Midterm Study Guide COGS 107C Spring 2008 I. 13 Brain Facts Know examples of the following subset of brain facts: a. Specialization of function b. Classical &. nonclassical receptive fields c. Parallel architecture Know the following subset of brain facts: a. There are about 10^12 neurons and 10^15 synapses in the human brain b. Each neuron is connected to approximately 3% of neurons in the surrounding mm^2 c. Effect of one cell on another is about 1-5% of firing threshold Know the following nonspecific neuromodulatory systems and their key nuclei/regions: a. Locus coeruleus (Norepinephrine) b. Raphe nuclei (Seratonin) c. Substantia nigra (Dopamine) d. Nucleus basalis (Acetylcholine)