Occult celiac disease in an octogenarian presenting with a small intestinal adenocarcinotna

BRIEF COMMUNICATION Occult celiac disease in an octogenarian presenting with a small intestinal adenocarcinotna H UGH ) AMES FREEMAN MD HJ FREEMAN. ...
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Occult celiac disease in an octogenarian presenting with a small intestinal adenocarcinotna H UGH ) AMES FREEMAN MD

HJ FREEMAN. Occult celiac disease in an octogenarian presenting with a small

intestinal adenocarcinoma. Can J Gastroenterol 1994;8(6):354-357. An 85-year-old male initially presented with an obstructeJ upper gastrointestinal tract a sociated with a duodena l adenocarcinoma. Subsequent histological studie revea led occu lt celiac disease, an assoc iated condition that otherwise wo uld not have been recognized in this e lderly patient. The celiac disease responded to a gluten-free diet, even in the pre ence of an intestinal adenocarcinoma. This report suggests that celiac disease and ·mall bowel carcinoma may coexist more frequently than is appreciated. Key Words: Celiac disease , Duodenal adenocarcinoma, Gluten-free diet, Malabsorp-


tion syndromes, Occult celiac disease, Small bowel cancer

Maladie coeliaque occulte chez un octogenaire qui se presente avec un adenocarcinome de l'intestin grele RESUME : Un homme de 85 ans se presence initialement avec une obstruction des voies gastr -intestinales superieures as ociee a un adenocarcinome duodenal. Des epreuves histologiques subsequent s ont revele une maladie coeliaque occulte, maladie associee q ui n'aurait pu etre autrement identifiee chez ce patient aoe. La maladie coeliaque a repondu a une diete sans gluten, meme en presence d'un adenocarcinome intestinal. Ce rapport suggere que la maladie coeliaque et le carcinome de l'intestin grele peuvent coexister plus frequemment que !'on ne I penserait.



have an increa ed risk of developing malignant complicatio ns, especially abdominal lymphoma (1 -3 ). In additio n, some epith lial malignanc ies appear to occur more commo nly in pat ients with celiac disease compared

with the genera l popul atio n; these in clude carc ino mas of the gastrointestinal trac t, inc luding the sma ll intestine ( 4 ). Although ea rlier studies have indi ca ted that ma lignancy may complicate long-sta nding celiac disease, subequent investiga tions revea led that

University Hospital (U BC Site) , Vancouver, British Columbia Correspondence and reprin Ls: Dr Hugh) Freeman , Head, Gascroenterology, ACU F- 137, University Hospital (U BC Site), 22 11 Wesbrool< Mall , Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1W5. Telephone (604) 822-72 16 Received for Jmblicarion December 13, 199 3. Accepted A/Jril 12, 1994



lympho mas, parti cularly of the sma ll in testine, could be the presenting manifestati on of occul t or subc linica l celi ac disease (3 ) as we ll as latent ccliac disease (5 ). It is increas ingly recogni zed tha t carcinomas of the prox imal intestine, spec ifically the duodenum and jejunum , may also occasionall y complicate the clinical course of establi hed celi ac disease (6-34) . H oweve r, prec ise data on the true relationship between these two condition · are not ava ilabl e, in large pa rt beca use recogni t ion of eel iac di ease , particularly if sympto ms are minimal, is difficult. Diagnosis of ccliac disease re ts on at leas t two criteri a. O ne is the finding of a characteristi c 'fl at' muco a in the prox ima l small in te tine. The second is the demon ·tration of a response to a glu te n-free diet. In a clinica l di agnostic setting, a successful therapeut ic respo nse i · often based on the disappearance of sy mpto ms and normalizati on of laboratory abnorma li t ies. Howe ver, if the initi al cl ini ca l presen ta tion is occul t with few sympto ms and little or no steatorrh ea, documentation of a morpho log ica l respo nse i importa nt. ln the prese nt report, the opposite e nd o f this ce li ac di sease-ca rc ino ma re lati onship is explored. An elde rl y pat ient with an adenocarc ino ma of the duodenum was seen; subsequently, occul t ccliac disease was recognized. Although more systematic studies are needed, this repo rt further emphas izes



Celiac disease and small bowel adenocarcinoma

the occult natu re of ce liac disease and suggests that the association of ce li ac disease and sma ll intestinal ca ncer is more frequent than is appreciated.

CASE PRESENTATION An 85-year-old male was first ho pitalized in Octobe r 1989 becau e of sudden onset of severe postprandial abdom inal pain and vomiting of fluids and solids. Prior to this acute pre entation he had intermittent postprandial abdominal discomfort and bloating fo r approximately e ight months with an estimated weight loss of 10 kg. Medical hi to ry was unremarkable and, specificall y, there was no prior diarrhea, Fever or known anemia. Examination revealed abdom inal .IRER

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Th is malignan cy has been commo nl y observed in pat ients with a va riety of diseases hav ing some form of immu no logical alte ratio n ( ic, S jogre n 's syn drome , syste mi c lurus c rythematosis, sarcoidosis, post-transp lantation), patient s with diseases havi ng we ll -doc umented dcfic icnc ie:. in humoral (ic, h ypoga mmaglobu linem ia) or ce llular immune function (ic, acq uired immunodeficiency sy ndrome) as well ,is in pat ients rece iving immunosupprcssivc drugs. A gluten -free di et restores the mucosa! architecture and mucosa ! function towards normal in ce liac disease and, as a result, has been hypothesized (2) to reduce its malignant po tenti a l.









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