Mercyseat Ark of Covenant

Altar of Incense Menorah __________________________Table of Shewbread

Brazen Laver Brazen Altar



When we look upon the placement design of the Articles of the Mosaic Tabernacle given expressly by God to Moshe, we see what appears to be a Cross. The Articles were placed within these specific positions. They form vertical and horizontal lines which cross and are connected together before the Altar of Incense. When we stand before YEHEVEH at this golden Altar, we stand at the crossing of these lines. Forty years the Israelites carried this Tabernacle which was, for over 3,500 years, the basis for the Jewish Temples, the Cross of our Messiah YESHUA. The Cross is hated by the Jews who have been persecuted by those who claim to know JESUS, as do many peoples, for the misrepresentations of the Truth of God because of the ignorance and egos of man. Messianic Jews claim YESHUA was not hung on a cross but on the “execution stake.” YESHUA Himself said He must be lifted up as Moshe lifted up the serpent in the wilderness.1 Gentile Christians do not like to hear words which may rock their faith or understanding, and yet, all these issues must be reviewed if we are to have a full understanding and comprehension of the WHOLE WORD of God. Whole, meaning complete, healed, fully integrated as ONE. No one wants to understand the fact YESHUA was hung on the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil where the serpent first presented his subtlety to mankind. After both Adam and Chava had partaken of the fruit forbidden to be eaten from this tree, the Scriptures say “their eyes were opened.” Their eyes were opened to the awefulness of their sin of disobedience, and yet, at the same time, their true spiritual eyes were closed. Mankind was removed away from the Presence of God by his sin, and there we see the need for man to return to God. We have briefly seen the basic understanding of the Way made for man to return and come unto His Presence. He presented forth His Ark of the Covenant, which was covered by the Mercyseat. This Mercy of God was brought forth to the Table of Shewbread, the Bread of the Face, the Bread of the Justification YEHEVEH would fulfill. Then Light from the Lampstand was extended to light the Way to God, bring forth an understanding of all things, and the Word was written for our learning. These are the things of God.


Yochanan 3:14


However, man was unfit to come unto God because he was under the sentence of death for his sin. YEHEVEH created the Brazen Altar upon which He sacrificed Himself for the sin of man and to reconcile the world unto Himself. This Brazen Altar was placed far away from His Presence, showing the walk we must take from our salvation to Him. He made the Altar of Incense and placed it between Himself and our walk, where the two meet.


to man Mercyseat Ark of the Covenant

4 4 „ ƒ



„ Altar of Incense ƒ

Table of Shewbread

Brazen Laver ƒ

4 Man to



Brazen Altar



YEHEVEH provided only one Way to salvation. This basic Cross pattern of our Messiah YESHUA is the pattern seen throughout all of the Scriptures, for indeed He said all the Scriptures speak of Him.2 It gives a great understanding of the different Articles and our stages of growth. One might ask of what importance is this? Our YEHEVEH is an orderly God, and when we recognize the Tabernacle patterns, we will find a great deal of Scripture is written in these orderly ways. For one, it helps in the understanding and memory of Scriptures. Within Shemot 25-30 are found the 7 Articles presented in the Revelation to Moshe while on Mt. Sinai. He listed the order of these Articles. Within the next 6 patterns the Articles are laid out slightly different: Revelation to Moshe 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

The following 6 patterns:

Ark of the Covenant-Shemot 25:10 Mercyseat-Shemot 25:17 Table of Shewbread-Shemot 25:23 Lampstand-Shemot 25:31 Brazen Altar-Shemot 27:1 Altar of Incense-Shemot 30:1 Brazen Laver-Shemot 30:17

1. Ark of Covenant 2. Mercyseat 3. Table of Shewbread 4. Lampstand 5. Altar of Incense 6. Brazen Altar 7. Brazen Laver

Notice the last three Articles which concern the plan to bring man back to fellowship with God are different. The revelation given to Moshe is the explanation of the plan of salvation, the next 6 patterns are


