NUMBER: 10 OCTOBER th Anniversary Year

Page |1 "THE REVEALER" VOLUME: 39 / NUMBER: 10 50th Anniversary Year OCTOBER 2016 ALL SAINTS LUTHERAN CHURCH – ELCA Rev. Jas A. Mortenson, Pastor 9...
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"THE REVEALER" VOLUME: 39 / NUMBER: 10 50th Anniversary Year


ALL SAINTS LUTHERAN CHURCH – ELCA Rev. Jas A. Mortenson, Pastor 9131 South Howell Avenue Oak Creek, Wisconsin 53154-4425 Phone (414) 762-5111

We, a diverse Christian family, faithful in word and sacrament strive to share in God’s unconditional love through prayer, worship and outreach.

Weekly Worship at All Saints Saturday: Sunday:


5:00 pm 8:45 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 11:00 am 7:00 pm

Church Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 9:00-2:00

Liturgy I (White Book) SCS Pericope ELW Setting 8 Adult Choir Liturgy II (White Book)

All Saints ELCA

Do you have an address, email, phone number or status change? Please contact the church office to report any changes for the records. This helps insure our files stay current. THANK YOU

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Comment Article – “Here we go…”

We are now entering into what is the “busiest time” of the church year…go ahead, let them describe it as being “ordinary time” trust me it is anything but ordinary. Worship & Music and Stewardship have their work cut out for themselves. Once Rally Day is over – things start happening… Sunday Church School is every Sunday morning at 8:45 sharp! We meet in the church first, then we break up into individual classes. This is for ages 3 and up. Pericope, an adult study meets every single Sunday of the church year with the exception of Easter Sunday. All Adults are welcome as we prepare ourselves for worship and go over the proper lessons for the day. We meet in the church kitchen! The Adult Choir begins rehearsal and will soon start their fall schedule – more voices are always encouraged. It is a good time, and you do not have to read music or be a musician. First Communion Classes will take up the bulk of Saturday mornings in October… Confirmation classes are in full swing…meeting every Thursday night… Don’t forget we also offer various groups in and through our church: Narcotics Anonymous, AA: Step Group, Zumba, Gamblers’ Anonymous, AA: Friday Night Group, Al-Anon, and our newest addition – Gamblers’ Anonymous on Friday mornings… Now add the youth activities to the mix…and committee night and church council and the mid week potluck on the third Wednesday of every month! Then in rapid fire succession we have the celebrations of: Reformation Sunday with full processional, that “little event” – called the Fall Craft Fair (yikes!) Daylight Savings Time, (fall back, yay!) All Saints Sunday with Confirmation and First Communion and full processional, Pentecost 26, Christ the King (with full processional), Thanksgiving Eve worship and Advent Sunday. Did we mention the fall – Stewardship Drive and Fall Clean up outside? Don’ t forget to bake for the Craft Fair… “You bake it we can sell it!” Can decorating the tree be far away? (Remember Gold ornaments!) Many hands are needed… many hands are required…and then there is the daily operation of the church…seven days a week. All those bulletins and newsletters yet to be done…and no one is complaining…we just want you to know what lies ahead so that you can jump in where you can. It is hardly ordinary or business as usual! See you in church, Pr. Mortenson

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Did You Know? Did you know… …over 800 million people in the world do not get enough food each day to live healthy lives? (World Food Programme) …in the United States, nearly 16 million children are not sure where their next meal will come from? (Bread for the World) …about HALF of all adults in the United States aged 20-65 will need federal assistance to buy food at some point during their lifetime? (Food Research and Action Center) Did you ALSO know… …the world produces enough food to give every living person 2,868 calories per day? (Food and Agriculture Organization of the U.N.) …the number of people living in chronic hunger worldwide has fallen 17 percent since the early 1990s? (World Food Programme) …in 2014, gifts to ELCA World Hunger helped support over 380 anti-hunger ministries in the United States and 250 programs in over 50 other countries – from food pantries to community gardens, from health care clinics to job training programs, and so much more?

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This is what the ELCA says, (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) (Did You Know?) This IS CHRIST’S church. We are a church that shares a living, daring confidence in God’s grace. Liberated by our faith, we embrace you as a whole person, questions, complexities and all. Join us as we do God’s work in Christ’s name for the life of the world! If you are thinking about joining the All Saints family, we would encourage you to do so…and we would love having you in our family of believers…..

This year, the La Crosse Area Synod came up with a creative way to encourage participation in fundraising for ELCA World Hunger. One plywood cut-out cow was made for every congregation. Each congregation was encouraged to raise $500 or more (the price of a cow through ELCA Good Gifts). Bob and Kathy Weeks helped spearhead the project and said, “By giving each congregation a cow and telling them to decorate it any way they wished, we let [congregations] use their imagination and claim ownership of the project. There were some very creative ideas in decorating the cows and holding fundraisers. We got some churches on board who did not give to ELCA World Hunger.” Earlier this summer, at the La Crosse Area Synod Assembly, the Cow Project had a unifying effect. It brought congregations together. So far, the Cow Project has raised more than $80,000. Some congregations plan on continuing fundraising, while others are brainstorming more ways to fundraise for ELCA World Hunger.

I wish we had a cow!

