NEWSLETTER 0208 520 5168 | [email protected]

14th November 2016, Week 10

Calendar Dates: AUTUMN TERM Tuesday 20th December Last day of term Wednesday 21st December School closed (INSET) SPRING TERM Tuesday 3rd January Children return to school Friday 10th February School closed (INSET) Mon 13th—Fri 17th February Half Term Monday 20th February

Next Friday is Children in Need. It will be a non-uniform day and we are encouraging children to wear spots or stripes in exchange for a £1 donation to the charity.

Children return to school Thursday 30th March Last day of term Friday 31st March

Every penny we raise makes a massive difference to disadvantaged children and young people across the UK.

School closed (INSET) A copy of the school calendar can be found on our website on in the school offices.

Nurse drop-in The nurse will be attending on Wednesday 30th November at 8.30am in the community room at Forest site.

Lost Property Please make sure you check the lost property for any lost items, as we will be donating to the charity shop soon. Please label your children’s clothes. Woodside Primary Academy is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

Week ending 11th November 2016 Whole School Attendance: 94.8%

Forest Site

Bridge Site



Year 3—95.7%

Year 6—96.3%

The national average attendance is 95.8% The world is made for those who attend!

Top Attendance Tips for Parents 1. Talk to your child about how important it is to attend school every day. 2. Show an interest in what your child has done at school each day. Woodside Primary Academy is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

This weeks top table pupils are: Mia 1B

Roberto 2W

Maddy 3C

Yusef 1B

Janie 2R

Rokas 3H

Sisi 1b

Na'ilah 3B

Safia 3R

Bobby 1H

Patrick 3C

Alessia 3R

Emma 2C

Tul-Kubra 3C

Mayache 3W

This week in reception, we have been learning about birthdays and friendships. We have made birthday cards and talked about what is needed to write a card. Remember we are going to the mosque next week. Please look out for further information from your class teacher.

Welcome back! We hope you all had a lovely holiday. This week we had a visit from the firemen. They told us all about fire safety and we even got to try on a firemen’s uniform. We really enjoyed the visit and learnt lots of important tips to keep us safe. We really enjoyed the firework display that the school hosted. What a fantastic evening it was! Next week we will be writing about our experience of the fireworks. In Literacy this week we have been learning about historical recounts. We focused on the story of Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot. Did you know that Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the houses of parliament? We acted out the story and focused on the setting and characters to help us. We then used subheadings to organise our writing about the recount. In Maths this week we have been applying our knowledge of place value. We placed numbers on a number line using our estimation skills. Don’t forget to practice your times tables at home and read every night. Reminder: our trips are coming up soon so please remember to return your signed slip to school and make a contribution on parent pay. If you are available to help please let your child’s class teacher know. Thank you Year 2 team

In Maths, we have been adding and subtracting using a range of methods such as, an empty number line and expanded column method. We have also been rounding 2 digit and 3 digit numbers to the nearest multiple of 10. We then used that skill to estimate the total of number sentences. Multiplication is a key part of our learning so we have been practising our times tables at any opportunity. We have been revisiting the 2s, 5s and 10s and becoming more confident with the 4s and 8s. In Literacy, we have been using our own characters to write the opening to a story inspired by Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Our first paragraph described when our character found their golden ticket; the second paragraph detailed when our character met Willy Wonka and our final paragraph described what was seen once they entered the chocolate factory. To make our writing exciting, we used a range of punctuation, feelings, ad/verbs, conjunctions and similes.

In English this week, the children have continued to explore image poetry. They have read a range of poems and investigated their style and rhythm. In addition, they have worked in smalls groups and individually to plan their own writing based on the poem 'Ten things found in a wizard's pocket'. The children enjoyed relating this back to their knowledge of Ancient Egypt and wrote some imaginative poems! In maths, the children have been investigating how to find the coordinates of shapes and positions on a grid. They have rehearsed the rhyme - along the corridor and up the stairs, and used this knowledge to plot positions on a grid. Additionally, the children have explored symmetry on 2-D shapes and completed patterns using their knowledge and understanding. In topic, the children thoroughly enjoyed Ancient Egyptian day. They took part in lots of exciting activities that included making Ancient Egyptian amulets, a mummification challenge, arts and crafts and using papyrus paper to write messages in hieroglyphics. They also took part in a fashion show at the end of the day and learned the dance 'walk like an Egyptian'. Thank you to parents/carers and children who made this such an enjoyable day. The children looked amazing dressed in their costumes and took pride in wearing their Egyptian collars made in earlier art lessons. Here are a few of the photos taken throughout the day:

