Module 5 – JavaScript, AJAX, and jQuery •  Module 5 Contains 2 components –  Due on Monday March 20th –  Start early on this module –  One of the most :me consuming modules in the course

•  Read the WIKI before starEng along with a few JavaScript and jQuery tutorials

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Module 5 •  JavaScript

–  Scrip:ng language to add interac:vity to HTML pages –  Java and JavaScript are completely different languages


–  Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) –  Allows for retrieval of data from web servers in the background

•  jQuery

–  JavaScript library

Networking Platform 2 Extensible - CSE 330 – Creative Programming and Rapid Prototyping


JavaScript •  Popular scripEng language widely supported in browsers to add interacEon –  Pop-Up Windows –  User Input Forms –  Calcula:ons –  Special Effects

•  ImplementaEon of the ECMAScript language

Networking Platform 3 Extensible - CSE 330 – Creative Programming and Rapid Prototyping


JavaScript •  JavaScript is a prototyped-based scripEng language –  Dynamic, weakly typed

•  Interpreted language –  You do not compile it

•  Uses prototypes instead of classes for inheritance

Networking Platform 4 Extensible - CSE 330 – Creative Programming and Rapid Prototyping


Is JavaScript like Java? •  Java and JavaScript are similar like Car and Carpet are similar

•  Two completely different languages with different concepts –  Java is compiled, JavaScript is interpreted –  Java is object-oriented, JavaScript is prototyped based –  Java requires strict typing, JavaScript allows for dynamic typing Networking Platform 5 Extensible - CSE 330 – Creative Programming and Rapid Prototyping


JavaScript Basics •  Declare a variable with var var foo = “JS is fun”;

•  Variables are objects •  Define a funcEon with funcEon func:on foo() { //Some JS code here }

•  FuncEons are also objects

Networking Platform 6 Extensible - CSE 330 – Creative Programming and Rapid Prototyping


WriEng a JavaScript Program •  JavaScript programs can either be placed –  directly into the HTML file or –  can be saved in external files

•  You can place JavaScript anywhere within the HTML file: within –  the tags or –  the tags

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Using the Tag –  SRC property is required only if you place your program in a separate file

script commands and comments •  Older versions of HTML (before 5) used a slightly different format –  –  This is no longer necessary, simply use

– Creative Extensible Networking Platform 8 - CSE 330 Programming and Rapid Prototyping


JavaScript Example (part 1) My JavaScript Example func:on MsgBox(textstring) { alert(textstring); } Networking Platform 9 Extensible - CSE 330 – Creative Programming and Rapid Prototyping


JavaScript Example (part 2) Networking Platform 11Extensible - CSE 330 – Creative Programming and Rapid Prototyping


JavaScript Event Listeners •  We can control events in a more granular way using Event Listeners •  Event Listeners allow for custom behavior for every element document.getElementById("hello").addEventListener("click",MsgBox, false);

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JavaScript AddiEonal InformaEon •  The CSE 330 Wiki provides a great intro into JavaScript along with some excellent links to more comprehensive tutorials

•  AddiEonal JS tutorials –  hgp:// –  hgps:// tutorials

Extensible Networking Platform 13 - CSE 330 – Creative Programming and Rapid Prototyping


JavaScript Debugging •  JSHint is a great resources to help debug your code –  hgp://

•  Tools for browsers also exist –  Firefox •  Firebug extension

–  Chrome and Safari •  Webkit Inspector comes bundled with the browser

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JavaScript Examples


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AJAX •  Stands for “Asynchronous JavaScript and XML” •  Development technique for creaEng interacEve web applicaEons •  Not a new Technology but more of a Pa-ern

Extensible Networking Platform 16 - CSE 330 – Creative Programming and Rapid Prototyping


MoEvaEon for AJAX •  Web pages always RELOAD and never get UPDATED •  Users wait for the enEre page to load even if a single piece of data is needed •  Single request/response restricEons Extensible Networking Platform 17 - CSE 330 – Creative Programming and Rapid Prototyping


Components –  HTML (or XHTML) and CSS •  Presen:ng informa:on

–  Document Object Model •  Dynamic display and interac:on with the informa:on

–  XMLHgpRequest object •  Retrieving data ASYNCHRONOUSLY from the web server.

–  Javascript •  Binding everything together Extensible Networking Platform 18 - CSE 330 – Creative Programming and Rapid Prototyping


The DOM •  Document Object Model (DOM): plalorm- and language-independent way to represent XML –  Adopts a tree-based representa:on –  W3C standard, supported by modern browsers

•  JavaScript uses DOM to manipulate content –  To process user events –  To process server responses (via XMLHgpRequest)

Extensible Networking Platform 19 - CSE 330 – Creative Programming and Rapid Prototyping


The DOM •  Unlike other programming languages, JavaScript understands HTML and can directly access it •  JavaScript uses the HTML Document Object Model to manipulate HTML •  The DOM is a hierarchy of HTML things •  Use the DOM to build an “address” to refer to HTML elements in a web page •  Levels of the DOM are dot-separated in the syntax

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Accessing the DOM Example


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Web ApplicaEon and AJAX

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Request Processing

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Asynchronous processing - XMLHgpRequest •  Allows to execute an HTTP request in background •  Callbacks kick back into Javascript Code •  Supported in all standard browsers

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Using XMLHgpRequest •  First you must create the XMLHgpRequest Object in JavaScript •  Example –  var xmlHgp = new XMLHgpRequest();

•  Older browsers might require different syntax –  For example (Internet Explorer versions