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SALE 770


8, 1995


AUCTION GALLERIES , INC . PARK AVENUE TOWER, 17th FLOOR. 65 EAST 55th STREET NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10022 TEL. (212) 753-6421· FAX (212 ) 753-6429

Scott R. Trepel President

Roberta Siegel Edelstein Vi ce President

Elizabeth C. Pope Vice President Administration


Cindy Stein Rosanne Trepel Khem Persaud

David Petruzelli Scott R. Trepel

Robert A. Siegel 1913-1993

Sale 770

Wednesday Evening, November 8, 1995 Arrangemen t of Sale Category

1850, Ip Crimson-Lake, Plate 11, unused pair


1838 Two-Penny Post.. .... ...


The Sydney View Issues I-Penny........ .... .. ............. 2-Pence ... .... .. . ... ... .. .... ..... 3-Pence .......... .. .... ...........

7-23 24-58 59-67

Victoria and New South Wales Mixed Frankings ............ 68-69

(lot 4043)

The V. P. Manwood Collection of New South Wales 1838-1860 Featuring

Sydney View, Laureate and Diadem Issues Stamps, Multiples, Cancellations and Covers

Victoria Used in N.S.W...... Butterfly Cancellations ...... Diamond of Dots Cancellations ................ ..

70-71 71-75

Sub-Office Markings ..........



Sydney View and Laureate 77-79 Mixed-Issue Frankings ... The Laureate Issues U nwatermarked Paper .. 80-101 Watermarked Paper ....... 101-106 Registration Stamp ........ 107-112 The Diadem Issues Essays and Proofs .... .. .. .. . 113-117 Issued Stamps .. .. .. .... .. ..... 118-143

Wednesday Evening, November 8, 1995, 6:30 p.m. at our Galleries This sale will be held in conjunction with our sale of The Honolulu Advertiser Collection. Prospective buyers should allow sufficient time for viewing during the hours listed below.

Pre-Sale Exhibition Friday, November 3 Monday, November 6 Tuesday, November 7

10:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Please note that there is no viewing on the day of sale. To arrange an appointment for viewing at another time, please feel welcome to call (212) 753-6421.

On The Cover 1850 2p Plate II Late tete-beche pair on cover (lot 4166)

Conditions of Sale Th e prop e rty d escribed in thi s ca ta logu e will b e o ffe red a t publi c a u ctio n by Ro be rt A. Si ege l Auc tion Gall e ri es, In c. ("Ga ll e ri es ") o n b e h a lf o f various consig nors a nd itse lf o r a ffili a te d compani es. By placing a bid on an y lo t, th e bidd e r acknowledges a cce ptance of a nd will b e bo und to the se Conditi o n s o f Sa le . I . Th e high est bidd e r ackn owl ed ge d by th e a u ctio n ee r sh a ll b e t h e buyer. Th e te rm "fin a l bid " m eans th e last bid acknowle d ged by th e a u c tio n ee r , whi c h is norm a lly th e high e st bid o ffe r e d. The purchase price payable by the buyer will be the sum of the final bid and a commission of 10% of the final bid ("buyer's premium"), together with any sales tax or use tax which may be due on the sale. 2. Th e au c ti o n ee r h as th e ri g ht to reject any bid , to a dva n ce th e bidding at his discre tion and, in the eve nt o f a di spute b e twee n bidd e r s, to determin e the successful bidd e r , to continue th e bidding or to reoffer a nd rese ll th e lot in di spute. Th e Gall e ri es ' reco rd o f th e fi n a l sale sh a ll b e co nclusive. 3. All bids are p er numbere d lo t in th e catalog u e unless oth e rwise a nnounced b y th e a u ction ee r a t th e time of sa le . Th e right is r ese rved to group two o r mo re lo ts, to withdraw any lo t o r lo ts from th e sale, or to a ct o n b e h a lf o f th e se ll e r. Th e Ga ll e ri es will e xecute biddin g instruc ti o n s o n be h a lf o f clie nts, but will n o t be re spo n sibl e for a n y e r ro rs in the e xecution o f su ch bids. 4. Lot numbers followed by the symbol are offered subject to one or more of the following conditions: (i) th e lo t is subj ect to a minimum fi n a l bid ("re serve") , be low whic h it will not b e sold , (ii ) the Galle rie s h ave adva n ced m o nies to th e selle r a nd h ave a fin a n c ia l inte r est in the lo t, (iii ) th e Galleries h ave g u a ra nteed the se lle r a minimum sale price , and (iv) th e Gall e ri e s m ay have own e rship inte r est in th e lo t, e ith e r in p a rt o r whole. Th e a b se n ce o f th e symbol 0 mean s tha t the lot is offe re d witho ut rese rve. 5. An y lo t, th e d esc ripti o n o f whi c h is obviously in co rrec t, is re turn a ble , but only if the lot is re turn e d within 14 days of rece ipt. All disputed lo ts must b e re turn e d intac t with th e original p ackin g m a te ria l. The following lots may not be returned for any reason: Lots containing ten or more items; lots from buyers who have registered for the pre·sale exhibition or received lots by postal viewing, thereby having had the opportu. nity to inspect them before the sale; any lot described with "faults" or "defects" may not be returned because of any fault or defect. No illustrated lots may be returned because of centering, margins or other factors shown in the iIIusrations. 6. Successful bidde rs, unless th ey have e stablish e d c re dit with th e G a lle ries prior to th e sal e, must m a ke paym e nt in full b e fore th e lo ts will b e d e livered. Buyer s not known to th e Gall e ri es must make paym e nt in full within three d ays from th e date o f sale . Th e Ga lle ri e s re tain th e right to 0

d e m a nd p aym e nt a t the tim e th e lot is kn oc ke d d o wn to th e hig h e st bidd e r , fo r a n y reaso n wh a tsoe ve r. In th e eve nt that a n y buyer r e fuse s o r fa ils to m a ke paym e nt in cash for a n y lot a t th e tim e it is knocked d o wn to him , the a uc tio n e er rese rves th e rig ht to reoffe r the lot imm e di a te ly for sal e to th e hig h e st bidde r. 7. If th e purch ase price has n o t been p a id within th e tim e limit sp ecifi e d a bove , n o r lots ta ke n up within seve n d ays from th e d a te of sa le , th e lo ts will be resold by whate ver mea n s d ee m e d appro pri a te by the Ga ll e ri es, and a n y lo ss in curre d from resale will be c h a rge d to th e d e fa ultin g buye r. An y account m ore than thirty d ays in a rre ars will b e subj e ct to a la te p aym e nt ch a rge o f I V2% p e r month as lo ng as th e acco unt r e m a ins in a rrears. An y e xpe nses in curre d in sec uring payme nt from delinquent ac counts will be charged to th e defaulte r. S. All lo ts a re so ld as ge nuin e. Any lot which is accompanied by an expert certificate (for U.S . items, the accepted authority is The Philatelic Foundation), dated within the past five years of the sale date, is sold "as is" and in accordance with the description on the certificate. Such lots may not be returned for any reason, including but not limited to a contrary certificate of opinion obtained after the sale. Buye rs who wish to o bta in a ce rtifi ca te fo r a n y item th a t is not a ccompa ni e d by a ce rtifi cate dated within th e past five years m ay do so , provide d that the followin g conditi o n s a re met: (l) the purchase price must b e paid in full , (2) the item must b e submitted to an a ccepta bl e ex p e rtizing committe e with a pro p e rly e xec ute d a ppli cati o n fo rm within 21 d ays o f th e sa le, (3) a copy of the a pplicatio n fo rm must b e give n to th e Galleri e s, (4) in th e event th a t a n adve rse o pini o n is receive d , th e Galleries re ta in th e right to re submit the ite m o n th e buye r ' s b e h a lf fo r reconside ratio n , without tim e limit o r o th e r r estricti o n s, (5 ) unl e ss writte n n o tifi cati o n to th e co ntrary is received , ite m s submitte d fo r ce rtifi ca tio n will b e consid e re d cleare d 90 d ays fro m th e date o f sale, and (6 ) in th e eve nt an y ite m is d e te rmin e d to b e "not as d escribe d ", the buye r will b e r efund e d the purchase price, plus inte re st accru e d on th e purch a se pri ce a t th e preva iling Treasu ry Bill Ra te from th e d a te o f p ayment, a nd th e ce rtifi ca tion fee up to $ 100.00 unl ess oth e rwise agre e d . 9 . U ntil paid fo r in full, a ll lo ts re m a in th e pro p e rty of th e Gall e ries o n be half of the se lle r. 10. Age nts ex ec utin g bids on b e half of clie nts will b e h e ld r esp o n sibl e fo r a ll purch ases made on b e h a lf of cli e nts unless oth e rwi se a rranged pri o r to th e sa le. II . The buye r assumes all risk for delivery o f purc hase d lo ts, and agrees to p ay for all out-o fpoc ket costs in c urre d in shipping. SCOTT R. TREPEL N.Y.C. Au cti o ne e r ' s License No . 795952 RASAG 1/ 94

Terms and Abbreviations Used In Descriptions Centering Th e width o f m a rg in s and th e ce nte ring of th e d es ig n within pe rfo rations are g rad ed in stri ct acco rda n ce with th e Sco tt Sta nd a rd Postage Sta mp Cata log ue sta nd a rd s. T h e fo ll o win g grad es a re use d : Extremely Fine (EF): Exce pti o n a ll y large ma rgins o r n ea r perfec t ce nte rin g , u sed to d esc ribe sta mps which a re of supe ri o r g rad e fo r th e issu e . Very Fine (VF): Norm a l size margins for th e issu e a nd we ll-ce nte red with de sig n a bit cl ose r to o n e sid e . Please note that this grade is superior to the one on which Scott Catalogue retail prices are based. Fine (F): Impe rforate sta mps m ay h ave sm all e r th a n u sual m a rg in s a nd pe rfo ra ted sta mps will b e n o tice ably o ff- ce nte r. Issu es b efore 1890 may have th e d esig n to u c h ed in pla ces. If used , fa irl y lig htly can ce ll ed . Very Good (VG): Attrac tive a ppeara n ce, but m a rg in s o r p e rfora tio ns may c ut in to . Good (G): Ave rage o ff-ce nte r ed e xa mple with slight fa ults. Thi s co ndition is ge ne ra lly acce pta bl e fo r multiples and ra riti es.