Lk 24:27, 44; Yochanan 1:45, 5:46


for man to receive and walk in. Throughout Shemot (30-40), these 7 Articles are mentioned. This is difficult reading. In fact, I found it impossible to sort through all that was there. No one I knew could read it. Sometimes, when the Articles were mentioned, the Scriptures would also mention other portions and parts of the Tabernacle, like the coverings, or curtains. At times, only partial listings are given. It hurt the brain to try and group, but I was starting to see some glimmerings. I wondered if different stories were being told with each mention of the Articles. During one long weekend, YESHUA took me through each and every word of Shemot 25-40. There are seven repetitions of the order of the Tabernacle Articles. There is also an 8th which is the pattern for the anointing of the Tabernacle. These Patterns are repeated many times, meaning they are very important. God is extending things out toward man, and He also presents the way to COME TO HIM. To do this, we must follow the Pattern back into the Tabernacle. We have to follow the numbered pattern exactly back in as it was laid out: 2.













Placement of the Articles



Our journey into the Tabernacle


Notice, the seventh place of the Patterns in Shemot have the Brazen Laver placed last, in the seventh position. Therefore, to start back into the Tabernacle, we begin at the Brazen Laver.


When we look at the tabernacle pattern, we see a cross diagram. However, without knowing the numbering of the Articles by the written word of God, we would tend to think the Brazen Altar looks like the first place to go when we enter in, all the way back into the Tabernacle with the Mercyseat on top–and final destination: 7. Mercyseat 6. Ark of Covenant

3. Altar of Incense 4. Menorah

5. Shewbread

2. Brazen Laver 1. Brazen Altar

DIAGRAM P THE CROSS FORMATION Do you notice the problem between the two pictures? Between what the Cross formation looks like and the actual numbered Articles?

There is a difference between the order of the way the Articles were made and placed and the actual Cross formation which is seen. In all of the seven Articles, He showed me the 1) Ark of the Covenant was made first, followed by the making and placing of the 2) Mercyseat up on it as the covering. In all of them, the 3) Table of Shewbread and the 4) Lampstand next were placed, and then the 5) Altar of Incense was brought in as the point of contact. In the Cross formation, as we move out of the Tabernacle toward man, the next and sixth piece would be the Brazen Laver. If the Brazen Altar is the first step in returning to YEHEVEH, it would seem to be the last and seventh place out from God, as seen in the diagram. To follow the basic Cross pattern, the Brazen Laver is obviously placed between the Altar of Incense and the Brazen Altar. YEHEVEH showed me this is not so. In every pattern, after the Altar of Incense, the Brazen Altar is placed sixth, and as the seventh piece, the Brazen Laver is always placed last. I mention this now in the study because there are those who have found certain difficulties when placing various patterns of seven onto the Tabernacle. They have found that what they think they have does not align properly with the Tabernacle teachings, yet they know the Tabernacle is a true pattern. The revelation pattern of the Tabernacle given to Moshe is true, even if we at first do not understand.


In the written Word, compared to the obvious Cross pattern, the first two and the last two Articles are reversed in order. If we number the order, we may compare the difference between what was given to Moshe and the obvious Cross pattern:



6. Mercyseat 7. Ark of Covenant

7. Mercyseat 6. Ark of the Covenant

3. Altar of Incense

3. Altar of Incense

4. Lampstand

5. Table/ Shewbread

4. Lampstand

1. Brazen Laver 2. Brazen Altar


5. Table/ Shewbread

2. Brazen Laver 1. Brazen Altar


As seen earlier, the spoken Word of YEHEVEH is presented differently within the earth. The Patterns given to Moshe distinctly different from what appears to be the Cross formation of the Tabernacle. The difference is in the reversals of the first two and last two Articles. After this, He started to show me very clear spiritual understandings of the Tabernacle and purpose revealed by many Scriptures, and what our spiritual growth means to Him. I continued my studies. As stated earlier, there are seven distinct repetitions of the Tabernacle pattern given in Shemot 25-40: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Revelation of the Tabernacle pattern to Moshe--Shemot 25-30 The Pattern of the call of the people for the work to be done--Shemot 31:7-11 The Pattern of Moshe's directives to the people--Shemot 35:5-19 The Pattern of the work done by the people--Shemot 36, 37, 38, 39 The Pattern describing the people bringing the Tabernacle to Moshe--Shemot 39:33-41 The Pattern of the directives on how to rear the Tabernacle–Shemot 40:1-16 The Pattern of Moshe rearing the Tabernacle–Shemot 40:18-36