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Reformation Sunday

We miss celebrating on the correct day by 24 hours. October 31st, 1517 was the beginning date of the Reformation. Therefore, we meet on Reformation “Sunday weekend,” not the actual day! Do you have something “red” to wear that day! It is tradition you know! And always has been tradition as far back as I can remember, anyway… The church needs to be ever-reforming, but then you know that. We are not perfect, nor will we ever be. Re-form-ation means change…most of us are not very good with change. As a matter of fact, a lot of people do not like the changes that the church has already gone through… Please allow me to tell you about our church. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

We live by faith…not by “works” The Scriptures are holy…special…and set apart. Our God is an awesome God. God is good all the time. We do not believe in “merits.” The saints are important to us. But we do not pray to them…well except for a few…like “Tony” hehehe Mary is the Christ-bearer, the Mother of God. You cannot pay or buy your way into heaven. We are saved by Jesus’ redemptive act. We believe in the Triune God (Trinity) We totally accept the Apostles’, Nicene and Athanasian Creeds. The church is Apostolic and was built upon the apostles’ teachings. We are both sinner and saint at the same time. We believe Jesus is really present in through, over and around the auspices of the bread and wine. We believe in one baptism. We are saved by the Grace of God alone! All are welcome. Our doors and altars are open. We believe in the “Communion of Saints”

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It is the Spirit that calls, gathers, enlightens and leads us in our daily life. Sola gratia, sola fide, sola scriptura, sola Dei (We are saved by grace, faith, the scriptures, by God) Being Lutheran makes us – some of the most free people in the whole world…and at the same time, makes us – the servants of all humankind. For many of us, this is an intellectual decision…being Lutheran is freeing, very freeing. If we are justified, we are justified by the grace of God. We could not save ourselves… but God could and has! Jesus is the Son of the Living God…and we are his sisters and brothers in the faith!

First Communion Classes Fall First Communion Classes for young people 7 years of age and older are scheduled for October – 2016! Classes are four weeks in length. A Parent or Guardian must be in attendance. Classes are each one hour in length. We meet at 11 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. Classes will be held on October 8tht, 15th, 22nd and 29th, 2016. First Communion itself will be held on All Saints Sunday, November 6th, 2016 at 10:00 A.M. We are after all, All Saints! Please call the church office to pre-register your young person @ 762-5111. Thank you!

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Before we know it… All Saints Sunday will be here! I can only hope and pray that the day, the name – All Saints has taken on special meaning for you! It is so awesome being a part of the saints of our God. We boldly declare and say that “we” are all saints. Each and every one of us… It is so cool believing in the “Community of Saints” that daily surrounds us…our banners on our walls speak volumes. We are indeed surrounded. We are not alone, we are not abandoned, God is with us always, as is his Spirit, as is his Son, as is that great and huge community of believers that has gone on before us. ALL SAINTS DAY IS ALWAYS NOVEMBER 1st! This year, however, it is being celebrated on November 6th – liturgically, that is the closest Sunday “to the day.” All Saints Day, the day on which Church celebrate all the saints, known and unknown, is a surprisingly old feast. It arose out of the Christian tradition of celebrating the martyrdom of saints “on the anniversary of their martyrdom.” When martyrdoms increased during the persecutions of the late Roman Empire, local churches instituted a common feast day in order to ensure that all martyrs, known and unknown were properly honored. The current date of November 1 was instituted by Pope Gregory III (731-741), when he consecrated a chapel to all the martyrs in St. Peter's Basilica in Rome and ordered an annual celebration. This celebration was originally confined to the diocese of Rome, but Pope Gregory IV (827-844) extended the feast to the entire Church and ordered it to be celebrated on November 1. Ever since then, All Saints has been an important celebration in the life of the entire church, and of course, for us it has special meaning…

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President’s Article “I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know: The only ones among you who will be truly happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.” Albert Schweitzer It is true that many hands make light work. This was especially true for the recent rummage sale that Worship and Music Committee headed. There were many helpers and it made the days go quickly. The good news is that we now have a fund for new handicap accessible doors for our entryway because of the hard work put in by many!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SERVICE!! Please consider donating to this ongoing fund as you can. These doors are very expensive, but with our church family and friends help, we can make this a reality. With October, other things to consider are the nominations for the upcoming church council. Nominations committee members will be meeting soon and we ask that you consider taking a position on the church council. Look for a nominations box in the church narthex soon!! Of course, we are gearing up for the Fall Craft Fair to be held on November 5th. Sign-up sheets will be posted for bakers and helpers as well as bulletin inserts asking for donations of scrip cards for the raffle. Please help out where you can and let’s make this event even more outstanding!!! A huge thank you to Mary Jo Meier for chairing this ad hoc committee. And I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the wonderful work the Christian Education committee is doing with our children. Sunday school enrollment has begun and we are approaching 50 childrenthat’s phenomenal!! Please take the time to thank the committee members for all that they do for our church family. It is appreciated!! One last item to mention is the work of the Stewardship Committee. The 2017 Stewardship Drive has begun. Time and Talent sheets and 2017 giving commitments are being collected. Please help us create a budget for 2017 by filling out the commitment cards in a timely manner. Filling out time and talent sheets will also help us to calendar the volunteers for liturgy as well as for other areas of our church family. Thank you!! It is my hope that members will step up and serve!!! Happy volunteering!! Kathy Mack, President

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Council Capsules September 19, 2016 · · ·