Gum Stamps issued b efo re 1900 sh o uld not be expected to ha ve o riginal gum unless spec ifi cally sta ted in the description . 20th Ce ntury issu es may be expecte d to h a ve o rigin a l g um unless describe d o th e rwi se. T e rms used to describe th e co nditi o n of gum are as follow s: Mint: As issu ed by th e post o ffi ce a nd never hinged. Original Gum (O.G.): Sta mp re tains full original gum sh owin g slig ht disturban ce cau se d by previous hinge, whi ch may b e p rese nt o r e ntirely removed. Ea rly 19th ce ntu ry sta mps sho uld b e expec ted to sh ow cracklin g and to nin g in g um , whi c h occurs naturally ove r tim e . Part Original Gum: U p to h alf o f th e gum is mi ssin g, but th e re mainin g portion is ori gin al. Disturbed Original Gum: Th e g um is o riginal to th e sta mp , but h as b ee n no ti ceab ly affec ted by hinge re m oval a nd/ o r humidity, mo unt glazin g, etc . Hinge Mark: No ti cea bl e a rea wh e re hinge has bee n re mo ve d a nd g um has b ee n redi stributed. Sta mps d esc ribed with hin ge ma rk s m ay not be return ed because o f g um disturba n ce . Hinge Remnant (H.R. ): All o r part o f hinge re ma ining affi xed to gum .

Covers Minor ni c ks, tears a nd slig ht redu cti o n from o p e nin g a r e to be ex pec ted in 19th ce ntury cove rs. Fo ld ed le tte rs norm all y h ave tea rs in th e reve rse and fil e fo ld s, whi c h will n o t be me ntio ned unl ess th ey affec t th e sta mps or m a rkin gs. Li g ht cl eanin g of cove rs is a n acce pted fo rm o f conse rva ti o n a nd is n o t g r o und s fo r re turn o f a lo t. Th e te rm s "Extrem e ly Fin e", e tc., a re mea nt to co nvey th e ove rall app ea ra n ce of cover, n o t th e co nditi o n of a n individu al sta mp.

Catalogue Values and Estimates Unless o th e rwise n o ted , U .S. sta mps a re catalogue d acco rdin g to th e Scott 1995 U.S. Specialized Catalogue o r Vo lume 1 (previo u s editio ns have been used to catalogue ce rtain Spec ia l Printings). Scott 1995 Volum es 1-5 have been u sed for British a nd fo re ig n stamps. Th e 1995 Stanley Gibbons British Common wealth Catalogue a nd oth er for e ign cata logu es are cited where app ro pri a te . Catalogue value s a re indi ca te d by decimal figures in th e rig ht column (for exampl e, "175.00"). Sta mps in extremely fin e quality and ite ms for which catalogue value s a re not available have bee n give n estimate ranges (for example "E. 750-1 ,000 "). Lots offered subj ec t to a re se rve will never be re se rved for more than the estimate (u sually a fra ction of the estimate ) .

Symbols and Abbreviations





FC o .g. pmk. var.

Mint (n eve r hin ged ) Unuse d (w ith or wi th o ut g um , as described ) Bloc k o f fo ur o r la rge r Fold ed le tte r o r cove r Fa n cy ca n ce l Orig inal g u m Po stma rk (in bl ack unl ess d esc rib ed o th e rwi se) Varie ty

No . cd s hs E


Sco tt Ca talogu e Numbe r Circ ula r dates ta mp Ha nd sta mp Essay Proof Tri al color proof Re print

Copyright Notice: This catalogue is protec te d by copyright. Th e d e scriptions, format, illu strations a nd information used h e re in may not be reprinte d, distributed or copied in any form without the express writte n consent of Robe rt A. Siege l Auction Gall eri es. Application for permission may be made in writing. © 1995, Robert A. Siege l Auction Galleries, Inc .

FOREWORD The following commentary on the V. P. Manwood Co llection of New South Wales has been generously contributed by one of the foremost authorities on Australasian philately, Mr. Geoffrey Kellow. We are grateful to Mr. Kello w for providing this most informative background to New South Wales philately, and we wish to acknowledge his work in preparing the Manwood collection for exhibition. The owner of the collection also wishes to express his profound gratitude to Mr. Robson Lowe, whose distinguished career in philately provided three generations of the owner's family with professional guidance and service .

New South Wal es was es tablished as a pe nal co lony in 1788, and appropriately the first postmaster, in 1809, was an ex-co nvict, Isaac Nichols. Des pite these humble beginnings , New South Wales commands a pre-eminent position in classic philate ly. In 1838, e mbossed lettersheets which prepaid postage within the Sydney city limits were issued. These were the idea of the Postmaster , j ames Ra ymond, who had read Rowla nd Hill 's pamphlet advocating postal reform. The Sydney prepaid stationery was a world first and preceded the issue of the Penn y Black by e ighteen months. Examp les of these item s in th e " Manwood" co llection includ e the ea rliest recorded date of use. New South Wales became the tenth country in the world to issue adhesive stamps, on j anuary 1, 1850. The imperforate issu es form three distinct gro ups-the "Sydney Views " , the "Laureates", and the "Diadems". The "Sydney Views" plates , for Id , 2d and 3d valu es, were each hand-engraved on copper by a different engraver. Subsequent wear meant that the Id plate had to be re-engraved once, and the 2d plate four times. The "Sydney Vi e ws " are noteworthy for being amongst the first stamp issues eve r to be " plated " by philate li sts, and it is probabl y accurate to say th at these stamps were th e most popular in th e world a mongst serious collectors at the tu rn of th e 20th ce ntury. T he " Laureates" we re a lso hand-engraved plates , and re-engravings were need ed of the 2d (twice) and 6d plates. Even as the "Laureates" were be in g prepared and issu ed, arrangements were being made for the production of engraved stamps by Perkins, Bacon & Co. in London. These were the " Diad e ms" , and their interest is e nhan ced by the fact that a ll printings were made in the colony. The first issues of New So uth Wales have always he ld a fascination, and been th e most popular of Austra lian issues , for th e great collectors. There remain four major perm a ne nt co llections still intact. These are the H. L. White and A. A. Vick e ry co llections, both in Sydney museums , the Tapling Collection in the British Library, and the Ro ya l Philatelic Co ll ection. The Tapling and White Co ll ections were both completed by 1910. However , the Vickery and Royal Co ll ections include mu c h material from the Fe rrary and Arthur Hind Co ll ec tions. Later famous co ll ectors who have formed important co ll ections of New South Wa les include Pack, Caspary , Burrus, Dal e/ Lichtenstein , Lilly and Boker. The most notable of the specialized New South Wales co llec tors have been George Ginge r , john Hutson and W.R.D. Wiggins in the U.K., and Theodore Steinway in U.S.A. The " Manwood" collection is replete with material from all these sources and represents the finest collection of imperforate New South Wales that is possible today. The collection is particularly strong in unused multiples, and in this regard contains almost all the significant items that are still available. The covers includ e important sections of " mixed issue" frankings and of the interchangeable use of "Sydney Views" with Victoria 's "Half-Length " stamps. The collection also contain s what is universally considered to be the most important, and most valuab le, item of Austra las ian philately. This is the vertica l tete-beche pair of the 2d Sydney View used on cover. This is the only such pair known, and proves that th e stamps were produced by a " print a nd turn" techniq u e on large sheets of paper. The cover, discovered in 1903, is further e nh a nced b y being addressed to Charles Latrobe , th e then Superinte ndent of the Port Phillip District (and following political separat ion, the first Governor of Victoria). The cover at first graced the New South Wales co ll ection of Harvey Clarke, and later passed into the co llection of Australi a n rarities formed by Louis Mein e rtzhagen. In 1941 it was acquired by Alfred F. Lichtenstein , and o nly r eappeared on the market with the dispersal of the Dale/ Lichtenstein Austra li ans in 1990. This unique piece is hard to surpass for its spectacular nature and its d ee p technical interest. Geoffrey Kellow


1838, Sydney Two-Penny Post. Em bossed sta mp o n p a rt o f e ntire wit h b old r ed " FREE/ NO*29/l8 39" cr ow n oval d ates ta mp , sea led crac k in em bossin g TH E EAR LI EST RECO RDED U SE O F TH E SYDNEY POST OFFI CE STAMP- T H E WO RLD 'S FIRST PREPAID POSTAGE, PRE-DATI NG BY TWO YEARS GREAT BRITAI N 'S FI RST ISSU E.

Spurred o n by a co p y of Rowland Hill 's 183 7 p amphlet on p os tal reform , the New South Wales p os tmaster , James Ray mo n d , intro du ced th e world 's fir st pre p aid p os tage stamp in Nove mber 18 38 . T h e colorless e mbossin g was a pplied with a die sh owin g th e Royal Arms, en gr aved by W . Wilso n . Th e stati one r y was so ld for 1'12p eac h or Ish 3p p e r d oze n and we r e va lid within the Sydney Local Post, for which the n o rm al rate was 2p . T he e mbossed sta mp s did n ot prove p opul ar , des pite a price r edu ct io n in 184 1, but r e ma in e d in use un til 185 1. Exa mpl es a r e ve r y ra r e , thi s be in g th e earli est dated use. Ex C . Bo uch e r .... ..... ..... ......... ....... ..... .... .. ... .......... ....... ........ E. $ 3,000-4 ,000 1838, Sydney Two-Penny Post. Clear e m boss in g o n cr ea m letters h eet sta mp ed to o rd e r a nd a d d r essed to W . R. Scott in Syd ne y, r e d " FR EE/O C* 20/l 840" crow n o va l d ates ta mp , sma ll r e p a ired nick a t top of lette rshee t TH E EA RLI EST RE CO RD ED CO MPLETE ENT I RE WIT H T HI S SYD N EY LOCA L POST STA M P-THE WO RLD'S FIRST POSTAGE STA MP.

