TABLE OF CONTENTS Legend for Colleges and Departments ...........................................................................................................6 Office of the President ........................................................................................................................................7 Administrative Budget Committee ................................................................................................................... 7 Administrative Council....................................................................................................................................... 7 Biosafety Committee ........................................................................................................................................... 8 Commencement Committee............................................................................................................................... 8 Excellence in Community Service Awards Committee.................................................................................. 8 Executive Budget Committee ............................................................................................................................. 9 Executive Enrollment Management Committee ............................................................................................. 9 Fringe Benefits Committee ............................................................................................................................... 10 Information Technology Council .................................................................................................................... 10 Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee ............................................................................................. 10 Intercollegiate Athletics Committee ................................................................................................................ 11 Joseph N. Boyce/Wall Street Journal Public Affairs Award Committee................................................... 11 Marketing and Communications Advisory Group....................................................................................... 11 Master Planning Committee ............................................................................................................................ 12 Missouri State Magazine Planning Committee ............................................................................................. 12 Pepsi Cola Public Affairs Awards Committee .............................................................................................. 13 President’s Council on Disability .................................................................................................................... 13 Radiation Safety Committee............................................................................................................................. 13 Staff Excellence in Service Awards.................................................................................................................. 14 Staff Service Recognition Committee .............................................................................................................. 14 Staff Senate.......................................................................................................................................................... 14 Sustainability Advisory Committee ................................................................................................................ 15 Office of the Provost ......................................................................................................................................................... 16 Academic Advising Council ............................................................................................................................ 16 Academic Affairs Budget Committee ............................................................................................................. 17 Academic Calendar Committee ....................................................................................................................... 17 Academic Integrity Council ............................................................................................................................. 17 Academic Leadership Council ......................................................................................................................... 18 Academic Personnel Review Commission ..................................................................................................... 18 Assessment Council........................................................................................................................................... 19 2
Compensation Committee ................................................................................................................................ 19 Degrees Committee ........................................................................................................................................... 20 Digital Measures Committee............................................................................................................................ 20 Distance Education Committee ....................................................................................................................... 21 Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning Advisory Council .................................................................... 22 Faculty Grants Committee................................................................................................................................ 23 Faculty Handbook Revision Committee ........................................................................................................ 23 First-Year Council .............................................................................................................................................. 24 Foundation Awards Committee ...................................................................................................................... 24 Honors Committee ............................................................................................................................................ 25 Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Participants ...................................................... 25 Library Committee ............................................................................................................................................ 26 NCAA Validation Committee .......................................................................................................................... 26 Pre-Medical Committee .................................................................................................................................... 27 Provost’s Advisory Council on Tenure and Promotion ............................................................................... 27 Scholarship Committee ..................................................................................................................................... 28 Scholastic Standards and Revision of Records Committee.......................................................................... 28 Interdisciplinary Program Committees ........................................................................................................................ 29 African American Studies Committee ............................................................................................................ 29 Environmental Focus Committee .................................................................................................................... 29 Gender Studies Committee .............................................................................................................................. 29 Global Studies/Area Studies Committee ....................................................................................................... 30 Native American Studies Committee ............................................................................................................. 30 Office of the Vice President for Administrative and Information Services .......................................................... 31 Environmental Management Policy Panel ..................................................................................................... 31 Health Care Plans Review Committee............................................................................................................ 32 Information Security Executive Committee ................................................................................................... 32 Maintenance and Repair Review Board ......................................................................................................... 33 MSU Trunked Radio System Board ................................................................................................................ 33 Safety and Transportation Advisory Committee .......................................................................................... 33 Small Insurance Claims Committee ................................................................................................................ 33 Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs ........................................................................................................ 34 Admission Appeal Committee ........................................................................................................................ 34 Behavioral Intervention Team.......................................................................................................................... 34 3
Bookstore Advisory Committee ...................................................................................................................... 34 Committee on Residency .................................................................................................................................. 35 Employee Wellness Advisory Committee ..................................................................................................... 35 Federally Mandated Reporting/Disclosing Committee .............................................................................. 35 Financial Aid Appeal Committee .................................................................................................................... 36 Leaders in Community Service ........................................................................................................................ 36 Refund Exception Committee .......................................................................................................................... 36 Safety Matters ..................................................................................................................................................... 37 Student Affairs Planning and Assessment Committee ................................................................................ 37 Student Community Action Team .................................................................................................................. 37 Undergraduate Recruitment Committee........................................................................................................ 38 Office of the Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion.......................................................................................... 39 African American Heritage Month Committee ............................................................................................. 39 Asian American/Pacific Islander Heritage Month Committee .................................................................. 39 Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Council .................................................................................................... 40 Diversity Modes ................................................................................................................................................. 40 Equal Opportunity Advisory Committee ...................................................................................................... 41 Hispanic Heritage Month Committee............................................................................................................. 41 Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Transgender (LBGT) History Month Committee .............................................. 41 Native American Heritage Month Committee .............................................................................................. 42 Faculty Senate Council and Committee Listings ........................................................................................................ 43 Faculty Senate..................................................................................................................................................... 43 Academic Relations Committee....................................................................................................................... 44 Budget and Priorities Committee .................................................................................................................... 45 College Councils ................................................................................................................................................ 46 Committee on General Education and Intercollegiate Programs (CGEIP) ............................................... 47 Faculty Concerns Committee ........................................................................................................................... 48 Faculty Senate Executive Committee .............................................................................................................. 48 Faculty Student Judicial Commission ............................................................................................................. 49 Graduate Council ............................................................................................................................................... 49 Graduate Council Executive Committee ........................................................................................................ 50 Graduate Curriculum Screening Committee ................................................................................................. 50 Graduate Faculty Membership Committee ................................................................................................... 50 Graduate Grievance Committee ...................................................................................................................... 50 4
Graduate Recruitment Committee .................................................................................................................. 51 Graduate Scholarship Committee ................................................................................................................... 51 Honorary Doctorate Degree Committee ........................................................................................................ 51 Judicial Review Committee .............................................................................................................................. 51 Professional Education Committee (PEC) ...................................................................................................... 52 Rules Committee ................................................................................................................................................ 53 Study Away Advisory Committee .................................................................................................................. 53 University Hearing Committee ....................................................................................................................... 54 Committee Index ............................................................................................................................................................... 55 Name Index ........................................................................................................................................................................ 58
Art & Design Communication English Modern & Classical Language Media, Journalism & Film Music Theatre & Dance
College of Business (COB) ACC CIS
School of Accountancy Computer Information Systems FGB Finance & General Business FID Fashion & Interior Design TCM Technology & Construction Management MGT Management MKT Marketing
College of Education (COE) CEFS Childhood Education & Family Studies CLSE Counseling, Leadership & Special Education GLS Greenwood Laboratory School RFT Reading, Foundations & Technology
College of Health & Human Services (CHHS) BMS CSD KIN NUR PAS PT PSY SMAT
Biomedical Science Communication Sciences & Disorders Kinesiology Nursing Physician Assistant Studies Physical Therapy Psychology Sports Medicine & Athletic Training
School of Social Work
College of Humanities & Public Affairs (CHPA) CRM DSS ECO HIS MS PHI PLS RE L SOC
Criminology & Criminal Justice Defense & Strategic Studies Economics History Military Science Philosophy Political Science Religious Studies Sociology & Anthropology
College of Natural & Applied Sciences (CNAS) BIO CHM CS C EGR
Biology Chemistry Computer Science Cooperative Engineering Program GGP Geography, Geology &Planning HRA Hospitality & Restaurant Admin MTH Mathematics PAMS Physics, Astronomy & Mat. Science
Darr School of Agriculture (SAGR) Other: MAC MBA MHA MPH MSAS MSEd
Master of Accountancy Master Business Administration Management of Health Admin Master of Public Health Master of Science in Admin Studies Master of Science in Education – Secondary Education
OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Administrative Budget Committee The Administrative Budget Committee is charged to review and recommend appropriate budget actions for campus administrative areas. Ken McClure, VP Admin & Information Svcs, Chair
Thomas Lane, Asst VP Student Life, Dir of PSU
Debbie Donnellan, Exec Asst, Adm & Info Svcs
Jordan McGee, SGA President
Ryan DeBoef, Chief of Staff, Asst. to the President for Governmental Relations
Rachel McGinnis, Budget & Contracts Officer, JVIC
Brent Dunn, VP for Univ Advancement
Stephen McIntyre, Faculty Senate Chair
Scott Fiedler, Staff Senate Chair
Tina McManus, Dir of Acct & Budgeting, Fin. Svcs
Steve Foucart, Chief Financial Officer
Matt Morris, Assoc. VP for Admin & Info Svcs
Allen Kunkel, Assoc VP Economic Dev Innov. Ctr
Greg Rainwater, Budget & Financial Mgr, Provost Office
Administrative Council James Baker, VP for Research & Economic Dev
Stephen Foucart, Chief Financial Officer
Drew Bennett, Chancellor, Missouri State – WP
Gloria Galanes, Dean, COAL
Donna Christian, Internal Audit
John McAlear, Secretary to the Board of Governors
Ken Coopwood, VP for Diversity & Inclusion
Ken McClure, VP Admin & Information Svcs
Ryan DeBoef, Chief of Staff, Asst. to the President for Governmental Relations
Kyle Moats, Dir of Athletics, Intercollegiate Athletics
Rachael Dockery, General Counsel
Suzanne Shaw, VP for Marketing & Communications
Brent Dunn, VP for University Advancement
Denita Siscoe, VP for Student Affairs
Frank Einhellig, Provost
Clif Smart, President
Biosafety Committee The University’s Biosafety Committee serves to advise the University’s administration on policies pertaining to research, education, training and other activities involving bio-hazardous substances. The committee recommends standards under which biohazardous activities should be conducted and reviews projects for compliance with appropriate federal guidelines and regulations.
Paul Schweiger, BIO, CNAS, Chair
Laszlo Kovacs, BIO, CNAS
Harold Bengsch, Community Leader
David Vaughan, Director of Environmental Mgt
April Griffin, Community Member
Robert Delong, BMS, CHHS
Commencement Committee To coordinate and supervise all activities associated with commencement.
Andrew Wright, Asst VP, Dir of Admissions, Chair
Rebecca Harbaugh, Associate Registrar
Randy Blackwood, Exec Dir of Athletic & Entertainment, Juanita K. Hammons Hall
Mike Jungers, Dean of Students
Julie Combs, Dept Head, MUS, COAL
Tom Tomasi, Assoc Dean, Graduate College
Scott Embretson, Customer Services Mgr, Bookstore
Jordan McGee, SGA President
Mike Foster, THE, COAL
Enterprise Risk Management and Compliance Committee The Enterprise Risk Management and Compliance Committee supports management’s efforts in identifying, understanding, communicating, prioritizing and managing risks from a University-wide perspective. The Committee is comprised from the major functions of the University and makes decisions that are aligned within the University’s overall vision and goals. The Committee communicates risk information to responsible management, the University President and the Board of Governors. Donna Christian, Director, Internal Audit, Chair
Michel Hackworth, Mgr, Grants & Cap Projects, Financial Services
Stanley Adamson, Associate Professor, FGB, COB
Robert Hornberger, Registrar
Ryan DeBoef, Chief of Staff
Casey Hunt, Sr. Assoc Director of Athletics
Rachael Dockery, General Counsel
Michael Jungers, Dean of Students
Penni Groves, Legal Counsel
Vicki Mattocks, Director of Financial Aid
Ed Choate, Director of Human Resources
Rachel McGinnis, Budget & Contracts, Research and Development
Donald Clark, Director of Safety & Transportation Frederick Muegge, Director, Taylor Health Chris Craig, Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs Patrick Parnell, Director of International Services Michelle Olson, Dir. Institutional Research Wes Pratt, Dir. Institutional Equity & Compliance Erin Parrish, Director Research Administration Suzanne Shaw, VP for Marketing & Communications Scott Schneider, Dir. Bus. & Support Svcs, WP David Vaughn, Director, Environmental Management William Spencer, Information Security Officer Kyle Yates, Associate Director, Athletics Compliance Mike Wills, Director of Procurement
Excellence in Community Service Awards Committee The Excellence in Community Service Awards is presented annually in recognition of excellence in the area of volunteer work with charitable, nonprofit, church, or similar organizations within the community. Two awards are designated for full-time staff and two are designated for ranked faculty members who have completed three years of service to the University. The Excellence in Community Service Awards Committee reviews all nominations and makes recommendations to the President’s Administrative Council. Information concerning criteria, nomination and deadlines can be found at http://publicaffairs.missouristate.edu/ecsa. Stacey Trewatha-Bach, Coord Spec. Proj. Public Affairs Support, Chair
Michelle Rose, Writer-Editor, Office of Publications
Don Hendricks, Dir of Univ Communications
Linda Stephens, Asst Dir of Human Resources Emp
Jennifer Johnson, Academic Specialist, ELI
Lorene Stone, SOC, CHPA
Brenda Malkowski, Dir. Univ./Comm Prog. WP
Mary Ann Wood, Dir of Public Affairs Support, ex officio
Rachel Peterson, Recruitment Specialist, WP
Executive Budget Committee 9
The purpose of the Executive Budget Committee is twofold: 1) To receive input from the academic affairs and administrative budget committees and the West plains campus, as well as intercollegiate athletics, and those vice presidents with auxiliary and/or designated accounts; 2) To determine the budget level assigned to the various colleges and administrative units, including intercollegiate athletics and auxiliary units. Based on this, the Executive Budget Committee will make recommendations to the president, who will, in turn, recommend to the Board of Governors appropriate budget actions.
