Monte-Carlo Simulation:

1 Monte-Carlo Simulation: • As you might guess, this has something to do with the gambling “industry” … but not really … I am told, however, that th...
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Monte-Carlo Simulation: •

As you might guess, this has something to do with the gambling “industry” … but not really … I am told, however, that these techniques are used in casino games.

In this technique, we follow representative particle and interaction histories. If we have enough of them, then it can become a very accurate simulation of real life, including all of the randomness.

The standard physical laws will be obeyed, such as conservation of energy and momentum.

The technique is based on the fact that the distributions of large numbers of particles and interactions are well characterized, and a computer random number generator can provide a reasonable sampling behavior of individual particles within a distribution.

Sampling from Probability Distributions:

Suppose we have a differential probability distribution of a particular event occurring at some location, x. Recall the many different differential cross-sections we have seen so far: {note: it must be non-negative!}

dP( x) = f ( x) dx •

Let’s also assume that it covers all possibilities, so there is a normalization:


∫ f ( x' )dx'


Now, the cumulative probability distribution gives us the chance that ‘it’ occurs somewhere before x: x

P ( x) =

∫ f ( x' )dx'


Lecture 13 MP 501 Kissick 2016

2 •

Since it is normalized, it has a monotonically increasing form between 0 and 1, and this fits well with a computer generated random number, r ! Therefore, now do:

r = P (x) •

Here is the important part – let’s invert the cumulative probability distribution and solve the inverted function for x, given a random sampling r. It is the value of x (place) that r happened, given P:

x = P −1 (r ) •

The process is illustrated below: x

dP( x) = f ( x) dx

P( x) =

∫ f ( x' )dx'

randomly sample on this axis



∫ f ( x' )dx' ⇒




The idea is that we can put in some realistic energy spectrum, geometry, etc… and with enough particles sampled (histories followed), then we can get a good simulation of all the energy transferred and deposited, etc…

Introduction to Photon Interaction Monte-Carlo Simulations:

NOT state of the art shown here, but gives the essence.

Given: 1. a source of monoenergetic gammas, energy=hν. 2. homogeneous phantom – Cartesian coordinates 3. The gammas are from an arbitrary but known activity distribution.

Lecture 13 MP 501 Kissick 2016


The phantom and calculation space: nx ⋅ n y ⋅ nz voxels each xlen ⋅ ylen ⋅ zlen in size. Each voxel dimension is much smaller than the gamma mean free path, t ( hν ) = 1 / µ ( hν ) , recalling its relation to the total attenuation coefficient, µ (hν ) . Therefore, we require: xlen , ylen , zlen