Network Security Issues, Part 2

Network Security Issues, Part 2 EE 122 - Networking Prof. Vern Paxson November 25, 2013 Game Plan •  Address any pending questions regarding last Mo...
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Network Security Issues, Part 2 EE 122 - Networking Prof. Vern Paxson November 25, 2013

Game Plan •  Address any pending questions regarding last Monday's lecture on network security threats •  Introduce basic tools of cryptography –  A lot of abstraction! •  Will go light on a few details

–  Ask questions if properties not clear

•  Discuss building secure end-to-end channels –  TLS/SSL ⇒ HTTPS –  Reduces most threats discussed last week to DoS

Revisiting Types of Security Goals •  Attacks can subvert each type of goal –  Confidentiality: eavesdropping / theft of information –  Integrity: altering data, manipulating execution (e.g., code injection) –  Availability: denial-of-service

•  Attackers can also combine different types of attacks towards an overarching goal –  E.g. use eavesdropping (confidentiality) to construct a spoofing attack (integrity) that tells a server to drop an important connection (availability)

Building Secure End-to-End Channels •  End-to-end = communication protections achieved all the way from originating client to intended server –  With no need to trust network intermediaries

•  Dealing with threats: –  Eavesdropping? •  Encryption (symmetric key; public key)

–  Manipulation (injection, MITM)? •  Integrity (use of a MAC = Message Authentication Code)

–  Impersonation? •  Signatures


What's missing? Availability …


Cryptographic Toolkit: Encryption •  Encryption: algorithms that encode information in a form undecipherable unless one possesses the corresponding key •  Suppose Alice wants to send a message M to Bob, such that an eavesdropper, Eve, can't read it •  Alice sends Bob a value E(M) computed from M •  Bob then applies an inverse function D(E(M)) = M –  Eve knows D, E but not key ⇒ can't recover M from E(M)

•  Two basic types of such functions: –  Symmetric key: same key K used to encrypt & decrypt. –  Asymmetric or public-key: one key, KE, used to encrypt. A different (but related) key, KD, used to decrypt.

Symmetric-Key Encryption •  Symmetric key: the same key K used to encrypt and decrypt. –  Alice sends E(M, K) to Bob. –  Bob applies D(E(M, K), K) = M. –  Eavesdropper Eve observes E(M, K), knows E & D, but can't figure out how to get M from it unless she knows K

•  Requirements: –  Alice and Bob have to agree on K in advance –  K must be kept secret

•  Example algorithms: AES, DES, 3DES –  Typical key lengths today: 128 or 256 bits –  Encryption & decryption can be computed very efficiently

Cryptographic Toolkit: Integrity •  Suppose Alice wants to make sure her message M sent to Bob isn't altered by a Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) along the way •  Alice computes and also sends a Message Authentication Code (MAC) using a separate key shared between Alice & Bob –  I.e., Alice sends both E(M, K1) and MAC(M, K2)

•  Upon receipt, Bob verifies that MAC(D(E(M, K1), K1), K2) = MAC(M, K2) •  MITM doesn't know K2, so can't construct valid MAC to match their altered message –  If MITM alters message, Bob detects this & discards

Asymmetric / Public-Key Encryption •  Asymmetric: one key KE used to encrypt; different, related key KD used to decrypt. –  Alice sends E(M, KE) to Bob. –  Bob applies D(E(M, KE), KD) = M. –  Eavesdropper Eve can't recover M unless knows KD.

•  Knowing KE doesn't help! Infeasible to figure out KD from KE.

•  Requirements: –  Alice needs KE, but it doesn't have to be secret Bob can tweet it or stick it on Bob's web page! –  KD must be kept secret; only Bob knows it. (Alice doesn’t!)

•  Example algorithms: RSA, El Gamal –  Typical key lengths today: 1024 or 2048 bits –  Computations not nearly as efficient as for symmetric-key

Cryptographic Toolkit: Signatures •  Suppose Alice wants people to trust that some message she wrote, M, was indeed generated by her –  In the physical world, she would add her signature to a paper document with the statement

•  Suppose Alice uses public-key cryptography and has a public/private key pair, APub and APrivate –  APub is well known as being Alice's –  Alice keeps APrivate secret

•  Recall that E(•, APub) and D(•, APrivate) are inverses •  Alice now includes* with M the value S = D(M, APrivate) •  Anyone who wants to verify the signature for M computes E(S, APub) = E(D(M, APrivate), APub) = M –  If result of computation indeed yields M, whomever constructed S must know APrivate, so presumably it must have been Alice

Cryptographic Toolkit: Signatures •  Suppose Alice wants people to trust that some message she wrote, M, was indeed generated by her –  In the physical world, she would add her signature to a paper document with the statement

•  Suppose Alice uses public-key cryptography and has a public/private key pair, APub and APrivate –  APub is well known as being Alice's –  Alice keeps APrivate secret