Previously, we saw the revelation of placing the lamb's blood given to Moshe was not that which was


actually fulfilled by the people. The revelations given to Moshe were not exactly what the people received to do. Since Moshe was not reprimanded for this, we realize there is a mystery being shown. Something is being explained to Moshe separate from what is given to the people, a personal, deeper understanding. Such is the case with the articles of the Tabernacle. The actual first Revelation given to Moshe, when speaking of the pattern of the articles, is different than the next 6 patterns. YEHEVEH spoke of the Ark of the Covenant, Mercyseat, Table of Shewbread, and Menorah. The order of these which YEHEVEH is extending toward man are the same. Before He places the point of contact between Himself and man, the Altar of Incense, He mentions the Brazen Altar. This revelation comes from the foundation of God, from the reality that YESHUA was slain from the foundation. He already knew He would have to place a Brazen Altar out there before man could come to Him, which He explained to Moshe. In the Revelation pattern, the Brazen Altar is fifth, then the Altar of Incense sixth, with the Brazen Laver last. This mystery of the Brazen Altar was not totally realized until YESHUA came to die for us. Simply put, YEHEVEH presented the first four Articles. From the foundation, He created the way for the reconciliation (Brazen Altar), so man could come into fellowship with Him (Altar of Incense) after repentance (Brazen Laver). This is the Revelation, the mystery. Throughout the rest of Shemot, the next six times the pattern of the Tabernacle Articles are mentioned, the order remains the same: Ark of the Covenant Mercyseat Table of Shewbread Menorah, Altar of Incense Brazen Altar Brazen Laver In the midst of the first and second Patterns is the Pattern for the anointing of the Tabernacle. I count this separate because it does not concern the moving of the Tabernacle pieces, and it stands out as being distinctly hidden and different. It may also be noted the Menorah was never anointed. In every one of these eight Patterns, different objects of the Tabernacle are mentioned. Except in the Revelation given to Moshe, the only thing which does not change is the order of the Articles (with the Ark of the Covenant first and the Brazen Laver last). When I shared this with a friend who was studying the Tabernacle, his anger made him quite abrupt, and with great authority he stated I was wrong and could not be correctly hearing from God. However, when we opened the Book and looked, sure enough, YEHEVEH always presented the Brazen Laver as the last piece. Once his anger subsided, he acknowledged the fact others had seen something was not quite right, but they had not known what to do. They had not been able to explain the difference between the written Word and the obvious Cross Pattern. Why not at the first acknowledge this to me? Maybe he was afraid if he told me there was an unanswered problem, the whole idea might be seen as wrong to me. Most times we do get only a few pieces, but because we do not have the whole picture only shows we need more pieces, and must wait upon YEHEVEH to reveal them to us. All the pieces must fit into Scriptural doctrine provable by the Scriptures themselves. I have more respect for a person who presents what they have along with the problem pieces. I have respect for this, it keeps us humble, and we all learn to be open to learn more. After one has been very close to the awesome Presence of YEHEVEH while He teaches or speaks and returned to “daily life,” the memory of the time spent with Him may sometimes seem unreal, almost like a dream, and as fleeting. Throughout this writing He had kept me very secluded with few to whom I could speak. The attitude and words of my friend destroyed all I had received from YEHEVEH, though I had written down all He had given me that night. I did not know what to do or think. After almost a month,


I realized I needed to go to Him instead of just thinking about it, and ask Him about it. His answer was direct and immediate, “Who

are you going to believe, him or ME?!”