T h e p u blic was a lso pe rmitted to br in g statio ne r y to th e p os t o ffi ce for sta mpin g . Thi s exam pl e is th e earli es t d a ted co mplete en tire a nd sh ows emboss in g thro u g h all fo ld s, indicatin g its sta mped-to -o rd er status..... ... .... ..... ............ E. $3, 000-4 ,000 S I EGE L AUCTI ON GALLE RI ES

- 5 -

NOVEMBE R 8 , 1995

1838, Sydney Two-Penny Post. Clear e mbossin g o n fold ed pos t office lette rshee t addressed to Mr. Th omas Horton o n Elizabeth Street, red " FR EE/OC* 1/1842" crown oval d atesta mp , blac k fr amed " 1 O 'CLOC K" timestamp , Very Fin e , th e seco nd ea rliest date of th e kn ow n exa mples of thi s rar e New South Wales local post sta mp E. $ 2,000- 2,5 00 1838, Sydney Two-Penny Post. U nu se d le tte r sh eet o n g ray ish ve rticall y la id p a pe r , cl ea r e mboss in g , pe ncil n ote o n r ever se "Guamnteed the only tme oTiginal kind Teceived from Sir Daniel CoopeT" a nd sign ed "Edward Pem ber-ton ", th e Sydn ey e mbossed sta mp was fir st bro u g ht to li g ht b y Sir Da ni e l Coo p e r in 186 9 , late r r e prints ex ist on ye ll ow ish wove p a p er. ..... .. . .. ... ............. ... ... ........ ............... ..... . E. $750-1 ,000 1838, Sydney Two-Penny Post. Unu sed p a le gr ee ni sh white wr a pp er with simi la r e mbosse d d es ig n but in ova l fo rm at, possibly used fo r n ews p a p er s, o nl y two exampl es kn ow n , both unu sed ... .. .. ... ... .... . . .... .... ... ...... ..... .. .... .. . E. $750-1 ,000 S I EGE L AUCTI ON GALLERIES

- 6 -

NOVEMBER 8 , 1995




4006° p

1850, Ip Red , Plate Proof on Thin Yellowish Paper. Left sh ee t marg in block of fiftee n reco n stru cted from corner blocks of six a nd nine , th e for me r (Pos. 1-3/6-8) h as a fa int co lo rl ess impress ion of th e ova l g rid "2 6" ca ncel of Shoa l have n (ex Pack and Wigg in s), th e la tte r (Pos. 11-1 3116- 18/ 2 1-23) is one of the la r gest recorded multipl es of the 1p proof (e x Dal e -Li chte n ste in ), sli g ht creas in g in bo th , e ndin g in a sma ll tea r in the larger block, still an o utsta ndin g ex hibition ite m E. $4, 000- 5, 000

4007 ° E

1849, Ip Red, Sydney View Lithographed Essay. Pos. 13-1 5, h o ri zo ntal str ip of three, a mpl e m a r g ins to sli ghtly in , tin y th in spot in ce nter sta mp , fa int d isco loration on back o nl y, otherw ise Fin e a nd ra re .... ..... . ... .. ..... .. E. $750- 1,000


- 7 -

NOVEMBE R 8, 1995



1850, Ip Reddish Rose, PI. I (SG 3; Sc. 1). Pas. 19, unused, clear to amp le margins , rich color, Very Fine, with 1990 R.P.S . certificate, Scott Retail $4,750 .00 ... ..................... .......... ... ... .. SG £3,750 4008

1850, Ip Brownish Red, PI. I (SG 4; Sc. 1). Pas. 6, unused, full to large margins, fresh, thinned but of Extremely Fine appearance , rare unused, ex Ginger, with 1946 R.P.S . certificate, Scott Retail $4,75 0.00........ ......... ..... .... SG £4,000 4009

1850, Ip Pale Red, Bluish Wove, PI. I (SG 5; Sc. Ib) . Pas. 6, unu sed, full even margins , beautiful bright shade A FRESH AND EXTREMELY FINE UNUSED EXAMPLE FROM PLATE I.

With 1989 R.P.S . certificate, Scott Retail $4, 750.00..... . .. ...... ...... .... .. SG £3 ,750

4011° *


1850 , lp Pale Red, Bluish Wove, PI. I (SG 5; Sc. lb). Pas. 6 , unused , fu ll even margins all aro und AN EXTREMELY FINE UNUSE D EXAMPLE FROM PLATE I AND A GREAT RARITY I N SUCH COND ITI ON.

Ex Ferrary. Signed Bloch. With 1976 R.P.S. certificate . Scott Retail $4, 750 .00 ... ... ..... .. . ..... ...... .... ..... .... .... SG £3,750



8 -

NOVEMBER 8, 1995

1850, Ip Pale Red, Bluish Wove, PI. I (SG 5; Sc. Ib). Pos. 4, unused , lar ge even margin s, acco mpan yin g R.P .S. ce rtificate d esc r ibes co lo r a s "A littl e fad ed " which see m s at odds with r ea lity (please refer to colo r ph otog raph ), m entio n is a lso mad e of a small thin " probab ly as a res ult of gum r e mov al", trul y a n Extre m ely Fin e sta mp d es pite th ese comm e nts, ex Ferra ry, Scott Re ta il $4,75 0.00 ... ... ...... .... . .... ....... .... .... ......... ..... .. ..... .. .. .. SG £3,75 0

401 3° *

401 2

1850, Ip Pale Red, Bluish Wove, PI. I (SG 5; Sc. Ib). U nu se d , no dot in S.W. star, la r ge eve n m ar gin s, li ghtly so il ed , tin y thin sp ec k, so me traces of ori g inal g um, Extre m ely Fin e app ea rance, with 196 1 B. P .A. ce rtifi cate , Scott Re tail $4, 750.00 ...... .... .... ... .. .... .. . SG £3,75 0

40 13


40 14

401 5

40 16


401 7

401 4°

1850, Ip Carmine, PI. I (SG 2; Sc. I). Pos. 12, la rge eve n ma rgins , fin e impression , oval grid , Ex trem ely Fine, Sco tt Re tail $35 0.00 .. .. . ...... ..... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. SG £400

401 5°

1850, Ip Carmine, PI. I (SG 2; Sc. I). Pos. 20 , no dot in N.W. star, large eve n m a r g ins , d eep ri ch co lor a nd impress io n , "4 0" ova l grid (Bo mb all a), Ex tre me ly Fin e, Scott Reta il $35 0.0 0... . ...... ..... .. ..... . .... .. .. ..... .. .... ... . .. .. . .. .. . . ... .. .. SG £4 00 1850, Ip Carmine, PI. I (SG 2; Sc. I). Pos. 15, full to huge m argin s, rich col o r , ova l grid , Ver y Fine, Sco tt Re tai l $35 0.00 .. ... ... .... . .... ... .. .. . ..... .... . ... .. ..... . ... SG £400 1850, Ip Carmine, PI. I (SG 2; Sc. 1). Pos. 10, full even mar gins, ova l g rid , Ve r y Fine, Scott Re tail $35 0.00. ... .. . ... .. .... . .. ... . . ..... ...... .. ..... ... ... .. .. .. .. . .... .. . SG £400


- 9 -

NO VEM B ER 8, 1995

1850, Ip Reddi sh Rose, PI. I (SG 3; Sc. 1). Pos. Lar ge ma r gin s, fin e impress io n , n eat ova l grid , Ex tre mely Fin e, Sco tt Reta il $35 0 .00. . ...... ..... ... ... ... ...... SG £3 75 1850 , Ip R e ddi s h Ro se , PI. I (SG 3; Sc . 1). Pos. 1 1, la r ge m a r g in s, r ich co lor , ligh tly ca nce lle d , faint h o ri zonta l crease, sti ll Extre mely Fine , Sco tt Re ta il $35 0 .00 ..... .. .... .. ..... . ..... ...... .... .. .... ... .. ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... ...... .. .. ..... ... .... .. ... .. . SG £3 75 185 0 , Ip Reddi sh Rose, PI. I (SG 3; Sc. 1). Pos. 19 , large to hu ge mar gin s show in g bit of adj oinin g sta mp at ri ght , lig h tly ca nce ll ed , faint h ori zo nta l cr ease , Extre mely Fin e a ppeara n ce, Sco tt Reta il $35 0 .00 .. ........... .... ... . ..... . ..... .... ....... ... . SG £3 75 0

4 02 1

185 0, 1 P Reddis h Rose, PI. I (SG 3; Sc. 1). Pos . 6, full to la r ge ma r gin s, ova l gr id , Very Fin e , Sco tt Retail $35 0.00 .. ... .... .. . .. .. .... .. . .. .. ..... ..... . ..... ... .. .. . ... .. SG £375 1850, Ip Reddish R ose, PI. I (SG 3; Sc . 1). Pos. 18, fu ll to lar ge mar gin s, oval grid , tin y thin , Ve r y Fine a ppearance , Scott Re ta il $35 0 .00 ... .... ......... ..... ... .. SG £3 75 185 0, 1P Reddish Rose, PI. I (SG 3; Sc. 1). Pos. 1, clea r to am pie ma rgin s, "7 1" ova l gr id (Ta m wo rt h) a nd small bit of blu e cd s, Fin e, Scott Retail $350.00 . .... . SG £375

4 024


185 0, Ip Pale Red , Bluish Wove, PI. I (SG 5; Sc. Ib). Pos . 9, large eve n margins, ova l gr id , faint th in sp ec k, Extremely Fine a ppea rance , Scott Retail $45 0.00 .. ... SG £3 75 1850, Ip Pal e R e d , Bluis h Wove , PI. I (SG 5 ; Sc . Ib). Pos. 2 , a mp le to la r ge margin s, ova l g rid , Ve ry Fin e, Sco tt Retail $45 0 .00. .... ...... . ... ... .. ... ... ... SG £3 75 1850, Ip P ale Red , Bluish Wove, PI. I (SG 5; Sc. Ib) . Pos. 23, full to la rge ma rg ins, lig htl y ca nce lled , Ve ry Fin e, Sco tt Reta il $45 0.00 .... .. .. ... ... .. .. ... ... . .... .. . SG £3 75



10 -

NOVEM BER 8 , 1995



1850, Ip Reddish Rose, PI. I (SG 3; Sc. 1). Pos . 14- I S/l9-20 , block of four, large margins , rich co lor, lig htl y cancell ed by oval grids, lower left stamp h as tiny natural pap e r inclusion , tin y sea led margin tear at left A VERY FINE AND BEAUTIFUL BLOCK. ON LY THREE USE D BLOCKS OF T H E I -PENNY PLATE I ARE RECORDED , ONE OF WH I C H IS UNAVA ILABLE TO CO LLE CTO RS .