•  Recall that E(•, APub) and D(•, APrivate) are inverses •  Alice actually includes with M the value S = D(H(M), APrivate) –  H is a cryptographically strong (non-invertible) hash function •  Well-known, no key

–  Thus, verifying E(S, APub) = E(D(H(M), APrivate), APub) = H(M) doesn’t leak information about M –  (we’ll now leave this out for simplicity)

Signatures, con't •  Important: note that digital signatures are bound to a given document –  Unlike physical signatures, which might be “lifted” and applied elsewhere

•  If Eve possesses a particular digital signature generated by Alice for message M, that doesn't give Eve any ability to forge other messages seemingly from Alice –  And in general, possession of APub doesn't let one do anything other than:

•  Verify signatures purportedly generated by Alice •  Encrypt messages that only Alice can read

•  However: if Eve gets copy of APrivate,then all bets are off –  Eve can forge Alice's signature for any document Eve wishes –  Eve can read any messages meant to be just for Alice

(Digital) Certificates •  One prominent use of digital signatures: attesting to someone else's public key •  Suppose Bob wants to communicate securely w/ Alice, but doesn't have Alice's public key APub –  Alice can't just transmit APub to Bob (why not?)

•  Suppose Bob knows & trusts Charlie, and has CPub •  Previously, Alice got Charlie to sign a message: “Alice's public key is APub” (a “certificate”)

•  Alice can now send Bob her public key APub along w/ M = “Alice's public key is APub”, S = D(M, CPrivate)

•  If Bob trusts Charlie, he can verify that Charlie believes Alice's key is Apub ⇒ Bob confidently obtains Apub

(Digital) Certificates •  Suppose Bob knows & trusts Charlie, and has CPub •  Previously, Alice got Charlie to sign a message: “Alice's public key is APub” (a “certificate”)

•  Suppose instead Alice got Daphne to sign the “cert” –  Using Daphne’s public/private key pair DPrivate / DPub –  But: Bob doesn’t know Daphne. What to do?

•  If Charlie knows Daphne, then Alice could give Bob M1 = “Daphne’s public key is DPub” M2 = “Alice’s public key is APub” S1 = D(M1, CPrivate), S2 = D(M2, DPrivate)

•  Bob first verifies S1 (since knows CPub and trusts Charlie) … then S2 (since now has/trusts DPub) ⇒ Bob confidently obtains Apub

Building A Secure End-to-End Channel: SSL/TLS •  SSL = Secure Sockets Layer (predecessor) •  TLS = Transport Layer Security (standard) –  Both terms used interchangeably

•  Notion: provide means to secure any application that uses TCP

SSL/TLS In Network Layering 7









Transport (TCP)













Building A Secure End-to-End Channel: SSL/TLS •  SSL = Secure Sockets Layer (predecessor) •  TLS = Transport Layer Security (standard) –  Both terms used interchangeably

•  Notion: provide means to secure any application that uses TCP –  Secure = encryption/confidentiality + integrity + authentication (of server, but not of client) –  E.g., puts the 's' in “https”

Regular web surfing - http: URL

But if we click here …

Web surfing with TLS/SSL - https: URL

Note: Amazon makes sure that all of these images, etc., are now also fetched via https: URLs. Doing so gives the web page full integrity, in keeping with end-to-end security. (Browsers do not provide this “promotion” automatically.)

Building A Secure End-to-End Channel: SSL / TLS •  SSL = Secure Sockets Layer (predecessor) •  TLS = Transport Layer Security (standard) –  Both terms used interchangeably

•  Notion: provide means to secure any application that uses TCP –  Secure = encryption/confidentiality + integrity + authentication (of server, but not of client) –  E.g., puts the 's' in “https”

•  API similar to socket interface used for regular network programming –  Fairly easy to convert an app to be secured

HTTPS Connection (SSL / TLS)! •  Browser (client) connects via Browser TCP to Amazon's HTTPS server •  Client picks 256-bit random number RB, sends over list of crypto protocols it supports •  Server picks 256-bit random number RS, selects protocols to use for this session •  Server sends over its certificate •  (all of this is in the clear) •  Client now validates cert


Amazon Server


A CK Hell o (TLS . My rn d (SSL +RSA+A # = R . For MACs B I +RS E A+3 S128+S suppor DES t +MD HA1) or 5) or … t's use e L . d # = R S S128+SHA1 n r y M A+AE S R + S TL y cert m s ' e r He

data f o KB 3 2 ~

HTTPS Connection (SSL / TLS), con't! •  For RSA, browser constructs long (368 bits) “Premaster Secret” PS


