

how can

nutrition and recovery

strategies affect performance? Undertaking physical activity alters a person’s need for energy, nutrients and fluids. By understanding the dietary needs of athletes and planning eating strategies for before, during and after activity, individuals can enhance their recovery and maximise physiological responses from training, as well as improve their performance. Other strategies can also be employed to assist with recovery so that individuals can be at peak performance during the next event. This chapter explores the way nutrition and recovery affect the performance of an individual.

Nutritional considerations

PDHPE Application and Inquiry

Fuelling an active body with the correct balance and type of energy, nutrients and fluids will meet the demands of training, help to maximise training responses and ensure optimal health and performance. An individual’s acute dietary intake affects the extent to which he or she adapts to the training stimulus and, together with the individual’s long-term eating habits, affects endurance, power, speed, strength, recovery, concentration, body composition and general health. If nutrition is not included as an integral part of training and preparation for competition, even the most talented performer may never reach full potential. In addition, few people are professional or elite athletes forever, and many of the dietary guidelines that follow are the basis for long-term good health.


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Common dietary aims of athletes include ensuring there is: • adequate energy intake—to cope with training demands • sufficient fluid intake— to maintain adequate hydration • the correct balance of energy sources—avoiding excess fat and inadequate carbohydrate, which can lead to poor recovery and excess body fat • adequate protein intake and correct timing—to optimise recovery, maximise strength gains and complement resistance training • adequate intake of vitamins and minerals—to avoid deficiencies, which can lead to poor health, slow recovery and fatigue • the ability to ‘bulk up’—to provide the energy and protein required to increase muscle size • sensible body mass/fat control—without losing required muscle mass or the ability to train. The main aim of a good training diet is the provision of adequate energy, along with macronutrients and micronutrients to support the demands of training and promote good health. An individual’s size, metabolic rate and energy expenditure will alter these requirements, highlighting the importance of an individualised approach to nutrition planning. Barriers to meeting these dietary goals include difficulties with scheduling meals and snacks to fit in around work, study, training and other commitments. In situations where energy needs are high, it is usually more practical to spread intake over five to six smaller meals per day, rather than two to three large ones.




Figure 7.1  A balanced diet will assist in the increase of muscle mass

Carbohydrate Carbohydrate is stored as glycogen in the body, more specifically in skeletal muscles and the liver. Muscle stores of glycogen are an energy source for training and competition, and the availability of carbohydrate plays a key role in the performance of moderate to high-intensity exercise lasting an hour or more. Depending on an athlete’s muscle mass, nutritional state and training status, the level of glycogen stored in muscle is highly variable. Relative to fat, however, the body can store only a small amount of carbohydrate. It is important then that carbohydrates form the basis of each meal and ‘in-between’ snack to ‘top up’

Pre-performance nutritional considerations Training diet The training diet must provide adequate carbohydrate to meet the fuel demands of training, contain a moderate amount of protein and be low in fat. Community nutrition guidelines express goals for macronutrient intake in terms of the percentage of total energy they should provide. It is best, however, to set definite carbohydrate and protein intake goals for athletes, scaled to their body size and, therefore, their muscle mass and training demands. This is achieved by stating their requirements in grams per kilogram of body mass.

Figure 7.2  Carbohydrates provide fuel for muscle and are a good source of vitamins and minerals


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energy stores in muscles for exercise. Compromised or reduced stores of glycogen may lead to early fatigue, loss of concentration and slower recovery after exercise. For activities of short duration involving intense anaerobic work the most important fuel used for energy is muscle glycogen. As this supply declines with prolonged exercise, blood glucose is utilised as a carbohydrate fuel source. The majority of carbohydrates consumed in an athlete’s diet should be from nutritious sources, with refined carbohydrates only providing extra kilojoules where required. The following foods are nutritious carbohydrates that provide energy as well as a good source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fibre: • bread (including English muffins, crumpets, fruit bread and bagels) • cereal (including wheat biscuits, ‘flake cereals’, porridge and muesli) • pasta (including spaghetti, fettuccine, tagliatelle and ravioli) • rice (including white, brown and wild rice) • potato (including mashed, boiled, baked and in jackets), sweet potato and corn • fruit (including fresh, canned, stewed, dried and fruit juice) • low-fat dairy products (including plain milk, flavoured milk, yoghurt and custard) In addition to the above, but not in place of them, foods containing refined carbohydrates may be included to ‘top up’ total energy intake where required or provide an easyto-digest form of carbohydrate in and around training and competition. These include honey, jam, sugar, jelly, lollies, soft drinks and sports drinks. A list of suggested carbohydrate snacks can be found in the Appendix (page 160). Table 7.1 shows the carbohydrate requirements for varying levels of activity. Table 7.1