Of the 1p Plate I stamp , Forster records two used bloc ks of four in pri vate h ands and one used block of eight in the Tapling collection at the British Libra ry. Th is block is ex Caspary, Butterwick and Boker (1981, realized £ 10,000) .............. ... ... ... . . .... .. ........ ... ........ ... .................................... ........ .. ..... ... .. .. E. $20,000-30,000



II -




12 -

NOVEMBE R 8 , 1995



1850 , Ip Reddish Rose, PI. I (SG 3; Sc. 1). Pos. 16-19, horizontal strip of four, mostl y large margin s except at lower right where clear, ova l gr id s, r ich co lor and Very Fin e, a rare multiple in choice quality , ex Hind . ... ... ......... E. $3, 000-4 ,000

1850, Ip Carmine, PI. I (SG 2; Sc. 1). Pos. 8-9, horizontal pair , large eve n margins , ri ch color, fin e impressio n , n eat ova l grids, Extreme ly Fin e Gem qu a lity pair, ex Caspary ...................... ...................................... .. ....................... SG £800+

1850, Ip Carmine, PI. I (SG 2; Sc. 1). Horizontal pair, large even margins, deep rich color and fine impres sion, "8 9" ova l grids (Kempsey) in brown ish ink, Extremely Fin e and ch oice pair... ....... ........................................... SG £800 +


403 1

1850, 1P Reddish Rose, PI. I (SG 3; Sc. 1). Horizontal pair , large even margins, fin e impression, "48" ova l grid s (Tarcutta), Extreme ly Fine..... .... ....... SG £750 +

1850, Ip Reddish Rose, PI. I (SG 3; Sc. 1). Pos. 14-1 5, horizontal pair , large even margins, ova l grids, Extremely Fine ... ... .. ....................................... SG £750+

1850, Ip Reddish Rose, PI. I (SG 3; Sc. 1). Pos. 2 1-22, horizontal p a ir, large to huge margins , deep shade and fine impress ion, ova l grids, Extreme ly Fin e and choice pair , ex Caspary, signed A. Diena .... .. .... ... .... ... . .. ... .. ... . .. .. . .... SG £750+

1850, Ip Reddish Rose, PI. I (SG 3; Sc. 1). Pos. 2 1-22, h orizontal pair , large eve n margins, "32" ova l gr id s (Berrim a), Extreme ly Fine ........ .. ................ SG £750+

1850, Ip Reddish Rose, PI. I (SG 3; Sc. 1). Pos . 13-14 , hori zontal pair , fu ll to large margins, ova l gr id s, Very Fine and cho ice .... ....... .. ..... ..... ..... ... . .... .. . SG £750 +

1850, Ip Reddish Rose, PI. I (SG 3; Sc. 1). Pos. 7-8, h orizonta l pair , full even margins , "66" oval grids (Sin gleton), Very Fine pair...... ... ..................... SG £750 +

1850, Ip Reddish Rose, PI. I (SG 3; Sc. 1). Pos. 3-4, horizontal pair, ample to large margins , rich color, nea t "25" ova l grids (Kiama), sli ght thin affects both , Very Fin e appearance... ....................................................... ............... ..... ... SG £750 +

1850, Ip Brownish Red, PI. I (SG 4; Sc. 1). Pos. 16-17 , horizontal pair , mostly large margins, clear at bottom left, dee p rich co lor, ova l grids, Very Fine.... SG £800 +

1850, Ip Pale Red, Bluish Wove, PI. I (SG 5; Sc. Ib). Pos. 24-25, horizontal pair, mostly large margins, close at top ri g ht corner, ova l grid s, two tiny tea rs at bottom left, otherwise Very Fin e. . .... . .. ... ....... .. .... . .... . ...... .. .... .. ... . ... . ...... .... SG £750+ SIE GEL AUCTION GALLER I ES


13 -

NOVEMBER 8, 1995


· On: ,aNet 011Cr(i€Al;;I'J'~~. . "





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1850, I p Brigh t Red , PI. I (SG 3; Sc. 1). Two horizontal pairs (Pos, 11-12 and 2 122), mostly full marg ins , touching in p laces, pinhole in one, used with 185 0 2p Grayis h Blue, PI. I (SG 15; Sc. 3a), horizontal pair, earliest impression, cancelled by "65 " oval grid of Wollombi on legal- size fo ld ed cover endorsed "On HeT Majesty's Service" and "Police Office Wollombi 8th March 1850" and addressed to the Criminal Crown So licitor at Sydney, Woll ombi crown circle a nd Sydney rimless datestamp on bac k, th e content is the last page of a printed a pplica tion and p e tition to co mmit someone of "unso und mind " AN EXTREMELY FINE AND O UTSTAN DING SYDNEY VIEW COVE R WITH A UN IQ UE FRANKING AND RARE NUMERAL CANCE LLAT ION.

Ex Dr. Wiggins"" .... """"""""" ... ,,"""",,... ... . .... ... ... ..... ..



14 -

E. $2 0 ,000- 30 ,000

NOVEMBER 8, 1995


4041 404 1°rg]

1850, Ip Reddish Rose, PI. I (SG 3; Sc. 1). Used with 1850, 2p Blue, Retouched, PI. I (SG 19; Sc. 4), both with large even margins, tied by oval grids, "PAID SHIP LETTER/SYDNEY/AP* 19/1 850" crown oval datestamp on folded cover to Wellington, New Zealand, receiving datestamp, Extremely Fine and rare use of the Sydney Views to New Zea land, with 1992 Brandon certifi cate................ E. $4,000-5,000




1850, Ip Carmine, PI. I (SG 2; Sc. 1). Two singles, large even margins, earliest impression in deep rich co lor, one has sli ght crease, tied by "3S" oval grid s on I S50 folded cover from Queanbeyan to Brisbane, Moreton Bay District (later Queens land), backstamped at origin (Aug. 16), Sydney (Aug . IS) and on arriva l (Aug. 24), Very Fin e and choice examp le of the I-penny used to prepay 2p inland rate, ex Boucher.................................................................. E. $2,500-3,500 SIEGEL AUCTION GALLER I ES


15 -

NOVEMBER 8, 1995




4043 °*

1850, Ip Crimson-Lake, Bluish Wove, PI. II (SG 9; Sc. 2c). Horizontal pair, unu sed, full margins to close or touching at bottom left, deep rich color A VERY FINE AN D EXTREMELY RARE UNUSED MULTIPLE.

There is one block known, in the Tapling co llection, leavin g p airs as the largest available unu sed multiples. Ex Hutson. With 1956 R.P.S. certificate. SG £5,000 for two sin gles. .. .......... ... ... .... ... . ..... ... ... .. ..... .. ....... .... . ... .......... E. $7,500-10,000



1850, Ip Dull Carmine, PI. II (SG 8; Sc. 2). H orizontal pair , unu sed, large to hu ge ma r gin s except at top right where touched A VE RY FINE EXAMPLE OF THE LARGEST AVAILABLE UNUSE D MULTIPLE.

Ex Pack. SG £5,000 for two singles ................ .. .................. .. ...

E. $5, 000-7,500


4045° *

1850, Ip Dull Carmine, Bluish Wove, PI. II (SG 11; Sc. 2c). Un used , large even margins, r ich co lor and unu sually fres h EXTREMELY FINE AND VE RY RARE UNUSE D, ESPEC IALLY I N TH I S C HOI CE QUALITY.

Ex Ferrary. With 1976 R.P.S. certificate. Scott Retail $2,5 00 .00 ........ .. SIEGEL AVCTIO


- 16 -

SG £2,25 0

NOVEMBE R 8, 1995




1850, Ip Dull Carmine, Bluish Wove, PI. II (SG 11; Sc. 2c). U nused, hu ge even margins, pressed creases, Extremely Fine appearance, with 1983 R.P.S . certificate, Scott Retail $2,500.00.............................................................. ..... SG £2,250


1850, Ip Crimson-Lake , Bluish Wove, PI. II (SG 9; Sc. 2c). Pos . 22, "SID" for "SIC" variety, large to enormou s margins, ova l grid, deep shade described in Amundsen sale as the rare Gooseberry-Red but correctly id e ntified as Crimson-Lake on accompanying 1975 B.P.A. cert ifi cate, Extremely Fine and choice stamp , Scott Reta il $235.00 ....................................................................................... . SG £300 1850, Ip Crimson-Lake, Bluish Wove, PI. II (SG 9; Sc. 2c). Pos . 23, enormous margins all around, oval grid, fresh and Extremely Fine Gem , with 1981 Robson Lowe certificate , Scott Retai l $235.00.............. .. ............... . ................ SG £300 1850, Ip Crimson-Lake, Bluish Wove, PI. II (SG 9; Sc. 2c). Pos. 9, large even margins, oval grid, Extremely Fine, Scott Retail $235.00..... ... .............. SG £300 1850, Ip Crimson-Lake, Bluish Wove, PI. II (SG 9; Sc. 2c). Pos. 19 , large even marg ins , " 64" oval grid (West Maitland), tiny thin speck , Extremely Fine appearance , Scott Retail $235.00............................................................ .... SG £300

4051 °

1850, Ip Crimson-Lake, Bluish Wove, PI. II (SG 9; Sc. 2c). Pos. 4, large even margins, lightly cancelled, faint crease, Extremely Fine appearance, Scott Retail $235 .00. ... ..... ..... . ..... . .. .............................. ...... . ......... . ...... ......... ... SG £300 1850, Ip Crimson-Lake, Bluish Wove, PI. II (SG 9; Sc. 2c). Pos. 10, full to large margins , oval grid, Very Fine, Scott Retail $235. 00..... ..... .......... ......... SG £300 1850, Ip Crimson-Lake, Bluish Wove, PI. II (SG 9; Sc. 2c). Pos . 5, full to large margins excep t for a tiny nick at bottom, lightly cancelled, Very Fine, Scott Retail $235.00... .. . .... . ... ...................... .. ............................ . ........... ..... ..... SG £300


1850, Ip Dull Carmine, Bluish Wove, PI. II (SG 11; Sc. 2c). Pas. 3, huge margins, oval grid, Extremely Fine, Scott Reta il $235.00. ... .. ..... . .... ... .... ... ....... .. SG £275 1850, Ip Dull Carmine, Bluish Wove, PI. II (SG 11; Sc. 2c). Pos. IS , la rge margins all around, oval grid, Extremely Fine, Scott Retail $235.0 0. ..... ....... .. .... SG £275



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NOVEMBER 8, 1995


1850, Ip Dull Carmine, Bluish Wove, PI. II (SG 11; Sc. 2c). Pos. 21, amp le to large margins, li ghtly cance lled, Very Fine , Scott Retail $235.00 .. ............... .. SG £275

4057 °

1850, Ip Dull Carmine, Bluish Wove, PI. II (SG 11; Sc. 2c). Pos. 16, clear to large margins, oval grid, Ve ry Fine , Scott Retail $ 235.00 .... ......................... SG £275