•  Browser sends PS encrypted using Amazon's public RSA key KAmazon PS •  Using PS, RB, and RS, browser & server derive symm. cipher keys (CB, CS) & MAC integrity keys (IB, IS) –  One pair to use in each direction

cert y m s ' e Her

Amazon Server

ta a d f B o K 3 ~2 {PS} KAma zon


HTTPS Connection (SSL / TLS), con't! •  For RSA, browser constructs long (368 bits) “Premaster Secret” PS


•  Browser sends PS encrypted using Amazon's public RSA key KAmazon PS •  Using PS, RB, and RS, browser & server derive symm. cipher keys (CB, CS) & MAC integrity keys (IB, IS)

cert y m s ' e Her

Amazon Server

ta a d f B o K 3 ~2 {PS} KAma

–  One pair to use in each direction

These seed a cryptographically strong pseudo-random number generator (PRNG). Then browser & server produce CB, CS, etc., by making repeated calls to the PRNG.



HTTPS Connection (SSL / TLS), con't! •  For RSA, browser constructs long (368 bits) “Premaster Secret” PS


•  Browser sends PS encrypted using Amazon's public RSA key KAmazon PS •  Using PS, RB, and RS, browser & server derive symm. cipher keys (CB, CS) & MAC integrity keys (IB, IS) –  One pair to use in each direction

•  Browser & server exchange MACs computed over entire dialog so far •  If good MAC, Browser displays •  All subsequent communication encrypted w/ symmetric cipher (e.g., AES128) cipher keys, MACs –  Messages also numbered to thwart replay attacks

cert y m s ' e Her

Amazon Server

ta a d f B o K 3 ~2 {PS} KAma zon

MAC( dialog ,IB )


,I S) g o l a i MAC(d

{M , M 1 AC(M 1 ,IB )} C


,I S)} C S M ( 2 C , MA

{M 2

HTTPS Connection (SSL / TLS)! •  Browser (client) connects via Browser TCP to Amazon's HTTPS server •  Client picks 256-bit random number RB, sends over list of crypto protocols it supports •  Server picks 256-bit random number RS, selects protocols to use for this session •  Server sends over its certificate •  (all of this is in the clear) •  Client now validates cert


Amazon Server


A CK Hell o (TLS . My rn d (SSL +RSA+A # = R . B I +RS E A+3 S128+S suppor DES t +MD HA1) or 5) or … t's use e L . d # = R S S128+SHA1 n r y M A+AE S R + S TL y cert m s ' e r He

data f o KB 3 2 ~

Certificates •  Cert = signed statement about someone's public key –  Note that a cert does not say anything about the identity of who gives you the cert –  It simply states a given public key KAlice belongs to Alice…

•  … and backs up this statement with a digital signature made using a different public/private key pair, say from Alice

•  Alice then can prove her identity to you by you sending her something encrypted with KAlice … –  … which she then demonstrates she can read

•  … or by signing something she demonstrably uses •  Works provided you trust that you have a valid copy of cert signer Charlie’s (or Daphne’s) public key … –  … and you trust Charlie to use prudence when he signs other people's keys, such as Alice’s

Inside the Server's Certificate! •  Domain name associated w/ cert – e.g.,

•  Amazon's public key (e.g., 2048 bits for RSA) •  A bunch of auxiliary info (physical address, type of cert, expiration time) •  Name of certificate's issuer (e.g., Verisign) •  Optional URL to revocation center to check for revoked certificates •  A public-key signature of all of this – Constructed using the issuer's private RSA key – Call this signature S

Validating Amazon's Identity! •  Browser compares domain name in cert w/ URL – Note: this provides an end-to-end property (as opposed to say a cert associated with an IP address)

•  Browser accesses separate cert belonging to issuer – These are hardwired into the browser - trusted! – There could be a chain of these …

•  Browser applies issuer's public key to verify signature S indeed valid for Amazon’s cert •  Assuming a match, now have high confidence it's indeed Amazon … – assuming signatory is trustworthy

= assuming private key not stolen; assuming didn't sign thoughtlessly

End-to-End ⇒ Powerful Protections •  Attacker runs a sniffer to capture our WiFi session? –  (maybe by breaking crummy WEP security) –  But: encrypted communication is still unreadable •  No problem!

•  DNS “cache poisoning”? –  Client goes to wrong server –  But: detects impersonation •  No problem!

•  Attacker hijacks our connection, injects new traffic –  But: data receiver rejects it due to failed integrity check •  No problem!

Powerful Protections, con't •  DHCP spoofing? –  Client goes to wrong server –  But: detects impersonation •  No problem!

•  Attacker manipulates routing to run us by an eavesdropper or take us to the wrong server? –  But: they can't read; we detect impersonation •  No problem!

•  Attacker slips in as a Man In The Middle? –  But: they can't read, they can't inject –  They can't even replay previous encrypted traffic –  No problem!

Validating Amazon's Identity, con't! •  Browser retrieves cert belonging to the issuer – These are hardwired into the browser - trusted!