He showed me He made the first four Articles as the Divine come to earth, the Ark, Mercyseat, Table and Lampstand. The Altar of Incense was the point of contact between Himself and His priests. He then created the solution to the sin problem which kept man separated from Him with the Brazen Altar. And from there, the Way into the Tabernacle by the Brazen Laver was made. This is the Revelation pattern. Looking at the Tabernacle, it is the Brazen Altar which is extended the furthest from the Holy of Holies and the closest to man, the obvious first step in our coming to God. So, why is the last numbered article, the Brazen Laver, placed between the Brazen Altar and the Altar of Incense? It would seem to the logical mind the last Article extended from God (Brazen Laver) would be the first place for us to start upon our walk back to Him, and yet the obvious pattern laid out shows the Brazen Altar as the first place to which we come, the sacrifice of YESHUA for our sentence of death. Just as we found the Word given by God to Moshe concerning the placement of the Pesach Blood upon their doorposts and lintels was different from the actual placing of the Pesach Blood upon the lintels and doorposts, we will find there is a difference between the order of the forming of the Articles is different from the actual picture of the Cross which is seen. The Ark of the Covenant was made first and the Brazen Laver was made last, yet the Mercyseat is above all and the Brazen Altar is the base. The Presentation of the Crucifixion of YESHUA, (the Cross) though it happened in the midst of the Biblical week, occurred before the foundation of the world. It is because He would die for us and our acceptance of His way of salvation which allows us to enter into the household of God as His children. This message has been part of all the Torah from before He actually came and died. Yeshayahu tells us “by His stripes we are healed,” a future event. This simple Cross message has been the foundation of the Gentile church for a long time. And this message is the Truth. No one may come unto the Father except by YESHUA. Period. But just as we have seen there is more to the Mosaic Tabernacle pattern, there is much more within the Word of God than the message of salvation. Hebrews 6 tells us to go on from there and to eat meat. I was bothered by these reversals because of one simple fact. YESHUA dying at the Brazen Altar (Pesach/Passover) and immersion into His death at the Brazen Laver (Hag HaMatzote/Unleavened Bread) did not match the pattern given to Moshe. The Mo'edim which portray the first and second coming of Messiah are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Pesach (Passover) His death Hag haMatzote (Unleavened) His burial Hag haBikureem (Firstfruits of the Barley Harvest) His resurrection Shavuot (Weeks, Pentecost) Outpouring of His Spirit Yom Teruah (Shofars, Shouting) Preparations for His return Yom Kippurim (Atonements) His return Sukkot (Tabernacles) Kingdom of Messiah

When one wants to try a pattern of seven to see if it fits upon the Tabernacle, all seven points need to match. Since we have found the first and last two are to be reversed, we need to closely examine the


first thing we want to place onto the pattern. In the case of the Mo'edim, this would be Pesach, then Unleavened. If the first two and last two Articles are to be reversed, we would have Pesach (Passover) placed at the Brazen Laver. My next question of YESHUA was how could Pesach be placed at the Brazen Laver when this Mo'ed obviously portrays the death of YESHUA, the slaying of the Pesach Lamb at the Brazen Altar? This is fire, not water.

Mercyseat 6. Yom Kippur Ark of the Covenant 7. Sukkot Altar of Incense 3. Firstfruits/Barley Harvest Lampstand 4. Shavuot

Table Shewbread 5. Yom Teruah

1. Brazen Laver Pesach 2. Brazen Altar Hag haMatzote



This presented a very great problem for me. YEHEVEH went out of His way to impress upon me that the Brazen Laver is the first place we start as we head into the Tabernacle. The very teaching of Pesach, the death of Messiah as a sacrifice for us, tells us that Pesach HAD to be placed at the Brazen Altar. These moedim also are a picture of the journey of the Israelites out of Egypt. After they had their Pesach meal, they journeyed to the Sea of Reeds after picking up the body of Yosef. The journey through the Sea of Reeds is called their Immersion into Moshe, a Baptism. The time of Unleavened Bread marks that journey to and through the Sea of Reeds, the Immersion into Messiah. Unleavened Bread, Hag haMatzote, HAS to be placed at the Brazen Laver. I had to believe what He had showed me over and over in Shemot. The Brazen Laver is the first place in our return into the Tabernacle.