Eric Bosch, CHM CNAS, Chair
Steve Foucart, Chief Financial Officer
James Baker, Administrative Council
Janice Greene, BIO, CNAS
Drew Bennett, Chancellor, WP
Jordan McGee, SGA President
Roberto Canales, PT, CHHS
Victor Matthews, Dean, CHPA
Lynn Cline, LIBR
Ken McClure, Administrative Budget Committee
Ryan DeBoef, Administrative Council
Stephen McIntyre, Faculty Senate Chair
Rachael Dockery, General Counsel
Eric Nelson, HST, CHPA
Frank Einhellig, Provost
Steve Parker, MKT, COB
Anson Elliott, Director, SAGR
Denita Siscoe, VP for Student Affairs
Scott Fiedler, Staff Senate Chair
Clif Smart, President
Executive Enrollment Management Committee To develop and periodically revise enrollment objectives for the University that are consistent with the institutional mission, resources, facilities, demographics, legislative mandates, and other factors that influence optimum enrollment levels. Objectives should be segmented by category (e.g., college and department of major, student type, level, campus of dominant enrollment) and must incorporate diversity objectives consistent with the long-range plan. The committee will also coordinate campus-wide efforts to achieve enrollment objectives, with emphasis on recruitment, retention, marketing, program and service offerings and resource allocation. Don Simpson, Assoc VP for Enrollment Mgt, Chair
Christopher Herr, THE, COAL
Ken Coopwood, VP for Diversity & Inclusion
Joye Norris, Assoc Provost, Access & Success
Rachelle Darabi, Assoc Provost, Stdt Dev & Pub Aff
Kent Ragan, Department Head, FGB, COB
Ryan DeBoef, Chief of Staff
Denita Siscoe, VP for Student Affairs
Frank Einhellig, Provost
Clif Smart, President
Terrel Gallaway, ECO, CHPA
Michele Smith, CLSE, COE
Fringe Benefits Committee 10
To examine and make recommendations to the University’s Administration concerning all aspects of the fringe benefits package available to all University employees. The committee is empowered to review such benefits as may become knowledgeable to the committee and may establish subcommittees to investigate other benefits. Recommendations and comments regarding such benefits will be forwarded to the Administrative Council and the University President for decision. Committee will be formed as needed
Information Technology Council The Information Technology Council (IT Council) is responsible for planning, coordinating, and reviewing major strategic information technology initiatives for the Missouri State University System. The IT Council serves as the university’s “strategic clearinghouse” to ensure information technology initiatives are appropriate, sustainable, and funded in the most appropriate manner. Jeff Morrissey, Chief Information Officer, Computer Services, Chair
Greg Rainwater, Budget & Fin Mgr, Deputy Chair
Sarah Caldwell, Sr Acct/Analyst, Fin Svcs, ex officio
Ken McClure, VP for Admin & Info Svcs, ex officio
Steve Foucart, Chief Financial Officer
Tom Peters, Dean, LIBR, ex officio
Rob Hornberger, Registrar, ex officio
Kevin Piercy, Coord User Supp Comp Svcs, ex officio
Sue Ingram, Dir, Information Tech Svcs, WP
Lindsey Kolb, SGA Representative
Victor Matthews, Dean, CHPA
Mark Putman, Faculty Senate Representative
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee To review all research and teaching activities which involve the use of live vertebrate animals. To ensure that all activities which use vertebrate animals follow Public Health Service Guidelines on the Human Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and that all experimental animals are maintained in a manner consistent with federal guidelines. Brian Greene, BIO, CNAS, Chair
Michael Stafford, Veterinarian
Dalen Duitsman, CHHS, Dir of Ozarks Pub Hlth Inst
Gary Webb, SAGR
D. Wayne Mitchell, PSY, CHHS
Daniel Weinhaus, Community Member
Allison Overmyer, Animal Res Fac Man, Res Comp
Scott Zimmerman, BMS, CHHS
Intercollegiate Athletics Committee 11
To review and make recommendations with regard to all aspects of intercollegiate athletics. Jim Hutter, SAGR, CNAS, Chair
Kyle Moats, Dir of Athletics, Intercollegiate Athletics, ex officio
Rachelle Darabi, Assoc Provost, Stdt Dev & Pub Aff, ex officio
Grant Peters, MUS, COAL
Janice Greene, BIO, CNAS
Jared Roberts, Athlete Advisory Committee
Steve Hinch, RFT, COE
Philip Rothschild, MGT, COB
Casey Hunt, Sr Assoc Dir of Athletics/SWA, ex officio
Lorene Stone, SOC, CHPA
Heather King, Director of Scholarships
Kyle Yates, Assoc. Dir. Athletics Compliance, ex officio
Sarah McCallister, Dept. Head, KIN, CHHS
Joseph N. Boyce/Wall Street Journal Public Affairs Award Committee The Joseph N. Boyce/Wall Street Journal Public Affairs Award is given to one student per year who is enrolled at Missouri State University. The recipient of this award is an exemplary citizen with a demonstrated record of service, leadership, and qualities consistent with the goals of the public affairs mission of the university. Carol Shoptaugh, PSY, CHHS, Chair
Mike Jungers, Assoc Dean of Students
Patrick Grayshaw, Asst Director Student Engagement
Heather King, Asst Dir of Financial Aid
Stephanie Hein, HRA, CNAS
Marketing and Communications Advisory Group To better communicate and coordinate marketing efforts on behalf of Missouri State University. Suzanne Shaw, VP of Marketing & Communications, Chair
Don Hendricks, Director of University Comm, ex officio
Melissa Burnett, MKT, COB
Rick Kindhart, Assoc Dir of Athletics for Communication, ex officio
Sara Clark, Director of Web & New Media, ex officio
Kyle Moats, Director of Athletics
Ken Coopwood, VP for Diversity & Inclusion
Joye Norris, Assoc Provost, Access & Outreach
Lori Fan, Executive Dir. Of Alumni Relations
Addison Reed, SGA Representative
Stacey Funderburk, Director of Publications, ex officio
Dee Siscoe, VP for Student Affairs
Gloria Galanes, Dean, COAL
Amy Stokes, Faculty Representative
Art Hains, University Marketing Specialist, ex officio
Master Planning Committee 12
To allow for campus-wide participation in the planning process for the future development of the University’s Master Plan, and to ensure that the plan focuses on fulfilling the University’s purpose and vision. Matt Morris, Assoc VP, Admin & Info Svcs, Chair
Casey Hunt, Sr. Assoc Dir Athletics/SWA
Krista Bassen, University Facilities Analyst
Cathy Jordan, Project Mgr-Architect
William Cheek, Faculty Emeritus
Brad Kielhofner, University Engineer
Donald Clark, Dir of Safety & Transportation
Ken McClure, VP, Admin & Info Services
John Clark, Asst Dir of Facilities Mgt,
Jordan McGee, SGA President
Caleb Doyle, BOG Student Representative
Stephen McIntyre, Faculty Senate
Robert Eckels, Dir of Facilities Management
Douglas Sampson, Univ Architect & Dir of Campus Planning
Frank Einhellig, Provost Denita Siscoe, VP for Student Affairs Wendy Ferguson, Exec. Dir of Development
David Vaughan, Dir of Environmental Mgt
Scott Fielder, Staff Senate
Max Wagner, Chief Sustainability Commissioner
Gloria Galanes, Dean, COAL
Missouri State Magazine Planning Committee To discuss story topics and new media applications to be published in print and online issues of Missouri State magazine. Michelle Rose, Writer-Editor, Publications, Chair
Rick Kindhart, Asst Dir of Athletics Communication
Chris Austin, Web Designer
Stephanie Lashley, Director of Donor Relations
Debbie Branson, Asst Dir of Alumni Activities
Brad Mitchell, New Media Producer
Sara Clark, Director of Web & New Media
Amy Schuldt, Asst Dir of Publications
Jessica Clements, New Media Specialist
John Wall, Director, Photographic Services
Brent Dunn, VP for University Advancement
Courtney Wendell-Stevenson, New Media Specialist
Wendy Ferguson, Exec Dir of Development
Lori Winters, Exec. Director of Alumni Relations
Stacey Funderburk, Dir of Publications
Candace Wolf, Asst. Director of Alumni Relations
Don Hendricks, Dir of Univ Communication
Pepsi Cola Public Affairs Awards Committee The Pepsi Cola Public Affairs Scholarship is awarded to one student per year based upon the candidates’ public affairs activities.
Pauline Nugent, MCL, COAL, Chair
Andrea Mostyn, Asst Dir of Univ Communications
Shauna Barrera, Student Member
Carol Shoptaugh, PSY, CHHS
Heather C. King, Director of Scholarships
President’s Council on Disability In support of Missouri State University’s Community Principles, Public Affairs Mission, and our commitment to Inclusive Excellence, the President’s Council on Disability strives to broaden the University’s appreciation of disability and proactive universal design, leading to the eventual elimination of physical barriers and negative attitudes. Through collaboration in an advisory capacity, the President’s Council on Disability advances this system-wide understanding by: 1) Advancing the perception of people with disabilities as a valued and integral part of campus diversity; 2) Advising University leaders regarding disability and how it intersects with policies, practices, programs and facilities; 3) Recommending priorities and initiatives to enhance the full participation of those with disabilities; and, 4) Promoting the benefits of universal design to create welcoming, inclusive, usable learning environments at Missouri State University. Timothy Lehmann, Disability Proj Coord, Chair
Kaitlin Keifer, Student Representative
Damon Bassett, CNAS, GGP
Megan Shadrick, Assoc Dir DRC-Access Tech
Gary Chorn, Facilities Management
Lisa Proctor, CSD, CHHS
Paris DePaepe, CLSE, COE
Melissa Berry, Equal Opportunity Specialist, ex officio
Terrel Gallaway, ECO, CHPA
Steve Capps, Dir of Learning Diagnostic Cln, ex officio
Vicki Hanson, Equity & Compliance
Katheryne Staeger-Wilson, Dir of Disability Resource Center, ex officio
Radiation Safety Council To establish appropriate policies and procedures to ensure control of the procurement and use of byproduct, source, and radioactive materials; completion of safety evaluations of proposed uses; and the overall development and implementation of the radiation safety program. David Vaughan, Dir of Environmental Mgt
Erin Parrish, Dir of Research Compliance
Richard Garrad, BMS, CHHS
Tom Tomasi, Associate Dean, Grad College
Laszlo Kovacs, BIO, CNAS
Adam Wanekaya, CHM, CNAS
Staff Excellence in Service Awards
To select from nominated staff recipients of the Staff Senate Excellence in Service to the University award. This award is presented by the Staff Senate to honor staff members who make outstanding contributions to the success of the University through their service as University employees. Nominations are made in October and early November and recipients are announced in January. Ken McClure, VP Admin & Info Svcs, Chair
Rachel Peterson, Recruitment Spc - WP
Tim Datema, Bookstore Ship & Rcv Supervisor
Linda Stephens, Asst Dir of HR Employment
Stacey Funderburk, Director of Publications
Pam Turner, Mtn. Grove Campus
Diana Garland, Director of Learning Commons
Andrea Weber, Staff Senate
Allison Overmyer, Staff Senate
Staff Service Recognition Committee To plan and coordinate the annual Staff Service Recognition Program. Randy Blackwood, Exec Dir of Athletic & Enter, JKHH
Kristan Gochenauer, President’s Office
Marilyn Dennis, President’s Office
Andrea Mostyn, Asst Dir of Univ Communications
Julie Dubinsky, Asst Dir of HR Benefits
Staff Senate To serve as a communication medium between the staff and administration of Missouri State University. To identify and address matters of general staff concern by gathering information on relevant issues, studying alternatives, offering recommendations to the administration and sharing background data with the staff. Members serve three-year terms. Terms begin July 1 and end June 30. Scott Fiedler, Stdt Services, Chair
Sharon Lopinot, College of Education
Christina Bowles, Academic Advisor, Chair-Elect
Yvette Medley, Academic Advisor
Ian Alaimo, CHHS
Janelle Melton, Honors College
Catherine Beck, Bear Claw
Robert Moore, Financial Aid
Tara Benson, Student Engagement
Allison Overmyer, Research & Economic Dev.
Kelly Bridges, Safety & Transportation
Charles Schoneboom, Facilities Management
Addie Douglas, Custodian, Campus Rec
Gary Stafford, Career Services
Brian Edmond, Computer Services
Brenda Stewart, Institutional Equity & Compliance
Paul Essel, Financial Services
Andrea Weber, Asst. Dir. Stdt Engagement, PSU
Andrew Garton, Development Office
Karen Willde, Safety & Transportation
Kami Gollhofer, Nursing
Ryan Wilson, Computer Services
Sandra Johnson, Faculty Senate
Peng Zhang, China Operations Specialist
Sustainability Advisory Committee 15
To develop recommendations for new sustainability initiatives and for improving current sustainability initiatives. The committee will address issues from recycling, to efficiency, to construction and renovation of facilities, and beyond. The committee will also work on realistic strategies to increase the use of renewable energy so that the University becomes less dependent on coal over time, keeping in mind that recommendations for increasing the use of renewable energy must come with an estimated funding cost. Ken McClure, VP Admin & Info Svcs, Co-Chair
Brad Kielhofner, Univ Eng, Assoc Dir Planning, Design & Construction
Tamera Jahnke, Dean, CNAS, Co-Chair
Mike Kromrey, Executive Dir, Watershed Center
Bill Cheek, Faculty Emeritus
Thomas Lane, Asst. VP Student Life, Dir. Of PSU
Jennifer Cox, Assoc. Dir. Of Facilities Management
Barbara Lucks, Interim Sustainability Officer for Dept of Environmental Svcs, City of Springfield
Nicki Donnelson, Public Relations Spec. Univ. Comm
Jordan McGee, SGA President
Emma Donovan, Stdts for Sustainable Future
Tina McManus, Director of Accounting and Budget
Caleb Doyle, BOG Student Representative
Matt Morris, Assoc VP, Admin & Info Services
Anson Elliott, Director, SAGR
Joe Pitts, Exec Dir for James River Basin Partnership
Teresa Frederick, Interim Asst Dir Res Life Housing
Jordan Schanda, SGA Sustainaiblity Coordinator
Terrel Gallaway, ECO, CHPA
Cara Schaefer, Dir, Energy Mgmt/Conservation, City Utilities
Janice Greene, BIO, CNAS
David Vaughn, Dir, Environmental Mgmt
Tony Hein, Dir of Operations, MSU Dining Services
Max Wagner, Director of Sustainability, SGA
Tim Hogencamp, SGA Sustainability Director
OFFICE OF THE PROVOST Academic Advising Council The purpose of the Academic Advising Council is to evaluate the administration and delivery of advising services to all students at Missouri State University and to make recommendations for improvements. The Council will identify current advising practices that are successful and encourage those practices among more advisors. The Academic Advising council will work to enhance consistency and quality within the advising system and support student development initiatives. The Academic Advising Council is available for consultation as policy decisions are made that affect academic advising practice at Missouri State University. (Members serve 2-year terms with half rotating off each May. Members may be reappointed. Membership will include representation of each college.) Joshua Smith, BMS, CHHS
Standing Members
Steve Berkwitz, REL, CHPA
May 2015
Tracie Burt, Inst/Adv Coord, PSY, CHHS
Glaessgen, Tracey, First Year Prog.
May 2015
Sandy Culver, Dir of Business Advisement Center
Brittany Lescano, COB
May 2015
Kathy Davis, Dir of Academic Advisement Center
Allan Liggett, SMAT, CHHS
May 2016
Judy Pickering, Coord Prof Ed Adv Ctr, COE
Carol Maples, THE, COAL
May 2015
Tom Tomasi, Assoc Dean, Graduate College
Linda Moser, ENG, COAL
May 2016
Rachelle Darabi, Assoc Provost, Stdt Dev & Pub Aff, ex officio
Joshua Smith, BMS, CHHS
May 2015
Rob Hornberger, Registrar, ex officio
Diann Thomas, CHM, CNAS
May 2015
Rebecca Woodard, SecondaryEd Advisors
Academic Affairs Budget Committee The Academic Affairs Budget Committee receives proposed budgets from the collegiate budget committees, the provost’s academic areas and those portions of student affairs that report through the provost. It then evaluates the various budget scenarios from a University-wide perspective and recommends appropriate budget action for academic affairs for the provost and the Executive Budget Committee.
To be named at a later date
Academic Calendar Committee To coordinate preparation of the University’s academic calendar and then to present the calendar to the Board of Governors for approval. Ex officio members on this committee will have voting privileges.
Chris Craig, Assoc Provost for Faculty & Academic Affairs, Chair
David Romano, PLS, CHPA Richard Kindheart, Asst Dir of Athletics, ex officio
Jeff Jones, FGB, COB
Don Simpson, Assoc VP Enrollment Mgt, ex officio
Jordan McGee, SGA President
Academic Integrity Council The 21-member Academic Integrity Council (AIC) is charged with overseeing Academic Integrity Proceedings. The Council also plans and oversees other activities intended to foster academic integrity on the Missouri State University campus. The AIC is comprised of ten voting faculty members and ten voting student members, plus the Provost (or designee), who is the non-voting Chair of the Council. A representative from the Dean of Students Office, a Dean, and a representative from the Student Government Association serve as ex officio members of the Council, without voting privileges.