4058 °

1850, Ip Dull Carmine, Bluish Wove, PI. II (SG 11; Sc. 2c). Pos. II , full to large margins , butterfly cance l (indistinct numeral) , Very Fine and c hoice, Scott Retail $235 .00 ....... . .. . ......................................... ....... .......... ....... .. . . ... ..... SG £275

4059 °

1850, Ip Dull Carmine, Bluish Wove, PI. II (SG 11; Sc. 2c). Pas. 12, ample to full margins , ova l grid , Very Fine, Scott Re ta il $235.00............................. SG £275

4060 °

1850, Ip Dull Carmine, Bluish Wove, PI. II (SG 11; Sc. 2c). Pos. 17 , full to large margins , oval grid , Very Fine, Scott Retail $235.00............................. SG £275

406 1°

1850, Ip Dull Carmine, Bluish Wove, Without Clouds, PI. II (SG lIc; Sc. 2g). Pos. 15 , full to large margins, oval grid, Very Fin e, Scott Retail $ 235.00........ SG £475

4062 °

1850, Ip Brownish Red, Bluish Wove, PI. II (SG 12; Sc. 2c). Pos . 14 , large even margins, rich color, ova l grid, Extreme ly Fine and choice , Scott Retail $235.00 ....... ..... . .. . ............ . ............. ............... .... .... . .. . ............ ... ........ ............ .. SG £275

4063 °

1850, Ip Brownish Red, Bluish Wove, PI. II (SG 12; Sc. 2c). Pas. 13, large margins, "78" ova l grid (Cassi lis ), Extremely Fine , Scott Retail $235.00.. SG £275


1850, Ip Brownish Red, Bluish Wove, Hill Unshaded, PI. II (SG 12b; Sc. 2f). Pas. 8, large margins , oval grid , Extremely Fine, Scott Retail $235.00.... .. ..... SG £475



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4065 °

1850, Ip Crimson-Lake, Bluish Wove, PI. II (SG 9; Sc. 2c). Pos. 2 1-25, ho ri zo ntal strip of five , th e co mple te bottom row of Plate II , hu ge m argin s includin g portion of outer sh eet margins a t sides and bottom , "7 1" ova l g rid s (Tamworth), rich color, sm all tear at top of le fthand stamp , m e nti o ned only to e mph asize the exce ptionally ch oice condi ti on o f this multiple T H E LARGEST RECOR DED USE D MULTIPLE OF THE I-PE NN Y PLATE II SYDNEY VIE W.

Ex Ferrary, Pack, Cas p a r y and Boke r ( 198 1, reali zed £ 11 ,250) . . E. $ 20,000-25 ,000

4066 °

1850, Ip Crimson-Lake, Bluish Wove, PI. II (SG 9; Sc. 2c). Two vert ica l strips of t h ree rej o in e d into th e ir orig in a l block for m atio n , ova l gr id s, mo stly large m a rgins except top right stamp touched a t o n e point ; a Ve ry Fin e a nd impo rtant multip le , in as mu c h as th e largest intact used multip le is a stri p o f fi ve (p r ev io us lot), ex Pack , Hutso n... E. $3, 000-4 ,000




19 -

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1850, Ip Crimson-Lake, Bluish Wove, PI. II (SG 9; Sc. 2c). Horizontal p air , huge eve n ma rgins all aro und, oval grids , fa int crease in le ft stamp , still Extrem ely Fine a nd cho ice, ex Burrus, with 1944 R.P.S. certifica te . .... . ... .. .... .... ...... .. SG £600+ 1850, Ip Crimson-Lake, Bluish Wove, PI. II (SG 9; Sc. 2c). Pos. 20/25 , r ej o ined ve rti ca l p air , lar ge to hu ge m ar g in s, oval grid s, Ex tre mel y Fin e.. . ... . ... SG £ 600+ 1850, Ip Dull Carmine, Bluish Wove, PI. II (SG 11; Sc. 2c). H o rizontal pair , full to large ma r gins , "95" oval grid (Bri sbane), d ee p sh ad e and Ve r y Fine ... . SG £ 600+ 1850, Ip Brownish Red, Bluish Wove, PI. II (SG 12; Sc. 2c). H orizontal p air , en o rm ou s ma r gin s all a ro und , lightly ca ncelled by oval g rids , Extreme ly Fine Ge m p a ir, ex Ferr a ry .. ..... . .... .... ... ........ . .. ... . .. .... .... ....... .. ... ... . ..... .... ... .... ..... . SG £55 0+ 0

4 07 1

1850, Ip Brownish Red, Bluish Wove, PI. II (SG 12; Sc. 2c). Hori zo nta l p a ir, la r ge eve n mar gin s, ri ch co lo r a nd impress io n , oval grid s, faint cr ease in left sta mp , still Ex tre me ly Fin e. ... .. .. ...... .... .. ... ....... ... .. .... .... .. .... . .... . .... ..... ... .. .. .. .. SG £55 0+ 1850, Ip Brownish Red, Bluish Wove, PI. II (SG 12; Sc. 2c). Pos. 1-2 , ho ri zo ntal p a ir , full to la r ge ma rg in s, oval grid s, r ich colo r a nd Ve ry Fin e ... .. . . ... SG £55 0+ 1850, Ip Brownish Red, Bluish Wove, No Trees on Hill, PI. II (SG 12a; Sc. 2h). Pos . 6-7 , ri g hth a nd sta mp in ho ri zo ntal pair is th e va ri e ty, full to la r ge ma r g in s, li g h tly ca ncell ed , Ve r y Fin e .. ............ ..... .. .. .... . ... ...... .. .. ... ... .. .... .... .. SG £ 750+



1850, Ip Gooseberry-Red, Bluish Wove, PI. II (SG 10; Sc. 2c var). Horizontal strip of three (left stamp severed) , full to la rge marg in s, striking Goose berry-Red sh ade , ti e d by o va l grid s o n front only fr o m Sydn ey to London , En g la nd , two-tim es 3p ship-l ette r r ate (h alf p aid by stamp s, oth er h alf in cas h , indi cated by m s. "3" ), " De 13 , 185 1" Sydn ey cr ow n circl e d a tes ta mp , m s. " 1/4 " (p e n ce) ch a r ged on a rriv a l, Ve r y Fin e , the la r ge st rec ord e d multiple of th e r a r e Goosebe rr y-Red sh ad e, e x Hutso n .. ... ..... ...... .. .. ... ..... .... . .... . .. .... .... .. ..... .. .. ....... ...... . .. .... E. $4 ,000- 5, 000 1850, Ip Brownish Red, Bluish Wove, PI. II (SG 12; Sc. 2c). Used with 1850, 2p Deep Blue, PI. III (SG 30; Sc. 6), 1P clear to a mpl e ma rg in s, 2p full margin s, tied b y ova l g rid s o n No v. 185 0 cove r to Hoba rt Tow n , Va n Di e m e n 's La nd , Sydn ey cr ow n circl e d a tes ta mp , Hoba rt T own r ece ivin g bac ksta mp , e nd o rsed ''p er Emma, 21 st No v . 50 ", ms. "4" (p e nce) charged o n a rri va l, Ve r y Fin e...... . E. $2,5 00- 3,500 1850, Ip Brownish Red, Bluish Wove, PI. II (SG 12; Sc. 2c). H o ri zo nta l p air , clear to la r ge ma r g in s, ti e d by ov a l g rid s on 185 0 fo ld ed cover fr o m Sydn ey to th e Ma r anoa Di stri ct , n ea r Wariald a, r edirecte d to Wee Waa , with Sydn ey , Wari a ld a a nd Ta m worth bac ksta mps , ms. "to pay 2d " fo r forwa rdin g, Ve r y Fine , with 19 77 B.P.A. ce rtificate ... .. ..... .. ..... . ... . ... ... . ... .... .... .... .. ..... ... .. ....... ... E. $ 2,000- 2,5 00 SI EGE L AUCTI ON GALLER1 ES


21 -

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1850, Ip Vermilion, Laid, PI. II (SG 14; Sc. 2e). Large margins all around, rich co lor , brownish-blac k oval grid a nd part of m a nuscript cance l, Extreme ly Fine , Scott Retail $235 .00.. . .. ....... ......... ........ ..... . ... ..... .................. .. ......... SG £475 1850, Ip Vermilion, Laid, PI. II (SG 14; Sc. 2e). Pos. 24, amp le margins except tou ch ed at bottom left, ova l grid, faint horizontal crease, otherw ise Fine, Scott Retail $ 235.00 . ... ..... . ...... . .......... ....... . .... ...... ..... .. ... ............. ........... SG £450 1850, Ip Carmine, Laid , PI. II (SG 13 ; Sc. 2e). Horizontal strip of four, large margins e xce pt just clear at right , oval grids, dee p shade, thinning in three stamps, Very Fine appearance a nd an ex tremely rare multiple , ex Hutso n ......... .. ..... E. $2,5 00- 3,5 00 1850, Ip Carmine, Laid , PI. II (SG 13; Sc. 2e). Horizontal pair , e normous margins on three sides , amp le a t left, ova l g rids , Very Fin e to Extremely Fine. . SG £95 0+ 0

408 1

1850, Ip Vermilion, Laid, PI. II (SG 14; Sc. 2e). Horizonta l pair , large even m a r g in s, r ic h co lor and impress ion, ova l gr id , faintl y crease, Extreme ly Fine appearance... ... .. .. ..... .. ................................. ..... .. .. ...................... SG £9 00 + 1850, Ip Vermilion, Laid , PI. II (SG 14; Sc. 2e). Vertica l pa ir , la rge margins a ll around , ova l gr id s, Extreme ly Fin e Gem pair , ex Cas pary.. ... . ... .. ....... SG £9 00+ 1850 , Ip Vemilion, Laid, PI. II (SG 14; Sc. 2e). Vertical pair, clear to large m a rg in s, li g htl y ca nce ll ed, Very Fin e ................ ........ . ........ . .... ... SG £9 00+


- 22 -

NOVEMBER 8, 1995


J r_- /


~L a~ -~-



//~ . "



1856, 3p Yellow Green, Wmk. "3" (SG 111; Sc. 34a). L-shaped block of eight, mostly full margins, touched in places, "51" dotted ovals, Deniliquin backstamp on blue Jun. 1857 folded cover (address panel and one large flap) to London , England, from the Lewes correspondence, Albury and Sydney transit backstamps, red London "Paid" cds on arrival, wrinkles in lettersheet and block A VERY FINE AND O UTSTANDING FRANKING. PROBABLY THE LARGEST USED MULTIPLE OF THE 3-PENCE DIADEM EXTANT ON OR OFF COVER.