Daily carbohydrate requirements

PDHPE Application and Inquiry

Activity type

Carbohydrate intake goal (g CHO per kg BM)

Minimal physical activity


Light physical activity (3–5 hr/week)


Medium physical activity (10 hr/week)


Professional/elite athletes (20+ hr/week) Carbohydrate loading for endurance and ultraendurance events

7+ 7–10

CHO = carbohydrate; BM = body mass Current Concepts in Sports Nutrition, Australian Institute of Sport

Protein Proteins are made of various combinations of more than 20 amino acids. Nine of these amino acids are called ‘essential’ amino acids because they cannot be manufactured by the body and must be supplied from the diet. The major function of amino acids is to make and repair the cells of the body and manufacture enzymes and hormones. The body breaks down food into amino acids from which it then makes its own protein as required. Another function of protein is to provide energy in extreme conditions, such as starvation.

Figure 7.3  Good sources of protein; dairy, nuts and legumes also provide protein An athlete requires a slightly higher protein intake than does the average person, but this can easily be met if the athlete’s overall energy intake is adequate. Amino acids are critical for growth and repair so many athletes attempt to increase their protein intake to improve muscle repair and increase their size. Large quantities of protein are not required to increase muscle mass. In fact, if protein intake is increased at the expense of carbohydrates, the opposite can occur; that is, muscle can be broken down to provide energy for work. Excessive protein intake can also dampen an athlete’s appetite and may restrict his or her capacity to meet total energy needs. To increase muscle mass, athletes should: • consume a high-energy diet • follow the principles that ensure an adequate carbohydrate intake for their training needs and a moderate protein intake • follow their specific strength training program. Rather than consuming large amounts of protein all at once, it is most important to spread protein intake over the day, with a small amount in each meal or snack. Also important for an athlete is consuming protein within 30–60 minutes after completing a resistance-training session. Consuming a ‘whole food’ alternative, such as low-fat flavoured milk or a smoothie, is seen to be more effective than taking isolated amino acid supplements (discussed later in this chapter) and costs far less.


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If the protein intake of an athlete is insufficient it can lead to early fatigue, inability to build and/or maintain muscle and slow recovery from injury. The recommended daily intake (RDI) of protein for active people is 0.8–1.2 grams of protein per 1 kilogram of body mass. Both for endurance athletes and those undertaking heavy resistance training, this can be increased to 1.6 grams per 1 kilogram of body mass. Protein intake in excess of these limits is generally utilised as a fuel source rather than for production of the various body proteins. Some good sources of protein are: • • • • •

lean meat (including beef, lamb and veal) poultry (including chicken, turkey and eggs) fish (including fresh and canned) low-fat dairy products (including milk, yoghurt and cheese) legumes (such as lentils and baked beans) and nuts. Table 7.2 shows the protein requirements of athletes.

Table 7.2

Estimated protein requirements of athletes


Protein intake (g per kg/day)

Sedentary men and women


Elite male endurance athletes


Moderate-intensity endurance athletes*


Recreational endurance athletes†


Footballers, power sports athletes


Resistance athletes (early training)


Resistance athletes (steady state)


Female athletes

Approx. 15% lower than male athletes

*Exercising approximately four to five times per week for 45–60 min †Exercising four to five times per week for 30 min at 12 micrograms/millilitre of urine) was considered recommended for sports performance illegal in international sport and banned under the WADA code. Caffeine has recently been removed from the WADA banned list. New evidence has shown that high doses of caffeine (>6 milligrams per kilogram body weight) are unnecessary to see performance enhancement and generally result in adverse side effects. In fact as little as 2–3 milligrams per kilogram body weight is enough to potentially improve performance. The diuretic effect of caffeine is a concern held by many athletes but is often over-exaggerated. Caffeine is a mild diuretic but during exercise this diuretic effect falls off dramatically and will not exacerbate dehydration during exercise. The current boom in the energy drink market has meant there are products available that provide well in excess of 2–3 milligrams of caffeine per kilogram body weight in one drink. A level above this may be detrimental to some athletes as it can increase anxiety and make them feel ‘jittery and unsettled’ before competition. Athletes need to be aware of individual variation in the benefits of caffeine. Athletes who are highly sensitive to caffeine need to be wary of the timing of its intake and weigh up the benefits compared to the side effects. As indicated in Figure 7.8, ingesting too high a dose of caffeine may impair visual information processing. Athletes should also be aware that caffeine may reduce sleep quality and quantity, which may adversely affect their recovery.


