University ',:of Oinoinnati

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N ,·EW :8' ~~c:R"E :()O R' I). ;\



Vol. 1:,·No. 15



. Cinc~innati,Ohio, Thu~sday, Ja!1uary 30, 19~4

IECc. Wins -

.Counci"1 No'minatestCandidates ,~orStudent Body" President,',',

"Iron M·an'· -






Nominations fors-tudent body president highlighted Stu den t Council's ,.'regular.Mon'aay night sessiori: .Those nominated-and'then .passed by the body of .Council-i-were Don Schuerman, Ken 'Wolf, :Mike-- Noland, £eeh;~Departnlf}nt.'of£ice~~." .,tRonm.s', 240. 'and '2~~ ":JW~'-Wi9kell~



'~ir/Jfmo~tr,w~,cr1!JffetlcrofiG1arJlrY rdl1ltcr ~ "(







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~,fuss •••. discuss.~.cram, exam •••wow~.••whew ••~pause'b~1i~~ .•~.." , 1


















.notes••~,quotes••~.trig -

.hot ch.oc()late;'mi~'hrioche.. 'isinferesting; to note, incidentally, that 'brioche was named after its inventor, perhaps the gl~~ates\tof,aJf'Fien~h'bakers, Jean-ClaudeBrioche (1634-1921)'. "fvr: Brioche,' as:we all k11OW,also iiwellteq croissants, French toast; and-t-in acurious departure"'r·tlle ~le9tJ.'icI:~zQr.Other immortal.names in the history of breadstuffs are the German, Otto -Purnpernickel (1509-:-1848)' who invented pumpernickel and thus became known to posterity-as 'I'he Iron' Chancellor; the' two" Americans, William Cullen .Raisin ·(1066-1812) and 'Walter RY13 (1931-l9?2) who collaborated .on theinvention-of raisin ,. rye; and, of course, Hans' Christian Andersen (1805-1875), who!lQ.ventedDa11lshpa~try)~ " : But r digress: Finster, I say; brel},kfa,sted''1ightlyat ten a.m, ,At eleven a.m, his Mom brought hilIl_h~s~l~venses.'At twelve ~l~ebrought' him hi's-twelveses. At 1:30 she. servedjhis lunch; first a clear broth: then a fish course (porgy and bass); then an emelettejthen the main oourse-c-either a saddle of lamb, an ey~ of-sirloin, or a glass of chicken fat; then a salad of escarole; and finally a lemon souffle. .. . " " . At thl:ee p.m, IVIpm served Finster low tea,' at five p.m. high . tea, and afttenp.rn. dinner-first a bowl of petite marmite(she -trapped the marmitesherself); th~n:a fish course (wounded trout); then an omelette of turtle eggs; then the main course-seither' .duck with orange or a basin' of farina; then-a salad of .•Inborn chicory; and finally a, caramel mousse. And then' Finster went off to college, which reminds me of ~arlboro·. Cigarettes. (Actually it doesn't' remind me of Marlboro Cigarettes at all, but the makers of 'Marlboro pay me to write tilis column and they are inclined to get surly if I fail to mention their product. Mind you, I don't object to mentioning th,eir pra,duct--no sir, not Ol)ehit. Marlboro's flayor is flavor• ful, the filter filters, the 'soft pack-is soft, .the ,Flip-Top box flips, ana the tattoo is optional. Marlboros are ~vailable wherever , cigarettes are sold in all fifty states of the Union. Next time you:re in the U.S.A., try a pack.) ..... But I digress. We were spel;tkirigof Finster Sigafoos,who went ,from CQntinentaldirung todormit9ry feeding. SO'wIlenever you feel ,sorry for yourself, think ,of Finster, for it-always lifts the hea~t to knpw somebody .is wor~e offthan you are. l

