NUCLEAR DECOMMISSIONING & WASTE MANAGEMENT SUMMIT 24-25 February 2016 LONDON, UK The Conference: Speakers Include: ACI’s 3rd Nuclear Decommission...
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24-25 February 2016

LONDON, UK The Conference:

Speakers Include:

ACI’s 3rd Nuclear Decommissioning & Waste Management Summit will address the key issues faced by the consortia committed to nuclear decommissioning projects. This will include the establishment of working relationships and gaining contracts and beyond that excellence in operational procedures. The conference will focus on existing and potential projects across Europe for the sake of establishing new business and innovation in waste management and on-site procedures.

 Senior Representative – Unit Nuclear Energy Technology, Nuclear Waste And Decommissioning, European Commis-

Join us on 24-25 February, 2016 in London, UK to get an

opportunity to discover the latest updates and to discuss your own challenges and solutions with your peers through an interactive and informative 2 day programme.

sion, DG ENERGY  Gérard Laurent – Decommissioning expert for EDF

group, EDF  Patrick J O’Sullivan – Decommissioning Specialist, IAEA  Martin Walkingshaw – Executive Director, Head Of Waste Management Services, LLW Repository Ltd  Takafumi Ihara – Nuclear Power Program Manager, Tokyo

Electric Power Company, Incorporated (TEPCO)  Tony Free—Head Of Environmental Planning – Project

Development Directorate, EDF Energy  Gareth Davies, Burges Salmon Nuclear Team & Chair NIA

Topics for Discussion:  Update on the decommissioning status in Europe  Regulations’ implications on nuclear industry  Waste management  Spent fuel management  Operational efficiency and strategic planning

 Supply chain efficiency

Decommissioning Group  Ferenc Lóránd, Professional Advisory, Hungarian Atomic

Energy Authority – HAEA  Michel Dutzer - Deputy Manager, National Radioactive

Waste Management Agency (ANDRA)  David Powell – Vice President Europe Nuclear Power Plant Sales, GE Hitachi

 Financial arrangements for decommissioning activities

 Peter Bachsleitner – Partner, Energy, Utilities , PCubed

 Management of complex dismantling

Commercial & Sponsorship Opportunities

 Technology developments

 Case studies

Call For Papers If you would like to be considered as a speaker at the event for a 30-45 minute presentation, please submit an abstract for consideration to: Stergios Zacharakis: +44 203 141 0609 [email protected]

There are various sponsorship packages available, including sponsorship of a cocktail reception on the first evening of the event and sponsorship of a networking lunch. For further details, please contact: Ray Mangon: +44 203 141 0610 [email protected]

Registration is Simple: If you would like to be to register for this event or wish to find out more information, please contact Cheryl Williams +44 203 141 0623 [email protected]



24-25 February 2016

LONDON, UK DAY 1 Wednesday 24th February 2016 08:00





▪ A s i gni fi ca nt decommi s s i oni ng progra m wi thi n a s peci fi c regul a ti on ▪ Wa s te di s pos a l routes (i n opera ti on a nd pl a nned) ▪ Is s ues for the ma na gement of very l ow l evel ra di oa cti ve wa s te ▪ How to promote effi ci ent di a l ogue for a n overa l l wa s te ma na gement opti mi za ti on

Peter Ba chsleitner Executive Advisor and Energy Market Expert


CONFERENCE PRESENTATION Update on the decommissioning status in Europe ▪ Sta tus upda te on projects a nd further pl a ns for devel opment ▪ Effects of new i ni ti a ti ves on funds a va i l a bi l i ty ▪ Expl ore cons tra i nts for progres s i on on decommi s s i oni ng projects

Mi chel Dutzer Deputy Manager

ANDRA - National Radioactive Waste Management Agency 12:15

Geoffrey Rothwell OECD/Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA)

SESSION ONE (PART ONE) Regulations' implications on nuclear industry ▪ Di fferences i n na ti ona l pol i ci es a nd a pproa ches towa rds decommi s s i oni ng ▪ Overvi ew of na ti ona l progra mmes for di s pos a l of nucl ea r wa s te ma na gement progra ms ▪ Indi vi dua l government s upport of wa s te ma na gement progra mmes

Ferenc LORAND Senior Adviser

Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority

European Commission views on nuclear decommissioning and waste management Zuza na PETROVIČOVÁ Acting Head Of Unit European Commission, DG Energy Nuclear energy, nuclear waste and decommissioning


Impact of the regulators and regulations on the nuclear industry – some aspects of the Hungarian experience ▪ Hunga ri a n nucl ea r progra mme – ra dwa s te, s pent fuel a nd decommi s s i oni ng rel a ted i s s ues ▪ Legi s l a ti ve a nd regul a tory s ys tem i n Hunga ry for ra dwa s te, s pent fuel a nd decommi s s i oni ng ▪ Rel a ted regul a ti ons , na ti ona l pol i cy a nd progra mme ▪ Cha nges i n the regul a tory s ys tem a nd regul a ti ons – i mpa ct on the nucl ea r i ndus try

