/ • NATIONAL YOUTH ADMINISTRATION 17)4 NBW YOIU< AVBNUB NW. WASHINGTON, D. C. J\U!B 15. 1938 Mr . Charles W. Taussig 120 Wall Street New York, ...
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J\U!B 15. 1938

Mr . Charles W. Taussig

120 Wall Street New York, New Yor k Dear Mr. Taussig: As you requested over the telephone the other day I am enolosine, the le tters which I have recei ved from four of the State Directors r egarding the pos::ible placement of youth refugees . This leaves Houston Wright of Okl ahoma, Chester Lund of Minnesota, and John Lasher of \'/isconsin to be heard f rom. You will note t hat !.ir. Campbell of Illinois believes thet he can place unofficially the whole probable q uota of 1,000 . f. number of plans have been suggested as to what procedure should be fo 110\'led, but I imagine that you and I had better get together vti th the natione.l committee in lle~·t York before deciding upon which one should be foll~ved. I shall be gls.d to come up to · liew York for a br ief visit a lmost ar.y day vtithin the next week--ar.d think that this probably had better be done, since I am getting married a week from Friday ard shall be gone on a combined business trip and honeymoon to the Vlest Coast until about July 15.

Sincerel y yours ,

Thacher Winsl ow Division of Public Relations Enc .


C• ---;,•J!tc f!1t.h,lt1•-•t!c tl t ot~~ ~.- .. ! Th.t ·r-t-t L'!.oll ·t· ....~ !I' Lf,e: t.·;;..~t.~ rnr1 •'1\"' C~Lt:t flir~ctnr h t'tt: f'rotr•-:! ':0 "'r:..!..;v_ ~h·.;l-r ~u..,r lN \ ~,., e-ht"
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-.:-r !In y, ...,. e""•t.c- .-t; .. ~Mo lJcN OD :-mJtc•c 1r. ~~~ ~ cc~, (..:~ .. all , to ~· t=.-1at1'l e!.t!~~ •"'M S'f.:tc•• ~1 left. •J'Jt ~bj- t..L~ ~hey 11'£"::-l' te't!11 . '!"'·to•e ~.; • • ~n. ~nf.;no,., ..,. oe t..b£- :!! r':'T¢U• ~--e ! t~t tu-y .. ~ d•' ..ffl: Gov a:-!, ~. !.D rr.: W1':' c!t~r~• """- tJ:. .:!aoc.stn:•e:! r..l.t\f' t.J " ' ;or~~~!'~- .... ~ l""t u~ t-er• pOI!,, -·~· (!f JeeT1c.::tliut!~. 1':"" ....,d? ~ltO !"t;01'b •..Y' ,.t t!.l! nt!it:'l, ilf'Olc-c1. at. l.t'.-.4 t'n1ftN1t7 m' :n"'y bt:fi!' the boJ• btcm G Drl~"2!J!!rtl1lt Dl:r;-..;t brrlft' • rd\a..,-v" J~i:l "..h"'ll t~t ~ bi>v11 otf~r~ .,_., c:•rt ro,. t-.!t hnrd •nC :-~:n, ~' ~o tmrr..,~o,;.~ tnd e~rt.t!n oolle;c n!'!1:1•11 ~,.. cm•rl~\lit....:. ,;:nc'!l:-. ~ ~ • 'UK U~t eJ7'!!CIU f'f th1t or. ruf'Uaec: yoc.;t" rm tht t.ot,.t.\ J!:, "eEl;:""




o! •r()t.hor.