© 1964 Max ShulmH


We, the makers of Marlboro, can't say whether EuropealJ food bea~s ours, but this.~ beli~ve: America's cigarettes lead the whole wm-ld. AJ1.d"this we further beUev,: amlJri, .A FnDriI'II'1il


lIIn ••lhn~ru~









~. ThlJr,clnv


NJ=Ml~~$¥.~telll;n;',.~J;l~t@ee~,~t ar.~

sist,e~~;;En'gi~eeri!1g;: ei; 1~:",Qa:t;a


~.Wh.~i'SrlJB!:K,Cu~,~Or:T)~f1:req~h~efOe,p;ts',i t;'f,;c;J;epth",., d~¥i,s~.·

. ap~p~fqach;'.c:tefiri~,~,:p.~e:fe.~r:~:ct~jn,~ch'in~.ancl:9R€f.~N;~)nal·sol~tton/a,nd





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·~3"O··:·O·,I7\"·AO' 0',· '," '\;);,t1·,v' ..·······.·,

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:"/'J,-,Equitahle They(ve got

F~r .i,,11f~r11li.}tio~abont career-opporttrnities at_ Equitable; see-your , PJaeemenfO:fficer: or write toWiniatn i!J:;' Blevins, EniJjJoynient- Manager;

• n;A,IYlIVI.,I:,K


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:,I'lotneOfEce; 1'283 ,Avenue -


of the ,Americas, 'j..



,New York, .


'States N. Y: l06lS'@) 1964 . -",



Linda Lutz



.Who~s ~Coming by' Sue HeH



S'ue Kamp

u;.p' 'Qu~~Ir? '



d:,dlc,e~"in honor

of, all freshmen

Friday night 'at 11:15, thei dination.Scott Johnson, Banquet; women., ,,"". , . "f th" 1964,' S ,.'h'" .John J".e .. n nings Tic,k.ets: Ned Lau.... T he. ,Sophos Iraternity crowning . 0' 'e op os" " ,',', ' .' ,' . . " has . .,had '''' , , '11 tak 1 . t C:. tl tenbach,. ' .'P.ubI, i ,city.'. ' ,'. a very .: interesting and colorful - Q ueen ,WI -"La e p ace a as e ". . ..... ,' , . ,. . .'," "-. . .' I' ,. tw . k '£"',.' "Everything's C om In 9 Up hI.story on your campus ... H'I,S a wo wee so: .' '-' .... "", '. . F arms, c imaxmg ti ." . " " b 11; :",: Sophos/'the', theme. of the local honorary, the only honorary ~ .,ct~~ve campaIgmng y a ~po~-. d' a.~'~haQce ..}o:;/T'~';t;"> ~'; t~ey~..~~~~,~,o~~~~.!aJ "Brothers soring orgimizations' 'are as folthe contestan:tsjI'TheYt·W'~r,ec,als,o, ""p;~;the:::~~$I •.~:..::r~~:~~ymboi asso'low-8>"Susan/Kamp, Alpha Chi'i~:troduced' 'af the .~etr'o"ShQW"?tiatec:f ~YI,ifh~Sophos~is the ":~itOmega; Beverly DueschervAlpha last S~tur,daY .. '\~. "t.le,·~~?~:~"\;Ju~·t~Ji,'; ; Gamma Delta; 'Roberta Steubing, .. ' Tickets forthe~';~~n~e~,;~ali'p:~ 1:~:.~~g~os;'·'~,es~aes:.:,·spOnsoringope "AlphaDelta Pi; Lynn.N ewcomer;' bought outside th~ Gpil1f~qp.}ll ;)'~9Jtije1~,tg-esJ .caJi}1?~,s:~dance,s;,pe.r" ~ ChiOmega; Ann Kimberly Siegel; 'to 1 or at the d,ance~,"An'"ID;ca:ra .:'£dr"I'nS· Several.,bthet:service~ for De,Ha·'Delta. Delta; Carolyn M'oQmustibe". pres,erite~ .b,~,'9t~',p~ej;{~tpe ,p:r;,iYeFsi(~\.T!!eyer,~960, ,-:~rban,planmngmaYf enter the 'Unlike, the .girls'. 'professiOI,lal its,p~rpose is to further educa:,~ompetiti?~for the annual Cin- 'J~frC!ter:nities, membership vin Sin- tion'and~xperi~ncednradi,a, TV, Ci~natus 'As~ociation"P r i z e for . phoniais not limited,' tomusic stu-' aliQ.,'" drama. As i-tsfirst project, ~.: , " ,:",.;", > " ...•~ .', deI!t~.."All, men who.:can sing or R;ha Tau presented a ',TV report out~t~ndmg ,w9~~ ~nJh:se a~eas. instrument \yell are eli· 6rt"tl1e Presidential 'elections. The ,,A prize of fif'ty dollars IS offered. gible to join.Boe§t~ng'$uch mem- 'l?r€se~t "'project .,is, avshow on ~~,~7:The competition is'~dministered' bel'S as Leonard~ernstejn, I Al '\\T-eETEducational TV, "A POl" by theDepartment 0'£ Geography, Hirth (::vho atte~ded' CCM), and ~rait of a Jazz Musician,' featurch A pp lilea tiIOns Van Cliburn, Sinphona has 225 mg the Mathews Sextet. ~ ' ,Dave . , R m., 1 Old Tee. ,,,', ',",>:,"';' ""> . . chapters throughout the US. ~ The ranks 'of Rho Tau, consists~ou.1~ 1,nC.~~d~: ,a';,resrme ~f the' -"An' adrnirable addition to ,the. ing of men and women in Radio:',~pplIcangs.' b~ckgrouIld, copies of .' :';'i,'esearch .·pap~r~,'_cQh1pleted, or _ RESTA~R~NT I ''':0 t fi ~ r . evidence"oftoutstanding 7715 R'eadin.9 201 ~est c"\V()rki~,and..C!lett~'r~,~f.!recornmenRoad, ' McMillan (~dation': by "the"'Dej;;arlment Head ,761-2116 . _421:.9331 ,":~l,,;

