National Agricultural Research and Innovation Center (NARIC)

National Agricultural Research and Innovation Center (NARIC) Daniel Silhavy Deputy Scientific Director, NARIC-Agricultural Biotechnology Institute ...
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National Agricultural Research and Innovation Center (NARIC)

Daniel Silhavy Deputy Scientific Director, NARIC-Agricultural Biotechnology Institute

National Agricultural Research and Innovation Center (NARIC)

NARIC 2013. Integration of 12 agricultural-related research institutes

Covers almost all fields of agricultural research

Owner: Ministry of Agriculture

How could NARIC contribute to the success of this program? -PhD students, post-doc programs: long-term scientific training -Practical research training: diagnostic methods, tissue culture, breeding, agricultural engineering training etc. -short-term theoretical courses or training: Lectures from different fields of agriculture

„The proposed initiative is…on demand-driven basis”

Competencies of NARIC Plant and animal breeding

Food science

Agricultural engineering and management

Basic research and technology transfer

Breeding Institutes Plant breeding Cereal Research Institute: top wheat breeding center, rye, sunflower. From tissue culture to seed marketing.

Fruit culture: nut, appricot, sour-cherry etc. Traditional breeding, marketing Vegetable crops: pepper, tomato, onion, pea Viticulture: grape breeding, propagation of virus free material, Gene banking, enology

Forest research: Poplar, acacia breeding, Climate modeling, forest cultivation planning,

Breeding Institutes Animal breeding Research Institute for Animal breeding, nutrition and meat science: Large animal breeding, fatty pig, conservation

Institute for Fisheries and aquaculture: Sweetwater aquaculture, carp breeding, live gene banking,

Food science Food science Institute: To elaborate healthier food products. Premium products from fatty pigs.

Dairy Reasearch Institute: From probiotics, optimal microbiological cultures, to dairy factory planning and building

Agricultural engineering and management

Irrigation and water management:

Agricultural engineering: Estimation of agricultural productivity using remote sensing

Basic research and technology transfer

Basic research and technology transfer

- Transgenic rabbits to enhance antibody production - Molecular markers for more efficient cattle breeding - Development of more efficient in vitro fertilization methods - Modern conservation methods

- Vaccine development -Diagnostic methods: -Host-pathogen interactions: symbiotic bacteria VS. pathogen strains -Bioinformatics

-Dihaploid culture: to accelerate breeding!

Thanks for your attention!

Basic distinction from the previous financing model:

Institute funding gives place to project funding The yearly budget of an institute exclusively depends on the number of projects and their funding – most often the support won by tender. At the moment there are 170 research projects in 11 independent research units at 27 premises. There are long-term (4-8 years) projects, as well.

Agricultural Biotechnology Institute

NAIK Mezőgazdasági Biotechnológiai Kutatóintézet Vidékfejlesztési minisztérium (

Igazgató: Dr. Bősze Zsuzsanna

Igazgatói közvetlen csoportok

Diagnosztikai Csoport Dr. Várallyay Éva Érzékeny és rövid időn belül eredményt adó új, molekuláris biológiai módszerek adaptálása és fejlesztése szőlő vírusfertőzöttségének kimutatására. Mezőgazdasági Genomika és Bioinformatika Csoport Dr. Barta Endre Bioninformatikai szolgáltatások, Next Generation Szekvencia (NGS) analízis Mangalica genom project Növényi Szövettenyésztő Csoport Dr. Mitykó Judit Homozigóta dupla haploid (DH) paprika (Capsicum annuum L.)növények előállítása in vitro portok tenyészettel, zöldségfélék, szövettenyésztése és mikroszaporítása.

NAIK Mezőgazdasági Biotechnológiai Kutatóintézet Vidékfejlesztési minisztérium (

Növénybiotechnológiai Szekció Növényi Fejlődésbiológia Csoport Dr. Havelda Zoltán A kis szabályozó RNS-ek szerepének és működésének vizsgálata paprikában és modell növényekben.

Növényi Virológiai Csoport Dr. Burgyán József Az antivirális géncsendesítés és a géncsendesítést szupresszáló vírus fehérjék molekuláris vizsgálata. Növényi Sejtbiológia Csoport Dr. Jenes Barnabás Vírusrezisztencia indukálása árpában és kloroplasztisz mutánsok alkalmazása a GM növények környezeti kockázatbecslésében. Növényfiziológia és Biokémia Csoport Dr. Bánfalvi Zsófia A burgonya szárazságtűrés javítása és extrém vírusrezisztenci gének térképezése. Búza metabolonok vizsgálata vernalizáció alatt. Epigenetika Csoport Dr. Szittya György A kis szabályozó RNS-ek hőmérséklet érzékelésben és válaszadásban betöltött szerepének vizsgálata.

