Product Data Update

NorReview version 4.0 New Features

The new upgraded NorReview v4.0 has got the following new features compared with the previous v3.1 release:

Calculations within Marker Administration Window NorReview now opens the possibility to perform calculations on the individual markers within the Marker Administration Window. By opening the new Marker/Calculation dialogue box, the operator may specify the desired calculation as for the previously available calculation feature. The results are presented as separate colomns in the Marker Administration Window.

If the operator edits any of the markers, the corresponding calculated values will disappear, or, the table background becomes yellow. In such cases, simply select the Marker/Recalculate feature to get the calculated values updated for the entire table.

PDU 1026 v4.0 Ed.1 Rev.0 English 01.10

PDU 1026 v4.0 Ed.1 Rev.0 English 01.10

Line-width in L(t) Views In the L(t) View Function Properties dialogue box there is a new selection field for the Line-width to the right of the selected functions window. In this field the user may specify the line-width of the individual selected functions. The previously default width of ‘1’ is now extended to a selectable range from ‘1’ to ‘10’.

By selecting four different functions with Line-width ‘1’ – ‘4’, the corresponding L(t) View will look like this:


PDU 1026 v4.0 Ed.1 Rev.0 English 01.10

10 functions simultaneously in the Views The new v4 of NorReview opens the possibility to view up to 10 functions simultaneously in the Views. Hence, the visualizing of a broad selection of individual frequency bands is possible.

Notes entry in Marker Administration Window NorReview now opens the possibility to enter marker notes directly into the Marker Administration Window. Select the desired marker row and press the ‘F2’ key on the keyboard to activate the feature. After entering the Note, simply select another marker-row to end the Note entry.

Add-to-Word functionality for the Marker Administration Window The entire, or a selected part, of the Marker Administration Window may now be transferred to a Word-Report by the simple right-click and selection of the Add-to-Word feature. Thereby it will be much easier to use information from this effective Window directly in the measurement reports.


PDU 1026 v4.0 Ed.1 Rev.0 English 01.10

L(t) View of calculated functions In previous versions of NorReview, different functions could be post-calculated based on the stored periodic results, but a graphical view of the calculated functions were not possible. One example is the 15 minute LA,95% based on 1s Leq,A measured values. In the L(t) View Function Properties dialogue box there is now a new selection button for ‘Add calculated function’. By hitting this button, a new dialogue box is opened:

The user must specify the basic function to be used in the post-processed calculation, the actual calculation type as well as the calculation interval. This selection is then transferred to the selected function window with an # attached to the function name for further adjustment of line-width, colour etc.


PDU 1026 v4.0 Ed.1 Rev.0 English 01.10

L(f) View difference calculations The difference between two functions may now be calculated and presented in the L(f) Views. The setup for this new feature is found in the L(f) View Function Properties dialogue box where a new selection button for ‘Add calculated function’ is found. By hitting this button, a new dialogue box is opened.

The operator must select one function within the left sub-window and right sub-windows to which the level difference shall be calculated. If these functions come from different measurements, please note that the X-axis must use the relative time setting in order to get the two measurements in parallel. This new feature works both for the L(f) Views as well as the L(t)+L(f) Views. An example of such a L(t)+L(f) View may look similar to the following graph.


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Improved user friendliness of the Calculation menu The Calculation/Function dialogue box has been changed in order to improve the user friendliness. Now, the first choice is the ‘Measurement function’ and thereafter comes the’ Calculation type’. The previous version was opposite. Based on the selected measurement function, the dialogue box will now automatically propose a default ‘Calculation type’ wich means that the operator in most cases will not have to tick off this choice at all as the system propose ‘Average’ for Leq-functions, ‘Max’ for Lmax functions, etc.

Exact time of Max and Min When performing ‘Max’ and ‘Min’ calculations, NorReview now presents an additional column containing the exact time of ‘Max’ and/or ‘Min’ for the calculation intervals or toggle marker segment.


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Windows 7 (and Vista 64bit) compatibility The new version 4.0 of NorReview is compatible with the Windows 7 operating system from Microsoft. Hence, if you are updating your PC with this new operating system, your NorReview license should be upgraded simultaneously to ensure proper functionality without troubles. The same situation occurs for users running 64-bit versions of the Vista operating system. Running the NorReview v4.0 under the Windows 7, or Vista, operating system means that all screens, dialogue boxes and menus are visualized with the new general design in accordance with the general guidelines for these new operating systems.

Reorganizing the order of selected functions The NorReview v4 opens the possibility to reorganize the order of the selected measurement functions. In the lower ‘Selected functions’ window of the L(t) View Function Properties dialogue box, simply click the mouse onto the function to be moved upwards or downwards in the list, and drag it into the desired position.

Improved Menu-structure The general menu structure of the NorReview is in v4 reorganized in order to shorten down some of the sub-menus. Thereby is the use more logical and effective. Most of the changes is for the Marker submenu into which more features are transferred from other menus. Also, the View submenu is organized differently in which, as one example, the Zoom feature are now in one dedicated sub-menu.


PDU 1026 v4.0 Ed.1 Rev.0 English 01.10

New MS’ Excel template based NorReport measurement report feature NorReview v4 brings a brand new reporting tool which replaces the earlier NorReport feature. The new version is based on user designed Excel templates into which all measurement values are transferred automatically from the Norsonic measurement files. Each single measurement value is placed in a pre-addressed cell according to the use of a pre-defined measurement function name structure. Hence, the individual Excel templates will find all required measurement values within a dedicated ‘Sheet’ for further use in the user defined template calculations and graphics. Both the new and old versions of the NorReport feature are available for use in parallel. By inserting company logo, standard letterheads, etc. into the templates, the user may quickly produce standard reports from the different measurements. Even multiple reports from a long list of measurement files may be produced by a couple of mouse clicks. A simple “Summary” report template and a simple “Multiple file” report template are included as a help for the users to create their own user-defined templates:


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