SPECIAL FEATURES       

Inner-space filter housing and exhaust pipe made of titanium, easy-to-clean and remove from the sheath pipe. Heated / cooled probe shank, made of titanium. Small-size inner-space probe head, straigthly insertable already into an opening of 90 [mm] diameter. Owing to the extremely high dust storing capacity, the sampling time can be essentially increased. Measurement of velocity of the main gas flow simultaneously with the sampling. Probe shank integrated with static and total pressure measuring probes. Automatic isokinetic measurement control by Windows-based AR-IZO 409 v3 software. Determination of radioactive aerosols (option)

KS-409.1 and KS-409.3


1. Configurations, purpose FOR HCL, SO2 DETERMINATION (in option for radioactive aerosols determination) isokinetic, one main branch, one auxiliary branch meeting specifications of Standards MSZ 21853-31, EN 1911-1:1998, ISO 9096. FOR DETERMINATION OF VOLATILE METALS isokinetic, one main branch, and three auxiliary branches meeting specifications of Standards MSZ 21853-30, ISO 9096. The KS-409.3 and KS-409.1 automatic isokinetic emission sampling circuit ( Figure 1. ; Figure 2.) is suitable for determination of emission and mass concentration of the hydrochloric acid, all chlorides as well as for that of the volatile metals. The solid particle filter probe head integrated into the air heated/cooled probe shank is characterised by the high dust storage capacity, the wide measuring range and the unique small - face-side - contour dimension. Thus, it is suitable for isokinetic sampling in medium of high- and low dust concentration alike. The type KS-409.3 measuring circuit, in addition to separation of total hydrochloric acid and volatile metal existing in flowing gases and air, is suitable for gravimetric, by-weight determination of concentration of solidstate chlorides, metals and dusts. Simultaneously with the isokinetic sampling, the circuit is suitable for quick measurement and documenting of local velocity of the sampled medium, the main gas flow and the technological changes. On the auxiliary branches continuous evacuation of the gas samples, the volume flow rate measurement, control and data storing are ensured by the type KS502-VS autonomous measuring and control unit(s).

Figure 1. KS-409.1 and KS-409.3


Figure 2.

2. Technical description. The KS-409 type sampling circuit guarantees completely automated, isokinetic sampling. The solid particle filter probe head integrated into the air heated/cooled probe shank ( Figure 3.) is characterised by high dust storage capacity, wide measuring range and uniquely small - faceside - contour dimensions. This makes the device capable of the isokinetic sampling of high and of low dust concentration mediums as well. The high dust storage capacity filter sleeve of the sampling probe is capable of storing of 2000 - 4000 [mg] solid particles. The KS-400-S type measuring and control circuit continuously measures the static and dynamic pressure ( Dp1, pst1 ) and the temperature ( t1 ) of the main gas flow as well as the measuring pressure ( Dp2 ), the static pressure ( pst2 ) and temperature ( t2 ) of the partial gas flow flowing through the Venturi flow rate meter installed in the electronics, plus the barometric pressure (pb) in an unloaded state. The KS400-S type electronics regulates the average velocity of the partial gas flow ( w2 ) drawn through the effective section of the sampler to the velocity of the main gas flow ( w1 ) ;( w1w2 ). The software compares the velocity of the main gas flow with the velocity of the partial gas flow which can be continouosly monitored on the screen. With the software all measuring data can be saved and earlier measurements can be loaded in. After finishing the measurement the values measured by the sensors and the velocity distribution in the measurnig tunnel can be represented in diagrams.

KS-409.1 and KS-409.3


Figure 3.

Figure 4. As an option the KS-400-S type measurement and control unit installed with pressure sensors capable of measuring low velocity – 1,0 to 14,0 [m/s] – can be ordered. The measurement of the quantity of the gas flow passing through the auxiliary branch and keeping the same at constant value form functions of the type KS-502-VS measuring and control unit. (Figure 4.)

KS-409.1 and KS-409.3


Calibration of the sampling probe was – according to ISO 9096 ( D ) - carried out in the laboratory of the Fluid Mechanics Department of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics with the help of the vertical, recirculation type, open test section, GÖTTINGEN type wind tunnel which is used exactly for such calibration processes. Picture of the facility is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5.

3. Technical data      

3.1. Sampling probe Measuring range (Vol.): Measuring range (Vel.): Max. temperature: Nozzle diameters: Thimble filter: Material:

3.2. Air heated/cooled probe shank  Diameter:  Length:  Material:

0,8 to 4,5 [m3/h] 4 to 38 [m/s] 400 [ C] ø4,5; 5,6; 7,6; 10,7; 14; 17 [mm] ø 10*110 [mm], titanium; 1.4301 ø 63,5 [mm] 1 000 - 2 000 [mm] titanium; 1.4301

    

3.3. Measuring and control electronics Type: Power supply: Flow rate accuracy: Dimensions: Mass:

KS-400-S 230 [V], 50 [Hz]  2 [%] 430x350x180 [mm] 6 [kg]

    

3.4. Measuring and control electronics Type: Measuring range (Vol.): Power supply: Flow rate accuracy: Dimensions:

KS-502-VS 30 to 180 [l/h] 230 [V], 50 [Hz]  2 [%] 325*350*180 [mm]

KS-409.1 and KS-409.3