administrator is required to ensure that this policy is effectively implemented in the School. COLLEGE OF TEACHERS Full time teachers are responsible that all practical measures to ensure that the workplace or classrooms under their control are safe and without risks to health and that the behaviour of all persons in the workplace is safe and without risks to health. If a staff member does not have the necessary authority or capacity to fix a problem, they are to report the matter promptly together with any recommendations for remedial action to the administrator. In particular, in exercising their duty of care to the students, staff must ensure students are supervised appropriately eg classroom teaching, playground duty, camp or special event activities. OTHER STAFF AND STUDENTS Staff and students are required to co-operate with this policy and participate positively in programs to ensure their own health and safety and the safety of others in the school. CONTRACTORS AND SUB-CONTRACTORS All contractors and subcontractors engaged to perform work on the school’s property are required to comply with the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act - 1983. Section D ‐ OHS 

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COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT In order to achieve the objective of promoting a safe and healthy working environment the following areas of responsibilities have been defined; 1. Provide for staff and students a safe, ordered, secure and caring environment which is conducive to working and learning. 2. Develop, implement, monitor and review policies, strategies, programs and procedures to minimise risk and seek to secure a safe and healthy working environment. 3. Provide information, education and training necessary to ensure health and safety at work. 4. Ensure that the provision of equipment systems at work and physical working conditions are reviewed to minimise risk. 5. Ensure that physical working conditions in at risk work areas are regularly reviewed. 6. Ensure that the Occupational Rehabilitation policy and procedures of the School are implemented when required by that policy, in order to provide effective occupational rehabilitation. THE OH & S SUBCOMMITTEE WILL: 1. Monitor and review the school buildings and environment and make sure that problems are promptly reported and dealt with, either personally by maintenance staff or by organising an appropriate contractor. 2. Ensure that all staff are given equipment and /or information and instruction necessary to ensure health and safety. 3. Ensure that staff maintain a high level of awareness of health and safety issues. STAFF SHOULD EXERCISE THEIR DUTY OF CARE BY: 1. Ensuring that every care is taken to the health and safety of themselves and others at the place of work. 2. Co-operate with the School in ensuring a safe and healthy environment. 3. Report potential and actual health and safety hazards to the school administration and/or Co-ordinator. 4. Special activities such as excursions, camps or sporting events must also be strictly supervised and all necessary parental approvals obtained. ESSENTIAL SERVICES AND SAFETY INSPECTIONS: 1. The School shall ensure that regular inspections and maintenance is carried our on Essential services as per relevant regulations. 2. The School shall ensure that inspections and maintenance is carried out on all School property and equipment, by appropriately qualified and/or trained people. 3. The School shall maintain written records of the above two items in the required formats. This will be kept in the School office and will be made available to any interested parties.


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4. The School will not use or store hazardous material unless no other option is available to perform a necessary function 5. A register of Hazardous materials must be kept. 6. All hazardous materials will be properly labeled & stored. 7. Information on the safety of chemicals must be available from "Material Safety Data Sheets" and other sources. 8. The School has a policy of no smoking within the School buildings or grounds. 9. “Enrollment Record Information” form must be filled in for each child and updated annually. All children, on enrolment, need to present a Certificate of Immunisation status issued by the Shire Council or Health Dept. 10. If medication needs to be administered during the day, written details must be entered in the Medication Record Book, with entries signed by both the parent and the teacher. 11. Details of accidents or illness must be entered in the Accident and Illness book. 12. For infectious diseases, school exclusion periods must be adhered to as per the schedule. 13. Serious incidents are to be recorded in the Illness and Accident book (in staff room). 14. A copy of the incident is to be given to the appropriate class teacher for follow up. 15. Extreme incidents or accidents are also to be noted and signed by the teacher on duty in the Incident Book in the office, and if necessary an Accident form filled in.


BACKGROUND: Staff members are a school’s greatest resources. Staff members injured at work deserve quick and effective treatment, efficiently managed rehabilitation, and compassionate management of their return to work. AIMS: To minimise injuries to staff, and effectively and compassionately manage injuries that do occur. IMPLEMENTATION: 1. The appointment of a trained Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) representative, regular OHS safety checks, appropriate follow-up, clear communication of potential hazards and staff professional development regarding health and safety will minimise or eliminate staff injuries. 2. The ‘If You are Injured’ poster will be prominently displayed 3. Any injuries to staff must result in immediate first-aid and assistance including medical support, reassurance, assistance with personal comfort, and counselling for the injured staff member and/or colleagues where necessary. 4. Administration to be notified immediately, OHS representative to be notified of the incident. Committee of Management president and the insurance company to be notified if serious. Next-of-kin contacted by Administration if necessary. Staff injuries to be reported to Committee of Management. Section D ‐ OHS 

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5. The accident needs to be investigated and documented by the Administration, OHS representative to determine the cause and whether or not the circumstances of the incident amount to a WorkCover claim for which liability should be accepted. 6. It is important that the circumstances of the accident are fully understood and documented (including an injuries register) to avoid accidents of that nature in the future. This will be recorded I computer based management system. 7. Action arising from the accident investigation could include modifications to a work area, or appropriate modifications to organisational arrangements, or specific action to be taken once the injured employee has returned to work to prevent a recurrence of the injury. 8. Administration to keep in contact with the employee during their rehabilitation to offer reassurance and to assist where appropriate. 9. Any specific measures relating to the employee’s return to work should be included in the employee’s return to work plan when it is prepared (see Return to Work Coordinator policy). 10. An Incident Report Form may be required to be sent to the School insurance brokers, along with a WorkCover claim form as per the WorkCover management Kit process

Section D ‐ OHS 

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