HOW? Often YESHUA gives me a Truth from His Word which has a problem in the understanding of it, and He insists I believe what He has written. Sometimes He wants me to first find out what the problem is before He will explain the answer. Usually, the answer comes much later, after He has brought me through periods of information He wants me to have. Too often, budding ministers run off at the first note, not realizing they have left His Presence too soon, and then present false or incomplete doctrines to the Body.


After participating in the spring Mo'edim with a Messianic group, I found vast arguments have been presented as to whether YESHUA was crucified at the exact same time as the Pesach Lamb or not, and whether Pesach began at the beginning of or at the conclusion of the 14th of Nisan, “between the evenings.” I will not discuss the arguments at this time. This was when YEHEVEH touched me to indicate:

“The Spring Mo'edim did not start with Pesach (Passover)” I was stunned. YEHEVEH instructed the people through Moshe to take into their homes a lamb which they had to examine to be without flaw. They were to keep the lamb in their homes for what appears to be four days. This was from the 10th to the 14th of the month. The lamb had to be slain after the four days had occurred. YESHUA rode into Jerusalem these same days before Pesach and taught within the Temple where He was examined for the purity, correctness, and accuracy of the Word, and He was found without blemish. He touched me to realize this examination of the lamb before Pesach was the beginning of the spring Mo'edim, and THIS was to be placed at the Brazen Laver. The Laver had been made with brazen mirrors and was filled with the Water from the Rock, Messiah, and is the place of examination and cleanliness, to check our hearts, our ways, and to find if we are walking according to the Word. We look at ourselves by looking at our reflection within Messiah, within the Word. We look to see if we are without blemish. This is the washing of the Water of the Word. When we follow this, after examining the Lamb (Brazen Laver), the Lamb was sacrificed at Pesach (Brazen Altar)! We still have Hag HaMatzote at the Brazen Laver, the journey through the Sea of Reeds representing Immersion. Yet, by following the order of the Articles, we see we touch the Brazen Laver twice. This indicates two immersions. This shows the rebirth of man by YESHUA into the Spirit. By one man's sin, death came into the world, and by the last Adam, YESHUA, we come alive because He is the Quickening Spirit.3 These two immersions may be many different things. I believe in the former and latter rain promise of the outpouring of power. YESHUA said we shall be IMMERSED by water and by fire. I do not believe the immersion into fire has yet occurred. So we see two immersions. Also, man is born through the waters, and born again as we are raised from the immersion into the death of Messiah. The Jews were given the time to examine the LAMB OF GOD, they were given to touch Him, question Him, be healed by Him, eat with Him! When the Gentiles come unto YESHUA, they have nothing of this deep, rich background of understanding, they miss the opportunity to spend time examining YESHUA. Most often, YEHEVEH brings them to the point of desperation, a point of severe breaking, a time of challenge, before they are able to accept YESHUA, and most often do not know what is the depth of WHOM they really have taken into their hearts. They have no understanding of the Torah or the depths of the Tenack. They do not have the Scriptures which flood the understanding with who He is which is what the early Jews experienced. The Jews have the history, but do not know YESHUA. The Gentiles do not have the history but do know YESHUA. The Jews were put to sleep through mercy for the Gentile Olive Branches to be grafted in, and the Jewish Branches are grafted in by their belief and the mercy of


1 Cor 15:45


the Gentile Branches. These two shall be made One Olive Tree, yet they now stand as Two Olive Trees. Our YESHUA has given His Two Witnesses equal time to come to Him. So, we see indeed, the Brazen Laver was placed last. When we look into the reversal of the last two Articles, we see Yom Kippurim at the Mercyseat and Sukkot at the Ark of the Covenant. Only once a year, on the sixth Mo'ed of Yom Kippurim, the goat's blood is taken into the Holy of Holies and placed upon the Mercyseat as an atonement for our sins. The Hebrew word for Mercyseat is the word Kippurim, Atonements. So, here, we have no problem with the reversal of the Articles.