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Critical inquiry


1 a Identify the caffeine content of each of the

Effect size


following: 0

• an energy drink • an espresso shot


• a fat metaboliser

Visual information processing Endurance performance

• a No-Doz tablet.

–20% 1






Caffeine dose (mg/kg b.w.)

b Compare the amount provided in a standard serve of each with the doses for performance.

Figure 7.9  Effects of caffeine

Creatine Creatine is a compound that occurs naturally in the body. It is found mainly in the muscle tissue in the form of creatine phosphate, which provides a ready source of ATP to the working muscle in times of high demand (such as in high-intensity anaerobic exercise). At times of lower demand (that is, at rest or during lower-intensity or more aerobic exercise), creatine is resynthesised to creatine phosphate ready for the next highintensity bout.

PDHPE Application and Inquiry

The average person requires approximately 2 grams of creatine a day. In a normal training diet an athlete’s dietary intake will be approximately 1–2 grams per day and the body has the ability to produce the remainder. The main source of dietary creatine is animal products, such as meat. Dietary intake increases in athletes who consume large amounts of meat products in their diet (such as young male team sport athletes). Athletes attempt to increase the body’s stores of creatine by supplementation. The body has a maximum, or ceiling, amount of creatine it can Figure 7.10  Power athletes, such as throwers, can store and once this maximum is reached it will break down the benefit from creatine supplementation excess creatine into creatinine and excrete it through the urine. Some athletes naturally have higher creatine stores than others, and therefore reach their ceiling very quickly when they start supplementing. These athletes are often referred to as non-responders as they often see little or no benefits/bodily changes during creatine supplementation. Athletes who have low dietary intakes of creatine (such as vegetarians) often report large bodily changes (mainly weight gain) and performance benefits from creatine supplementation. By supplementing creatine, athletes are trying to enhance the efficiency of the ATP-PC system to provide energy during high-intensity activities. Studies have shown that while creatine is able to improve the recovery rate (faster resynthesis of ATP) it does not extend the length of time a performance can be maintained. Due to its ability to improve resynthesis rates of ATP during short rest periods, creatine supplementation will not usually improve one-off efforts. Instead, creatine supplementation is used in sports where training sets incorporate very high intensity explosive efforts with short rest periods (over 30 seconds) between bouts of exercise. Creatine supplementation is usually taken in two ways to saturate the muscle tissue stores. Athletes either load with 20 grams (four 5-gram doses spread over a day) per day for five days (rapid load) or 3 grams per day for a month (slow load). Athletes will choose the differing loading protocols based on the goal of the training and the side effects that creatine supplementation can have. Creatine monohydrate is the original form of creatine researched and has the most scientific support. Newer versions are being marketed as superior but to date none has been shown scientifically to be more


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beneficial than creatine monohydrate. The consumption of creatine with carbohydrate has been shown to improve its absorption and storage in muscle tissue. It is therefore recommended that athletes take creatine with a source of carbohydrate. Once the muscle tissue stores of creatine have been saturated a smaller maintenance dose of 2–3 grams per day is adopted to ensure the maintenance of the high stores. Once an athlete ceases creatine it usually takes about 28 days for the muscle stores of creatine to return to pre-loading levels. While there are some benefits to creatine loading, one of the main negatives is weight gain, which is generally in the range of 1–2 kilograms over the loading phase. This occurs due to cells in the body retaining extra water as creatine storage increases. This can be a concern to athletes who want the benefits of creatine but do not want to carry extra ‘dead’ weight. Although many athletes believe creatine is beneficial in all situations, it must be remembered that it is a highly specific fuel source. Creatine will not be beneficial for athletes who are not already consuming suitable energy and macronutrient intakes. It is likely to only be of benefit to athletes who are undertaking explosive short-duration activities with short rest periods in between, rather than oneoff sprints or endurance events.

Critical inquiry 1 a Visit a local health food store or supplement shop and identify a range


of different creatine products. You should aim to look at one of each of the following:

The AIS fact sheet on creatine

• a pure creatine monohydrate product

referred to in the task above

• a product with a proprietary blend of creatine ingredients

can be accessed via www.oup.