U. On fu,;nrt !:~, Attor It·. !Jctt¢11· \411 ,., turn f:om Flar~pc, • a •etin.; ,.r.a htolJ 1n rf't:" Torlc Oit;f at. the ottie. . -or U!." l'Lt 4 fl"'l CooN!.nt:U.."lJ: Collttdtt~G ror Hd to\lit!ll lind ~Jl"tln~l:l Cotint.: tl'oo Gtnt!lny, Pr• u-nt 't tbrt tlttl -or' 1 }tr. VC!Ocl'lt>ld; JU:-a O•d.ll~ J\elll')'fl~, !14itc""ttt.l')' rn-J Ext-O'.rtlve D1.racto.r ot Ule Kt:Uonrl CboM.:'IrtJnt: C~ltct; ~. Prrr~ plto;:M,., (,r,ct4r ot t.h"' laerJ.ocn ~1H~v t~r Gcr"'!"l.'l. P:~t'l!see~; !'r. s . c. W:ol\11, N"ttonal Tl,.lrl f'Sr.-ot,.)r or the Klt1.onlll Coor.JUI.r-\lDI ~lttH J\ln4; Flvv. Joseph n. , di.r...Q"tl:lr or ec:.d.ttH rer 0 "" ltc p,rd ot cU.t~Jni"XI. u t.o wbt • att;• IIJ».Jl~ tir.:.t t-e to brine ·~t. a ~t.&&l~ Mlpf\al pi"''i"' w ot ~t!21. ft ...,. t1nll.ll7 4cc~.S t."a! • zr.,.. ~"'•\:1 t.'te toUO'Wb' 'l't"d, ~~• 'li) 1 ~Uthe wo,-k!,.; ~U's •hl:lt ht J~tatg!f , , t.."'V'Itt• prttc&t t~r etl"f.1'Ul. ~~prior •.:. a n~ 1..!1 ~..- T~rlt.




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!lf. Attor t.hh work:l.,i pro'".,.. • ' t dr ,..,..- up, th· !>ecc:n.! •eeU~ 1Jfill held • Tqrk on Sep~ (!. Yha lb•o•IQ', (':-. lo~a end 111:-. Win~low •• rc rr~u.nt , t tlt1:: SH tl'lf:J but. ll:r. Mt'L'ent I!! .,... ,.,y, tA! ~- P l ~tt Mt! rarur o. t....·m a«lt A;lr'C .:~• t.hE:I!! . 'ft;( ~lt:L'\i ~ P I approYeli -.\lie~, ri~ tut. I ( . . al.l'loi)T cbra;er; and \.be rc~lnde:r ot tbe ..-.t\.1:14 .., tpenl lD d:.bc!"6tJ.n.S: apoo Uk ItA'• prog. . 6Dd ~i &"lleskc w!lat. t"' ?rtoua o trld•la d.;b:t tc-U the. IIA st.w rtnow,... 11:!:l'l ft..l'e to =eet the eoxt d.a,J et. th• loW Jfc• Torter.

tv. J.l:out oco' t.n6 • Mlt ot the t.b:rM bour oontere:c.ce et U.. HoWl It• Yorker ••• deYOted to tbe .ubJeet. ot utiat!Da 7outh re.tucue, ~Snce a ~ t.hrt~ ~uartu: o!' U.e d"'Cc...crz: lnf"''l r.ot M.n~ fllbcrut propo~ plf"n. it:. Tta ,l:d~ tlrat upl61nrd iU te.ek~ ; toe! tbun M;r, l'J.nelo" polntfltf'fU'"C t bc7 d.ld not tr.O'I' !...c. to UIIC 1\. lb-. !•llf" ~.Ue-nt t.,. MUlti ~ or t.Ua 1\tnd. to £:dr. ~th ntucec1 whJ.lf' on lltl'Wif'"IOU rtd.te d. (~) 8\1 t.a•ot .or• pll!oe obi rp ot the ~u .. IUcb 1outb a U.b )~A.a t..t...' DMdtJ U\d thareUJl4 1a :t.a )'OUCb, lt po1eib l•, eo l.oot.l P'J"'J.C e/t.T peri.o dic ~1.1 m U.J.r t.ftd \YP.. ot proj.a ta will be •~t b1 n • .l llat. or r ..idat. proJao t.e wit b




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ste- ~..ow • c 1rrv

Mr. CM.rlel W. TAulllc 1 ChairMn

National AdYitory CO.-ittee

Nat10l'llll Youth Adainilt.l'tL\.icn

120 wtJ.l St.rut Ior~, N. I .