No Sunday Church School (SCS) will be held December 25, 2016 or January 1, 2017, per council approval. Council approved that the last day of SCS will be on May 21, 2017. Council approved First Communion Classes will be Saturdays at 11 am starting October 8, ending October 29th with the celebration of First Communion to be held during liturgy November 6th. Council approved the following activity for Little Youth: o Guest speaker Lance Sergeant Dustin Holmes of the US Air Force on October 16 following liturgy, and creation of a banner or poster to be displayed November 6-13 in observance of Veteran’s Day Council approved the following Junior Youth activities for the 2016-17 school year: o Fall clean up on October 15 o Fieldtrip to Ecojustice Center in Caledonia on October 16 o Help with Fall Craft Fair on November 5 o Hiking at Wehr Nature Center on November 20 o Help put up the Christmas tree on or about December 3 o Caroling with PJ and the confirmation class on December 15 o Sledding or a movie on January 15, 2017 o Make crafts for residents of St. Ann’s on February 19 o Book club with PJ (The Donkey Who Carried a King) March 19 o Help with Spring Craft Fair on April 1 o Help with Letter Carrier Food Drive on May 13 o Low ropes course, Lutherdale on May 21 o And, the Butterbraid Fundraiser October 9-November 6, 2016 to help fund the fun activities Council approved the following SCS activities for the 2016-17 school year: o Food Pantry collection for the month of October o Collection of toys, hats and mittens for Joy House from Nov. 27-Dec. 16 o Jammies for OneHope27 from Jan 22-Feb 12, 2017 o Easter baskets for Joy House in March 2017 o ELCA World Hunger fundraiser from April 23-May 14, 2017 Council approved the following Youth Ministry activities: o Fieldtrip to Fright Fest at Great America on October 22nd. o Confirmation family lunch at noon October 30, 2016

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Council approved Fall Clean Up on October 8, with a back-up date of October 15th. Council approved the exterior paint selection for our church Council approved the 2016 Christmas tree theme in honor of the 50th anniversary of our church. Each family is asked to bring one gold ornament. The ornaments will be returned. The annual Stewardship drive will begin in October Council thanked Worship and Music for holding the successful Rummage sale Council thanked the people who weeded, and cut and trimmed lawn this summer

Respectfully submitted; Leanne Buttke

Food Pantry Angels A million thanks goes to Pat Bruss-Horswill and her husband Ken for all their hard work for the church Food Pantry. They come every week and work on stocking the bags, organizing supplies and keeping everything in top shape for our needs. Without their involvement our Food Pantry project wouldn’t be the same! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts and God bless you!

December 29th – Sr. Get- Together Christmas / New Year “Partee” · Date: December 29th, 2016 · Where: Fellowship Hall · Gift Exchange ($5.00 gift only!) · Bingo Party – PJ calling the numbers (Oh boy) · Plus: Hors d’oeuvre only! (So a light snack) · Barb will make up the Bingo Games (RUN>>>>)

Come and Join us for a really good time! Mark your calendars NOW!

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Stewardship It is already October. Time for football and stewardship response. It is an opportunity to support our joint mission. It is an opportunity to help sustain this facility for worship and fellowship, and to be part of our mission to the community and the world. We need to pay our bills each month, but we also want to teach our children about the Lord, feed the less fortunate, and provide clean water and other life sustaining things to other parts of the world. We aid support groups by opening our building to them each week. We help the community every time we have a blood drive. The list goes on. By completing a pledge card, you indicate how much you will provide for these and other missions. By completing a time and talent sheet you offer a bit of your time to assist with these missions. Your church community could use your help. With three liturgies each week, we need roughly 30 volunteers to assist in various ways. All of our committees can use additional help. Even if you cannot attend all the meetings, your help with the details is always appreciated. Please, take a few minutes to complete the forms and return them. It is all part of caring for one another. Helen Haworth Stewardship Chairperson

Congratulations to Scarlett Rose Froehlich, Hudson Paul Froehlich and Weston Daniel Rackowski on their Baptisms. May they grow in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and all humankind.

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Christian Education We are so blessed to have an amazing group of women teaching our children this year. Thank you Summer Kleppek, Sue LaFond, Emily Mackenzie, Rosario Rickey, Lori Rathmann, Leslie Derks, Dena Olsen, and Jenn Acuff for devoting your time and talents. You are appreciated!! And a special thank you to Kate Borkowski for helping out when we were in a pinch. You too are appreciated! The school year is in full swing and we have many things planned for the year.

First up, our local mission project for the month of October is to help stock the All Saints Food Pantry with needed items. We are collecting canned meats/meals and side dishes (other than Macaroni & Cheese).

Jr. Youth is open to ALL 3rd-6th grade students, and their families. This year, we would like to have more service/volunteer opportunities, in addition to our monthly meeting. Thank you to Lori Rathmann, Sue LaFond, and Emily Mackenzie for team leading this group! The October meeting will be held on Sunday, October 16 and will be going to Eco Justice Center in Caledonia. The Center does not open until 1:00pm so we will meet at All Saints at 12:45pm to carpool. We will spend approximately 1 ½ hours there on a self-guided tour and travel back to All Saints for pickup at approximately 2:30pm. Families are welcome to attend at no additional charge. The October service opportunity is to help at the All Saints Fall Cleanup scheduled on Saturday, October 8 from 9am-noon. (Rain date of Saturday, October 15) Lunch will be provided. Please dress appropriately and bring gloves.

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We will also be selling Butter Braids to raise money for our outings this year. Sales will begin on October 9 and end on November 6. Pick up is scheduled for Wednesday, November 16 at 5:30pm.