6. Mercyseat Yom Kippurim 7. Ark of the Covenant Sukkot 3. Altar of Incense Firstfruits of the Barley Harvest 4. Lampstand Shavuot

5. Table/Shewbread Yom Teruah

1. Brazen Laver Examination of the Lamb/Hag haMatzote

2. Brazen Altar Pesach



The sixth Mo'ed of Yom Kippurim is truly placed upon the Mercyseat, fully explaining the meaning of the holiest and highest of all the Mo'edim. The seventh and last Mo'ed of Sukkot (Ark of the Covenant), which celebrates “God with us,” is shown in Rev 21 as YESHUA tabernacling with His people. YESHUA was born on the first day of Sukkot, the fifteenth day of the seventh month. He was born in a “sukkah,” which were made to keep the animals out of the weather. These sukkah were fragile, three sided booths. The Mo'ed of Sukkot represents the transient booths, or tabernacles, in which the Israelites lived during the forty years in the wilderness. It also shows our need to rely upon Him for all our needs. We are taken into the Ark of God, within the Creator of the universe, the beginning of the mystery of the creation of God. We become the Ark of the Tabernacle of the Testimony in heaven. We might also understand the fact man was placed into the picture after, and not before, the foundation of the world. We are placed into the picture with little information about the beginning or ending of the picture.


Let us now glance at the seven congregations placed upon the pattern to see if they also align to the pattern given to Moshe:

6. Philadelphia/Mercyseat 7. Laodicea/Ark

3. Pergamos/Incense 4. Thyatira/Menorah

5. Sardis/Shewbread

1. Ephesus/Laver 2. Smyrna/Altar



If we were to place the seven congregations onto Moshe's pattern, we would begin with Ephesus. On our journey to the Holy of Holies, to be true to the revelation, we would place Ephesus at the seventh position, the Brazen Laver. Smyrna would then be placed at the sixth position, the Brazen Altar. A simple glance into these congregations tells us this is the proper and true order to use. Ephesus needs to reexamine herself, the Brazen Laver, and Smyrna is tried by fire, the Brazen Altar. Since the first two congregations aligned to the pattern given to Moshe, the last two congregations would also need to align to the pattern, placing Philadelphia at the Mercyseat and Laodicea at the Ark of the Covenant. Philadelphia speaks of opening and closing, a direct reference to the “lid” of the Ark called the Mercyseat. They align. As I was pondering these problems and alignments, a third pattern started to emerge within the inheritances given to the congregations in Rev 2-3! This third pattern did not concern the first two and last two Articles; they involved the three Articles within the Holy Place, the Table of Shewbread, Altar of Incense and the Lampstand. (This will be explained later) It was then I started to realize these three patterns composed three great cords, which, when threaded through the Tabernacle,4 entwined and became the patterns of the formation of our spiritual Crowns. Scripture states a threefold cord is not easily broken.5 I realized I had the patterns of all three Cords found written within the Words of Scripture. I had read that on Yom Teruah, three cords were