Rebecca Swearingen, CEFS, COE, Co-Chair
Kristina Henry, NUR, CHHS
Tom Tomasi, Assoc Dean, Grad College, Co-Chair
Andrew Johnson, PHI, CHPA
Lanette Cadle, ENG, COAL
Geanie Margavio, ACC, COB
Anne Columbo, MCL, COAL
Mark Rogers, MTH, CNAS
Dan Crafts, HRA, CNAS
Douglas Witte, FGB, COB
Fred Groves, RFT, COE
Academic Leadership Council The Academic Leadership Council is an advisory group for the Provost in matters related to academics, personnel, professional education and procedures within the Office of the Provost as well as matters pertaining to University affairs and activities involving the University’s community. Members of this group are also responsible for communicating central administration’s plans, actions, and activities to department heads and members of the faculty.
Stephanie Bryant, Dean, COB
Joye Norris, Assoc Provost, Access & Outreach
Chris Craig, Assoc Provost for Faculty & Acad Aff
Michelle Olsen, Office of Institutional Research
Rachelle Darabi, Assoc Provost, Stdt Dev & Pub Aff
Cathy Pearman, Department Head Representative
Frank Einhellig, Interim Provost
Thomas Peters, Dean, Library Services
Gloria Galanes, Interim Dean, COAL
Greg Rainwater, Budget & Financial Manager
David Hough, Interim Dean, COE
Helen Reid, Dean, CHHS
Tamera Jahnke, Dean, CNAS
Don Simpson, Assoc VP Enrollment Management
Victor Matthews, Dean, CHPA
Tom Tomasi, Assoc. Dean, Graduate College
Stephen McIntyre, Faculty Senate Chair
Academic Personnel Review Commission To serve as a neutral party in facilitating the informal resolution of University-related grievances filed by or against the faculty member (see Faculty Handbook, Section 13.5.1). The APRC also has authority to grant time extensions and to decide whether procedures guaranteed by the Faculty Handbook or other University documents have been violated. The APRC shall be composed of three commissioners, a minimum of two of whom must agree on any decisions. One commissioner shall be appointed by the Provost and shall be a tenured faculty member currently serving as an academic administrator. One commissioner shall be selected by the Faculty Senate Judicial Review Committee and shall be tenured, ranked faculty member. The third commissioner shall be a tenured faculty member appointed by joint agreement of the Provost and the Faculty Senate Judicial Review Committee. (Commissioners serve three-year staggered terms.)
Judith Johns, ENG, COAL
Richard Biagioni, CHM, CNAS
Robert Jones, PSY, CHHS, Admin Comm
Assessment Council To consult with and advise the Director of the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning on matters related to assessment. To assist the academic departments and other units, as requested, in the development and execution of assessment strategies and to provide information, advice and counsel to the Faculty Senate and the Office of the Provost in matters of assessment.
Keri Franklin, Director of Assessment, Chair
Taylor Mize, Student Representative
Jan Atwell, NUR, CHHS
Michelle Olsen, Director, Institutional Research
Lynn Cline, LIBR
Diana Piccolo, CEFS, COE
Peter Collins, MUS, COAL
Daniel Raines, Achievement Center
Bill Edgar, LIS, LIBR
Elizabeth Rozell, COB
Dana Frederick, MGT, COB
Regina Russell, SWK, CHHS
Lyn Gattis, ENG, COAL
Patti Salinas, CRM, CHPA
Tabitha Haynes, Diversity & Inclusion
Rachel Schober, Grad. Student, ENG
Catherine Hoegeman, SOC, CHPA
James Sottile, Associate Dean, COE
Rob Hornberger, Registrar
Christy Sudbrock, SAGR
Shyang Huang, PAMS, CNAS
Beth Walker, HST, CHPA
Mary Ann Jennings, SWK, CHHS
Sue Webb, SAGR
Juan Meraz, Diversity & Inclusion
Rachelle Darabi, Assoc Provost for Stdt Dev & Public Affairs, ex officio Thomas Lane, Student Affairs, ex officio
Compensation Committee Committee will be formed as needed
Degrees Committee To recommend to the Provost exceptions to undergraduate graduation requirements specified in the University Catalog. The committee deals with all requests except course substitutions and waivers in majors and minors, which may be approved by the appropriate department head. (Members serve three year terms.) A summary report of the committee’s work is to be submitted to the Provost at the end of the academic year. Richard Belshoff, MTH, CNAS
Cynthia Green Libby, MUS, COAL
Deanne Camp, RFT, COE
Pamela Sailors, Assoc. Dean, CHPA
Susan Crain, FGB, COB, Chair
Nathan Hoff, Assoc Registrar, ex officio
Ann Branstetter-Rost, PSY, CHHS
Jessica Silvey, Coordinator
Digital Measures Committee Purpose: The charge of the Digital Measures committee is to facilitate the implementation and utilization of the software program titled Activity Insight. Members, who serve as liaisons for their colleges, will work with the director of Institutional Research to tailor the software to meet the needs of the university and also help with the input of data within their colleges. The committee will have fulfilled its charge when Activity Insight is providing comprehensive and accurate reports at the departmental, college and university levels. Membership: This ad hoc committee shall consist of the following: Appointee of the Provost – chair, faculty affairs fellow (if applicable), the director of institutional research, and one administrator from each of the six academic colleges. Representatives from the colleges will be appointed by their deans. James Sottile, COE, Chair
Julie Masterson, Provost Fellow
Chris Craig, Associate Provost
Michelle Olsen, Institutional Research
Brian Edmond, Computer Services
Thomas Peters, Dean, LIBR
Xue Liu, Graduate Student
Megan Schiller, Institutional Research
Distance Education Committee Charge: The committee is charged with reviewing, creating and recommending direction and policy for the Provost’s consideration for all alternative forms of teaching to include such things as: ITV, telecourses, online, blended and iClasses. The committee will assist the Provost in coordinating and communicating these policies to the university community. Membership: Appointment for faculty members will be for three years. Faculty committee members may serve two successive three-year terms, but then will be ineligible for reappointment for a minimum of three years. Terms will be staggered. The committee shall include faculty representation from each of the colleges and a faculty member from the West Plains Campus. Faculty members will be appointed from nominees identified by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee. Other members of the committee will include: representatives from Missouri State Online; the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning; Computer Services; Academic Outreach and the Office of the Provost. These members will be appointed by the Provost.
Patti Blanton, MTH, CNAS
Stacy Rice, FCTL
Deanne Camp, RFT, COE
Arbindra Rimal, SAGR
Crystal Gale, LIBR
Patti Salinas, CRM, CHPA, Dept Head Rep
Rose Utley, NUR, CHHS
Lacey Geiger Lora Hobbs, REL, CHPA
Gary Iman, COM, COAL
Stan Leasure, FGB, COB
Joye Norris, Assoc Provost, Access & Outreach Gary Rader, Director Online Education Chulapol Thanomising, WP Instruction
Jeff Morrissey, Computer Services
Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning Advisory Council Purpose: The charge of the advisory committee is to support the Center’s mission which is to promote the enhancement of teaching and learning environments for all teaching modalities; improving student learning outcomes by providing guidance and support toward the understanding and implementation of best practices; providing leadership in the creation and implementation of assessment plans for programs and classrooms, including the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning for the instructional community at Missouri State University. Emphasis will be placed on participating in and supporting the events related to the mission of the Center and on coordinating efforts to communicate and publicize instructional development opportunities, which include workshops, conference and availability of grant funds. Our focus is to encourage collaborative communication among colleagues toward the improvement of classroom instructional practices, which will directly contribute to learner-centered student success and to increase awareness of faculty development initiatives on campus and in the community-at-large. Membership: Includes seven members of ranked faculty, one from each college, named by the Dean and the Director of the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning; two Provost Fellows named by the Provost; the Chair of the Faculty Senate; the Associate Provost for Student Development and Public Affairs; the Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs; the Director of Online Education Development and Policies; and the Director for the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning; one representative of the Student Engagement office approved by the Associate Provost for Student Development and Public Affairs and named by the Director of the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning; one student representative named by the Director of the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning. The seven faculty members will each serve a two-year term. The two Provost Fellows will be appointed to the committee on a yearly basis. The representative of the Student Engagement office and the student representative will be appointed on a yearly basis and may be renamed. The remaining individuals will serve as ex officio members in that they will serve by virtue of the office they hold; however, it is to be noted that they will be voting members of the Advisory Committee. Advisory Committee members shall promote the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning professional development activities with the colleges, departments and other units they represent.
Julie Masterson, Provost Fellow for Faculty Dev., Chair
Beth Hurst, RFT, COE
Chris Craig, Assoc Provost, Faculty & Academic Affairs, ex officio
Cherri Jones, LIBR
Rachelle Darabi, Assoc Provost, Stdt Dev & Public Affairs, ex officio
John Kent, MKT, COB
Keri Franklin, Director of Assessment, ex officio
Deborah Larson, MJF, COAL
Nancy Gordon, Asst. Dir of FCTL, ex officio
Eric Nelson, HST, CHPA
Stephanie Norander, Provost Fellow for Writing, ex officio
Lisa Proctor, CSD, CHHS
Gay Ragan, MTH, CNAS
Faculty Grants Committee To receive proposals for Faculty Research Grants and to make recommendations to the Provost with respect to awarding the MSU internal research grants and research fellowships. Members serve two-year terms and membership includes representation from each college. During their terms of service members are not eligible to apply for grants or fellowships administered by the committee. Faculty Research Grants and Summer Fellowships will be awarded to support new research, creative or scholarly activities, or high quality projects not likely to receive external funding. Although continued support may be available in some cases, priority will be given to new projects and to faculty members who have not received previous funding. Proposal guidelines for Faculty Research Grants and Summer Faculty Fellowships are available on the Graduate College website.
Rose Allen, CSD, CHHS
Xin Miao, GGP, CNAS
John Chuchiak, HST, CHPA
Dianne Slattery, TCM, COB
Peter Collins, MUS, COAL
Tom Tomasi, Assoc Dean, Grad College, ex officio
Cindy Hail, CEFS, COE
Faculty Handbook Revision Committee In accordance with the Faculty Handbook (section 16.2.3), the committee shall take under consideration proposals considered substantive and pressing. The committee shall seek a reasoned consensus as advocates for good order and due process throughout the entire academic community. The committee’s recommended action shall be filed with the Faculty Senate. The committee shall conduct a complete review and revision of the Faculty Handbook every seven years. The committee shall be comprised of six members, plus the chair-elect of the Faculty Senate, who serves as an ex officio member. Three members are from the tenured faculty and three members are academic administrators. Committee members may serve two successive two-year terms, but will then be ineligible for reappointment for a minimum of two years. Appointments are staggered, with three members appointed (or reappointed) each year.
Jamaine Abidogun, HST, CHPA
Cathy Pearman, Dept. Head, RFT, COE
Roberto Canales, PAS, CHHS
Barry Wisdom, MGT, COB
Christopher Herr, THE, COAL
Sharmistha Self, Faculty Senate Chair-Elect, ex officio
Alicia Mathis, BIO, CNAS
First-Year Council To advise the Director of First-Year Programs and the Associate Provost for Student Development and Public Affairs on initiatives involving the first-year experience (FYE) at Missouri State University. This includes, but not limited to: 1) developing a first-year philosophy statement and over-arching goals for the program; 2) evaluating the effectiveness of GEP 101, and making recommendations to the Director concerning changes to the course designed to increase academic excellence, enhance student success, and integrate the public affairs mission; 3) providing assistance with the learning communities and common reader programs; 4) serving as a liaison with other departments/colleges/student affairs as part of a larger effort to inform and address issues involving first-year students. (Members serve three-year terms. Student members will be appointed as needed to accommodate graduations.) Mark Biggs, MJF, COAL
Scott Handley, Asst Dir of Honors College
Jeffrey Cornelius-White, CLSE, COE
Stephanie Hein, HRA, CNAS
Thomas Franklin, PT, CHHS
Thomas Lane, Asst Dean of Stdts, Dir of PSU
Crystal Gale, LIBR
Jim Moyer, REL, CHPA
Olen Greer, ACC, COB
Mike Wood, Dir of First-Year Prog ex officio
Foundation Awards Committee Purpose: Review applications and select recipients for Foundation Awards in Teaching, Research and Serve and make recommendations for changes in selection criteria. Membership: Only ranked faculty with tenure who have a minimum of three years of service at Missouri State are eligible for this committee. Each member will serve a term of two years with half of the committee membership staggering their term of service so that half of the committee will rotate off each year. Members may be elected to serve two consecutive terms however cannot serve a third term without stepping off the committee for a rotation. Department Heads and College Deans are not eligible for membership on this committee. (Exception: If a department head is the only ranked faculty member in a department, then she/he is eligible for election.) Election Procedures: Deans of the colleges that have members stepping off the committee will provide a name to the Provost office for inclusion on the committee. The Provost Office will call a meeting and the Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs will preside until the committee elects a chair from within the membership. The chair serves a one-year term and may not be re-elected for an immediately succeeding term. Members of the committee can apply for an award but cannot take part in deliberations on that particular award. (There are three types of awards – service, teaching and research.) Joanne Cemore Brigden, CEFS, COE
Michael A. Murray, MUS, COAL
Ed Chang, FGB, COB
Carol Shoptaugh, PSY, CHHS
Nikolay Gersimchuk, CHM, CHPA
Dennis Hickey, PLS, CHPA
Honors Committee To advise the Director of the Honors College in administering the curriculum, degree program and advisement for honors students. Membership includes one faculty member appointed by the dean of each college upon consultation with the College Council, one student, the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs – Enrollment Services (see CSA 48-86/87), and the Assistant Director of the Honors College (ex officio). Chair to be selected by the committee (Members serve three-year terms. Members may not serve two consecutive terms.) John Chuchiak, Dir of Honors College, Chair
Kathy Pulley, REL, CHPA
Elizabeth Rozell, COB
Shouchuan Hu, MTH, CNAS
Lanya Lamouria, ENG, COAL
Scott Handley, Asst Dir of Honors College, ex officio
Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Participants To serve as the University’s committee to review and approve research projects or activities involving human participants and to ensure that such projects or activities are in compliance with the federal regulations on Protection of Human Subjects (45 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 46). (See Section 10.4.4 of the Faculty Handbook.) The committee also is responsible for reviewing research project applications for compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act as described in the Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information (45 CFR 160 and 164). The Institutional Review Board is responsible for ensuring that adequate safeguards are established to protect any individual who may be at risk as a consequence of participation as a subject in research activities. All investigations, experiments, or demonstrations involving human participants in any way must be reviewed and approved by the IRB before the activity is undertaken. (Members serve three-year terms.) A summary report of the committee’s work is to be submitted at the end of the academic year to the Provost.
Joseph Hulgus, CLSE, COE, Chair
Phil Harsha, ACC, COB
Russell Carney, PSY, CHHS
Ann Orzek, Mental Health Clinician, Counseling Ctr
Joyce DeWitt, West Plains campus
Michael Stout, SOC, CHPA
Sam Dyer, COM, COAL
Paul Thomlinson, Community Member
Linda Garrison-Kane, CLSE, COE
Linda Vaught, PAS, CHHS
Janice Greene, BIO, CNAS
Library Committee To assume a liaison role between the University libraries and the University community and to advise the Dean of Library Services on matters concerning library policies and procedures. To recommend proposals to receive funding for special book purchases in accord with guidelines for the Luella Stuck Cline Faculty Library Resources Grant. (Members serve three-year terms.) A summary report of the committee’s work is to be submitted at the end of the academic year to the Provost.