• a product that is a mix of creatine and a range of other nutritional supplements purported to improve muscle tissue growth.

b Using the AIS fact sheet on creatine and other supplements in the A and B classification groups, try to identify which supplement will supply an individual with a recommended dose of such supplements.

c Calculate how much it will cost per month to use the various supplements identified above.

Recovery strategies The physiological and psychological demands placed on athletes highlight the need to manage fatigue to prevent excessive fatigue, illness, injury and underperformance. Ensuring the athlete employs appropriate recovery strategies (including maximising sleep quality and quantity) can minimise fatigue associated with high-volume training. The aim of recovery is to return to a pre-training/pre-competition physiological and psychological state as quickly as possible, to avoid fatigue from previous training sessions/competitions affecting subsequent training sessions or competitions and to optimise chronic improvements in physiological capabilities. If recovery is inadequate the athlete may be: • • • •

incapable of performing at the expected standard prone to injury of the affected area predisposed to injuring another part of the body susceptible to overtraining or non-functional overreaching.

A range of techniques can be used to assist an athlete recover from a game, performance or heavy training session. Nutritional strategies to assist in the recovery of energy stores have already been discussed. A number of other strategies are designed to allow both the body and the mind to regain strength ready for the next performance.

Research and Review 1 2

Identify the common vitamins and minerals. For the vitamins and minerals identified in task 1 above:

a b 3

explain their function within the body identify the foods they can be found in naturally.

Research an athlete who has used creatine as a supplement. Outline the athlete’s reasons for using creatine and any benefits or negative consequences he or she encountered as a result of its use.


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Physiological strategies Cool-down Cooling down following activity is designed to apply an active recovery strategy and therefore reduce the occurrence of delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS). The process of cooling down (continual and slow movement and stretching following exercise) was outlined in Chapter 5 of this book. This has many benefits for the individual, including; • a reduction in the level of lactate in the blood stream • a gradual lowering of the core body temperature • psychological benefits, such as feeling better when the body has been returned to a near normal state following exercise. Evidence suggests that this active recovery can improve a following performance by 30 per cent if the time between performances or training sessions is short. This process can be witnessed at the conclusion of major football games where the teams often come back onto the field to perform their cool-down. Many professional teams require their players to train every day and if their performance has been hindered by the lack of a cool-down the benefits of the next training session will be diminished.

Passive recovery Passive recovery refers to resting with no activity following exercise. It is believed that resting will allow the body to recover from previous efforts by allowing metabolite removal and substrate resynthesis within the working muscles. Anecdotally, the use of passive recovery is a common method of recovery used by many athletes and coaches during repeated sprint training.

Hydration Hydration is an important consideration following exercise, especially if the athlete has been exercising in hot, humid conditions and is at risk of dehydration. Many athletes drink water while playing or participating in activity, but most will have only replaced between 30–70 per cent of the total fluid lost during activity. In addition, body temperature remains high following activity, causing further dehydration.

PDHPE Application and Inquiry

When an athlete has to perform two bouts of exercise in quick succession a specific plan for recovery hydration may be beneficial. By following the advice below, athletes can avoid the effects of fluid loss discussed earlier in the chapter. Athletes should monitor their body weight. If they are lighter by 1 kilogram they will have a deficit of 1 litre of fluid. This does not mean, however, that by drinking 1 litre the deficit will be removed. The body will be still producing urine and possibly sweating and, accordingly, the athlete will need to drink 1.5–2 litres of fluid to correct this deficit. Carbohydrate, fluid and salts can be replaced through the use of commercial sports drinks. The drinks should be cool as this will help to reduce the body’s core temperature following exercise.

Athletes should avoid consuming alcohol following exercise as this substance causes an increase in the level of urination; that is, it has a diuretic effect. This will reduce the effectiveness of hydration strategies and leave athletes under-hydrated. Alcohol also inhibits the effectiveness of injury management strategies due to its effects on blood vessel dilation and increased blood flow to damaged areas.

Neural strategies Neural recovery strategies are those that help the central and peripheral nervous systems recover from a high level of work. The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord. The peripheral nervous system consists of the nerves running from the spinal cord to the muscles. These systems fatigue due to the change in chemicals (such as lactic acid) found in the muscles following heavy bouts of exercise or due to psychological reasons. Specific strategies can assist with recovery of the neural pathways and improve subsequent performances.