Little Youth is open to ALL children 3 years old - 2nd grade students, and their families. Thank you to Jenn Acuff for starting and leading this group! Thank you to all the family who participated in Rally Day and the First day of Little Youth. The First Day of Little Youth was very successful and the kids had a great time. I'm very excited to see what our Little Youth can do in the future. Please look for an email on feedback and ideas. Our Next Little Youth gathering will be October 16, 2016 in the fellowship hall immediately following liturgy. We will be welcoming TSgt Holmes from the United States Air Force. He will be talking with the kids and we will also be working on a special project. As you can see we are very busy around here! Please join us and/or help out where you are able! Jenny St. Germaine Christian Education 414-345-7877 [email protected]

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Youth Ministry The Youth Ministry Group is for children in grades 7th - 12th and their families. We get together for service, fellowship and fun! Join us on the 2nd Sunday of each month in the backroom immediately after church to learn more about ways to be involved!

Service Vacation Church School – Each night 5:30-8:00 pm, August 21 st-24th the youth helped prepare and serve food then stayed to help mentor our church’s children! Your presence made a huge impact on their experience. Thank you to Shawn, Brooke, Owen, McKenna, Kaleb, Alivia and Austin! Baking get together – The youth got together on Friday, September 9th to bake some baked goods to be sold at the Food Tent during the rummage sale. They made 2 pans of Rice Crispy Treats, 2 pans of chocolate chip cookie bars and a pan of brownies. All ingredients were donated by the members. Thank you for your service!! Rummage Sale Food Tent – Thank you Phyllis and Shawn for giving so much of your time to lead this event. Phyllis planned, shopped and staffed the food tent. Other helpers for the day were Shawn and Owen. $50 was donated to get food purchased. $70 was donated by the Youth Group for additional food costs. The money raised from this event will go to the Handicap Accessible Door Fund. Thank you, Sandy for organizing the Rummage Sale. We are very excited to be a part of getting funds together for the much needed handicap accessible doors! Weeding and Cutting – There are still September dates open and we may need help in October. Please sign up for one on the bulletin board. If you have not done this, please check the board to get involved! If you have questions on what to do, see Leslie or Tracy Paisar. Fall Clean-up – Saturday, October 8th – Beginning at 9 am come to church to help with outdoor and indoor clean-up. Many hands are needed to make light work! Your service is much appreciated!!! If you have questions, talk to Leslie or Don. Processional – Reformation Sunday, October 30th - Please sign up in Confirmation class, on the bulletin board or talk to PJ, Kinga or Pam if you can help with this special service. We need a youth to do each of the following positions: Crucifer Lectionary Bearer 2 Torch Bearers Banner Bearer Confirmation Luncheon – The youth ministry group will host a luncheon on October 30th at 12 noon for families of those being Confirmed. This is a great culmination to all of the time they spent together and a way to honor them and their families. Please contact Kate if you are able to help serve or organize this event.

P a g e | 16 Gift Wrapping Station at the Craft Fair –The craft fair will be held on Sat. Nov. 5th. This will be our first time hosting this table. Please join us in making it a great experience for everyone! Contact Phyllis if you are interested in helping organize and/or serve. Processional - All Saints Sunday, November 6th. All Saints Sunday will also be First Communion and Confirmation liturgy at 10am. - Please sign up in Confirmation class, on the bulletin board or talk to PJ, Kinga or Pam if you can help with this special service. We need a youth to do each of the following positions: Crucifer Lectionary Bearer 2 Torch Bearers Banner Bearer Processional – Christ the King Sunday, November 20th - Please sign up in Confirmation class, on the bulletin board or talk PJ, Kinga or Pam if you can help with this special service. We need a youth to do each of the following positions: Crucifer Lectionary Bearer 2 Torch Bearers Banner Bearer

And, FUN We are blessed with a group of THRILL-SEEKERS! Great America – This went very well. We had 3 adults and 9 children attend a full day on August 16th! $113 was spent on food for attendees. All admissions were covered by those who went. Back to Great America for some SCARY-FUN?! Frightfest event – Great America - Saturday October 22nd. Leave at 10 am from church. Youth Ministry will cover up to $25 per ticket per youth. Each youth will be responsible for covering the difference. Pack a lunch or bring $ to eat there. Arrival back will be determined by the youth and families attending.

Our next meeting – October 9th at 11:30 in the backroom *** High Schoolers and College Students *** We need you! Our Youth Ministry Group is a very active bunch of 7th-12th graders of our special church. We are looking for more mentors in their age group that can share their faith with them. Please join us at our next meeting or get involved with any of the above service and fun opportunities. You will want to come back for more!! Sincerely, Your Youth Ministry Committee Chairperson, Leslie Derks 414-217-3919 [email protected]

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Confirmation corner… The Confirmation classes are off and running with more than 25 students signed up! We love (absolutely love) having parents sit in, take notes and participate. We are convinced that intergenerational study is the way to go. We have an exciting and involved group of young people. We pray that they all have a good academic year. The coffee pot is always on (both kinds) and all of our classes are open. ANYONE may join us at ANYTIME! You will always be welcomed and appreciated. Just so you know: this year already we have more than 13 adults sit in with us – in just two weeks time!!! Feel free to join them! 7th grade is an overview of the Hebrew Bible and the Early Christian writings… 8th grade is strictly on the Hebrew Bible with our favorite stories from those books. 9th grade is spent strictly on the Early Christian Writings – encompassing as much of those writings as we can and some Lutheran history and a little about Lutheran liturgy. The young people will have 5 service hours to complete during the year…and are encouraged to participate in the Sunday School for Confirmands and in all youth activities…moms, dads, grandparents, we need you, too! Classes are held on Thursday nights from 6-8 P.M.


to Jacob Meier and Sheyenne Henke on the birth of their son Theodore Tyler and to Grandparents Mary Jo and Randy Meier.