Jan Atwell, NUR, CHHS
Ralph Shain, PHI, CHPA
Magdalena Berry, ENG, COAL
Lynn Cline, LIBR, ex officio
Bob Egbert, CEP, CNAS
Thomas Peters, Dean, LIBR, ex officio
Mary Beth Mann, CEFS, COE
Also included on this committee are the elected chairpersons of each college library committee
James Scott, FGB, COB
NCAA Validation Committee To monitor student athletes’ academic progress, grade point averages and ACT scores to ensure that they are eligible to compete in NCAA-sanctioned athletics.
Sarah McCallister, Dept Head, KIN, CHHS, Chair
Casey Hunt, Assoc. Dir, Intercollegiate Athletics
Brian Calfano, PLS, CHPA
Jim Hutter, SAGR
Sandy Culver, Advisement Center, COB
Bogdan Kostic, PSY, CHHS
Keith Ernce, KIN, CHHS
Hillary Mayes, CHHS
Anne Gordon, CHM, CNAS
Judy Pickering, Advisement Center, COE
Stephanie Hein, Dept. Head, HRA, CHPA
Daniel Raines, Asst Dir ACIA, Intercollegiate Athletics, ex officio
Daniel Hellman, MUS, COAL
Kyle Yates, Asst Athletic Dir for Compliance, ex officio
Nathan Hoff, Associate Registrar
Pre-Medical Committee To provide information to students who are exploring careers in medicine, to coordinate academic advisement for pre-medical students, and to assist students who are applying for admission to medical schools. (Members serve three-year terms.) Amanda Brodeur, NUR, CHHS
Kathy Hughes, BIO, CNAS
Richard Garrad, BMS, CHHS
Kyoungtae Kim, BIO, CNAS
Nick Gerasimchuk, CHM, CNAS
Jianjie Wang, BMS, CHHS
Eric Bosch, CHM, CNAS
Annette Wardell, Taylor Hlth & Wellness Ctr
John Heywood, BIO, CNAS
Provost’s Advisory Council on Tenure and Promotion The Provost’s Advisory Council on Tenure and Promotion (PACTP) is an advisory group with representatives from all academic colleges. The PACTP provides input on policy changes impacting the tenure and promotion process, provides input to the Provost on promotion and tenure issues such as the review of tenure and promotion guidelines, and assists with special reviews of applications pursuant to the Faculty Handbook. (Two tenured faculty members of Professor rank from each college. Members serve two year staggered terms. A member can be reappointed for one additional term and then must sit out one term before eligible for reappointment.) James Baumlin, ENG, COAL
Melida Gutierrez, GGP, CNAS
Lynn Cline, LIBR
Dennis Hickey, PLS, CHPA
Jeffrey Cornelius-White, CLSE, COE
Cindy MacGregor, CLSE, COE
Susan Crain, FGB, COB
Eric Nelson, HST, CHPA
Billie Follensbee, ART, COAL
Dianne Slattery, TCM, COB
Richard Garrad, BMS, CHHS
Gary Webb, SAGR
Kartik Ghosh, PAMS, CNAS
Brooke Whisenhunt, PSY, CHHS
Scholarship Committee To make recommendations regarding the development and administration of an institutional scholarship program designed to support the achievement of the University’s enrollment management objectives. In establishing its recommendations, the Committee must give appropriate consideration to budget and net revenue and effective integration of the institutionally funded scholarship program with scholarships funded through private donations (i.e., the Missouri State Foundation). The committee should annually review the effectiveness of the scholarship program and submit a report, via the chair, the Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management, to the Provost. Don Simpson, Assoc VP Enrollment Mgt, Chair
Tom Tomasi, Assoc Dean, Graduate College
John Chuchiak, Director of Honors College
Andrew Wright, Asst VP, Director of Admissions
TBD, Past Faculty Senate Chair
Heather C. King, Financial Aid, ex officio
Vicki Mattocks, Director of Financial Aid
Tina McManus, Dir of Acc & Budgeting, ex officio
Scholastic Standards and Revision of Records Committee To act as a board of review for students who wish to appeal administrative decisions regarding scholastic standards. To hear appeals regarding “F” grades and Incomplete grades, and to make recommendations to the Provost regarding changes to students’ permanent academic records. (Members serve three-year terms.) A summary report of the committee’s work is to be submitted to the Provost at the end of the academic year. Paul Deal, PSY, CHHS, Chair
Alan Schaefer, MKT, COB
Roberta Aram, CEFS, COE
Ralph Shain, PHI, CHPA
Rajinder Jutla, GGP, CNAS
Diana Jolley, Asst. Registrar, ex officio
Pedro Koo, MCL, COAL
Misty Bowen, Office of the Registrar, ex officio
INTERDISCIPLINARY PROGRAM COMMITTEES African American Studies Committee To advise and assist the Dean of the College of Humanities and Public Affairs in the development of curriculum and coordination of programming for the African American Studies minor.
Matthew Calihman, ENG, COAL, Chair
Maurice Tate, REL, CHPA
Sabrina Brinson, CEFS, COE
Johnny Washington, PHI, CHPA
Todd Payne, MUS, COAL
Pam Sailors, Assoc Dean, CHPA, ex officio
Wes Pratt, Coord Diversity Outreach & Recruitment
Environmental Focus Committee Recommend curricular and programmatic changes related to environmental sciences/studies and sustainability to college councils and CGEIP primarily through a new minor (or minors). With a new minor (or minors), options include major revision or deletion of the current environmental science and policy minor – especially if the new minor meets the needs of more students. MSU is committed to meeting the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) Sustainability Tracking Assessment & Rating System (STARS) (https://stars.aashe.org/) scorecard. Committee should be aware of the requirements through the AASHE STARS scorecard of the educational areas such that new curricula would meet goals in the long range plan to earn at least a silver rating in three years. Lora Vess, SOC, CHPA, Chair
Judy Meyer, GGP, CNAS
Roberta Aram, CEFS, COE
Marciann Patton, FID, COB
Terrel Gallaway, EC, CHPA
Diann Thomas, CHM, CNAS
Stacy Joyce, TD, COAL
Chuck Rovey, GGP, CNAS
Day Ligon, BIO, CNAS
Alexander Wait, BIO, CNAS
Judith Martin, MCL, COAL
Tamera Jahnke, Dean, CNAS, ex officio
Gender Studies Committee To advise and assist the Dean of the College of Humanities and Public Affairs in the development of curriculum, hiring of faculty, and overall development of the Gender Studies Program. Members shall be nominated by the Gender Studies faculty. Members serve rotating two-year terms, and membership includes representation from each college. Stephanie Norander, COM, COAL, Chair
Vera Stanojevic, MTH, CNAS
Brian Calfano, PLS, CHPA
Lora Vess, SOC, CHPA
Etta Madden, ENG, COAL
Tanya Whipple, PSY, CHHS
Sharmistha Self, ECO, CHPA
Pam Sailors, Assoc Dean, CHPA ex officio (with voting privileges)
Global Studies/Area Studies Committee To review and propose curricular changes for the Area Studies and Global Studies programs and to assist with efforts to bring greater awareness to the campus and larger community of the cultural competence facet of the Public Affairs mission. Madeleine Hooper, Assoc Dean, COAL –Coordinator Global Studies B.A., Chair
Joe Hughes, MCL, COAL
Stephen Berkwitz, REL, CHPA
Gabriel Ondetti, PLS, CHPA
John Chuchiak, HST, CHPA
Alessandra Pires, MCL, COAL
Debbie Corcoran, GGP, CNAS
David Romano, PLS, CHPA
Billie Follensbee, ART, COAL
Bethany Walker, HIS, CHPA
Dennis Hickey, PLS, CHPA
Native American Studies Committee To advise and assist the Dean of the College of Humanities and Public Affairs in the development of curriculum and coordination of programming for the Native American Studies minor. Bill Meadows, SOC, CHPA, Chair
Billie Follensbee, ART, COAL
Larry Burt, HST, CHPA
Elizabeth Sobel, SOC, CHPA
Martha Finch, REL, CHPA
Pam Sailors, Assoc Dean, CHPA, ex officio
OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT FOR ADMINISTRATIVE AND INFORMATION SERVICES Environmental Management Policy Panel To review and assist the Environmental Management Department in developing, recommending, and approving safety and environmental policies, guidelines, procedures, and management systems. To serve as an umbrella organization for other environmental and health-related committees on all campuses to ensure the University’s compliance with federal, state, and local regulations and best practices to safeguard community citizens and to protect the environment. The Panel will meet at least annually to review the University Environmental Management Policy and to propose changes for approval by the Board of Governors. The Panel will also review applicable laws and regulatory guidance to ascertain University compliance.
David Vaughan, Director of Env, Chair
Ken McClure, VP Admin & Info Svcs
Jeff Brown, Environmental Management
Jordan McGee, SGA President
Racheal Dockery, General Counsel
Matt Morris, Administrative & Information Services
Janice Duncan, Director of Greenwood Lab School
David Muegge, Taylor Health & Wellness Center
Robert Eckels, Director of Facilities Management
Jacob Norton, CNAS
Anson Elliott, Director, SAGR
Erin Parrish, Director of Research Compliance
Gloria Galanes, Dean, COAL
Robert Pavlowsky, CNAS
Jonathan Hardin, Lab & Stores Supervisor, CHM
Helen Reid, Dean, CHHS
Tamera Jahnke, Dean, CNAS
Scott Schneider, Dir of Bus & Support Svcs-WP
Allen Kunkel, Director of JVIC
Gary Stewart, Director of Residence Life & Svcs
Robert Mayanovic, CNAS, PAMS
Mike Wills, Director of Procurement
Health Care Plans Review Committee To examine and make recommendations concerning the University’s employee group health care plans. Julie Dubinsky, Assoc Dir of H R, Chair
Laree Moore, Dir of Hammons Stdt Ctr/Plaster Sports Complex
Michel Bampoe, Asst. Dir of HR-Benefits
Matt Morris, Assoc. VP for Admin & Info Svcs
Edward Choate, Director of Human Resources
David Muegge, Director, Taylor Hlth Ctr
Donna Christian, Director, Internal Audit
Thomas Peters, Dean, LIBR
Alyssa Collins, Financial Aid, West Plains
Helen Reid, Dean, CHHS
Melanie Earl, Director of Annual Funds
Dee Siscoe, VP for Student Affairs
Steve Foucart, Chief Financial Officer
Margaret Weaver, ENG, COAL
Lisa Hall, SOC, CHPA
Sheila Bowen, Coord Employee Wellness Programs, ex officio
Mike Leibert, MGT, COB
Racheal Dockery, General Counsel, ex officio
John McAlear, Staff Retiree
Ken McClure, VP Admin & Info Svcs, ex officio
Information Security Executive Committee To evaluate information security issues and make recommendations for protecting University data and computer systems through policy, awareness, incident response and resource planning. Will Spencer, Information Security Officer, Chair
Shannon McMurtrey, CIS, COB
Donna Christian, Director, Internal Audit
Saibal Mitra, Faculty Senate Rep
Racheal Dockery, General Counsel
Frederick Muegge, Director, Taylor Health
Chelsey Giles, Student Financial Aid
Erin Parrish, Director of Research Compliance
Don Hendrickson, System Admin. Advancement
Luke Pitchford, Director, IT Services, WP
Robert Hornberger, Registrar
Tami Reed, Senior Internal Auditor
Rob Martin, Information Security Analyst
Cindy Schull, Grants & Foundations
Lenord McGownd, Asst Dir of Res Life Business
Doug Willson, Bursar
Ken McClure, VP Admin & Info Svcs, ex officio
Jeff Morrissey, CIO, ex officio
Maintenance and Repair Review Board To provide a forum for the academic community to participate in the planning and allocation of resources for maintenance and repair of the University’s physical plant. Robert Eckels, Director of Facilities Mgt, Chair
Tamera Jahnke, Dean, CNAS
Stephanie Bryant, Dean, COB
Victor Matthews, Dean, CHPA
Jennifer Cox, Facilities Management
Thomas Peters, Dean, LIBR
Frank Einhellig, Provost
Helen Reid, Dean, CHHS
Gloria Galanes, Interim Dean, COAL
Gary Chorn, Asst Dir of Facilities Mgt-Custodial, ex officio
David Hough, Dean, COE
John Clark, Asst Dir of Facilities Mgt, Grounds, ex officio
MSU Trunked Radio System Board To review and advise on the University Trunked Radio System. Cyndi Barnett, Student Recreation
Thomas Lane, Student Affairs
Randy Blackwood, Event Venues
Matt Morris, Admin & Information Services
Don Clark, Safety & Transportation
Mike Murphy, CNAS
Robert Eckels, Facilities Management
Gary Stewart, Residence Life
Mark Harsen, Telecommunications
Safety and Transportation Advisory Committee To advise the University on matters of safety, security and transportation. Donald Clark, Dir of Safety & Transportation, Chair
Mike Jungers, Dean of Students
Dalen Duitsman, Dir of Ozarks Pub Hlth Institute
Tony Vienhage, Sgt Springfield Police Dept, MSU Substation
Jay Huff, Asst Dir of Safety & Transportation
Gary Stewart, Dir of Residence Life & Services
Barbara Jones, Director of Special Events, COAL
Small Insurance Claims Committee To review insurance claims not approved by the State Division of Risk Management, and to determine how to serve the best interests of the University while functioning as an Appeal Board. Mike Wills, Director of Procurement Svcs, Chair
Robert Eckels, Director of Facilities Management
Donald Clark, Director of Safety & Transportation
OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT FOR STUDENT AFFAIRS Admission Appeal Committee To act as the initial board of review for students who have been denied admission to the University and who wish to appeal that decision. To make a recommendation to the Office of Admissions based upon an assessment of the applicant’s credentials and appeal information. Andrew Wright, Asst VP and Dir of Admissions, Chair
Lynda Plymate, MTH, CNAS
Susan Martindale, Academic Advisement Center
Behavioral Intervention Team The Team’s purpose is to be a resource to members of the University community who have a concern about a student’s behavior and need the opportunity to consult with professionals who deal with behavioral issues on a more frequent basis. The CIRT provides an organized and coordinated method of assessment of the severity of an incident or situation affecting the University community. The CIRT determines the need to intervention, identification and activation of appropriate resources and responses, ongoing monitoring, and evaluation of responses and outcomes.