~"fin'~:e~':' -;


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(c ;~':.;'{~ Ferne Chasky, SDT ;::y.\~?\/·~I~!..

# .. I..


~Tray Sl~dding

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"a"~"~'iCli"'.'~l 'L.,)N"'·.·







The Universityuf Maryland, Old. Line State, has; now given the greatest



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.',Aiom·, .' ···a,,: res. .':~e'',~ ·~',:m'·'·"'~~I·"· g": i~~~'.:


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, by;RbnHaneb~rg




,bf::Larry Sh uman Ass't Sports, EdItor .


'~.'.1)~: ...•. ,ii~il.'· ..






a citadel snowbound

. ..



of higher learnlng In the. campuses-tray sledding,

idea' since' Dr. N aismithstarted





The' worse may be ytttto come: for .theBearcats.

_ ".


' ...'.


'. '.'

'.." ...,;

. a9a.h1~~:TOtSa· ,~oUId, ~be,'a'''I'it!te


~~slElr:,.T~e"·H~r'~ica~'es a~e,. ~:~ In tlfeconference, .mduchnga thetwo-point:·r()SS to' Cincy'.in' l:J(!iS


losing; three straight Mis~ourL Valley Conference games" 'Cats still 'must' face .two more'4VIVG their home dens ': . poorest" ga'me of' the this' weekend', This- evening WichitR., will be; the opposition' ,t'hEt'/s~~~oni however,