This week year 5 have continued to write and finish their recounts about their fantastic Tudor day from last week. The day was a great success and the children thoroughly enjoyed the day. In Numeracy this week, we have focused on multiplication and learning how to use the short and long written method for multiplication and apply to real life scenarios. As requested each week, please make sure your child is continuing to learn all their times table facts and corresponding division facts by heart, including square numbers and listing all prime numbers to 100.It is also very important that your child knows how to multiply and divide whole numbers and decimals by 10, 100 and 1000 and explain the effect. We have begun a new system in testing the children daily on their times stables – ask you child what we do In topic this week, we have started our science topic on properties of materials. Just to remind you, we are going on our Year 5 trip next Tuesday – 15th November 2016. Thank you for your continued support – the Year 5 team

This week in year 6 we have continued with our Ancient Greece topic and have started looking at some Greek myths in Literacy. After reading Pandora’s Box, children have delved deeper into the characters’ personalities in order to really get to know them. They then used this to create short conversations between the characters focusing on implicit language to portray the characters and some children acted these conversations out. In Maths we have been looking at geometry this week. Starting off with area and perimeter of rectilinear shapes, we then moved on to calculating volume of cuboids and have been drawing our own cuboids. Topic has been lots of fun this week as children turned their Greek clothing designs into reality using their sewing skills! We have all sorts of different outfits to be worn in the Ancient Greek period.

Rugby Festival Woodside travelled to Lammas school on Wednesday with year 4 to take part in a rugby festival, they had the opportunity to try out a variety of games all based upon rugby. The school done extremely well , showing real skill and progression throughout the afternoon. Mr Jordon adds 'the children showed amazing skills throughout the afternoon , I look forward to seeing them in action later on this year at a tournament'

On Thursday afternoon Woodside continued they're development of rugby with Buxton school traveling to visit Woodside to play in a tag rugby fixture , 12 children representing the school. The afternoon was a great success with lots of sporting potential on display , a true marvel to watch. Mr Jordon ads 'it is really great to see how far these children have progressed in rugby even over a short period of time, well done to all of the year 5s for taking part.'

1W: Elena Maryam 1S:

5S: Aya - for always showing a positive attitude towards her work

Rayah Yahya

Azhar - for putting in a great effort to improve his

1H: Ismail Antonio 1B:

Emma Ajani

Handwriting 5B : Matei Rusnac - being proactive and choosing smart work spaces. He has also put a tremendous amount of effort in improving his behaviour which has had a

2W: Nahir for trying really hard to listen on the carpet and be quiet in the line.

great impact on the quality of his work. Yusuf Abokey - has consistently ben making good

Rihanna for working very hard to improve her writing.

choices to illuminate distractions and improve his work - has shown huge growth as a leader in the

2B: Ahmet for encouraging others to make the right choices and playing sensibly with others in the playground. Lilia for showing determination in her work and having a positive attitude in lessons. 2R: Aggelos: For amazing work all week, especially in Mathematics. Wow! Well done and keep up the independence and determination!

classroom this week 5H: Yahya - demonstrating good understanding and application of mathematical methods Sana for being a leader in me and being proactive in learning her times tables 5W: Keerthiyan - Really good attitude towards his learning Rihan - trying really hard with her maths

Amir: For lovely reading in Guided Reading this week. How nice it was to listen to you read! Well done! 2C: Aleeya: for trying hard in Literacy to sound out her words using her phonics knowledge. Abdul: for trying hard in all areas of the curriculum. I have been very impressed with your contributions during the carpet input.

6H: Cameron - for independence in his work across all curriculum areas Sarah - determination to do her best in her mathematics work. 6B:

Mario – for focusing more on his work and for writing

2S: Olivia – For starting the term brilliantly and stepping back into routine without fussing.

a great firework poem.

Harron – for trying his best to improve his listening in class.

and for continuing to try her best.

Alanna – for a great attitude towards her learning 6W: Shana for showing determination to improve her presentation. Jonson for showing confidence and determination in maths. 6S:

Dante - Showing real determination and independence in his maths work this week. Breana - Always being patience and showing kindness towards others.