Mike Jungers, Assoc Dean of Students, Chair
David Lutz, PSY, CHHS
Denise Baumann, Assoc Dir of Res Life & Svcs
Julie Masterson, CSD, CHHS
Donald Clark, Dir of Safety & Transportation
David Muegge, Dir. Taylor Health
Chris Craig, Assoc. Provost for Faculty Affairs
Wes Pratt, Dir. Equity and Compliance
Doug Greiner, Dir of Counseling & Testing
Rhonda Ridinger, KIN, CHHS
Penni Groves, Legal Counsel
Gary Stewart, Dir of Residence Life & Services
Jay Huff, Asst Dir Safety and Transportation
Kris Sutliff, Stdt Ombudsman, Office of the Provost
Justin Johns, Mental Health Clinician
Andrea Weber, Interim Coord. Student Conduct
Bookstore Advisory Committee To assist and advise the bookstore in an effort to help meet the needs of members of the University community. To generate and evaluate suggestions on ways in which the Missouri State University bookstore may be improved. Sonda Reinartz, Director MSU Bookstore, Chair
Sean Kliethermes, Admissions Representative
Gilbert Brown, COE, Faculty Representative
Priscilla Skeeters, Bookstore Employee
Rick Kindhart, Athletics Representative
Alex Usery, Bookstore Student Employee
Committee on Residency To hear appeals regarding administrative decisions concerning student residency for fee purposes. Nancy Copeland, Collector, Financial Services
Vicki Mattocks, Financial Aid
Rebecca Harbaugh, Assoc. Registrar
Penni Groves, Legal Counsel, ex officio
Employee Wellness Advisory Committee To create a campus climate that embraces a Wellness philosophy as an integral part of the Missouri State University health care and public affairs missions. Sheila Bowen, Coord Employee Wellness, Chair
Melinda Novik, KIN, CHHS
Michael Bampoe, Asst. Director, HR
Daniela Novotny, BMS, CHHS
Alyssa Collins, West Plains
Reed Olsen, ECO, CHPA
Debbie Donnellan, Admin & Information Services
Jerilyn Reed, Wellness Educator-Student
Julie Dubinsky, Asst Dir of HR, Benefits
Helen Reid, Dean, CHHS
Brad Hamman, Computer Services
Amy Schuldt, Marketing/Publications
Don Leibert, Director, Masters Health Administration
Dee Siscoe, VP for Stdt Aff, Chair
David Muegge, Director, Taylor Health & Wellness
Federally Mandated Reporting/Disclosing Committee To address what federally mandated reporting/disclosing is required from the University – deadlines for reporting, where the information to students/faculty/staff will be distributed, who is responsible for reporting, and ensuring all reporting/disclosing has been properly completed. Mike Jungers, Assoc Dean of Students, Chair
Casey Hunt, Assoc Dir of Athletics/SWA
Edward Choate, Director of Human Resources
Vicki Mattocks, Director of Financial Aid
Donna Christian, Dir, Internal Audit
David Muegge, Dir of Health & Wellness Center
Donald Clark, Director of Safety & Transportation
Erin Parrish, Director of Research Compliance
Stephen Foucart, Chief Financial Officer
Don Simpson, Assoc VP for Enrollment Mgt
Penni Groves, Legal Counsel
Will Spencer, Information Security Officer
Michael Hackworth, Mgr, Grant & Capital Projects
Pam Turner, Admin Asst IV, Mtn Grove Campus
Robert Hornberger, Registrar
Financial Aid Appeal Committee To consider appeals from students for exceptions to the University’s Satisfactory Academic Progress policy and also occasional appeals regarding athletic grant-in-aid and other requests for exceptions to institutional financial aid policy. Chelsey Clark, Assoc Dir of Stdt Financial Aid, Chair
Robert Moore, Financial Aid
Karen Ash, Financial Aid Coordinator
Dixie Williams, Asst Dir of Admissions, Transfer Crd
Christina Bowles, Academic Advisement Ctr
Jeremy Wright, Admin. Asst. Financial Aid
Leaders in Community Service To assist and promote civic responsibilities among students through community service that addresses priorities of the local community in the areas of education, the environment, public safety, the economy or human needs. Cheryle Combs, Coor. Student Dev., Chair
Susan Miles, Dir, Champion Athletes of the Ozarks
Karen Grosso, TRIO Program
Kathy Nordyke, Director, CASL
Mike Jungers, Dean of Students
Carol Shoptaugh, PSY, CHHS
Refund Exception Committee The Refund Exception Committee, consisting of representatives from MSU faculty and staff, is charged with considering and approving exceptions to the fee refund policy. The Committee will meet monthly to review appeals. Misty Bowen, Office of the Registrar
Melissa Osten, Financial Aid
Rebecca Harbaugh, Office of the Registrar
Darren Wienberg, Academic Advisement Center
Safety Matters This committee meets on a monthly basis to discuss crime and safety concerns affecting the University community, campus property, and surrounding neighborhoods. The committee also reviews and revises safety protocols as needed. Mike Jungers, Dean of Students, Chair
Jay Huff, Asst Dir of Safety & Transportation
Denise Baumann, Assoc Dir of Residence Life & Svcs
Devin Schehrer, Asst Dir of Residence Life & Svcs
Tara Benson, Dir. Student Engagement
Steve Seal, Asst Dir of Greenwood Laboratory School
Donald Clark, Director of Safety & Transportation
Gary Stewart, Director of Residence Life & Services
Debbie Donnellan, Administrative Info Services
Andrea Weber, Dir of Student Engagement
Terry Grier, Admin Asst, Dean of Students
Sgt. Tony Veinhage, Spfd Police MSU Substation
Student Affairs Planning & Assessment Team To move the division’s efforts in program assessment forward. The committee will review Student Affairs assessment data gathered; be informed on current assessment projects planned; and determine ways to meaningfully share assessment results both within the division and externally. Thomas Lane, Asst VP Student Life/Dir of PSU, Chair
Rob Moore, Asst. Director, Financial Aid
Denise Baumann, Assoc Dir, Residence Life & Svcs
David Muegge, Director, Taylor Health
Tara Benson, Director of Student Engagement
Sonda Reinartz, Director, Bookstore
Jamie Garner, Graduate Student
Gary Stafford, Career Services
Robert Hornberger, Registrar
Marissa Weaver, Assoc. Dir. Student Engagement
Michael Jungers, Dean of Students
Andrew Wright, Asst. VP/Dir. Of Admissions
Lisa Langston, Counseling & Testing
Vicki Mattocks, Director of Financial Aid
Dee Sisco, VP Student Affairs
Diane May, Ctr for Resource Planning & Mgt
Christian Wall, LCS Grad Student
Student Wellness Advisory Committee To serve as a liaison between the Taylor Health & Wellness Center Administration and the Missouri State University campus community, with particular attention to the concerns of the student body, and to provide support for Taylor Health & Wellness Center programs and services. Students are appointed each year jointly by SGA and Taylor Health & Wellness Center’s Director. Jerilyn Reed, Coord of Stdt Wellness, Taylor Health & Wellness Center, Chair
Katherine Miller, At Large Student Representative
Ashley Crisafulli, SGA Representative
David Muegge, Dir of Hlth & Wellness Ctr
Matt Hinken, At Large Stdt Representative
Caitlin Polley, Residence Life Student Rep.
John Jurss, Student Representative
Undergraduate Recruitment Committee To assist with the development and implementation of the undergraduate recruitment effort. Andrew Wright, Asst VP/Dir of Admission, Chair
Hillary Mayes, Instructor, CHHS
Jim Bellis, Asst Dept Head, SAGR
Sarah Nenninger, Enrollment & Recruitment Mgr, COB
Mark Biggs, Assoc Dean, COAL
Judy Pickering, Professional Ed Adv, COE
Jerry Chin, Dept Head, CIS, COB
Francine Pratt, Exec. Dir., Multicultural Res Ctr
Stacey Funderburk, Director of Publications
Pam Sailors, Dept Head, PHI, Assoc Dean, CHPA
Tracey Glaessgen, Asst. Dir. First Year Prog.
Susan Sims-Giddens, NUR, CHHS
Scott Handley, Asst Director, Honors College
Michelle Smith, CLSE, COE
Heather C. King, Director of Scholarships
Xingping Sun, Interim Assoc Dean, CNAS
OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT FOR DIVERSITY & INCLUSION African American Heritage Month Committee To plan and coordinate African American Heritage Month activities. Francine Pratt, Chair
Bob Kincaid, Co-Curricular Stdt Ombudsmen, Multicultural Services
Tara Benson, Asst Dir of Programs, Stdt Engagement
Malikah Marrus, SWK, CHHS
Matthew Calihman, ENG, COAL
Pam Sailors, Dept Head, PHI, Assoc Dean, CHPA
Stephanie Goss, Student Rep.
Marquishon Storay-Allen
Akeisha Gratts, Student Rep.
Johnny Washington, PHI, CHPA
Grace Jackson-Brown, LIBR
Asian American/Pacific Islander Heritage Month Committee To plan and coordinate Asian American/Pacific Islander Heritage Month activities. Linna Lee
Sun Ah Pak
Andy Lo
Darren Young
Diversity Coordination Task Force To develop venues to: 1) implement a clearinghouse website for all campus multicultural events; 2) introduce a campus-wide convocation series to include all culturally significant events, programs and services for use by faculty, staff and students; 3) revise and make more inclusive major cultural heritage month programs. Ken Coopwood, VP, Diversity & Inclusion, Chair
Ann Fuhrman, LIBR
Sabrina Brinson, CEFS, COE
Paula Kemp, MTH, CNAS
Jeremy Chesman, MUS, COAL
Melissa Price
John Chuchiak, HST, CHPA
Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Council To serve as a champion of diversity and inclusion by: 1) supporting the establishment of University-wide and community goals for improving the presence of diversity among individuals, ideas, and cultures; 2) helping to create and review specific strategies that will advance progress towards these goals, and 3) providing insight for identifying criteria for performance, success and assessment of goal attainment. Ken Coopwood, VP, Diversity & Inclusion, Chair
Juan Meraz, Multicultural Services and Diversity Outreach & Recruitment
Harold Bengsch, County Commissioner
Francine Pratt, Multicultural Programs
Donna Breault, Dept. Head, CEFS, COE
Mary Ann Rojas, City of Springfield
Rachelle Darabi, Assoc Provost, Stdt Dev & Pub Aff
Megan Shadrick, Assoc Dir, Disability Resource Ctr
Mike DePue, Interfaith Alliance
Katheryne Staeger-Wilson, Dir, Disability Res Ctr
Lyle Foster, Big Momma’s Coffee House
Michael Stout, SOC, CHPA
Andy Hosmer, Hosmer King & Royce LLC
Rebecca Woodard, KIN, CHHS
Thomas Lane, Asst VP of Stdt Life, Dir PSU
Leta Moler, Diversity and Inclusion , ex officio
Gary Maddox, SW Center for Independent Living
Diversity Modes A consortium of area higher education institutions (MSU, OTC, Drury, Evangel, SBU) whose mission is to coordinate efforts and to partner between institutions, serving parallel needs for our students, faculty, staff and the community that surrounds and supports us. As higher education institutions we recognize both the opportunity and the responsibility to take a leadership role with regard to diversity concerns in the larger community. Tim Baltes, OTC, Co-Chair
Juan Meraz, Interim Asst VP for Multicultural Services, Coord Diversity Outreach & Recruitment
Ken Coopwood, VP, Diversity & Inclusion Chris Kimberling, Southwest Baptist Univ.
Gina Rentschler, Evangel
Veronica Lowe, OTC, Co-Chair
Kelley Still, Drury
Equal Opportunity Advisory Committee To serve as a University-wide advisory committee regarding Equal Employment Opportunity policies and practices of the University including: 1) communicate the University’s commitment to equal opportunity and affirmative action, 2) develop and evaluate the Affirmative Action Program, 3) plan and implement appropriate educational programming for the University community, and 4) serve as an advisory hearing panel for complaints. Wes Pratt, Chair
Juan Meraz, Interim Asst VP for Multicultural Svcs
Gary Chorn
Pam Sailors, Assoc Dean, CHPA
Casey Comoroski, Assoc Director, Athletics
Carol Shoptaugh
Steve Foucart, Interim Chief Financial Officer
Katheryne Staeger-Wilson
Vicky Hanson
Brenda Stewart
David Meinert, Assoc Dean, COB
Chris Stovall, Employment Specialist, HR
Brenda Malkowski
TaJuan Wilson
Hispanic Heritage Month Committee To plan and coordinate Hispanic Heritage Month activities. Priscilla Bloom
Teresa Phillips
Nidya Garza
Francine Pratt
Memo Latapi
Hazael Rodriqguez, Community Representative
Yolanda Lorge, Grupo Latino Americano
Sharlett Tiburcio
Judith Martinez
David Valenciano
Juan Meraz
Jordana Vera
Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Transgender (LBGT) History Month Committee To plan and coordinate Lesbian and Gay History Month activities. Tabitha Andujar-Bryson
Dominiece Hoelyfield
Holly Baggett, HIS, CHPA
Nicole Lane
Darryl Clark
Ashley Leinweber
Kristin Ekren
Travis Schilla
Will Hader, Advisor, Spectrum
Jacob Welch
Native American Heritage Month Committee To plan and coordinate Native American Heritage Month activities. Francine Pratt, Chair
Diane Leamy, SOC, CHPA
Tara Benson, Asst Dir of Prog, Stdt Engagement
Jim Smith, Community Representative
Ken Estes, Southwest Missouri Indian Center
Jayne White
Stephanie Goss
Steve Willis, COAL, ART
Staysha Hampton
FACULTY SENATE COUNCIL & COMMITTEE LISTINGS Faculty Senate Purpose: Actions, as perfected and passed by the Faculty Senate, represent the collective reasoning of the Faculty through its governance process as to policies and procedures to be followed by the University and are communicated to the University Administration for approval and implementation. Resolutions passed by the Faculty Senate state the collective reasoning of the Faculty Senate on specific issues and shall be forwarded for information to the appropriate Administrators. Membership: Refer to the Faculty Senate Constitution and Bylaws for Membership Information OFFICERS
Chair: Stephen McIntyre
Jimmie Allen, ART
Chair-elect: Sharmistha Self
Mike Foster, THE
Secretary: Ruth Barnes
Elizabeth Dudash, COM
Chris Thompson, MUS
Deb Larson, MJF
Pauline Nugent, MCL
Margaret Weaver, ENG
Nora Cox (Instructor)
Martin Jones, TCM
Lanya Lamouria, (Asst Professor)
Sandra Bailey, FID
Tara Oetting (Clinical Faculty)
Ahren Johnston, MKT
Rhonda Ridinger (Professor)
Brent Kinghorn, MGT
Jack Rosenkoetter (Assoc Professor)
Richard Johnson, CIS
James Lampe, ACC
Y. Jenny Zhang, FGB
Sandra Johnson, Staff Delegate
Telory Davies, Grad Council Chair
Dan Crafts, HRA
Kirby Williams, SGA Representative
John Heywood, BIO
Hui Liu, CSC
Xin Miao, GGP
Jeffrey Cornelius-White, CLSE
Saibal Mitra, PAMS
Beth Hurst, RFT
Bryan Breyfogle, CHM
Joan Test, CEFS
Vera Stanojevic, MTH
Tracy Cleveland, PAS
Margaret Buckner, SOC
Joshua Smith, BMS
Holly Baggett, HST
Susan Dollar, SWK
Ethan Amidon, CRM
Keith Ernce, KIN
Jack Knight, PHI
Kristina Henry, NUR
Mahua Mitra, ECO
James Hackney, PT
David Johnson, PLS
Tom Kane, PSY
Mark Given, REL
Allan Liggett, SMAT
None, DSS
Ye (Angel) Wang, CSD
None, MS
Chin-Feng Hwang, AGR
David Richards, LIBR
Academic Relations Committee Purpose: Shall review institutional quality of academic standards and instructional methodology; shall evaluate and promote faculty development programs and procedures. Membership: Refer to the Faculty Senate Constitution and Bylaws for Membership Information Maggie Marlin-Hess, THE, COAL
Randy Sexton, CIS, COB
David Goodwin, RFT, COE
Rob Hornberger, Registrar, ex officio
Melinda Novik, KIN, CHHS
Sharmistha Self, Chair-Elect, ex officio
Elizabeth Sobel, SOC, CHPA
Budget and Priorities Committee Purpose: Shall examine all proposals for intercollegiate programs, general education courses or other major initiatives with possible budgetary implications before the Faculty Senate and report to the Chair of the Faculty Senate the examination results prior to the proposals being voted on. Shall review and remain informed of the university budget, including capital expenditure plans, as it is developed throughout the year. Shall become and remain familiar with the university planning document(s) that support budgetary planning. Shall send a representative to meet monthly with the Provost’s Office to become informed of, and to understand the rationale for, all Administrative Council deliberations that are likely to have a major effect on future resource allocations, and to express concerns and offer constructive advice, if needed, regarding the direction the university appears to be going. Shall, by October 31 of the fall semester, become familiar with the university’s Process Improvement Committee and other committees, as directed by the Chair of the Faculty Senate, whose functions primarily relate to matters of resource utilization or enhancement. Shall be included in university decision-making related to budget planning as follows: State Appropriation Requests and Internal Operating Budget (see Faculty Bylaws for detailed wording). Shall review current salaries and salary structure as a part of the budget building process each year and make recommendations for changes in the structure and plans. Shall keep the Chair of the Faculty Senate informed of all university budgetary matters of which it has knowledge and make a report to the Faculty Senate during the spring semester. Shall assist the University Planning Advisory Council and other appropriate university bodies in identifying and articulating Faculty Senate concerns about budgeting and planning priorities. Membership: Refer to the Faculty Senate Constitution and Bylaws for Membership Information