Hydrotherapy Hydrotherapy involves the use of water to assist with the recovery of muscles following exercise. Hydrotherapy is becoming an increasingly popular means of enhancing post-exercise recovery. Various physiological effects have been shown following whole-body immersion in water. These include changes in cardiac response; changes in blood flow (arising from changes in hydrostatic pressure); and skin, muscle and core temperature changes. Water can be used in many ways to assist in recovery, including hot water immersion and contrast water therapy.

Hot water immersion Hot water immersion (HWI) (temperature approximately 37°C) is a strategy utilised by elite athletes in a bid to enhance recovery. HWI results in increased blood flow and increased skin, muscle and core temperature. Most athletes use spa baths for HWI and use the spa jets as a form of massage. It is more common to combine this strategy with cold-water immersion, which is referred to as contrast water therapy.

Contrast water therapy During contrast water therapy (CWT) participants alternate between heat exposure and cold exposure by immersion in warm and cold water, respectively. Possible benefits of CWT include a reduction in swelling, alterations in tissue temperature and blood flow, changes in blood flow distribution, reduction of pain, and improvements in the range of motion.

Massage Massage is another neural strategy that can be applied by athletes. This can be delivered by a masseur or through self-massage by shaking the muscles used during exercise. In common with hydrotherapy, massage may bring both


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physical and psychological benefits to the individual following exercise. Massage has a number of benefits. For example, massage may: • increase blood flow to the muscles, enabling a faster removal of lactic acid • decrease levels of muscle tension and soreness following exercise, which lowers the risk of injury at the beginning of the next bout of activity and enables a higher beginning point for performance • increase joint flexibility • enhance immune system functioning • decrease tension in the nervous system—the nerves are more relaxed and able to function more effectively • relax the person and provide a greater sense of wellbeing—this allows better sleep, which helps to hasten recovery after strenuous exercise. While massage provides certain benefits, some clinical trials have not been able to prove that performance improves as a result of massage. Yet many athletes who use massage, including cyclists and AFL players, claim that they benefit from the process.

Figure 7.11  Massage may benefit athletes physically and psychologically

Tissue damage strategies When strenuous activity is undertaken muscle fibres will be torn and damaged in minor ways. This is a perfectly normal reaction by the body and in many cases strengthens the muscle, enhancing future performance. Studies indicate that this process of muscle damage and repair is responsible for much of the DOMS in the days following high-intensity activity. Two techniques that have become quite popular to treat tissue damage are cryotherapy and the use of compression garments.

Cryotherapy Cold water immersion (CWI) and other forms of cryotherapy have traditionally been used by elite athletes to treat soft tissue injuries. This is due to its ability to reduce inflammation and to alleviate spasm and pain. The physiological response to CWI is well documented and includes decreases in heart rate and cardiac output, an increase in blood pressure, decreases in core and tissue temperature and a reduction in inflammation, pain and muscle spasm. Cold water immersion is commonly known as ‘ice baths’ and involves immersing the body in water of approximately 10–15°C for around 5 minutes. Cryotherapy improves blood flow to the muscles. When the muscles are submerged in ice water, the blood vessels exposed to the cold will narrow; that is, vasoconstriction will occur. Cold water immersion This process forces blood away is commonly known as from the muscles, taking with ‘ice baths’ and involves it the by-products of energy immersing the body in production, such as lactic acid. water After a period of time, blood will of approximately 10– flow back into the area, bringing 15°C for around with it fresh supplies of energy 5 minutes. and the enzymes needed for muscle repair. This allows a faster recovery to occur.


Figure 7.12  Many football players sit in ice baths to help their leg muscles recover following a game


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Compression garments Many athletes wear compression garments in a bid to increase recovery from exercise. Compression garments are widely used in medicine to treat problems with blood flow in an attempt to improve circulation. The use of lower-body compression has been found to promote venous blood flow and assist with venous return in patients. By improving circulation and promoting venous return in the post-exercise period there may be an accelerated post-exercise inflammatory and repair response, aiding the recovery process. The interest in compression garments for use by the athletic population largely stems from the beneficial effects they have on patients with circulatory difficulties. Research has shown that there may be a reduction in the perceived impact of DOMS following exercise when compression garments are worn. The benefits of compression may be due to an increase in blood flow, a decrease in inflammation and/or a decrease in pain. Comprehensive research into the benefits and mechanisms of compression garments is limited at this stage. Further research is needed.

Psychological strategies Following engagement in physical activity the body can take a long time to return to normal resting levels. Heart rate, breathing and body temperature all remain elevated and may take some time to drop. This is especially true if heavy training has been undertaken and there is some anxiety about the next performance.