Igazgató: Dr. Havelda Zoltán

NAIK Mezőgazdasági Biotechnológiai Kutatóintézet Vidékfejlesztési minisztérium (

Genetika Szekció Igazgató: Olasz Ferenc Növénygenomikai és Növény-mikróba Interakció Csoport (Kaló Péter ) Növény-baktérium szimbiotikus és patogén kölcsönhatásának genetikai analízise

Növényi RNS-biológia Csoport (Silhavy Dániel ) Az NMD (Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay) mechanizmusának vizsgálata

Gazda-patogén Interakció és Mikrobiális Genomika Csoport (Olasz Ferenc ) A baktériumok patogenitásának és terjedésének genomikai vizsgálata

Gyümölcs Genetika Csoport (Dallmann Géza ) Az alma tűzelhalás tolerancia új mechanizmusainak vizsgálata

Mikrobiológiai Laboratórium (Olasz Ferenc ) Mezőgazdaságban jelelentős baktériumok genomikai és metagenomikai vizsgálata

NAIK Mezőgazdasági Biotechnológiai Kutatóintézet Vidékfejlesztési minisztérium (

Á llatbiotechnológiai Szekció Alkalmazott Embriológia és Őssejt Kutató Csoport Dr Gócza Elen A korai embrionális fejlődésben és őssejt kialakulásban szerepet játszó miRNS-ek azonosítása Kérődző Genom Biológiai Csoport Dr Hiripi László Szarvasmarha rSNP tesztelése in vivó egérmodellen Marker asszisztált szelekcióhoz chip fejlesztés Nyúl Genom Biológiai és Biomodell Csoport Dr Bősze Zsuzsanna Megnövelt értékű nyúlmodellek Szabadalmaztatott technológia magas minűségű és nagy mennyiségű ellenanyag termelésére


6d E

NARIC Research Institute for Viticulture and Enology Research Station of Badacsony

• Variety value research • Investigation of training systems, pruning systems and fitotechnology • Environmental-friendly soil cultivation and nutrition supply of vineyards • Maintenance , development and genetic analyses of the genebanks • Grape breeding • Professional Consultancy Centre, local wine qualification • Maintenance of vineyards for basic propagation of rootstock and scion varieties

NARIC Research Institute for viticulture and Enology Research Station of Kecskemét • Variety value research • Investigation of training systems, pruning systems and fitotechnology • Complex decontamination of grape propagation materials • Maintenance , development and genetic analyses of the genebanks • Grape breeding • Determination of the variety value of newly bred table grape varieties • Complex development, analyses of the local origin control systems, description of products and cadastre of grape production plots, technical expertise • Deduction of the sensitivity of the grape for the Agrobacterium pests

NARIC – Research Institute for Animal Breeding, Nutrition and Meat Science (ÁTHK) 2053 Herceghalom, Gesztenyés út 1. 

ÁTHK belongs to the recently established National Agricultural Research and Innovation Center (NARIC). ÁTHK, or rather its legal predecessor, the Experimental Station of Animal Physiology and Nutrition, was established in 1896. According to its deed of foundation, the scope of activities of the Institute included basic and applied research and development activity related to the genetics, breeding, reproduction, nutrition, feed utilization, physiology of nutrition, management and feeding technology of the so-called large farm animals (cattle, swine, sheep, horse). Its further duties comprise national and regional consulting and information services in animal breeding and nutrition.

NARIC – Research Institute for Animal Breeding, Nutrition and Meat Science (ÁTHK) 

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Research activity is conducted in departments specialized in genetics, cattle breeding, swine breeding, sheep and goat breeding, biology of reproduction, as well as departments for ruminant nutrition, swine nutrition, feed analysis and evaluation, physiology of nutrition, microbiology and feed preservation and biochemistry. An experimental farm and an abattoir are available for the execution of model and semi-field scale experiments. The Institute conducts many of its research and training programs in cooperation with several Hungarian, European and overseas research institutions. The scientific consulting days of the ÁTK arose widespread interest among experts and the Institute was visited by many scientists from abroad. Reputed researchers of ÁTHK are involved in the graduate and post-graduate training at Universities. The Institute hosts the Surgical Training and Research Laboratory of Department of Surgical Research and Techniques, Semmelweis University, which is dedicated to multispecialty research, education and training focused on minimally invasive techniques.