This cover travelled from Sydney on the Columbian via Suez, arriving in London on September 25, 1857 . There are very few used blocks of the 3p Diadem on record. One is in a private collection and another is in the Manwood collection (lot 4545), both of which are in faulty or repaired condition. This is believed to be the largest used multiple. Ex Steinway .. ...... ... .. ........ . ... . ..... . .......... . ......... ....... ...... ... .. ..



129 -

E. $4,000-5,000

NOVEMBER 8 , 1995


1856, 3p Yellow Green, Wmk. "3" (SG 111; Sc. 34a). Horizontal pa ir , d eep earl y sh a d e a nd impress io n , la r ge m a r g in s, u sed with 1854, 6p Deep Slate, Wmk. "6" (SG 115; Sc. 29), a mple to la r ge m a r gins , tie d by oval g rids , Sydney bac ksta mp o n J a n. 185 7 cove r to Me lbo urn e, sub stanti a ll y redu ced a t le ft and ri g ht , t wo fl a p s intac t , still Ve r y Fin e a pp ea ra nce a nd exhibitable, a n e xtre me ly ra re a nd unu sua l fr a nkin g, th e 3 p Di ad e m is se ldo m u sed in combination with oth e r va lues, sig n e d Ca lves .. .. ... . ... .. ... .. . .. ....... . ..... . ...... . .... . .. . .. . ... .. ...... . . . . . . . . . ....... E. $ 1,000-1 ,5 00

455 1°

1856, 3p Dull Green, Wmk. " 2" Error (SG 113a; Sc. 34b). La r ge m a r g ins a ll a ro und , bri g ht shad e, "NSW" o val AN EXT R EME LY FI NE EXAMPL E O F T H E RA RE WAT ERMARK E RROR AN D C ERTA I N LY AMONG T H E FI N EST I N EX IST ENC E.

Ex Bo u c he r , Hutso n . With 1939 R.P. S. ce rtifica te. Scott Re tail $4, 000.00 .... ...... ... . .. . . . . ... . ......... . ... .............. . . SG £3, 000

455 1

1856, 3p Dull Green, Wmk. "2" Error (SG 113a; Sc. 34b). Full m a r g in s a ll a round , d eep shade , li g htl y ca ncelle d A VE RY FINE EXAMPL E OF T HI S RA RE WAT ERMARK ERRO R AN D O NE O F T H E FI NE ST O F THE APPROXIM AT ELY TWENT Y CO PI ES KNO WN.

Ex Isle h a m . With 194 7 R.P.S. ce rtifi ca te. Scott Re ta il $4, 000 .00 . . .. . . ... . SG £3, 000



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NO V E MBER 8, 1995



1855, 5p Dull Green, Wmk. "5" (SG 114; Sc. 26). Bottom sheet marg in pair , p art orig in al gum , in a t left, a mple on other sides , deep shade and fine impression, Fine , th e on ly r ecorded unu sed multiple of the 5 p Diadem impe rforate, ex Pack , Scott Retai l $ 1,600.00+ ........... ..... . ............. ...... .. ..................... .. .. ...... SG £2,000 +



1855, 5p Dull Green, Wmk. "5" (SG 114; Sc. 26). Botto m left co rn e r ma r gin co p y, orig ina l gum , small ma rgin at right, amp le at top , bea utiful deep sh ade, Extremely Fin e, ex Casp ar y, with 197 1 B.P.A. certifi ca te, Scott Retail $800. 00..... . SG £ 1,000 1855 , 5p Dull Green, Wmk. "5" (SG 114; Sc. 26). U nus ed bo ttom ri g ht corner margin copy , a mple other sid es, deep shade, fin e impressio n , Extreme ly Fine , ex Fe rra ry, Hind , Wiggins, Scott Retail $800 .00 .... .. ...... ... ..... .... ... ........ SG £ 1,000


1855, 5p Dull Green , Wmk. "5" (SG 114; Sc. 26). Wa te rmark in verted and r eversed , unu sed, large e ven ma r g in s, prooflike co lo r and impress io n , Extreme ly Fin e Ge m , ex Ferrary, Scott Re ta il $8 00.00.. .......... ........ . .... .. ........ .. SG £ 1,000 S IE GEL AUCTI ON GALLE RI ES


13 1 -

NOVEMBER 8, 1995

1855 , 5p Dull Green, Wmk. "5" (SG 114; Sc. 26). Watermark inver ted a nd reversed, unused , large eve n margins, deep sh ade, Extremely Fin e and ch o ice, Scott Reta il $800.00................. .................................................... SG £1 ,000

1855, 5p Dull Green, Wmk. "5" (SG 114; Sc. 26). Watermark inverted and reversed , unused, amp le to large margins , dark shade, Very Fine, the variety is scarce and unlisted , Scott Retai l $800.00 .... .. . ............................. ..... SG £1,000

1855, 5p Dull Green, Wmk. "5" (SG 114; Sc. 26). Large to hu ge margins, lig htly cancelled, Extreme ly Fine Gem, ex Steinway, Scott Re tail $3 75.00.... .. .... . SG £500

1855, 5p Dull Green, Wmk. "5" (SG 114; Sc. 26). Large to enormo us ma rgins, neat duplex cance l, fres h and Extremely Fine Gem, Scott Retai l $375.00........ SG £500

1855, 5p Dull Green, Wmk. "5" (SG 114; Sc. 26). Horizontal pair, large even margins , deep shade, prooflike impress ion, Sydney duplex cance ls, Extreme ly Fine Gem pair, certa inly the finest of the four or five known in private h ands, ex Hutson ....... ..... .. ............................. . ................. . ....... .......... . ... .. ....... .. SG £1,000+ S I EGEL AUCTION GALLER I ES


132 -

OVEMBER 8, 1995


4563 4563 °* EB

1854, 6p Greenish Gray, Wmk. "6" (SG 116 ; Sc. 29). U nused block of four , large to huge marg in s, d ee p shad e , fin e impress ion , fa int creases not affec tin g sup erb a pp eara nce A M AGN IFI CEN T AN D RA RE BLOCK-T H E LARGEST EXTA NT.

Ex Fe rra r y, Burrus , Hutso n. ..................................................

E. $4 ,000-5,000

1854, 6p Fawn, Wmk. "6" (SG 119; Sc. 28). H orizo ntal p a ir , o ri gina l g um , some sli g ht cr eas in g r e lated to gum , la r ge m a r g in s, Extre me ly Fin e, Scott Re tail $9 00.00+. .. ... .. ... .. . . .. . . ..... . . .. . . .. ...... . ..... .. ................................... SG £ 1,000+ 1854, 6p Grayish Brown, Wmk. "6" (SG 122; Sc. 28). H orizonta l p a ir , unused, e normou s m a r g in s a ll aro und , fresh and Extreme ly Fine Ge m pair , ex Fe rrary, Scott Re tail $ 900 .00 + . .... . . . ... . . ... . . . . . .... . . . .. . . .... . . . . ... . . . ... . . . ..... . . . . ... . . . SG £900 + 1854, 6p Greenish Gray, Wmk. "6" (SG 116; Sc. 29). U nused, a mpl e to la r ge margin s incl . pa rt of adjoining stamp be low, Very Fine , Scott Re ta il $3 25.00 .. ...... .. . ................. ... .. . .. . ... ..... .... . . . .... .. ..... . ......... .. . .. ...... ... . ..... .. . ... ... . ... .. .. SG £400 1854, 6p Slate Green, Wmk. "6" (SG 117; Sc. 27). U nused , d eep shade , large even margin s, Extre m ely Fine, with 1933 R. P.S. certificate , Scott Retail $325 .00 ........ ... .. . ........ . ... . ................................ . .......... ........ . .. . ................. . ... .......... SG £400 1854, 6p Olive Gray, Wmk. "6" (SG 121 ; Sc. 29). U nused, amp le to la r ge margins, tri vial co rn er crease, still Very Fine , Scott Re ta il $3 25. 00. .... .............. .. SG £450 1854, 6p Greenish Gray, Wmk. "6" (SG 116; Sc. 29). Block of fo ur , fu ll to large m a rg in s, d a rk shad e, grid ca n ce ls, Extre me ly Fin e, a sup erb block , ex Burrus ........ . .......................... .. .. ................... .. ... ... ... ... .... ... .. ............ . ...... E. $ 750-1 ,000 1854, 6p Greenish Gray, Wmk. "6" (SG 116; Sc. 29). Block of four , bea uitful bright shad e, a mpl e m a r g ins to c ut in at top , cl ear ly stru c k ova l gr id s, Fin e and very attractive........... . .... ... .. . ... . .... .. ... ... . .... . ... .... .... .. .. .. . ..... .. . E. $400 -5 00 1854, 6p Grayish Brown, Wmk. "6" (SG 122; Sc. 28). H orizonta l str ip of four , large m argins exce pt bottom right corner sli g htl y rounded, three faint vertica l creases, otherw ise Ve r y Fine , ex Hutson ............. .. ... ... ........... E. $3 00-400 1854, 6p Gray , Wmk. "6" (SG 120; Sc. 29). H or izonta l pair , la r ge m a r g in s a ll arou nd ," svr ova ls, Extre me ly Fin e a nd ch o ice used pair SG £ 110+ 5 1EGEL AUCTION GA LLERI E5


135 -

NOVEM B ER 8, 1995

4573 °1:81

1854, 6p Fawn, Wmk. "6" (SG 119j Sc. 28). Horizontal pair, full to large margins, light brown shade, tied by Sydney duplex cds and "NSW" oval on blue Dec. 1859 cover to London , England, red receiving backstamp; the additional 6p postage (over the 6p ship-letter rate) is believed to have paid for the supplementary mail fee after regular London mails closed-carried on the Malta and Delta, arriving in London on Feb. 9, 1860; Extremely Fine and choice usage .... .. ... . E. $ 1,000-1 ,5 00 1854, 6p Grayish Brown, Wmk. "6" (SG 122j Sc. 28). Ample to large margins , used with 1856, 2p Prussian Blue, Wmk. "2" (SG 106; Sc. 33), large margins , both stamps tied by "96" dotted ovals on Sep. 1860 registered folded cover from Maryborough to Brisbane, red seal on flap with the old "96" oval grid canceller impressed in wax, backstamps of both offices, Extremely Fine, unusual franking used in Queensland for registered fee and inland postage...................................... E. $ 1,000-1,500

4575 °*

1859, 6p Fawn, Wmk. "8" Error (SG 119aj Sc. 28a). Un used, ample margins, Very Fine , Scott Reta il $ 1,650. 00............ .... .... ..... . ...... .. .... . ..... ........ .. ..... SG £1,600

4576 °

1859, 6p Fawn, Wmk. "8" Error (SG 119aj Sc. 28a). Horizontal pair, large even marg in s, "NSW" ovals, Extremely Fine... ... .. .... ... ...... ...... ......... .. . .. .. SG £240+

4577 °

1859, 6p Fawn, Wmk. "8" Error (SG 119aj Sc. 28a). Watermark sideways, large margins , thin, Extremely Fine appearance, Scott Reta il $60.00........ ...... SG £120

4578 °

1859, 6p Fawn, Wmk. "8" Error (SG 119aj Sc. 28a). Large to hu ge margins, "50" dotted oval (Albury), faint trace of crease, still Extremely Fine, Scott Retail $60. 00 ............................................. ............. ............................... . .... .... . SG £120



136 -



Immediate. Private.