•  What if browser can't find a cert for the issuer?

Validating Amazon's Identity, con't! •  Browser retrieves cert belonging to the issuer – These are hardwired into the browser - trusted!

•  What if browser can't find a cert for the issuer? •  If it can't find the cert, then warns the user that site has not been verified – Note, can still proceed, just without authentication

•  Q: Which end-to-end security properties do we lose if we incorrectly trust that the site is whom we think?

•  A: All of them! – Goodbye confidentiality, integrity, authentication – Attacker can read everything, modify, impersonate

SSL / TLS Limitations! •  Properly used, SSL / TLS provides powerful endto-end protections •  So why not use it for everything?? •  Issues: – Cost of public-key crypto o  Takes non-trivial CPU processing (but today a minor issue) o  Note: symmetric key crypto on modern hardware is non-issue

– Hassle of buying/maintaining certs (fairly minor)

SSL / TLS Limitations! •  Properly used, SSL / TLS provides powerful endto-end protections •  So why not use it for everything?? •  Issues: – Cost of public-key crypto o  Takes non-trivial CPU processing (but today a minor issue) o  Note: symmetric key crypto on modern hardware is non-issue

– Hassle of buying/maintaining certs (fairly minor) – Denial-of-service vulnerability o  Client can force server to undertake public key operations o  But: requires established TCP connection, and given that, there are other juicy targets like back-end databases

– Integrating with other sites that don't use HTTPS – Latency: extra round trips ⇒ pages take longer to load

SSL / TLS Limitations, con't! •  Problems that SSL / TLS does not take care of ? •  TCP-level denial of service – SYN flooding – RST injection o  (but does protect against data injection!)

•  SQL injection / XSS / server-side coding/logic flaws •  Vulnerabilities introduced by server inconsistencies

Regular web surfing - http: URL So no integrity - a MITM attacker can alter pages returned by server …

And when we click here … … attacker has changed the corresponding link so that it's ordinary http rather than https! We never get a chance to use TLS's protections! :-(

“sslstrip” attack

SSL / TLS Limitations, con't! •  Problems that SSL / TLS does not take care of ? •  TCP-level denial of service – SYN flooding – RST injection o  (but does protect against data injection!)

•  SQL injection / XSS / server-side coding/logic flaws •  Vulnerabilities introduced by server inconsistencies

•  Browser coding/logic flaws •  User flaws – Weak passwords – Phishing

•  Issues of trust …

TLS/SSL Trust Issues, con't •  “Commercial certificate authorities protect you from anyone from whom they are unwilling to take money” –  Matt Blaze, circa 2001

•  So how many CAs do we have to worry about, anyway?

TLS/SSL Trust Issues •  “Commercial certificate authorities protect you from anyone from whom they are unwilling to take money” –  Matt Blaze, circa 2001

•  So how many CAs do we have to worry about, anyway? •  Of course, it's not just their greed that matters …

TLS/SSL Trust Issues •  “Commercial certificate authorities protect you from anyone from whom they are unwilling to take money” –  Matt Blaze, circa 2001

•  So how many CAs do we have to worry about, anyway? •  Of course, it's not just their greed that matters … •  … and it's not just their diligence & security that matters … –  “A decade ago, I observed that commercial certificate authorities protect you from anyone from whom they are unwilling to take money. That turns out to be wrong; they don't even do that much.” - Matt Blaze, circa 2010

Note: the cert is “forged” in the sense that it doesn't really belong to Gmail, PayPal, or whomever. But it does not appear forged because it includes a legitimate signature from a trusted CA.

TLS/SSL Trust Issues •  “Commercial certificate authorities protect you from anyone from whom they are unwilling to take money” –  Matt Blaze, circa 2001

•  So how many CAs do we have to worry about, anyway? •  Of course, it's not just their greed that matters … •  … and it's not just their diligence & security that matters … –  “A decade ago, I observed that commercial certificate authorities protect you from anyone from whom they are unwilling to take money. That turns out to be wrong; they don't even do that much.” Matt Blaze, circa 2010

•  You also have to trust the developers of libraries … –  Both for clients when validating certs …

TLS/SSL Trust Issues •  “Commercial certificate authorities protect you from anyone from whom they are unwilling to take money” –  Matt Blaze, circa 2001

•  So how many CAs do we have to worry about, anyway? •  Of course, it's not just their greed that matters … •  … and it's not just their diligence & security that matters … –  “A decade ago, I observed that commercial certificate authorities protect you from anyone from whom they are unwilling to take money. That turns out to be wrong; they don't even do that much.” - Matt Blaze, circa 2010

•  You also have to trust the developers of libraries … –  Both for clients when validating certs … –  and servers when generating certs

Survey found bug affected ~1.5% of HTTPS web server certs