Muscoloskeletal-EMT B

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Question # 1 (Multiple Choice) Your patient has fallen from a horse and has a fractured lower leg. Since the broken bone has torn through the skin, this fracture is called: A) closed B) open C) simple D) spinal Question # 2 (Multiple Choice) An important reason to splint a closed painful, swollen, deformed injury is to: A) cover any external injuries B) prevent it from becoming an open injury C) allow the patient to move the injured extremity without pain D) make transporting the patient easier and more comfortable Question # 3 (Multiple Choice) General rules of splinting include A) attempting to push protruding bones back into place B) splinting of all injuries individually prior to transport C) not using extra padding, as this may decrease the effectiveness of the splint D) checking for pulse, motor function, and sensation before and after splinting Question # 4 (Multiple Choice) If you have applied a splint properly, it will immobilize the A) injury site, only B) adjacent joints and bone ends C) entire extremity D) injury site and one joint below Question # 5 (Multiple Choice) If your patient is a high priority for "load and go" transport, the fastest method of splinting would be securing

A) the injured limb to the torso B) the injured limb to an uninjured limb C) the entire body to a spine board D) each site individually to a rigid splint Question # 6 (Multiple Choice) Your first priority in treating a patient with a swollen and deformed extremity is: A) opening and maintaining the airway B) splinting the swollen, deformed extremities C) applying direct pressure to open injuries D) assessing circulation in injured extremities. Question # 7 (Multiple Choice) Your 35-year-old male patient has fallen while rock climbing. During your assessment you find a deformed right lower leg. The distal extremity is pulseless and the skin is cool and cyanotic. Your emergency treatment for this injury should include A) splinting the extremity as it is B) attempting to realign the injured extremity C) applying a traction splint D) moving the patient to your ambulance before splinting Question # 8 (Multiple Choice) Traction splints are specifically designed to splint injuries to the A) upper arm B) lower arm C) upper leg D) lower leg Question # 9 (Multiple Choice) Use of a traction splint is contraindicated if your patient also A) has a knee injury B) has a back injury C) has a femur fracture D) has no distal pulse in the injured extremity Question # 10 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following splinting devices would NOT be appropriate for the management of a fractured tibia?

A) air inflated splint B) two rigid board splints C) traction splint D) single rigid splint Question # 11 (Multiple Choice) Your 64-year-old female patient has slipped on the ice and you suspect a pelvic fracture. This type of injury is very serious, because A) a pelvic injury is very painful B) internal organs, blood vessels, and nerves may be injured C) a pelvic injury is difficult to stabilize D) the patient cannot be log rolled Question # 12 (Multiple Choice) You may consider using the PASG for splinting injuries to the A) knee B) ankle C) pelvis D) all of the above Question # 13 (Multiple Choice) "Splinting someone to death" means: A) splinting too tightly, compressing blood vessels and nerves B) splinting too loosely, permitting movement and further tissue damage C) splinting without first applying traction or realignment, causing further tissue damage D) spending too much time splinting, neglecting care for lifethreatening conditions, and unnecessarily delaying transport Question # 14 (Multiple Choice) When force is transmitted to the body's internal structures causing internal organs to rupture or bleed internally, or small bone fractures to occur is called a(n): A) crush injury B) concussion C) contusion D) avulsion

Question # 15 (Multiple Choice) To properly apply a pressure dressing and bandage to an open wound it is important that you: A) apply a tourniquet to control bleeding B) replace any dressings that become blood-soaked C) apply an antiseptic solution to the wound D) expose the entire wound, cutting away clothing as needed Question # 16 (Multiple Choice) A 32-year-old female patient has amputated her index finger in a table saw accident. You have bandaged her hand. The best way to transport the amputated finger is by: A) placing the finger directly on ice B) wrapping the finger well in an occlusive dressing C) placing the finger directly in sterile saline D) d. wrapping the finger in gauze, placing it in a plastic bag, and keeping it cool

Question # 1 (Multiple Choice) Your patient has fallen from a horse and has a fractured lower leg. Since the broken bone has torn through the skin, this fracture is called: Answer: (B) open Question # 2 (Multiple Choice) An important reason to splint a closed painful, swollen, deformed injury is to: Answer: (B) prevent it from becoming an open injury Question # 3 (Multiple Choice) General rules of splinting include Answer: (D) checking for pulse, motor function, and sensation before and after splinting Question # 4 (Multiple Choice) If you have applied a splint properly, it will immobilize the Answer: (B) adjacent joints and bone ends Question # 5 (Multiple Choice) If your patient is a high priority for "load and go" transport, the fastest method of splinting would be securing Answer: (C) the entire body to a spine board Question # 6 (Multiple Choice) Your first priority in treating a patient with a swollen and deformed extremity is: Answer: (A) opening and maintaining the airway Question # 7 (Multiple Choice) Your 35-year-old male patient has fallen while rock climbing. During your assessment you find a deformed right lower leg. The

distal extremity is pulseless and the skin is cool and cyanotic. Your emergency treatment for this injury should include Answer: (B) attempting to realign the injured extremity Question # 8 (Multiple Choice) Traction splints are specifically designed to splint injuries to the Answer: (C) upper leg Question # 9 (Multiple Choice) Use of a traction splint is contraindicated if your patient also Answer: (A) has a knee injury Question # 10 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following splinting devices would NOT be appropriate for the management of a fractured tibia? Answer: (C) traction splint Question # 11 (Multiple Choice) Your 64-year-old female patient has slipped on the ice and you suspect a pelvic fracture. This type of injury is very serious, because Answer: (B) internal organs, blood vessels, and nerves may be injured Question # 12 (Multiple Choice) You may consider using the PASG for splinting injuries to the Answer: (C) pelvis Question # 13 (Multiple Choice) "Splinting someone to death" means: Answer: (D) spending too much time splinting, neglecting care for life-threatening conditions, and unnecessarily delaying transport Question # 14 (Multiple Choice) When force is transmitted to the body's internal structures causing internal organs to rupture or bleed internally, or small bone fractures to occur is called a(n): Answer: (A) crush injury Question # 15 (Multiple Choice) To properly apply a pressure dressing and bandage to an open wound it is important that you: Answer: (D) expose the entire wound, cutting away clothing as needed Question # 16 (Multiple Choice) A 32-year-old female patient has amputated her index finger in a table saw accident. You have bandaged her hand. The best way to transport the amputated finger is by: Answer: (D) d. wrapping the finger in gauze, placing it in a plastic bag, and keeping it cool