DMr llr. 'f'

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.aoloe!Air cow ot !'bl.cber

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- cO;;u.;17 >""""' ~ '}J{.- ~1~ '. Re•. tdllard Roberta Uoore


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ran dolt ~h ~od t o r Jcoi vo ncobor ~~ 1ntl0t'' ~ oer.or endun on 'he. reruea• prtJ(.rc:- ct t~o trr.k . \.'he~ .~ encourc- t t'l,; t ·, c·• t • ~~ o re.ct. t"'at t l'l ell 1ntttntr ...,. f'I "''POiea e very • ~a a~..,.,"'Yl e c.JOrero.t. t ~ ct tlt u~e .

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0 , 19:18

Cbarle a V. Tauaa ts

120 VIall :1 t r. et Now York Ci\y t.."y dear


er. 'fauaa ta, Tbe enclos ed


4eacrl bee

ln gene.r el outlin e tbe lllttbo4 e uaed tor trana-

renta e ch114 rea troa. tbe oUlaa ot Ceraae y

and Auetr1 a to llte on the aoll ot Pa! eatlae . J.t 1a lOY thoush t that t hrouS) l tho

or auob orttoe a •• thoa@ 1n Berlln 1 aaleot lon could be . .de ot routb eettlem ont ln rural c~ltlea or ln tho United Statea . All arronge- unta tor th e ir g ett1Dg perale sion to ent'tr coope ration and Vienna , adapte d tor small towna

unta.ry thla count1 '7 woald be •4• b7 thobe 90l l.l nlted organl z.atton a ln ~ope ao4 ln t

States , and the coope ration ot tba consta t ln placin g thao horo. be JGWiah .



'l"he chlldr en would not aer11y Tbey •lg ht be Jewtab , or Cbrte Uu

ot llbora l wttb aome Jtw1ab blOOd , or '-b.r1a t1ana deDoor etlo tan1ll ee Who t1nd themae lTesnd.Tlote ntlr ex-trud ed trca the 11 te or their he~~ela Sincer ely youra,

~ . 4-.J>~.J.,.

YOUTH ALIYAH tnformoti o n Servi ~• of the Arbeitsgemeinschoh fUr Kinder· und J ugend· Aiijoh BERUN·CHARLOTTENBURG 2


N t. 15


Pobruary 19JB

tho beginning of Jnnuo.ry, 102 juYOntloa wa.l"' o'blo to .\.oavo Oor.c.o.n,y for

E:Gts: Ierool. Thoy oocaia ta d ot throe vou_pa b o.ll . 'ftlo doe 'o f

ono ot tho eo ~o. W'A4 nar Joho:s.bu.ah , which 1o th~ C1n41ne: roo.!!. t or Ali,y4h tor tho tirat time . Ot tho roD4-1.nitls t.wo srou,p.a , ono wca DAking for

MishaAr BaEmok. tho


tor Bon Shcaon .

In tho c ontho ot Pobrll.I;U'.r Q.nd .YD.rc.h , it wUl


pouiblo to ti'Ot tu.rtho r

tivo Youth Aliyah (rOUPO to oGigrDtO to Palo»tino, Arrcneomonta havo bo ~n co:.plot.od for scn4ing out o. nrst o r t h o d o x g r o u. p • It 1ri11 conaiot or 25 j~vonilo• wbo cr~ being aont to thd Agriculturol tr~intne centro ~ 1 k w o b I # r a o 1 • Tho tour other groups oro 'boins t ent \o oo ttlvmonte wh-1C.h. hcwo c lro~ a.ocoptod Youth J.liyBh !'roe~ t o rfUI\y for n po riod of two yOara• training c.nd 'tlhoro p.l~oa bt).vo bcoo:lC vtoeant owin6 to tho co~pl\l tion of thi~ torm. Tho nAmoa or thcao aottl4QOnto nrc: Tol HAj, Coahor, Oinogar and Wiarn .