God’s Blessings!

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Worship and Music

What a whirlwind of events this has been for the Worship & Music Committee! August 28 was our Fall Mum sale and we sold every MUM we had. Thank you to Rita Cieszynski and to Charlie for bringing them to church for us. We were able to make $420.00 in less than three hours. Thank you to all who bought them and also to those who spent time selling them. They were beautiful plants and we hope we can do this again next year. September 9, 10 and 11th, we had our HUGE Sale a Thon here at church. I am still in Awe of all that took place. Just a few people sorted through a full trailer and 2 garages full of items. (Thank you to Jeff Sageser for loaning us his trailer). It was completely full. It was a total of 20 hrs of work to sort, price and set up the items prior to the sale. Food, drinks, and baked goods were also sold by the youth. Kudos to Shawn Runningen for working the whole day, from morning until after service on Sat. $2100.00 was made toward the purchase of our new front doors. Thank you to All 23 people who stepped up to help with this huge task. We also were able to sell 14 cookbooks with proceeds going to the 50th Anniversary Fund. We are now going into the Fall Season. First Communion, Confirmation, Reformation, All Saints Sunday, our Harvest Altar for Thanksgiving, and Christmas is right around the corner. This year the tree is going to be all GOLD for our 50th Anniversary Year. We would like to ask each family to share with everyone, (one) ornament to go on the tree. There will be a basket in the Fellowship Hall to place these ornaments in starting Nov. 1st. We are looking for any ALL GOLD COLOR ornaments of any shape or size to adorn our tree. Until next month, please remember to help out where you can. All Saints is OUR church, and your help is always needed and appreciated. In Christian Joy, Sandy Montague, Worship & Music

Worship and Music Committee

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Property: Fall is in the air Fall is in the air and before we know it the leaves will be changing color. It is also the time of year we get ready for the upcoming winter, both inside and outside the Church. The ‘Fall Clean-Up’ for the Church grounds is scheduled on October 8th from 9:00 AM till 1:00 PM with lunch being served. (The backup date is Saturday October, 15th) I will be looking for help with tree pruning, final grass cutting and trimming, cleaning out the flower beds, picking up garbage, winterizing the lawn tractors and getting the snow blower ready for another winter. It is a great time to be outside with others from the congregation and make All Saints shine. I will be posting sign-up sheets in the coming weeks. Hope to see you there. Feel free to call me directly at 262-391-1436 or e-mail me at [email protected]. Sincerely, Donald A. Olsen, Property Chair

Do you enjoy history and documenting it? All Saints is in need of a Historian. The Historian maintains all of the historical data of the church, including: newspaper articles, letters, photographs, video recordings, etc. If you are interested in becoming the All Saints Historian, please contact Pj or the church office: 414-762-5111 or e-mail: [email protected]

Committee Night / Council Meeting Monday October 17th at 6:30 Christian Education, Evangelism, Finance, Stewardship, Property, Youth, World Concerns, Worship & Music

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A Little bit about Moriah!

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She is no St. Emma. She is no Holy Harley for that matter! She does not write newsletter articles (Revealer) She chews (a lot)… A WHOLE LOT! She has razor sharp teeth and nails. She is a purebred Airedale. She is now up to 12 pounds, 9 weeks, going on 10. They say, she will be 19” at the shoulders and 40-60 pounds in weight. She only eats Science Diet. No treats! She loves cords, especially electrical cords, shoe laces, hems, shoes, wood, electrical outlets (she likes to lick them), paper, cardboard, anything in motion, fingers, bare toes, plastic…pretty much everything is fair game at this stage! “Looks” are deceiving! She “kinda” knows the word “NO!” …but uses selective hearing. Potty training is coming slowly after 5 days…she still wants to go outside every 45 minutes to an hour around the clock. (Who is training whom?)

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She knows her name: Moriah Joy, MOJO, not so much! She already knows a half dozen commands or so, but is choosey about which ones she will follow and when. She was born on a Sunday morning. We thought (silly us) it was a sign. We are not yet sure, what kind of a “sign” it was! To her benefit, she loves to be held and coddled… She is hypo-allergenic and she will not shed. (Yeah, right!) We will have to see about that one! She was born and raised in North Carolina…and flew into Mke on United Airways! Prayerfully…she will turn into a wonderful church dog and companion for us all – but only time will tell! The vet said she should be introduced to people slowly over time, 100 people in 100 days…hmmm, can you say 100 – people in two days? Finally, Moriah Joy means “God will provide happiness and Joy!” (We will see!)