an old 'soccer. ball through a peach basket.. . ." . Tulsa 'ex, The athletic UM st.udent.bodY has. com~med a .,eafeterIa tray.and . - . ", .: '. " ., , ., .. " "'/ .',: . '.,,' " " .-'. '.. ;', ,· .. actly m-alch'es'qncinriati,'boasta .snow-covered slope into a poorman's SkI paradise. The sport has . 1~: the ,WlChltaRound.hou~e., w~,~~e'Saturday CIlley will tangle \ ing; a:9~6;"'m'ark. ' all.fhe. thrills and accidents (broken arm, bruises etc.) of skiing" is 'with the Golden Hurricanesof Tulsa, Tlte:Htrtf1cahes have the'same popular with the. fair sex as well as the rugged he-man type and . Bef?re th: MVC seaso~ began, /', ' roster' as' the 'one which invaded costs only the prrce of a lunch at the student union. ..' ' Wichita Was tabbed-as the team 'agains:t North Texas State two C·' ", t:" vith '. . .' .. ,'t;'", I" . " , en.d. -Cinein','. mcmna .".,'1 WI one, ',"excep Ion. nstea d ,0 f r.e turni urmng o..,ne, s tray a f ter· dlInlng on t h a t scrumptuous that would fIn.allY wee k s . ago •.· "1 . .,' f ad (I t . ..., . '.' ,, f Nel., Johnson, a 6-7 soph center I d students 0, as year M aryan. were so' appreciative 0 tnena·ti's stranglehold on the conThe other starter WIll probably', . . . ,', . , '. hi'· f 00 ·d t h ey were b,e-mg ' . d'h h R 0 b ert " -, '. .a -5-10 . starter from '., ~,who'". gave Gmey W 0.,esome serve~ ~ t at t h ey ,ung ference title ....DespiteIhree early ~be Len Kelley, d' be fits-the-first .', .'time S pence, dlrrec t or 0 f .umversi ' 't y f'00 d services . , e ff'Igy,.) th e OUtd 001"5' "',. I . hh' e s.averagmg, aroun the In , ' th Sh k' "h '.. Iast d,S year. . Althooug, ad ,nas, f. hi een kicked . ttit off d a3. " ~ ',' . ....~. season osses, te oc· ers ave ' d bi fi f th ,. - squa ,or .IS poor a 1 u e. yminded student subtly conceals his tray underneath his ski Jacket '.' ", ". . III ou e .. igures . or e. year, Bill K 1"ik: . 11 t' Ii t 'd h !.I f . th I justified.. their pre-season raves, his eligibility runs out at the 1. us ~1 a, an e:cce en s ootan eaus or e s opes. . '" .' ', V .o " . •• , . • . er who .!S averagmg almost 23 ' \ The' popularity of the sport is alarming especially to Mr. Spence as the; are currently leading the end of this semester. But the .. t . ,cr' . till . , 'd' C titl 'th' Iec Shockers have do e orne vi gg pom s a game, IS S 1 aroun and the University officials. In two days over 4,000 trays had been JI.\ It e race WI ,a p:r ect . .'. . n s ~e JU .• however .. 6"2 Rich Parks has,al'so " " d" f h . di h 11,. d '. b I" . . 5,0 record ling, ,and the other starting guard ". d hi ff" litte . rom t e . mmg a san sent, arre ling down the'. campus from last year's highly-rated Jome .. 1m as, an 0 enSlve threat, at a net loss of more than $16,000 to the university. Coupledwitn The big norse for. the Shockteam 6-0 Ernie Moore will reaverag~ng 14.8 a game, .even 50 .injured students, this gave Dean for Student Life James Borreson ers is, of course, Dave Stall-, gain' eligibility at the' beginning though he was'a second-stnng~r a problem ulcerous in magnitude. . ~. worth, who la~t year tossed in .of the second semester. He's supfor. m~lC~ of the year .. He IS -, hoi . . d .. ... t 'h d \. . \.:. dl . th b tte f th t b t averaging .606 from the field and Dean Borres~m then made one of t ose historic ecisions ma c e an unbelievable 46 points in> pose y, e~ e er o. e wO'.' u .898 from the lin to I' nk 1 ; a' in scope 'by former governor DiSalle's epic nroclamati-n tf) th~ (')1,10. the Shockers 65.64 vidQry over both are spee~y,shek bal~-hand. the top nationallye,in b~th , b k b II tea ft.' th I d 1 t th tic 1 h .. h' " ) lcrs who can hit from outside. . Stat~aset a eam~ er h~y la 0$ dena lOhnadcI'lamplO~S. II? UClastye,ar. T~~~ ye'ar~ Stalr~ Wichita is 14-3 for £J1~ season, gories. . S,)I:!1e upstarts -from SW. 10. ~h .e, gOO" Dean, a , a remammg worth hasbeen leadin!i'the ,c;on-., J~ut,has compiled a winning The real surprise has been the, ·,c





