National Agricultural Research and Innovation Centre Research Department of Irrigation and Water Management NARIC ÖVKI

H-5540 Szarvas, Anna-liget 8. Fax.: +36 66 312 142 Tel.: +36 66 515 301

NARIC ÖVKI – Infrastructures

Rice Research Station


Lysimeter Research Station

Laboratory for Environmental Analytics

Radiological Research Station

Agricultural Water Management R&D&I Research Priorities: - research for reduction of the negative impacts of climate change; - research on adaptation possibilities to extreme hydrological events (excess water, drought); - research on the Hungarian irrigation status and potential development; - complex research on excess water management, assessment of excess water hazard, land use development possibilities; - GIS-based mapping; - defining the role of agricultural water management in environmental protection, nature conservation and socio-economy; - evaluation of positive and negative external effects of agricultural water management; - research on the relationship between EU WFD and agricultural water management; - research of the role of agricultural water management on wetlands in maintaining the context of ecosystem services; - research on the possibilities of recycling water for agricultural use; - building of Agricultural Water Management Database.

Irrigation farming R&D&I Research Priorities: - effective utilization of plant-based irrigation technologies (cereal crops, plantations) - research on agricultural originated waste water usage for irrigation in energy plantations - development of new technologies of water-saving irrigation (aerobic rice, aquaponics) - nutrient cycles in the plant-soil-water system - unravelling the accumulation of toxic elements in the agro-ecosystem.

Rice production and breeding R&D&I Research Priorities: - Breeding new, high yielding varieties with good quality and tolerance to the special climatic conditions (low temperature, short duration) - Integration of biotechnological methods into traditional breeding (DH-lines via androgenesis – isolated microspore culture) - Research on abiotic (cold, drought) and biotic (blast disease, white tip disease) stress tolerance of rice - Management and development of rice gene bank to provide genetic background of research and breeding - Agrotechnological improvement for response to fertilization – good threshing and resistance to lodging - Cooperation with the Hungarian Rice Producers Association

National agricultural research and innovation centre Research institute for fisheries and aquaculture

• The NARIC Research Institute for Fisheries and Aquaculture performs practice-oriented applied research providing directly applicable results for the industry. • The three basic pillars of the institute’s strategy are:  Economic sustainability (improving the profitability of fish production)  Environmental sustainability (decreasing the environmental impact of fish culture)  Social sustainability (promoting higher fish consumption, improving public opinion)

 Main fields of research:           

Development of aquaculture technologies Genetic characterization of fish breeds Studies on fish immunology and immunostimulants Fish feeding and nutrition Fish meat quality and influencing factors Aquatic ecology, natural water treatment systems Population dynamics and fisheries management in natural waters Participation in international aquaculture development projects Maintenance of live gene banks of common carp breeds and sturgeon species Operating the National Fisheries Database Extension and training

NARIC Food Science Research Institute Research activities in FSRI for the future food safety Biological and bio-analytical research on traceability and detection of biological and chemical risk factors of food safety. Elaboration of novel methods with special attention to requirements of food control and food safety. Research on biochemical and nutrition-physiological relations of food components with special attention to recent, healthy nutrition. Development of environment-friendly and energy-saving minimal food processing. Social and economic studies to establish food safety strategy, risk-management and risk communication.

Herman OttóSt. 15. H-1022 Budapest, 796 0434 Hungary

Phone: +36 1 796 0400 Fax: +36 1

Department of Biology Investigation of hazards of novel foods and food producing technologies in the viewpoint of food safety. molecular biology: Screening and quantification of GMOs, transgenic organisms, potential allergens using DNA based methodologies, protein separation technologies, immunoanalytical methods: transgenic proteins, determination of potential allergenic compounds, assessment of the fate of antigenic/allergenic proteins by using in vitro and in vivo rat models, animal (rat/mice) models for biological evaluation of proteins and modulating of immune responses using oral adjuvant (probiotics, plant lectins), development of probiotics (LAB) based plant products (selection methods, fermentation technologies).

Department of Food Analytics Investigation of instrumental analytical methods for determination of different food-ingredients. developing of selective and highly sensitive instrumental methods (HPLC, GC) for food quality and safety assurance, investigation of sensor technologies (enzyme based amperometric biosensors, optical waveguide lightmode spectroscopy based immunosensors), near infrared (reflectance/transmittance) spectroscopy for non-destructive analysis, research on physical, chemical and biological methods for food analysis, quantification of food components and food contaminants (allergens, toxins and pesticide residues), detection of adulteration, unlawful technological treatments and materials, origins and varieties of different raw materials.

Department of Technology and Food Chain Analysis Development of novel food technologies, social and economic studies to establish food safety strategy, risk communication development of novel, environment protective and energy saving food technologies serving the consumer’s health protection and quality improvement, application of new technologies based on physical methods e.g. pulsing electric field (PEF), the radiofrequency and microwave treatment, pilot plants, physical and chemical analysis of food products regarding to food technologies,

sensory analysis, surveys and studies made at different food chain players and consumers to improve the food safety, risk management and the consumer’s acceptance of novel food products and technologies, implementation and adaptation of qualitative and quantitative methods (conjoint analysis, focal groups, opinion networking, SPSS etc.), introduction and dissemination of the up-to-date risk management approach and practice as well as to raising the level of consumer protection and information.