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Of Personal Concerns

KNOWN TO HAVE BEEN HOSPITALIZED · Robert Osse · Joel Raison · John Kangas · Brian Krasinski · Ed Anderson · Mary Zahn · Shannon Guibord · Barbara Schrubey Please remember them in your thoughts and in your prayers, as they recover

Dear Patti Holzman and Everyone at All Saints Lutheran, The Family Life Center would like to thank you once again for your generous donation of 70 pounds of food for our expired shelves. We are so thankful you thought of us a second time as the recipient of these much needed items. Thank you for your investment in the Family Life Center, as your donation helps us continue our mission of providing a nurturing, supportive, non-threatening environment for growth. We are very excited about our new partnership for continuing donations. We truly value having the support of Oak Creek area community churches. Again, thank you for your donation and may God bless you for all that you have given to the Family Life Center and the community. Sincerely yours, Lynn Kaestner Family Life Center Director

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Dear Rev. Mortenson, With the start of school right around the corner, we are so grateful for your recent gift of new school supplies, new backpacks, Kleenex, and Clorox wipes that we received on 8/26/2016! You obviously know how important it is for children to have the right tools available for learning. Because of your generosity, children in our Joy House shelter, students at Cross Trainers Academy and others in our community will have what they need for a successful stat to the upcoming school year. And, through your donation, men, women and children looking for a fresh start will receive other basic necessities to help them get their lives back on track. God bless you for your kindness and compassion. I hope you enjoy the rest of your summer! Gratefully, Patrick H. Vanderburgh, D. Min. President

College Addresses Yep, it is that time of the year again… and the church office is looking for addresses of our college students. It is easy, just give the office a call at 762-5111 or write the information on the back of your communion card. We already know that Grayson Ruhl is attending the University of Northern Georgia (Military); Sami Swerdlow is a student of University of Minnesota and Amelia Kate Murnane is at the Loyola University in Chicago… Who else? And where? Give us a “shout out!”

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Financial: Thank you! Thank you for your giving to the church. It is great to see that our giving is at our budgeted amount for the year, and your generosity to the church is why we are able to be at budget for giving. It is still so important to be consistent with your giving as giving at the end of the year is critical to being able to make our budget. Due to limiting our expenses and being at budget for our giving, we are able to start paying back some of the money that was owed to the Special Purpose Account. This will be an extended process and it is so important that we all try to be consistent with our gifts to the church. Please consider using Simply Giving to be consistent with your gift to the church. If you have any questions about how to use Simply Giving or to order gift cards on-line, please contact me. If you have any questions about the finances of the church or if you would like to participate in the finance committee, please feel free to contact me either by phone or my e-mail listed in the Revealer. Thanks to Barb Schrubey, Denise Kalski, and Leanne Buttke for their help on the finance committee. Sincerely, Sean P. Kingston, Finance Chair

Our thanks goes to… Michael Steiner, Debbie Krajnak and Julie Wishall for all their time spent cutting, trimming and hauling away brush and tree limbs. What a lot of work…. what a lot of time spent, including digging around some of the trees by hand. Yeah, we noticed! It looks great. Thank you so much from all of us.

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World Concerns

This excerpt is second in a series of information from Feeding America dealing with hunger among us. #2 Senior Hunger… ”More than 5 million senior citizens age 60 and older face hunger. Seniors face a number of unique medical and mobility challenges that put them at a greater risk of hunger. After a lifetime of hard work, many find themselves struggling with health issues on fixed incomes. Many of these individuals are forced to choose between paying for groceries and buying medicine. Feeding America addresses the unique challenges of senior hunger through interventions that take into account the health status, medication needs, transportation, physical limitations and dietary restrictions of older Americans. As the proportion of people over the age of 60 continues to grow, Feeding America continues to develop innovative initiatives to get more food to more seniors in need. In addition to the senior population, evidence shows that older adults who are slightly younger – including those in their 50s – may be particularly vulnerable to certain health and nutrition challenges at higher rates than older seniors. Two out of five (41%) client households with an adult age 50 and older have at least one member with diabetes, and more than two-thirds (70%) of client households with an older adult have at least one member who has high blood pressure.” All Saints does not track the ages of people who receive food from our food pantry each week, but I’m sure some of these bags of groceries go to seniors. In the 9/14 section of the Milwaukee J/Sentinel, there was an excellent article by Nancy Stohs on food pantries and awareness of what people donate mainly because of the cost....boxed mac n’ cheese which contains high amounts of sodium, fat and processed ingredients. While we do not have room to store fresh food at All Saints, I would like to request more donations of canned or jarred protein foods and fruit. A total list will be published closer to the next food drive. Thank you for any donation, either monetary or food that you have given to help sustain our food pantry.

Mark your calendars for Tuesday, November 29th when our next blood drive is scheduled! The Blood Center requires a minimum of 25 donors signed up online before they will confirm an “on site” blood drive. This is a “feel good” day for all who help with their donations and who doesn’t want to feel GOOD? We love to see our “regular donors”, and we need new donors who may never have considered donating blood. Your commitment would be less than an hour of your time to help save up to three lives with one donation. Thank you in advance to all the World Concern volunteers who help make this day wonderful with their service to others. Lynn Friedman/World Concerns

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Evangelism With the fall approaching we will see new faces at church. Talk to them and see if they are willing to take the next step and join our family. Also talk to friends and neighbors to make them aware of the great things that we do at All Saints Lutheran Church. We hope to have some events come up in the next couple of months to before the busy holiday. I found a great short story about prayer evangelism and thought I would share.