Bob Pavlowsky, GGP, CNAS, Chair
Steve Hinch, RFT, COE
Isabelle Bauman, COM, COAL
David Richards, LIBR
John Chuchiak, HST, CHPA
Amy Stokes, MKT, COB
John Downing, KIN, CHHS
College Councils Purpose: The primary purpose of each college council is to act upon curricular matters that are referred to it by departments within the college. Powers: Each college council is empowered to approve a departmental proposal, reject and return a proposal to the originating department, or amend and approve the proposal. Membership: Refer to the Faculty Senate Constitution and Bylaws for Membership Information ARTS & LETTERS
Nancy Dion, PAS
Paula Patterson, MUS, COAL
Michael Hudson, SMAT
Lyn Gattis, ENG
Mary Ann Jennings, SWK
Colby Jennings, MJF
David Schneider, NUR
Pedro Koo, MCL
Melissa Fallone, PSY
Sam Dyer, COM
Patty Cahoj, PT
Sarah Williams, ART
Lisa Proctor, CSD
Mike Foster, THE
Ralph Shain, PHI, Chair
Diane Slattery, TCM, Chair
Gary Fleck, MIS
A. Craig Keller, ACC
Lisa Hall, SOC
Melody LaPreze, MGT
Marcia Butler, HST
Steven Parker, MKT
Yuhua Qiao, PLS
Richard Johnson, CIS
John Strong, REL
Cathy Starr, FID
Charles Scott, ECO
Douglas Witte, FGB
Aida Hass, CRM
Bill Agnew, RFT, Chair
Paul Rollinson, GGP, Chair
Becky Crowder, GLS
Mark Rogers, MTH
Denise Cunningham, CEFS
Dan Crafts, HRA
Deanne Camp, RFT
Mark Richter, CHM
Gigi Saunders, GGP
Lloyd Smith, CSC
Amanda Perkins, KIN
Emmett Redd, PAMS
Committee on General Education and Intercollegiate Programs (CGEIP) Purpose: This Committee shall act upon all curricular proposals affecting the General Education Program as well as courses and programs offered collaboratively by Academic Departments/Schools in two or more colleges (i.e. intercollegiate programs not routed to Professional Education Committee or Graduate Council). Powers: This Committee is empowered to approve curricular proposals, reject and return proposals to the College Council(s) that submitted it/them, or amend and approve the proposals. Membership: Refer to the Faculty Senate Constitution and Bylaws for Membership Information
Rebecca Swearingen, RFT, COE, Chair
Jack Llewellyn, REL
2016 2015
Darryl Clark, MCL
Andrew Johnson, PHI
Joe Hughes, MCL
Rich Biogioni, CHM
2017 2015
Alex Hamwi, MKT
Xiaomin Qiu, GGP
Michele Granger, MGT
EDUCATION Mandi Benedict-Chambers, CEFS
Rebecca Swearingen, RFT
Thomas Altena, KIN
Benjamin Timson, BMS
Keri Franklin, Director of Assessment, ex officio Provost’s Designate: Joshua Smith, ex officio
Faculty Senate Chair-elect: Sharmistha Self, ex officio
Faculty Concerns Committee Purpose: Shall act as a board for continuous review of the broad area of faculty rights and responsibilities; shall, as directed by the Faculty Senate, discuss with the University Administration matters pertaining to remuneration, professional advancement, facultyadministrator relationships, and working conditions; shall serve as the vehicle through which the faculty, Faculty Senate, and Administration may initiate issues or matters of concern for discussion and consideration; shall invite the submission and receive items of concern from faculty members, administrators, or groups of the same for discussion; shall gather data from appropriate individuals or groups to be used in making a determination as the weather each item submitted warrants action by the Faculty Senate; shall use surveys and other appropriate instruments to provide information to supplement informal communications about faculty concerns. Membership: Refer to the Faculty Senate Constitution and Bylaws for Membership Information
Ken Gillam, ENG, CHHS, Chair
TBA, Secretary
Holly Baggett, HIS
Reed Olsen, ECO
Ken Gillam, ENG
Sarah Williams, ART
Kyoungtae Kim, BIO
Anita Liu, CSC
Steven Thomas, MGT
Benjamin Onyango
Fred Groves, RFT
Joseph Hulgus, CLSE
Joshua Lambert
Carly Yadon, PSY
Shurita Thomas-Tate
Sharmistha Self, Chair-elect, ex officio
Faculty Senate Executive Committee Purpose: The Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate shall participate in the curricular process as described in ART VI, SEC 8; may advise the Chair of the Faculty Senate in preparing the agenda for meetings of the Faculty Senate; shall assist in supervision of the working of the Faculty Senate in such manner as directed by the Faculty Senate or by the Chair of the Faculty Senate; and shall prepare, revise and supervise the use of forms utilized in faculty governance processes. Membership: Shall consist of the Chair of the Faculty Senate, who shall be Chair of the Executive Committee; the Chair-elect of the Faculty Senate, the Secretary of the Faculty, the Past Chair of the Faculty Senate, and the Parliamentarian, ex officio. Eric Shade, CSC, CNAS, Parliamentarian
Ryan Giedd, PAMS, CNAS, Past -Chair
Ruth Barnes, THE, COAL, Secretary to the Faculty
Sharmistha Self, ECO, CHPA, Chair-Elect
Steve McIntyre, HST, CHPA, Chair
Faculty Student Judicial Commission Purpose: To serve as the judicial body to make recommendations in judicial matters as prescribed in The Student Judicial System, approved by the Board of Governors February 19, 1993. Composition of the Commission is prescribed by the Governors’ action. Membership: Faculty members of the committee are elected for a two-year term by the Faculty Senate at its March meeting each year from nominees presented by each College Council. The Chair is appointed by the University President. Richard Garrad, BMS, CHHS, Chair
Janice Greene, BIO, CNAS
Scott Bloom, ECO, CHPA
Sarah Nixon, RFT, COE
Fay Felicilda, NUR, CHHS
Pauline Nugent, MCL, COAL
Graduate Council Purpose: the primary purpose of the Graduate Council is to act upon graduate level curricular matters that are referred to it by academic departments/schools. Powers: The Graduate Council is empowered, for course numbered 600 or higher, to approve a department proposal, reject and return a proposal to the originating department, or amend and approve the proposal. It must approve of all members of the graduate faculty. Other responsibilities include program planning, curricular control and policymaking for the Graduate College. Membership: Refer to the Faculty Senate Constitution and Bylaws for Membership Information
Telory Davies, THE, Chair
Kartik Ghosh, PAMS, CNAS
Rose Allen, CSD, CHHS
Paula Kemp, MTH, CNAS
Erin Buchanan, PSY, CHHS
Lynda Plymate, MSEd
David Carr, SMAT, CHHS
Matthew Calihman, ENG, COAL
Susan Dollar, SWK, CHHS
Randy Dillon, COM, COAL
Elizabeth Federman, MPH, CHHS
Eric Pervukhin, ART, COAL
Maria Keanneally, NUR, CHHS
Robert Quebbeman, MUS, COAL
Jerry Masterson, KIN, CHHS
Phil Harsha, MAcc
Tyler Morris, BMS, CHHS
Martin Jones, TCM, COB
Melinda Novik, KIN, CHHS
Rajeev Kaula, CIS, COB
Elizabeth Williamson, PT, CHHS
Michael Leibert, MHA
Martha Finch, REL, CHPA
Randy Sexton, MBA
Brett Garland, CRM, CHPA
William Agnew, CLSE, COE
Dennis Hickey, PLS, CHPA
Ching-Wen Chang, RFT, COE
Bill Piston, HST, CHPA
Joan Test, CEFS, COE
Scott Worman, SOC, CHPA
Wenping Qiu, SAGR
Dan Beckman, BIO, CNAS
Linda Johnson, Off of the Registrar, ex officio
Kevin Evans, GGP, CNAS
Andrea Miller, LIBR, ex officio
Nikolay Gerasimchuk, CHM, CNAS
Tom Tomasi, Graduate College, ex officio
Graduate Council Executive Committee Telory Davis, THE, COAL, Chair
Bill Piston, HST, CHPA, Membership Chair
Brooke Whisenhunt, PSY, CHHS, Past Chair
Robert Quebbeman, MUS, COAL, Grievance Chair
Ching-Wen Chang, CEFS, COE, Screening Chair
Kevin Evans, GGP, CNAS, Scholarship Chair
Randy Dillon, COM, COAL, Recruitment Chair
Tom Tomasi, Assoc Dean, Grad College, ex officio
Tyler Morris, CHHS, Member at Large
Graduate Curriculum Screening Committee The Curriculum Screening Committee is responsible for screening and reviewing all graduate level new programs, program changes, new courses and course changes for all graduate level (600 and above) curricular actions and making a recommendation regarding their disposition to the Graduate Council. The Graduate Curriculum Screening Committee shall require that all programs affected by a particular graduate level curricular action be appropriately consulted. Ching-Wen Chang, RFT, COE, Chair
Scott Worman, SOC, CHPA
Matthew Calihman, ENG, COAL
Vera Stanojevic, MTH, CNAS
Wesley Scroggins, MGT, COB
Linda Johnson, Office of the Registrar, ex officio
Rose Allen, CSD, CHHS
Andrea Miller, LIBR, ex officio
Graduate Faculty Membership Committee The Graduate Faculty Membership Committee is responsible for reviewing all applications for graduate faculty status and making recommendations for admission to the Graduate Council; for reviewing all policies and procedures related to graduate faculty status; for soliciting, reviewing and approving all program specific standards for graduate faculty status; for communicating all relevant policies of the Graduate Council for admission of the graduate faculty to specific programs; and for making recommendations to the Graduate Council concerning the criteria for graduate faculty status and the appropriateness of the faculty when a new graduate program is being considered by the Council. Bill Piston, HST, CHPA, Chair
Joan Test, CEFS, COE
Vonda Yarberry, ART, COAL
Erin Buchanan, PSY, CHHS
Phil Harsha, ACC, COB
Paula Kemp, MTH, CNAS
Graduate Grievance Committee The Graduate Grievance Committee is responsible for reviewing any grievance brought to the Council by a graduate student, the Executive Committee of the Graduate Council, the Graduate Council itself, any member of the graduate faculty, or the Dean’s office. The committee makes recommendations for action. Robert Quebbeman, MUS, COAL, Chair
Beth Williamson, PT, CHHS
Rajeev Kaula, CIS, COB
Brett Garland, CRM, CHPA
Paris DePaepe, CLSE, COE
Dan Beckman, BIO, CNAS
Graduate Recruitment Committee The Graduate Recruitment Committee is responsible for 1) monitoring growth of the graduate programs at the university; 2) working with departments throughout the university to streamline the graduate recruitment process; and 3) identifying recruitment practices, both on campus and elsewhere to suggest changes to the graduate recruitment process as university policies and practices change. Randy Dillon, COM, COAL, Chair
Elizabeth Federman, MPH, CHHS
Martin Jones, TCM, COB
Wenping Qiu, SAGR
Gilbert Brown, CLSE, COE
Misty Stewart, Graduate College, ex officio
Martha Finch, REL, CHPA
Graduate Scholarship Committee The Graduate Scholarship Committee is responsible for administering the Basil and Joann Borizki Endowed Scholarship, the Keith and Aileen Ford Endowed Scholarship, and other scholarships that may be acquired; for recommending to the Dean a nominee for the Midwest Association of Graduate Schools Thesis Award; for selecting winners for the Interdisciplinary Outstanding Graduate Assistant and Graduate Mentor awards; and for working with the Dean’s office to develop, administer and expand scholarship opportunities for graduate students. Kevin Evans, GGP, CNAS, Chair
Bill Agnew, CLSE, COE
Sarah Wiggin, THE, COAL
Melinda Novik, KIN, CHHS
Mike Liebert, MGT, COB
Honorary Doctorate Degree Committee To recommend an appropriate honoree for an honorary doctoral degree, with no more than one honorary degree to be conferred annually. Cynthia Hail, CEFS, COE, Chair
Jack Knight, PHI, CHPA
Carol Miller, FGB, COB
Melanie Grand, HRA, CNAS
Maria Michalczyk, ART, COAL
TBA, Graduate College
Carol Shoptaugh, PSY, CHHS
Chris Craig, Assoc Provost for Faculty Aff. ex officio
Judicial Review Committee Purpose: Shall adjudicate in questions of interpretation of the Constitution and Bylaws of the Faculty; shall consider questions originating from any faculty member when presented through the Chairperson of the Faculty Senate; shall serve as a panel of election judges in the annual primary and annual general elections for Faculty Senate membership. Membership: Shall be composed of the three immediate past-chairpersons of the Faculty Senate who do not hold full-time administrative positions. Terrel Gallaway, ECO, CHPA
Margaret Weaver, ENG, COAL
Rebecca Woodard, KIN, CHHS
Professional Education Committee Purpose: The primary purpose of the PEC is to review courses and programs and to define those policies and procedures that ensure professional education programs at Missouri State University (MSU) meet state and national guidelines for preparing qualified school personnel. The PEC represents the Professional Education Unit (PEU) as a governing body that is part of the Faculty Senate. MSU is organized such that professional education programs are offered in each of the six academic colleges. The PEU was established to encompass all professional education certification programs across the various colleges. Membership: Refer to the Faculty Senate Constitution and Bylaws for Membership Information
Chair: Diana Piccolo, CEFS, COE
Chair-elect: Kurt Killion, MTH, CNAS
Bill Edgar, LIBR
Judith Martin, MCL
Reesha Adamson, CLSE
Steve Willis, ART
Gina Wood, CEFS
Andrew Homburg, MUS
Beth Hurst, RFT
Carol Maples, THE
Vicki Sutton, GRWD
Angela Kohnen, ENG
Eric Morris, COM
Janice Greene, BIO
Bryan Breyfogle, CHM
Adam Harbaugh, MTH
Ye (Angel) Wang, CSD
Melida Gutierrez, GGP
Cheryl Wrinkle, PAMS
David Hough, Dean, COE, ex officio
Debra Price, FGB
Glenna Vanderhoof, CIS
Rules Committee Purpose: Shall review organizational and operational procedures of the Faculty Senate as provided for by the Constitution and Bylaws of the Faculty. Shall prepare proposals for amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws of the Faculty to be voted on by the Faculty Senate and/or faculty of the University. Membership: Refer to the Faculty Senate Constitution and Bylaws for Membership Information Cindy MacGregor, CLSE, COE, Chair
John Heywood, BIO, CNAS
Mike Foster, THE, COAL
Stephen Haggard, FGB, COB
Ruth Barnes, Secretary of the Faculty, ex officio
Tom Dicke, HST, CHPA
Eric Shade, Parliamentarian of Faculty Senate, ex officio
Study Away Advisory Committee This committee shall 1) Draw upon their personal experiences, the experiences of others, and the best practices at other universities to make recommendations for improving study away programs from both student and faculty perspectives. Factors to be considered would likely include, but not be limited to: a) resources for course development; b) faculty compensation for developing and for teaching study away courses; c) financial assistance for students who need it the most; d) the number of credit hours for a typical study away course; e) ensuring an appropriate level of rigor for all study away courses; 2) Consider new locations, both domestically and abroad, for study away experiences, make recommendations about whether MSU needs to have a more systematic approach to ensuring an appropriate mix of locations, and if need be, consistent numbering scheme (similar to 397) for study away experiences, to make it easier for students to identify these courses and for programs to give credit for international experiences, regardless of the departments that house them; 4) Make a recommendation about whether or not MSU should create some sort of CASL-style oversight of study away programs to promote study away, to protect quality, and to facilitate the faculty’s responsibility for faculty oversight of curriculum issues. If such a committee is judged appropriate, the committee should make additional recommendations about its structure and how the necessary oversight can be achieved while minimizing bureaucracy and safeguarding academic freedom.