b i l mo.t.tOI' of opoa1a.l :Jstb!acUon tbo.t 801:!-0 ot thoao ao ttlCJ~~Onts arQ prcpnrcd th13 t i~o to tako and 1Ditiato a ~~~r numbor or j uvcnflca f rom Oo.J'mpay thGn t;:.;~o yoo.ra ago. , thoN will boo l onvtna tor; h

l'ol Ho j t oshor

60 ju.vcm1 lo#


20 20


In a.ddi tion


• • •


instooa or 55)

G8 bo!oro ) ia.atoa.d ot 16



t}\oao boya cmd gi'rh ·.mo wi ll be loavi .ll$ Corwm,y unxt ~nth to go to Ali'nh , thol'O Gro tho olovon airlo who aro t o OJ!ttr tho Oirla '· ing hr= (Iwd l Ho:n!) ) 1n J orus:lloc . Tho Joriah J..~ne,y ho.a givon t hooo 1outb AU .vo.h cortiticntoa to Pol and . 1\artb.:~l"moro , 54 s tudr.:n t 1 a corttf1catoa hove bvon gr nn tod to Polish juvcniloo who ~ o t out for Bon Shum~n in January . i.O

•:u~ e:ro 'thu:s a.blo to draw ottiJntion to thu t c.ct thtl.t h~ ar~to d toutb Al~ tor tho poriod (~om Oc tober ar~tifying tot~l of }42 cc rti! i c~too . Of thi~ to~ ,

from Oo rm!".tty ·:fill bonortt t.o tho oxtont ot 211 .

tho M.3.ndt:~. t.or,v covornmont 19}7 to U3rch 19,8 3 the juvonilo omigretion

~~ Youth Al'~ah will thus continuo to ~njoy ~ t nir =~~auro or latitude in t.bc d1opoanl of ccrtificnto~ end in cons o~ uen co will b~ c blc to o ttor aood proapocta to quito ~ nu~ber boya an~ sirla ~o oro comploLing their achooling

l'l.t .&o3tor .

- 2 -

Tnt Roligiouo Youth Village (Xfar Boar Dati)

-------------~~!!.£~~!~~~!~~------------A trae-elad hill of delightful aepeot oocupioa the of Uar Ba ea14ill , when

it tacea tho




T•S'U" · Th.13 hill bao been

chosen for tho ai to of tlto new religious Youth Village which will be read.y in a few mon th~ · ti~e to offer a home to the tirat Youth Aliyah Group !ros Cerman,y .

Work has alcost been COAplotod on the oonatruotion of the high water-tower which rieee '6 teet above the au.mi~ ot the hill . It will contain a water tan,lc with a capacity of eo oubio aot r ... ~is ftter-to...,r, b.y tho wa.y , will alec contain living quartora . fbo ~d f loor will bo mado up of a w~h­ room , ahoworbath cQbioloa, bathroom and lavatories . The first floor of ~he towo~ proper will oonaist of a big apaoioua rooa . ~ water tanka themaelvea will all bo looated above thie r oom. The top of tbo tower will be u•ed f or tho alto of a projector atetion . A. further ctwollin.«-boure, conoiat1ng of' four roolll.a, has likewis• been complated. Two r oom.& o! this house are to servo as a villag• hospital where

t.he doctor will ba in attond.&nce . Ite bathroom will bo reeervad tor patients . Tho big dining room, tirat intended to hold one hWldl·ed persons but enlarged to provide aoating sccoucodation for twice that nuaber , will shortly be CO"!'lOtod, The kitchen and pantry have alrea4y roceived their concrete floor . The kitchen, with its floor apace o~ 40 square =etres , is equipped with a serving ehaft . Tbie oh&ft is divided ln~o two separate COMpartments for moat and milk disnoo . Tlto kitohen is itself dividod into two aectiono, one tor cold ttorage and the other f or foodotuffs of daily consumption . A~­ joining the kitch·;ah, send' thC' )·oung propiC' to P.alnunt', •·hen· th