4562° (81

1855, 5p Du ll Green, Wmk. "5" (SG 114; Sc. 26) . Horizontal pair , ample to large margins, tied by Sydney duplex cds and " NSW" oval on Oct. 1863 cover to London, England, "Immediate/ Private " imprint at upper left , red London "Paid" circular datestamp AN IMMACULATE COVER, BEARING ONE OF FO U R OR FIVE KNOW N PAIRS OF THE 5PENCE DIADEM IMPERFORATE AND THE ONLY RECORDED EXAMPLE ON COVER.

This cover was carried on the steamer Bombay, leaving Sydney on October 22, thence per Nemesis and Vectis, arriving at Marseilles on Dece mber 12 and at London on December 14. The pair prepays the lOp rate for a Ij~ oz. letter via Marseilles to England. Only four or five pairs of this stamp are recorded in private hands, this being the singular e xamp le of the imperforate 5p Diadem on cover. Ex Pack...... .. .... .. .. . . .. ........... ............ ............. ........ . .. ... .. . . .

E. $ 12,000-15,000


NOVEMBER 8, 1995


133 -



134 -

NOVEM B ER 8, 1995


4579 °

1855, 8p Golden Yellow, Wmk. "8" (SG 125; Sc. 30a). Vertical p a ir, full to large ma r g in s, marvelous vivid First Printin g color a nd impression, n eat "88" d otted oval ca ncel (Port Macquarie) T HI S EXTREMELY FINE PAIR IS T H E FI NEST KNO\NN MULTIPLE OF THE IMPERFO RATE 8·PENCE DIADEM ISSUE.

Ex Caspary, Burrus, To masini ......... ... .... . . .... .......................... E. $7,5 00·10 ,000


4580 °

1855, 8p Golden Yellow, Wmk. "8" (SG 125; Sc. 30a). Vertica l pair, brilliant First Printing co lor and imp ress ion, large margins, two tin y punctures ca u sed by points of "88" d o tted ova l ca n ce ls (Port Macquarie) EXTREME LY FI NE APPEARANCE AND EXCEp· T IONALLY C HOI CE CONDIT I ON FOR THIS RARE STAMP.

Ex Hutson ... ... .... .. .. .. .

E. $3,000·4,000


458 1


458 1°

1855 , 8p Golden Yellow, Wmk. "8" (SG 125; Sc. 30a). Full to lar ge margins, cl ear impress io n of Second Printing, bold "23" ova l grid (Wollongong), Ex tre mely Fine Gem, Scott Retail $500.0 0 ............................................................... SG £85 0

4582 °

1855, 8p Golden Yellow, Wmk. "8" (SG 125; Sc. 30a). Full to large ma r g in s, remarkably deep sh ade, fin e Second Printing impression," SW " dotted ova l, Extremely Fine Ge m , ex Caspary, Scott Reta il $500.00 . ...................... SG £850




137 -

NOVEMBER 8, 1995



1855, 8p Golden Yellow, Wmk. "8" (SG 125; Sc. 30a). Large even margins, deep First Printing shade and impression , negligible pre -use vertical crease, used with 1854, 2p Ultramarine, Wmk. "2", PI. III (SG 84; Sc. 24a), large margins, tied by "S I " oval grids on blue May IS56 folded registered cover from Warwick to Ipswich in the Moreton Bay District (Queensland) , backstamped with ovals of Warwick, Drayton and Ipswich offices, double inland rate plus 6p registration fee AN EXTREMELY FINE AND UNUSUAL FRANKI NG, COMBINING THE RARE IMPERFORATE 8- PE NCE DIADEM WITH THE 2-PENCE LAUREATE ISSUE TO PREPAY INLAND POSTAGE PLUS THE REGISTRATION FEE.

The 6p Registration stamp was issued in January IS56 to prepay the fee for registered letters . The use of ordinary postage stamps for this purpose , in the period when th e special stamps were available, is very unusual.... ........ E. $7,500-10,000



138 -

NOVEMBER 8, 1995

1855, 8p Golden Yellow, Wmk. " 8" (SG 125; Sc. 30a). Fo u r, of which two a r e Fine a n d two Ve r y Fin e, tied by "23" oval g rid s o n la r ge p a rt of b lu e fo ld ed cove r to I re land, or igin ating in Wollo n go n g in May 1857, a pp ro p r iate ma rki ngs, add itiona l stamps have bee n cu t fro m t h e cover, whi ch has been refo lded into its presen t fo rm to ma ke an att ract ive ex hibi t item, a n extreme ly rare mu ltip le fra n kin g of th e imperforate 8p Di adem, ex Co n sul We inbe r ger, SG cat. for stamps off cove r is £3,400.............................................. ..... ..... .. ....... . ... ... ....... . E. $ 1,5 00-2,000

185 5 8-PENCE D U LL YELLOW ORANG E 1855 , 8p Dull Yellow Orange, Wmk. " 8" (SG 126 ; Sc. 30). Vert ica l pair, part origina l gum, large marg ins exce p t at u p p e r right wh ere to u ched, wonde rful deep r ich co lor and im p ress io n T H E ON L Y RECORDED UNUSE D M ULT I PLE O F T H E I MPE RF O RATE 8-PENCE D I ADEM AND ONE OF T H E OUTSTAND I NG PI ECES OF T H E ENT I RE D I ADEM I SSUE.

Ex Ferrary, Hind and Hutso n . With Robso n Lowe certificate. SG cat. £7,000 as two singles.............................................. .. .. . .... .. .... .. . .. .. .. .. . ... E. $ 7,500- 10 ,000

1855 , 8p Dull Yellow Orange , Wmk. " 8" (SG 126; Sc . 30). U nu se d , large eve n m a r g in s, deep r ich co lor AN EXTREMELY FI NE UNUSE D EXAM PLE OF THE I MPERFORAT E 8 -PENCE D I ADEM-A GREAT RARITY I N TH I S QUALI TY.

Ex Bu rr u s. W ith 1974 P .F. cert ifi cate a n d 1980 Fr ied l ce rt ificate. Scott Re ta il $4,750 .00 .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .... .......... ................. ............. .... .. ........ .. .. .. . SG £3,500 SI EGEL AUCT I ON GALLE RI ES


139 -

NOVE MBER 8, 1995

1855, 8p Dull Yellow Orange, Wmk. "8" (SG 126; Sc. 30). Large even margins , deep shade , used with 1854, 6p Gray, Wmk. "6" (SG 120 ; Sc. 29), clear to large margins , tied by "87" dotted ovals (Ipswich) on blue piece , red London cds a lso ties , Extremely Fine , ex Caspary, Burrus, Amundsen, Wiggins, with 1964 B.P.A. certificate .................... .. ... .......... ... . ............ . ................................. ........ SG £855 1855, 8p Dull Yellow Orange, Wmk. "8" (SG 126; Sc. 30). Full margins all around, "95" dotted oval (Brisbane, Queensland), Very Fine , Scott Retail $45 0.00"" SG £800 1855, 8p Dull Yellow Orange, Wmk. "8" (SG 126; Sc. 30). Three large margins , touched at right, affixed to a Jul y 1859 blue fo ld ed cover from Windsor to Fenay Lodge , near Huddersfield, England, appropriate markings , an average 1856 Ip Orange-Vermilion , Wmk. " 1" (SG 102 ; Sc. 32) is tied, the 8p appears to have been added (or possibly moved from its original position), offered as is........... SG £800

1854 I-SHILLING WATERMARK " 12 " 1854, Ish Pale Red, Wmk. "12" (SG 128; Sc. 31). Unused , top sheet margin and large marg in s all around , deep rich co lor , Extreme ly Fine Gem, with 1979 B.P.A. certifi ca te, Scott Retail $55 0.00 " "" "" ,,,, ",," "" ,,",,",, " ,,""""""""" SG £750 1854, Ish Pale Red, Wmk. "12" (SG 128; Sc. 31). Unused, top sheet m a rgin and large margins all around, deep rich co lor , horizontal crease, otherwise Extremely Fine, Scott Retail $55 0.00 """"" """ """""""" """" " """"""""""" SG £75 0 1854, Ish Brownish Red, Wmk. "12" (SG 129; Sc. 31a). Original gum , large margins , tin y corner crease, still Extreme ly Fin e, with Robson Lowe certificate, Scott Retail $55 0.00 """""" """ """""""""""""""""""" """"""" SG £800 SI EGEL AUCTION GALLERIES


140 -

NOVEMBER 8, 1995



4593 °EB

1854, Ish Brownish Red, Wmk. "12" (SG 129; Sc. 31a). Horizontal block of 32, "NSW" ovals , margins touching or slightly in all around, pressed creases and some minor repairs a long the central vertical g utter where the block was probably fo lded over the edge of a parcel THE LARGEST RECO RDED MULTIPLE OF A Y AUSTRALIAN STATES STAMP.