David Romano, CHPA, Chair
Amy Muchnick, COAL
Michael Burton, SAGR
Carmen Boyd, CHHS
Vickie Haynes, COE
Courtney Pham, COB
Linnea Iantria, CNAS
Elizabeth Strong, Dir. Study Away, ex officio
University Hearing Committee Purpose: The University Hearing Panel (UHP), a five-member panel selected from the University Hearing Committee, reviews a grievance, response(s) complaint and documentation as part of the “Preliminary Requirements for PPRP Formal Review Process” as outlined in the Faculty Handbook. Membership: Refer to the Faculty Senate website for Membership Information
Eric Bosch, CHM, CNAS
Tim Knapp, SOC, CHPA
Deanne Camp, RFT, COE
Jack Knight, PHI, CHPA
Robert Canales, PAS, CHHS
Stan Leasure, FGB, COB
Lynn Cline, LIBR
Tina Liang, KIN, CHHS
Paris DePaepe, CLSE, COE
Sean Lyman, ART, COAL
Paul Durham, BIO, CNAS
William Meadows, SOC, CHPA
Vinay Garg, MGT, COB
Walt Nelson, FGB, COB
Carol Gosselink, PSY, CHHS
Sarah Nixon, RFT, COE
Dennis Hickey, PLS, CHPA
Pauline Nugent, MCL, COAL
Judith John, ENG, COAL
Paul Rollinson, GGP, CNAS
Steve Jones, RFT, COE
Lloyd Smith, CSC, CNAS
Tom Kane, PSY, CHHS
COMMITTEE INDEX Academic Advising Council ................................................................................................................................ 16 Academic Affairs Budget Committee ................................................................................................................ 17 Academic Calendar Committee .......................................................................................................................... 17 Academic Integrity Council ................................................................................................................................. 17 Academic Leadership Council ............................................................................................................................ 18 Academic Personnel Review Commission ........................................................................................................ 18 Academic Relations Committee .......................................................................................................................... 44 Administrative Budget Committee ...................................................................................................................... 7 Administrative Council .......................................................................................................................................... 7 Admission Appeal Committee............................................................................................................................ 34 African American Heritage Month Committee ................................................................................................ 39 African American Studies Committee ............................................................................................................... 29 Asian American/Pacific Islander Heritage Month Committee...................................................................... 39 Assessment Council .............................................................................................................................................. 19 Behavioral Intervention Team ............................................................................................................................. 34 Biosafety Committee............................................................................................................................................... 8 Bookstore Advisory Committee.......................................................................................................................... 34 Budget and Priorities Committee ....................................................................................................................... 45 College Councils.................................................................................................................................................... 46 Commencement Committee .................................................................................................................................. 8 Committee on General Education and Intercollegiate Programs (CGEIP) ................................................... 47 Committee on Residency ..................................................................................................................................... 35 Compensation Committee ................................................................................................................................... 19 Degrees Committee............................................................................................................................................... 20 Digital Measures Committee ............................................................................................................................... 20 Distance Education Committee........................................................................................................................... 21 Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Council........................................................................................................ 40 Diversity Modes .................................................................................................................................................... 40 Employee Wellness Advisory Committee ......................................................................................................... 35 Environmental Focus Committee ....................................................................................................................... 29 Environmental Management Policy Panel ........................................................................................................ 31 Equal Opportunity Advisory Committee.......................................................................................................... 41 Excellence in Community Service Awards Committee ..................................................................................... 8 Executive Budget Committee ................................................................................................................................ 9 Executive Enrollment Management Committee................................................................................................. 9 Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning Advisory Council ....................................................................... 22 Faculty Concerns Committee .............................................................................................................................. 48 Faculty Grants Committee ................................................................................................................................... 23 Faculty Handbook Revision Committee............................................................................................................ 23 Faculty Senate ........................................................................................................................................................ 43 Faculty Senate Executive Committee ................................................................................................................. 48 Faculty Student Judicial Commission ................................................................................................................ 49 Federally Mandated Reporting/Disclosing Committee.................................................................................. 35 56
Financial Aid Appeal Committee ....................................................................................................................... 36 First-Year Council ................................................................................................................................................. 24 Foundation Awards Committee ......................................................................................................................... 24 Fringe Benefits Committee .................................................................................................................................. 10 Gender Studies Committee .................................................................................................................................. 29 Graduate Council .................................................................................................................................................. 49 Global Studies/Area Studies Committee .......................................................................................................... 30 Graduate Council Executive Committee ........................................................................................................... 50 Graduate Curriculum Screening Committee .................................................................................................... 50 Graduate Faculty Membership Committee ....................................................................................................... 50 Graduate Grievance Committee ......................................................................................................................... 50 Graduate Recruitment Committee ..................................................................................................................... 51 Graduate Scholarship Committee....................................................................................................................... 51 Health Care Plans Review Committee ............................................................................................................... 32 Hispanic Heritage Month Committee ................................................................................................................ 41 Honorary Doctorate Degree Committee............................................................................................................ 51 Honors Committee................................................................................................................................................ 25 Information Security Executive Committee ...................................................................................................... 32 Information Technology Council ........................................................................................................................ 10 Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee ................................................................................................ 10 Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Participants ......................................................... 25 Intercollegiate Athletics Committee ................................................................................................................... 11 Joseph N. Boyce/Wall Street Journal Public Affairs Award Committee ...................................................... 11 Judicial Review Committee ................................................................................................................................. 51 Leaders in Community Service ........................................................................................................................... 36 Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Transgender (LBGT) History Month Committee.................................................. 41 Library Committee................................................................................................................................................ 26 Maintenance and Repair Review Board ............................................................................................................ 33 Marketing and Communications Advisory Group .......................................................................................... 11 Master Planning Committee ................................................................................................................................ 12 Missouri State Magazine Planning Committee ................................................................................................ 12 MSU Trunked Radio System Board ................................................................................................................... 33 Native American Heritage Month Committee ................................................................................................. 42 Native American Studies Committee................................................................................................................. 30 NCAA Validation Committee ............................................................................................................................. 26 Pepsi Cola Public Affairs Awards Committee .................................................................................................. 13 Pre-Medical Committee ....................................................................................................................................... 27 President’s Council on Disability........................................................................................................................ 13 Professional Education Committee (PEC) ......................................................................................................... 52 Provost’s Advisory Council on Tenure and Promotion .................................................................................. 27 Radiation Safety Committee ................................................................................................................................ 13 Refund Exception Committee ............................................................................................................................. 36 Rules Committee ................................................................................................................................................... 53 Safety and Transportation Advisory Committee ............................................................................................. 33 Safety Matters ........................................................................................................................................................ 37 Scholarship Committee ........................................................................................................................................ 28 57