Principal Economist Division of Nuclear Development


Decommissioning waste management and disposal in France

Radioactive waste management: enabling progress & delivering improvements ▪ Ca tegori s a ti on vs Di s pos a bi l i ty ▪ Ena bl i ng s us ta i na bl e cl ea n-up ▪ Deci s i on-ma ki ng for better s ol uti ons


Panel Q&A




Ma rtin Walkingshaw Executive Director, Head Of Waste Management Services

Jul i et Long

LLW Repository Ltd

Environment & Business Manager, Radioactive Substances Regulation

Environment Agency 11:00

Panel Q&A


MORNING REFRESHMENTS SESSION ONE (PART TWO) Regulations' implications on nuclear industry

SESSION TWO Waste and spent fuel management and disposal UK Waste Strategy Implementation – a journey well begun


Advances in the Thermal Treatment of Waste ▪ Progres s on the i ns ta l l a ti on a nd opera ti on of GeoMel t In Conta i ner Vi tri fi ca ti on ri g i n the NNL Centra l La bora tory on the Sel l a fi el d Si te. ▪ Look a hea d to ca ndi da te wa s te s trea ms for a cti ve vi tri fi ca ti on



24-25 February 2016

LONDON, UK ▪ Benefi ts of therma l trea tment of wa s te a s oppos ed to tra di ti ona l i mmobi l i s a ti on techni ques ▪ Wi der col l a bora ti on i n therma l trea tment i n the UK a nd beyond


▪ The pres enta ti on wi l l gi ve a n overvi ew of current ILW retri eva l projects tha t a re ta ki ng pl a ce a t UK rea ctor s i tes . ▪ The di fferent wa s te s trea ms a nd a s s oci a ted retri eva l equi pment a nd techni ques wi l l be des cri bed. ▪ The us e of on-s i te i nteri m s tores tha t a re us ed pri or to the wa s te bei ng tra ns ported off s i te wi l l be des cri bed.

Sea n Clarke Business Manager Sellafield Waste and Residue Processing

National Nuclear Laboratory 14:50

Waste Retrieval and Interim Storage at UK

Developing a spent fuel service ▪ Economi cs of s pent fuel recycl i ng a nd reproces s i ng ▪ Upda te on nucl ea r s pent fuel technol ogi es ▪ Integra ted fuel ma na gement

Da vi d Powell Vice President European Sales

Chri s Ca rter Chief Consultant Engineer

Cavendish Nuclear 17:30

Panel Q&A



GE Hitachi


Spearheading the Nuclear Waste Management ▪ Low a nd Intermedi a te Level Wa s te Ma na gement ▪ Hi gh Level Wa s te Ma na gement ▪ Underground Interi m Stora ge ▪ Underground Res ea rch La bora tory ▪ Engi neered Ba rri er Sys tems ▪ Deep Geol ogi ca l Repos i tory

DAY 2 Thursday 25th February 2016 08:30



CHAIRMAN'S OPENING REMARKS Ga reth Davies Burges Salmon Nuclear Team & Chair NIA Decommissioning Group

SESSION FOUR Case studies

Toi vo Wa nne Senior Consultant

Saanio & Riekkola Oy 15:30

Panel Q&A




SESSION THREE Interim storage & waste retrieval The regulation of interim radioactive waste storage on UK licensed sites ▪ Provi de a n overvi ew of the UK regul a tory fra mework a nd how thi s a ppl i es to i nteri m s tora ge ▪ Outl i ne regul a tory expecta ti ons rega rdi ng i nteri m s tora ge of hi gher a cti vi ty wa s te a nd provi de s ome exa mpl es of how thi s ha s been a ppl i ed

▪ Ma na gi ng the decommi s s i oni ng proces s effi ci entl y ▪ Fi na nci a l benefi ts of proa cti ve pl a nni ng ▪ Bui l di ng s trong rel a ti ons hi p between contra ctor a nd owner/opera tor 09:15

Decommissioning at Fukushima-Daiichi NPP Ta ka fumi Ihara Nuclear Power Program Manager



Developing a Funded Decommissioning Programme for Hinkley Point C Tony Free Head of Environmental Planning Project Development Directorate

EDF Energy Loui se Gray Inspector - Radioactive Waste Specialist

Office for Nuclear Regulation


Panel Q&A





24-25 February 2016

LONDON, UK CONFERENCE PRESENTATION Operational efficiency and strategic planning 11:00

Jona than Leech Partner

Advanced Project Management Techniques in Decommissioning Projects


▪ Pri ori ti za ti on a nd s peed i n (project) executi on ▪ Adopti on of PM-methods from other i ndus tri es ▪ Devel opment of s ta nda rdi zed proces s es