Prayer Evangelism Evangelism is first and foremost a work of God. Therefore, the place to begin your evangelism is always with prayer. Prayer aligns us with the work of God and allows us the privilege of participating in his unfolding plan. Certainly we need to pray for evangelism and the spread of the gospel. For example, Paul often exhorted the believers to pray for his witness to others (Colossians 4: 3,4), even as he prayed for the salvation of his own people (Romans 10:1). Later, you will read examples of campuses praying for evangelism. But there are fresh winds blowing in the spiritual atmosphere of our culture. With these breezes has come openness to prayer as a common spiritual experience. The majority of people today claim prayer as part of their regular way of life. Though there is great divergence in whom they pray to and how they pray, the act of prayer can be common ground. In light of these realities, many have discovered prayer to be an effective means of outreach-praying not only for evangelism, but also prayer as evangelism. Brian Rathmann, Evangelism Chair

ADULT CHOIR NEWS Calling all singers! Adult Choir will be starting to work on the Advent and Christmas music soon. Join us every Sunday after the worship. If you love to sing this is the place to be! Laughter, camaraderie, and music will fill your time every week. Don’t hesitate! We need your voice!

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Information for your reference………..

Note on Hospitalizations… Federal Law restricts the disclosure of patient information by hospitals. Therefore, if you are hospitalized and want the Pastor to know, it is important for you or the family to give us a call, as soon as possible. Church Office at 762-5111, P.J.’s private line at 762-6101 or his cell at 414-276-2788. Eyeglasses and Hearing Aids Wanted All Saints is working with the Lion’s Club to collect eyeglasses and hearing aids, which can be recycled for those in need. Pass the word to friends and relatives, too. A drop box is located in the entryway. Lions Club of Oak Creek extends a Thank You to all who have been contributing to their cause. The response has been great and much appreciated.

Can I or A Family Member Have a Church Funeral? This is a question that arises quite frequently by non-members or Members with non-member family. The answer is not always an easy one but, the only people eligible for a funeral held at All Saints are Members of All Saints. P.J. will only do immediate family funerals for Members of All Saints at his discretion and only at the Funeral Home and not the Church.

Wine or Grape Juice, Gluten free wafers? Are you aware that both wine and grape juice are available on each communion tray? The grape juice is always in the center glasses. If you wish to have grape juice all you need to do is ask the communion assistant and it will be given. We also have gluten free wafers available but you need to let Pj know before the liturgy if you wish them available for communion.

Did you know the church collects Box tops and Labels for Education?? There is a box in the narthex to drop your BOX TOPS and LABELS FOR EDUCATION. Please note we are no longer taking stamps or Betty Crocker points. THANK YOU

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October Sr. Gathering The plan is to gather together again on Thursday, October 27th… at 1:00 pm just a couple of days before Halloween and All Saints Day. We are providing the pumpkins… We have a full afternoon of activities planned for you… We will be doing a “BEST COSTUME” of the day award. We will be Dunking For Apples (demerits for teeth found floating or sinking in the galvanized bucket!) Make sure to remove your hearing aids! And, we will be carving, painting, decorating pumpkins… for the BEST PUMPKIN of the DAY! So, get those imaginations going… We will also be making pumpkin seeds for the fellowship gatherings… It is going to be an old fashioned Potluck, so what you bring – is what we’ve got! This could be very interesting! Join us! Mark down the date NOW… and let your imagination run wild.

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To Angela Bridget Aquino and Donald Joseph Quayle On their marriage. Congratulations to Sue and Dan Duchesneau on renewing their wedding vows. May God bless the love you have for each other and bless you in all your years together ahead.

Pre-Lit 7-Ft. Christmas tree Swap & Helping Hands Board Are you looking for a used item of some kind or have something that is too good to toss and would like to pass on to someone else? Or, do you have a need for some helping hands or would like to offer your services if needed??? Give me your “Needs” and/or “Give always” and it will be listed in the “Revealer” every month. Do not call the church office. I, Margaret Coonan, will be organizing these services. No monies will be exchanged. I can be reached at 414-764-3197. Needed: Flagstone


to Sara and Colin Bennett on the birth of their son

Connor Byram

and to Grandparents Nancy and Brent Mason.

God’s Blessings!

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PMPMPMPMPM HELP NEEDED! Did you know? · Many baked items are needed. "If you can bake it, we will sell it!" · Gift cards are needed for raffle prizes. Buy script and give to PJ or Kinga for craft fair. · Many helpers are needed for selling raffle tickets, selling baked goods, serving lunch, and set up and clean up. · Please be a part of this "short term" committee. We meet just 5 times before the craft fair over the next few weeks and then we are done to spring. o Meeting on Wednesday, Oct 5th at 8 PM mail out postcards and hang poster signup sheets. o Meeting on Wednesday Oct 19 at 8 pm - Planning meeting o Wednesday Nov 2 at 8 PM set-up the church for craft fair (move chairs and set-up tables) o Thursday, Nov 3 at 7 PM - Make Raffle Baskets o Friday, Nov 4th from 4 pm - 7 pm - Price baked goods o Saturday is Craft Fair from 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM. Followed by Clean up from 3 - 4 PM. We have a saying at All Saints: “Every day is sunny and bright” and the days of our craft fair are some of the sunniest all year long as the love flows from vendor to attendee and back again. We love hosting this fair and hope our vendors and attendees feel that “Love”.

· The Craft (spring and fall) Fairs provide about $10,000 to All Saints Lutheran Church each year. This enables our church family much needed monies to pay such items as utilities, salaries and mortgage where necessary.

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Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing! ~ Psalm 100:2 The donation’s folder is posted in the blue folder on the Bulletin Board. Select your dates for those special occasions or people in your lives and follow the instructions on the inside front cover.