Relaxation Relaxation is a positive recovery strategy that can be used following application of many of the other strategies already discussed. Physical recovery is important and letting the mind wind down will assist the body to relax. This will assist in finalising the repairs and restoring energy levels within the muscles. Physiologically, relaxation involves a decrease in breathing rate, heart rate, muscle activity and oxygen consumption. In contrast, brain-wave activity and skin responses are increased. All these physiological changes lead to a faster and more complete recovery, which will assist athletes in their preparation for the next training or performance. Psychologically, many athletes will mentally replay many aspects of a performance once it has been completed. This can lead to increased levels of anxiety if the performance was poor or, if the performance was good, the reflection can create excitement. These psychological changes lead to physical changes in the body, such as increased heart rate and muscle tension. This will hinder the ability of the body to finalise recovery, which happens during periods of extended rest, such as sleep. Athletes can use several relaxation techniques to assist in their recovery. These techniques include progressive relaxation, autogenic training, meditation and biofeedback, which were explained in Chapter 6.

Sleep Elite athletes and coaches often identify sleep as the most important component of the recovery process. Sleep deprivation is one of the major reasons athletes report high levels of fatigue and possibly overtraining. When athletes are sleep deprived they can have a very large decrease in performance. Also their ability to concentrate, focus and make decisions may be decreased, which can be very detrimental to performance in team sports in particular. PDHPE Application and Inquiry

Recommended ways to promote sleep are: • Maintain a regular sleep–wake cycle. • Create a comfortable, quiet, dark and temperature-controlled bedroom. • Avoid alcohol, caffeine, large meals and large volumes of fluid prior to bedtime. • Utilise a ‘to-do’ list or diary to ensure organisation and unnecessary over-thinking while trying to sleep. • Investigate relaxation/breathing techniques.

Research and Review 1 2

Explain the differences between active and passive recovery. Give some practical examples of each. Research other recovery strategies.

a b


Outline how they are undertaken. Identify any proposed benefits gained by their use.

Investigate the role of relaxation techniques in assisting the body to recover from training.


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HOW CAN NUTRITION AND RECOVERY STRATEGIES AFFECT PERFORMANCE? Chapter summary • Optimal performance in training and competition requires the correct balance of energy sources, nutrients and fluids.

• • • •

• • •

Many athletes require a diet that is higher in carbohydrates, protein and total energy intake than is required by non-athletes. Different types of athletic performance have different dietary needs. Pre-performance eating allows energy stores to be topped up before activity is undertaken. Carbohydrate loading is a specific eating and training plan designed to maximise the stores of glycogen within the body before competing in endurance sports events that last longer than two hours. During exercise, hydration is a major consideration, especially during hot, humid conditions. If an individual becomes dehydrated, his or her performance will decline. Eating carbohydrate-containing foods and fluids soon after finishing exercise allows energy stores to recover more quickly. Supplementation is the process of taking high doses of nutrients or chemicals with the hope that it will improve athletic performance. The ability to recover after competition and training is critical in ensuring that maximal performances can be maintained. Recovery strategies for an individual can involve a range of strategies.

Revision activities

Extension activities

1 a Identify commonly used vitamin and mineral supplements. b Describe the role that the listed vitamins and minerals play in the regular functioning of the body.


Caffeine was once included by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) on its list of banned substances, but the IOC has since removed caffeine from that list. Explain the reasons for this reversal of policy.


Explain why maintaining hydration is so important in avoiding heat-related injury during physical activity.


Consider tennis players in a tournament. Describe the nutritional considerations the athletes may need to be aware of and how they might manage their intake of food and fluid over the day.

Exam-style questions 1

Outline the nutritional considerations of an Olympicdistance triathlete during a race. (3 marks)


Describe the role of carbohydrate loading in preparing an athlete for competition. (5 marks)


Examine the use of protein supplements by strength and power athletes. (8 marks)


Discuss the use of recovery strategies in improving training and performance. (6 marks)

5 a Identify the supplements used to improve b


Propose an eating and training plan that incorporates carbohydrate loading prior to a race.


Examine a range of sports drinks and assess their source and amount of carbohydrate and sodium. Compare each one with recommendations for fluid replacement.


Describe a range of sports/activities that could benefit from creatine supplementation.


Outline the benefits to recovery of cooling down after activity.

performance in sport. (4 marks) Evaluate their effect on the performance of an athlete with a balanced diet. (8 marks)


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