Jörg Kl a sen Director Nuclear Decommissioning Services

Wi l liam Roberts Former CFO of NDA - Nuclear Decommissioning Authority 14:45



SESSION SIX Technology development How to Save £Billions in Nuclear: Robotics

EnBW Kernkraft GmbH


CONFERENCE PRESENTATION Management of complex dismantling Footprint reduction of radioactive waste in Petten ▪ The Petten fa ci l i ti es wi th thei r vers a ti l e s i te l i cens e a l l owi ng di s ma ntl i ng a nd deconta mi na ti on of thi rd pa rty ra dwa s te ▪ Ra di ochemi ca l a na l ys i s of hi ghl y ra di oa cti ve s a mpl es for va l i da ti on of wa s te nucl i de vectors ▪ Foi l a cti va ti on ga mma s pectrometri c a na l ys i s for decommi s s i oni ng cos t determi na ti on of nucl ea r power pl a nts ▪ Hi s tori ca l wa s te project: retri eva l of l oca l l y s tored wa s te drums , ra di ol ogi ca l l y s orti ng, repa cka gi ng a nd tra ns port to the Dutch centra l wa s te s tora ge fa ci l i ty

▪ Expect a visual romp through the past, present and near future world of robotics in nuclear

▪ In other sectors robotics today is ‘coming of age’ and development is accelerating due convergence, open source software and investment ▪ See how this can be leveraged in nuclear with a more targeted application of RAS (Robotics and Autonomous Systems) ▪ The potential is to save the UK £billions on decommissioning costs alone

Da vi d Hopper Principal Consultant & Director

Advanced Robotic Technology Ltd 15:35

Presentation title TBA Anthony Ba nford

Al i ki I. va n Heek

Chief Technologist

Team Manager Radioactive Waste & Decommissioning


NRG 15:55




PANEL DISCUSSION Financial arrangements for decommissioning activities ▪ Di s cus s s tra tegi c cos t ca l cul a ti ons ▪ How to devel op cos t effecti ve s tra tegy a nd control the budgets ? ▪ Fundi ng s ol uti on: mul ti -yea r vs a nnua l revi ew? ▪ Long-term pl a nni ng for cutti ng cos ts of decommi s s i oni ng

▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

International Atomic Energy Agency

Mi ni a ture l ow-cos t ga mma ra y counter Mi ni a ture l ow-cos t neutron counter Depl oyment of s ens or a rra ys a round ca s ks IT tool for da ta a cqui s i ti on a nd hys tori ca l a rchi ve Pa ol o Finocchiaro Head Technologist

INFN - Laboratori Nazionali del Sud 16:15

Panel Q&A



Pa tri ck O’Sulllivan Decommissioning Specialist

Nuclear Waste Management: new tools for gamma and neutron online monitoring



24-25 February 2016

Registration Is Simple

Terms & Conditions

If you would like to register for this event or wish to find out more information, please contact Cheryl Williams using any of the following methods:

Payment Payment must be received within five business days of returning the signed contract. After receiving payment a VAT receipt will be issued. If you do not receive a letter outlining details two weeks prior to the event, please contact the Conference Coordinator at ACI Europe Ltd.

+44 (0) 20 3141 0623 [email protected]

Discounts are available for multiple/group bookings. Please call +44 (0) 203 141 0623 for more information.

http://www .aci Postal Address: ACI Europe, 5/13 Great Suffolk Street, London, SE1 0NS

Registration Is Simple Conference (Includes Documentation Packet)

£1,495 (ex. VAT)

24-25 Febr uar y 2016

Documentation Packet Only


Please Note. Members and customers of all supporting organizations are entitled to a discount off their conference package. For more information please call Cheryl on +44 (0) 203 141 0623

Documentation Packet Available We are selling the Nuclear Decommissioning & Waste Management Summit 2016 papers at just £395 (+£25 P&P). Simply tick the box on the booking form, send it with payment and your copy will be on its way to you after the meeting. This important manual will be a source of invaluable reference for the future.

Cancellations Substitutions are welcome up to 24 hours prior to the event. Cancellations must be received in writing no less than 3 weeks prior to the start of the conference; a full credit voucher towards a future ACI conference will be issued. Any cancellation received less than 3 weeks prior to the start of the event shall be deemed to be a breach of this contract by client, and accordingly, no credits will be given. Cancellations must be received in writing by mail or fax three weeks before the conference. Thereafter the full conference fee is payable. If for any reason ACI Europe Ltd decides to amend, cancel or postpone this conference, the conference fee will not be refunded. Furthermore, ACI Europe Ltd will not be responsible for covering airfare, hotel or other costs incurred by registrants. In the event that ACI Europe Ltd cancel or postpone the event, ACI Europe Ltd reserves the right to transfer this booking to another conference to be held in the following twelve months, or to provide a credit of an equivalent amount to another conference within the following twelve months. The construction, validity and performance of this agreement shall be governed in all respects by the laws of England to the exclusive jurisdiction of whose courts the Parties hereby agree to submit. Accommodation The cost of accommodation is not included in the event fee. Preferential rates will be arranged with or near the event venue, and all confirmed delegates will be given details of how to book accommodation at this rate in due course.

About ACI ACI, a UK owned company, have been running successful conferences for the last 15 years in the USA. Headquartered in Chicago with offices all around the States, they run forums in varied fields and are market leaders in healthcare business conferences. Opening their European head offic e at the end of 2005, they have expanded rapidly and are launching a series of events covering the maritime, energy, oil and gas industries.

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