Remember, by donating Altar Flowers, Sanctuary Candles and Bulletins you help the church budget and it is a great way to remember those special people and dates in your life.


Donations: Date



October 1 to 5


October 8 to 12



October 15 to 19



October 22 to 26


Oct 29 to Nov 2




Memorial Candle













Schrubey/Kahle Schrubey/Kahle Vnuk


Honor Candle


Revealer Articles are due on Wednesday October 19th by Noon. With extending the deadline, to the Wednesday after Council meets this is a firm deadline for all Revealer Articles. You are encouraged to send them to the church office in advance if possible. Please make sure to have them in on time. Thank you.

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20th Sunday in Pentecost 10/02 Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4 Psalm 37:1-9 2 Timothy 1:1-14 Luke 17:5-10 22nd Sunday/Pentecost 10/16 Genesis 32:22-31 Psalm 121 2 Timothy 3:14 – 4:5 Luke 18:1-8

21st Sunday in Pentecost 10/09 2 Kings 5:1-3; 7-15c Psalm 111 2 Timothy 2:8-15 Luke 17:11-19 23rd Sunday in Pentecost 10/23 Jeremiah 14:7-10, 19-22 Psalm 84:1-7 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18 Luke 18:9-14

24th Sunday in Pentecost 10/30 Jeremiah 31:31-34 Psalm 46 Romans 3:19-28 John 8:31-36

Numbers you should have at hand: Rev. Jas A. Mortenson (PJ) Private Line 762-6101 Cell: 414-276-2788 Kinga Vnuk, Administrative Assistant Office: 414-762-5111 Church Officers: Council President Vice President Church Treasurer Church Historian

Kathy Mack 414-460-9006 Don Olsen 262-391-1436 Council Secretary Barb Schrubey 414-421-4134 Church Statistician Open

Committee Structure: Education Jennifer St.Germaine Finance Sean Kingston Stewardship Helen Haworth Worship/Music Sandy Montague Jr.Youth Lori Rathmann Little Youth Jennifer Acuff Church Pianist Kinga Vnuk Choir Director Kinga Vnuk

414-345-7877 414-304-5975 414-762-3733 414-764-4506 414-345-7877 414-861-1831 414-483-3144 414-483-3144

All Saints ELCA

Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Leanne Buttke Kinga Vnuk

414-588-8036 414-762-5111

Evangelism Property World Concerns Youth SCS Superintendent

Brian Rathmann Don Olsen Lynn Friedman Leslie Derks Open

414-764-9771 262-391-1436 414-870-7939 414-217-3919

Church Pianist Church Custodian

Peggy Rudolph Lisle Paul Salewski


Web Page:

Do you have an address, phone number or status change? Please contact the church office to report any changes for the records. This helps insure our files stay current. THANK YOU

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10-1 Steven Belmas, Judy Salchow, Cheryl Thrune, Maria Dellert 10-3 Amanda Bugni, Mary Dobrzynski, Mike Mittelstadt, Kayla Murphy, Zachary Olsen, Bob Padden, Cooper Rathmann 10-4 Samantha St. Pierre 10-5 Mike Krajewski, Tracy Paisar 10-6 Dan Seagren 10-7 Jennifer Todryk 10-8 Amelia Murnane, Liz Oettiker, Doris Templin 10-9 Robin Krajewski, Zachary Sageser, Dan Thein 10-11 Gary Meddaugh 10-12 Isabella Serfort 10-13 Tim Gilbertson, Brian Navarro, Terri Pratt, Nathan Ruka 10-14 Carly Coonan, Jack Osgood 10-15 Trevor Lelewicz, Emerson Seagren 10-16 Tim Fountain 10-17 Sheryl Bishop, Evan Meier 10-18 Barbara Bombaci, Dawn Case, Peggy Rudolph-Lisle 10-19 Evan Berns, Eric Borchert, Raeleah Martinez, 10-20 Ruth Genke 10-23 Alexander Murnane, Arline Nelson 10-24 PJ - Jas Mortenson, Susan Foulston 10-27 Bonny Freimund-Raison, Susan Gorecki, Debra Trauberman 10-28 Dena Olsen 10-29 Cody Jolitz, Charlie Zutell 10-30 Rachel Carrasquillo, Michael Steiner 10-31 Stanley Polacheck, Linda Steinbauer, Veda Berns

10-2 Bert and Christy Ugrotzi 10-4 Paul and Talana Grunert 10-8 David and Jodi Heine 10-10 Glen and Marvel Baumgartner 10-14 Tim and Paula Allmann 10-15 R.B. and Linda Wood 10-15 Pat Loso and Jeri Koss 10-16 Bruce and Lynette Friedbauer 10-17 Bill and Terry Pratt 10-17 Jim and Ellen Votaw 10-19 Jock and Sara Jolitz 10-19 Lisa and Ed Lowrie 10-19 Brian and Lori Rathmann 10-22 Kevin and Diane Cornale 10-23 Robert and Arline Nelson 10-27 Jim and Joy Kubusek 10-27 Tedd and Susan Meredith 10-28 Sandy and Thomas McAvoy 10-31 DJ and Melanie Vander Molen

Changes in Service Schedule, Please contact the church office at 414-762-5111 or [email protected] & Dena at 414-520-4141 Call/Text or [email protected] This helps ensure we have coverage for Liturgies. Thank you