Rosh HaShanah by Joseph Good


Eccl 4:12–3


woven through the Tabernacle, representing: 1. Day of Remembrance

2. Revelation of God

3. Kingship of God

For those who are aware of the three Mo'edim upon which the men are ordered to be in Jerusalem, these correlate. Chag haMatzote, (Unleavened Bread), remembers being brought out of Egypt. Shavuot, (Pentecost), at Mt. Sinai, is the revelation given to Moshe. Sukkot, (Tabernacles), is God with us, the Kingdom of Messiah. Over and Over He has astounded me with His mathematical exactness, how things align and are in perfect order. The Jewish Shabbat bread is woven by three parts of dough. The totality of these cord patterns are massive, and would have to be a completely different book than this teaching. However, since they become quite obvious within the studies of the congregations, the basics are given in Unit Two. Do we see this pattern in the Brit Chadashah? He had me looking through Yochanan 4, and I wandered back into the previous chapter three. Here we find the “point of law,” the line by which judgment is made, verse 19, telling us Light had come into the world and man loved darkness more than the Light. I glanced back further into the conversation between YESHUA and Nicodemus concerning a rebirth. After sleeping for a few hours, YEHEVEH woke me with revelations. It seemed this conversation with Nicodemus also included the Son of man coming to earth and resurrection from the dead. I realized this conversation coincided with the understandings of the third Mo'ed of the Firstfruits of the Barley Harvest (resurrection). Eagerly, I looked to see if all of Yochanan 2-3 would outline the Tabernacle pattern of the Mo'edim, and to my great joy, they do: Examination of the Lamb -Yochanan 2:1-11 Verse 11 states “And it (the miracle of Cana) revealed His glory, and His disciples believed in Him.” The marriage of Cana was marked by a miracle performed with water (Laver). This also overlaps the counting of the seven days of man found within Yochanan 1-2:1. Pesach (Passover) -Yochanan 2:12-17 Pesach is specifically mentioned; YESHUA tossed over the money changers in the Temple. He reestablished Truth. Hag haMatzote (Unleavened Bread)- Yochanan 2:18-22 YESHUA speaks of destroying the Temple and His raising it in three days, the time He spent within the tomb, indicative of Immersion and the Laver Firstfruits of the Barley Harvest -Yochanan 2:23-25 “Many believed in His Name” The Rod of Aharone, up out of the Sea of Reeds, is indicative of Firstfruits. Shavuot (Pentecost)-Yochanan 3:1-15 YESHUA speaks with Nicodemus about the Firstfruits who are born of the Spirit. He speaks of testifying to what we have seen. This shows the time with YEHEVEH at Mt. Sinai, the first Shavuot, where the Torah was given and explained, and the people stating they would obey. Over and over, YEHEVEH reminds us in Torah to remember what the Israelites had seen done by Him. These great teachings of YESHUA are placed at the Lampstand. Yom Teruah (Trumpets)-Yochanan 3:16-21 Explains the judgment. Upon Yom Teruah, considered a day of judgment, Yom Pedut, YEHEVEH conducts a “trial.” Shewbread Yom Kippurim (Atonements) -Yochanan 3:22-30 Speaks of purification, and the Bridegroom and the Bride. The Mo'ed of the return of YESHUA for His Bride. This is the Mercyseat. Sukkot (Tabernacles)-Yochanan 3:31-36 Speaks of the Seal of God, everlasting Life, receiving the testimony, and is the Ark of the Covenant.


Though this is a simple outline, Yochanan records the seven Mo'edim in the proper order of the Tabernacle Articles as given to Moshe. YESHUA spoke about the Mo'ed of Shavuot to the final Mo'ed of Sukkot as He communicated with Nicodemus. It is significant He spoke of the invisible wind of the Spirit and the Mo'ed of Shavuot (Pentecost). His words show Yom Kippurim at the Mercyseat and Sukkot at the Ark of the Covenant. To most, the study and understanding of the Articles are not important. It is included for those who do work with the Tabernacle patterns. We cannot just randomly place things where we want them to go. The Tabernacle is exacting, proved by Scriptures. I consider the placement of the three fold cord woven through the Tabernacle to be important to us, the weavings of our crowns. These things may be difficult to comprehend at first, but the basic grounding, the Word of God, has to be the absolute Rock upon which to build. Though looking for the sometimes hidden two visits to the Brazen Laver may be subtle, it will always be there. Sets of Divine sevens do fit upon the Tabernacle, but these seeming “stumbling blocks” are not meant to trick us, but to slow us down to find the full and complete Truth of a matter. The Word of YEHEVEH is from His eternity, His thoughts toward us. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. Some sets of seven portray the awesome thoughts of YEHEVEH toward us, some portray our walk unto Him. We see a movement flowing out toward man, and in from man to his Creator, in and out to pasture. We are to walk as YESHUA walked.