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trays removed from}he d~mng facilities. .' If. we don t ha~: e~ough f~rencei~ scorin~and is a sure. ,str.eako"f,ten games. 'Their 'last development of 6·10V2 Lyle Keltrays togo around, hemformed the, Washington Star, let s not b t' 'f II A '.' honor: victory was Loyola byia Fourly who has averaged 14 points a , them at all. .'We' . 11 walt. f or peop " 1e to .bri onors." .. - th e H urrIcanes '. , last ~ fool" WIth rmg t h em b. RC.k" . e.. , i' ' or a - mencan. pointco~mt, . . -../ in ,.'Chicago. The game In as t'wo "t:wa.s the old fight fire with fire pr inciple, and the now trayles~ ':'~s, 6.7~. . " .' ". Shockers displayed, their poise by MVC enco~nters.He ,may replace UM students answered the challenge in heroic fashion-they staged The otherTorward 1~6·5 Dave sinking their lastsl.Srfree throws Carlos GrIpad.o, Larry B~rke,:.()r a dining hall rio,t that would .have made, anypr.ison proud. Leach, who's-just that oll:defens~·. as Loyola .was forced to foul after Bob Fedorko inthe .starting l~QeFirst' came a fe~ scattered hangings of knives and forks on the ~Although, he does little' scoring; ',the Shockers' w~nt into their up .. ~one of. the t~I? IS particu, . "'. .. " " ." ..' ," .'.... . ,,' '," ....•. deep-freeze. The 'same .\strategy Iarly impressive on either offense t.ables.: Then a thousand throats picked up that catchy saymg, we he, IS the -defensive stalwart of 'I'" 'h' ke d" I'" 'b" t or defense: although Grip' ado " d '11 k h t br k I H b . th ' t 'H' ..... a so as wor e III ear: ler fl -. " .. , , .: ,want trays, an a .. you now-w a 10 e oose. am urgers, plec;.es e earn. . Isoutstancimg .perties'which have 'included a s1x- ; plufth~) starters •...And the' ,'Cats"'mli~t \Viti botb~to , .. a .fr;anti.tbebeseiged·~cafeteriaand ,but~t thi'ough.a .~or?On.. N ?~elit~95~:rs,~,~nter ..1~;..;6~W;·'. Nu' 23"17, ,;~;,es Uc~nsml . ATTENTION! ~Ight assists, and was. UC's floo{:' Kentuckyb,ad a balanced effort Beta Th~ta' PF o'ver 'Delta 'fa u :'Rf "e~~~.~c 0 ,.,' s. ~syc o. o~y ,Student. DireCtories' will be general. J-erry Ra'dtke had fLOrn 'live players aU in, doub-Ie n~1t..,·,f~'13,'and AIAAover' Alpha 'cJe~~fH'!~:'~'~t' WJ,I'II'·lldl,scU"SSw"· 'ht~et favailable from Feb. 3·7 outside S' 26-18'" '... ,. . .tQPIC.', A'Ufn ,8,·, . ness.;... a eight points ·and played a scr~.pfigures. Dampier, a member 0·£ fheGrUt Di~tributiontime wi.ll py defensive~ game. He and 19, '. '~, '. .'...... .':Every Cjti,en' Sho~ld Kno~1 the same',AlI-State team as RQ!f, be~frQm 12-) on MondaY/Wed· C9ntrary, t~ .the report, m,: ail" ··t~ls'a.rnoon a,t 12',l5 in,Roo" Couzins' canceUed .Stateischief' led. UK with. 30 ,.poin'ts.Etl. Grant nes·day; ..and 'Frid'1lY 'alld ,from e~rli~r}~qitio!} 'of'theNews R.~C~; . 3-l0~f:,t~'· \J~lo;...:4~''l1ission'fs offensi've. :threat-John Haney, added 16, Riley got, 22, Gene '11,:30 ::')~:,300nTuesd~y: anti a 6·foot ,scQring dyna,mo who' Stewart had 13~ a'ind Wayne Chap.or9>:ltw ..a.,.s" ..I.~l~ap,.p.,a A .....IP.,h,~, W~, ..I,'.C.~ '.:. :'1'. 5Cf',~.,.ents.·.';.· a,'nd.'.'.! icke. s~;m.ay' l:te'.:.... .Thursday. 10'~k