Scholastic Standards and Revision of Records Committee ............................................................................. 28 Small Insurance Claims Committee ................................................................................................................... 33 Staff Excellence in Service Awards ..................................................................................................................... 14 Staff Service Recognition Committee ................................................................................................................. 14 Staff Senate ............................................................................................................................................................. 14 Student Affairs Planning and Assessment Team ............................................................................................. 37 Student Community Action Team...................................................................................................................... 37 Student Wellness Advisory Committee............................................................................................................. 38 Study Away Advisory Committee ..................................................................................................................... 53 Sustainability Advisory Committee ................................................................................................................... 15 Undergraduate Recruitment Committee ........................................................................................................... 38 University Hearing Committee........................................................................................................................... 54
Bloom, Scott 49 Bosch, Eric 9, 27, 54 Bowen, Misty 28, 36 Bowen, Sheila 32, 35 Bowles, Christina 14, 36 Boyd, Carmen 53 Branson, Debbie 12 Branstetter-Ross, Ann 20 Breault, Donna 40 Breyfogle, Bryan 43, 52 Bridges, Kelly 14 Brinson, Sabrina 29, 39 Brodeur, Amanda 27 Brown, Gilbert 34, 51 Brown, Jeff 31 Bryant, Stephanie 18, 33 Buchanan, Erin 49, 50 Buckner, Margaret 44 Burnett, Melissa 11 Burt, Larry 30 Burt, Tracie 16 Burton, Michael 53 Butler, Marcia 46
Chuchiak, John 23, 25, 28, 30, 39, 45 Abidogun, Jamaine 23 Clark, Chelsey 36 Adamson, Reesha 52 Clark, Darryl 41, 47 Agnew, Bill 46, 49, 51 Clark, Don 12, 33, 34, 35, 37 Alaimo, Ian 14 Clark, John 12, 33 Allen, Jimmie 43 Clark, Sara 11, 12 Allen, Rose 23, 49, 50 Clements, Jessica 12 Altena, Thomas 47 Cleveland, Tracy 44 Amidon, Ethan 44 Cline, Lynn 9, 19, 26, 27, 54 Andujar-Bryson, Tabitha 41 Collins, Alyssa 32, 35 Aram, Roberta 28, 29 Collins, Peter 19, 23 Ash, Karen 36 Columbo, Anne 17 Atwell, Jan 19, 26 Combs, Cheryle 36 Austin, Chris 12 Combs, Julie 8 B Coopwood, Ken 7, 9, 11, 39, 40 Baggett, Holly 41, 44, 48 Copeland, Nancy 35 Bailey, Sandra 43 Corcoran, Debbie 30 Baker, James 7, 9 Cornelius-White, Jeffrey 24, Baltes, Tim 40 27, 43 Bampoe, Michel 32, 35 Cox, Jennifer 15, 33 Barnes, Ruth 43, 48, 53 Cox, Nora 43 Barnett, Cyndi 33 Crafts, Dan 17, 43, 46 Barrera, Shauna 13 Craig, Chris 17, 18, 20, 22, 34, C Bassen, Krista 12 51 Cadle, Lanette 17 Bassett, Damon 13 Crain, Susan 20, 27 Cahoj, Patty 46 Bauman, Isabelle 45 Crisafulli, Ashley 38 Caldwell, Sarah 10 Baumann, Denise 34, 37 Crowder, Becky 46 Calfano, Brian 26, 29 Baumlin, James 27 Calihman, Matthew 29, 39, 49, Culver, Sandy 16, 26 Beck, Catherine 14 Cunningham, Denise 46 50 Beckman, Dan 49, 50 Camp, Deanne 20, 21, 46, 54 D Bellis, Jim 38 Canales, Roberto 9, 23, 54 Darabi, Rachelle 9, 11, 16, 18, Belshoff, Richard 20 19, 22, 40 Benedict-Chambers, Mandi 47 Capps, Steve 13 Carney, Russell 25 Datema, Tim 14 Bengsch, Harold 8, 40 Carr, David 49 Davies, Telory 43, 49, 50 Bennett, Drew 7, 9 Cemore-Brigdon, Joanne 24 Davis, Kathy 16 Benson, Tara 14, 37, 39, 42 Chang, Ching-Wen 49, 50 Deal, Paul 28 Berkwitz, Steve 16, 30 Chang, Ed 24 DeBoef, Ryan 7, 9 Berry, Magdalena 26 Cheek, William 12, 15 DeLong, Robert 8, 46 Berry, Melissa 13 Chesman, Jeremy 39 Dennis, Marilyn 14 Biagioni, Rich 19, 47 Chin, Jerry 38 DePaepe, Paris 13, 50, 54 Biggs, Mark 24, 38 Choate, Edward 32, 35 DePue, Mike 40 Blackwood, Randy 8, 14, 33 Chorn, Gary 13, 33, 41 DeWitt, Joyce 25 Blanton, Patti 21 Christian, Donna 7, 32, 35 Dicke, Tom 53 Bloom, Priscilla 41 59
Dion, Nancy 46 Dillon, Randy 49, 50, 51 Dockery, Rachael 7, 9, 31, 32 Dollar, Susan 44, 49 Donnellan, Debbie 7, 35, 37 Donnelson, Nicki 15 Donovan, Emma 15 Douglas, Addie 14 Downing, John 45 Doyle, Caleb 12, 15 Dubinsky, Julie 14, 32, 35 Dudash, Elizabeth 43 Duitsman, Dalen 10, 33 Duncan, Janice 31 Dunn, Brent 7, 12 Durham, Paul 54 Dyer, Sam 25, 46
Franklin, Thomas 24 Frederick, Dana 19 Frederick, Teresa 15 Fuhrman, Ann 39 Funderburk, Stacey 11, 12, 14, 38
Galanes, Gloria 7, 11, 12, 18, 31, 33 Gale, Crystal 21, 24 Gallaway, Terrel 9, 13, 15, 29, 51 Garg, Vinay 54 Garland, Brett 49, 50 Garland, Diana 14 Garner, Jamie 37 Garrad, Richard 13, 27, 49 Garrison-Kane, Linda 25 E Earl, Melanie 32 Garton, Andrew 14 Eckels, Robert 12, 31, 33 Garza, Nidya 41 Edgar, Bill 19, 52 Gattis, Lyn 19, 46 Edmond, Brian 14, 20 Gersimchuk, Nikolay 24, 27, Egbert, Bob 26 49 Einhellig, Frank 7, 9, 12, 18, 33 Ghosh, Kartik 27, 49 Ekron, Kristin 41 Giedd, Ryan 48 Elliott, Anson 9, 15, 31 Giles, Chelsey 32 Embretson, Scott 8 Gillam, Ken 48 Ernce, Keith 26, 44 Given, Mark 44 Essel, Paul 14 Glaessgen, Tracey 16, 38 Estes, Ken 42 Gochenauer, Kristan 14 Evans, Kevin 49, 50, 51 Gollhofer, Kami 14 Goodwin, David 23, 44 F Gordon, Anne 26 Fallone, Melissa 46 Gordon, Nancy 22 Fan, Lori 11 Goss, Stephanie 39, 42 Federman, Elizabeth 49, 51 Gosselink, Carol 54 Felicilda, Fay 49 Granger, Michele 47 Ferguson, Wendy 12 Gratts, Akeisha 39 Fiedler, Scott 7, 9, 12, 14 Grayshaw, Patrick 11 Finch, Martha 30, 49, 51 Green Libby, Cynthia 20 Fleck, Gary 46 Greene, Brian 10 Follensbee, Billie 27, 30 Greene, Janice 9, 11, 15, 25, 49, Foster, Lyle 40 52 Foster, Mike 8, 43, 46, 53 Foucart, Steve 7, 9, 10, 32, 35, Greer, Olen 24 Greiner, Doug 34 41 Geiger, Lacey 21 Franklin, Keri 19, 22, 47
Grand, Melanie 51 Grier, Terry 37 Griffin, April 8 Grosso, Karen 36 Groves, Fred 17, 48 Groves, Penni 34, 35 Gutierrez, Melida 27, 52
H Hackney, James 44 Hackworth, Michael 35 Hader, Will 41 Haggard, Stephen 53 Hail, Cindy 23, 51 Hains, Art 11 Hall, Lisa 32 Haman, Brad 35 Hampton, Staysha 42 Hamwi, Alex 47 Handley, Scott 24, 25, 38 Hanson, Vicki 13, 41 Harbaugh, Adam 52 Harbaugh, Rebecca 8, 35, 36 Hardin, Jonathan 31 Harsen, Mark 33 Harsha, Phil 25, 49, 50 Hass, Aida 46 Haynes, Tabitha 19 Haynes, Vickie 53 Hein, Stephanie 11, 24, 26 Hein, Tony 15 Hellman, Daniel 26 Hendricks, Don 8, 11, 12 Hendrickson, Don 32 Henry, Kristina 17, 44 Herr, Christopher 9, 23 Heywood, John 27, 43, 53 Hickey, Dennis 24, 27, 30, 49, 54 Hinch, Steve 11, 45 Hinken, Matt 38 Hobbs, Lora 21 Hoegeman, Catherine 19 Hoelyfield, Dominiece 41 Hoff, Nathan 20, 26 Hogencamp, Tim 15 Homburg, Andrew 52 60
Hooper, Madeleine 30 Hornberger, Rob 10, 16, 19, 32, 35, 37, 44 Hosmer, Andy 40 Hough, David 18, 33, 52 Huang, Shyang 19 Hudson, Michael 46 Huff, Jay 33, 34, 37 Hughes, Joe 30, 47 Hughes, Kathy 27 Hulgus, Joseph 25, 48 Hunt, Casey 11, 12, 26, 35, 41 Hurst, Beth 22, 43, 52 Hutter, Jim 11, 26 Hwang, Chin-Feng 44
I Iantria, Linnea 53 Iman, Gary 21 Ingram, Sue 10
Jurss, John 38 Jutla, Rajinder 28
K Kane, Tom 44, 54 Kaula, Rajeev 49, 50 Keanneally, Maria 49 Keifer, Kaitlin 13 Keller, A. Craig 46 Keltner, Mike 52 Kemp, Paula 39, 49, 50 Kent, John 22 Kielhofner, Brad 12, 15 Killion, Kurt 52 Kim, Kyoungtae 27, 48 Kimberling, Chris 40 Kincaid, Bob 39 Kindheart, Rick 11, 12, 17, 34 King, Heather 11, 13, 28, 38 Kinghorn, Brent 43 Kliethermes, Sean 34 Knapp, Tim 54 Knight, Jack 44, 51, 54 Kohnen, Angela 52 Kolb, Lindsey 10 Koo, Pedro 28, 46 Kostic, Bogdan 26 Kovacs, Laszlo 8, 13 Kromrey, Mike 15 Kunkel, Allen 7, 31
Leibert, Mike 32, 49, 51 Leinweber, Ashley 41 Lescano, Brittany 16 Lewis, Andrew 52 Liang, Tina 54 Liggett, Allan 16, 44 Ligon, Day 29 Liu, Anita 48 Liu, Hui 43 Liu, Xue 20 Llewellyn, Jack 47 Lo, Andy 39 Lopinot, Sharon 14 Lorge, Yolanda 41 Lowe, Veronica 40 Lucks, Barbara 15 Lutz, David 34 Lyman, Sean 54
MacGregor, Cindy 27, 53 Madden, Etta 29 Jackson-Brown, Grace 39 Maddox, Gary 40 Jahnke, Tamera 15, 18, 29, 31, Malkowski, Brenda 8, 41 33 Mann, Mary Beth 26 Jennings, Colby 46 Maples, Carol 16, 52 Jennings, Mary Ann 19, 46 Margavio, Geanie 17 John, Judith 54 Marlin-Hess, Maggie 44 Johns, Judith 18 Marrus, Malikah 39 Johns, Justin 34 Martin, Judith 29, 52 Johnson, Andrew 17, 47 Martin, Rob 32 Johnson, David 44 L Martindale, Susan 34 Johnson, Jennifer 8 Lambert, Joshua 48 Martinez, Judith 41 Johnson, Linda 49, 50 Lamouria, Lanya 25, 43 Masterson, Jerry 49 Johnson, Richard 43, 46 Lampe, James 43 Masterson, Julie 20, 22, 34 Johnson, Sandy 14, 43 Lane, Nicole 41 Johnston, Ahren 43, 48 Lane, Thomas 7, 15, 19, 24, 33, Mathis, Alicia 23 Matthews, Victor 9, 10, 18, 33 Jolley, Diana 28 37, 40 Mattocks, Vicki 28, 35, 37 Jones, Barbara 33 Langston, Lisa 37 May, Diane 37 Jones, Cherri 22 LaPreze, Melody 46 Mayes, Hillary 26, 38 Jones, Jeff 17 Larson, Deborah 22, 43 Mayanovic, Robert 31 Jones, Martin 43, 49, 51 Lashley, Stephanie 12 McAlear, John 7, 32 Robert Jones 19 Latapi, Memo 41 McCallister, Sarah 11, 26 Jones, Steve 54 Leamy, Diane 42 McClure, Ken 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, Jordan, Cathy 12 Leasure, Stan 21, 54 15, 31, 32 Joyce, Stacy 29 Lee, Linna 39 McGee, Jordan 7, 8, 9, 12, 15, Jungers, Mike 8, 11, 33, 34, 35, Lehmann, Timothy 13 17, 31 36, 37 Leibert, Don 35 61
McGinnis, Rachel 7 McGownd, Lenord 32 McIntyre, Stephen 7, 9, 12, 18, 43, 48 McManus, Tina 7, 15, 28 McMurtrey, Shannon 32 Meadows, Bill 30, 54 Medley, Yvette 14 Meinert, David 41 Meraz, Juan 19, 40, 41 Meyer, Judy 29 Miao, Xin 23, 43 Michalczyk, Maria 51 Miles, Susan 36 Miller, Andrea 49, 50 Miller, Carol 51 Miller, Katherine 38 Mitchell, Brad 12 Mitchell, D. Wayne 10 Mitra, Mahua 44 Mitra, Saibal 32, 43 Mize, Taylor 19 Moats, Kyle 7, 11 Moler, Leta 40 Moore, Laree 32 Moore, Robert 14, 36, 37 Morris, Eric 52 Morris, Matt 7, 12, 15, 31, 32, 33 Morris, Tyler 49, 50 Morrissey, Jeff 10, 21 Moser, Linda 16 Mostyn, Andrea 13, 14 Moyer, Jim 24 Muchnick, Amy 53 Muegge, David 31, 32, 34, 35, 37, 38 Murphy, Mike 33 Murray, Michael A. 24
N Nelson, Eric 9, 22, 27 Nelson, Walt 54 Nenninger, Sarah 38 Nixon, Sarah 49, 54 Norander, Stephanie 22, 29 Nordyke, Kathy 36
Norris, Joye 9, 11, 18, 21 Norton, Jacob 31 Novik, Melinda 35, 44, 49, 51 Novotny, Daniela 35 Nugent, Pauline 13, 43, 49, 54
Oetting, Tara 43 Olsen, Michelle 18, 19, 20 Olsen, Reed 35, 48 Ondetti, Gabriel 30 Onyango, Benjamin 48 Orzek, Ann 25 Osten, Melissa 36 Overmyer, Allison 10, 14
P Pak, Sun Ah 39 Parker, Steve 9, 46 Parrish, Erin 13, 31, 32, 35 Patterson, Paula 46 Patton, Marciann 29 Pavlowsky, Robert 31, 45 Payne, Todd 29 Pearman, Cathy 18 Perkins, Amanda 46 Perkukhin, Eric 49 Peters, Grant 11 Peters, Tom 10, 18, 20, 26, 32, 33 Peterson, Rachel 8, 14 Pham, Courtney 53 Phillips, Teresa 41 Piccolo, Diana 19, 43, 52 Pickering, Judy 16, 26, 38 Piercy, Kevin 10 Pires, Alessandra 30 Piston, Bill 49, 50 Pitts, Joe 15 Plymate, Lynda 34, 49 Polley, Caitlin 38 Pratt, Francine 38, 39, 40, 42 Pratt, Wes 29, 34, 41 Price, Debra 52 Price, Melissa 39 Proctor, Lisa 13, 22, 46 Pulley, Kathy 25 Putman, Mark 10
Qiao, Yuhua 46 Qiu, Wenping 49, 51 Qiu, Xiaomin 47 Quebbeman, Robert 49, 50 Rader, Gary 21 Ragan, Gay 22 Ragan, Kent 9 Raines, Daniel 19, 26 Rainwater, Greg 7, 10, 18 Redd, Emmett 46 Reed, Addison 11 Reed, Jerilyn 35, 38 Reed, Tami 32 Reid, Helen 18, 31, 32, 33, 35 Reinartz, Sonda 34, 37 Rentschler, Gina 40 Rice, Stacy 21 Richards, David 44, 45 Richter, Mark 46 Ridinger, Rhonda 34, 43 Rimal, Arbindra 21 Roberts, Jared 11 Rodriqguez, Hazael 41 Rogers, Mark 17, 46 Rojas, Mary Ann 40 Rollinson, Paul 46, 54 Romano, David 17, 30, 53 Rose, Michelle 8, 12 Rosenkoetter, Jack 43 Rothschild, Philip 11 Rovey, Chuck 29 Rozell, Elizabeth 19, 25 Russell, Regina 19
S Sailors, Pamela 20, 29, 30, 38, 39, 41 Salinas, Patti 19, 21 Sampson, Doug 12 Saunders, Gigi 46 Schanda, Jordan 15 Schaefer, Alan 28 Schaefer, Cara 15 Schehrer, Devin 37 Schilla, Travis 41 62
Schiller, Megan 20 Schneider, David 46 Schneider, Scott 31 Schober, Rachel 19 Schoneboom, Charles 14 Schuldt, Amy 12, 35 Schull, Cindy 32 Schweiger, Paul 8 Scott, Charles 46 Scott, James 26 Scroggins, Wesley 50 Seal, Steve 37 Self, Sharmistha 23, 29, 43, 44, 47, 48 Sexton, Randy 44, 49 Shade, Eric 43, 48, 53 Shadrick, Megan 13, 40 Shain, Ralph 26, 28, 46 Shaw, Suzanne 7, 11 Shoptaugh, Carol 11, 13, 24, 36, 41, 51 Shouchuan, Hu 25 Silvey, Jessica 20 Simpson, Don 9, 17, 18, 28, 35 Sims-Giddens, Susan 38 Siscoe, Denita 7, 9, 11, 12, 32, 35, 37 Skeeters, Priscilla 34 Slattery, Dianne 23, 27, 46 Smart, Clif 7, 9 Smith, Jim 42 Smith, Joshua 16, 44 Smith, Lloyd 46, 54 Smith, Michelle 9, 38 Sobel, Elizabeth 30, 44 Sottile, James 19, 20 Spencer, Will 32, 35 Staeger-Wilson, Katheryne 13, 40, 41 Stafford, Gary 14, 37 Stafford, Michael 10 Stanojevic, Vera 29, 43, 50 Starr, Cathy 46 Stephens, Linda 8, 14 Stewart, Brenda 14, 41 Stewart, Gary 31, 33, 34, 37
Stewart, Misty 51 Still, Kelley 40 Stokes, Amy 11, 45 Stone, Lorene 8, 11 Storay-Allen, Marquishon 39 Stout, Michael 25, 40 Stovall, Chris 41 Strong, Elizabeth 53 Strong, John 46 Sudbrock, Christy 19 Sun, Xingping 38 Sutliff, Kris 34 Sutton, Vicki 52 Swearingen, Rebecca 17, 47
T Tate, Maurice 29 Test, Joan 43, 49, 50 Thanomising, Chulapol 21 Thomas, Diann 16, 29 Thomas, Steven 48 Thomas-Tate, Shurita 48 Thomlinson, Paul 25 Thompson, Chris 43 Tiburcio, Sharlett 41 Timson, Benjamin 47 Tomasi, Thomas 8, 13, 16, 17, 18, 23, 28, 49, 50 Trewatha-Bach, Stacey 8 Turner, Pam 14, 35
U Usery, Alex 34 Utley, Rose 21
V Valenciano, David 41 Vanderhoof, Glenna 52 Vaughan, David 8, 12, 13, 15, 31 Vaught, Linda 25 Vera, Jordana 41 Vess, Lora 29 Vienhage, Tony 33, 37
W Wagner, Max 12, 15 Wait, Alexander 29 Walker, Beth 19, 30 Wall, Christian 37
Wall, John 12 Wanekaya, Adam 13 Wang, Angel 44, 52 Wang, Jianjie 27 Wardell, Annette 27 Washington, Johnny 29, 39 Weaver, Margaret 32, 43, 51 Weaver, Marissa 37 Webb, Gary 10, 27 Webb, Sue 19 Weber, Andrea 14, 34, 37 Weinberg, Darren 36 Weinhaus, Daniel 10 Weir, Cathie 43 Welch, Jacob 41 Wendell-Stevenson, Courtney 12 Whipple, Tanya 29 Whisenhunt, Brooke 27, 50 White, Jayne 42 Wiggin, Sarah 51 Willde, Karen 14 Williams, Dixie 36 Williams, Kirby 43 Williams, Richard 23 Williams, Sarah 46, 48 Williamson, Elizabeth 49, 50 Willis, Steve 42, 52 Wills, Mike 31, 33 Willson, Doug 32 Wilson, Ryan 14 Wilson, TaJuan 41 Winters, Lori 12 Witte, Douglas 17, 46 Wolf, Candace 12 Wood, Gina 52 Wood, Mary Ann 8 Wood, Mike 24 Woodard, Rebecca 16, 40, 51 Worman, Scott 49, 50 Wright, Andrew 8, 28, 34, 37, 38 Wright, Jeremy 36 Wrinkle, Cheryl 52
X 63
Y Yadon, Carly 48 Yarberry, Vonda 50 Yates, Kyle 11, 26 Young, Darren 39
Z Zhang, Peng 14 Zhang, Y. Jenny 43 Zimmerman, Scott 10