La r ge blocks of the Ish Diadem were used to prepay postage on parcels containing gold mined from this region . .. . ....... .. ........ ........ ..................... E. $5,000-7,500



141 -

NOVEMBER 8, 1995

1854, Ish Rosy Vermilion, Wmk. "12" (SG 127; Sc. 31a). Horizontal block of six , large even margins, ova l grids , Extremely Fine, scarce used block in unusually fine cond iti on... .. ... ..... .................................. ..... ............... ......... E. $ 1,000 -1, 50 0 1854, Ish Brownish Red, Wmk. "12" (SG 129; Sc. 3la). Block of four , large even margins , "NSW" ovals , Extremely Fine, very scarce...................... E. $750-1 ,000 1854, Ish Rosy Vermilion, Wmk. "12" (SG 127; Sc. 3la). Vertical strip of five with sheet margins and large margins a ll aro und , ova l gr id s, Extremely Fine Gem strip ......... .. ........ .......... ......... ...... ............. ............. . . .. . ...... .... ...... E. $ 750-1,000 1854, Ish Brownish Red, Wmk. "12" (SG 129; Sc. 31a). Horizontal strip of three, watermar k inverted and reversed , large margins all aro und , Sydney duplex cds and ova l, Extreme ly Fine stri p.... ........................... .. ........................ . E. $400-500 1854, Ish Brownish Red, Wmk. "12" (SG 129; Sc . 31a). Horizontal pair , full to large m a rgins, " NSW " ova l, Extremely Fine ........... .. ............. ................. SG £ 150 + 1854, Ish Pale Red, Wmk. "12" (SG 128; Sc. 31). Vertical pair, large margins, oval g rid , deep sh ade and Extremely Fine ............................................. SG £ 130 + 1854, Ish Brownish Red, Wmk. "12" (SG 129; Sc. 31a). Large to hu ge margins, neat " SW" oval , Extremely Fine Gem , Scott Re tail $ 30.00 .... .. .. ............ SG £75 0

460 1

1854, Ish Brownish Red, Wmk. " 12" (SG 129; Sc. 31a). Large margins , Syd n ey dupex cds and oval, Extreme ly Fine, Scott Reta il $30.00. .. ...... ............... SG £75



142 -

NOVEMBER 8 , [ 995


;[1 , .L , l;~ . ;'

V-&L tf/ U-C'fjp:..- \! < ... /


1854, Ish Rosy Vermilion, Wmk. "12" (SG 127; Sc. 3Ia). Large to huge margins , used with 1853-54, 2p Ultramarine, 8p Orange , Laureates (SG 79, 84; Sc. 20, 24a), amp le m argin s to in at one side, tied by oval g rid s o n Apr. 1854 cover to Dublin , Ire land , Sydney crown circle a nd r ed r eceivin g backstamps, red Lo ndon " Paid " ties 8p a nd Ish , red ms . "8" (pence) due on arriva l, red ms . "Per Private Ship ", prepa id for d o ubl e rate bu t rated a singl e le tter on arr iv a l, Ve r y Fin e , co lorful a nd r a re mixed-i ssu e frankin g... ........... .. ........ .............. .... ...... .. ...... .... E . $ 1,000-1 ,5 00 1854, Ish Pale Red, Wmk. "12" (SG 128; Sc. 31). Large margin s used with 185456, 3p Dull Green , 6p Grayish Brown (SG 113 , 122; Sc. 28, 34), 6 p large m a r gin s, 3 p touched at one sid e , tied by bo ld oval g rid s on blue May 1857 cove r to Loca rno , Switzerland, Sydn ey backsta mp , British and French transits, rece iving backstamps , addressee's last nam e sc ratched out, st ill Extremely Fine, unu sua l franki n g for the 1/ 2 to 1/4 oz. rate via Marse illes ...................... ...... .......... .... .. .... E. $ 1,000-1 ,5 00 1857, I s h Rosy Vermilion, Wmk. "8" Error (SG 127a; Sc. 3Ib). Large m a rg in s all a ro und , ova l grid , bright co lor, Extreme ly Fin e Gem, Scott Reta il $ 110 .00 .... .... .. .. .. ... .. .. .... .... ... ......... ..... .................................................... .. .. ... .... . ... SG £ 18 0 1857 , I sh Rosy Vermilion, Wmk. "8" Error (SG 127a; Sc. 3Ib). To p sheet ma rg in a nd la rge on oth er sid es, ova l g rid , Ex tre me ly Fin e Ge m , Scott Re ta il $ 110 .00 .. ...... .............. ... ..... .. .. . .. .... ... .... . ........ .................... .............................. SG £ 180 1857, I s h Rosy Vermilion, Wmk. "8" Error (SG 127a; Sc. 3Ib). Large margins all a round , ova l grid, Extre m ely Fin e , Scott Re tail $ 110 .00....................... SG £ 18 0


- 143 -


Services for Buyers

Services for Sellers

If you wish to participate in this sale, we will be pleased to assist you in many ways. The following services are provided without additional charge (except for any out-of-pocket expenses) :

If you have stamps you wish to sell, we will be pleased to provide the following services and options for auction or outright sale:

• Most lots may be inspected by registered or overnight mail, and all lots may be viewed by appointment or during the pre-sale exhibition • Prospective bidders may request upto-the-minute valuations for any lot in the sale • We will be pleased to assist out-oftown clients in obtaining hotel reservations nearby our gallery • Bidders who cannot attend the sale may submit bids by telephone/fax, by mail, or in special cases , we will provide a telephone link to the auction in progress (must be confirmed in advance) • Any item sold without an expert certificate dated within the past five years may be purchased subject to certification (please see Conditions of Sale) • Instructions for shipping purchased lots may be given to the gallery immediately after the sale • Prices realized will be available one day after the final sale day

• Free verbal appraisal of material brought to our gallery; Written appraisals for estate tax purposes (rates available on request) • Free on-site consultation for any collection' with fair market value of $100,000 or more • Auction consignments will be processed within six months of receipt, and proceeds will be paid 42 days from date of sale • Commission rate of 10% (no other charges for lotting or illustration) • Immediate interest-free advances up to 50% of the auction valuation • On certain collections, we will guarantee the seller a minimum net amount, which eliminates the downside risk while still providing the potential for maximum auction realization • If you wish to sell your stamps for immediate cash, we will be pleased to make an outright offer • Suitable collections will be considered for single-owner sales and/or our annual Rarities of the World sale

I, !'

PRICES REALIZED FOR SALE 770---11/8/95 The V.P. Manwood Collection of New South Wales Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries, Inc. 60 East 56th Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10022 Tel (212) 753-6421 Fax (212) 753-6429 Lot#

Realized Lot#

Realized Lot#

Realized Lot#

Realized Lot#

Realized Lot#

Realized Lot#

Realized Lot#



4,500 4072

675 4128

425 4182

160 4256

135 4353

260 4424

320 4492



4,500 4073

700 4129

425 4189

135 4257

60 4354

260 4425

260 4494



2,400 4076

1,500 4130

270 4191

125 4258

90 4355

4,000 4427

650 4495



1,400 4077

300 4133

9,500 4192

135 4259

50 4356

1,600 4428

400 4496



1,700 4078

65 4135

2,600 4193

130 4262

50 4358

2,400 4430

2,600 4497



3,250 4079

1,100 4136

1,600 4194

100 4265

140 4359

2,200 4431

1,000 4498



300 4080

800 4137

1,100 4195

120 4266

50 4360

2,300 4433

350 4506



1,700 4082

900 4138

425 4196

130 4268

325 4361

2,700 4434

240 4507



2,000 4085

850 4139

350 4199

170 4273

400 4362

1,900 4435

150 4509



325 4086

11,000 4140

5,500 4201

135 4275

8,000 4363

2,000 4437

160 4510



475 4087

300 4141

325 4203

7,000 4280

4,000 4365

1,500 4438

170 4512



190 4088

325 4142

180 4204

800 4282

1,350 4366

900 4440

2,600 4513



375 4089

375 4143

300 4206

500 4284

260 4369

425 4441

1,600 4515



220 4090

2,000 4144

120 4209

100 4286

5,000 4372

500 4443

675 4517



300 4091

1,500 4145

60 4210

75 4288

210 4373

800 4444

950 4518



270 4093

230 4146

50 4211

70 4291

180 4374

1,000 4445

260 4519



90 4094

190 4149

50 4212

65 4292

60 4375

260 4446

260 4520



130 4095

350 4150

800 4213

270 4294

400 4381

400 4447

375 4521



16,500 4096

75 4151

300 4214

105 4295

75 4382

525 4448

525 4522



2,500 4097

220 4152

510 4215

160 4296

25 4384

250 4449

6,000 4523



1,000 4098

75 4153

100 4216

75 4298

80 4386

1,250 4450

5,000 4524



1,100 4100

210 4154

375 4217

140 4300

260 4390

115 4451

6,500 4526



325 4101

180 4155

325 4218

180 4305

2,200 4391

40 4453

1,600 4527



475 4102

100 4156

180 4219

110 4306

300 4393

525 4454

1,250 4529



280 4104

50 4157

100 4221

50 4312

15,000 4394

160 4455

800 4530



3,750 4105

6,000 4159

160 4224

2,500 4313

57,500 4395

45 4457

700 4531



8,000 4106

650 4161

80 4225

1,300 4315

3,000 4397

500 4458

525 4532



3,000 4107

260 4162

220 4226

85 4316

2,500 4398

280 4459

200 4533



425 4109

190 4163

50 4229

115 4322

500 4399

1,600 4460

2,200 4534



425 4110

150 4164

150 4230

90 4323

375 4401

850 4461

900 4535



160 4111

150 4166

150,000 4231

80 4324

260 4406

140 4462

1,300 4536



100 4112

80 4167

900 4232

180 4325

260 4407

100 4463

1,000 4537



210 4113

425 4168

375 4234

200 4328

325 4408

475 4466

7,500 4538



210 4114

230 4169

220 4240

600 4331

125 4409

425 4471

1,000 4539



100 4115

280 4170

220 4242

2,000 4332

200 4410

400 4472

250 4540



280 4116

100 4171

105 4244

1,000 4335

300 4411

230 4473

200 4541



260 4117

200 4172

2,000 4246

180 4338

1,600 4413

1,600 4476

50 4543



120 4118

18,000 4174

625 4250

100 4340

260 4414

750 4483

15,000 4549



160 4119

8,000 4175

6,000 4251

140 4344

75 4416

750 4484

4,250 4550



18,000 4120

2,700 4177

1,700 4252

90 4345

65 4418

300 4485

1,500 4551



5,500 4123

1,250 4178

210 4253

110 4347

250 4419

1,700 4487

1,500 4552



900 4125

5,500 4179

140 4254

70 4349

1,100 4420

4,750 4488

5,750 4553



1,300 4126

2,400 4181

80 4255

70 4350

1,050 4423

1,000 4491

2,700 4554



PRICES REALIZED FOR SALE 770---11/8/95 The V.P. Manwood Collection of New South Wales Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries, Inc. 60 East 56th Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10022 Tel (212) 753-6421 Fax (212) 753-6429 Lot#









































