Agro-Environmental Research Institute, National Agricultural Research and Innovation Centre

Founded in 1880 Member of the research institute network of the Ministry of Rural Development Member of NARIC since 2014 Research on - chemical and genetic safety of agricultural technologies - environmental analysis of organic microcontaminants - environmental and applied microbiology - agricultural ecotoxicology

NARIC AERI Department of Environmental Analysis Research activities:

Instrumentation, applied techniques available: - GC-FID, GC-ECD, GC-MS - LC-UV, LC-MS - robotics assisted ELISA, sensorics - SPE, SPME, QuEChERS

Chemical environmental safety: - monitoring organic microcontaminants (pesticide residues, etc.) in water and soil - determination of organic microcontaminants (pesticide residues, mycotoxins, etc.) in plants and vegetable matrices - investigation of translocation (e.g. into guttation fluid) of systemic pesticide ingredients - environmental fate and decomposition of pesticides (e.g. glyphosate) Genetic environmental safety: - determination of transgenic proteins (e.g. Cry toxins) in GM crops and the environment (e.g. stubble) - determination of transgenic proteins in biological tissues in tritrophic studies of GM crops (maize)

NARIC AERI Department of Environmental and Applied Microbiology Research activities:

Applied microbiology: - mycotoxin biodegradation - microbial de novo genome projects - description of new microbial species - cloning and biochemical characterization of cellulases and hemicellulases - symbiotic development - Archaea genetics

Environmental microbiology: - monitoring of mycotoxin producing molds in Hungary - compost microbiology, isolation of cellulose and hemicellulose degrading bacteria - investigation of microbial diversity of arsenic-rich thermal springs - isolation and taxonomic identification of lactobacilli from exotic animals of the Budapest Zoo

NARIC AERI Department of Ecotoxicology Research activities:

Breeding: - MON 810 maize - Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata - Aedes aegypti - Daphnia magna - Pomacea bridgesii - Brachydanio rerio - Macropodus opercularis - Lissotriton boscai - Bombina orientalis

Agricultural Ecotoxicology: - secondary effects of insect resistant transgenic plants (containing Cry toxins) - aquatic toxicology (alga, insect, crustacea, snail, fish, amphibian) - teratogenic effects of environmental contaminants - hormone modulant effects of environmental contaminants

NARIC Vegetable Crop Research Department • The Kalocsai Paprika and Chemical Research Station was established in 1917 and the Szeged Paprika and Chemical Research Station was set up in 1927 in the two paprika growing regions with the duty to make chemical analysis of the more and more exported red pepper powder and to provide qualifier certificate. Besides these, their fundamental duty is plant breeding and to supply farmers with bred seeds • These two research institutes had been operating since 1971, Vegetable Growing Research Institute’s Red Pepper Research Station within the frameworks of the Subsequently, they continued to undertake the tasks of their predecessors as separate organisations. • Since January the 1st, 2014, the research activity is continued within the frameworks of the National Agricultural Research and Innovation Centre.

NARIC Fruitculture Research Institute (1223 Budapest, Park u. 2) • Successor of Horticultural Research Institute founded in 1950. • There are three research stations in the network (Cegléd, Érd, Fertőd). • Our cultivars are in the production not only in Hungary, but in a lot of countries in the world. • Research work is supported by stone fruit gene bank collection having large variability.

Ceglédi kedves Carmen℗

Melrose teahybrid

Fertődi narancs

NARIC Fruitculture Research Institute’s main activities (Cegléd, Érd, Fertőd)

• breeding of sweet cherry, sour cherry, apricot, European plum, Persian walnut, raspberry and strawberry • rootstock research • orchard system trails • development of micro-propagation technology of woody plant species • elimination of viruses, maintenance of virus-free nuclear stock garden • Integrated Pest Management research • plant nutrition research • fruit site research • breeding of annual flowers propagated by seeds and rose

The Forest Research Institute began its functioning as the Hungarian Royal Forest Experiment Station at Selmecbánya after the foundation decree was signed on 31 December 1897.

According to the decision of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development he task of the Institute is to conduct complex research aimed at the development of forestry. The Institute has five scientific departments: - Forest ecology and silviculture - Forest tree breeding

- Plantation forestry - Forest protection - Forest economics There are 74 persons working at the Institute, all of which 27 are researchers.

The main field of research • Climate change: adaptation of possible consequences • Effects of the silvicultural treatment on growth and structure • Breeding of fast growing species • Developing of plantation forest technology • Afforestation on the dry and disadvantaged area • Protection against hazards and damages • Evaluation of profitableness in forestry sector

climate – energetics – silviculture

Climate change unfavourable effects  adaptation  Close to nature diversity, function stability 

Bioenergetics -

increasing demand 

new resource 

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