(Va gef"Qm .frem ~'

I..I.W.I. ~















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.~.' ~:,,-TIi'E".6;N~Y '~"

'~""'~mH. .······~UJ(T.T•..,\,.~ ;-



S61 Estes

rhu,rsday/ -J0'~uaryBQ/ln'·-e'inci~nn;at:i~ Ohi,o '..,",











"~be;~onceir:' hall-Emery H~l] units WIll ,be connected with 'a glass-enclosed lobby. The' twc buildings,' forming one of tli.~ country's most. modern facilities for teaching music and the .related arts, will- becontemporarv in general character. Each wil] be air-conditioned. The three units will occupya site south. 0'1 the campus Student Union building on which the. tennis tcourts are now located .. 'Other courts

, Estimated total 'cost of' the ,'three units \vill exceed $3 million, with no local tax money, Involved, The anonymous -$1.2 million giff will cover the cost of' theconcert fwIl. Another $1.5 'million has / been donated by friends of the' CCM. $750,000

o~,' another


part' of·Jhe





"Til Midnight




lat~cl:iro~;'g~~age' ,pqpking",fee~.





-' •


Oilir',~omplete Executive Development Proqrarn, prornotlonfrom~witflin policy, hig'her than usual startinq salaries, basic 5-day' work week,and complete fringe benefit program make this a"'n exceptional opportunity-for men and women with interest, in a rnejchandisinq careE1r;~-

In -the 19'45--19 negotiations between :the Univ,ersityof Cincin-, nati, the Board of Park Commissioners, and City Council for the transfer of a-portion of Burnet Woods to "the University, UC at no time sought or otherwise asked for all of Burnet Woods, campus" authorities said Monday'. In .~t~.artt~J~ ..;;oncerningc the I" proposed projection' of .St, Clair Street west through B u.r ne t ~Woodsto Riddle .Road at Clifton " A venue, The Enquirer said Mon-' cay thattheUniversity had asked for all of BurIHa;W60ds., . , DC records' show that in 1945 DC requested the Park Board to turn over to DC 19' acres in, the' southern part vof Burnet'Woods Which adjoined the lJC campus.

Mr. Ricnard',Liebelt,: Manager, Executive-Recruitment: Development. will inte~view',6n your' campus on' .:


,~",THURSDAY, fEB: 6, 1964 -






In the "





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Stores ~t other universities,

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Cash"Prices Paid,' we can often pay good prices







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:Office ~,

A'dClitionirl information about your care'erfuture with Shillito's .is' availeble-at your Placement Office. If 'you are interested in a me-rchandising career with rapid proqress based . on your' own abilities, place-your name on our' interview 's~hedule now! ,.~



C'~-~rdination r


}IOpposit~ The 'Campus" General'" Mgr_ Clis' Jenn,~II/e; Store M9r.-




.: , " .:

